CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

this was some really great update geni. Oh my Katie and Calleigh had a fight and then punch Speed... Go Katie!! And go to the hell Calleigh :) This was really funny. And me with my BAAAAAAA LOL :p
And I don't speak english when there is a fight... interesting :)

Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Chick fight! awsome! :D
sorry but Speed is ass :p (i shouldn't say that) well.. but ass is the best part of humans body *swallows* :D
and whole H and Speed conversation was ...so..true..
Another baby?hope not... Speed you know, there is that thingy, made from rubber! :lol:

anyway, grea,awsome, cool, giant updates Geni ! :) now i will take a nap..in middle of the day *zzzzz*
*opens one eye* and i am still digging..under water :p
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I can just imagine Calleigh and Katie being pregnant at the same time....boy would that be a bombshell huh. :eek:

Katie won the fight and Speed loves Katie more than Calleigh...this is confusing because don't I recall Speed saying that he is in love with Calleigh? and I thought it was hilarious when Horatio was playing the referee between Katie and Calleigh and sending them to their rooms...ha ha!! :lol:

Katie is very very understanding after Speed cheating on her for about the millionth time...she must really love him.
Speed better figure out who he is really in love with before someone gets hurt. :)

terrific updates Geni keep the updates coming you're doing a fab job :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha You bet I won! lol. And Carly I noticed Drunk Katie there to.

Cop: Stop resisting
Katie: Stop being gay!

I'm sorry but that was hilarious! And I shocked myself when I helped Calleigh out. And I got really freaked out there when Calleigh was getting sick. lol. And poor Delkipoo didn't know he could use his paychecks to gamble. And haha awww that whole scene with me and Speed and the flipping of pages was hilarious. Especially when I held my eyelids open because that's basically what I was doing last night. lol. Anyways, there's nothing like waking up to 3...4...chapters....ughers I can't remember. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: Hey Wyoming, pass me the butter.

Jess: *hands over butter* I have a name.
WOOT! I have a nickname! lol

Awww Katie and Speed are kinda sorta good again, besides the fact that Katie is a little confused haha. Poor Speedy couldn't go to sleep because of Katie haha. I can't wait to see what happens when we get back to Miami! Great updates Geni! They're so much fun to wake up to!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I know what you mean, no matter what they've been throught they always end up together awwwwww!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

calleighspeedle said
this is confusing because don't I recall Speed saying that he is in love with Calleigh?

Well, he didn't say he was in love with her persay, but he did say that he loved her. (Which the two are very close but not the same...There is a tiny difference because he's loved her for a long time...As seen in previous chapters)

You can find the exerpt here from a few chapters back:

Horatio: You just don't learn do you?
Speed: This is different.
Horatio: How is this different?
Speed: I love her.
Horatio: Who, Katie or Calleigh?
Speed: Calleigh.

So as you can see, that's when Speed told Horatio. But I don't recall him ever telling Calleigh that. I suppose she just assumed it since they were playing tongue tag all the time. And I really don't think he'll ever tell Katie that.

I was actually thinking back to all the times Speed 'accidentally' cheated on Katie, and weren't they all with Calleigh? :lol: ...*searches memory* There was Anni...But that wasn't really that bad because he was actually doing that to make Katie mad. Of course there was Calleigh about three times.

Then there was that one girl in the lab who was all innocent and everything and she got shot and died. I can't remember her name but it started with an L. "Laura" or "Lara" or something. He said he loved her but that was after she died, and that was when they accused Speed of murderering her which he DIDN'T. :p ...And that wasn't really because he loved her. :rolleyes: And then there was Sandra, and technically that Lori girl from the mental facility but he didn't say he loved her, and they never did anything and Speed doesn't love her, she's just more like a sister to him so...I guess that one doesn't count.

OH! OH! Yeah the gardener girl. :lol: ...WOW if I was God right now, and I was writing down all his transgressions, he'd be halfway to Hell by now.

I just realized if I saw any of this on the show, I'd be in giggle fits right now, and that's probably not a good thing. What a man whore. :lol: ...I guess it's because he never got any action on the show, and that will be my excuse.

...Thanks for all the great feedback! And I'm glad these updates are fun to wake up to, or just find whilly nilly whenever you log on. ;)

- I'll also respond to all the great feedback when I get a little more time, and wake up some more. :p

I'll have an chapter up soon...
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

So as you can see, that's when Speed told Horatio. But I don't recall him ever telling Calleigh that. I suppose she just assumed it since they were playing tongue tag all the time. And I really don't think he'll ever tell Katie that.

I hope he doesn't tell me that I'm afraid of what I might do to him. lol. I mean I just went for the stomach last time. lol.

OH! OH! Yeah the gardener girl.
Was that a joke or did I miss something? :confused: Who knows what I'm talking about I'm still half asleep from last night lol.

man whore
True, but he's a cute little man whore. With Scruff so its ok. lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

It was a while ago, he had an affair with the girl who tended the gardens at the lab...Remember? :lol: (And then she was killed, and the DNA planted in another person thus framing our favorite speedster) ..Oh God that seems like a bad Porno movie. :rolleyes:

A Smokey Room


Horatio: JC, can I speak with you for a minute?

JC: Sure. What's it about?

Horatio: Uh...Come on, let's take a walk.

JC: Okay.

Horatio/JC walk away

Anni: Okay Jess, you can't throw bread at seagulls when we're in the middle of the ocean.

Jess: I can, and I will.

Carole: Shouldn't we be using that bread to eat?

Jess: Probably.

Katie: *leans over railing*

Carly: *walks up* Are you going to jump in?

Katie: What?

Carly: You're using that bar like it's your last chance to live.

Katie: *looks back down* I'm just thinking.

Carly: About what?

Katie: Everything.

Carly: Well that's going to take you a while. You want a chair or something?

Katie: *smirks* Funny. Do you know where Speed is?

Carly: He's inside. Why?

Katie: He's not with Calleigh is he?

Carly: ...Uh..

Katie: *stands up straight* He's with Calleigh.

Carly: Well, not with with...

Katie: *shakes head*

Carly: They're friends.

Katie: What were they doing?

Carly: Talking.

Katie: Excuse me. *storms off*

Carly: Uh...Okay.


Katie: Tim Speedle.

Speed: *looks up*

Calleigh: *looks up*

Speed: What?

Katie: What are you doing?

Speed: We're having a conversation.

Calleigh: Maybe I should leave you two alone.

Katie: No you stay right there. What were you talking about? You're undying love for each other?

Speed: No, will you relax?

Katie: No.

Speed: *stands* I'm not allowed to have a conversation with my friends?

Katie: Not with HER.

Speed: This is ridiculous.

Katie: Yeah I know. You're frateranizing with her right after what you did?

Speed: I'm not going to ignore her because you're mad at me. We weren't doing anything.

Katie: Oh thank GOD I feel so relieved now.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *frowns*

Calleigh: ...Maybe I should leave. *walks away*

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Look, I know you don't trust me s-

Katie: I trust you.

Speed: ...You do?

Katie: Yeah I do.

Speed: Why?

Katie: I'm still trying to figure that out. I'll get back to you.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: I'm sorry for getting all mad.

Speed: You have every right to be mad.

Katie: ....So what were you guys talking about anyway?

Speed: It wasn't that important.

Katie: I'll just um...Leave now, carry on.

Speed: *grabs Katie* Whoa, whoa where are you going?

Katie: Outside on the deck to wallow in self-pity.

Speed: Funny. You're not going anywhere.

Katie: So what, you're going to tie me to the couch?

Speed: You're into the weirdest things.

Katie: *laughs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie: So what, you're going to tie me to the couch?

Speed: You're into the weirdest things.
HAHA. So unlike me. By the way. lol.

I can see why I overacted. I mean seriously a guy cheates on you and then startes talking to the girl he cheated on you with numerous times. Yeah, I think I'd get supicious to. lol. But hmm.....what does H man man want to talk about with JC. And silly Jess you can't throw bread at the seagulls. That's not very nice. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahaha I threw bread at seagulls, I'm pretty sure that won't score points with anyone on the Humma lol. ohhhhh I wonder what's going on with JC and Horatio? Katie, you are right though, they're not very nice haha, let's just hope none of them attack us haha. Update soon plz!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh its been a little while since I have posted in here. Homework is burying me alive and I gotta get it all done before Monday. Monday, my sisters and I are going to the STATE FAIR! Wooo Hoooo..

Anyway..I digress....The relationships in this story are like "a box of hamsters crawling all over eachother." Geeze...more action than.... oh hell ...just say it...than a Porn movie. Hell these people get way more action than I ever did when I was their age. Maybe should call it CSI: Sex. But where is the CSI part? LOL. I mean no disrespect by this I hope you understand. Its too funny and I am always wondering what will happen next with these freaks.

The Clavo thing was good. You did a good job writing that one. Was wondering where you got the info on the hand cut thing the revolver makes? That was really interesting. Nice catch by Calleigh even if she is messin' with the married man. (kinda lost some respect there, Calleigh is one of my faveret charactors on the show). I also gathered that Horatio loves Yelina and JC...oh my...more hamsters again.

Oh...I better zip it now and post this thing. Hopefully I can keep up better this time.

Rebecca (who has no life cuz of school therefor never gets any action)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww poor Katie is so confused and me and H went for a walk ... hmmm wonder whats gonna happen lol, Great chapter to wake up to after my little kitten (horatio) attacked my feet..... silly little kittne! Can't wait for more, rib splitting as always updates!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Rebecca_V said
The relationships in this story are like "a box of hamsters crawling all over eachother." Geeze...more action than.... oh hell ...just say it...than a Porn movie. Hell these people get way more action than I ever did when I was their age. Maybe should call it CSI: Sex. But where is the CSI part?

Well I wouldn't go that far, as to call it CSI:Sex because no one has gotten any action for the past 15-20 or so chapters. And even then, it was implied so it's up to anyone's interpretation. But I understand what you mean, how everyone seems to be in an angsty relationship and the cases seem to be trumped by that. - Also the humor as well. This is why God created Eric Delko and his comic relief. Every story has one of him. I mean, Dazed and Confused had...Slater...Okay bad example. :lol:

As for the 'slide-bite' part of the story, I believe I've seen that on CSI, and they explained it. I added that into the story to make things a little more interesting. - Added my own definition too. It's a miracle.

also gathered that Horatio loves Yelina and JC...oh my...more hamsters again.

Well, bringing afoot what has been implied on the show, and what I've written into the fic, it would seem that way, yes. But that situation is slightly different, so I wouldn't be worried about hamsters. ;)

More to come soon. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

At least everyone is having fun. That is good. I agree that season 4 everyone has changed. No one is really happy it like everyone is kinda miserable. Its sad. I hope they lighten it up for season 5 and solve some good crimes. Bring in worthy bad people instead of cardboard ones.

Thats the beauty of fan fic. It's what ever you wanna make it, get your frustrations out of what is buggin' you by what the writers wrote and of course have FUN!! I happen to like the CSI hamsters btw. Hee heeee. Bring on more of the fun, case solvin' and of course your special twists!!

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