CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great updates geni I would of read them ,last night but I was seeing three computers and then passed out in the bathroom so ya .... umm got drunk on a school night but I had a bad day at work I forgot my insulin at school... ya wasn't good... oh ya and just a idea you might want to specify which test they did cause there is two for Iron and one for blood glucose levels... just a hint ... kk.... well great updates anyway and can't wait for more.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

WOW Geni's been busy! lol Awwwww poor Speed, and Lori, and Katie lol Katie squeazed Speed's hand......that's gotta be a good thing. Haha I liked those last few lines in the last chapter.

Poor Geni, I'm pretty much an insomniac too.....not really but I can't get to sleep when I should. The only diffrence is that I'm only allowed on the computer until ten haha. I can't wait to see what happens!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

wouuu that is so cool! everything is cool! everyone is cool! fun fun FUN! :D oh.. pardon :p hyper activity :p

*start talking with english accent*so *cough-cough* back to the RT *cough-cough* i think it is very well written project*cough-cough* sorry there is something in my throat, a cup of tea would be lovely.. and i want to say huge thanks to author for her patient and time!thank you *clap-clap* Bravissimo *arrange glasses* *cough-cough* where is my tea, bring it before i lose my temper :p
*audience* clap clap clap ! Geni we love you! :D

ok back to reality :p
Really, hands down, you are awsome, your trip is awsome and it is great! *thumbs up* keep up a good work... i really, really enjoy it! :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

It was the Serum Iron Test. ;)

And thanks for the great reviews, they mean a lot. I'm glad my insomniac..Ness is paying off. :lol: I'll have more this afternoon when I get home, so stay tuned. - LtKitty, you'll be added soon, I promise. :p
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww my those was some really great update Geni and I can imagine how cute is Lorie!! I want the same one. Well in some few years because I'm just 18 years so it's a little bit soon :p
Update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww! I read these updates this morning but I didn't have time to reply!

Delko: Lori's cute.

Speed: *smirks*

Delko: AHA! It feels.
Teehe, I love it when someone says things like that to him and I don't know why. But aww I squeezed Speed's hand, that must be a good thing. And goodness several updates in one post. You must have had insomnia! lol. Let's seee.....Lori has an obsession with guns. Oh no! BULLET PROOF BABY! Sorry I felt the need to shout that! Great updates! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I don't think we have to worry about little Lori ever getting shot. ;)

While I'm in a spoiler mood...

LtKitty, since this thread will be over in about 400 some more posts, I was thinking of holding your character off until near the very end, where the beginning of the new thread will be a little more fresh and polished. (Yeah okay polished is a bad word, but it's all I could come up with) If you have any concerns with it, just PM me anytime. :)

Jess, you're getting a personal storyline, and it will have a banana in it. :p

And I was going to give a few spoilers about the whole Katie storyline, but I'd like to hold off on that for a bit. - I change my ideas more often than my underwear. (Okay bad example)

I'd also like to thank you all for slowing down the frequency of IMs and PMs about the RT. I've had a much needed rest, and a lot of time to breathe, so thank you very much. :)

I'll have another chapter soon.

Yes I Dreamed You


Lori is sitting on the floor crying

Speed: *walks in* What's going on?

Calleigh: She just started crying.

Speed: And you didn't do anything?

Calleigh: You're the father, you do something!

Speed: *walks over*

Lori: *looks up* DADDA! *reaches out*

Speed: *picks up Lori*

Lori grabs Speed's shirt and wipes nose

Calleigh: *sigh* I guess she's suffering from seperation anxiety?

Speed: Cal, I'm on a case. You could have dealt with this.

Calleigh: How?

Speed: By distracting her.

Calleigh: With what?

Speed: Where's everyone else?

Calleigh: They're in the hospital visiting.

Lori leans head on Speed's shoulder

Speed: Okay well, I have to get back to the scene.

Calleigh: You're going to leave her here?

Speed: I can't bring her with me.

Calleigh: But...Then I'll be alone with her.

Speed: Yeah they're cute until they start crying right?

Calleigh: Actually she's cuter when she's crying.

Speed: Funny.

Calleigh: I'll get some of the girls to help take care of her.

Speed: Whoa, whoa where are you going?

Calleigh: To process the scene with you.

Speed: Uh, I don't think so.

Calleigh: Why not?

Speed: I'm not leaving Lori with a bunch of crazed girls.

Calleigh: They're not crazed.

Speed: They'll get my daughter drunk.

Calleigh: *laughs* Maybe it'll calm her down.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: I'm kidding. Come on Lori, let's g-

Lori: NO! *wraps arms around Speed*

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: *smirks*

Speed: ...What.

Calleigh: I've never seen someone cling to you for dear life before.

Delko: *walks in* Hey the ME took the body and I've got a patrol guy down there.

Calleigh: Oh so you're finished?

Delko: Well until we get the evidence processed. Hey what's with the tears?

Speed: I already told you Eric.

Lori looks at Eric

Delko: *smiles* Hey.

Lori smirks

Delko: Aw, aren't you a pretty girl.

Lori smiles

Delko: There, tears gone.

Calleigh: Hey maybe me and Eric can take care of her for a while.

Speed: Uh, yeah I don't think so.

Calleigh: Why not?

Speed: I wouldn't trust Eric with a potato.

Delko: Hey. She is not a potato she is a human being. I am very responsabable.

Speed: *frowns* ...When you learn to pronounce 'responsible', you can take care of her.

Delko: What's the worst that could happen? It's not like I'd drop her down the toilet.

Speed: No.

Delko: Come on! I'm good with kids!

Calleigh: He really is.

Delko: Yeah see? Calleigh agrees. And besides, once we get her sitting in front of cartoons, she'll be so distracted, she won't even know you're gone.

Speed: No.

Delko: She'll be fine.

Speed: *looks down at Lori*

Lori touches Speed's stubble and giggles

Calleigh: *smiles* Please?

Delko: Yeah please?

Speed: Fine. *hands Lori to Calleigh*

Calleigh: Yay!

Delko: Yes!

Speed: But if something happens...I'll murder you.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *stares at Eric*

Delko: Um...*clears throat* You're not kidding.

Speed: No, I'm not.

Delko: Alright then, consider her the safest child in the world.

Calleigh: She'll be fine Tim.

Speed: I'll see you two later. *leaves*

Delko: Okay...Spongebob or The Simpsons?

Calleigh: You pick, it doesn't matter.

Delko: The Simpsons.

Calleigh: *sits Lori down on couch* There. Okay?

Lori: *smiles*

Delko: *turns on tv, sits on couch* Okay, you see him? *points* That's Homer.

Calleigh: Yeah he's a lot like Eric.

Lori: *giggles*

Delko: Yeah funny. Okay, that's Lisa. She's smart.

Calleigh: And that's Bart. He's kind of stupid, but he's my favorite.

Delko: Yeah Calleigh always goes for the rebels.

Calleigh: I do not.

Delko: You do so.

Calleigh: You like Marge.

Delko: *gasp* I DO NOT!

Lori: *giggling*

Calleigh: I like Apu.

Delko: Why?

Calleigh: He cracks me up.

Delko: I like Otto. Did you know that Otto spelled backwards is Otto?

Calleigh: Thanks for the spelling lesson there Eric.

Delko: I was talking to Lori.

Calleigh: Sure you were.

Lori: *points to screen* HOMER!

Delko: No, that's Grandpa Simpson.

Lori: HOMER!

Delko: *sigh* It's going to be a long day.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww, Lori's so cute! She's all cryin and wipin her nose on Speed's shirt. I just thought that was so cute for some reason. And you know ....its probably a good idea that Speed didn't leave her with the other girls because I honestly wouldn't put it past Anni to get her drunk. lol.

Delko: Aw, aren't you a pretty girl.

Lori smiles

Delko: There, tears gone.

Delko, Sure does have a way with the ladies doesn't he. And Lori's only one. lol.

Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

a cute chapter Geni , I like what you're doing here, the interaction between Speed and Lori it is so cute and he is so protective. I'm hoping Katie will pull through soon.

update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

^ :lol: You crack me up Katie. You really, really do.

calleighspeedle, I'm glad you like what's goin' on with it. :D As for Katie, we'll see what happens.

Your Name, It Sounds So Sweet

Hummerhome, 5 pm

Horatio: *walks in* How are we doing?

Calleigh: Shh, The Simpsons.

Speed: *walks in* You're still watching that?

Lori: HOMER!

Speed: *sits down* Lovely.

Carly: Oh! Oh! This is the good part! The Who are going to break down the wall with the speaker turned up to 'wu-oh'

Horatio: Turn that off please.

JC: Why?

Horatio: I'm going to make dinner so you all need to set up the table and get washed up.

Carly: We're not five.

Horatio: Do it.

Carly: *sigh* Fine.

Speed: ...Who put pigtails in my daughter's hair?

Calleigh: *smiles* I did.

Speed: Why?

Calleigh: She looks cute. I mean, I couldn't just let that long curly blonde hair just...Sit there.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Delko: At least we kept her occupied.

Lori: *points to Eric* JACKASS!

Everyone: *looks at Lori*

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Delko: Uh...Haha.

Speed: Eric....

Delko: It was the tv show, not me.

Speed: *glares*

Calleigh: Well at least she was saying it to Eric.

Speed: ...Good girl.

Lori: *smiles*

Delko: Hey! That's not fair.

Speed: Life isn't fair.

Delko: Stop saying that.

Lori grabs Speed's shirt

Speed: What?

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: She's so random.

Calleigh: She wants your attention.

Speed: *picks up Lori, sits her on his lap* There.

Lori: *smiles*

Delko: I like her. She's a happy kid. She's nothing like Speed it's great!

Speed: Ha. Ha.

Horatio: I spoke to Katie's doctor today.

Speed: Yeah?

Horatio: She's been doing really well after the surgery. There's still not much brain activity.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: *looks up* Daddy sad?

Speed: *shakes head* No, daddy's not sad.

Lori: *smiles*

Calleigh: Is dinner ready yet?

Horatio: I haven't even turned on the stove.

Calleigh: What have you been doing?

Horatio: Reading how to work the stove.

Carly: Good lord, get out of the way H-man, this is a job for me.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ok, first of all Lori calling Eric "Jackass" was the icing on the cake! She sure takes after her father! And aww I can see her all with her pigtail and watching simpsons and on Speed's lap! Its so cute! And yay! Carly called Horatio "H man" God love it!

Lori: *looks up* Daddy sad?

Speed: *shakes head* No, daddy's not sad.
Awwwwwww!! *sniff* So cute! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Jess, you're getting a personal storyline, and it will have a banana in it.
I've got to stop participating in the MSN convos lol who gave you that idea, Lauren? I can't remember lol ...........yep, just confirmed, it was indeed Lauren, she denies it too "Lauren says:
*starts smiling a bit* Banana? What's this about a banana?"
let's just hope there are no...condoms...involved lol I dont' want to........choke haha to anyone who wasn't in it we probably sound nuts but that's who we are! haha.

Anyway *ahem* back to the RT. Lori is SO CUTE! I love when she touched Speed's stubble and giggled. Awww poor Katie, LIVE KATIE, LIVE! And eat a banana! THEY'RE AN EXCELLENT SOURCE OF POTASSIUM! lol

Great updates Geni, can't wait for more. ugh, I have a four hour test tomorrow, and it SUCKS! I don't wanna go!!!!!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay for those poor souls who haven't had the 'pleasure' of speaking with us on MSN, I'm sorry for our randomness here. :p (I've recently become one of the perverted minds on MSN due to colours such as BLACK AND WHITE)

....Thanks for reading the chapters! Hee! I'll have more up soon. ;)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA! Black and White! :D *dances* though I have a feeling that means something different to what I'm thinking of... ;)

And AWWWWWW Lori is so cute! All cute and smalland whatnot..AWWW Speedy is such a cute father :D

and yeah H! let me cook, at least I know what I'm doing...sort of...

And sorry I hardly talk to you guys on MSN anymore, but its the time difference and school and stuff...GAH I HATE SCHOOL! *cough* sorry for that, its just that my exams start on Monday, so I'm not very happy about school...

Ok, I forgot my original point...oh yeah! please update soon
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