CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

YAY I AM A HAMSTER!!!!! Wait should I be proud of that? LOL *Sigh* *thinks, then brain explodes* OOOPPPSSS gues I shouldn't think that hard LOL, Can't wait for more of your every rolling on the floor, rib splitting excitement and Falling off the computer chair cliffhangers! Great work Geni!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I really want to know what horatio want to tell to JC :p
It was a really great update geni and update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


When I'm Gone

Dinner Table, Humma

Everyone eating

Horatio: ...So JC thank you for cooking.

JC: *stabs at steak* ...You pulled me aside...To ask me...TO MAKE DINNER.

Horatio: How else did you expect me to ask you?

JC: *stabs steak*

Calleigh: *frowns, pokes food*

Delko: *eating*

Katie: *cutting plate*

Speed: *drinking water*

Carly: ..WOW you can cut the tension in here with a KNIFE.

Jess: Why are we all unhappy. I was having fun throwing bread at birds.

Anni: Yeah until they attacked you.

Jess: Well yeah I guess that would be the downside.

Carole: I liked counting how many times Delko almost fell overboard. 17 times.

Delko: Actually it was 16, Missy pushed me the first time.

Missy: I slipped.

Delko: Sure you did.

JC: ...*mumbles* He called me away to ask me to make dinner..DINNER...Do I look like his friggin slave...

Katie: When are we getting to Miami?

Horatio: A couple of days.

Katie: GREAT. *stabs meat* I get to spend two more days on the ship from HELL.

Delko: Why's everyone so mad? *eats food*

Katie: SHE S-

Calliegh: BIG DEAL!


Horatio: HEY! If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

JC: *shaking head* Dinner....DINNER...

Delko: It's very good JC.

JC: *makes a face*

Ten minutes later

Horatio: ...So! *claps* Who's ready for VEGAS.

Delko: *lifts hand* I AM!

Katie: *stabbing meat*

Speed: ...I think you got it.

Katie: It needs to be stabbed some more.

Speed: *grabs knife*

Katie: Hey.

Speed: No.

Katie: *grabs knife back* Don't take my knife or I'll jab it in your eye.

Speed: Fine.


Calleigh: I HATE YOU ALL!


Speed: SHUT UP!

Carole: *covering ears*


Anni: *screaming*

Horatio: *takes out gun*


Calleigh: I HATE BOATS!


Speed: AFRICA!


Gunshot is heard, everyong stops yelling

Horatio: *puts gun on table* Now. If I hear one more word out of any of you, no one gets desert.

Calleigh: *crosses arms*

Speed: *looks down at plate*

Katie: *frowns*

Carole: *unplugs ears*

Horatio: Good. Speed, meet me in the kitchen.

Speed: Why do I have to?

Horatio: Now.

Speed: Fine.

Horatio/Speed leave

JC: ..Everyone hates my dinner. I should have spit in the pie.

Calleigh: You all suck.

Katie: *sticks tongue out*


Horatio: *grabs plates*

Speed: *opens fridge*

Horatio: *grabs forks*

Speed: Sorry about the yelling.

Horatio: It's okay.

Speed: So why am I here?

Horatio: You're getting the desert.

Speed: You're not going to give me advice are you? Because Katie and I are fine.

Horatio: Really.

Speed: Yeah, really.

Horatio: She seemed angry.

Speed: Everyone at that table is angry.

Horatio: *hands plates to Speed* Fix this.

Speed: *looks down at plates* What do you mean fix this?

Horatio: Fix the fighting or no more road trips.

Speed: Fine. *walks away*

Horatio: *puts on shades*...What am I doing? *takes off shades*


Speed: *puts plates on table* Guys, I think we need to cut this out.

Calleigh: Pfft.

Speed: Especially you.

Calleigh: Or what, you'll hit me like you hit your wife?

Speed: *sits* Horatio is mad. He's mad because we're acting like children, now we can either keep fighting like this or we can grow up.

JC: He made me cook dinner.

Katie: He's ANNOYING!

Speed: Guys. Come on.

Delko: I agree, I hate it when we fight.

Speed: See? Eric's with me. How about we all agree to be friends and stop fighting.

Calleigh: *frowns*

Speed: Even you princess.

Calleigh: *sigh* Fine.

Horatio: *walks to table* Alright who wants pie?

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahah. Awww were all fighting and I kept stabbing my meat. STOP THE MADNESS! Sorry, I just really felt like saying that!

Speed: AFRICA!


...Aaaand he brought it up again. But I dont' care its still hilarious! lol. And poor Jc had to make Dinner. hahahaahhahaa.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww god job Speed! *claps*

Gunshot is heard, everyong stops yelling

Horatio: *puts gun on table* Now. If I hear one more word out of any of you, no one gets desert.
SO funny!!!!

Horatio: *puts on shades*...What am I doing? *takes off shades*

Geni you crack me up. I can't stop laughing!! :lol:

Update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Jess: Why are we all unhappy. I was having fun throwing bread at birds.

Anni: Yeah until they attacked you.

Jess: Well yeah I guess that would be the downside.

I have to watch what I say around you lol.
Awww he asked her to made dinner......haha, I should have known H would do that. And WOW you guys yell a lot lol poor Carole had to cover her ears lol Great updates Geni! WOOO VEGAS!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA what a great update.... me grumbling bout Horatio asking me to make dinner which normally I wouldn't mind but becuase thats all H asked me to do that would make me mad lol. Your update made me feel great after Tonights major fight... in which I got a death fret ..... lucky me... point is Your updates always make me feel better!!! Can't wait for more!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the great reviews guys, and since TalkCSI is up and running again, so is the latest chapter. :)

I've decided to speed things along, so they'll be in Vegas now, and not in Miami.

This World Falls On Me


Horatio: Good, we're here. Okay first we're going to the Casino, and our hotel rooms are right above it.

Speed: Yeah we knew that.

Horatio: I was just filling everyone in.

Katie: Why? We can see the key cards in your hands. It's obvious you have the rooms.

Delko: OH OH! Can I gamble now?

Horatio: Go ahead but bring someone with you.

Delko: Speed volunteered.

Speed: I did?

Delko: Yeah come on.

Speed: I really don't think I v-

Delko: Do you want me to spend all my money at one table?

Speed: No bu-

Delko: Then let's go.

Speed: H?

Horatio: You're on your own.

Speed: Katie?

Katie: Eric, Tim and I had something planned.

Delko: You did?

Speed: ...We did?

Katie: Yes we did.

Delko: *crosses arms* I need Speed here.

Katie: I need Speed.

Speed: You need Speed..Here...Right?

Katie: ...No.

Speed: I don't get it.

Delko: He has to stay here so that I can gamble. If he doesn't I'll spend all the money and besides, I need a babysitter in case I get myself into trouble.

Katie: I need him. You don't need him.

Delko: I need him more than you do.

Katie: I doubt it.

Delko: Oh yeah?

Katie: Yeah.

Delko: Well he keeps me out of trouble.

Katie: Well he keeps me...Also out of trouble.

Delko: HA.

Katie: He's my husband.

Delko: He's my best friend.

Katie: I'm the one wearing the ring.

Delko: I'm the one he's known longer.

Katie: I'm prettier.

Delko: Yeah right.

Katie: Tim, who's prettier?

Speed: You are.

Katie: HA.

Delko: That's not fair. You know, if he was gay he'd say I'm prettier.

Speed: I don't think so.

Katie: *grabs Speed's arm* I get him.

Delko: *grabs Speed's other arm* No, I get him.

Katie: *pulls* No you don't.

Delko: *pulls* Yes I do.

Katie: *pulls* Bite me.

Delko: *pulls* You bite me.

Katie: *pulls* He loves me more.

Delko: *pulls* He does not.

Katie: *pulls* Well he doesn't love you.

Delko: *pulls* You don't know that.

Katie: *pulls* BACK OFF!

Delko: *pulls* YOU BACK OFF!

Speed: LET GO!

Katie/Delko: *let go*

Speed: Thank you. *rubs arm* Can we cut this out now?

Delko: No. You're supposed to keep an eye on me.

Katie: I had him first.

Delko: You did not.

Katie: Oh yeah? I could take you.

Delko: I doubt it.

Katie: *narrows eyes* You, me, in the bottom of an empty pool. NOW.

Delko: FINE.

Speed: NO. No fights at the bottom of empty pools.

Delko: ...Fine.

Katie: ...Fine.

Speed: Eric, what did you need?

Delko: For you to keep an eye on me so I don't kill myself and anyone else accidentally. It's for the good of the country.

Speed: Katie, what did you need?

Katie: You.

Speed: ...Really?

Katie: *smiles, winks*

Speed: Bye Eric.

Delko: What? You didn't even see my side of it.

Speed: I did, and I like Katie's reason better.

Delko: What just because you're going to get some?

Speed: No. It's the only logical choice.

Delko: Since when?

Speed: Since I like her option more than I like yours.

Delko: That's not fair. You get to have fun with her for a whole ten minutes, but you could have fun with me for a whole ten hours!

Speed: ...Yeah I'll go with door number one.

Delko: Pfft...And we said a woman would never get in between us.

Speed: I never said that...And there's no us.

Delko: I hope you have FUN.

Speed: You're such a baby.

Delko: I am not.

Speed: You are so.

Katie: *grabs Speed* GET THERE FASTER!

Speed: Sorry.

Speed/Katie run off

Delko: ...So who wants to accompany me?

Missy: Do I get paid?

Delko: If I win anything, sure.

Missy: What if you don't win anything?

Delko: Then God help us all.

Delko/Missy walk away

Horatio: So JC, can we speak for a minute?

JC: Sure.

Horatio: About the other day, I'm sorry about making you prepare dinner.

JC: It's okay.

Horatio: You seemed pretty mad about it.

JC: I wasn't really mad. I was just...I don't know.

Horatio: Mad?

JC: In so many words.

Horatio: Well I was actually going to tell you something but I guess I was too afraid.

JC: Afraid? You don't get scared.

Horatio: It's rare, but it happens.

JC: So what did you want to tell me?

Horatio: Uh...Well...

JC: You might as well spit it out because I get distracted by big lights and loud noises easily.

Horatio: Um...I- *cell phone rings* ...*looks down at phone*

JC: What?

Horatio: Excuse me, I have to take this call. *walks away*

JC: *frowns*

Carly: Guy trouble?

JC: What are you, my therapist?

Carly: I like to help.

JC: It's Horatio. He wants to tell me something but there's always something....

Carly: You already know what it is.

JC: I know, but I want to hear it from him. It's like he's afraid I'll reject him or something.

Carly: Will you?

JC: I haven't really thought about it.

Carly: So tell him first.

JC: *nods* Yeah that's a good idea.

Carly: See? There you go.

JC: ...So what are you, like Jesus now?

Carly: No way. I don't have a beard.

JC: Funny.

Horatio: *walks over* Um, JC, I'm afraid I have to go.

JC: Okay, where?

Horatio: New York.

JC: ....Why?

Horatio: I just recieved a phone call from the NYPD. It's very important.

JC: Can't they wait?

Horatio: Unfortunately, they can't.

JC: *sigh* Okay.

Horatio: I'll see you later. *kisses JC on the cheek, walks away*


Hotel room

Beeper goes off

Speed: *lifts head*

Katie: Ugh, don't answer it.

Speed: *looks down*

Katie: Tim...Don't answer it.

Speed: Sorry. *grabs phone*

Katie: *hits head on pillow* Great.

Speed: *dials phone*


Horatio: Speed, are you busy?

Hotel room

Speed: Yeah why?

Horatio: Doing what?

Speed: *frowns* My wife.

Horatio: ...*lifts brows* Wow, that was blunt.

Speed: Is there something you needed?

Horatio: The page said 911.

Speed: Yeah I know, and if there's some sort of emergency it had better be good.

Horatio: We have to leave for New York.

Speed: No. *hangs up phone*


Horatio: *looks down at phone* Hmm...We must have been disconnected. *dials*

Hotel room

Speed: *lifts head*


Speed: *opens phone* What.


Horatio: It's important.

Speed: No it's not.

Horatio: Yes it is.

Speed: No, it's not important.

Horatio: You and I have to leave and we have to leave now.

Speed: You can leave, you don't need me.

Horatio: It's very important that you get down here.

Speed: Well I'm sorry but some other people require my attention. Goodbye.


Horatio: *looks down at phone* Oh he's not getting away that easily.

Hotel room

Cell phone rings

Katie: *grabs cell phone* Don't answer it.

Speed: He'll keep calling.

Katie: *throws phone*

Speed: *smirks* I like how you think.


Horatio: Hmm..That was weird...It just got cut off. *walks to front desk*

Man: Hello sir, how can I help you?

Horatio: Yes I need to get a hold of someone in room 203.

Man: Would you like me to call them?

Horatio: That would be helpful.

Hotel room

Phone rings

Speed: *grabs phone* WHAT.


Horatio: I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.

Hotel room

Speed: Can you just tell me what it is already?

Horatio: There's been a murder at the Mental Facility.

Speed: ...I'll be right down.

Horatio: Thank you.

Speed: *hangs up phone* I have to leave.

Katie: *grabs Speed* No, no don't leave.

Speed: I have to.

Katie: No you don't. He's Jesus, he can deal with it.

Speed: I'll be back in a few days.

Katie: A few days? No. No you're staying right here.

Speed: I promise I won't be gone long.

Katie: *sigh* Fine. But if you cheat on me, we're getting divorced.

Speed: Don't worry, it won't be an issue. *grabs dress shirt*

Katie: ...Tim...

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: Be careful.

Speed: *smirks* I will. *kisses Katie* See you in a few days. *leaves*

Katie: *nods* ..Sure.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aww so many great lines. So little time! lol.

First of all me and Eric using Speed as a tug of war rope. HIlarious! And oh no *Gasp* please don't let it be lara. let it be...gus or something just not Lori! But how cool was it that Speed kept hanging up the phone! And Carly is quite the therpist isn't she? Teehee. That was awesome! update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww omg yes I got kissed from H and he never gets the chance to say anything LOL
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

haha...my wife teehee. Poor Katie lol

Aww, no not Lori! She was sweet! well, my mom is yelling at me, sorry this reply was so short, I'm off to watch Empire Records. Great update as always Geni! Update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Sorry about your...Needing to get off the computer Jess. :p And you never know, it might not be Lori who was murdered. ;)

Away From The Sun

Next morning, New York City Mental Facility...Crime Scene

Horatio: *takes off shades* Mac.

Mac: I knew you'd want in on this one.

Horatio: There isn't a specific link to Miami is there?

Mac: None that I know of.

Horatio: You checked patient records.

Mac: Tim Speedle was on that list.

Horatio: That he was, tell me about this young lady.

Mac: Molly Jones, admitted three years ago. One stab wound to the chest, looks like she bled out.

Speed: *walks in, places down kit*

Horatio: Do you have a suspect?

Mac: Actually we have about two hundred of them.

Horatio: Mhm, all the patients suddenly become suspects.

Mac: So do the staff.

Horatio: *tilts head do the side* What's that under her body?

Speed: *kneels down* Looks like a crucifix.

Horatio: Hers?

Mac: I'll have Hawkes check her room.

Speed: *picks up crucifix* Looks hand-made. You know, there are still some places around New York that hand-make these.

Horatio: Really.

Speed: Yeah they're more expensive though. I used to know a guy who worked for the church. He made them and sold them out of his own shop.

Mac: Church?

Speed: The Catholic Church. One of the last places you'll ever see a hand-made wooden crucifix.

Horatio: Let's find out who that belongs to.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Mac: Did you know her?

Speed: *places down camera, grabs swab* Yeah. She had an advanced case of paranoid schizophrenia. She saw bugs, people who weren't there, that kind of thing.

Mac: *nods*

Speed: Looks like there's some trace here under her body. *swabs trace*

Horatio: *looks around* Where's the staff?

Mac: Stella's talking to them in the staff room now.

Horatio: And the rest of the patients?

Mac: Lockdown.

Horatio: So there's a good chance the murderer is still in the building.

Speed: *looks up* Does she have any family we can inform?

Mac: I looked into it. It doesn't look like she has any living relatives.

Horatio: Lonely life.

Mac: It would be in this place.

Speed: *looks around* Her room isn't anywhere near here.

Horatio: Where's her room?

Speed: Downstairs and the fourth door to the left. There's only one reason patients come up here.

Horatio: *smirks* Psychiatrist's office.

Mac: Someone attacked her up here and the only way to get away is down the stairs.

Speed: I'll print every inch of the stairwell.

Horatio: Excellent.

Yelling heard downstairs

Mac: What's going on down there?

Horatio: I'll go find out. *walks down stairs* Excuse me..

Doctor: Lori, you have to go back to your room, you shouldn't be out here.



Speed: *looks up from evidence bag*

Mac: You know her?

Speed: I know a lot of people here.


Horatio: Excuse me.

Lori: HORATIO! You're back.

Doctor: Lori, go back to your room.

Horatio: It's alright, I'd actually like to speak with her if you wouldn't mind.

Doctor: Not a problem.

Lori: I saw what happened.

Horatio: Did you.

Lori: Mhm. I saw it.

Horatio: What did you see?

Lori: I saw angels crowding everywhere and then Molly screamed and then she fell.

Doctor: I'm sorry, I'll get her to her room.

Horatio: No that's alright. Did you see who hurt her Lori?

Lori: She ran out of the room. She was screaming.

Doctor: Lieutenant, she can get pretty worked up.

Horatio: It's okay. Lori, can you wait in your room for us to come see you?

Lori: *smiles* For you, of course.

Horatio: Thank you.

Lori walks away

Doctor: I wouldn't believe her.

Horatio: I wouldn't rule anything out just yet.

Doctor: You don't think she actually saw angels crowding around do you?

Horatio: It's not important what I think she saw. The evidence will speak, and we'll find out. *walks away*


Horatio: Okay so Speed, I want you to go over this area inch by inch.

Speed: You got it.

Mac: What was that all about?

Horatio: She says she saw the entire thing.

Mac: Do you believe her story?

Horatio: She's telling the truth. We just have to separate fantasy....From reality, take a look at that.

Speed: Blood on the banister. The killer walked down the stairs.

Mac: Stabbers usually cut themselves in the act. It could be his or her blood.

Speed: Well we'll know for sure when we test it.

Horatio: Okay. Speed, after you're done processing, talk to Lori.

Speed: ...H?

Horatio: I know it's not exactly protocol but she trusts you.

Speed: ...I was here last year, I don't know if she even remembers me.

Horatio: She remembered me and I only spoke to her once.

Speed: Maybe...Someone else should talk to her.

Horatio: I told you to talk to her.

Speed: ...*nods*...Yes sir.

Mac: *lifts brow*

Horatio: *puts on shades* Let's get started on that evidence.

Mac: I'll get you a ride to the lab.

Horatio: Thank you.

Mac/Horatio leave

10 minutes later

Psychiatrist: *walks up stairs* What's with the tape?

Speed: *turns around* It's a crime scene.

Psychiatrist: ...You.

Speed: Yeah how are you doin', get out of my crime scene.

Psychiatrist: I just need to get a file from my office.

Speed: I don't think so.

Psychiatrist: So how are you Tim?

Speed: Back up under the tape.

Psychiatrist: Haven't raped anyone recently?

Speed: *frowns* Remove yourself from my crime scene before I remove you.

Psychiatrist: *throws hands up in the air* Alright. Have it your way. *walks back under tape*

Speed: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Psychiatrist: So what are you doing?

Speed: Dusting for prints.

Psychiatrist: You're going to find a lot on there. Patients are always walking up and down these stairs. You know, getting treatment and all.

Speed: Yeah sure they are. *grabs tape lifter*

Psychiatrist: Molly was a good patient. She wasn't as...Resistant as some of my other clients.

Speed: *looks up slowly* ...You might want to watch what you say around me. I'm not one of your patients.

Psychiatrist: Right, right you wear the badge. I remember. So how are things with your wife?

Speed: *dusts banister*

Psychiatrist: You're still wearing the ring...That's progress.

Speed: *opens kit*

Psychiatrist: Maybe the only reason she stayed with you is because she likes your pretty gun.

Speed: I could always test it out for you if you want.

Psychiatrist: *laughs* That was a good one, I'll have to remember it.

Speed: You do that.

Psychiatrist: You still hate her?

Speed: *picks up camera*

Psychiatrist: I see. Maybe you're just into beating her.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Psychiatrist: Maybe she likes it.

Speed: *grabs tape lifter*

Psychiatrist: You got any kids?

Speed: Don't you have patients to toy with?

Psychiatrist: It speaks.

Speed: It's also pissed. So we can continue this uplifting conversation but at the end of the day, you'll be the one laying in a hospital wondering how you ever got there.

Psychiatrist: *laughs* Is that a threat? Like you threaten your wife?

Speed: I love my wife.

Psychiatrist: That's not what you said last time.

Speed: I don't care what I said last time.

Psychiatrist: You know, a little bird told me that you had a little girl. Now, I was just wondering if you'll beat and rape her too.

Speed: *stares at Psychiatrist*

Psychiatrist: You must be wondering what it's like.

Speed: If you don't walk away right now, there's going to be a whole new crime scene.

Psychiatrist: *smiles* It's been great catching up. Good luck with the case. *leaves*

Speed: *glares*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OH! That psychiatrist is a jerk! I hope Speedy shoots him..ok, that was a little excessive...I hope Speedy hits him. Yeah, thats less violent...

Awww, Lori is so cute! I wonder who the murderer is though *thinks*...interesting *walks away and mumbles incoherently*

*runs back* oh yeah, and please update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Yeah that guy does seem like a royal pr...Prince... Well, you get the point I was trying to make. :rolleyes:

And poor Lori, seeing angels again. Although that's kind of sweet. :D

Give Up Everything

Lori's room

Lori: *feeding fish*

Speed: *knocks on door frame*

Lori: *looks up* ...

Speed: Hey.

Lori: *walks over* You came back.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: You're going to find out what happened to Molly.

Speed: That's right.

Lori: ...*looks down at floor*

Speed: I'm sorry...For your loss.

Lori: She's in a better place now. She doesn't have to worry about the things that made her sad.

Speed: Right.

Lori: *looks up* Do you believe in Heaven?

Speed: ...Yes.

Lori: Do you think she's there?

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: I think she is.

Speed: Good.

Lori: ...Then why do I feel so sad?

Speed: You knew her, you cared about her.

Lori: *frowns* Why weren't you here! You protect people, you could have saved her!

Speed: ...I'm sorry.

Lori: NO! GET OUT! *pushes Speed* GET OUT! *starts to cry*

Speed: I-I'm sorry.

Lori: *slams door*

Speed: *stares at door* ...I'm sorry.


Horatio: So tell me about the crucifix.

Mac: It doesn't belong to our victim. We haven't been able to find out where it came from. Did you identify the trace?

Horatio: It was glue. Probably from the crucifix.

Mac: I did find what appeared to be dried glue on the back of it. Like it was glued down to something and ripped off the wall.

Horatio: Weapon of opportunity.

Mac: The blood's still running and the prints from the banister haven't turned up anything conclusive yet.

Horatio: Let's keep at it.

Mac: Where are you going?

Horatio: Back to the crime scene.

Mac: I can have Lindsay or Danny go there.

Horatio: It's alright. *leaves*

Mac: Okay.

Mental Facility

Two hours later

Horatio: Hey, status.

Speed: I sent the last of the prints off to the lab, and the ME took the body.

Horatio: Did you talk to Lori?

Speed: She wasn't interested in giving a statement.

Horatio: I take it the conversation didn't go well.

Speed: No, it didn't.

Horatio: Well, we keep trying, we keep working the case...

Speed: Did anyone talk to our favorite psychiatrist?

Horatio: Bonesara did an hour ago. He wasn't even here when the murder happened.

Speed: Is that what the logs said or what other doctors said?

Horatio: No one saw him come in this morning.

Speed: So what was the vic doing up there?

Horatio: Maybe she needed something.

Speed: No, no she wouldn't do something like that.

Horatio: The last person who saw her alive was Lori.

Speed: You think she did it.

Horatio: I don't know that for certain.

Speed: *nods* Right.

Horatio: Maybe you should see if she'll give you that statement now.

Speed: She doesn't want to talk to me.

Horatio: She's going to have to.

Speed: Find someone else.

Horatio: I told you to do it.

Speed: Great. Are you going to waves your shades too and make me do a dance?

Horatio: I understand this is hard b-

Speed: No. You don't understand. She blames me for what happened.

Horatio: There's no way you could have prevented this.

Speed: I know.

Horatio: Go back to her room and get the statement.

Speed: Sure. *walks away*

Horatio: Thank you Speed.

Lori's room

Speed: *knocks on door*

Lori: *opens door* I don't want to talk to you. *swings door*

Speed: *grabs door* I'm here to do my job so you're going to have to step back and let me in.

Lori: *frowns* Let go of my door.

Speed: No.

Lori: I'm not telling you anything.

Speed: You don't have a choice.

Lori: No.

Speed: There's two ways we can do this.

Lori: ....Fine. You can come in, but that's only because the angels said you can.

Speed: I'm flattered. *walks in*

Lori: *cleans fish tank*

Speed: Where were you yesterday?

Lori: In my room.

Speed: I meant specifically.

Lori: *angry sigh* I walked around, then I talked to Gus. After I finished in the art room, I walked back to my room.

Speed: When did you see what happened to Molly?

Lori: I heard screaming coming from upstairs. When I got there, she had already fallen down.

Speed: Did you see who hurt her?

Lori: What does it matter? She's still dead.

Speed: ...Did you see who hurt her.

Lori: NO.

Speed: Great, thanks for your help. Now we have nothing.


Speed: *frowns*

Lori: I thought I would be happy when you came back. But now I wish I never met you.

Speed: ...Why are you so angry at me?

Lori: You...Left..Me.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Lori: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *closes eyes*

Lori: *starts to cry*

Speed: Don't cry sweetheart.

Lori: *snif* I can't help it.

Speed: Hey, you used to smile all the time.

Lori: I know. *lets go*

Speed: Everything is going to be fine. I promise.

Lori: *smirks*

Speed: My dear that's not a smile.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: See? Now that's a smile.

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: Did you really see who hurt her?

Lori: Everything went so fast, I thought maybe I saw everything.

Speed: Okay.

Lori: But you'll find out what happened.

Speed: I will.

Lori: And then you'll leave again.

Speed: I have a family.

Lori: *grins* You love your family.

Speed: I do. Very much.

Lori: And you'd do anything to protect them. Even die?

Speed: ...Yes, I would.

Lori: And that's why you can't stay here.

Speed: You're right.

Lori: *frowns* I hope you have fun with your family.

Speed: ...Lori?

Lori: *smiles* I have to go teach Gus how to use the puzzle now. When you leave, please close the door. I don't want the fish getting out. *leaves*

Speed: ...Right.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Woah, Lori certainly had a string of emotions in that update...but awww, poor Lori, seeing angels again...though it is kinda cute :p

I'm still very intrigued by who the murderer is...could it have been Lori? well, I clearly have no idea, so I'll just shut up now...

please update soon
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