CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha poor Speed and...Well poor Horatio. Poor EVERYONE. :p

And ah yes, the Cheez-its return. Yeah I think I'm listening to the same song as both of you so...Yes we are corrupt. :D

All Of This Pain


Dinner table

Speed: Cal, we need to talk.

Calleigh: *smirks* Why, are you breaking up with me?

Speed: Yeah.

Everyone: *looks at Speed*

Calleigh: Uh...Huh?

Speed: Katie, I cheated on you. Again.

Katie: *lifts brows*

Speed: With Calleigh. Again.

Katie: ...*nods slowly*

Speed: This has been going on for a week. Well, except the other stuff like flirting and touching and crap has been going on for months.

Katie: *wide-eyed*

Speed: *throws hands up in the air* So I'll just pack my things and get the hell out of your house. *walks away*

Everyone: ...

Delko: ....Can someone pass me the pepper?

Carly: *hands over pepper* What do you need pepper for?

Delko: I don't need it. Do you need it?

Carly: No, I don't need it.

Calleigh: Katie, I'm s-

Katie: *lifts hand* No. No, don't even talk to me. *eats food*

Carly: ..Are you m-

Katie: *glares at Carly*

Carly: - Or...Not.

Jess: Wow this is..Awkward.

Carole: Je ne parle pas anglais.

Jess: You do so speak English.

Carole: Pas quand il y a une chicane.

Katie: Fights happen all the time in here, don't worry about it.

Carole: She understood that?

Jess: ...That's talent.

Anni: Does this mean I don't have to mop the floors?

JC: That doesn't have anything to do with anything.

Anni: I know but I thought I'd throw it in there.

Delko: Mmmm Papreeka.

Carly: That's salt.

Delko: *looks down* ...My bad.

Katie: Excuse me. *throws plate in sink, leaves, slams door*

Everyone: *jumps*

Delko: ...She sure knows how to work doors.

Carly: I'm surprised it didn't fall off.

Anni: Hey we should have a door slamming contest.

Carly: Why?

Anni: It looks like fun, and it'll vent a lot of anger.

Katie: *walks back in, grabs Calleigh by the hair*

Calleigh: *screams*

Everyone: *watches*

Katie: DIE!

Calleigh: LET GO OF MY HAIR!


Calleigh: *falls on floor*

Delko: Now THIS is a show. *eats*

Carly: You don't think Katie will kill her right?

Delko: Only time will tell.

Calleigh: *grabs Katie* DON'T TOUCH ME!

Katie: DIE!!!! *tackles Calleigh*

Calleigh: Why don't you go tackle Tim!!

Katie: I'M NOT MAD AT HIM! *drags Calleigh along the floor*

Calleigh: *screaming*

Two women leave behind the corner

Delko: *stands* I gotta see this. *runs*

Carly: Count me in. *runs*

Everyone else gets up

Bottom of empty pool

Katie: This is in between you and me bitch.

Calleigh: *stands* Oh yeah? Bring it on.

Katie: *runs after Calleigh*

Calleigh: *ducks*

Katie: AH! *falls*

Calleigh: HA. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Katie: *bites Calleigh's leg*

Calleigh: *screams*

Top of pool

Delko: Ten bucks says someone bleeds within five minutes.

Carly: Twenty says one of them starts to cry.

Bottom of pool

Calleigh: He loves me!

Katie: *stands* Oh...Oh oh I'm SO sorry. I didn't realize that. Please accept my sincerest apologies.

Calleigh: Really?

Katie: Not a chance in hell. *grabs Calleigh*

Calleigh: HEY! *falls* Oof.

Katie: DIE!

Calleigh: YOU DIE! *kicks Katie*

Katie: AH! *falls*

Calleigh: *jumps on Katie* No one messes with a Duquesne!

Katie: TOO BAD! *scratches Calleigh in the face*

Calleigh: *gasp* MY FACE!

Katie: Haha YEAH you're not so pretty NOW!

Calleigh: Oooh you're asking for it girl.

Katie: Yeah show me what you got biatch.

Calleigh: *narrows eyes* Oh I WILL. *lunges*

Katie: AHH! *falls*

Top of pool

Delko: So which one do you think's going to cry first?

Carly: I don't know, Calleigh's tough but Katie's angry.

Anni: *jumping up and down* GET HER! GET HER! KILL HER!


Carole: I didn't know we were cheering for them.

Jess: Just join in, it's alright.

Carole: BAAAAAA! *flails*

Jess: Okay, that's good you're getting there. Just...Less flailing.

Delko: Man it would be hot if we hosed them down.

Carly: You mean like...Put water in the pool?

Delko: Yeah.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Bottom of pool





Katie: STOP BEING GAY! *bites Calleigh*

Calleigh: AH! MY ARM!

Katie: *shoves Calleigh into pool wall* DIE!

Calleigh: *kicks Katie*

Katie: AH! HEY THAT HURT! *kicks Calleigh*

Calleigh: HEY! *kicks Katie*

Katie: *slaps Calleigh*

Calleigh: *slaps Katie*

Katie: BAAAAAAAAAAAA! *tackles Calleigh*

Top of pool

Horatio: *walks over* What is going on in here?

Delko: The hot girls are duking it out.

Horatio: *looks down in pool* Who's winning?

Delko: No one so far, but I think Katie has an edge.

Horatio: Why?

Delko: She's angrier.

Horatio: Ah but I've seen Calleigh fight.

Delko: REALLY.

Horatio: She doesn't tell many people about that. And there was mud involved.

Delko: *crosses arms, smiles* Was it hot?

Horatio: I'll leave that up to your imagination.

Bottom of pool

Calleigh and Katie rolling around the pool

Katie: Stop stealing him!

Calleigh: Stop marrying him!

Katie: STOP IT!

Calleigh: YOU STOP IT!


Calleigh: AAAAARG!

Katie: OH DON'T YOU ARG ME PRINCESS! *slaps Calleigh*

Calleigh: *gasp* NO YOU DIDNT! *pulls Katie's hair*

Katie: *screams*

Top of pool

Delko: So where's Speed?

Horatio: He's in his room.

Delko: He's not watching this? Man he's missing out on some great action.

Horatio: What?

Delko: They're fighting over him. He should be honored.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA oh man Geni, I am laughing so hard I can't breath! I'm doing my weasal laugh and I haven't done that in forever. Teehee. Oh man me and Calleigh fighting now that's hilarious.

Calleigh: He loves me!

Katie: *stands* Oh...Oh oh I'm SO sorry. I didn't realize that. Please accept my sincerest apologies.

Calleigh: Really?

Katie: Not a chance in hell. *grabs Calleigh*
Ha, that is so like me. I'm very sarcastic when I'm pissed off!

Katie: TOO BAD! *scratches Calleigh in the face*

Calleigh: *gasp* MY FACE!

Katie: Haha YEAH you're not so pretty NOW!

Calleigh: Oooh you're asking for it girl.

Katie: Yeah show me what you got biatch.
Biatch! Oh my god, that's where I completley lost it! Oh man I seriously can not stop laughing. And seriously why is Speed in his room. I know if I wasn't in the fight I'd be watching it. And seriously way to go Speed just blurt it out for everyone to here. lol.

Katie: OH DON'T YOU ARG ME PRINCESS! *slaps Calleigh*
HAHAHAHAH! That cracked me up to!

And that is rather weird that we were all listening to the same song. Gotta love 3 Doors Down and how it fits the Rt. lol. You've gotta update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

my god both of them have totally lost it!!! and Speed is sitting back more or less and not giving a damn, what is he thinking??...he has a daughter and he almost forgot about her!!. If Speed wants to lose Katie for good then he has done it now...bad boy!!!!!!! :mad:

update soon Geni
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh my god......whew, let me dry the tears of laughter that are in my eyes.....HAHA OMG that was TOO FUNNY! hahaha, and I cheered for Katie, it's funny because I was thinking it. lol. GO ASS KICKING KATIE!!!! GO! hahaha Wait, when did Horatio see her fight in mud?!?! hahaha Horatio's vergin eyes must have been bleeding lol. And Eric....omg he's just sooo........random haha.

Carole: BAAAAAA! *flails*
hahaha Nice cheering Carole lol

OMG, Geni, this was the best update in the whole wide world! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! lol Keep it up darlin, you're doing great! KICK HER ASS KATIE.....sorry lol :p
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG what great updates I hope you do more soon and speed confroting H about his feelings haha that was good and the whole anni thing with the mopping the floor you made a bad and painful day at work so worth it lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie, I'm glad I can make you sound like a weasle. :p

calleighspeedle, you make an excellent point. He's being a little selfish isn't he? I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Behind Those Eyes

Dining room, 30 minutes later

Horatio: *scratches eyebrow* Okay so, start from the top.

Calleigh: *holding ice pack to head* She attacked me.

Katie: *putting bandaid on arm* She stole my husband.

Calleigh: He came onto ME!

Katie: Yeah if you flipped your golden locks in my face and batted those emerald eyes at me I'D COME ONTO YOU TOO!

Horatio: Okay, ladies let's just calm down. I understand you're both upset here but I tend to side with Katie for this one.

Calleigh: WHAT!

Katie: HA.

Horatio: The reason for this is, Katie's wearing the ring. You're not.

Calleigh: Ah man.

Horatio: Now, I don't care who came onto whom, just fix this or there won't be any more road trips for the three of you.

Calleigh: I'm not talking to her.

Katie: She can stick it.

Horatio: *sigh* Just...Go to your rooms.

Calleigh: Are you sending us to our ROOMS?

Horatio: Yes.

Calleigh: Pfft fine. *walks away, slams door*

Katie: Thanks.

Horatio: I believe you have some things to work out.

Katie: I don't really want to talk to HIM.

Horatio: If you won't talk to him, don't cause any more trouble.

Katie: Yes sir.

Horatio: Now go on.

Katie: *leaves*

Horatio: *shakes head*

Katie/Speed's room

Katie: *slams door*

Speed: *turns around*

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Katie: *walks over*

Speed: *backs up*

Katie: *walks forward*

Speed: *backs up*

Katie: *walks*

Speed: *backs into wall*

Katie: Look at me.

Speed: *looking at floor*

Katie: Tim...Look at me.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: I-

Katie: *puts finger up to Speed's mouth* Shhh.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: *inches closer*

Speed: *swallows*

Katie: *punches Speed in the stomach*

Speed: *cough*

Katie: *steps back*

Speed: *falls down*

Katie: Ass.

Speed: *looks up*

Katie: So I guess that's why you weren't paying much attention to me.

Speed: *holds stomach*

Katie: Stand up.

Speed: *coughs*

Katie: STAND UP!

Speed: ...*stands*

Katie: *walks over*

Speed: *backs up*

Katie: *frowns* Aw Timmy's scared of the little girl.

Speed: Uh...No I'm scared of the pissed off woman.

Katie: *walks closer*

Speed: *backs up*

Katie: You are officially in the dog house.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: Have fun Fido. *leaves*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha, I so thougth I was going to kiss him there for a second and then bam! I punched him in the gut! HAHA! And heck yes I feel loved Horatio took my side! But awww I punched Timmy in the stomach and he coughed! Poor guy. lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

WOOOO GOO KATIE! KICK HIS ASS! hahaha sorry my ranting is over. Hahaha Have fun Fido, that's great Geni lol. hahaha we're having quite an intresting convorsation, the four of us haha. And we're all listenning to 3DD! WOOT GO US!

haha Great update Geni, I don't know how you update when you're talking to us so rapidly like that, I give ya kudos girl haha.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ah the dog house. Good ol' dog house.

Bottled Up All Of This Pain

Midnight, Speed/Katie's room

Katie: *crawls into bed*

Speed: Do you want me to sleep on the floor or...Throw myself into the ocean?

Katie: No I wouldn't feel right about your murder.

Speed: How comforting. Did you talk to Calleigh?

Katie: No, I'm not talking to her. And I don't really want to talk to you right now. *opens book*

Speed: What..What are you doing? What are you reading?

Katie: Porn.

Speed: Funny.

Katie: I'm reading a novel. It's called 'shut the hell up and go to sleep before I pummel you'.

Speed: Sounds like an interesting book.

Katie: It is.

20 minutes later

Katie: *flips through page*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *flips page*

Speed: *opens eyes*

Katie: *flips page*

Speed: *sits up* You're not even reading. You're just doing that to annoy me.

Katie: I read fast.

Speed: No you don't. And I can't sleep if you keep the light on all night.

Katie: Cover your head and don't forget to breathe dear. *pats Speed on the head*

Speed: ...Are you serious?

Katie: Do I look serious?

Speed: No.

Katie: I'm serious.

Speed: *lays down*

10 minutes later

Katie: *hums*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *hums, flips page*

Speed: *sits up* Stop it.

Katie: *looks at Speed* Oh you look tired.

Speed: It's midnight. I AM tired. I'm SUPPOSED to be tired. Human beings were not made to stay up all night.

Katie: That's a shame. *flips page*

Speed: Fine, I'm sleeping in the living room.

Katie: No you're not, you're staying right here. I don't want you running off with Barbie out there.

Speed: *sigh* Fine.

20 minutes later

Speed: *sits up tiredly* Katie...It's almost one in the morning. Go to bed.

Katie: *looks up from book* No way, I just got to the good part of the book. The chimey sweeper cheated on his broom with a dust pan.

Speed: Yeah? And what did the broom do to the chimeny sweeper?

Katie: He killed him.

Speed: He?

Katie: They're gay.

Speed: Where did you find this book?

Katie: Under Eric's bed.

Speed: *lays down* Can we at least dim the lights?

Katie: Sure. *turns knob*

Speed: *sits up* You made it brighter.

Katie: Did I? Oh I'm sorry.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Katie: *looks at Speed* Did you want to read the book?

Speed: No. I want to sleep.

Katie: So sleep, don't let me stop you.

Speed: I can't when you have the lights on.

Katie: Too bad.

Speed: This is childish.

Katie: So are affairs.

Speed: *sigh* Fine. I get it. *lays down*

10 minutes later

Speed: *sits up*

Katie: *asleep sitting up*

Speed: Katie? ....KATIE!

Katie: *wakes up* What? *looks at Speed* What?

Speed: You fell asleep.

Katie: No I didn't.

Speed: Yes you did.

Katie: So I'm human, big deal.

Speed: *grabs book* Go to sleep.

Katie: No.

Speed: You need sleep.

Katie: No, I don't.

Speed: You're half asleep now.

Katie: *holds eyelids open* No I'm not, see?

Speed: *grabs Katie's hands* You're tired, just sleep. You can make my life hell tomorrow.

Katie: *yawns* I'm not tired, really. *eyes start to close*

Speed: You're tired.

Katie: No, that just happens sometimes.

Speed: Nice try. *dims lights* Sleep.

Katie: *sigh* ...Whatever.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *kisses Speed* ...Goodnight. *head hits pillow*

Speed: *looks down* Goodnight.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

aww how sweet and interesting at the same time... haha I wonder who won katie or calliegh lol. and haha katie calling calliegh barbie lol. Hope you update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh I think Katie won. I mean, Calleigh had the ice pack and Katie had a bandaid. I think she won. :p

Never Again

Next morning, breakfast table

Delko: Someone stole my book and I want to know who it was.

Katie: Calleigh.

Delko: *gasp*

Calleigh: I didn't steal it.

Katie: You steal everything.

Speed: ...Katie.

Katie: Shut up bum fluff.

Speed: Fine.

Carly: Wow, tense.

Carole: You can cut it with a spoon.

Jess: Knife hun.

Carole: Sorry I got my cutlery mixed up.

Speed: Hey Wyoming, pass me the butter.

Jess: *hands over butter* I have a name.

Calleigh: Can someone pass me the syrup?

Delko: Katie's closer.

Katie: No she's not. *throws syrup on the floor*

Calleigh: *narrows eyes*

Speed: *grabs syrup, passes it to Calleigh*

Calleigh: Thank you.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Sorry.

Katie: You better be. And I should staple your wedding ring to your-

Horatio: *warning tone* Katie..

Katie: Sorry.

Calleigh: He loves me more anyway.

Speed: *looks up*

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: No I don't.

Calleigh: You don't?

Speed: Yeah I told you that.

Calleigh: Pfft.

Speed: Don't you make that sound effect at me. You were the one that said we should tell her.

Katie: And you said NO?

Speed: No I said when we came to that bridge, we'd cross it.

Katie: Tim, you're so far over the bridge, you're on a different continent.

Speed: Funny.

Calleigh: So your wife gets mad at you so you just crawl back to her and forget about me?

Speed: Did that sentence sound ODD to you in any way?

Calleigh: No.

Speed: Well it should have.

Horatio: Guys, let's put our personal issues aside for the moment.

Speed: Fine.

Katie: Fine.

Calleigh: Fine.

Everyone eats in silence

Calleigh: *pushes plate* I don't feel so good.

Delko: Maybe you ate too much.

Calleigh: Maybe.

Horatio: Have some water.

Calleigh: *drinks water* ...

Horatio: Feel any better?

Calleigh: Excuse me. *holds mouth, runs*

Speed: *pokes food with fork*

Delko: *looks around*

Katie: *eats*

Calleigh: *walks back, sits down*

Delko: ...You okay?

Calleigh: ...No. *runs off*

Delko: Hmm that's weird. Maybe she needs some Pepto.

Speed: Oh God.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Oh God WHAT.

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: ...OH GOD!

Delko: Why are we bringing God into this?

Speed: Excuse me. *walks away*

Delko: Wow he's sick too? That's so weird.


Speed: Are you okay?

Calleigh: I'm not pregnant if that's what you're asking.

Speed: *tilts head*

Calleigh: I felt sick last night too. Motion sickness.

Speed: That's good. I mean, well not because you don't feel well but...Yeah.

Calleigh: Yeah I know.

Katie: *runs in* OH YOU BETTER NOT BE P-

Speed: *cover's Katie's mouth* She's not. It's motion sickness.

Katie: *grabs Speed's hand* It had better be.

Calleigh: It is.

Katie: GOOD.

Speed: Will you relax?

Katie: No.

Calleigh: I'm fine. I just don't do well on boats okay? *stands*

Katie: ...Well do you need help or something?

Calleigh: You offering help? Yeah right what do you get in return?

Katie: Look if you're not feeling well, I can take you to your room or something.

Calleigh: *nods* Okay.

Katie: Come on.

Calleigh, Katie walk away

Speed: *sigh*

Delko: *runs up* Man I wonder what they're going to do in Calleigh's room. *winks*

Speed: *walks away*

Delko: Wha?...Oh come on.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

AWWWW are we sure that calliehg isn't pregnant? LOL anyway great update with the whole fighting thing and such.... LOL TEEHEE ... OH NO GENI I AM TEEHEEING AGAIN!!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh man, I thought Calleigh was pregnant again too...Hmmm, I see a storyline in the making...

and I have to say - GO KATIE! that fight chapter was hilarious! and I saw a little of drunk Katie in there with the "STOP BEING GAY"...but Katie totally kicked Calleigh's butt...hopefully she won't have to get it reconstructed :p

ah, this is hilarious...I think this RT is the main reason that all my friends think I'm crazy :lol:

please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Really? A whole storyline..You kids are all ahead of me. :lol: :p

And maybe Calleigh can get her butt reconstructed at the same place where you got yours fixed Carly. :lol:

In The Haze

Deck, outside

Horatio: So in a few days we'll be back in Miami, and then we can drive to Vegas.


Horatio: How much is your pot up to now?

Delko: Thirty dollars.

Horatio: What happened to the paychecks you get?

Delko: ...I didn't know I was aloud to use that.

Horatio: *sigh*

Further down...

Speed: What you did for Calleigh was very nice.

Katie: Well it's the least I could do for beating her up.

Speed: Yeah I hear you won.

Katie: It was a sweet victory.

Speed: I'm sorry I missed it.

Katie: Yeah well that's just too bad. *leans head on Speed's chest*

Speed: Comfortable?

Katie: Mhm.

Speed: I thought I was in the dog house.

Katie: You are.

Speed: I see. *wraps arms around Katie* You run a wierd dog house.

Katie: *laughs* Don't get too comfortable. You still have to pay for what you did.

Speed: Really.

Katie: Starting with unwrapping your arms. *smiles* Please.

Speed: *looks down* Harsh punishment.

Katie: *turns around* You still haven't let go.

Speed: I know that.

Katie: *inches closer* Well we'll have to do something about that won't we?

Speed: You're not going to punch me are you?

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: *brushes hair out of Katie's face*

Katie: *smirks* Stop it.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: This isn't getting you out of the dog house.

Speed: What would get me out?

Katie: *smiles* Leaving.

Speed: Yes master.

Katie: *laughs* Good, get lost.

Speed: See you later. *walks away*

Katie: *shakes head*

JC: *walks over* I thought you were mad at him.

Katie: I was.

JC: What happened?

Katie: I don't know.

JC: But you're still mad right?

Katie: *leans on railing* Well yes, and no.

JC: ...Meaning...

Katie: Well if I stay mad at him forever, it won't prove anything and it'll just make us miserable. On the other hand, if I just forgive him right away, what's to say he won't do it again?

JC: True.

Katie: *sigh* I don't know what to do anymore. Remember the good old days when men were loyal to one woman?

JC: ...I don't think that's ever happened. *walks away*

Katie: ..Yeah..THAT HELPED ALOT!

JC: *laughs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aww what a short sweet chapter... way to go geni.. can't wait for more in the morning lol ... wait it is morning ... two thirty in the morning to be exact... yeesh i need a life... lol
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