CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed really cares for Lori and it must be difficult to watch Lori so upset but Speed should stay focused because it is possible that under that sweet behaviour that he has seen in the past may lie a killer...who knows. I hope she isn't cause I like Lori.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

H was being so mean that was just ... I should give him a time out... in my room ...*coughcough* ahem ... nevermind.... Anyway great update you are on fire today...*takes away flamable substances and excelerants from Geni* LOL
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

H... where is your humanity :p she is insane, but still human! :p i know have she feels, we have the same symptoms :lol:

i am lil bit confused, i don't know why, my left eye is pulling :D

update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Your left eye is pulling? Maybe you need some more Vitamin C. :p

calleighspeedle said
Speed really cares for Lori and it must be difficult to watch Lori so upset but Speed should stay focused...

I swear we have one mind. :p And you're right, Speed's treading on some thin ice so he had better watch his step. ;)

And yes, my hands are on fire today. Actually, they're kind of cold but that's because it's freezing in here. :rolleyes:

Running Out Of Days, Can't Take This Away

NYC lab

Horatio: *walks over* DNA results.

Speed: The blood on the banister is male.

Horatio: So I guess that rules out Lori as the killer. *looks down at folder*

Speed: *closes folder*

Horatio: *looks up*

Speed: How's Lori?

Horatio: She had to be sedated.

Speed: ...*sigh*

Horatio: Are you going to be okay?

Speed: I'm fine.

Horatio: Okay right now we need to find out where that murder wepon came from, so let's go back to the facility and look around.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Come on.

Mental Facility

Psychiatry office

Psychiatrist: What are you guys looking for?

Speed: *clicks on flashlight* Location of a murder weapon.

Psychiatrist: Why are you looking in my office?

Speed: The victim died near your office. It's proximity.

Psychiatrist: You think I had something to do with it?

Speed: Well did you?

Psychiatrist: No, of course not. I wasn't here all of yesterday.

Speed: Where were you?

Psychiatrist: I was at my daughter's birthday up in Buffalo.

Speed: You have a daughter.

Psychiatrist: Yes, I do. Are you going to arrest me now?

Speed: No.

Psychiatrist: Um...I realize before, when we were talking, I might have been a little too forward.

Speed: *looks through drawers* You were just making observations, it's your job. The only problem is you were an ass about it.

Psychiatrist: *laughs* I guess.

Speed: Maybe next time you can try being a little less forward.

Psychiatrist: I'll keep that in mind.

Speed: *picks up paper*

Psychiatrist: It's not like that's a murder weapon. What would I do, give someone a severe papercut?

Speed: *looks down in drawer* It's not the paper I'm concerned with.

Psychiatrist: Then what?

Speed: *pops up bottom of drawer* You have a false bottom in this drawer.

Psychiatrist: Yeah I know that. The desk was made that way, I can't help what the manufacturer does.

Speed: *reaches down* Yeah but you can help what you put in it. Box of condoms.

Psychiatrist: Those aren't mine. A visitor came in with them and I confiscated the box and left it in my drawer.

Speed: *looks at Psychiatrist*

Psychiatrist: It's the truth.

Speed: *throws box in drawer*

Psychiatrist: *sigh*

Speed: *walks around* You hang pictures on your walls.

Psychiatrist: Yeah it's an office. I don't want it to be completely sterile.

Speed: You put any religious ornaments on your walls?

Psychiatrist: Like what?

Speed: A crucifix.

Psychiatrist: I'm not Catholic.

Speed: You don't have to be Catholic to buy one. Maybe it makes your patients feel safer.

Psychiatrist: Would it make you feel safer?

Speed: I'm not a patient.

Psychiatrist: Well not anymore.

Speed: Is there anyway someone could have gotten in here if you're absent?

Psychiatrist: Not without a key.

Speed: How many keys do you have?

Psychiatrist: One, and it stays with me.

Speed: Great, thanks for your help.

Psychiatrist: No problem.

Horatio: *walks in* Speed, let's get a DNA reference sample from everyone here. I want you to start with Lori.

Speed: Sure boss. *leaves*

Psychiatrist: You're letting him near her?

Horatio: It's his job. I would however like to observe in case anything goes wrong.

Psychiatrist: Of course.

Rubber room

Speed: *walks in*

Psychiatrist: I'll be outside.

Speed: Thanks.

Lori: *looks up*

Speed: *sits down*

Lori: Can you loosen the straps?

Speed: I'm sorry I can't do that.

Lori: Why are you here?

Speed: *looks around, leans closer* I found blood on the banister where Molly was.

Lori: What does that mean?

Speed: *opens swab container* It means I need a sample.

Lori: What are you going to do with it?

Speed: I'm going to compare it to the blood on the banister.

Lori: *tilts head* You think it was me?

Speed: *whispers* When I get the sample, knock it out of my hand.

Lori: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Just do it.

Lori: *nods*

Behind glass

Psychiatrist: I know the straps seem a little excessive, but we try not to take any chances.

Horatio: Is she a danger to anyone?

Psychiatrist: No, but we want to observe her for now.

Horatio: Sounds good.

Rubber room

Lori: Now?

Speed: *nods*

Lori: *pushes Speed* NO!

Speed: *drops swab onto floor*

Behind glass

Psychiatrist: I take it their conversation didn't go well.

Horatio: And the sample is ruined.

Psychiatrist: So get another one.

Horatio: We're going to need a whole new warrant for that. We're only authorized one sample per person.

Psychiatrist: How long could that take?

Horatio: Depends on the judge.

Rubber room

Speed: I'll see you a little later.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *walks away*


Horatio: Speed, the sample.

Speed: It's contaminated. We can't test it legally.

Horatio: It's alright. Since the DNA is male anyway, we don't need a sample from her.

Speed: Right.

Horatio: Okay, let's get samples from everyone else.

Speed: You got it.

Horatio: Excellent. *walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhhh Sneaky McSneakerson! That was very clever though, telling her to knock it out of his hand. Awww how cute is it that he wants to help her. And I seriously can't stop saying aww! And whoa, a box on condoms in the doctor's drawer....yeah I don't believe he took those off of somebody for a second. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhhh very sneaky Speedy boy. Personally, I think it's the psychiatrist. I would love to see that ass put in jail anyway lol. But awwww poor Lori. Little does she know she did have a little angel watching over her in that room :p

Geni you make Lori and Speed so cute! He cares about her....makes me want to awwww all over the place lol Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hmm thats was suspicious.. i think Speed sad something to Lori.. :p Smartass! :devil:

i need go to sleep,maybe then my left eye will stop pulling! :lol: *whispers* Goodnight!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great update geni LOL speedy is being nice its so cute I can't wait for more, I like spending my day off reading updates on csifiles lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aw you guys are so awesome. :D

..And thanks for the awesomeriffic reviews!

One More Lie Could Be The Worst

Behind the glass

Horatio: *walks in* Did you get samples from everyone?

Speed: *looking through glass* Mhm.

Horatio: Are they running?

Speed: *drinks coffee* Yeah.

Horatio: You don't drink coffee.

Speed: I was thinking of injecting the caffeine directly but I figure this was safer.

Horatio: *smirks* It's been a long day.

Speed: *looks at watch* Well it's going to be a long night.

Horatio: Why don't you go back to the hotel.

Speed: I'm not tired.

Horatio: You're tired.

Speed: I'm staying.

Horatio: *looks through glass* Lori's sure seemed to calm down quite a bit.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: I looked at the DNA profile again.

Speed: *places cup on table* Really.

Horatio: Mhm. The DNA was female, not male.

Speed: I must have read it wrong.

Horatio: *smirks* Very clever. And it just so happens the DNA sample you got from Lori was contaminated, and we can't use it.

Speed: You saw what happened.

Horatio: Lori did it, didn't she?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Speed...

Speed: H, she didn't hurt anyone.

Horatio: That's not what the evidence says.

Speed: The evidence is wrong.

Horatio: A judge just re-issued the DNA test for Lori. *hands over swab*

Speed: *looks down at swab* No.

Horatio: Do your job.

Speed: No.

Horatio: Speed...

Speed: You think she's guilty, you do it.

Horatio: You think she's innocent?

Speed: I think there's something wrong with this picture.

Horatio: How do you mean?

Speed: Did you see her wrists?

Horatio: They're bruised.

Speed: Yeah so are her ankles.

Horatio: She's been tied up.

Speed: Yeah and it wasn't recently. The bruises are in multiple stages of healing.

Horatio: You don't think they torture patients here do you?

Speed: I think this isn't the first time she's seen those walls.

Horatio: It explains why she was so intent on getting out.

Speed: Trauma huh?

Horatio: I think we may have found it. I'll talk to Lori, you talk to the psychiatrist.

Speed: You got it.

Rubber room

Horatio: *walks in, sits down*

Lori: *smiles* Hi Horatio.

Horatio: Hi. The doctors want to take these straps off of you soon.

Lori: Good, because they itch.

Horatio: Actually, I'd like to just take a look at one of your wrists, if that's alright with you.

Lori: Go ahead, I'm not going anywhere.

Horatio: *smirks*

Lori: *grins*

Horatio: *puts on latex gloves* So Lori, have you been in this room before?

Lori: Not that I remember.

Horatio: Interesting. *takes off one strap* Were these bruises there before you came here?

Lori: Mhm. I must have hit my wrist against something.

Horatio: *holds Lori's hand* Well injuries like these happen over a period of time. Like if you were strapped to this bed more than once.

Lori: I've never been in this room before today.

Horatio: Do you have any other injuries?

Lori: ...*nods*

Horatio: Can you tell me where it hurts?

Lori: I want Tim. I wanna talk to Tim.

Horatio: You can tell me.

Lori: No, I want to talk to Tim.

Horatio: Okay. I'll get him for you.

Lori: Thank you Horatio.

Horatio: *takes off latex gloves* You're welcome.

Psychiatrist's office

Psychiatrist: What are you talking about? She's never been in that room before today.

Horatio: *walks over* That's not what the bruises say.

Psychiatrist: What bruises!

Speed: The ones she couldn't have gotten anywhere else but here. So you had better start talking.

Psychiatrist: Who are you going to believe? A retard, or me?

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: She is not a retard, she is a human being. Now, we can do this the hard way or you can cooperate.

Psychiatrist: What do you need?

Speed: Your fingerprints and access to your entire office.

Psychiatrist: Alright.

Horatio: An officer will escort you out of the building.

Psychiatrist: I know my way out. *leaves*

Speed: I found a box of condoms in his drawer.

Horatio: Alright here's what I want to do. You go talk to Lori, because she wouldn't answer my questions. Then go to her room and process.

Speed: The entire room?

Horatio: *nods*

Speed: Sure thing. *leaves*

Horatio: *places on shades*

Rubber room

Speed: *walks in* Hey.

Lori: *sits up* The doctors took off the straps.

Speed: That's good. Horatio said you wanted to talk to me.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *sits* About what?

Lori: Horatio asked me if I was hurt anywhere else.

Speed: Were you?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: Where?

Lori: ...My stomach, and chest.

Speed: Okay. *opens kit, places on latex gloves*

Lori: What are you doing?

Speed: I'm going to need to photograph the injuries.

Lori: There's no marks.

Speed: Well I'm still going to have to take pictures. *walks over to glass window, pulls shades down*

Lori: What are you doing?

Speed: *grabs camera* Take off your clothes.

Lori: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Don't worry, it's my job.

Lori: ...All of my clothes?

Speed: You can keep your undergarments on.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: *walks over*

Lori: ...Should I stand?

Speed: No you can stay there.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *snaps pictures* Okay, can you hold your hands out?

Lori: *holds hands out*

Speed: *takes pictures*

Lori: Do you like it?

Speed: *looks up from camera*

Lori: Your job, I mean.

Speed: It puts food on the table.

Lori: *smiles* I've never had a job.

Speed: *snaps pictures* You're lucky.

Lori: *sigh* I guess I am.

Speed: *puts down camera* You can put your clothes back on.

Lori: Alright. *grabs clothes*

Speed: A doctor is probably going to come in later and check you.

Lori: For what? I'm not sick.

Speed: I know.

Lori: Will you be here?

Speed: No. I'll be outside.

Lori: How does this help you find out who killed Molly?

Speed: ...It's complicated.

Lori: Okay. *lays on bed* OW.

Speed: What?

Lori: *sits up* My stomach.

Speed: *walks over* Where does it hurt?

Lori: *points* Right there, but there's no marks.

Speed: *lifts Lori's shirt* You might have internal injuries.

Lori: What's that?

Speed: It happens when blood vessels in the muscles bleed. It doesn't show up under your skin until later. *touches Lori's stomach* Does that hurt?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *moves hand further up* There?

Lori: Mhm.

Speed: You might have a bruised rib.

Lori: Am I going to die?

Speed: *smirks* No, you're not going to die. You'll be fine. *takes off latex gloves*

Lori: So what now?

Speed: Now you sit tight for a little bit, and the doctor will be right in to check you.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: *stands* You're going to be fine.

Lori: *smiles*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

oh geni! Even in all of the seriousness that, that chapter was in. You still managed to make me giggle!

Speed: *takes pictures*

Lori: Do you like it?

Speed: *looks up from camera*

Lori: Your job, I mean.

Teehee. I'm sorry but that was funny. And hmm...Speed was lying? Well he just wanted to protect Lori! Nothing, wrong with that. And seriously that doctor dude is really getting on my nerves! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'm really pleased that y'all are liking this storyline. I've actually been having some trouble writing it because of real life, and the fact that we all know this storyline borders on a very serious issue. Humor never hurts either, so it lessens the tension.

So the next chapter, should be in Vegas with the rest of y'all. ;) We need to give this storyline a little rest for a while.

Stay tuned for the next chapters!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

gosh, this is so cool, i can't wait for more updates!
you are doing really great job Geni ! :)
and i respect you for this..
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh man I think I never read a story like this!! There is humor, serious, love, suspense and it's all of you uys :p

It was a really great update Geni and update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks carole, that does mean a lot when someone comes on here, and thinks of the story that way. :)

LtKitty, you down have to bow down to me. :lol: Oh and you should be added sometime in the next few pages.
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