Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Runnin' With The Wrong Crowd
3 am
Carole: I GOT IT!
Jess: You hotwired it?
Carole: I found a spare key.
Everyone: *looks at Carole*
Carole: What? I found a spare key.
JC: *pushes Carole* I'm driving. *turns key*
Carole: Are you sure you know how to drive?
JC: It can't be that hard.
Katie: Maybe I should drive.
JC: No. It's mine.
Katie: It's not yours.
JC: It is now. *presses gas pedal*
Everyone flies backwards
Carly: Whoa can you say horsepower? Geez.
Anni: My alcohol is EVERYWHERE. Quick! Lick the carpets!
Carly: Have fun.
Ramirez: You, get over here.
Calleigh: Me?
Ramirez: Yeah you.
Calleigh: What do you want?
Ramirez: You're going to give me directions.
Calleigh: I'm not going to do anything for you.
Ramirez: *points gun in Calleigh's face*
Calleigh: *frowns*
Ramirez: You can die right now.
Calleigh: I won't help you kill hundreds of innocent people.
Ramirez: *cocks gun* Alright then.
Calleigh: *stares at Ramirez*
Ramirez: *smiles* I like you. You have that certain...Fire about you.
Calleigh: Really.
Ramirez: You remind me why I love Miami.
Calleigh: And you remind me why I love my job.
Ramirez: So tell me, *walks closer* What's your specialty?
Calleigh: Ballistics.
Ramirez: ...Ballistics?
Calleigh: The analysis of firearms and other weapons.
Ramirez: Guns huh? You any good?
Calleigh: I've been told I know my way around a firearm.
Ramirez: *walks around Calleigh* Alright then, show me how to use this one. *hands over .45*
Calleigh: *grabs gun, points at Ramirez, pulls trigger*
Click click
Ramirez: *laughs* You think I'd give you a loaded gun?
Calleigh: I don't know, why would you threaten me with an unloaded gun?
Ramirez: Smart, I like that. You probably don't have very many men protecting you.
Calleigh: Not many that I can count.
Ramirez: Mhm. If you don't tell me where to drive, I'll kill the child.
Calleigh: *looks at Lori*
Ramirez: I need to know how to get to Coconut Grove.
Calleigh: South Biscayne Ave.
Ramirez: Thank you.
Calleigh: *sits*
Horatio: Good job.
Calleigh: I didn't want to give him the information.
Horatio: You did what was necessary.
Calleigh: I know.