Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Aw you guys are so awesome.
..And thanks for the awesomeriffic reviews!
One More Lie Could Be The Worst
Behind the glass
Horatio: *walks in* Did you get samples from everyone?
Speed: *looking through glass* Mhm.
Horatio: Are they running?
Speed: *drinks coffee* Yeah.
Horatio: You don't drink coffee.
Speed: I was thinking of injecting the caffeine directly but I figure this was safer.
Horatio: *smirks* It's been a long day.
Speed: *looks at watch* Well it's going to be a long night.
Horatio: Why don't you go back to the hotel.
Speed: I'm not tired.
Horatio: You're tired.
Speed: I'm staying.
Horatio: *looks through glass* Lori's sure seemed to calm down quite a bit.
Speed: Yeah.
Horatio: I looked at the DNA profile again.
Speed: *places cup on table* Really.
Horatio: Mhm. The DNA was female, not male.
Speed: I must have read it wrong.
Horatio: *smirks* Very clever. And it just so happens the DNA sample you got from Lori was contaminated, and we can't use it.
Speed: You saw what happened.
Horatio: Lori did it, didn't she?
Speed: No.
Horatio: Speed...
Speed: H, she didn't hurt anyone.
Horatio: That's not what the evidence says.
Speed: The evidence is wrong.
Horatio: A judge just re-issued the DNA test for Lori. *hands over swab*
Speed: *looks down at swab* No.
Horatio: Do your job.
Speed: No.
Horatio: Speed...
Speed: You think she's guilty, you do it.
Horatio: You think she's innocent?
Speed: I think there's something wrong with this picture.
Horatio: How do you mean?
Speed: Did you see her wrists?
Horatio: They're bruised.
Speed: Yeah so are her ankles.
Horatio: She's been tied up.
Speed: Yeah and it wasn't recently. The bruises are in multiple stages of healing.
Horatio: You don't think they torture patients here do you?
Speed: I think this isn't the first time she's seen those walls.
Horatio: It explains why she was so intent on getting out.
Speed: Trauma huh?
Horatio: I think we may have found it. I'll talk to Lori, you talk to the psychiatrist.
Speed: You got it.
Rubber room
Horatio: *walks in, sits down*
Lori: *smiles* Hi Horatio.
Horatio: Hi. The doctors want to take these straps off of you soon.
Lori: Good, because they itch.
Horatio: Actually, I'd like to just take a look at one of your wrists, if that's alright with you.
Lori: Go ahead, I'm not going anywhere.
Horatio: *smirks*
Lori: *grins*
Horatio: *puts on latex gloves* So Lori, have you been in this room before?
Lori: Not that I remember.
Horatio: Interesting. *takes off one strap* Were these bruises there before you came here?
Lori: Mhm. I must have hit my wrist against something.
Horatio: *holds Lori's hand* Well injuries like these happen over a period of time. Like if you were strapped to this bed more than once.
Lori: I've never been in this room before today.
Horatio: Do you have any other injuries?
Lori: ...*nods*
Horatio: Can you tell me where it hurts?
Lori: I want Tim. I wanna talk to Tim.
Horatio: You can tell me.
Lori: No, I want to talk to Tim.
Horatio: Okay. I'll get him for you.
Lori: Thank you Horatio.
Horatio: *takes off latex gloves* You're welcome.
Psychiatrist's office
Psychiatrist: What are you talking about? She's never been in that room before today.
Horatio: *walks over* That's not what the bruises say.
Psychiatrist: What bruises!
Speed: The ones she couldn't have gotten anywhere else but here. So you had better start talking.
Psychiatrist: Who are you going to believe? A retard, or me?
Speed: *frowns*
Horatio: She is not a retard, she is a human being. Now, we can do this the hard way or you can cooperate.
Psychiatrist: What do you need?
Speed: Your fingerprints and access to your entire office.
Psychiatrist: Alright.
Horatio: An officer will escort you out of the building.
Psychiatrist: I know my way out. *leaves*
Speed: I found a box of condoms in his drawer.
Horatio: Alright here's what I want to do. You go talk to Lori, because she wouldn't answer my questions. Then go to her room and process.
Speed: The entire room?
Horatio: *nods*
Speed: Sure thing. *leaves*
Horatio: *places on shades*
Rubber room
Speed: *walks in* Hey.
Lori: *sits up* The doctors took off the straps.
Speed: That's good. Horatio said you wanted to talk to me.
Lori: *nods*
Speed: *sits* About what?
Lori: Horatio asked me if I was hurt anywhere else.
Speed: Were you?
Lori: *nods*
Speed: Where?
Lori: ...My stomach, and chest.
Speed: Okay. *opens kit, places on latex gloves*
Lori: What are you doing?
Speed: I'm going to need to photograph the injuries.
Lori: There's no marks.
Speed: Well I'm still going to have to take pictures. *walks over to glass window, pulls shades down*
Lori: What are you doing?
Speed: *grabs camera* Take off your clothes.
Lori: *stares at Speed*
Speed: Don't worry, it's my job.
Lori: ...All of my clothes?
Speed: You can keep your undergarments on.
Lori: Okay.
Speed: *walks over*
Lori: ...Should I stand?
Speed: No you can stay there.
Lori: *nods*
Speed: *snaps pictures* Okay, can you hold your hands out?
Lori: *holds hands out*
Speed: *takes pictures*
Lori: Do you like it?
Speed: *looks up from camera*
Lori: Your job, I mean.
Speed: It puts food on the table.
Lori: *smiles* I've never had a job.
Speed: *snaps pictures* You're lucky.
Lori: *sigh* I guess I am.
Speed: *puts down camera* You can put your clothes back on.
Lori: Alright. *grabs clothes*
Speed: A doctor is probably going to come in later and check you.
Lori: For what? I'm not sick.
Speed: I know.
Lori: Will you be here?
Speed: No. I'll be outside.
Lori: How does this help you find out who killed Molly?
Speed: ...It's complicated.
Lori: Okay. *lays on bed* OW.
Speed: What?
Lori: *sits up* My stomach.
Speed: *walks over* Where does it hurt?
Lori: *points* Right there, but there's no marks.
Speed: *lifts Lori's shirt* You might have internal injuries.
Lori: What's that?
Speed: It happens when blood vessels in the muscles bleed. It doesn't show up under your skin until later. *touches Lori's stomach* Does that hurt?
Lori: *nods*
Speed: *moves hand further up* There?
Lori: Mhm.
Speed: You might have a bruised rib.
Lori: Am I going to die?
Speed: *smirks* No, you're not going to die. You'll be fine. *takes off latex gloves*
Lori: So what now?
Speed: Now you sit tight for a little bit, and the doctor will be right in to check you.
Lori: Okay.
Speed: *stands* You're going to be fine.
Lori: *smiles*