CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

AHHHHHHHHHHH OMG! WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN OMG WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO FIND THEM AND SAVE THEM AND .............okay, gotta calm down. but OMG Geni! You do know how to make things action packed. Poor Lori, and aww poor Katie, she just got out of the hospital and now she gets smacked. SAVE THE CSI'S!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'll have more in a little bit.


Another One With A Bullet


Guy3: Alright let's hit it.

Man: *drives*

Horatio: So what are you going to do with us?

Guy3: I haven't decided yet.

Horatio: Why are you going to Miami?

Guy3: You don't need to know that.

Horatio: Well actually I do need to know that.

Guy3: If you ask me one more question, I'm going to but a round in your head.

Horatio: *nods*

Calleigh: How is she?

Speed: She's fine.

Lori: *wipes eyes*

Calleigh: Aw.

Lori: *rubs face*

Speed: *looks down*

Lori: *snif*

Speed: *touches Lori's face* Great.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: He hurt my child. I'm going to kick his ass.

Calleigh: ...Do you have your cell phone?

Speed: No, they took it.

Calleigh: Are you sure she's okay?

Speed: She's fine.

Lori: *sigh*

Speed: *strokes Lori's head* I know.

Lori: *snif*

Calleigh: This has been a great week huh?

Speed: Yeah, it's been terrific.

Calleigh: We'll get out of here.

Speed: I know.

Calleigh: At least we're going back to Miami. That's a good thing right?

Speed: I guess it depends what you think is good.

Calleigh: Well they haven't killed anyone yet, so I think we'll be fine.

Speed: Yeah.


Katie: *rubs face* That was really uncalled for.

Carly: Where did they go?

JC: They left down the highway.

Katie: Ugh and I told him not to go.

JC: We should follow them.

Jess: Do you have the keys?

JC: Horatio took them.

Carole: We can hotwire it.

JC: Oh yeah, well if you can figure out how to do it, be my guest.

Carole: Okay. *walks to front of Hummerhome*

Katie: They have Lori. I'm gonna kill whoever has her.

Carly: At least Speed's with her.

Katie: *nods* Good.

Carly: So when we find them, let's just kill the bad guys.

Katie: You can't just kill people. Shots will fly, and I'm not going to open fire when there's a little girl in there.

Jess: Hey where did those hostages go?

Katie: They went walking down the highway.

Jess: ...Do they know they could have stayed here?

Katie: Obviously not.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aww poor Lori and everybody. But hey atleast were all still alive right? And yay! Carole's going to hot wire the car!

Calleigh: This has been a great week huh?

Speed: Yeah, it's been terrific.
Whoa, thats sarcasm if I've ever seen it. lol. I hope everything turns out ok. And I want to know why there going to Miami. Mr. Oh let's just escape from jail and kidnap some cops because thats the cool thing to do! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hahahaha that would be intresting......random hostages walking down the highway lol. OMG this story is so amazing WE HAVE TO SAVE THE CSIs! And Lori! lol because she's too cute to be killed! Hurry Carole! They're getting away! Vite vite vite! lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

All Others Are Suspects...

Bus, 5 pm

Guy2: *walks over* Which one of you is Delko?

Everyone looks around

Horatio: Why?

Guy2: Because I asked.

Horatio: I am. What do you need?

Guy2: Actually I think Delko is a little darker than you hombre.

Delko: I'm Delko.

Guy2: You work against our people.

Delkko: ..I do?

Guy2: You come with these white guys, and invade our homes and our families putting us away for crimes we didn't commit. Miami is a borrough for you anti-Cubans. You're a traitor.

Delko: *lifts brows* Uh....I'm not a traitor, I'm a police officer.

Guy2: Where were you when our people were being raped and murdered, and abused by your own federal government? You send out wild search parties for little white chicas who dissapear, and we're forced to look for our own lost children with the community. If you can call it that anymore.

Delko: ...Look, I'm sorry for your problems but that doesn't mean I'm against you. I treat everyone the same. How did you even know about me?

Guy2: I got some friends in high places back in Miami. Look at who you're with. You call them your friends. They're not even Cuban.

Delko: Don't you think that's a little unfair?

Guy2: No.

Guy3: Will you shut up about your conspiracy theories?

Guy2: I'm going to kill everyone you ever loved.

Delko: What if I don't love anyone?

Guy2: *laughs, walks away*

Speed: ...What was that about?

Delko: I have no idea.

Horatio: I guess we know why this bus is heading down to Miami.

Delko: You think they're planning some kind of attack?

Horatio: When you have six guys carrying tech 9s on their way to Miami, it never means anything good's about to happen.

Speed: So....They're targeting racist white people?

Horatio: And Cuban traitors.

Speed: Well then they've got their work cut out for them.

Delko: Hey, man there are a lot of innocent people there.

Speed: I was just saying.

Delko: Don't. You don't understand.

Speed: Yeah okay, fine I don't get it. I don't get that a bunch of crazy angry Cubans want the rest of the Cubans in Miami dead because they have a wild theory that the government is out to get them. Oh and they might as well kill the white man while they're at it.

Delko: You have no idea what these people go through. You lived in a house with your family, and you had food to eat every night, and a warm bed to sleep in.

Speed: So did you. Just because you're Cuban, it doesn't make you automatically one of them.

Delko: Our people went through a lot.

Speed: Every culture does.

Delko: You don't understand.

Speed: You are not saying white people caused this.

Delko: I'm just saying you could have helped us out when we came to shore with nothing.

Speed: *frowns* What do you think Welfare is for?

Delko: *frowns*

Horatio: Gentlemen....

Speed: Alright fine, its the white man's fault for everything. It's our fault your own people murder each other. It's our fault some communist leader decided to make everyone's life a living hell. It's our fault you needed to learn english to go to the 'rich' schools so you can end up getting a job as a janitor in some college anyway.

Delko: I worked hard to get where I am.

Speed: So did I.

Delko: No. No you didn't, you got to attend the nice schools, you got the top job, and you expect everyone to wait on you hand and foot.

Speed: Don't start comparing your life with mine.

Delko: *laughs* Right I forgot, your dad had his way with prostitues, gambled, murdered innocent people in the mob, while your mother was none the wiser, your brother turned out gay and your sister was murdered because she thought she was doing everyone a favor by sticking her nose somewhere it didn't belong.

Speed: *glares*

Horatio: Gentlemen. Enough.

Delko: *mumbles* Racist bastard.

Speed: *shakes head*

Horatio: *warning tone* Eric...

Delko: Yeah okay fine, I'm finished. *walks away*

Calleigh: What was that all about?

Horatio: Let's just concentrate on the...Current situation.


(Disclaimer: None of which was said, reflects my personal opinion. - Just to make that clear)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

0_0 Whoa, serious Delko. Thats....not common. I don't really know what to say about that without getting into a debate and this isn't really the time or place for that. Soooooo...all i'm going to say is I hope that this situation doesn't turn Eric and Speed against eachother. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Yeah serious Delko almost never happens, but I figure it's time right? :p (And yeah debates wouldn't be a good thing to get into right now- Which is why I'm staying at arms length in my responses)

Get Ready

Bus, 7 pm

Delko: Have those guys said anything they've planned yet?

Horatio: Not currently.

Delko: *sigh* H, I want to make sure no one gets hurt.

Speed: Pfft.

Delko: *glares* Was I talking to you?

Speed: You might as well join them.

Delko: *grabs Speed*

Speed: What the hell are you doing!

Calleigh: *grabs Lori, who is sleeping*

Delko: *punches Speed in the face*

Speed: *falls*

Calleigh: *puts Lori on seat*

Speed: *touches mouth* What the hell is your problem?

Delko: *frowning* If you were any other man I'd kill you.

Speed: Eric listen to yourself.

Delko: This is why our people have so much trouble. It's híbridos like you that make us sleep in the streets with nothing.

Speed: Did you just call me a bastard in spanish?

Delko: *grabs Speed*

Speed: What are you doing!

Delko: I should kill you!

Speed: *pushes Eric*

Delko: *grabs Speed*

Calleigh: HEY! This isn't going to solve anything so STOP IT!

Speed: *stares at Eric*

Delko: *stares at Speed*

Calleigh: I don't care WHAT race you belong to, you are human being so act like it.

Speed: *wipes blood off mouth*

Delko: *looks down at floor*

Calleigh: Sit down. Both of you.

Speed/Delko sit

Calleigh: Thank you. *sits*

Delko: *angry sigh*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: Okay. Speed, watch for their shifts, I want to know when they switch drivers. Eric, don't speak to any one of them. Calleigh, find out where we are.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*Gasp* Is it wrong...I mean I know the situation is bad and I know Delko must feel bad and everything right now. But Is it wrong that I think it was totally awesome that Eric punched Speed in the face? *looks around* I mean you get Eric and Speed in a room together that's already like hotness over load but you start throwing punches and oh boy. lol. But leave it to Calleigh to jump in and save the day. lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

okay, what is it with girls and cute kids...sniff...I want one too!!!!
Lori: *grabs Horatio's shades* HEE!!
only a child could get away with something like that!
Katie: *sits up* Oh my God you didn't kill her did you?
don't worry Katie! She's fine, last time I checked...
Lori: CSI!
okay, was that not the cutest thing ever in the entire world?!?!?!?! now I really want one...
Oh WOW! Serious Delko rocks! Loved the updates, even the part where people almost died...
Oh, and bring updates with you.
Hey, we all know that you're great, your personal opinions are yours. Personally, I think...we need more updates! *giggles uncontrollably* and more serious delko, that was cool!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

It's not wrong at all. :devil:

And thanks, Missy. I'm still going to keep my opinions on the back burner though. ;)

We're On..Overload. :p


Katie: Carole, you've been at it for like four hours. They're probably on the other side of the county by now.

Carole: These wires are so confusing. They're all red.

Jess: Ugh maybe there's a bomb in there and we can explode all the way to them.

Carly: Can't we just put a rocket on the roof and fly there?

Jess: And where are you going to get a rocket?

Carly: ...My pocket.

Jess: You have a rocket in your pocket.

Carly: Yeah right next to the locket in my socket.

Jess: What?

Carly: What?

Katie: ...*shakes head* Okay so when we get this baby hotwired, who's going to drive?

Carly: I think since I'm the real CSI around here, I should get to drive.

JC: No way. Horatio loves me so I should drive.

Missy: I haven't done anything in a while. Can I drive?

JC: No.

Missy: You're mean.

Anni: Can we just watch some porn with a bottle of tequila and worry about them in the morning?

Katie: Um, I think that's a big collective NO on our part.

Anni: Ah man.

Carly: Have you got it Carole?

Carole: I need a flashlight.

Carly: What have you been doing for four hours?

Carole: Trying to get under here. It's like...Glued shut.

Katie: We have to make a plan. We need guns.

Carly: Didn't Trevor leave some guns in here?

Katie: Different Hummerhome.

Carly: Ah crap. Well that screwed my whole plan right there.

JC: Maybe if we grab some pipes, we can heat them over the stove, and beat the snot out of them.

Katie: Okay well first of all, we have to find them. Secondly, where are we getting these pipes, and why do they have to be on fire?

JC: I didn't say they had to be on fire.

Missy: Why don't we just drive to Miami, and call the cops?

Everyone: ...*blinks*

Missy: What?



Horatio: Okay so the driver's name is Sam, the very...Verbal Cuban's name is Pablo, and the one that had Lori, is only being named as Ramirez.

Delko: You didn't get the other guy's names?

Horatio: They haven't said much.

Speed: They haven't switched drivers yet, so it probably means we're not stopping.

Horatio: Mhm one way ticket to Miami.

Calleigh: What are they going to do with us when we get to Miami?

Horatio: They'll probably kill us.

Speed: H.

Horatio: I know. We'll try and get Lori out of here. Give her to Eric when we stop, they seem to identify with him more. They'll probably want him to join them.

Delko: No. I'm not taking her.

Speed: Eric, don't be mad at her because of me. She's an innocent child.

Delko: ...Fine.

Speed: Thank you.

Delko: *frowns*

Calleigh: I'll see what we can do for weapons.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHAHA. Awww poor Carole spent four hours trying to get it open. lol.
Missy: Why don't we just drive to Miami, and call the cops?

Everyone: ...*blinks*

Missy: What?

Teehee. Oh no! Calling the cops would be soooo overrated! lol.
Horatio: They'll probably kill us.

Speed: H.

Horatio: I know. We'll try and get Lori out of here. Give her to Eric when we stop, they seem to identify with him more. They'll probably want him to join them.

Delko: No. I'm not taking her.

Speed: Eric, don't be mad at her because of me. She's an innocent child.

Delko: ...Fine.

Speed: Thank you.
Awwww poor Lori. Stupid Calleigh had to go and bring her up in the first place. Geesh. lol. But i'm glad Eric changed his mind about taking her. She doesn't deserve to die. And as much as I would like him to I dont think he will but he should save speed to lol. Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect



Bus, midnight

Calleigh: Ugh I'm so tired.

Delko: *closes eyes* Maybe they'll kill us in our sleep so we won't have to deal with them tomorrow.

Lori: *climbs into Speed's lap* Daddy.

Speed: *looks down* Hey what are you doing up?

Lori: *leans head on Speed's chest*

Speed: *nods* Good answer.

Lori: *sigh*

Speed: *closes eyes*

Delko: *looks over*

Calleigh: Are you two going to fight forever?

Delko: No. I probably over-reacted.

Calleigh: You both did.

Delko: No one here deserves to die.

Calleigh: I know.

Delko: *nods*

Calleigh: Oh look at them. So cute.

Delko: You ever think about settling down?

Calleigh: Sure. I wanted to marry him remember?

Delko: Would you have really wanted to spend the rest of your life with him?

Calleigh: ...A long time ago, maybe. But I could see right away that he...Wanted something more.

Delko: Katie?

Calleigh: Maybe.

Delko: He's an excellent father.

Calleigh: Oh I know.

Speed: *frowns* Most people talk about the other person when they're not there or otherwise unconscious.

Delko: *smirks*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: Can we stop talking about me now please?

Lori: Daddy...Stop talking.

Delko: *laughs*

Calleigh: *smiling*

Speed: I'm sorry.

Lori: *snuggles closer*

Delko: One of us should be awake to make sure nothing happens.

Calleigh: Horatio's awake. If he needs one of us, he'll let us know.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww Calleigh and Delko were talking about Speed when he was in the room. Silly gooses.

Lori: *climbs into Speed's lap* Daddy.

Speed: *looks down* Hey what are you doing up?

Lori: *leans head on Speed's chest*

Speed: *nods* Good answer.
I swear seriously no matter what she does I wind up saying AAWWW extremely loud all the time! lol.

Speed: Can we stop talking about me now please?

Lori: Daddy...Stop talking.

Delko: *laughs*

Calleigh: *smiling*

Speed: I'm sorry.

Lori: *snuggles closer*
Seriously she's just a cutie.

And the whole staying awake thing is probably a good thing. Never know what might happen. Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

well this is something cool! :D action, action! :devil:
A team kindnap CSI's :lol:
H always awake..too much coffee :p coffee makes him non-human :lol:

oh, shi- ... gotta go, duty calls! :D
*points finger on Geni * but you Geni*serious look* ....Good job! ;) :D *fly away like a superman*
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