CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ahhhhhh! Timmy cried! I like it when Timmy cries too. He's such a cutie! Cuter WITH hair though.......god......anyway.....yay for a scary movie! Actually, I'm not too fond of scary movies, I get scared haha, but If I'm around friends I'll do anything.....including playing poker....*looks around*

haha Geni, you make Speed SO ADORABLE!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*scolds herself for the amount she's missed* Okay, I caught up. Wonderful updates Geni!

Calleigh: Maybe if we yell really loudly that we love each other, she'll wake up and beat me up.

Aww, I thought that bit was so cute & funny!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA! Oh man, I crack me up...the funny thing is, I am really like that...If I put in a movie, I have to watch it to the end to see if it was actually worth my time. And besides, usually if I want to go to the video shop to get a movie that I actually want to see, mum makes me sit down and watch all her weird old movies and shows, and I actually have to sit throught them...
Jess: ...House of Wax?

Carly: Yeah if I wanted to watch Paris Hilton run around in her underwear screaming, I'd go to a club in Miami.
OH YEAH! thats why I didn't see that movie :lol:

Oh, poor Katie *hugs* she has to live! *sniff* she has to see how cute and addicted to Cheez-its Lori is :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Poor Carly, you're such a black sheep in the Hummerhome. Always wanting to watch the movies all the way through..Pfft. ;)

And yes, poor Katie. :(

I Told Myself I Won't Miss You But I Remember What It Feels Like Beside You

Hummerhome, 1 am

Speed: *walks in* ...What are you guys doing up?

Carly: *looks up* Why are your eyes all red?

Speed: Allergies. Again, what are you doing up?

Carly: I wanted to see the end of the movie.

Speed: Where's Lori?

Carly: In her bed, asleep.

Speed: Thanks. *leaves*

JC: *sits up* What happened?

Carly: Nothing.

JC: ....Oh my God are you still watching that?

Carly: It's a good movie.

JC: Sister Act is NOT a good movie.

Carly: Don't blame me, blame TBS. They show it a hundred times a day.

JC: Yeah okay they made the Pope happy, can you turn off the singing nuns now?

Carly: Why don't you just go to bed?

JC: ...I don't want to. Hey where's Horatio?

Carly: Hospital.


Carly: ...Is your memory seriously that bad?

JC: ..Yes.

Lori's room

Speed walks in, sits on the bed, stares at Lori for a minute, kisses her cheek and walks out.

Speed: Can you girls turn that off and get in bed?

Carly: It's not over.

JC: Oh yes it is. *grabs remote*

Carly: NO! *bites JC*


Speed: Hey, hey girls cut it out.

Carly: She stole the remote.

JC: She bit me.

Speed: Bed. Now.

JC: ...Together?

Speed: *frowns*

JC: Alright fine. *leaves*

Carly: ..Does that mean I have to go too?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: But this part is good.

Speed: *turns off tv*

Carly: Hey.

Speed: Bed.

Carly: Doesn't Horatio usually give those orders?

Speed: He's not here.

Carly: *sigh* Alright. *stands*

Speed: Thank you.

Carly: *leaves*

Speed: *sits on couch*

Delko: *walks out* Hey.

Speed: Hey.

Delko: *sits* You're not going to tell me to get in bed?

Speed: Sorry I don't swing that way.

Delko: *laughs* ...Why are you watching Sister Act?

Speed: I'm not. *flips channel*

Delko: Where's Calleigh?

Speed: She's with Horatio.

Delko: Oooh.

Speed: *frowns* At the hospital.

Delko: Oh. So how's Katie?

Speed: Completely better.

Delko: Really?

Speed: If she was better do you think I'd be sitting here at one in the morning watching infomercials?

Delko: ...Probably not. The sarcasm confused me.

Speed: Good for you.

Lori walks out of the room in a little nighty

Delko: *looks over* Hey I think we have a little visitor.

Speed: *walks over, kneels down* ...Now what are you doing out of bed young lady?

Lori: *rubs eyes* Thirsty.

Speed: Okay, come on. *picks up Lori, walks over to sink, set her down on counter*

Delko: *waves*

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *turns on tap*

Delko: So I hear you're moving back to Miami.

Speed: *grabs cup* Yeah.

Delko: Why?

Speed: I don't need a reason.

Delko: ...Sorry for asking.

Speed: *looks at Eric* ...I'd rather live in Miami.

Delko: Alright.

Lori: MOMMA!

Speed: Shhh.

Lori: *covers mouth*

Speed: *hands over cup*

Lori: *takes cup*

Speed: Careful.

Lori: *grips cup with both hands*

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: *takes cup* Better?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *grabs paper towels*

Delko: Won't you have to get a new house?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: You have money right? Because I don't want you living in my house again.

Speed: *wipes Lori's face* Don't worry about it Eric.

Delko: I'm just saying.

Speed: *picks up Lori* You just don't like kids.

Delko: I like kids. I just don't like them in my house.

Speed: Right.

Delko: I thought you hated kids.

Speed: I do hate kids.

Delko: *lifts brow*

Speed: I didn't say I hated my own kids.

Delko: *laughs*

Lori: *points out window*

Delko: What's she pointing at?

Speed: *looks out window* Looks like Horatio's back.

Lori: H!

Speed: Shh.

Lori: Oops.

Horatio: *walks in* Speed, let's go.

Speed: *stares at Horatio*

Delko: Here, I'll take her. *grabs Lori*

Lori: *giggles* Ewic.

Delko: *rolls eyes* Great, I'm Ewic to her.

Speed, Horatio leave

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*gasp* Why'd they leave? I WANNA KNOW WOMAN! *coughs* Sorry...I didn't mean to call you woman. I just wanna know whats going on!

And seriously if Lori gets any cuter I swear I'll...I dunno. But she's so cute!

Speed: Shhh.

Lori: *covers mouth*
I just found that sooo cute for some reason! And I can just see Speed and...and...yeah.

And whoa JC! What's wrong Sister Act? Ok, so I liked the second one better but still! lol.

And I kinda like Speed all Mr. Boss man. Boss man Speed! Ok, enough friends for me. And I'm seriously like hyper and I don't know why!

Carly: NO! *bites JC*

And seriously Carly needs to calm down. She's getting very violent. lol.l Great update Geni. But of course you already know that because you...well you wrote it. lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Lori: *smiles* DADDA!
Can we all give a collective AWWWW!!!!
Horatio: I...Might have had something to do with that.
Horatio's a sucker for the kids *giggles* 'scuse the pun...
Speed: I wouldn't trust Eric with a potato.
Delko: Hey. She is not a potato she is a human being. I am very responsabable.
Speed: *frowns* ...When you learn to pronounce 'responsible', you can take care of her.
Carly: Maybe he'll get some in his eye and fall into the table saw.
only we would find that interesting.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh: *nods* You know, you don't always have to be strong Tim. We don't expect you to.

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: Come here. *hugs Speed*

Speed: *starts to cry*

Speed is not giving up on Katie and the thought of him crying makes me want to cry, Calleigh is such a good friend to him. Little Lori is missing her mommy awwwww she just wants her mommy back.

great stuff Geni update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG WHY ARE THEY LEAVING! NO NO NO TELL ME WHY THEY ARE LEAVING!!!!! hahahaha sorry, I'm just happy to be home, I went to my aunts house and got all bit up my to mosquitoes....(I call them moh-squee-toes just because I can :p)
JC: Oh yes it is. *grabs remote*

Carly: NO! *bites JC*


*scolds* CARLY! haha no biting...well......you can bite, just don't bite me...hey, you know what I just remembered? We rped together.......

*ahem* anyway, back to the rt. I wanna know why they're leaving!!!!! Is it bad? Is it good? AHHHHHHH!!! haha.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

It's bad. Very bad.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ilovegrissom1 said:
*scolds* CARLY! haha no biting...well......you can bite, just don't bite me...hey, you know what I just remembered? We rped together.......
Haha, yeah we did...my friends would always laugh at me because I would write it at school while I was supposed to be doing work :p

*gasp* BAD?! HOW BAD?!?! WHATS GOING ON! I WANNA KNOW! *cough* I mean, I would like to know what is happening...Why are they leaving? Katie has be alright...I mean, she can't die...can she? Oh no!

haha, me and my movies...though I do seem to be getting a little violent...but theres nothing wrong with biting ;) :p :lol:
Now I have a sudden urge to watch a random movie...
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ahem, sorry for the bit of spamming by yours truly. :D *whistles*

Anyway, onward with the chapter! *throws sword around and jabs Jess in the face* ....Sorry. *hugs*

We'll Be There Too


Horatio/Speed walk in

Calleigh: *stands*

Speed: *stares at bed* The machines are gone.

Horatio: She's breathing on her own.

Speed: *walks over* When?

Calleigh: About five minutes ago.

Speed: ...This is good right?

Doctor: *walks in* It's very good.

Speed: *looks up*

Doctor: She's still in the coma, but it's a good sign. Even though she's in the coma, her brain is functioning at it's most basic level, so she's very much alive.

Speed: Can she hear us?

Doctor: We presume so.

Speed: But she'll be okay right?

Doctor: Well, reactivity and perceptivity would have to be restored for her to awaken from the coma.

Speed: What does that mean?

Doctor: Patients in comas don't respond to external stimuli. Perceptivity means her responses to learned stimuli. Reactivity, is instinctual responses, such as responses to pain.

Horatio: How do you know if she's recovering?

Doctor: Well actually it's very simple. There are different stages to comas, that most people aren't usually aware of. We'll measure her progress by her increasing awareness to external stimuli.

Calleigh: Like if we were to talk to her.

Doctor: Exactly. Since she's now able to breathe on her own, we believe she's making progress.

Horatio: What caused the coma?

Doctor: Well, many things can cause a coma. In her case, it was trauma from bleeding into her brain. Another factor was that the oxygen was cut off from her brain, and caused intracranial pressure.

Calleigh: What's that?

Doctor: Her brain started to swell as the blood rushed in.

Horatio: Is it serious?

Doctor: It can be serious, but we caught it soon so we were able to repair the damage. Luckily she's making progress so it's a step in the right direction.

Horatio: Thank you.

Doctor: No problem. *leaves*

Speed: *sits down, holds Katie's hand*

Calleigh: *smiling*

Speed: I swear to God if you don't wake up, I'll cheat on you.

Katie squeezes Speed's hand

Speed: *looks down at hand* Oh my God.

Horatio: What?

Speed: She's squeezing my hand.

Calleigh: Well then you had better not cheat on her.

Speed: Yeah very funny Cal.

Calleigh: I'm just sayin'.

Speed: *sigh*

Horatio: Okay come on Calleigh, let's leave them alone.

Calleigh: Alright.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*throws sword around and jabs Jess in the face* ....Sorry. *hugs*
HEY! haha........aww okay I forgive you Geni *hugs back*

Speed: I swear to God if you don't wake up, I'll cheat on you.

Katie squeezes Speed's hand

Speed: *looks down at hand* Oh my God.

Horatio: What?

Speed: She's squeezing my hand.

Calleigh: Well then you had better not cheat on her.
hahahahaha that made me laugh. hahaha I heard that I'd squeaze the living shit out of his hand! haha *covers mouth* Am I allowed to say that? teehee

Great update Geni, I guess it was worth reading those ten pages about comas huh? lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well you learn something new every day. ;)

I remember like it was just yesterday, I was reading about the internal functions of a septic tank...Those were good times. :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: I swear to God if you don't wake up, I'll cheat on you.

Katie squeezes Speed's hand

Speed: *looks down at hand* Oh my God.

Horatio: What?

Speed: She's squeezing my hand.

Calleigh: Well then you had better not cheat on her.

Katie is getting better, and that quote about Speed cheating on Katie with Calleigh and Katie squeezes his hand I thought that was really funny. :lol:

you're brilliant Geni keeo the updates coming. :D
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