CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aww little Lori solved the...problem. lol.

Katie: Okay, do you know morse code?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Since when?

Speed: Since...Camp.

Katie: ...Like...Little kid camp?

Speed: Summer camp.

Katie: Tim, you can't be serious.
Teehee, aww well I guess you learn something new everyday. And honestly if I was trapped in a room I would have never thouhgt about morse code. I'd probably be the idiot who bangs the flashlight on the wall and then it breaks. lol.

Speed: So I work the day shift. I don't get paid to think up things at night.
Aww Speedy. Can't think at night. I findthat very hard to believe.

I hope everything works ok with this whole morse code thinger. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: *frowns* I know that Katie. Knowing them, they're on MSN.
*falls off of chair laughing* hahahaha sorry, I just found that quite ironic how Geni and I were talking about MSN convos like, two seconds ago. anyway, I gtg, I have dinner, sorry I couldn't give a better review, but I can't wait to see what happens! Get us out of there! We don't want to be pink mist!(Anyone who watches Grey's will know that one)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect



Top of boat

Delko: Are you sure you know what you're doing? *climbs over bar*

Speed: *looks back*

Delko: What?

Speed: Yeah I do this all the time.

Delko: You do?

Speed: No.

Delko: Oh.

Speed: *climbs over bar* Hand me the flashlight.

Delko: ..Flashlight?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Oh yeah. *hands over flashlight*

Speed: *clicks flashlight* ...*clicks flashlight*

Delko: Having trouble?

Speed: No.

Delko: *smirks* Okay.

Speed: *clicks flashlight*

Delko: Is it broken?

Speed: *glares* No. *clicks flashlight*

Delko: ...One wonders how you even got a daughter.

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: What?

Speed: *looks down at flashlight*

Delko: Let me try.

Speed: No.

Delko: Come on, I can work it.

Speed: Your fingers aren't magical Eric.

Delko: So? Maybe I can get it to work anyway.

Speed: No.

Delko: Come on, give it.

Speed: No.

Delko: I can do it.

Speed: No.

Delko: *grabs flashlight*

Speed: *sigh*

Delko: *turns on flashlight*

Speed: Wha...How did you do that?

Delko: I don't know. Maybe it likes me more.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Okay so what am I saying?

Speed: You're saying there's bombs and they have to evacuate the area.

Delko: ...Alright how?

Speed: This is why I had the flashlight.

Delko: How can you expect to send a message, if you can't even turn it on?

Speed: ...*grabs flashlight* I know how to turn them on.

Delko: Alright then.

Speed: *turns flashlight on and off*


Jess: ...Something's blinding me.

Anni: Porn?

Jess: No, lights.

Anni: Light porn?


Carly: *looks out window* ...That's morse code.

Jess: Okay, so?

Carly: So someone's saying...Bon...In Grobe.

Jess: Bon in Grobe? What language is that?

Carly: ...Bomb...In Grove. OH MY GOD!

Jess: What?

Carly: Didn't you just hear that? BOMB IN GROVE!

Missy: *screams*

Jess: ...What's a bomb in Grove?

Carly: Coconut Grove. There's a bomb.

Jess: Who's telling you this?

Carly: I think it's the team. They're trying to send us a message.

Anni: Are you sure it's not porn?

Carly: They're saying...Get the pebbles oot. ..I think they mean get the people out.

Jess: Okay so we have to evacuate..30, 390 people.

Carly: Around there.

Anni: ...Do you think any of them have porn?


Delko: You think they got it?

Speed: Let's hope.

Guy: HEY!

Speed: *looks back* Time to go.

Delko: *jumps over bar*

Guy: *shoots gun*

Speed: *ducks*

Delko: Are you comin' or not!

Speed: Yeah hold on!

Guy: *runs closer*

Speed: *looks over side of boat*

Delko: Speed what are you doing!

Guy: *shoots gun*

Speed: *ducks, grabs rope*

Guy: *shooting gun*

Delko: What are you doing!

Speed: *grabs metal pipe*

Delko: Speed!

Speed: *ties pipe to rope*

Guy: *shooting gun*

Speed: *flinches*

Delko: Get down here!

Guy: *runs up*

Speed: *swings rope*

Guy: AH! *falls over side of the boat*

Speed: *looks over edge*

Delko: *climbs up* ...You have a thing for murder.

Speed: I didn't kill him, the ocean did.

Delko: Come on, let's get back before Ramirez figures out one of his men are gone.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

WOOOOOOOO GO Speed! That was a great update to come back to after eating a good meal lol. and whoa there Anni, lay off the porn sweetheart, lol. Woooo go Carly! Way to figure out that message! Now we have to evacuate bunches of people and get us the heck out of here! Great update Geni, hopefully there will be more to come soon *bows down*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA! Oh man, Anni and her porn...tsk tsk tsk

Carly: So someone's saying...Bon...In Grobe.

Jess: Bon in Grobe? What language is that?

Carly: ...Bomb...In Grove. OH MY GOD!

Jess: What?

Carly: Didn't you just hear that? BOMB IN GROVE!

Missy: *screams*

JC: ...What's a bomb in Grove?
TEEHEE! That cracked me up...

ah, I gotta stop reading this when I'm 'supposed' to be studying for my chemistry test...bleh! it's just chemistry...and this story is much much better anyway..

teehee! I feel all special now...though we did have to learn morse code in science a few years back...but that was almost 3 years ago and I don't remember anything :p

please update soon

EDIT: Ok, I changed JCs lines with Jess' aswell
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Jaci just pointed out a discrepancy in the story. I had placed JC in the Hummerhome, as well as the boat. Quite the mistake huh? So, I've taken her out of the Hummerhome and replaced her lines with Jess. Hopefully that clears up a few confused minds out there. ;)

I'll have more soon!

EDIT: Thanks Carly!

And I would skip chem to visit this site too. (Maybe not specifically the Road Trip, but CSIFiles definitely)

And I was just thinking to myself "I'm not writing a sixth Road Trip" but then I realized I promised LtKitty a place among the RT family, so it looks like I'm stuck here for another 1000 posts. :lol: I mean that in the most loving way, really. *hugs everyone*

As for a seventh? The jury's still out on that. ;)

If You Need To Fall Apart

Boat basement

Katie: Did they get it?

Delko: We think so.

Katie: Why did I hear shooting?

Delko: One of Ramirez's hench men found us. Speed killed him.

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: ...The ocean killed him.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: What?

Katie: Sit.

Speed: Yes dear. *sits*

Delko: Has anyone seen Calleigh and Horatio?

JC: They're upstairs somewhere. They probably wanted to separate the leaders.

Speed: ...Calleigh doesn't outrank me.

JC: Ramirez likes her.

Delko: So what now? We just sit here?

Explosion is heard

Everyone: *stands*

Delko: Oh my God.

JC: They detonated.

Katie: *runs to window* Holy crap. Look at that fire billow.

Speed: You think the girls got anyone out of danger?

Katie: I think the explosion probably blew any chance of that away.

Guy: *opens door* GET ON THE GROUND!

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Katie: Why does he have a gun?

Delko: Come on, move.

Katie: Where are we going?

Delko: We're getting out of here before things get worse.

JC: What about Horatio and Calleigh?

Delko: Speed and I will stay here.

JC: I'm not leaving you guys.

Guy: *shooting gun*

Delko: Run!

JC/Katie: *run*

Speed: *grabs Lori*

Delko: What are you going to do with her?

Speed: Find Horatio.

Delko: ...Speed.

Speed: Do it.

Guy: *shooting gun*

Speed: *runs behind counter*

Delko: I'm not leaving you.

Lori: *starts to cry*

Speed: Look, I'm not trying to protect Horatio, so go.

Delko: Are you sure?

Speed: *nods*

Guy: *shoots gun*

Speed: *covers Lori's head*

Delko: You'll make it out of here.

Speed: Would you hurry up before you get shot?

Delko: *runs to door*

Guy: *shoot gun*

Speed: AH!

Delko: *turns around* Are you okay!

Speed: *holds arm* GO ERIC!

Delko: *runs*

Guy: *shooting gun*

Lori: *screaming*

Speed: *looks around* Oh great.

Guy: *walks around*

Lori: *crying*

Speed: Shhh, baby it's okay.

Lori: *crying*

Speed: *whispers* It's okay sweety.

Lori: *stops crying*

Speed: Okay, I need you to be quiet. Can you do that?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *opens cabinet, puts Lori inside*

Lori: *looks up at Speed*

Speed: Stay here, okay?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *closes cabinet*

Guy: *walks around counter*

Speed: *stands*

Guy: *points gun at Speed*

Speed: *looks around*

Guy: Where's the kid? I want to cap that perra first.

Speed: *grabs broom, slams it into guy*

Guy: *falls backwards*

Speed: *opens cabinet* Come on Lori. *picks up Lori*

Lori: *looks down at guy*

Speed: Keep your eyes on me.

Lori: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *runs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*screams* Oh my goshness! Did I read that correctly? Speedy got shot in the arm?! But awwwww how cute was him putting Lori in the cabinet. *touches temple* That's some very quick thinking. And how cute was Delko in saying "I'm not leavin you" Awwwww. NOw there's the friendship I know and love. Seriously Anni....porn isn't always the answer. lol. And the part with the "peebles" instead of "people" cracked me up.

Delko: One of Ramirez's hench men found us. Speed killed him.

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: ...The ocean killed him.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: What?

Katie: Sit.

Speed: Yes dear. *sits*
*sighs* So well trained *does the little whipped sign thinger* lol. Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

And yeah, I know the spoiler said no one one gets shot but frankly, it was a ricochet, not a bullet. :p

And yes, I'd call that friendship! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

awww Geni, that was very action-packed. I love it! *sings* Where oh where did our HoratioandCalleigh go, where oh where could they be? [/singing] :p hope they're okay though!Can't wait to see what happens next Geni! Keep up the good work!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Knowing them, they're on MSN.
Ah, Speed, you know us so well! Hey, who wants to do socials? We're doing the French revolution, and with the exception of oliver, nobody really wants to know what the french did to over throw their government.
Speed: *ties pipe to rope*
Does Speed think he's Indiana Jones or something? That was So cool!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Poor Speed! But quick thinking in danger! he saved lori, how cute!!
^^That really is friendship. We gotta get out of there, and Geni! You need to tell us if the pebbles in the hummerhome got out of the grobe safely!! *I loved the morris code mix ups!* :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

...You know I should put one of those disclaimers that say : All spoilers above are subject to change without notice :lol:

:lol: Missy you crack me up.

Glad you liked the chapters!

Thank you for the reviews and the..Song. :p

On Fire


Delko: *runs in* ...Where's Ramirez?

Horatio: He left.

Delko: He left?

Horatio: With Calleigh.

Delko: ...Where are they going?

Horatio: I didn't ask. Where's everyone else?

Delko: Katie and JC are hiding.

Horatio: JC?

Delko: ...Yeah.

Horatio: *nods* ...Are they okay?

Delko: They're fine.

Horatio: And Speed?

Delko: He's s-

Speed: *runs in* Right here.

Horatio: Whoa, that's a nasty wound.

Speed: Yeah well it's not anywhere near my chest so I'll take it.

Lori: *wipes eyes*

Horatio: *tilts head* Well she looks fairly unhappy.

Speed: *sigh* Where's Katie?

Delko: She's with JC, they're safe. Well...Generally.

Horatio: Okay. I'll grab the girls and we'll head for shore. There's a raft around here somewhere. You want me to take Lori?

Speed: *looks down*

Lori: *hugs Speed*

Speed: ...You should take her.

Horatio: Okay. Do you and Eric have things under control here?

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Good. Here, let me grab Lori and we'll be on our way.

Speed: *hugs Lori*

Lori: *smiles*

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: Okay.

Horatio: *grabs Lori* Alright, I'll see you guys later. *leaves*

Speed: *sigh*

Delko: You okay?

Speed: ...*shakes head*

Delko: Everyone will be fine. Horatio has them.

Speed: *nods* Yeah. *clears throat* I know.

Delko: Okay. As of right now, you're not a father. You're a CSI. Keep it together.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Let's go find the bad guys.

Speed: Right behind you.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Speedy and his daughter are so cute! And Yay! Katie and JC are safe.....this is such a relief from all the stress of my French homework (which I don't understand) It's going to take a lot of encouraging for me to keep this class........ugh.......

Anyway, I love your updates Geni, you really don't know how much better it makes me feel after not understanding a WORD of that stuff........ugh I hate AP classes.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OH HECK YES HE IS! He can be a father/CSI! It happens! And whoa, I am in a mood to yell for some reason. Anyways! I hope Speedy's feelings for his family don't cloud his judgement later on. That could only lead to no good.

Delko: Okay. As of right now, you're not a father. You're a CSI. Keep it together.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Let's go find the bad guys.
Seriously did Delko take smart pills or something? I kid I kid. Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well Eric must have his moments. ;)

And I'm glad this makes you less...Stressed from french homework Jess. :D I hope everything works out for you.

Aw Katie's yelling. That reminds me of drunk Katie. :lol:

Run Away, Leave Me Here


Delko: Alright there aren't many places Ramirez could have gone.

Speed: On a boat this small, there wouldn't be.

Delko: Okay so if I had a hostage, where would I go?

Speed: I'd want to get off the ship.

Delko: ...Hey you hear that?

Speed: Sounds like a helicopter.

Delko: *runs out onto deck*

Speed: *follows*

Delko: *looks up* ..Great. There they go.

Speed: They're heading toward Miami.

Delko: Wasn't there one more guy on the boat?

Speed: Yeah I hit him with the broom.

Delko: So what do we do about him?

Speed: We need to get the Coast Guard.

Delko: How?

Speed: What kind of a CSI are you? *gets out cell phone*

Delko: Uh oh, we've got company.

Speed: *looks over* Great.

Delko: Run and dial, run and dial.

Speed: *runs*

Delko: *runs*

Guy: HEY!


Speed: I can't go any faster Eric!

Delko: You're supposed to be Speed!

Speed: Shut up and run!

Guy: *throws knives*

Delko: *ducks* Does he have knives?

Speed: GO!

Delko: *runs*

Guy: *throws knives*

Delko: *runs inside boat*

Speed: *follows*

Delko: ..Okay..That was weird.

Speed: Knives. At least he's creative.

Delko: *leans on door* You think he gave up?

Speed: Probably not.

Delko: *sigh* Well this is great.

Speed: ...You think Horatio got them out safely?

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: ...You really care about her, don't you.

Speed: Come on, we need weapons. *walks away*

Delko: Speed...

Speed: *looks through drawers* Maybe there's some kind of...Gun or something in here.

Delko: Speed...

Speed: I don't want to have to throw knives back at him.

Delko: Tim.

Speed: What.

Delko: She'll be fine.

Speed: I almost got her killed.

Delko: No you didn't. You saved her.

Speed: ...

Delko: She's fine.

Speed: *looks down at drawer* If she wants to do this for a living, I'll cuff her to the house.

Delko: *laughs*

Guy: *bangs on door*

Speed: *looks up*

Delko: What do you want to do?

Speed: I'm all out of ideas.

Delko: Looks like we're going to have to wing it.

Speed: I hate it when we wing it.

Delko: That's because you always end up getting shot.

Speed: *rolls eyes*


Carly: *opens eyes* ...Guys? GUYS!

Missy: *sits up* Something exploded.

Anni: Sorry, my bad.

Carly: No. There was an explosion.

Jess: Why is the carpet wet?

Carly: *looks outside* Oh no.

Missy: Please tell me we're not in the ocean.

Carly: Missy, we're in the o-

Missy: Carly, I know.

Carly: And we're sinking.

Missy: Great. Just what I wanted to hear.


Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed is soooooo cute as a father and he took a bullet for his little girl. I hope for the sake of Katie and Lori that Speed can hold things together and not let his emotions get the better of him.

Annie is hilarious "I'm too drunk to die." that quote had me laughing, and there were knives getting thrown at them...god this chapter has the adrenaline pumping! :eek: :eek:

keep it up Geni
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