CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'll have more for you guys when I get home today. :)

I'm afraid you'll be waiting despite the cliffhanger. :p
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hurry with the update Geni I can't stand the suspense we need to find out what's going on with Katie. :eek:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Nooooooooo not a cliffhanger!!! You're killing me with those!! :p
I really want to know what with katie.
Anyway great update Geni and hurry hurry hurry update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I've been going over a few scenarios in my head about this particular 'storyline' if you will. So, it's taking me some time to decide which ending I'll use, both of which end up being detrimental for the team in some way. Don't you love angst? :p

So, I'll have another few chapters up tonight when I get finished being indecisive. :lol:

Alright, indecisiveness still there, but I can get started anyway.

Hard To Be Faithful With The Lips Of An Angel

Hospital, 5 miles away

Horatio: Doctor, can you tell us anything?

Speed: Yeah she couldn't breathe.

Doctor: Unfortunately, the oxygen from her brain was cut off for too long, and she's in a coma.

Speed: What happened?

Doctor: Her hemoglobin was too high. That's blood iron. It's hard on the heart, lungs, and other arteries around the heart. We'll have to repair her left ventracle and then perform a blood transfusion.

Speed: Wait, but that only happens after a long period of time.

Doctor: It can be painful if it's not caught early on. She didn't say anything to you?

Speed: No.

Doctor: We're going to take her in for surgery this afternoon, with your permission.

Speed: Of course.

Doctor: I'll get the paperwork.

Speed: Could she die from this?

Doctor: There's always a possibility that something could go wrong during surgery, and given her current condition the risk is higher. I'll go grab the paperwork so sit tight. *leaves*

Horatio: She never mentioned anything to any one of us.

Speed: *looks down at Katie* I know.

Horatio: Are you okay?

Speed: I'm fine.

Horatio: Are you sure?

Speed: Yeah. I'm going to uh..I'm going to go see about that paperwork. *walks away*

Horatio: *lifts brow*


...Kind of short, sorry.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ah, short but sweet. My allergies are acting up so my eyes are already all teary eyed and stuff. So....I dunno I have a feeling your going to make me cry! lol. But awwww maybe if I wouldn't have been so stubborn I wouldn't be in this poistion right now. lol. But awww I'm in a coma. *sniff* How sad. I can't wait to see where you go with this Geni! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

WHAT? WHAT? KATIE CAN'T DIE!!!!! *hugs Katie* you'll be alright Hun, We'll be there for you! Geni! Get your butt back here and save Katie!
Good job, by the way.
But the madness is fun! Sorry, missed that one before :D :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh, I wouldn't want to make you cry intentionally. ;) But hey, things might get pretty sad, or happy so we never know.


Hospital, cafeteria

Calleigh: *sits down* Hey, how are you doin'?

Speed: Fine.

Delko: OH! THEY HAVE PANCAKES HERE! *sits down, eats*

Calleigh: So any news yet?

Speed: She went in for surgery an hour ago.

Calleigh: Do you know how this happened?

Speed: *reading newspaper* No.

Calleigh: I hope she's alright.

Speed: Can you believe this? Some guy was caught stealing a Volvo from the Volvo dealership, in front of the salesman. *shakes head* What is the world coming to?

Delko: *looks up from food* ...

Calleigh: *looks at Delko*

Speed: Oh hey, the sports page. Did anyone else need a section?

Delko: ...No, I'm good.

Calleigh: *shrugs* I'm fine.

Speed: *looks down at paper*

Calleigh: Are you sure you're okay?

Speed: Mhm.

Delko: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: Tim, your wife might die.

Speed: Yeah I'm aware of that. Thank you doctor Duquesne.

Calleigh: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *looks at Calleigh*

Speed: Did anyone else realize how badly the Miami Dolphins suck?

Delko: Yeah.

Calleigh: *grabs newspaper* Can you pay attention for five minutes?

Speed: *looks up* What did you need?

Calleigh: Nothing, It's j-

Speed: *looks at watch* Oh hey Quincy's on in ten minutes. *leaves*

Delko: ...Alright I'm confused.

Calleigh: He's taking this rather well.

Delko: Maybe it's not that serious.

Calleigh: No, I think he's worried. I've never seen him this...Calm.

Delko: Maybe he is calm.

Calleigh: I think he's freaking out.

Delko: *laughs* Oh come on Cal, if he was freaking out he wouldn't have acted like that.

Calleigh: *shrugs* You've seen him before in high pressure situations. He's calmer than the eye of a hurricane.

Delko: So what are you worried about?

Calleigh: *sigh* Just eat your pancakes.

Waiting room

Speed: Hey, I got you a coffee.

Horatio: *takes cup* Thank you.

Speed: Where's everyone else?

Horatio: JC took them to get gas for the Hummerhome. I'm assuming they won't blow anything up.

Speed: That depends on who's pumping the gas.

Horatio: I just got word from one of the doctors.

Speed: Yeah?

Horatio: There were some minor complications, but I understand they corrected the problem.

Speed: Good.

Horatio: Speed, she might not wake up from the coma.

Speed: Yeah and she might die on the table. I've heard it all before.

Horatio: This isn't a case, it's your family. You're allowed to show emotion.

Speed: I'm fine.

Horatio: *nods* If you say so. Did you call the neighbors?

Speed: Yeah, I told them I'd be back in the next week.

Horatio: I could always go get Lori for you and bring her here. We're not far from California.

Speed: Thanks.

Horatio: Alright, I'll be back tomorrow.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: *leaves*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww poor Speedy's all "Calm" lol.

Delko: OH! THEY HAVE PANCAKES HERE! *sits down, eats*

*sighs* Oh, Delko. I don't even really know what to say other then oh, delko. He just....*sighs* I dunno. lol H man's going to get Lori *sniff* awww. And is it so wrong that I want speed to cry? I'm sorry but that just.....a story for another time lol. I can't wait to see what happens next Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Everyone is on edge as far as Speed is concerned because I hink deep down he realises that he may lose Katie but just doesn't want to show any emotion just as if he has shut down. I think it is sweet that Horatio is going to get Lori for him...he needs his little girl with him right now.

great updates...more soon to come I hope!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ask, and you shall receive. ;)

A Little Too Late

California, 9 pm

Horatio: *knocks on door*

Woman: *opens door* Can I help you?

Horatio: Yes, I'm Horatio Caine. I'm a friend of Tim and Katie's.

Woman: Tim called, he said you were coming for Lori.

Horatio: That I am.

Woman: Is something wrong?

Horatio: Um...I don't want you to worry about that.

Woman: Come on in.

Horatio: *steps inside*

Woman: I'll be right back.

Horatio: Thank you. *looks around*

Man: *walks downstairs* Hey you're Katie's friend?

Horatio: That's right.

Man: I have to tell you, Lori is a spitting image of her mother. She actually just started to walk. Well, actually run.

Horatio: They grow fast don't they?

Man: Mhm.

Woman: *walks over with Lori*

Horatio: *smiles* Hi.

Lori: *looks up, smiles*

Horatio: *kneels* Well you've gotten to be a big girl, haven't you?

Lori: *giggles*

Horatio: Do you want to go see your dad?

Lori: YES!

Horatio: *looks up* She talks too?

Woman: *smirks* She's smart.

Horatio: Yes she is. *grabs Lori's hand* Come on sweety, we're going to go see your daddy.

Woman: Have fun.

Horatio: Thank you ma'am.

Hospital, 10 pm

Delko: *sits down* So how old is little Lori anyway?

Speed: *reading magazine* She's a year and a bit.

Delko: Wow, and Horatio said on the phone that she could speak?

Speed: One word isn't speaking. And besides, kids start to talk around her age.

Delko: You missed her first words.

Speed: I think I'll get over it.

Delko: She barely knows you.

Speed: *flips page*

Delko: ...So how did the surgery go?

Speed: They did their job.

Delko: ...Is she okay?

Speed: *looks up* She's in a coma Eric.

Delko: Sorry.

Speed: It's fine. *looks down at magazine*

Delko: So what happens if she dies?

Speed: What do you mean?

Delko: Well you'll have to take care of Lori by yourself.

Speed: I know.

Delko: Won't that be hard?

Speed: Hard is a relative term.

Delko: Aren't you worried? Or...Sad, or angry or anything?

Speed: People waste time being sad and worried.

Delko: ...You don't feel anything?

Speed: Eric...I'm fine, okay?

Delko: Well maybe I'm worried. She's my friend.

Speed: *closes magazine* Don't be worried. Everything's going to be fine.

Delko: You think so?

Speed: *swallows* ...Yeah.

Delko: Good. Because I've been nervous all day.


Calleigh: So where's everyone else?

Carly: Hummerhome. They fell asleep.

Calleigh: What are you doing up?

Carly: I wasn't tired. How's Speed?

Calleigh: He's fine.

Carly: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: That's what he tells me anyway.

Speed: *walks over* Who are we talking about?

Carly: *laughs* You.

Speed: What did I do this time? Cheat on Katie with the soda machine?

Calleigh: *smirks* Oh you know what you did.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: *walks over* Someone wants to say hi.

Speed: *looks down*

Lori: *waves shyly*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Carly: AW!

Speed: *kneels down* Hey.

Lori: *hides face*

Horatio: She's pretty shy.

Lori: *looks at Speed through her fingers*

Speed: Do you know who I am?

Lori: *smiles* DADDA!

Speed: *smirks* Come here you. *grabs Lori*

Lori: *giggles*

Calleigh: *sigh* I want one.

Carly: *laughs* Good job Cal.

Calleigh: She's so sweet, and so small and so....Oh I want one.

Carly: You're so weird.

Speed: *lets go of Lori* Were you good for Horatio?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: Good girl.

Calleigh: Oh bless her little heart! *squeals*

Carly: Did you just...Squeal?

Calleigh: ...No.

Lori: *holds out lollipop*

Speed: *lifts brow* Where did you get that?

Horatio: I...Might have had something to do with that.

Speed: *gasp* Did Horatio give you that?

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: Come on, let's go wash your hands or you'll stick to the walls. *picks up Lori*

Speed leaves

Calleigh: I want one.

Carly: Yeah you've said that like a hundred times.

Calleigh: She's so CUTE!

Carly: You think everything's cute.

Calleigh: It's true, I do.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ahhahahaha Calleigh wants one too lol Poor Katie, all.....in a coma and whatnot. I hope she's alright, or else I'll just have to cry! errrgh, off to do my French homework, she gave us three pages of work on the first night, and then four pages tonight! GRR!

Great update Geni! Bring Katie back!!! lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwwwwww! That chapter was so cute. And I'm sorry if I was Speed when he was talking to Eric I would have punched him in the face. He's already going through enough he doesn't someone in his face.

But how cute is little Lori. All talkin and walkin!

Speed: *kneels down* Hey.

Lori: *hides face*

Horatio: She's pretty shy.

Lori: *looks at Speed through her fingers*

Speed: Do you know who I am?

Lori: *smiles* DADDA!

Speed: *smirks* Come here you. *grabs Lori*

Lori: *giggles*
That was just all kinds of cute! See, Speedy could do the whole single dad thing if need be. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio: *walks over* Someone wants to say hi.

Speed: *looks down*

Lori: *waves shyly*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Carly: AW!

Speed: *kneels down* Hey.

Lori: *hides face*

Horatio: She's pretty shy.

Lori: *looks at Speed through her fingers*

Speed: Do you know who I am?

Lori: *smiles* DADDA!

Speed: *smirks* Come here you. *grabs Lori*

Lori: *giggles*

Awwwwwww this update is so beautiful and I loved the piece of dialogue between Speed and his little girl...very touching.

You sure know how to melt our hearts Geni I actually cried reading it.

update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'm very happy you're all enjoying it! That sweet scene sure does contrast the sadness of the other scenes, or possible sadness to come. ;)

Hearing Those Words, It Makes Me Weak

Hospital room

Horatio: *standing in doorway*

Speed: *sitting in chair, Lori on lap* You see her? That's your mommy.

Lori: *stares at Katie*

Speed: I know, she doesn't look too good.

Lori: *reaches out, touches Katie's hand* Mommy.

Speed: *strokes Lori's head*

Lori: *sighs*

Speed: Mommy's going to be okay.

Lori: *smirks*

Speed: *looks up*

Horatio: *tilts head* Lori?

Lori: *looks up*

Horatio: *walks over* Come on, let's go get you something to drink and let your mom rest.

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: Calleigh?

Calleigh: *walks over, smiles* Hey there!

Lori: *smiles*

Calleigh: You want some juice?

Lori: *nods*

Calleigh: Come on sweety, let's go.

Lori: *grabs Calleigh's hand*

Calleigh, Lori leave

Horatio: How are you holding up?

Speed: *holds Katie's hand* She looks like crap.

Horatio: I'm sure she'll be glad to hear that when she wakes up.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Lori's very smart for her age.

Speed: I know.

Horatio: I'll get Calleigh to take her to the Hummerhome for some sleep.

Speed: Thanks.

Horatio: You should get some rest.

Speed: *shakes head* No.

Horatio: You can't stay awake forever.

Speed: I know.

Horatio: I'll go get you some coffee.

Speed: *looks up* ...Thank you.

Horatio: Not a problem. *leaves*

Katie squeezes Speed's hand

Speed: *looks down* ...


A Father's Dispair

9 am, Hummerhome

Lori: *jumps on bed* WAKE UP!

Speed: *opens eyes* ...What are you doing out of bed?

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *sits up*

Lori: *climbs on Speed* UP!

Speed: I'm up, I'm up. *grabs Lori*

Lori: *giggles*

Calleigh: *walks in* Did you want me to take her?

Speed: Where's Horatio?

Calleigh: At the hospital.

Speed: Any change?

Calleigh: It doesn't look like it.

Speed: She squeezed my hand.

Calleigh: It could have been a spasm. Her muscles have been inactive for twenty four hours.

Speed: *gives Lori to Calleigh* Excuse me.

Calleigh: You're leaving her with me?

Lori: *plays with Calleigh's earrings*

Calleigh: Oh my.

Speed: I can't get dressed and hold a child at the same time. *grabs shirt*

Calleigh: I see.

Speed: Did the doctors say anything about her condition?

Calleigh: Well...From what I understood, if Katie ever wakes up, she might have brain damage.

Speed: Let's hope she doesn't.

Calleigh: You going to go see her?

Speed: Mhm.

Calleigh: Are you okay?

Speed: Why does everyone keep asking me that?

Calleigh: We're concerned about you.

Speed: Don't be concerned about me. You should be worried about Katie.

Lori: MOMMY!

Speed: ...Would you mind looking after her today?

Calleigh: *smiles* Really.

Speed: Is it a problem?

Calleigh: Not at all. Is there anything I should know about her?

Speed: She...Likes to play with guns.

Calleigh: Oh we have so much in common.

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: Just don't let her shoot any okay?

Calleigh: You have my word. Besides, if she's anything like you, it won't go off anyway.

Lori: *points at Speed, giggles*

Speed: Funny. *walks away*

Lori: *screams*

Speed: *turns around*

Lori: *reaches out*

Speed: *sigh* Be good. *kisses Lori on the cheek*

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *mumbles* Keep her away from Eric.

Calleigh: *laughs*


Be Near Me


Horatio: Speed.

Speed: Any change?

Horatio: She's stable.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: I just got a call from Yelina. California PD wants us to check out a crime scene.

Speed: What's their connection to Miami?

Horatio: Drug lord was stabbed, and a link to Miami ensues.

Speed: *tilts head* Interesting.

Horatio: Take Eric with you.

Speed: I'll grab a kit.

Horatio: Alright.

Crime scene, California/Nevada border

Delko: *places down kit* Nice house.

Speed: *grabs camera* Who builds a house near the border?

Delko: Miami drug lords?

Speed: Funny. *snaps pictures*

Delko: *looks through notes* Aaron Jones, 24 years old. The maid found him.

Speed: *kneels down* He doesn't look like any drug lord I've ever seen.

Delko: Maybe he was just starting out.

Speed: Maybe he's a mule.

Delko: Well either way, PD wants us to check it out.

Speed: *looks around* Does anyone else live here?

Delko: *flipping through notes* Uh...*flips pages*

Speed: *stands*

Delko: *flips through pages* Um...

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: ...Tracy Jones?

Speed: If you go any slower we won't ever solve the case. *grabs notes*

Delko: *frowns*

Speed: *looks down* Trace Jones, 12 years old. *looks up*

Delko: What?

Speed: She's 12.

Delko: So?

Speed: So I can't imagine a 12 year old cartelling drugs across the United States.

Delko: First time for everything.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: Well they have the same last name.

Speed: Yeah it probably means they're related.

Delko: ...Probably?

Speed: Would you mind looking for evidence now mister CSI boy?

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: Okay so he was stabbed in the stomach, knife has already been bagged.

Delko: Gravitational drops suggest he was running.

Speed: Yeah there's blood on the doorknob, he was running for help.

Delko: He didn't make it.

Speed: *opens kit*

Delko: ...So how's Katie?

Speed: *swabs doorknob*

Delko: ...Alright I get it, you don't want to talk about it.

Speed: *places swab in cardboard container*

Delko: Lori's cute.

Speed: *smirks*

Delko: AHA! It feels.

Speed: *places swab in kit* Did you have a point to this conversation?

Delko: Just trying to get you to lighten up is all.

Speed: Yeah I know.

Delko: You know, H probably assigned this case to distract you.

Speed: *stands* Yeah, I know that.

Delko: ...So why are you working it anyway?

Speed: It's a crime scene, and we're crime scene investigators. It's kind of our job.

Delko: ...So why did he send me?

Speed: *snaps pictures* Probably to make sure I didn't off myself or strangle someone in the middle of the street.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: Yeah it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

Delko: I bet.

Speed: Aren't you supposed to be processing?

Delko: Aren't you supposed to be photographing?

Speed: I was doing that.

Delko: Yeah but you suck at it.

Speed: *narrows eyes* This coming from someone who can't remember an address right after we were at the house.

Delko: I told you, I forget sometimes.

Speed: Yeah well maybe you're getting old.

Delko: *punches Speed*

Speed: *shakes head*

Cell phone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah, it's Speed....Uh...Just give me a few minutes to clear the scene...Yeah, bye. *closes phone*

Delko: Who was that?

Speed: Calleigh.

Delko: What did she want?

Speed: Lori won't stop crying.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: She's a child and she's upset, does she need a reason?

Delko: Guess not.


Ahem, sorry about the long post, and three chapters. I'm an insomniac. :p
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