CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww, Lori's so cute. And you know I'm kinda glad that it wasn't gus. because gus was awesome! "Gus 1...government zero!"

Speed called Lori sweetheart, I said awww really loud when I read that and I don't know why. But good lord that psychtrist, I tell ya I'd just like to strangle his butt. First he's all up in Speed's crime scene (which happens all the time to the poor guy) and then he's all saying "Maybe she likes it" Uh..yeah bub I don't think so. He really needs to let things go. He probably thinks in some sick way he's "helping" Speed, when in truth he's probably just making it worse.

...Anyway great update, as always. And I can't wait to find out who killed Molly.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww! How cute! Speed is such a cutie lol Poor Lori, she's so adorable! lol Oh man that pshychiatrist is a JERK! Oh man, if Katie was there, haha she'd kiss his butt. I'd like to kick his butt right about now.

This is intresting because I'm watching the CSI Miami marathon on A&E and when I read Horatio and Speed's part I can literally hear them lol Great update Geni! Can't wait for the next one.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well I do try to get the character's personalities down as close as possible. And, I'd be watching the marathon right now, but I have to go with my dad to browse for Hummers. :p

And I'm glad y'all liked the updates.

Carly, I hope we find out who the murderer is too, ...Well actually I already know who it is, because I've been planning this for two days but still..

Katie, wow you're right this time. :lol: :p The Psychiatrist does think that he's helping, but in reality is really isn't. I guess that's the stereotype huh?

And there does seem to be something going on with Lori, and we'll find out what that is soon enough.

More to come soon :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww poor Lori

Horatio: I told you to do it.

Speed: Great. Are you going to waves your shades too and make me do a dance?
This one was funny :p

Great update Geni and update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

AWWWW what great updates.... tried reading them at like four in the morning but the website was doing maintnance... *sigh* and I couldn't get on earlier cause I was watching my bro his gf and one of our friends who were totally smashed then I polished off their alchol and got a tiny buzz lol.... Anyway can't wait for more..... Its so sad *sniff*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Glad you liked the chapter carole. :D

And I'm happy you were able to read the chapters eventually Jaci. :)

I Swear I Didn't Want To, I Swear I Didn't Know


Horatio: Talk to me Speed.

Speed: She didn't see all of it.

Horatio: I've been looking through patient records. Our friendly neighborhood psychiatrist lent me the sessions he had with Lori over the past year.

Speed: Why would you be looking into her sessions?

Horatio: I need to go with the only lead I have, and she's it.

Speed: So what do the records say?

Horatio: Over the past few months she's been getting irritable, frustrated, angry, and at times lashes out at staff members.

Speed: Really. *grabs file* You think it's because of the medication she's on?

Horatio: There's no indication she's on anything.

Speed: How far back did you check?

Horatio: Six months.

Speed: She didn't ever seem angry when I was there.

Horatio: So the change happened after you left....She seems like a sweet girl. Very innocent.

Speed: Your point?

Horatio: She probably hasn't experienced very many things, or emotions for that matter.

Speed: You think something happened to her and she doesn't know how to react.

Horatio: Trauma can have that effect on some people. Especially with someone who's been isolated for a long period of time.

Speed: So the trauma manifests itself as anger.

Horatio: It's possible.

Speed: Well she probably won't tell us what happened, if something happened at all.

Horatio: It's my understanding that before you left, she commented on how she loved you.

Speed: She doesn't know what love is.

Horatio: And then you left. Maybe she didn't know how to react to that.

Speed: Come on H, you don't believe someone being in love leads to murder.

Horatio: *places hands on hips* I've seen my fair share of cases.

Speed: Right. It's always about money or sex.

Horatio: Revenge and obsession go hand in hand as well.

Speed: Come on, she could never hurt someone intentionally.

Horatio: Mental condition or not, everyone's capable of murder.

Speed: Even you?

Horatio: *places on shades* Go back to the hospital and talk to the psychiatrist. *walks away*

Speed: Aye aye captain. *leaves*

Hospital, one hour later. Psychiatry office

Speed: *sits down, places folder on table*

Psychiatrist: Lori's file. I gave that to the lieutenant a while ago.

Speed: Can you describe her mental state for the last six to eight months?

Psychiatrist: ...Angry, depressed.

Speed: Depressed about what?

Psychiatrist: She wouldn't tell me.

Speed: What did she tell you.

Psychiatrist: She told me that she was...Feeling different.

Speed: How?

Psychiatrist: She went into depressive psychosis. It's a condition that effects that memory centre of the brain, as well as a patient's emotions. She would remember a tramatic event, and it would trigger her depression, which led to her anger.

Speed: Tramatic like what?

Psychiatrist: Well, if I remember correctly, a family member assaulted her a while back.

Speed: Could that have been what made her lash out at people?

Psychiatrist: It's always a possibility. But the thing that made me curious, is at times she seemed almost...Euphoric, and calm.

Speed: And that has nothing to do with the psychosis?

Psychiatrist: With that condition, you don't just do a 360 with your emotions. It's stays pretty consistant, and it's manageable with medication.

Speed: So she has two different conditions.

Psychiatrist: *laughs* If you call love a condition.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Psychiatrist: Unfortunately, doctors haven't found a cure for the common cold, or the love bug.

Speed: Do you think she could have commited the murder?

Psychiatrist: Maybe, if something set her off.

Speed: Like what?

Psychiatrist: Who knows.

Horatio: *takes off shades* So let's test that theory.

Speed: *looks up* H?

Horatio: Let's set her off.

Psychiatrist: How do you mean?

Horatio: I want to keep Speed here away from her, and I want her to stay locked in her room.

Psychiatrist: What will that prove?

Horatio: Put a camera in the room, and let's see what happens.

Psychiatrist: I'll do that right now. *leaves*

Speed: *stands* I don't think this is a good idea.

Horatio: I'm wondering if she's really as innocent as we thought.

Speed: This is torture. You can't just lock her up and expect her to throw a fit.

Horatio: Your objections are duely noted.

Speed: And you're still going to do it anyway.

Horatio: Mhm. *walks away*

Speed: *sigh* Wonderful.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

...That's kinda rude. I mean I see the reason why locking her up. But I know I wouldn't want to be locked up. And I really hope that Lori didn't kill Molly.

Speed: Even you?

Horatio: *places on shades* Go back to the hospital and talk to the psychiatrist. *walks away*
Way to NOT answer the question there H man! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh H man, that's just mean. Poor Speed, hopefully Lori IS as innocent as we think she is lol. Hmmm I don't know who it is though, keeping me guessing huh? lol

Great update Geni, you've really got me puzzled on this one!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

AWWW why is H being so mean????? I don't really aprove.... but what needs to be done needs to be done I guess. Anyway What a great update. You really no how to make a story seem like real life.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*runs in room,brake the door and fell on floor* did i miss something? :eek:

Love is in the air, i can smell it! *snif-snif* and H can't tell anything.. *giggle* love when you make him shy! :D

When you leave, please close the door. I don't want the fish getting out.
that was funny, he he! :lol: i know, she is lil bit crazy, and about crazy people we can't laugh, so sorry, my bad :p
ok, no more talking..
Great Geni ! update please! :)

*lying on couch and put legs on table* i am glad to be back! :D ...what? :confused: oh, sorry about the doors :p i will fix later...really! i will! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio does have a habit of just....Friggin' walking away and not answering the question. :p

*sigh* Oh well. :lol:

And thanks Jaci, I try to do my best to make it at least...Believable in some parts. :p Ans shy H is an awesome H! Teehee.

Thanks calleighspeedle :D I'm glad I brought her back. She's such a cutie.

I Can't See Through This Haze

Maximum security ward

Lori: *smiles* Why am I in this room?

Psychiatrist: You're just going to be in here for a little while, and then we'll let you out.

Lori: Did I do something wrong?

Psychiatrist: *smiles* Not at all.

Lori: Who's behind the glass up there?

Psychiatrist: I'll be behind the glass, along with Lieutenant Caine.

Lori: Where's Tim?

Psychiatrist: He's not here.

Lori: Why?

Psychiatrist: We don't need him here.

Lori: Why not?

Psychiatrist: You don't have to worry about it.

Lori: Can I talk to him?

Psychiatrist: Not right now.

Lori: When can I talk to him?

Psychiatrist: Later. *walks to door*

Lori: *follows* When's later?

Psychiatrist: Just stay here for a little bit okay?

Lori: I don't want to stay here. It's scary in here.

Psychiatrist: Don't worry, I'll be on the other side of that glass. Besides, you have the angels here right?

Lori: No, they're not here. Let me talk to Tim.

Psychiatrist: He's not here Lori.

Lori: Find him!

Psychiatrist: I'll be back in a little bit. *closes door*

Lori: *looks around*

Behind the glass

Psychiatrist: As you can see, she's already agitated.

Horatio: *sips coffee* Mhm.

Speed: *crosses arms* How long are you going to keep her in there?

Psychiatrist: As long as it takes.

Rubber room

Lori: *walks around* ...Let me out...Let me out! Where's Tim!

Behind glass

Horatio: She's panicking.

Psychiatrist: Not uncommon in these types of cases.

Speed: Yeah I'd panick if I was in a rubber room by myself too.

Psychiatrist: She'll be fine.

Rubber room

Lori: *runs to glass* LET ME OUT! TIM! *bangs on glass* HELP ME!

Behind glass

Speed: Maybe we should let her out.

Horatio: Just wait.

Psychiatrist: She's playing us, and she'll calm down. It's just a tactic.

Speed: Tactic for what?

Horatio: To let her out.

Rubber room

Lori: *stars to cry* LET ME OUT! *banging on glass* I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! *paces around the room* I want to talk to Tim! ...I WANT TO TALK TO TIM! *tips bed over into the wall* LET ME TALK TO HIM! TIM!

Behind glass

Horatio: Is she always like this?

Psychiatrist: There were times where she seemed dillusional, like now.

Speed: She's not dillusional, she's scared.

Psychiatrist: She's smart, she knows what to do to make us listen to her.

Horatio: You think she's an attention-seeker?

Psychiatrist: If we don't give her what she wants, then yes.

Screaming heard from other side of glass

Speed: Can you just let her out?

Psychiatrist: She'll be fine.

Speed: She's not fine. Let her out.

Psychiatrist: We've done this with many patients before.

Rubber room

Lori: *scratching the walls* Let me out...Let me out...*strokes walls* Help...Help me...Tim...*starts crying* Tim...Help...*rips walls* HELP ME! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS! *falls on floor*

Behind glass

Psychiatrist: Interesting.

Horatio: Has she showed signs of this before?

Psychiatrist: In her dillusional state, yes but nothing this severe.

Speed: Look, you've proved your point. Can you just let her out now?

Horatio: Speed, calm down everything is fine.

Speed: *looks through glass*

Lori laying on the floor crying

Speed: Let her out...Please.

Horatio: We can't do that yet.

Psychiatrist: If we study her behavior, we can find out if she was indeed capable of the murder in question.

Speed: *leans head on glass* ...Let her go.

Horatio: ...Speed, w-

Speed: *lifts head* LET HER OUT!

Psychiatrist: ...Lieutenant?

Horatio: ...*nods* Let her go.

Psychiatrist: Okay. *leaves*

Horatio: You okay?

Speed: *nods* ...I-I'm fine.

Horatio: Go back to the lab and see if the DNA results came in yet.

Speed: I want to stay here.

Horatio: I don't think that would be the best thing right now.

Speed: ...Fine. I'll page you. *leaves*

Horatio: *looks through glass*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

LOL Lt Kitty
Great update. Aw H that mean want to do!!! *point finger in Horatio* YOU.DO.NOT.THAT
*everybody stare at her*...*Smile* Sorry

Anyway great update Geni and update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww poor Lori. I just wann hug her. And damn you H man! When someone says let me out that means "Let me out!" Ughers! Poor Lori just wanted Tim. *sniff* Its so sad. I feel kinda bad for her, even though I kinda think she killed Molly now...but of course I could be wrong.
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