CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

We'll be back tomorrow, It's bed time unfortunatly. Hey, review all you like, it is your story!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Why doesn't Speed want to touch his own wife? for some odd reason he doesn't want to do that and Delko hitting on Katie...I would watch my step if I were him it is not a good Idea to get involved with your best friends wife.

update soon Geni
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed doesn't want to touch his wife... Delko is hitting on Speed's wife... H and Y wtf? i would run inside and yell 'you all are wierdo's! stop it! AAAA! and run out! :lol: no really... it is wierd.. :p

we don't know what aliens are in Geni's head.. :D
do that
it helps! ... for me! :lol: see?

Great updates! and fuuhuu it is Friday! *jumps up and down*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: :lol: LtKitty you just made my morning so much better! :D

And I just realized how funny 'getting involved with your best friend's wife' sounded. :lol: ...That's quite a pickle isn't it?

But hmmm maybe Speed's having some 'issues'. (Don't worry they're not physical issues. :rolleyes: )

I'll have some chapters when I get home. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well be waiting! LtKitty, you ARE weird! That's okay, the weirder you are the more you fit in :D Right? I think so. Hmmm....what 'issues' I wonder?
^^ getting involved with your best friends wife does sound like a really really bad idea. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: :lol: LtKitty you just made my morning so much better! :D


LtKitty, you ARE weird! That's okay, the weirder you are the more you fit in Right? I think so.

Me?? wierd?? LOL! no doubt about it! :lol:
there is something with my head
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I really like how you had Horatio call Yelina out on needing to call the night shift in on the scene. I mean really thats why they have a NIGHT SHIFT. Let them earn their pay. I never did understand why in the show HOratio is always involved in cases off his shift. No wonder the man has no love interest. From what I know professionally he is supervisor of the day shift. I think maybe he runs the lab (supervisor of all shifts? I am not sure about this one. In real life if that was the case Horatio's job title would be CSI director). If he is only the supervisor on the day shift then he could be "called in" on high profile cases off his shift if help was needed. That would entail a chain of direction. Night CSI calls his immediate supervisor, immediate supervisor may call his higher up this might be Horatio if he is the Director. And I believe there is someone above Horatio that he would have to call in if its a really high profile case (Like with famous people or people of power involved. For instance like the eppy where the prostitute died at the Judges house. He was requested for that case and in theory Horatio should of called in his higher up.)

Okay.... I probably went way into to much information of how "on call" works for this field. But I am glad you wrote him calling Yelina out on callin him in unnecessary. You naturally followed how it really works!!

Yes, I held jobs where I was on call. I have been "low on the food chain" and I have been higher up. I have carried pagers and got called in a lot and for other jobs I hardly got called in at all. Its the nature of the beast of being on call. At this stage in my life I perfer not to be on call even though it pays more. I like my off time to be undesturbed.


Keep up the good work. And yes...if you are compelled to add another charactor in your works I would be interested in being one in there. Thanks
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


To Hear Your Voice


Horatio: You called?

Yelina: I have Delko, Katie, and Carly working my case if you don't mind.

Horatio: Not at all.

Yelina: I was just talking to another one of your friends. JC, I think her name is.

Horatio: Really.

Yelina: Mhm. She seems nice.

Horatio: *places hands on hips* Uh...That's a fair description.

Yelina: Apparently, you two seem to be getting a long nicely. Well, that's what the rumors are.

Horatio: ...Rumors. What rumors?

Yelina: People are talking, and it seems I'm being kept in the dark once again.

Horatio: Don't believe everything you hear.

Yelina: But it's true isn't it? You're involved with a colleague.

Horatio: That would be...Unprofessional of me.

Yelina: I'm aware of that. Word gets around you're sleeping with a colleague, and IAB gets involved.

Horatio: Okay. Don't bring hearsay and personal grievances into my lab. I wont tolerate it, and neither will IAB.

Yelina: So you're kicking me out.

Horatio: I haven't kicked anyone out Detective.

Yelina: Alright. I'll just go have a little chat with Stetler, Lieutenant. *leaves*

Horatio: *frowns*

Speed: *walks over* Hey H, I got something you need to see.

Horatio: Who knows about me and JC?

Speed: ...No one, why?

Horatio: Evidently there are no secrets in Miami.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: You had something you needed me to see?

Speed: *lifts bag*

Horatio: *tilts head*

Speed: Yeah that's what I said.

Horatio: *takes bag carefully* Mini replica of the 'Christ The Redeemer' statue.

Speed: My question is, what's it doing in Miami?

Horatio: It's a message.

Speed: Brazil?

Horatio: *nods* Brazil.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OHHHHHHHHHHH..BRAZIL....I guess you can't wait for the premere. I can't wait either so go for it... write it out. Make them do Brazilian things!!...Whoo Hoooo.

Nice work on the 'rumor with touch of IAB involvment" All so true. Rule I always follow. Never get involved with co-workers expecially if they are your superior. NOT GOOD AT ALL. It always backfires on you. I always wondered how far IAB gets involved. If dating co-workers was agains policy then I guess they would stick their noses in it. Yes? YIKES!

More please. I am on line working on my Horatio backstory project so I will be checking in from time to time. If you wanna chat just let me know if you wanna and how you do it.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Brazil? If only you could see my face right now. lol. But ohhhh Yelina's getting a little...fisty...is that the word I'm looking for? Well none the less great update.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

RICKY! *hugs Stetler*...even though he technically wasn't in that chapter...

Brazil huh? *gasp* the premiere is on soon isn't it ;)

but yikes! H and Yelina are really cold too each other...could someone be jealous? :p

and LtKitty, Missy is right: the weirder you are, the more you fit in :lol:

please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: It's true. The weirder you are, the more you'll fit in. I happen to have the natural ability to be weird AND funny at the same time. Isn't it great? ;)

Yes, Brazil. Just to be clear, no one is:

**Spoiler Concerning Season Five**



1)Going to Brazil.
2)Seeing ghosts.
3)Shooting gang members.
4)Rescuing a pretty columbian former detective as her very good looking husband gets killed for being stupid.
5)Beating people with sticks.


...Carry on then.

Only What We Know About Ourselves

Layout room

Horatio: These all the items recovered from the blast area?

Speed: Well, the important stuff.

Horatio: Okay walk me through it.

Speed: *points* You've got the bomb components, made out of Lead Picrate with a combination of RDX and Ammonium Nirate. *points* Items picked out from the primary blast damage areas. Those consisted of car parts, building insolation, and various pieces of metal.

Horatio: Alright, tell me what this is.

Speed: *picks up item* Looks like a bullet.

Horatio: A bullet, inside the path of destruction.

Speed: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: *looks down at table* ...Something's missing.

Speed: ...H?

Horatio: We have a bullet and no body. What did you dig this out of?

Speed: It was a blown apart apartment complex.

Horatio: How close to the damage zone?

Speed: Pretty close.

Horatio: How close.

Speed: Fifteen feet.

Horatio: Did you find any blood?

Speed: ...It was a bombing.

Horatio: Speed.

Speed: Yeah there was blood.

Horatio: Did you swab it?

Speed: ...I'll...Go back to the scene.

Horatio: Good idea.

Speed: I just...I didn't think it was impor-

Horatio: It's fine. You did fine.

Speed: *stares at Horatio* ...I'm sorry.

Horatio: *shakes head* That's fine. You okay?

Speed: ...I've been distracted.

Horatio: Care to share?

Speed: H, I don't usually miss anything at a crime scene.

Horatio: It's alright Speed.

Speed: *sigh* ...I'm having a problem.

Horatio: Problem.

Speed: Yeah I...Uh...I don't think I'm...Uh...*sigh* I don't think I'm making Katie...Happy.

Horatio: I what sense?

Speed: *clears throat*

Horatio: I see. Well there's medication and d-

Speed: *lifts hand* Whoa. Whoa, no. No no. Not that kind of problem. No offense, but I'm not quite as old as you.

Horatio: *smirks* None taken.

Speed: *looks down at table*

Horatio: Have you talked to her about it?

Speed: No.

Horatio: I think you should.

Speed: *sigh* Yeah.

Horatio: Everything will be fine.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: Now, get back to the scene and get that blood.

Speed: I'm on it. *takes off lab coat, leaves*

Horatio: *looks up at door*

Stetler standing outside door

Horatio: *smiles*

Stetler: *walks in* Horatio.

Horatio: Hmm Rick, I wasn't expecting you for at least a few more hours.

Stetler: Sorry, next time I'll make an appointment.

Horatio: No such luck, you won't find me in my office.

Stetler: I got word that uh, you and another staff member are...Involved with each other.

Horatio: *places hands on hips* She has not been officially hired, and we are not involved.

Stetler: Who is it?

Horatio: That's none of your business.

Stetler: Look, I'll find out one way or another.

Horatio: I'm sure you will. But by that time, thousands of tax payer's dollars are going to be wasted, and you will be one cop short of a jail cell.

Stetler: Cute.

Horatio: *smirks*

Stetler: You know this is against policy.

Horatio: Yes it would be, had I been doing anything wrong, which I haven't so no need to worry.

Stetler: You want that on the record?

Horatio: Whatever you like.

Stetler: I'll get to the bottom of this.

Horatio: I'm sure you will.

Stetler: I'm thinking...A promotion to Lieutenant isn't so far away in my future.

Horatio: It might be farther than you think.

Stetler: Don't get too comfortable around here. This mistake is pretty big, even for you. *leaves*

Horatio: *frowns*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhh dun dun dun! Got to love Stetler. I mean seriously that guy just screams attention. lol.

Stetler: I'm thinking...A promotion to Lieutenant isn't so far away in my future.

Horatio: It might be father than you think.
*sighs* You just capture the characters very well. And I love that about your writing!

Horatio: I see. Well there's medication and d-

Speed: *lifts hand* Whoa. Whoa, no. No no. Not that kind of problem. No offense, but I'm not quite as old as you.
Teehee. That made me giggle. Medication. Pffft like he needs it!

And Speed was right its not like him to miss any evidence at a crime scene. Let alone a bomb scene. Poor guy he doesn't think he's making his wife happy. Awww *huggles* update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Poor Speedy. :p

Turn The Volume Up So Loud

Bomb scene, Coconut Grove

Delko: So remind me again why I was pulled off my case to help you look through garbage?

Speed: You're not looking through garbage. You're looking through rubble.

Delko: There's a difference?

Speed: Yeah. Garbage is what you're usually listening to in the lab while you work. Rubble, is the crime scene that you so eagerly volunteered to help me with.

Delko: ...*looks down at rubble* So what are we looking for?

Speed: Evidence.

Delko: Well, we're always looking for evidence.

Speed: *frowns* I know that. Why don't you do what you were paid for, and pick something up.

Delko: Who peed in your cornflakes?

Speed: *sorts through rubble*

Delko: You talk to Katie recently?

Speed: No.

Delko: Well, you're pissed at me and she's pissed at me, so which family member am I ever going to find who's not mad at me?

Speed: She's mad at you?

Delko: Yeah apparently I said the wrong thing.

Speed: What did you say?

Delko: I asked her how she was. She practically bit my head off.

Speed: Yeah well try being married to her.

Delko: *laughs* I'll take my chances with Missy.

Speed: *lifts piece of wood* ...

Delko: *looks down*

Speed: ...What in the hell is that?

Delko: Uh...Looks like an alligator.

Speed: In an apartment?

Delko: People keep strange pets these days.

Speed: This case just crossed into a whole new level of weird.

Delko: Yeah, I mean if I was going to keep an alligator, I'd at least put it in a cage.

Speed: ....*looks up at Eric*

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