Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
You're very welcome
I Think You Should Know This
Hummerhome, after dinner
Carly: Oh boogie boogie boogie boogie!
Anni: Woogy woogy woogy woogy!
Carly: Boogie woogy woogy woogy!
Anni: Boogie! Woogy! Boogie!
Lori: *stares at Anni and Carly*
Carly: And she doesn't even crack a smile.
Anni: That's not fair.
Delko: BOOGA!
Lori: *looks at Delko, frowns*
Delko: ...Yep she's her father's daughter.
Anni: I'll give her some Cheez-its.
Delko: No, no I don't think Speed would like that.
Anni: Is Speed here? I don't think so.
Delko: When he left for the hospital, he said not to kill her.
Anni: Cheez-its are not going to kill her.
Delko: She'll get high cholesterol.
Anni: She's almost two.
Delko: So?
Carly: *grabs Cheez-its* Oh Loooorrrrrii!
Lori: *looks at Carly*
Carly: CHEEZ-ITS! *gives Cheez-it to Lori*
Lori: *eats Cheez-it*
Delko: Great, we're dead.
Anni: Stop worrying about it.
Lori: *smiles*
Carly: See? She likes Cheez-its.
Delko: She'll get addidcted to them, and the next thing you know, she'll be a Cheez-it junkie.
Anni: ...You...Did go to college right?
Delko: I can't remember.
Carly: Ah, she's learning the language. *hands over bag of Cheez-its*
Lori: Thankie. *digs in bag*
Carly: Aw she's polite.
Anni: I want one.
Carly: No you don't.
Anni: You're right, I don't.
Horatio: The doctors moved her to this room since she stabalized.
Speed: Yeah. *touches Katie's face*
Horatio: Doesn't look like she's in any pain.
Speed: That's good.
Horatio: We can have her transfered to California, so she's close.
Speed: *shakes head*
Horatio: We can't stay in Nevada forever.
Speed: We're moving back to Miami.
Horatio: ...Miami.
Speed: Yeah.
Horatio: Is there a reason why?
Speed: Well I figure if Katie dies, Lori and I will be some place safe.
Horatio: I didn't realize Miami was safe.
Speed: You're there.
Horatio: *smirks* I'm sure she'll be fine.
Speed: Her face is cold.
Horatio: That doesn't mean she'll die.
Speed: It means there's nothing left.
Horatio: She's still breathing, her heart's still beating.
Speed: Yeah well when you look at the machines, it puts everything in perspective doesn't it?
Horatio: You said that she squeezed your hand right?
Speed: It was probably nothing.
Horatio: ...Why are you assuming the worst?
Speed: I try never to have expectations.
Horatio: You're saying she'll die. That's an expectation. If she dies, you were right. If she lives, it's a miracle.
Speed: Miracles don't happen.
Horatio: Maybe not, but it depends what you believe is a miracle.
Speed: Yeah I'd like to get all churchy on you but it won't fix anything.
Horatio: And what about Lori? Are you going to teach her that life is full of dissapointments and death?
Speed: I'll teach her the truth.
Horatio: How can you teach someone the truth, if you won't see it yourself? *walks away*
Speed: *looks down at Katie*