CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh my.. i am so thrilled! :lol: i can't wait.. i feel nervous, i don't know why..oh, boy, oh boy.. :p
Thank you Geni ! you made my life more interesting! :D hi..
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

thanks for the updates Geni you are doing a great job of making the story interesting. :D

Hope you update soon. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay, I promised I was going to write the Vegas chapters, but since I'm not in that mood at the moment, y'all are going to have to wait. :p

But, we'll carry on with the other case!

Been Away

Next day, behind glass

Horatio: *walks over* Hey how are you holding up?

Speed: *hands over paper* Got the results from the DNA test.

Horatio: ...What DNA test?

Speed: Lori's. It matches the blood from the banister.

Horatio: And you're telling me this like it's good news.

Speed: The lab found a second DNA sample in the blood.

Horatio: Passive transfer?

Speed: The DNA's male.

Horatio: Okay. Tell me about the doctor's exam on Lori.

Speed: ...I figured you wanted me hands off.

Horatio: You didn't talk to the doctor?

Speed: Well I did, but I thought you wanted me at arms length.

Horatio: Speed, just tell me what the doctor said.

Speed: No evidence of a sexual assault. But the doctor did find a small cut on her arm.

Horatio: Cut?

Speed: Looks like it was a partial puncture wound.

Horatio: Like from a needle.

Speed: *tilts head*

Horatio: So where's our favorite psychiatrist?

Speed: I don't know.

Horatio: ...You don't know.

Speed: No.

Horatio: ...Go find him.

Speed: Sure.

Horatio: *shakes head*

Speed: *walks to door*

Horatio: Oh, Speed.

Speed: *turns around*

Horatio: I spoke to Lori this morning. You photographed the injuries.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Was she undressed?

Speed: Of course she was. Cameras can't see through fabric.

Horatio: Neither can the human eye.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Horatio: She told me you touched her.

Speed: What? No. I mean, well yeah but...No.

Horatio: Which is it?

Speed: Well she was telling me where it hurt and...I...*sigh* H, I was doing my job.

Horatio: Your job.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: She said she felt uncomfortable.

Speed: Frankly I'd be a little worried if she wasn't.

Horatio: Mhm. In the future, I want you to stay away from the medical aspect, and keep with the evidence. Understand?

Speed: *nods* Yeah.

Horatio: Good, because I don't want to be sued.

Speed: *frowns* What the hell did she tell you?

Horatio: Enough.

Speed: You gotta be kidding me. H, you know me.

Horatio: Apparently not.

Speed: I didn't hurt her.

Horatio: No, you didn't. She made that very clear.

Speed: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Yeah I see my word goes a long way with you. Thanks for your trust. *leaves, slams door*

Horatio: *looks at door*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhhhhh! Is Lori up to something or is someone else telling her what to say! I want answers woman! lol. Oh man this has got me all....excited. I wanna know whats going on! lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

What is Lori doing?!!!!, how could she accuse Speed of something like that?. Speed should have had a female officer in with him when it came to photographing Lori's injuries. Lori is most certainly up to something but what? the mind boggles and Horatio doesn't trust him? what is going on here?. Speed has had a troubled past but Horatio should know him better and have more faith in him. :mad:

update soon Geni I am curious to see where you are going next with this. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

It's Like I'm Stuck, Like I'm Running From You

Lori's room

Speed: *walks in*

Lori: *smiles* They let me out this morning.

Speed: What did you tell Horatio?

Lori: About what?

Speed: *frowns* I didn't hurt you.

Lori: *grins* I know.

Speed: What did you tell him.

Lori: You look angry.

Speed: Lori...What did you tell him.

Lori: I told him you made me feel better.

Speed: ...*wide-eyed* ....Say again?

Lori: You promised me I'd be fine.

Speed: Well he seems to think something else.

Lori: *blinks* What do you mean?

Speed: You told him I touched you.

Lori: You did.

Speed: No, I was checking for injuries.

Lori: ....*wide-eyed* Oh my God.

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: No. No, no no. No, you never did that.

Speed: *grabs Lori* Come on, we're going to straighten this out.

Horatio: *walks to doorway* ...Speed?

Speed: *looks at Horatio* H.

Horatio: *looks at Lori* ...What are you doing?

Speed: *lets go of Lori* We were just on our way to see you.

Horatio: *frowns* What were you two doing before I got here?

Speed: ...It's not what it looks like.

Horatio: Lori?

Lori: *hides behind Speed*

Horatio: *glares* Tim. Out.

Speed: *nods, leaves*

Horatio: *tilts head* Lori?

Lori: *shaking head* He didn't do anything to me.

Horatio: ...You know what a lie is right Lori?

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: You wouldn't be lying now would you?

Lori: No.

Horatio: Okay. Thank you. *walks away*


Horatio: *walks over*

Speed: H, I-

Horatio: Go back to the lab and wait for me.

Speed: Hora-


Speed: ...

Horatio: Now, son.

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: Do I have to tell you again?

Speed: I didn't t-

Horatio: GET OUT!


Horatio: ...You're fired.

Speed: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: Get out of my sight.

Speed: ....*nods* Yes sir. *walks away*

Horatio: *puts on shades*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Why is Horatio acting this way and not listening to Speed?, Lori has told Horatio the truth so why is he firing him? I am sooo shocked!!! :eek: :confused:

Something is not right here.

update soon Geni
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Man I wish they had an emoticon for angry/shocked/stunned/and everything emotion there is! Whoa, I can NOT believe Horatio fired Speed! I mean...he's his wing man! HE'S HIS GOOSE! (....top gun....yeah anyway...) I mean yeah sure what he walked in on must not have been good looking....but *sighs* Geni you've got to update right now! Ok, you don't have to but I want to know what happends next!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Sweet Revelation

Mental Facility

Psychiatrist: Blood? What do you mean second blood sample?

Horatio: Well we think it's transfer.

Psychiatrist: Someone hurt Lori?

Horatio: Well the real issue is someone murdered Molly.

Psychiatrist: ...Lori?

Horatio: I was hoping you could explain that.

Psychiatrist: I wasn't here.

Horatio: Why did you restrain Lori those other times?

Psychiatrist: She...Was becoming increasingly violent. Screaming, lashing out...That sort of thing.

Horatio: Is she being given any medication?

Psychiatrist: No.

Horatio: Okay, thank you.

Psychiatrist: No problem.

Lab, midnight

Horatio: *walks over slowly* What are you still doing here?

Speed: *looks up* I uh...*clears throat* I didn't know where else to go.

Horatio: *sits down*

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Horatio: Katie called my cell today.

Speed: Yeah?

Horatio: She wanted to know how the case was going. I told her what you did.

Speed: *looks up* You what?

Horatio: She needs to know the truth.

Speed: *covers eyes* Oh my God.

Horatio: She didn't sound too happy.

Speed: ...Wh-..What did she say?

Horatio: She had a few choice words for you and they weren't 'Happy Birthday'.

Speed: ...You bastard.

Horatio: Excuse me?

Speed: You had no right to tell her anything.

Horatio: She was bound to find out.

Speed: *shakes head* It's one thing for you to not believe a damn thing I say, but it's another thing for you to bring my wife into this.

Horatio: Go back to the hotel. *leaves*

Speed: *gets out cell phone, dials*

Vegas, hotel room

Katie: *picks up phone* Hello?


Speed: ...Katie.

Katie: Oh no you don't. I don't want to talk to you.

Speed: Wait! Wait don't hang up.

Katie: Don't bother apologizing.

Speed: You have to believe me, I didn't do this. What Horatio told you is not what happened.

Katie: You can pick up your things from our front lawn.

Speed: *clears throat* Please, just listen to me.

Katie: You have thirty seconds.

Speed: You said you trusted me. Trust me now. I did not do this.

Katie: Tim, you have a problem. Maybe with professional help, you can overcome this.

Speed: No, listen to me. I swear to you with every fiber of my being that nothing happened.

Katie: Sure. Horatio's a big fat liar, and you're an angel. You know what? We'll discuss this when you get back. See you later.

Speed: ...I love you.

Katie: Goodbye Tim.


Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Is it wrong that I'm calling myself an idiot right now? Its very rare that he says those 3 little words and all I say is "Goodnight Tim" Ugh, i'm a jerk! And horatio's an even bigger jerk. Speed was right he had no right to tell me anything. But awww now I just want to give Timmy a big hug! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

what the hell...is going on here! :eek: Horatio is like old ass who is telling rumours! :lol: reminds me one of my friends :p right now i need to say.. poor Speed!
and Lori...she is crazy! :D

Great updates Geni ! ;)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

What with Horatio today!!! What did he have in mind... I don't understand!!!
And now I have to go to school and I begin with 2 hours of philosophy... It's just not good :(

Anyway update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great update Geni, I love my H and all but he prejudged speed with out probable evidence to back his acusations. Don't get me wrong oh I love H but, the job of any good CSI is to hold opinion until all evidence proberly backs such things.... did I make sense.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

That made sense Jaci. :p

I'll have more chapters when I get home from school. We'll find out who the murderer was, and then our two favorite boys will be back in Vegas. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

now Katie has thrown Speed out as well!!!, I don't believe it. You never fail to surprise us with this story Geni keep up the great updates. :D
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