CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great updates to come home to after work geni... just the thing i needed before I have to do my homework *sigh* Can't wait to see what happens.... I hope i get to drive... I am actually a pretty good driver from what i have been told by my parents when i was backing the vechiles out of the drive way... when i was sitting on their lap of course lol.... anyway can't wait for more lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the reviews guys, I'll be back later today with more chapters. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

great chapters Geni I am enjoying the story so much so keep up the brilliant work and I hope you update soon. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh man I'm so bad with mechanics!! LOL
Anyway great update Geni . The part with Speed when he protect Lori was really beautiful :)
Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Runnin' With The Wrong Crowd

3 am

Carole: I GOT IT!

Jess: You hotwired it?

Carole: I found a spare key.

Everyone: *looks at Carole*

Carole: What? I found a spare key.

JC: *pushes Carole* I'm driving. *turns key*

Carole: Are you sure you know how to drive?

JC: It can't be that hard.

Katie: Maybe I should drive.

JC: No. It's mine.

Katie: It's not yours.

JC: It is now. *presses gas pedal*

Everyone flies backwards

Carly: Whoa can you say horsepower? Geez.

Anni: My alcohol is EVERYWHERE. Quick! Lick the carpets!

Carly: Have fun.


Ramirez: You, get over here.

Calleigh: Me?

Ramirez: Yeah you.

Calleigh: What do you want?

Ramirez: You're going to give me directions.

Calleigh: I'm not going to do anything for you.

Ramirez: *points gun in Calleigh's face*

Calleigh: *frowns*

Ramirez: You can die right now.

Calleigh: I won't help you kill hundreds of innocent people.

Ramirez: *cocks gun* Alright then.

Calleigh: *stares at Ramirez*

Ramirez: *smiles* I like you. You have that certain...Fire about you.

Calleigh: Really.

Ramirez: You remind me why I love Miami.

Calleigh: And you remind me why I love my job.

Ramirez: So tell me, *walks closer* What's your specialty?

Calleigh: Ballistics.

Ramirez: ...Ballistics?

Calleigh: The analysis of firearms and other weapons.

Ramirez: Guns huh? You any good?

Calleigh: I've been told I know my way around a firearm.

Ramirez: *walks around Calleigh* Alright then, show me how to use this one. *hands over .45*

Calleigh: *grabs gun, points at Ramirez, pulls trigger*

Click click

Ramirez: *laughs* You think I'd give you a loaded gun?

Calleigh: I don't know, why would you threaten me with an unloaded gun?

Ramirez: Smart, I like that. You probably don't have very many men protecting you.

Calleigh: Not many that I can count.

Ramirez: Mhm. If you don't tell me where to drive, I'll kill the child.

Calleigh: *looks at Lori*

Ramirez: I need to know how to get to Coconut Grove.

Calleigh: South Biscayne Ave.

Ramirez: Thank you.

Calleigh: *sits*

Horatio: Good job.

Calleigh: I didn't want to give him the information.

Horatio: You did what was necessary.

Calleigh: I know.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great update geni can't wait for more.. i am pissed cause well you no one reason and the other cause I have homework l ol..... Hahaha i like the me and the gas and the everyone flying backward lol Can't wait for more!!!!! *smiles*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh certainly has fire in her and I hope nothing happens to little Lori she is so adorable I can't imagine anyone wanting to point a gun at a little child. :mad:

update soon Geni :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww! I never thought I'd say this (well atleast in the rt lol) but anyways YAY CALLEIGH! I mean its bad that she told the bad guys where to go. But its good because she saved Lori. AND LORI'S TO CUTE TO DIE! .....Now that I got that off my chest. lol. Great update Geni. Like usual. And seriously Anni.....don't lick the carpets. lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I Told You Everything, Open Up And Let You In

Bus, 5 am

Lori: *pokes Speed*

Delko: *looks over*

Lori: *pokes Speed*

Delko: *smirks*

Lori: *pokes Speed*

Delko: *punches Speed*

Speed: *sits up* WHAT? What! ..What?

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: *sigh* I'm up.

Calleigh: We're in Miami.

Delko: *looks outside* Yeah, morning rushour.

Ramirez: *walks over* Get off the bus.

Speed: ...Excuse me?

Ramirez: Get off the bus.

Speed: *stares at Ramirez*

Ramirez: *shoots gun*

Speed: *jumps*

Lori: *covers ears*

Ramirez: Get. Off. The. Bus.

Speed: *nods* Okay. Just let me give my daughter to Er-

Ramirez: No. She stays with my men.

Speed: You don't need to hurt her.

Ramirez: No one said I would. *nods*

Pablo: *grabs Lori*

Lori: Daddy!

Speed: It's okay.

Lori: *nods*

Ramirez: Get off the bus.

Speed: Why?

Horatio: ...Speed.

Speed: *sigh* Fine. *walks with armed man off bus*

Ramirez: You too.

Calleigh: *frowns*

Ramirez: NOW!

Calleigh: *stands, follows other armed man off bus*

Horatio: Where are they being taken?

Ramirez: Outside.

Horatio: Why?

Ramirez: Look out the window and see.


Guy1: Get on your knees!

Calleigh: *gets on knees*

Guy2: You too!

Speed: *gets on knees*

Guy1: *points gun to Calleigh's head*

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *looks back down at ground*

Guy2: *points gun to Speed's head*


Delko: What are they doing? What's going on?

Ramirez: Isn't it obvious?

Delko: *bangs on window* STOP!

Ramirez: I thought you hated them.

Delko: Not enough to execute them!

Horatio: Look, there are other ways we can solve this.

Ramirez: I don't got a problem.


Calleigh: We helped you.

Guy1: Yeah and we're finished with you. *cocks gun*

Guy2: *cocks gun*

Calleigh: Tim...

Speed: *looking down at ground*

Calleigh: Tim, say something.

Speed: ...I hear a motor.

Calleigh: ..What? What the heck does that mean?

Hummerhome speeds down the road, swerving all over the place, crashes into two armed men and stops.

Speed: ...*looks up*

Calleigh: ...Okay that's a lot of blood.

JC: *rolls down window* ..Oops. Clean up on aisle five!

Katie: HECK YES!

Speed: *stands* What are you doing here?

Katie: Kicking terrorist butt. *runs out of Hummerhome, hugs Speed*

Speed: *hugs Katie*

Calleigh: *stands* Well then, crisis averted.

Ramirez: *walks out of bus with four guys* I don't think so.

Katie: Oh...Crap.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh man! Geni you had me there for a second. I was thinking "NO don't let them die" but deep down I was like 'Kill Calleigh! Save Speed!" lol.

JC: *rolls down window* ..Oops. Clean up on aisle five!
OMG HECK. FLIPPIN.YES! lol. But awwww Calleigh's ok, Speed's ok, I'm ok...well atleast for now anyways! Update soon please!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

excellent chapter Geni you had my blood pressure going up there for a minute, and Katie comes in and saves Speed and Calleigh but I hope little Lori will be okay.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

JC: *rolls down window* ..Oops. Clean up on aisle five!
Katie: HECK YES!
Ah, JC, would these be the bodies that you didn't want the police to find, because...I think they found them :D :D, sorry, inside joke! Great update Geni!
Calleigh: *stands* Well then, crisis averted.
Ramirez: *walks out of bus with four guys* I don't think so.
Katie: Oh...Crap.
So close! Come on, let's kick some terrorist ass!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha that was good wasn't it with the whole me running terrorists over lol. great updates geni and I can't wait for more
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

lol! That was cool! :lol: game- smash the terror pumpkins with hummer! :lol:

update soon Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the reviews!

I had some spoilers that I leaked over msn to some unsuspecting people, so I'll post them here tonight, and then I'll have some more chapters up tomorrow.

The Hummerhome will sink, with people inside of them. - Not saying which people. Someone will die, and the murder of choice will be a harpoon to the head, and they'll fall off a boat (into a sea of sharks) being cannoned by pirates on their way to Cuba. (Remember, I didn't say who would die so I can be misleading) Coconut grove will be bombed, which creates a very big crime scene. There will be no new or old characters introduced, and no one will get shot.

Eh, it makes this place fun. Why not have spoilers? :D
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