CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Delko: Yeah, I mean if I was going to keep an alligator, I'd at least put it in a cage.

Speed: ....*looks up at Eric*
And cut to a commerical! lol. Just kidding. But awww geex maybe the question is who peed in my cornflakes. I mean I'm mad at Speed and Eric. Seriously whats wrong with me? lol. But yeah keeping an alligator as a pet is as weird as....ok its just weird. Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

wow Speed is really screwed up right now huh? and what on earth is Eric talking about...keeping alligators as pets? that guy is crazy.

update soon Geni
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

RICKY! *huggles Rick*...now that was at a more appropriate time than before...Ah, I miss Stetler...

and well, good thing no-one is going to Brazil...I'd be really worried if they were ;)

please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Yay Ricky the Racoon is back. :D

And since I'm having some writer's block, another chapter will have to wait a wee bit longer. ;)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great updates geni it was exactly what i needed to come home ot after work.... i pulled a empire records the manager who was trying to be nice and all who wouldn't let me go home even tho i was crying in pain was all like its okay and i was like its not *beep* okay i am in *beep* pain!!! and then i freaked more at him and he was eager to get rid of me. LOL
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ehhh, Wierdo squad!

uu-uu Gee, Stetler is back! good vibes! :devil:
cmon croky (crocodile) as a pet is not a big deal, try elephant, THAT is something :p ... hey Wubba, sit! no NO wait ...it was my Tv.. :( :lol:

Awsome updates Geni ! i can't wait more! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Alrighty, now that my writer's block is...Almost gone, here's another chapter!


CSI garage

Carly: *opens car door* Alright so PD found this truck in a parking garage?

Katie: Yeah a witness took down the plates.

Carly: Who does it belong to?

Katie: Yelina's working on that.

Carly: Cool. *looks through truck* Who throws someone out of a moving vehicle?

Katie: Criminals.

Carly: *smirks* Yeah I got that part. But a fifteen year old boy? That's harsh.

Katie: What's harsh is the guy shot him first.

Carly: Yeah, especially in the back.

Katie: *turns on flashlight* ....So where's Eric?

Carly: Helping Speed at the other crime scene.

Katie: ...You like Eric right?

Carly: *looks up* ...What do you mean?

Katie: Well, he's a nice guy, you're a nice girl, you seem to get along...

Carly: I get along with everyone.

Katie: Yeah but...I don't know, you guys just look kind of...Cute together.

Carly: *lifts brow* Isn't he with Missy?

Katie: I think so.

Carly: Well no offense to Eric, but he goes through girlfriends more than I go through socks so I don't think it'll ever work.

Katie: What, him and Missy, or you and Eric?

Carly: Missy.

Katie: Ah.

Carly: You got lucky, you found Speed.

Katie: *laughs* I wouldn't call myself lucky.

Carly: Yeah but he's the kind of guy who would settle down eventually with one person. Granted, it's not exactly the ideal white picket fence relationship, but it's stable.

Katie: You think being with Tim, is better than being with Eric?

Carly: *tilts head*

Katie: You are sorely mistaken.

Carly: Why?

Katie: Eric tends to cling to people for support. Tim's too independant. It's hard enough getting him to stay with one idea.

Carly: He loves you.

Katie: He loves pizza too.

Carly: Oh come on, don't compare yourself to a pizza.

Katie: I am pretty cheezy.

Carly: *laughs* Come on, he loves you more than pizza.

Katie: I doubt it.

Carly: *looks over at door* I'm sure it's nothing.

Katie: So why's he avoiding me?

Speed: He's not avoiding you.

Katie: *turns around* How long were you standing there?

Speed: *frowns* Yelina found an ID on the car owner. *hands over paper*

Katie: *grabs paper* Ed Peters. *looks up* Why did she send you?

Speed: I was going to drop by anyway to tell you that I'm picking up Lori from the sitter, and then I have to go get groceries for our white picket fence apartment.

Katie: We have an apartment?

Speed: For the time being. You have anything else you want to share before I leave?

Katie: ...No.

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *nervous smile*

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: I'm sorry.

Speed: Me too. *leaves*

Katie: *stares at door*

Carly: ...What was that about? What's he sorry for?

Katie: *sigh* I should have married Eric.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahaha wow that last line made me giggle. But awww there I was thinking I was having a private conversation with Carly and then BAM! He was right there in the door.

Carly: He loves you.

Katie: He loves pizza too.

Carly: Oh come on, don't compare yourself to a pizza.

Katie: I am pretty cheezy.
Teehee, the last line of that quote was hilarious!

Speed: I was going to drop by anyway to tell you that I'm picking up Lori from the sitter, and then I have to go get groceries for our white picket fence apartment.
Awwww poor Speedy. I feel bad for him. I'm not sure why he just seemed upset by what he said. I dunno i'm half asleep. lol. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Married Eric?? where are you washing your brains girl?! in wash machine!? never do that, sign on brains say's : 'to wash only with hands..' Gee :p

wiii i love to read it! wiii! :D :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

And the moral of the story: Don't talk about people behind their backs. :lol: ...I kid, I kid.

In The End, Her Place...

Apartment, 5 pm

Katie: *walks in* Tim? ...Tim!

Speed: What.

Katie: *turns around* AH! Holy saint popsicle sticks batman, don't do that.

Speed: You found the place okay?

Katie: Um...Yeah I found it alright. *stares at Speed*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Uh...Is Lori around?

Speed: She's coloring in the kitchen.

Katie: Uh...Thanks...*walks away*

Speed: *watches Katie*


Katie: Hey there, whacha doin'?

Lori: *smiles* Coloring.

Katie: What are you coloring?

Lori: A cow.

Katie: *smiles* Awesome. You hungry?

Lori: *nods*

Katie: I'll make some spaghetti.

Lori: *scribbles*

Katie: A green cow?

Lori: He's sick.

Katie: *laughs* Well I'll make dinner then. *stands* WHOA! Didn't see ya there.

Speed: I'll get Lori washed up for dinner.

Katie: ...Good idea.

Speed: *grabs Lori, leaves*

Katie: ...*grabs phone, dials*


Horatio: Excuse me.

Delko: *nods*

Horatio: *opens phone* Caine.


Katie: Um...It's Katie.

Horatio: I know, I have caller ID.

Katie: Uh...You think you can get over here?

Horatio: Why, what's the matter?

Katie: I was...Wondering if Lori could stay with you tonight.

Horatio: *frowns* What's wrong.

Katie: *sigh* Uh...*walks into kitchen* I just don't think she should stay here tonight.

Horatio: Okay. Why don't you both go and stay with the girls tonight.

Katie: I-

Speed: *grabs phone*

Katie: *turns around*

Speed: Something wrong?

Katie: Can I have the phone back?

Speed: No.

Katie: Tim...Give me the phone.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Lori!

Lori: *runs over*

Katie: *picks up Lori* You want to go stay with Carly and Jess tonight?

Lori: *smiles*

Katie: Okay good. I'll take you over there.

Speed: *tilts head* I'm sorry, am I scaring you?

Katie: ...*nods*

Speed: I love you, I'd never hurt you.

Katie: What about Lori?

Speed: *smirks*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ahhh *locks up the axe and hides under table* Creeper Speed returns! lol. And whoa I should not be listening to Fathers Son right now. lol.

Horatio: *frowns* What's wrong.

Katie: *sigh* Uh...*walks into kitchen* I just don't think she should stay here tonight.

Horatio: Okay. Why don't you both go and stay with the girls tonight.
*sighs* H man always thinks he knows whats best. And judging by the end of that update I think he does. lol. I'm almost scared to say Update soon please. lol. But no matter what happens I always love it anyway!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

wow as soon as I read Katies comment I was like subcounciously going onto medias player to listen to fathers son..... I am angry cause I can't find a download that will work on the mp3 function of my phone. What great updates. An awsome thing to wake up to Geni.... I am not my fathers son!!!!! I am listening to it as i type
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh no, poor Katie, what's wrong with Speedy? Geni........you're not listening to that 3DD song still, are you? lol because if you are, it's giving you evil ideas haha. But hey, it makes the story intresting so I guess I can't complain. I'm really intrested to see what's gonna happen next! Update soon please! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

awesome updates Geni the dialogue is getting better everyday. Please update soon.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

sometime Speed scaring me!!!
Your updates are just WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!
update soon please :)
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