Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
It was a while ago, he had an affair with the girl who tended the gardens at the lab...Remember? :lol: (And then she was killed, and the DNA planted in another person thus framing our favorite speedster) ..Oh God that seems like a bad Porno movie.
A Smokey Room
Horatio: JC, can I speak with you for a minute?
JC: Sure. What's it about?
Horatio: Uh...Come on, let's take a walk.
JC: Okay.
Horatio/JC walk away
Anni: Okay Jess, you can't throw bread at seagulls when we're in the middle of the ocean.
Jess: I can, and I will.
Carole: Shouldn't we be using that bread to eat?
Jess: Probably.
Katie: *leans over railing*
Carly: *walks up* Are you going to jump in?
Katie: What?
Carly: You're using that bar like it's your last chance to live.
Katie: *looks back down* I'm just thinking.
Carly: About what?
Katie: Everything.
Carly: Well that's going to take you a while. You want a chair or something?
Katie: *smirks* Funny. Do you know where Speed is?
Carly: He's inside. Why?
Katie: He's not with Calleigh is he?
Carly: ...Uh..
Katie: *stands up straight* He's with Calleigh.
Carly: Well, not
with with...
Katie: *shakes head*
Carly: They're friends.
Katie: What were they doing?
Carly: Talking.
Katie: Excuse me. *storms off*
Carly: Uh...Okay.
Katie: Tim Speedle.
Speed: *looks up*
Calleigh: *looks up*
Speed: What?
Katie: What are you doing?
Speed: We're having a conversation.
Calleigh: Maybe I should leave you two alone.
Katie: No you stay right there. What were you talking about? You're undying love for each other?
Speed: No, will you relax?
Katie: No.
Speed: *stands* I'm not allowed to have a conversation with my friends?
Katie: Not with HER.
Speed: This is ridiculous.
Katie: Yeah I know. You're frateranizing with her right after what you did?
Speed: I'm not going to ignore her because you're
mad at me. We weren't doing anything.
Katie: Oh thank GOD I feel so relieved
Speed: *frowns*
Katie: *frowns*
Calleigh: ...Maybe I should leave. *walks away*
Katie: *stares at Speed*
Speed: Look, I know you don't trust me s-
Katie: I trust you.
Speed: ...You do?
Katie: Yeah I do.
Speed: Why?
Katie: I'm still trying to figure that out. I'll get back to you.
Speed: *smirks*
Katie: I'm sorry for getting all mad.
Speed: You have every right to be mad.
Katie: ....So what were you guys talking about anyway?
Speed: It wasn't that important.
Katie: I'll just um...Leave now, carry on.
Speed: *grabs Katie* Whoa, whoa where are you going?
Katie: Outside on the deck to wallow in self-pity.
Speed: Funny. You're not going anywhere.
Katie: So what, you're going to tie me to the couch?
Speed: You're into the weirdest things.
Katie: *laughs*