Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Thanks for the great reviews guys, and since TalkCSI is up and running again, so is the latest chapter.
I've decided to speed things along, so they'll be in Vegas now, and not in Miami.
This World Falls On Me
Horatio: Good, we're here. Okay first we're going to the Casino, and our hotel rooms are right above it.
Speed: Yeah we knew that.
Horatio: I was just filling everyone in.
Katie: Why? We can see the key cards in your hands. It's obvious you have the rooms.
Delko: OH OH! Can I gamble now?
Horatio: Go ahead but bring someone with you.
Delko: Speed volunteered.
Speed: I did?
Delko: Yeah come on.
Speed: I really don't think I v-
Delko: Do you want me to spend all my money at one table?
Speed: No bu-
Delko: Then let's go.
Speed: H?
Horatio: You're on your own.
Speed: Katie?
Katie: Eric, Tim and I had something planned.
Delko: You did?
Speed: ...We did?
Katie: Yes we did.
Delko: *crosses arms* I need Speed here.
Katie: I need Speed.
Speed: You need Speed..Here...Right?
Katie: ...No.
Speed: I don't get it.
Delko: He has to stay here so that I can gamble. If he doesn't I'll spend all the money and besides, I need a babysitter in case I get myself into trouble.
Katie: I need him. You don't need him.
Delko: I need him more than you do.
Katie: I doubt it.
Delko: Oh yeah?
Katie: Yeah.
Delko: Well he keeps me out of trouble.
Katie: Well he keeps
me...Also out of trouble.
Delko: HA.
Katie: He's my husband.
Delko: He's my best friend.
Katie: I'm the one wearing the ring.
Delko: I'm the one he's known longer.
Katie: I'm prettier.
Delko: Yeah right.
Katie: Tim, who's prettier?
Speed: You are.
Katie: HA.
Delko: That's not fair. You know, if he was gay he'd say I'm prettier.
Speed: I don't think so.
Katie: *grabs Speed's arm* I get him.
Delko: *grabs Speed's other arm* No, I get him.
Katie: *pulls* No you don't.
Delko: *pulls* Yes I do.
Katie: *pulls* Bite me.
Delko: *pulls* You bite me.
Katie: *pulls* He loves me more.
Delko: *pulls* He does not.
Katie: *pulls* Well he doesn't love you.
Delko: *pulls* You don't know that.
Katie: *pulls* BACK OFF!
Delko: *pulls* YOU BACK OFF!
Speed: LET GO!
Katie/Delko: *let go*
Speed: Thank you. *rubs arm* Can we cut this out now?
Delko: No. You're supposed to keep an eye on me.
Katie: I had him first.
Delko: You did not.
Katie: Oh yeah? I could take you.
Delko: I doubt it.
Katie: *narrows eyes* You, me, in the bottom of an empty pool. NOW.
Delko: FINE.
Speed: NO. No fights at the bottom of empty pools.
Delko: ...Fine.
Katie: ...Fine.
Speed: Eric, what did you need?
Delko: For you to keep an eye on me so I don't kill myself and anyone else accidentally. It's for the good of the country.
Speed: Katie, what did you need?
Katie: You.
Speed: ...Really?
Katie: *smiles, winks*
Speed: Bye Eric.
Delko: What? You didn't even see my side of it.
Speed: I did, and I like Katie's reason better.
Delko: What just because you're going to get some?
Speed: No. It's the only logical choice.
Delko: Since when?
Speed: Since I like her option more than I like yours.
Delko: That's not fair. You get to have fun with her for a whole ten minutes, but you could have fun with me for a whole ten hours!
Speed: ...Yeah I'll go with door number one.
Delko: Pfft...And we said a woman would never get in between us.
Speed: I never said that...And there's no
Delko: I hope you have FUN.
Speed: You're such a baby.
Delko: I am not.
Speed: You are so.
Katie: *grabs Speed* GET THERE FASTER!
Speed: Sorry.
Speed/Katie run off
Delko: ...So who wants to accompany me?
Missy: Do I get paid?
Delko: If I win anything, sure.
Missy: What if you don't win anything?
Delko: Then God help us all.
Delko/Missy walk away
Horatio: So JC, can we speak for a minute?
JC: Sure.
Horatio: About the other day, I'm sorry about making you prepare dinner.
JC: It's okay.
Horatio: You seemed pretty mad about it.
JC: I wasn't really mad. I was just...I don't know.
Horatio: Mad?
JC: In so many words.
Horatio: Well I was actually going to tell you something but I guess I was too afraid.
JC: Afraid? You don't get scared.
Horatio: It's rare, but it happens.
JC: So what did you want to tell me?
Horatio: Uh...Well...
JC: You might as well spit it out because I get distracted by big lights and loud noises easily.
Horatio: Um...I- *cell phone rings* ...*looks down at phone*
JC: What?
Horatio: Excuse me, I have to take this call. *walks away*
JC: *frowns*
Carly: Guy trouble?
JC: What are you, my therapist?
Carly: I like to help.
JC: It's Horatio. He wants to tell me something but there's always something....
Carly: You already know what it is.
JC: I know, but I want to hear it from him. It's like he's afraid I'll reject him or something.
Carly: Will you?
JC: I haven't really thought about it.
Carly: So tell him first.
JC: *nods* Yeah that's a good idea.
Carly: See? There you go.
JC: ...So what are you, like Jesus now?
Carly: No way. I don't have a beard.
JC: Funny.
Horatio: *walks over* Um, JC, I'm afraid I have to go.
JC: Okay, where?
Horatio: New York.
JC: ....Why?
Horatio: I just recieved a phone call from the NYPD. It's very important.
JC: Can't they wait?
Horatio: Unfortunately, they can't.
JC: *sigh* Okay.
Horatio: I'll see you later. *kisses JC on the cheek, walks away*
Hotel room
Beeper goes off
Speed: *lifts head*
Katie: Ugh, don't answer it.
Speed: *looks down*
Katie: Tim...Don't answer it.
Speed: Sorry. *grabs phone*
Katie: *hits head on pillow* Great.
Speed: *dials phone*
Horatio: Speed, are you busy?
Hotel room
Speed: Yeah why?
Horatio: Doing what?
Speed: *frowns* My wife.
Horatio: ...*lifts brows* Wow, that was blunt.
Speed: Is there something you needed?
Horatio: The page said 911.
Speed: Yeah I know, and if there's some sort of emergency it had better be good.
Horatio: We have to leave for New York.
Speed: No. *hangs up phone*
Horatio: *looks down at phone* Hmm...We must have been disconnected. *dials*
Hotel room
Speed: *lifts head*
Speed: *opens phone* What.
Horatio: It's important.
Speed: No it's not.
Horatio: Yes it is.
Speed: No, it's not important.
Horatio: You and I have to leave and we have to leave now.
Speed: You can leave, you don't need me.
Horatio: It's very important that you get down here.
Speed: Well I'm sorry but some other people require my attention. Goodbye.
Horatio: *looks down at phone* Oh he's not getting away that easily.
Hotel room
Cell phone rings
Katie: *grabs cell phone* Don't answer it.
Speed: He'll keep calling.
Katie: *throws phone*
Speed: *smirks* I like how you think.
Horatio: Hmm..That was weird...It just got cut off. *walks to front desk*
Man: Hello sir, how can I help you?
Horatio: Yes I need to get a hold of someone in room 203.
Man: Would you like me to call them?
Horatio: That would be helpful.
Hotel room
Phone rings
Speed: *grabs phone* WHAT.
Horatio: I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
Hotel room
Speed: Can you just tell me what it is already?
Horatio: There's been a murder at the Mental Facility.
Speed: ...I'll be right down.
Horatio: Thank you.
Speed: *hangs up phone* I have to leave.
Katie: *grabs Speed* No, no don't leave.
Speed: I have to.
Katie: No you don't. He's Jesus, he can deal with it.
Speed: I'll be back in a few days.
Katie: A few days? No. No you're staying right here.
Speed: I promise I won't be gone long.
Katie: *sigh* Fine. But if you cheat on me, we're getting divorced.
Speed: Don't worry, it won't be an issue. *grabs dress shirt*
Katie: ...Tim...
Speed: *looks at Katie*
Katie: Be careful.
Speed: *smirks* I will. *kisses Katie* See you in a few days. *leaves*
Katie: *nods* ..Sure.