CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Welcome To Resistance


Horatio: *walks in* I thought I said you were fired.

Speed: *passes over paper*

Horatio: *looks down* ...Psychiatrist's blood. Where was it found?

Speed: The banister.

Horatio: ...He was at the scene.

Speed: Yeah even though he said he wasn't there during the murder.

Horatio: So that makes him a liar.

Speed: It makes him guilty. *hands over folder* I looked into the log books. Lori was admitted to the maximum security room twelve times in the last three months. Heavy sedatives were used every time.

Horatio: Let's go talk to him.

Speed: ...As in both of us?

Horatio: Good job Speed. *walks away*

Speed: ...Alright then.

Psychiatry office

Psychiatrist: I didn't murder anyone!

Speed: Your blood places you at the scene.

Psychiatrist: So?

Horatio: So it means you were there even though you said you were in Buffalo. You murdered Molly.

Speed: *takes painting off the wall* Hey H.

Horatio: *looks over* Interesting. A dust mark where a cross-shaped figure used to be.

Speed: Why did you kill her?

Psychiatrist: ...She didn't want me locking Lori up in the room. She attacked me and I defended myself.

Speed: Was that before, or after you injured Lori with a needle?

Psychiatrist: She was moving and I needed to find the vein.

Speed: You're not a medical doctor. What were you doing with the syringe?

Psychiatrist: The other doctors were trying to get her to stay still.

Horatio: So Molly gets angry, runs after you and then you defend yourself.

Psychiatrist: Yeah.

Horatio: How did you manage to get all the way up to your office, unlock it, take the crucifix off the wall, and stab her?

Psychiatrist: *frowns*

Speed: She knew what you were doing was illegal. She wanted to call for help, so she ran to your office. You cut her off, and tried to stop her.

Psychiatrist: She was a mental defective! She'd get the entire board riled up over nothing!

Horatio: So you shut her up.

Psychiatrist: I never meant to stab her that hard.

Speed: You cut yourself on the crucifix, and left your blood, and Lori's blood on the banister. You meant to stab her that hard.

Psychiatrist: Yeah well she deserved it.

Horatio: Okay. Your ride's here.

Patrol cops walk in


Horatio: ...I'm sorry.

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: I should have trusted you.

Speed: It doesn't matter.

Horatio: I lept to conclusions before thinking.

Speed: Yeah you did. And now my wife hates me. I thought you of all people would believe me.

Horatio: I'm sorry.

Speed: So I guess I'm still fired then.

Horatio: ...I may have let my emotions cloud my judgement.

Speed: Yeah?

Horatio: You're not fired.

Speed: Maybe you should tell JC you love her before anymore of your 'emotions' get clouded. *walks into Lori's room*

Horatio: ...*puts on shades*

Lori's room

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: I have to leave now.

Lori: Did you find out who hurt Molly?

Speed: Yeah. The psychiatrist did it.

Lori: *hugs Speed* Thank you.

Speed: *sigh*

Lori: *lets go* ...So you're leaving for good?

Speed: Maybe not for good, but for a long time.

Lori: *strokes Speed's face*

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *smiles* Don't come back.

Speed: ...*nods*

Lori: Goodbye.

Speed: See you around. *leaves*

Lori: *smiling*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwwwwwwwww! "Don't come back" That's so...I dunno why did I find that so sad? Maybe its because I didn't get enough sleep. lol. But HA! That psychtrist I knew he was a no good doctor! No one no matter what problem they have deserves to die that way. YAY Speedy's not fired! H put on in his shades indoors. I hate my husband again. The world is good! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

awwwwwwwwww! Lori is so cute! And AH HA I knew the psychiatrist did it! lol Well........I didn't know, but I had a hunch. I'm in such a good mood because I had a good day for my first day back to school, all my teachers and classes are great and I even scored a goal today at my soccer game! *dances* And then I come home to find one of Geni's updates! *break dances* Woot! Keep up the good work Geni, you always make my days brighter! [/cheesyness]
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'm glad that Horatio has given Speed his job back...Horatio should have listened to him in the first place and Lori said to Speed "Don't come back." It was kind of sweet in a way. The psychiatrist did it I suspected him all along.

Great update Geni I'm looking forward to see what you have in store for us next. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OH! I knew that psychiartrist was a jerk! Now he's a jerk AND a murderer...but Lori is sooo cute! And poor Speedy...the one time he doesn't cheat and it gets thrown back in his face. ButI have to admit, I couldn't believe that Horatio would do that...even he was a jerk at that point...

please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio should have listened, but he was right to suspect him as well. He always did say 'trust but verify'. Of course, in this case he didn't exactly trust first. I think Speedle and Horatio have some trust issues.

Keep Moving On

Vegas, two days later

Horatio: *takes off shades* ...Eric?

Delko: Yeah.

Horatio: What are you doing handcuffed to a pipe in the kiddie pool?

Delko: *looks around* ...I'm not sure.

Missy: GET HIM!

All the girls spray Eric with super soakers

Horatio: *steps out of the way*


Missy: *laughing* Oh my God that was awesome.

Horatio: Are you finished?

Calleigh: *drops super soaker* I didn't do it.

Delko: I SAW YOU! You had the murder weapon in your hands!

Calleigh: You weren't murdered Eric.

Delko: Yeah because Horatio got here just in the nick of time.

Katie: *sprays Eric in the mouth*

Delko: AH! AH! AH! *chokes*

Katie: *giggles* I like this game.

Horatio: Alright ladies, uncuff him and put the super soakers away.

Speed: *walks over* ...Did Eric become a male stripper while we were gone?

Delko: *makes a face*

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *throws wedding ring, walks away*

Horatio: *picks up ring*

Speed: ...Yeah well it's nice to see you too!

Delko: *laughs* You just got dumped.

Speed: *grabs super soaker*


Speed: *pulls trigger*

Delko: ...*opens eyes* ...HA! IT DOESN'T WORK! NO WATER LEFT!

Speed: *throws super soaker*

Delko: OW! Okay that was my eye.

Speed: *walks away*

Horatio: Eric, get up and dry off.

Delko: I am. *gets up*

Calleigh: *hands out towel*

Delko: Thank you.

Calleigh: *smiles*


Speed: *runs* Katie!

Katie: *turns around*

Speed: *sigh* Horatio didn't have all the facts.

Katie: *crosses arms* Okay then Speedle, tell me the facts.

Speed: At the Mental Facility, there's a patient there. She appeared to have been assaulted physically so I photographed the markings and made sure she was okay.

Katie: So how did Horatio get that wrong?

Speed: The patient didn't exactly explain things properly.

Katie: Right, you photographed her and that somehow led her to believe you jumped in bed with her.

Speed: I didn't sleep with her.

Katie: Why would Horatio take her word over yours?

Speed: She's a twenty something year old victim, and I'm a thirty something year old man. We were alone in the room, and she had her clothes off.

Katie: ...She had her clothes off?

Speed: I was photographing evidence.

Katie: *sigh* I'm sorry.

Speed: *holds out ring*

Katie: *smirks* Again, sorry. *grabs ring*

Speed: So you're not mad at me?

Katie: Are you kidding me? I just spent the last week with Eric. I kind of missed my favorite CSI.

Speed: Ouch, I'm just your favorite CSI now?

Katie: Wanna search me for evidence? *winks*

Speed: *smirks* I might have to arrest you.

Katie: If you can catch me first.

Speed: That, is resisting arrest.

Katie: *inches closer* You going to read me my rights?

Speed: You have the right to remain...Silent. *winks*

Katie: *smiles* Why yes sir.


Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*snaps history book shut* This is sooo much better then homework!

But at first when I through the ring I was like "God, I'm stupid!" and then I took it back and I was like 'YAY!" And whoa, that ending made me really hyper. Teehee.

Katie: Are you kidding me? I just spent the last week with Eric. I kind of missed my favorite CSI.

Speed: Ouch, I'm just your favorite CSI now?

Hehe, that made me giggle.

Horatio: *picks up ring*

Speed: ...Yeah well it's nice to see you too!

Delko: *laughs* You just got dumped.

Speed: *grabs super soaker*


Speed: *pulls trigger*

Delko: ...*opens eyes* ...HA! IT DOESN'T WORK! NO WATER LEFT!

Speed: *throws super soaker*

Awww, poor speedy can't even fire a gun when its filled with water! *raises fist at Donahue*

Great update there Geni! Seriously a whole week with Eric? What did I ever do? lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aww, *whipes away tears* that was very touching! BAD HORATIO!!!! So good, you rock, Geni! YAY! We're back in Vegas! Come back quick geni! Horatio, you gotta figure it all out!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio: What are you doing handcuffed to a pipe in the kiddie pool?
HA gotta love those four way convos lol. Poor Eric lol now he's going to have a hurt eye....Missy can tend to it teehee. And awww Katie and Speedyman are back together! Yay! See what you did Horatio? *wags finger* haha but Timmy always knows how to get the girl in the end anyway.....haha

*Hugs Geni* Great update!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Yeah. Our poor souls over MSN. But to anyone who didn't have the pleasure of speaking to me on MSN, that conversation led to Delko being cuffed to the pipe in the kiddie pool. :p

Everybody Owes, Everybody Pays

Hummerhome, 9 am

Horatio: Alright welcome back. We're going to get back on the road.

Katie: *sleeping in Speed's lap* ...

Delko: *laughs* You wear her out Speed?

Speed: *narrows eyes* It's early.

Carly: Why are we up at 9 in the morning?

Horatio: We have to get a fresh start.

Carly: Can't we ever get a late start?

Horatio: No.

JC: *yawns* I'm going to miss Vegas.

Horatio: I'm sure we'll be back. *turns key*

Horn goes off

Katie: *jumps* JESUS CHR-...*clears throat*

Speed: *looks down* Good morning.

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: Sorry about that. *scratches head* I need to fix that.

Katie: I almost had a heart attack.

Delko: When, now or last night?

Katie: *sits up* What?

Delko: Nevermind.

Katie: *lays back down* Good night.

Carly: Okay what should we do to wake her?

Anni: Let's pour water over her head.

Katie: *eyes closed* Um hello, not asleep yet.

Carly: Whoops.

Anni: Dang.

Jess: So can we do stuff to you when you're asleep?

Katie: *frowns* No.

Jess: Aw come on.

Katie: No.

Jess: Not even cover you with mustard?

Katie: *groans*

Speed: *frowns* Guys...*shakes head* No.

Delko: What's with you?

Speed: You're not going to torture my wife while she sleeps.

Delko: Fine. You're such a killjoy.

Carly: ...But can't we j-

Speed: No.

Carly: Dangit.

Jess: Aw he's so protective. How cute.

Speed: Would you like to be disturbed while you're trying to sleep?

Jess: Maybe...If I woke up to something fun like chocolate or...Money.

Delko: Money? I could go for some money.

Calleigh: Eric, you spent twenty thousand dollars in slots. You've done enough damage.

Delko: Yeah but I won three dollars.

Calleigh: ...That's not really a profit.

Delko: I can get a double quarter pounder with cheese.

Hummerhome slams into pothole

Katie: *jumps* UGH! ...*sigh*

Horatio: Sorry about that.

Katie: *sits up tiredly* Doesn't matter. I'm awake now.

Speed: Why don't you just go sleep in one of the rooms?

Katie: *leans on Speed, closes eyes* That's not fun.

Speed: You're not having fun now.

Katie: I'm having plenty of fun.

Speed: Falling asleep.

Katie: Mhm.

Delko: Hey Speed can I have some money?

Speed: No.

Delko: ...But I ran out.

Speed: You have three dollars.

Delko: That's not enough if I want fries.

Speed: Ask someone else.

Delko: Can't I just borrow your credit card?

Speed: How stupid do you think I am?

Delko: ...*tilts head* ...Well...I don't know, did you clean your gun recently?

Speed: Did you clean your ears recently?

Delko: Why?

Speed: I said no.

Delko: But you're loaded.

Speed: I work hard and I don't waste my money.

Delko: I didn't waste it. I made a profit of three dollars.

Speed: That's not a proft, that's terrible.

Delko: ...I knew I should have taken Jess with me.


Delko: Can't I just borrow a dollar?

Speed: I don't have a dollar on me.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: Because I said so.

Delko: That's not an answer.

Speed: Why don't you sit outside with the rest of the homeless and ask for money that way.

Katie: No, no, Tim stop talking.

Speed: Why?

Katie: Your voice is putting me to sleep.

Speed: ...Sorry?

Katie: It's okay, it's not your fault. But when we need to get our daughter to sleep, I'll know where to find you.

Speed: Funny.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww...that's not very nice. All I wanted to do was sleep. Is that so wrong? And...cover...me...in...mustard? AISLE FIVE! *sighs* Long live that dream! Poor Eric only made 3 dollars. But hey if you can get Mcdonalds with 3 dollars then life isn't so bad. lol.

Carly: Okay what should we do to wake her?

Anni: Let's pour water over her head.

Katie: *eyes closed* Um hello, not asleep yet.

Carly: Whoops.

Anni: Dang.
Teehee, that cracked me up! Update soon please!

Katie: Your voice is putting me to sleep.

Speed: ...Sorry?

Katie: It's okay, it's not your fault. But when we need to get our daughter to sleep, I'll know where to find you.

Speed: Funny.
Oh, I can just see it now. lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Somehow I can just see him being all fatherly and trying to get his daughter to sleep, and she keeps asking questions about random things... :p

This Is My Desire


Speed: Okay I'm taking her to bed. And Eric don't even dare.

Delko: ..*closes mouth*

Katie: *mumbles* I'm not tired.

Speed: Yes you are. *picks up Katie*

Katie: *opens eyes* WHOA! HOLY CRAP! What the hell!

Speed: You're not heavy.

Katie: Oh...Good deal.

Speed/Katie leave

Jess: ...Who wants to play poker!

Delko: I DO! I'll bet three dollars!

Speed/Katie's room

Katie: *lays down*

Speed: *sits down* Now...Do you want to tell me what's wrong?

Katie: What? Nothing's wrong I'm just tired.

Speed: ...If you ever think something's wrong, tell me.

Katie: What are talking about? I'm just a little tired, I mean I was up late last night.

Speed: I just want to make sure you're okay.

Katie: *smiles* I'm fine.

Speed: Right. Well, get some rest then. *stands, leaves*

Katie: *smile fades, holds chest*

Out in Hummerhome area

Delko: NO! NO! I didn't mean to pick that card!

Jess: Hand over the money.

Delko: ..I don't have it.

Jess: It's behind your back.

Delko: No it isn't.

Jess: Then what's behind your back?

Delko: ...Chocolate.

Jess: You have chocolate in your hands.

Delko: Maybe.

Jess: Eric, I won the money fair and square. Give me the three dollars.

Delko: I gave it to the mob. Ask them.

Speed: Eric, you have the money. I can see it.

Delko: It's chocolate paper.

Jess: You lost, admit it. You suck at gambling.

Delko: I do not.

Jess: You do so.

Delko: No way.

Jess: Yes way. You didn't win.

Delko: Yes I did! See? Flush!

Jess: Eric, those are just all black cards.

Delko: ...So?

Jess: They're different suits.

Delko: ...Oh.

Speed: Eric, don't gamble.

Delko: Shut up.

Yelling coming from other room

Speed: *looks at door*

Delko: *looks up* What's going on?

Speed: It's Katie. *runs*

Delko: Oh man I want to see this. *runs*

Carly: Wait! What happened! *gets up*

Katie/Speed's room

Speed: *runs in* What's the matter?

Katie: *coughs*

Speed: Oh my God.

Katie: *looks at hand* ...Am I bleeding?

Speed: *runs over*

Delko: *walks in* What's going on?

Carly: *walks in* What's with all the yelling?

Speed: *pulls blanket down*

Carly: Whoa.

Delko: *covers mouth*

Speed: Oh no.

Katie: *starts coughing* I c-can't breathe.

Delko: Should we get help?

Carly: *runs out of room*

Speed: ERIC!

Delko: Right right, I'm going too. *leaves*

Speed: *looks at Katie* Look at me.

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Keep your eyes on me.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ugh as I was reading I was like "WHY DO I KEEP HOLDING MY CHEST?!" and then bam! Something's wrong with me! I think I'll think twice next time I "get tired" lol. But awww how cute is Speedy. Telling me to keep my eyes on him. And Eric with the "chocolate bars" And seriously Geni do you like to torture me with your cliff hangers?! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

wuuhu case closed, happy ending lala ! :D
wouuu, whats wrong with Katie? :eek: i almoust drop my coffee cup out of my hands :p hope there is nothing serious.. yeah.. right! :p
ok, hang on, Supercow is coming! :lol: too much cartoons...sorry :rolleyes:

awsome job Geni ! i can't wait to know ! :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OH NO! Poor Katie! haha Eric gambled away his last three dollars haha. Okay, aside from that WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY POOR KATIE? teehee okay so technically she's not mine, that would be creepy, she's Speed's but........hey, I say a lot of stuff in the spur of the moment lol

I can't wait to see what happens Geni!
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