CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ok, well, first of all, I apoligise that I haven't been reviewing...life has been hectic and I HATE EXAMS!...well, only 8 days until they finish :D

secondly, WOAH!!!!!!!!!! kidnapped, almost killed, then the guys get squished by a bunch of crazy girls who had to hotwire a Hummerhome, then found a key :lol: :p
JC: *rolls down window* ..Oops. Clean up on aisle five!
Katie: HECK YES!
HAHA! HECK YES! long live aisle 5 and all of Katies other dreams...ah...mustard

hey this is probably going to sound stupid, but the other day, I found out there is a song called "Mean Mr Mustard" and I couldn't stop laughing when I heard that :lol:

please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Mustard.

I love how this thread is WAY more action packed than the other ones. It was like "funny, funny, drama, drama, ACTION" ...Maybe the next thread (if I decide to write one) will be...Nothing but HUMOR! ..Pfft yeah right, I'm such a drama whore. :p

More to come soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

YAY that was very clever to wait about 4 hours to find a spar key! :) And I think Calleigh did the good thing. If someone kill Lori he will be face with me! :p
Anyway great update and update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

( :lol: calleighspeedle, I'm trying to forget about that interview you posted a while ago in the Speed thread. "The little girls liked the accent" *dies laughing*)

Ahem...Back to the Road Trip. I'm glad y'all liked the chapters! (Haha...Accent...) *cough* think Speedle, think Speedle...Not English accent... Sorry I'm having issues that shouldn't be brought into this forum. :lol:

...*looks around*...I think I need to have a sit down with some men in white suits.

Leading A Life

Marina 6 am

Horatio: I thought you were going to set bombs up in Coconut grove.

Ramirez: They're already there.

Horatio: So why are we out here?

Ramirez: No more questions. *kicks Horatio*

Horatio: *falls down*

JC: HEY! *smacks Ramirez*

Ramirez: *frowns*

Horatio: *stands* Don't touch her.

Ramirez: *grabs JC*

Horatio: *steps forward*

Ramirez: *points gun in Horatio's face* I'll kill her if you come any closer.

Horatio: *stops*

Ramirez: Bring her, and her downstairs.

Pablo: *grabs Katie and JC*

Katie: Wait! Why am I going?

Pablo: *gives Lori to Katie* She's annoying.

Katie: Yeah well she doesn't like you.

Pablo: MOVE IT!

Speed: *grabs Katie* I don't think so.

Pablo: *grabs Katie* I think so.

Speed: *frowns*

Pablo: *frowns*

Katie: ...Should I leave you two alone?

Pablo: Either she goes, or you go.

Katie: ...Wait, where am I going?

Speed: She goes nowhere.

Pablo: *pushes Katie* Get down there.

Speed: *steps in front of Katie*

Pablo: Move.

Speed: *nods* Which one of us do you think is faster at pulling your trigger?

Pablo: *looks down at gun*

Speed: *knees Pablo in the stomach*

Pablo: AH! *falls*

Speed: *grabs gun*


Everyone: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *drops gun*

Katie: ...You shot him.

Speed: I didn't like him.

Katie: ...So you shot him?

Speed: Come on. *Grabs Katie*

Katie: *stands* Remind me never to give you a working gun.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee heeheehee....ok that was awesome!

Pablo: MOVE IT!

Speed: *grabs Katie* I don't think so.

Pablo: *grabs Katie* I think so.

Speed: *frowns*

Pablo: *frowns*

Katie: ...Should I leave you two alone?
Oh, I crack myself up! Well ok Geni you crack me up but you know what I mean.

Katie: ...You shot him.

Speed: I didn't like him.

Katie: ...So you shot him?
Haha, ok man. I can soooo see myself saying that in a really kinda dazed out/can't believe it kind of way. lol.

Katie: *stands* Remind me never to give you a working gun.
No, you give him the working gun. GIVE HIM the working gun *Clears throat* sorry Donahue's ways got a hold of my brain for a second.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie: ...Wait, where am I going?

Speed: She goes nowhere.

Pablo: *pushes Katie* Get down there.

Speed: *steps in front of Katie*

Pablo: Move.

Speed: *nods* Which one of us do you think is faster at pulling your trigger?

Pablo: *looks down at gun*

Speed: *knees Pablo in the stomach*

Pablo: AH! *falls*

Speed: *grabs gun*


Everyone: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *drops gun*

Katie: ...You shot him.

Speed: I didn't like him.

Katie: ...So you shot him?

Speed: Come on. *Grabs Katie*

Katie: *stands* Remind me never to give you a working gun.

I loved this chapter and especially the last part about never to give Speed a working gun and he saved his Katie...what a hero. :lol: :D

update soon Geni :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hahaha awww I love it when Speed is protective.......omg I was at my SAT prep class today, and they were talking about a car in a "blurb" that summarized a reading thingy, and it said something about Speed, and immidiatly I was like, whoa Speed, and I laughed and then my teacher was like "okay so what are the...." and then she writes TRIGGER on the board in big letters and I flipped out.......and my teacher was like, are you okay back there? and I was like........yes

anyway......ahem.......the RT.

Katie: ...You shot him.

Speed: I didn't like him.

Katie: ...So you shot him?

haha SPEED SHOT A WORKING GUN! YAYYYYYY! And Lori IS NOT annoying! Just cute! :D Loved it Geni! I can't wait for the next one! Oh no........a marina.......
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great update can't wait for more.... hahaha H got all protective of me lol.... is that cause i ran over two henchmen?
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the awesome feedback. :lol:

And yes, the marina. *creepy music starts to play* Oh, that gives me an idea for the next installment, after this action-packed part of the story. ;)

Anyway, I'll have more tomorrow. :)

EDIT: Or..Tonight. :D

Money Down

Boat, basement thing

Katie: Okay Sherlock, what now?

Speed: I'm thinking.

Delko: ...Well why don't you try thinking a little harder.

Speed: You're the one that got us in this mess.

Delko: Uh no, HORATIO got us in this mess. I wanted to see what was going on.

Speed: You could have joined them and then freed us, but OH NO you had to stand there and act like you were a part of the team.

Delko: I am a part of the team. Maybe you shouldn't have shot Pablo up there and we wouldn't be down here.

Speed: He touched my wife.

Katie: A lot of people touch your wife.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: ...Oh yeah I AM your wife.

Delko: All I'm saying is we wouldn't be down here if you didn't pull the trigger. Now innocent people are going to die and it's all your fault.

Speed: Oh don't you blame me. You had a part in this too.

Delko: It takes one finger to pull the trigger.

Speed: He didn't leave me a choice.

Delko: So what, he pushed Katie. Big deal.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Kill him Tim. Kill him.

Ramirez: *opens door* Here. *throws waterbottle*

Delko: What's that for?

Ramirez: The kid. She's probably thirsty.

Speed: *picks up waterbottle* How do we know there isn't some kind of poison in it?

Ramirez: Fine, she'll die of dehydration. *leaves*

Katie: *grabs waterbottle* She can have it. *opens bottle*

Lori: *takes bottle with both hands*

Delko: Where's Calleigh and H?

JC: They're up there giving directions and betraying us and stuff.

Delko: They're not betraying us.

Speed: Where's everyone else.

JC: I'm assuming still in the Hummerhome.

Lori: *hands waterbottle to Speed, smiles*

Speed: *looks down* I'm not thirsty.

Lori: *smile fades*

Speed: Come on Eric, let's go find a way out of here. *stands*

Delko: How? We're on the ocean.

Speed: There has to be a way to let someone know we're here.

Delko: What like the Coast Guard?

Speed: ...Yeah the Coast Guard Eric. Let's just send them smoke signals. Oh wait, we'd have to set ourselves on FIRE!

Lori: *covers ears*

Delko: Are you okay?

Speed: Innocent people are going to die and we can't do anything about it. We're just sitting here waiting for our own deaths.

Delko: We might not die.

Speed: How do you know?

Delko: I don't know.

Speed: Great, I'm stuck in a boat with a bunch of idiots.

Delko: Look, we're all worried but th-

Speed: I'm not worried.

Delko: You're worried.

Speed: No I'm not.

Delko: You are.

Speed: I'm not.

Delko: So what's with you?

Speed: I just told you, why don't you listen for once.

Delko: Hey I was listening, don't take this out on me.

Speed: Take it out on you? This was your fault!

Delko: It was not my fault!

Speed: You could have convinced them to stop but now we're stuck here.

Delko: Don't blame this on ME!

Speed: I wouldn't have to if you had been a COP FOR ONCE!

Lori: *starts to cry*

Delko: *frowns*

Speed: *sigh* ...I'm sorry.

Delko: That's fine. Why don't we both just calm down.

Speed: *nods* Yeah. *sits*

Delko: Good.

Katie: Tim.

Speed: *sigh* What.

Katie: *frowns* Think before you raise your voice.

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *crying*

Speed: Great.

Katie: Good job.

Lori: *hugs Katie*

Speed: *shakes head* We have to find a way out of here.

Delko: The girls still have the Hummerhome right?

Speed: Yeah I think so.

Delko: We should find a way to give them our location.

Speed: How?

Delko: Well...There might be an old radio or something in here that I can use.

Speed: Alright Macgyver, you do that and I'll think of something that will actually work.

Katie: ...You don't think they'll murder us do you?

Delko: It's hard to say. I mean, they don't really need us.

Katie: Gee Eric, that helps.

Delko: Well it's the truth.

Speed: *opens cabinets* Okay maybe we can use...Something.

Delko: *looks around* Maybe there's flares or something.

Speed: Yeah. Or we can find something that won't set fire to the entire boat and kill us all.

Delko: Yeah funny.

Lori: *snif* Daddy mean.

Speed: *looks down*

Katie: *looks up*

Speed: Uh...*looks back at cabinet* I think I saw them take our cell phones down here.

Delko: Great, so we find the phones, we can call the girls.

Speed: *sigh* Why does this feel like a bad night at Hooters?

Delko: Hooters? ...Like owls?

Speed: ...*blank stare* Yeah like owls Eric.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

yeah Go Speed, smash them, kick them bam bam! :devil: piff puff :lol: Go SpeedMatrix :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMh my god! This is EXACTLY what I needed at 6:15 in the morning. TEEHEE.

Speed: *sigh* Why does this feel like a bad night at Hooters?

Delko: Hooters? ...Like owls?

Speed: ...*blank stare* Yeah like owls Eric.
Oh man Geni that was hilarious. lol.

Lori: *snif* Daddy mean.
Awwww. Well....Daddy's not exactly mean....he's just...not in a good mood...which is generally all the time....lol.

But I can understand his and Eric's frustration. I don't think anybody is to blame. I mean no one there actually caused Ramierz and the other guys to decide to blow up people and what not. BUt I will agree with Eric that Horatio did kinda...start it all. I mean is it wrong to just stay in the hummerhome? lol.

And maybe Ramierz isn't the worst guy in the world. I mean if he was willing to give Lori some water he can't be completley scum.

Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'm glad this is exactly what you needed at 6:15 in the morning. :)

And yeah, well Speed's not mean he's just...On a case. :p It's just kind of sad that he scared his little girl. :(

*sigh* I wish I could write a chapter right now but I have a full schedule ahead of me today, so I won't be able to get home early today. Blech. Oh well, I'll have plenty more chapters when I get home today. ;)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

When Lori said "Daddy mean" I think that hurt Speed a little. It just makes him upset to see his little girl cry and who wouldn't she sounds adorable. I hope they get out of there soon.

update as soon as you can Geni.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ack! This is so not good! Please come back Geni. I'd give a better review but I'm supposed to be in social studies! oops...:D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

No worries Missy, everything will still be here when you get back, so you'll have plenty of time to respond to recent chapters. ;) *shakes finger* Now get back to Social young lady. :lol: :p

To Me

Boat, 8 pm

Speed: *sits down*

Katie: You find anything?

Speed: We found the cell phones.

Katie: Great, so call up the girls and let's get out of here.

Speed: Well I would but the only problem is...They don't have a phone.

Katie: ...Oh yeah. Do you think they're still parked in Coconut Grove?

Speed: Yeah, why?

Katie: ...Tim that entire area is going to be a giant hole in a few hours. We shouldn't be calling them for help, we should be warning them.

Speed: And how do you expect us to do that?

Katie: I don't know, you're the detective.

Speed: *sigh* Alright well there's a computer in the Hummerhome

Katie: Yeah the Hummerlab, but what does that have to do with a phone? It's slightly different technology.

Speed: *frowns* I know that Katie. Knowing them, they're on MSN.

Katie: ...So?

Speed: So phones can give text messages.

Katie: Oooh...I never thought of that. Okay so now we have to figure out who's online, and get them to add us, and then send them a message.

Speed: ...Alright that could take eons.

Katie: That's the best thing you could come up with?

Speed: It's eight at night.

Katie: So?

Speed: So I work the day shift. I don't get paid to think up things at night.

Katie: You work at night.

Speed: Paperwork doesn't count.

Katie: *sigh*

Lori: *clicks flashlight on and off*

Delko: You don't suppose they have beepers do you?

Speed: Eric, they don't have a cell phone. You really expect them to have beepers?

Delko: Maybe.

Lori: *clicks flashlight on and off*

Katie: Well maybe they have...Something.

Speed: Nice suggestion.

Katie: It's late.

Lori: *clicks flashlight on and off*

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Katie: *sigh* Lori, stop that. *reaches over*

Speed: No. No, stop.

Katie: What?

Lori: *clicking flashlight on and off*

Speed: I think she just solved the problem.

Delko: ...Flashlights.

Speed: I was thinking more like morse code.

Delko: No one knows morse code.

Katie: Carly does.

Delko: She does?

Katie: Yeah she told me that.

Speed: *grabs flashlight* If she sees this in the dark, we can tell her to get everyone away from there.

Katie: Okay, do you know morse code?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Since when?

Speed: Since...Camp.

Katie: ...Like...Little kid camp?

Speed: Summer camp.

Katie: Tim, you can't be serious.

Speed: Look, the dots and dashes don't change. It should be fairly simple.

Katie: I hope so.

Lori: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *smirks* Good girl.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *stands* Come on Eric.

Delko: Why do I have to go?

Speed: You're the lookout.

Delko: Ah man, I always have to be the lookout.

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