CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha great updates... *sigh* I have homework lol. well anyway great work and can't wait for more hope school ain't getting you down like its getting me... and my whole right side of my body is in pain including my whole back lol... And I think I may have cracked a rib laughing at your updates... especially where Lori touched speeds stubble... she's like her mommy!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

awww, kiddo is so cute! :D great updates!

and Geni , suurrre no problem! no rush, take your time! ;) i can be dog, i can be tree, i can breed under water so i can be even a fish in hummers aquarium! :lol:
So its ok, i am totally calm and patient, you are the boss :D* lying on table* do everything what you want with me, except don't touch my feet or i will go sooo crazy! :lol: j/k :p
so as i sad take your time, i know how hard it is :)
you're doing great job!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great update Geni :). Take your time LOL .
I wanted to know a little thing ... Am I dead or something :p or maybe I jump off the hummerhome or maybe you left me in Vegas LOL :p
Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

You're all there, I just can't put in everyone at the same time, or the dialogue would be useless. ;) Also, if I forget anyone for a long period of time, please let me know because I don't want to forget you guys! - It does happen though. :)

Carly, I believe we're thinking about the same 'Black and White' :p

Jaci, I'm sorry about school, and the pain on your ride side. At least you can come here for some free medicine. ;) - And school isn't really getting me down, so I'll still have time to post chapters every day.

LtKitty, thanks for your understanding. I appreciate it. :D

Okay...Did I forget anyone? Alright great, because if I did I'd feel terrible. :p I'll have more chapters up very soon.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio: I spoke to Katie's doctor today.

Speed: Yeah?

Horatio: She's been doing really well after the surgery. There's still not much brain activity.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: *looks up* Daddy sad?

Speed: *shakes head* No, daddy's not sad.

Lori: *smiles*

Awwwww even little Lori can sense the that something is wrong wth her daddy and when he said "Nothing's wrong" and a little smile came across her face it broke my heart because she knows that there is something going on. :(

Speed is a great daddy Lori is a lucky little girl. :D

thanks for the update Geni you're a gem!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

You're very welcome calleighspeedle. :D

I Think You Should Know This

Hummerhome, after dinner

Carly: Oh boogie boogie boogie boogie!

Anni: Woogy woogy woogy woogy!

Carly: Boogie woogy woogy woogy!

Anni: Boogie! Woogy! Boogie!

Lori: *stares at Anni and Carly*

Carly: And she doesn't even crack a smile.

Anni: That's not fair.

Delko: BOOGA!

Lori: *looks at Delko, frowns*

Delko: ...Yep she's her father's daughter.

Anni: I'll give her some Cheez-its.

Delko: No, no I don't think Speed would like that.

Anni: Is Speed here? I don't think so.

Delko: When he left for the hospital, he said not to kill her.

Anni: Cheez-its are not going to kill her.

Delko: She'll get high cholesterol.

Anni: She's almost two.

Delko: So?

Carly: *grabs Cheez-its* Oh Loooorrrrrii!

Lori: *looks at Carly*

Carly: CHEEZ-ITS! *gives Cheez-it to Lori*

Lori: *eats Cheez-it*

Delko: Great, we're dead.

Anni: Stop worrying about it.

Lori: *smiles*

Carly: See? She likes Cheez-its.

Delko: She'll get addidcted to them, and the next thing you know, she'll be a Cheez-it junkie.

Anni: ...You...Did go to college right?

Delko: I can't remember.


Carly: Ah, she's learning the language. *hands over bag of Cheez-its*

Lori: Thankie. *digs in bag*

Carly: Aw she's polite.

Anni: I want one.

Carly: No you don't.

Anni: You're right, I don't.


Horatio: The doctors moved her to this room since she stabalized.

Speed: Yeah. *touches Katie's face*

Horatio: Doesn't look like she's in any pain.

Speed: That's good.

Horatio: We can have her transfered to California, so she's close.

Speed: *shakes head*

Horatio: We can't stay in Nevada forever.

Speed: We're moving back to Miami.

Horatio: ...Miami.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Is there a reason why?

Speed: Well I figure if Katie dies, Lori and I will be some place safe.

Horatio: I didn't realize Miami was safe.

Speed: You're there.

Horatio: *smirks* I'm sure she'll be fine.

Speed: Her face is cold.

Horatio: That doesn't mean she'll die.

Speed: It means there's nothing left.

Horatio: She's still breathing, her heart's still beating.

Speed: Yeah well when you look at the machines, it puts everything in perspective doesn't it?

Horatio: You said that she squeezed your hand right?

Speed: It was probably nothing.

Horatio: ...Why are you assuming the worst?

Speed: I try never to have expectations.

Horatio: You're saying she'll die. That's an expectation. If she dies, you were right. If she lives, it's a miracle.

Speed: Miracles don't happen.

Horatio: Maybe not, but it depends what you believe is a miracle.

Speed: Yeah I'd like to get all churchy on you but it won't fix anything.

Horatio: And what about Lori? Are you going to teach her that life is full of dissapointments and death?

Speed: I'll teach her the truth.

Horatio: How can you teach someone the truth, if you won't see it yourself? *walks away*

Speed: *looks down at Katie*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww! I think I came this close *pinches fingers together* to crying! I dunno why but it was just sad. And ohhhhh no there starting Lori on the cheez it obsession. Let's just hope that Lori doesn't get drunk and turn into a version of me when she gets older. lol.

Speed: We're moving back to Miami.

Horatio: ...Miami.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Is there a reason why?

Speed: Well I figure if Katie dies, Lori and I will be some place safe.

Horatio: I didn't realize Miami was safe.

Speed: You're there.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! H man will keep him safe. How cute! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: Her face is cold.

Horatio: That doesn't mean she'll die.

Speed: It means there's nothing left.

Horatio: She's still breathing, her heart's still beating.

Speed: Yeah well when you look at the machines, it puts everything in perspective doesn't it?
AWWWW Speeeeeeed!!!!! He's such a cutie! And poor Katie, still barely alive....*cries*

And yay! Speed's moving back to Miami.....'cept not for a good reason lol. Wow, I have mixed feelings, which is hard to explain...but you don't care about that anyways so I'll just leave it at that lol

Great update Geni......Lori is turning into a Cheezit addict just like Katie! lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed thinks Katie is gonna die and he's moving back to Miami and I loved the part when Lori is pulling a face and Delkos said "She's her fathers daughter." that was so cute. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aw, we care how you feel Jess. I know I do. ;)

And...Since I'm very distracted by a certain picture right now (Which I'll post in the Speed thread later) I'll just get right to the update. :)

You Deserve Much Better Than Me

Hospital, 9 pm

Horatio: *walks in* Hey. The girls put Lori to bed, and they're watching a movie. How are you doing?

Speed: *sigh* Was that crime scene really to distract me?

Horatio: Did it work?

Speed: Not very well.

Horatio: Eric and Calleigh will be there tomorrow to hand the evidence over to the police department. The feds want the case.

Speed: *nods*

Doctor: *walks in* Hello gentlemen.

Horatio: Doctor.

Doctor: Alright, I've been looking over her chart, and we've been looking after her vitals. Things look okay. But, there isn't any indication of much brain activity.

Horatio: Is there anything we can do?

Doctor: Well, I tell most people to bring around familiar things to the patient such as, reading their favorite book, putting in their favorite scented candle. But, voices work the most. Well, usually.

Speed: And if nothing works?

Doctor: Well you have two options. We're required by law to give you both of these options. We can keep her like this for as long as it takes, but it'll mean more money and if she never wakes up, it starts to get...Uncomfortable for the patient.

Speed: And the other option?

Doctor: We pull the plug. Fast, and painless death.

Speed: *nods*

Doctor: So what would you like to do?

Speed: *looks down at Katie* Is she suffering now?

Doctor: No. Her heart rate is stable, pulse is normal.

Speed: I'd like to wait.

Doctor: No problem. I'll just up the morphine here, and then I'll leave you three alone.

Horatio: Thank you Doctor.

Doctor: You're welcome. *leaves*

Horatio: Did you ever consider pulling the plug?

Speed: Not for a second.


Carly: This movie is so boring.

JC: You're the one that put it on.

Carly: I didn't think it would be THIS boring.

JC: ..It's the DVD for the New Yankee Workshop.

Carly: It sounded more exciting before I put it in.

Jess: So why are we still watching it?

Carly: I, am not a quitter.

Jess: If the DVD is bad, don't watch it.

Carly: It might get good.

Jess: ...Yeah when?

Carly: Well Norm's about to stain the detailed work done on the nineteenth century armoir.

Jess: ...How is that interesting?

Carly: Maybe he'll get some in his eye and fall into the table saw.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh Carly cracks me up!

Carly: Maybe he'll get some in his eye and fall into the table saw.
Carlys getting viscious lol!

Doctor: So what would you like to do?

Speed: *looks down at Katie* Is she suffering now?

Doctor: No. Her heart rate is stable, pulse is normal.

Speed: I'd like to wait.
Awwww! I swear Geni your going to make me cry before this thread is over. I almost lost it again! He couldn't pull the plug yet. Awww. That's so...I don't know the word I'm looking for but you know what I mean. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio: Did you ever consider pulling the plug?

Speed: Not for a second.
Awww! Speed is fighting for his Katie. hahahaha yeah that last line tht Carly said was pretty funny hahaha. Carly, you're very patient, I give a movie about three minutes, and if I'm not intrested......*click*

haha....great updates Geni...it's so sad!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

What do you mean yet? :lol: :p

And aw, don't cry Katie. *hugs* ...Well okay if you do, that's alright too. I'm not going to tell you what to do. ;)

Haha, I do the same thing during movies. Although, I generally try to give them a chance first.

Find Another Place To Fall

Hospital, midnight

Calleigh: *walks in* Tim?

Speed: *looks up* Cal.

Calleigh: *walks over, sits down* How is she?

Speed: *rubs eyes* The same.

Calleigh: If you're tired, I can sit with her for a while.

Speed: *shakes head*

Calleigh: You know, if she's essentially brain dead, there's nothing you c-

Speed: *looks up*

Calleigh: ...I'm sorry.

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: *holds Speed's hand*

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: Everything will turn out okay.

Speed: *looks down at Katie* I wished I shared your confidence.

Calleigh: Maybe if we yell really loudly that we love each other, she'll wake up and beat me up.

Speed: *smirks*

Calleigh: *laughs* It was a joke.

Speed: I know.

Calleigh: *nods* You know, you don't always have to be strong Tim. We don't expect you to.

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: Come here. *hugs Speed*

Speed: *starts to cry*


JC: Okay Carly, turn off Norm. If I hear a table saw one more time, I'm going to explode.

Carly: It just got interesting.

Jess: How did it just get interesting? He's not DOING anything.

Carly: I want to see how this ends.

Jess: Uh, the table gets finished and everyone dances around in circles.

JC: Turn on something else.

Carly: *sigh* Fine.

Jess: Alright how about a good scary movie?

Carly: Like what?

Jess: ...House of Wax?

Carly: Yeah if I wanted to watch Paris Hilton run around in her underwear screaming, I'd go to a club in Miami.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww a mixture of sadness and comedy. Gotta love it.

Carly: Yeah if I wanted to watch Paris Hilton run around in her underwear screaming, I'd go to a club in Miami.
hahaha. Oh man I'm still laughing at that! Teehee.

Speed: *looks down at Katie* I wished I shared your confidence.

Calleigh: Maybe if we yell really loudly that we love each other, she'll wake up and beat me up.

Speed: *smirks*
Haha. That would probably NOT be a good thing for me to wake up to.

But awwww Timmy's crying! I love it when he cries. But I hate it at the same time! lol. Great chapter Geni. Awww poor Speedy.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great update Geni and update soon please :)
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