Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Breathe Jaci, breathe. :lol:
All I Have, Is More Than Enough
Marina, midnight
Speed: *places hands in pockets* ...You have got to be kidding me.
Horatio: Where else were we planning on staying tonight?
Speed: Not the Humma.
Horatio: It's docked here, we might as well use it.
Speed: *frowns*
Horatio: Go on.
Speed: Fine.
Horatio: Alright people, until I get a new Hummerhome, we're going to be stuck in Miami for a little bit.
Carly: After what we just experienced, a little bit of a break would be welcomed.
Katie: *leans head on Speed's shoulder*
Speed: *wraps arm around Katie*
Katie: *smirks*
Delko: Can we play Monopoly?
Everyone: *looks at Eric*
Horatio: ...I think the first thing on our agenda is sleep.
Delko: So what about Calleigh?
Horatio: She can take care of herself. And, we'll start the search in the morning. I want everyone in their rooms and in bed.
Carly: YES! SLEEP!
Jess: Thank God. I mean, after almost drowning, this is pretty good.
Anni: Do these things get porn?
Horatio: *frowns*
Anni: Fine.
Lori: *tugs on Carly's hair*
Carly: Ow, ow OW! Ow.
Lori: *giggles*
Jess: Oh she's just so cute.
Lori: *lifts brow*
Anni: COME ON!
Carly: Hey can we keep her for tonight?
Katie: Go ahead, she seems to like you guys.
Jess: YES! Hey Lori, want some Cheez-its? ...If it's okay with momma and papa over there.
Speed: *looks at Lori*
Lori: *smiling*
Speed: Fine, but not too much or she won't sleep.
Jess: *grabs Lori's hand* Let's get some yum yums.
Carly: WAIT FOR ME! Now Lori, there is a very important two word expression you should know. It's called 'Aisle Five'.
Jess, Carly, Anni, walk away
Horatio: Okay, everyone in bed.
Everyone leaves
Horatio: Oh, JC, I'd like to speak with you.
JC: Really?
Horatio: Mhm. Lets take a walk.
JC: Sure.
Speed/Katie's room
Katie: *climbs in bed* My hero.
Speed: Yeah more like your life-sized kevlar vest.
Katie: *touches Speed's arm* Oh ouch.
Speed: It'll heal.
Katie: *hugs Speed*
Speed: Ow.
Katie: Oh sorry, are you hurt anywhere else?
Speed: Well I did get smacked around, and things were thrown at me. Not to mention I was running around on a boat for hours.
Katie: Aw, you poor thing.
Speed: Funny.
Katie: *strokes Speed's stubble* You're still my hero.
Speed: Good to know.
Katie: *grins*
Speed: ...Please stop that.
Katie: Or what, you'll attack me?
Speed: *smirks*
Katie: ...*sits up straight* Oh no you don't.
Speed: *grabs Katie*
Katie: *screams*
Speed: *laughs*
Katie: NOT FAIR!
Outside, on deck
Horatio: I was thinking...Since we'll be in Miami for a while, that maybe you'd rather...Well instead of staying in a hotel...Stay with...Me.
JC: ...Like, at your house?
Horatio: Yeah.
JC: *smirks* Thank you.
Horatio: Um...I-
Cell phone rings
Horatio: *looks down*
JC: *stares at Horatio*
Horatio: Excuse me. *opens phone* Yeah. Yelina...*looks at JC* Uh...Sure, I can head over there now. Okay. *closes phone* Uh....I gotta go.
JC: I see.
Horatio: There's a crime scene.
JC: I know.
Horatio: I uh...I'll..See you later.
JC: Mhm.
Horatio: *puts on shades* To be continued. *walks away*
JC: *nods*
Horatio: *stops, turns around* Oh, JC?
JC: *looks up* Yeah.
Horatio: I uh...I love you.
JC: *blank stare*
Horatio: *leaves*