CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA! OH man, now this is a very good thing to read when getting home from school...
ok, this might take a while:
Carole: Are we going to die?

Carly: There's some things you must know about us. One, we never give up. Second, we never leave anyone behind, and third, there is always a new Hummerhome.

Carole: ...

Carly: You'll catch on.
The funny thing is I can totally see myself saying that too :lol:

Horatio: HEY CARLY!

Carly: YEAH!



Horatio: WHY!

Carly: ...WHY ELSE!

Horatio: I DON'T KNOW!
:rolleyes: Oh Horatio...way to state the obvious :lol:

Delko: Can we play Monopoly?

Everyone: *looks at Eric
Oh Eric again...how can you be thinking of board games at a time like this :lol:

Jess: Oh she's just so cute.


Lori: *lifts brow*
AWWW Just like Speedy!
Carly: WAIT FOR ME! Now Lori, there is a very important two word expression you should know. It's called 'Aisle Five'.
HECK YES! Ah, long live Aisle Five :D

and awwwwwww, H told JC that he loves her *dances* you go girl!

please update soon

(and don't worry, I didn't boycott studying because of the story, I just needed a break and the library had computers, so I thought 'Why not?', so I did actually do some study, and now its finished! :D...well, until tomorrow...but next week, it will all be finished!)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well then, it's a good thing there are computers in the library. :D

And LtKitty, you make me laugh. :lol: I can't wait to add you! :D :D

I've got some more things planned, so stay tuned and keep readin'!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I am sorry I have been so quiet lately. School is getting to me. Too many tests and too much homework to really have any fun. I also have been taking what little free time to work on Horatio's backstory. I wish there was more hours to the day.

Anyway with that said and hopefully my appology accepted I had to take the time to get caught up here. There are so many twists and turns that I am just lovin' it. You have a way of writing that is very entertaining and keeps my interest. I like that you inject humor (which I need right now) and the action is great. I know that this takes a lot of work but must be a labor of love since you don't mind doing another thread. Wow. Thats dedication and the love all around. *sighs* I understand if you don't wanna add any new charactors. Well NPC's so you can kill them off. Hee hee. Even though I have been quiet I am reading all of this. I enjoy it. Its nice to see the friendship here. Makes my day. I just wish I knew more people locally that are into CSI. Most people I know don't like it.

Take care and enjoy writing,

Oh...gonna ask stupid question..*takes breath*...ummm...what does RT stand for?
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great update Geni
Carole: Are we going to die?

Carly: There's some things you must know about us. One, we never give up. Second, we never leave anyone behind, and third, there is always a new Hummerhome.

Carole: ...

Carly: You'll catch on.
This part make me laugh :)

And I loved the "Lori/Speed" part. It was so cute!!

Finally Horatio saying his felling... ALLELUHIA. It was really cute too :)

Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

speed_cochrane said:

And LtKitty, you make me laugh. :lol: I can't wait to add you! :D :D

awwww, nice to hear that! how sweet! :D i feel loved! :lol:
you have no idea how much it means to me! ;)

for Geni
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

carole, I'm glad you liked the chapters! And yes, Horatio has finally given into his feelings. :D Life is good. - Well, as long as he doesn't cheat. :p

LtKitty, you have an amazing gift to provide laughter! And it means even more to me that you're here making us laugh after every post. :)

Rebecca_V said
I am sorry I have been so quiet lately. School is getting to me.

Not a problem, take all the time you need! No need to apologize. :)

I know that this takes a lot of work but must be a labor of love since you don't mind doing another thread.

Labour of love indeed. It's been one project that I'm very fond of, and that I'm proud of. But a lot of the credit goes to you lovely people who take the time to read it. :)

I understand if you don't wanna add any new charactors.

I like to think there is always room for expansion character-wise, so it's never really been a big issue for me to write in new people. It never hurts to ask, I don't bite. ;) (However, thank you for your understanding. Sometimes it gets hectic around here. :p )

Oh...gonna ask stupid question..*takes breath*...ummm...what does RT stand for?

RT is the shortened term we use to refer to the 'Road Trip'. :) (Not a stupid question at all, btw. I've never really liked abbreviations myself, so I never pay attention to what they mean. :lol: )

Thank you for reading, it really makes my day to know that if even one person is having a good time, and has a smile on their face by the end of the day, that I'm doing my job as the author! :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Under My Skin

Crime scene, Miami 3 am

Horatio: You rang.

Yelina: *looks up, smiles* I see you got back safely.

Horatio: Thats a relative term, who's this?

Yelina: *smile fades* ...Brent Fisher, fifteen years old. Witnesses say they saw him get out of a moving vehicle about thirty feet from here.

Horatio: The night shift could have handled this.

Yelina: ...I thought you'd want this one.

Horatio: Why would I want this one?

Yelina: Dead child, parents need answers.

Horatio: Don't they all.

Yelina: Is there something wrong?

Horatio: Not at all.

Yelina: ...Horatio.

Horatio: *looks at Yelina*

Yelina: Are we okay?

Horatio: We...*takes off shades* We, are going to be fine. The Medical Examiner been here yet?

Yelina: *smirks* Not yet.

Horatio: Okay, looks like there's a gunshot wound to his back, which means he was facing away from the suspect when he was shot.

Yelina: Where's the rest of the team?

Horatio: I'm giving them a few days.

Yelina: What about you?

Horatio: ...What about me?

Yelina: You seem...Distracted.

Horatio: ...Distracted.

Yelina: You're never like this on a case.

Horatio: Well, it's very early.

Yelina: ...Horatio, this isn't like you.

Horatio: Call me when the ME gets the body. I'll take care of the case in the morning.

Yelina: Horatio....

Horatio: *frowns* Detective Salas.

Yelina: Maybe calling you wasn't the best idea.

Horatio: *puts on shades*

Yelina: I'll have Speedle work the case.

Horatio: I need Speedle on my case.

Yelina: *frowns* What's going on with you?

Horatio: Next time...Call the night shift. *leaves*

Yelina: *shakes head*

Speed/Katie's room

Katie: Are you awake?

Speed: *eyes closed*

Katie: ...Tim?

Speed: *sigh* What.

Katie: Oh good, you're awake.

Speed: This better be good.

Katie: It is.

Speed: If I hear the words 'Wubba' or 'Axe murderer', I'm going back to sleep.

Katie: I'm bored.

Speed: I'm tired.

Katie: I can't sleep.

Speed: If you were quiet, you'd be able to sleep.

Katie: But....I'm bored.

Speed: You're not bored. You're needy.

Katie: I beg your pardon.

Speed: Go to sleep.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: *rolls over*

Katie: *whines* Tim....

Speed: No.

Katie: ....*sigh* Fine.

Five minutes later

Katie: ...I HAVE NEEDS!

Speed: *sits up* For the love of...Don't do that.

Katie: Sorry.

Speed: *rubs eyes*

Katie: Aw, you're actually tired. I'm sorry.

Speed: *blank stares* Yeah because all the other times I was just acting tired.

Katie: Really?

Speed: No.

Katie: Come on, I just woke up from a coma, and survived a bombing and shooting in the middle of the ocean.

Speed: So what, you want a reward or something?

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: ...I bet if Calleigh had just done that, you would have had your way with her.

Speed: *shakes head* Good night.

Katie: Technically it's the morning.

Speed: I don't care. *lays down*

Katie: *sigh* Fine.

5 minutes later

Katie: I wish Lori hadn't been on that boat.

Speed: She's fine.

Katie: *sigh* Yeah. She must have had her guardian angel with her.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: ...What?

Speed: Uh...Nothing.

Katie: Obviously it was something.

Speed: No. Go to sleep.

Katie: Fine, but I'm not promising anything.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Missy: Please tell me we're not in the ocean.
Carly: Missy, we're in the o-
Missy: Carly, I know.
OMG WE"RE SINKING!!!!! SAVE US!!! I really really really don't want to die :(
*sigh* aren't they always. that guy's an idiot, I'm so glad speed shot him! With a spear! That's a new one.
Carly: There's some things you must know about us. One, we never give up. Second, we never leave anyone behind, and third, there is always a new Hummerhome.
Amen girlfriend. Ain't that the truth? Oh God, I sound like my mother :D
Horatio: HEY CARLY!
Carly: YEAH!
Way to state the obvious, Horatio! But still, that cracked me up! :D
JC: Horatio...You have your arm around me.
Horatio: I do? I do..Well..Uh...I...
poor flustered Horatio. That is so cute! AWWW!
JC: ...I wish Canada had boats.
Missy: We have boats.
JC: Yeah the little plastic ones that go in your bathtub doesn't count.
We do so have real boats! My grandpa fixes them...or he used to...now he's retired...that was pointless.
Anni: Do these things get porn?
What is it with you and the porn girl? Get your head on straight. No more alcohal and no more porn for anni! just kidding :D
Horatio: I uh...I love you.
*squeals* That is worth of a resounding AWWWWW! So is Lori by the way, she's adorable! But JC needs some love in her life...
That was absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for the updates! It really really made my day. After Socials, (stupid French Revolutions, NOBODY CARES HOW MANY BISHOPS WERE ELECTED IN 1790! it's 83 if anyone does care. :D) Math Homework, typing up my CALM (career and life management) essay and all that stuff, this is the way to spend an evening.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*sighs* Geni! That was exactly what I needed! Awwww and ummmmmmm Horatio called Yelina "Detective Salas" Ouch for her. lol.

Speed: You're not bored. You're needy.

Katie: I beg your pardon.
Hahaha, I can see my jaw dropping and then saying that all stunned like lol.

Katie: ...I HAVE NEEDS!
Teehee! Yay! I yelled it again. Atleast this time I wasn't with everyone else. But seriously the "I have needs" is right up there with "Stop being gay" lol. And yes I wouldn't have wanted Lori on that boat either. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ahhhh poor H is distracted lol can't wait for more geni! Great update as always
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I never had to write a CALM essay. *sigh* I was about to bop that teacher in the face though. I hope you do well on it. :)

And thank you for the review. I agree, Lori is so adorable. Let's hope she stays that way. ;)

And "STOP BEING GAY!" is one of my favorite lines! :D :D ...I need to put that back in somewhere.


Miami lab, 9 am

Delko: Hey I'm on Yelina's case, did you have that trace?

Speed: *hands over paper*

Delko: Rubber...

Speed: Yeah, rubber.

Delko: ...

Speed: I can't do your work for you Eric. I don't know the particulars of the case.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: What?

Delko: Katie's on the case too.

Speed: So?

Delko: So she's mad at you.

Speed: She is?

Delko: Oh yeah. What did you do?

Speed: I didn't do anything.

Delko: *smirks* Apparently that seems to be the problem.

Speed: She told you?

Delko: I'm the shoulder everyone cries on.

Speed: *grabs paper* What we do is none of your business.

Delko: Or..Well what you don't do.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *walks in* Hey Eric, Alexx wanted to see us. You have the trace results?

Delko: Yeah. *grabs paper from Speed* It's rubber.

Katie: *looks down at paper* There wasn't any rubber at the scene.

Delko: We haven't gone over the entire scene yet.

Katie: Did anyone track down this mystery car?

Delko: Not yet, they're still talking to witnesses. I'll go talk to them if you go see Alexx.

Katie: *smiles* Deal.

Delko: *smiles*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: I'll see you later Eric.

Delko: *winks*

Katie: *smirks, leaves*

Speed: *glares*

Delko: *looks at Speed* Okay where were we?

Speed: We were at the part where you hit on my wife and I beat your ass into the floor.

Delko: I was just being nice.

Speed: *takes off lab coat* Sure you were.

Delko: What? She's hot.

Speed: *rolls up sleeves*

Delko: Whoa, whoa, sorry. Sorry.

Speed: *walks around counter*

Delko: *backs up*

Speed: She is not an object.

Delko: I know, I'm sorry.

Katie: *walks in* Hey Eric, I forgot to tell you th-...What are you two doing?

Delko: Speed was about to beat me up.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: He was hitting on you.

Katie: That's a hell of a lot more than you've done lately.

Speed: I didn't know I was required to treat you like a prostitute.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Horatio: *walks in, stops* ...What's going on?

Delko: Nothing.

Speed: Nothing.

Katie: Nothing.

Horatio: Get back to work.

Delko/Katie: *leave*

Horatio: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Yelina called for you. She wanted to talk to you, and she didn't sound happy.

Horatio: Mhm. How are we doing on the case?

Speed: I called PD, they haven't tracked down the chopper.

Horatio: Okay I want to check out the bomb site.

Speed: For what?

Horatio: Evidence.

Speed: *tilts head* I'll grab my kit.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww Eric thinks I'm hot Teehee! But how cute was Speedy when he was all rollin up his sleeves and stuff. lol.

Delko: So she's mad at you.

Speed: She is?

Delko: Oh yeah. What did you do?

Speed: I didn't do anything.

Delko: *smirks* Apparently that seems to be the problem.
Teeehee. Oh man that was hilarious. "Apparently that seems to be the problem" Teehee. Oh man I find that hysterically funny and I don't know why. Weird mood I guess.
Speed: She is not an object.
Hell no i'm not! lol. But um um um um ummmmmm Yelina wants to talk to Horatio. That can't be good. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I had to do a 'Goals and Challenges' Essay about past goals. Meh! it was so boring, I hated it. Anyways, great update. Bad Delko, hitting on Katie. SHE'S MARRIED!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ouch, Goals and Challenges. Blech. :p

Aw poor Speedy doesn't want to touch Katie..For some reason...And Delko hit on her. I don't know why I'm reviewing my own chapters, but what the hey. It's fun. I'm sure you all wanted to hear my take on something I just wrote ten minutes ago. :lol: [/sarcasm]

Anywho, stay tuned...
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