CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Congrats on the captainship! :D

And I'm glad it made you laugh, because when I start cracking up as I write the lines, it kind of tells you that 1)I'm crazy, 2)I'm not really funny, 3)...I'm crazy.


Be The One You Wanted Me To Be


Calleigh: Hey I analyzed the gun. It had been fired recently, but it was also cleaned, and might I add, someone didn't do a very good job.

Horatio: *looking down at cell phone* Mhm.

Calleigh: Hey you got a new phone?

Horatio: This is actually a patient's phone.

Calleigh: You found the girl.

Horatio: She's in a coma. Her name's Lisa Lavallée.

Calleigh: So what do you think happened?

Horatio: I found Clavo in Germany. He probably headed out there to keep a low profile for a few days, and then returned to France.

Calleigh: What's Lisa's cell phone telling you?

Horatio: She called 911.

Calleigh: Did the call go through?

Horatio: It did. She was able to call for help before someone pulled the trigger.

Calleigh: So he did shoot her.

Horatio: Someone did. The bullet is a 9 mil.

Calleigh: We found a 9 millimeter gun in his hotel room.

Horatio: You check registration?

Calleigh: It's running now.

Speed: *walks up* Hey H, I called patrol about the vehcile involved in the accident. It's a yellow 2005 Impala.

Calleigh: That would explain why we didn't see any paint transfer on Clavo's car.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *blushes*

Horatio: *looks at Calleigh*

Speed: The owner of the car is *looks down at notes* Lisa Lavallée.

Horatio: Okay so we have our victim.

Speed: So if Clavo didn't shoot her, who did?

Horatio: That's just another part of the puzzle isn't it?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: Tim and I could go check out the 911 call and see if there was any indication of a second person.

Speed: We could?

Calleigh: *smiles* Yeah.

Horatio: *looks at both CSIs* Alright do that and then page me.

Calleigh: Okay.

Speed: You got it.

CSIs leave

Horatio: *looks down at phone*

Delko: *walks up* The gun's registered to Scott Leonard.

Horatio: What's his connection to Clavo?

Delko: He was arrested back in 2003 for a drug charge. Specifically, cocaine.

Horatio: Interesting, let's go find Mister Leonard.


Calleigh: Okay so I pulled up the 911 call, and since her phone dropped all we can hear is what happened after she called.

Speed: It sounds like there's an argument.

Calleigh: Yeah but I can't tell if there's a third party there.

Speed: *tilts head* Usted no vio...Esto?

Calleigh: You didn't see this. So someone's trying to keep her mouth shut about something.

Speed: Yeah. Can you pull that up?

Calleigh: Sure. *types*

Speed: Okay right there someone's cocking a gun.

Calleigh: How do you know?

Speed: Because you can hear the gunshot at the end.

Calleigh: *smirks* Well thank you I don't think I could have figured that out without you.

Speed: So she screams, and then gets shot.

Calleigh: Someone's saying...Vayamos antes de que el policía consiga aquí. So..Let's go before the police get here.

Speed: They shot her, and then drove off.

Calleigh: It looks like it.

Horatio: *walks in* Status.

Speed: I thought you were at the hospital.

Horatio: I was, but now I'm here. What have you got?

Calleigh: The woman saw something, and called 911, and then she was shot.

Horatio: Okay our friend Scott wants to shut her up, and Clavo's standing there like the coward that he is.

Speed: How are we even going to prove he was there? Maybe the guy used his car.

Calleigh: Yeah he is known for lending his car out.

Horatio: *looks at computer screen* ...They wanted to protect something...

Speed: Yeah and they shot her for it.

Calleigh: I'll go check Clavo's car again. I'll bring Eric with me.

Horatio: Good idea.

Calleigh: *walks away*

Speed: *watches Calleigh*

Horatio: Speed.

Speed: *looks up* Yeah?

Horatio: You're coming with me. I've got Scott on ice back at the station.

Speed: Okay.

Horatio: Let's go.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio: *walks in* Status.

Speed: I thought you were at the hospital.

Horatio: I was, but now I'm here. What have you got?
0.0 He just appears to come out of nowhere doesn't he? lol That's the Horatio magic I guess haha.

Geni, you're not crazy, if you're crazy, then I must be insane haha. And you ARE TOO funny! lol That's what attracted me to the RT in the first place, it was funny!

Congrats on the captainship!

Thank you! Although I did a really sucky job today lol. It's still cool to be the Captain...anyway....

This whole case has me a bit puzzled. You said you wanted some constructive critisism, so here it is. I'm a little confused to why Clavo couldn't have been the one with the gun in his hand. There was really no evidence that he wasn't the shooter, but I understand that he was probably there, and that he was with someone. So either Clavo or the other guy had the gun in their hands. Or maybe......I just missed something. Other than that, all is good :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Actually, you're absolutely right, and I was hoping someone would ask that. :lol: It's all part of the case, and as we know, CSIs can't understand everything immediately and the case doesn't really come together until that last piece of evidence is found that could break the case. ;)

But anyhow, that's a very good question. And yeah, the entire thing does seem confusing. :p (Hehe)

More to come soon. :D


The Damned Walked In

Interrogation room

Horatio: *places folder on table*

Scott: What's this?

Horatio: Your gun.

Scott: So?

Horatio: *lifts brows* You almost killed a young woman.

Scott: *laughs* Nah, nah man that was Clavo.

Speed: *sitting in chair* Clavo.

Scott: Yeah Clavo Cruz.

Horatio: We're familiar with him. Are you saying he shot her?

Scott: Uh yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Speed: Why did he shoot her?

Scott: Hell if I know, I wanted to get out of here before the cops found us.

Horatio: Why were you so concerned about that?

Scott: *sigh* Well...We were hauling drugs in the trunk.

Horatio: Drugs. Like cocaine?

Scott: Yeah. When she hit us, the trunk opened and she saw the stuff. Clavo freaked and shot her.

Speed: Where did you meet him?

Scott: A club in Germany. So since I didn't kill her, does that mean I can go?

Speed: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: *smirks* No, you can't go. You just copped to drug posession with intent to sell.

Scott: *looks down at table*

Horatio: Whoops. It's just not your lucky day is it?

Scott: *rolls eyes*


Delko: So why are we here?

Calleigh: We have to talk to Clavo.

Speed: Yeah and if all goes well we can put him away for good.

Calleigh: I found DNA on the slide of the gun and it doesn't match Scott, so he's not the shooter.

Delko: Great so maybe he was telling the truth about Clavo.

Speed: I think what this case needs right now is a woman, don't you think?

Delko: *laughs* Yeah if anyone's going to get info...

Calleigh: No. No no, I don't think so. I am not going to be nice to him.

Speed: But you're so good at it, and besides, you're hot so he'll listen to you.

Delko: *lifts brows*

Calleigh: Why can't you do it?

Speed: Cal...

Calleigh: *sigh* Fine. *takes hair down* Wish me luck. *walks away*

Delko: She sure agreed to that fast.

Speed: Maybe I have that effect on people.


Calleigh: *walks up, smiles*

Clavo: *smokes cigar* Hey it's Britney.

Calleigh: Calleigh Duquesne actually. I just wanted to apologize for harassing you and your car.

Clavo: *smiles* Really. When can I have my car back?

Calleigh: When we release it.

Clavo: Care to have a drink with me?

Calleigh: *sits down* I just wanted to ask you something.

Clavo: I could never turn down a pretty woman.

Calleigh: Did Scott shoot that woman?

Clavo: I'm not saying anything. You couldn't solve the case, and you won't solve it with my help.

Calleigh: *bats eyes* Yes but...I just came here to have a drink.

Clavo: With me.

Calleigh: *smiles*


Guy: *passes over martini*

Calleigh: Thank you. *sips drink*

Clavo: So tell me, are you single?

Calleigh: Me?

Clavo: Yeah.

Calleigh: Uh...*looks at Speed*

Other side of the room

Delko: So this club just never closes does it?

Speed: Just like Miami according to Horatio.

Delko: Calleigh and Clavo seem to be hitting it off.

Speed: Am I the only one who doesn't like Clavo?

Delko: He's a fun guy. It just so happens that he's also a murderer.

Speed: That's reassuring.

Other side of room

Clavo: You didn't answer my question.

Calleigh: *looks back at Clavo* I'm single.

Clavo: Now THAT is a good answer.

Calleigh: *grins* Hey are those Baracan rings?

Clavo: *looks at hand* Yeah they were given to me by the finest jewelers in Baracas.

Calleigh: May I?

Clavo: Have at it sweetheart.

Calleigh: *grabs Clavo's hand* Those are beautiful.

Clavo: Well all women like shiney things. *winks*

Calleigh: *looks up* Yes, they do.

Clavo: Haha, see? Point proven.

Calleigh: How about the pretty cut on your hand?

Clavo: *looks down*

Calleigh: It's called slide bite. It happens when you don't know how to use a weapon. The slide comes back and catches the skin near the upper part of your thumb and first finger. Someone who's used to a revolver, wouldn't know about the slide in a nine milimeter.

Clavo: That could have happened anytime.

Calleigh: But it didn't. Your cut puts the gun in your hand. You shot Lisa.

Clavo: *shakes head* I didn't shoot ANYONE!

Calleigh: *stands* You're under arrest.

Speed/Delko: *walk over*


Horatio: *takes off shades* Actually we can.

Clavo: Oh not you again. Why don't you give it a rest!

Patrol cops walk over

Horatio: I'm afraid this is your last party for a long time.

Clavo: You can't take me away from my money and my women!

Speed: Actually, where you're about to go you won't have to worry about that because you'll be the woman.

Clavo gets hauled away

Horatio: Nice job Calleigh.

Calleigh: *smiles* I have my ways of seducing even the most arrogant of men.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: So are we done here?

Horatio: We are. I guess it's off to Vegas. *leaves*

Delko: YES! GAMBLING! Thank you. *walks away*

Calleigh: *laughs*

Speed: *grabs Calleigh* Hold on a second.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: I am not arrogant.

Calleigh: No...You're perfect. *walks way*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

awsome updates Geni. And geez what a notty speed lol. Haha I loved the whole thing of me and the sunnies and justice that was just great LOL. Haha poor Clavo caught again *sigh* I like his attitude but he is also ... hmmm... hot. Anyway can't wait for some more I love how many updates I came hoem to LOL
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Haha, okay, now I understand what went down lol. Oh, I loved the part when Calleigh took down her hair, it reminds me of Broken lol. I love her charm! I wish they would use that as one of her weapons more in the actual episodes.....it's fun to watch her do stuff like that lol

But it's even more fun to go to VEGAS! haha.

Delko: YES! GAMBLING! Thank you. *walks away*
YAY! GAMBLING! my grandfather is really REALLY good at gambling. He goes in with only 20 dollars, and comes out with like...300 on a good day, and breaks even on a bad day haha. I wonder if I'll be like that.

And 0.0 Calleigh hesitated when Clavo asked her if she was single. Of course she's single! Tim's married! haha. Good job Geni, can't wait for the next update!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

COOL! that was total Miami style! :cool:
finally some investigation, suspect, victim, evidence.. and bla bla bla! :p *Macdonald voice* I'm Love'n it! :D
Vegas... party...drinking game *evil laugh* hi hi hi :devil:
Awsome updates!

Take your spades, let's dig a tunnel till we reach Vegas! *singing* dig a tunnel, dig dig a tunnel *clap-clap* aleluja DIG! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Yes she does seem to have a problem remembering which men are married doesn't she? :lol:

LtKitty you crack me up.

All Those Things I Hate Got In The Way


Horatio: Alrighty off to Vegas we go.


Missy: Whoa calm down there.


Horatio: I thought you were banned.

Delko: They won't know that. The last time we were there was almost two years ago.

Horatio: Alright but if you get caught I'm not bailing you out this time.

Calleigh: Man I hope I get married in Vegas! Wouldn't that be fun?

Speed: NO.

Everyone: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I mean...No.

Katie: What are you worried about? It's not like she'll be marrying you.

Speed: You want to make a bet?

Katie: Not really.

Calleigh: Um, Tim can I speak to you for a second?

Speed: Why?

Calleigh: I think I forgot something in the Hummerlab.

Speed: So go get it.

Calleigh: It's too heavy.

Speed: Too heavy, and yet you brought it up there.

Calleigh: *grabs Speed* Come on.

Speed: Alright I'm going.

Calleigh, Speed leave

Delko: What was that about?

Carly: Who knows.

Katie: I really hope we're not going to gamble away everything.



Calleigh: What is the matter with you?

Speed: What?

Calleigh: I thought we were going to um...NOT make people suspicious.

Speed: They don't suspect anything's going on.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: What?

Calleigh: I don't know, I just find the whole...Secret thing kind of fun.

Speed: Fun? You think this is fun?

Calleigh: *shrugs* A little.

Speed: You're crazy.

Calleigh: Aw, you always have to act so serious. *walks closer*

Speed: *wraps arms around Calleigh's waist* I'm not always serious.

Calleigh: Really?

Speed: *smirks* Really.

Delko: *runs in* HEY GUESS WHAT!

Speed: *lets go of Calleigh* What.

Delko: Do you have twenty bucks?

Speed: How is that a 'guess what'.

Delko: I want to make my pot bigger so when I get to Vegas, I won't go broke right away.

Speed: I'm not giving you my money.

Delko: Oh come on, I promise to cut you in if I win anything.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: *gives money* Here have money.

Delko: YES! Thanks Cal! *runs away*

Speed: You ARE crazy.

Calleigh: *smiles* I thought you loved that about me.

Speed: I do.

Calleigh: Then stop complaining cowboy. *kisses Speed* VEGAS! Yay. *runs*

Speed: *shakes head*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hahahaha *laughs about what you told me a few days ago about Tim not cheating again*

Delko: I want to make my pot bigger so when I get to Vegas, I won't go broke right away.
hahaha MO MONEY! hehehe, I have that money song stuck in my head now.

*sings* money money money money.... MONAY!!!! lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

speed_cochrane said:

LtKitty you crack me up.

Sorry Geni, my good.. not my bad, but my good he he! :lol: i shouldn't eat that poppy roll :p

anyway... my head is blowing up with this triangle! :eek: *BOOM* Hyuston we have a problem, Speed is cheating, he is not playing by the rules! bad boy! :devil: *Macdonalds returns* I'm Loven It! :D

and don't forget i am still diging here :p i need Vegas..
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ilovegrissom1 said
hahahaha *laughs about what you told me a few days ago about Tim not cheating again*

Haha...Yeah about that...I LIED! *runs* SEE YOU SUCKERS! ...I'm kidding. :lol:

Yeah actually, originally the plan was for Tim to not cheat again forever, and then that backfired in my face for various reasons of which I'm not sure. :rolleyes: But life goes on and y'all are going to have to read and find out what happens next. ;)

Love Me When I'm Gone

Hummerhome, on highway

Horatio: Alright since we have to get back to the United states, I brought...Wait for it, wait for it...THE HUMMA.

Everyone: *groans*

Horatio: What? I thought you guys liked the Humma. It's much faster than the Hummercraft and we never have to go in the air. The ship is beautiful.

Katie: Remember what happened the LAST time you brought us on the 'Humma'? Tim cheated on me with Calleigh.

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *looks at Speed*

Katie: I just don't think I can ever re-live that. *elbows Speed* Say something.

Speed: Uh...Yeah bad thing that happened. Bad, BAD bad thing.

Katie: It'll just open a lot of wounds. I mean, the fact that my husband was in love with another woman? I mean sheesh. That's just a kick in the a-

Speed: We get it.

Katie: I'm sorry but that hurt me. And you've been so good to me too, after all of that. I don't want to remember the bad times.

Speed: Really? They didn't seem that bad.

Katie: It was bad.

Speed: ...Okay.

Delko: I liked the Humma. It was fun, remember we did that whole Titanic thing?

Speed: See? Not too bad.

Katie: I guess.

Calleigh: WOW did it ever just get awkward in here.

Anni: I can't believe I had to mop the floors. That's no fun.

Carly: We all feel your pain.

Anni: Yeah sure you do. *crosses arms*

Katie: I wonder if we'll be telling our daughter this years from now.

Speed: Daughter? Oh yeah...We...Have one of those.

Katie: Yes we do. Did you forget?

Speed: No I didn't forget. *covers eyes* Oh this is bad.

Katie: What?

Speed: What? Nothing.

Katie: You said something.

Speed: No I didn't.

Katie: Yes you did.

Speed: No I didn't.

Katie: I heard something.

Speed: Maybe you're going crazy.

Katie: Why are you panicking? It's just a question.

Speed: I didn't say anything.

Katie: But you did.

Delko: *lifts hand* I HEARD IT!

Katie: What did he say?

Delko: He said...Wait...What did you say again?

Speed: Nothing.

Delko: ....Stupid memory.

Katie: I don't see what's so bad about telling me.

Speed: Because it wasn't important.

Katie: Well you barely speak to me, so anything you say is important.

Speed: What? I speak to you.

Katie: You haven't lately. It's like you don't even pay attention to me.

Speed: I do so pay attention to you.

Katie: Alright over the past two days, where were you?

Speed: Working a case.

Delko: With Calleigh.

Speed: *looks at Delko*

Delko: What?

Speed: And Eric. Calleigh and Eric.

Katie: Yeah but we were working on the same case.

Speed: I was just doing what Horatio told me to.

Katie: And that's the only reason?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Good.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

TEEHEE TITANIC! "Jack! Rose! Jack! Rose!" Man that was hilarious. And the whole stick figure. Great updates geni! Exactly what I needed when I got home from school. ANd Hmm..I think Horatio's catching on to the whole Talleigh thinger! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio: Alright since we have to get back to the United states, I brought...Wait for it, wait for it...THE HUMMA.
HAHAHA I think I busted a rib on that one. It was very very random lol. And Geni, you can lie to me all you want, whatever you write will still be intresting lol. Great update, haha, I'm still laughing lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the feedback. :)

I Won't Let It Happen Again, Never Again

Humma, 6 pm

Horatio: Alright people, welcome back to the Humma.

Anni: You're not going to make me mop the floor are you?

Horatio: If the need be...

Anni: No. You can mop it yourself.

Horatio: I'm Horatio Caine. Caines don't mop floors.

Anni: Well 'Caines' are going to learn.

Horatio: *narrows eyes*


Horatio: *sigh* Eric there's no water in the p-

Delko: AH! *falls* ...Okay I knew that.

Horatio: Where's Speed?

Delko: He's with Calleigh on the poop deck. Haha, poop.

Horatio: Thank you Eric. *walks away*

Katie: OH OH! THERE'S LIKE...FOOD HERE! *opens fridge*

Carly: There's food in the Hummerhome.

Katie: Yeah but in here I get to eat and not spill everything.

Jess: Wow, I've never been in a Humma before.

Carole: I didn't know these existed.

Jess: I don't think they do.

Katie: CHEEZ-ITS! WE HAVE CHEEZ-ITS! I LOVE whoever made this.

Jess: Horatio?

Katie: Okay I LIKE whoever made this.

Carole: So where are you sleeping?

Katie: You just let me figure that out. *shoves cheez-its in face*

Poop Deck....Yes I know how ridiculous that sounds

Calleigh: I'm sorry about what Katie said in there.

Speed: It's fine.

Calleigh: What if she finds out about us?

Speed: She won't find out.

Calleigh: She might.

Speed: We'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

Calleigh: I thought you weren't going to do this to her anymore.

Speed: I know.

Calleigh: *holds Speed's hand*

Speed: *smirks*

Horatio: *clears throat*

Speed: *looks up*

Calleigh: *lets go of Speed*

Horatio: Dinner's in the dining room.

Speed: Uh...H, we-

Horatio: The food's going to get cold. Don't be late. *walks away*

Calleigh: ...Uh oh.

Speed: Oh crap.

Calleigh: You don't think he'll say anything do you?

Speed: I don't know. You go eat, I'll talk to him. *walks away*

Calleigh: Okay.


Speed: Hey H, you got a minute?

Horatio: Sure.

Speed: What happened back there, I-

Horatio: What you do on your time is your business.

Speed: Uh...How long have you known about this?

Horatio: A few days.

Speed: *sigh* Great.

Horatio: You just don't learn do you?

Speed: This is different.

Horatio: How is this different?

Speed: I love her.

Horatio: Who, Katie or Calleigh?

Speed: Calleigh.

Horatio: Didn't you fall in love the other hundred times too?

Speed: No.

Horatio: So it's...Not your fault this time.

Speed: If you believe that.

Horatio: I don't.

Speed: You're not going to tell Katie are you?

Horatio: No, it's none of my business.

Speed: I don't know what I'm going to do.

Horatio: Well, you have two choices.

Speed: Yeah?

Horatio: You can break up with Calleigh and save your marriage. Or, you can keep this up and it'll blow up in your face eventually.

Speed: I like option number one.

Horatio: Yes, but it's not that easy is it?

Speed: No, it's not.

Horatio: Well you're going to have to think about it then.

Speed: I shouldn't have to think about it.

Horatio: I guess that's your problem.

Speed: You know I'll have to tell Katie anyway, and it'll blow up in my face no matter what I do.

Horatio: You should have thought of that before you and Calleigh decided to hook up.

Speed: Hook up? No, no we didn't just 'hook up'.

Horatio: You can make it sound as complicated as you want, but in the end you still made the mistake.

Speed: Okay Sherlock explain this. You love JC AND Yelina. Tell me how that makes you any better than me.

Horatio: *stops walking* No one said I loved JC.

Speed: No one has to say it, it's obvious. So it seems we're in the same boat.

Horatio: Well if you want to get technical...

Speed: I'm not talking about the Humma. I'm talking about the situation at hand. Are you ever going to tell JC that you have feelings for Yelina?

Horatio: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Didn't think so. So you can see where the complications are.

Horatio: Yes, but I haven't acted on anything.

Speed: You don't need to. It's all there for everyone to see

Horatio: So you're saying we have the same problem.

Speed: I'm saying this problem isn't just isolated to me.

Horatio: This isn't about me.

Speed: You know what the difference is between you and me? I have the guts to at least tell someone I care about them even if it's the biggest mistake I've ever made. I take risks and you wallow in self-pity because you can't be damned to do anything about your feelings. *walks away*

Horatio: ...

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhhh burrn on to the H man! And cheez its! I haven't had those in forever!

Katie: CHEEZ-ITS! WE HAVE CHEEZ-ITS! I LOVE whoever made this.

Jess: Horatio?

Katie: Okay I LIKE whoever made this.
Teehee, that cracked me up to now end. And if you want to get techincal Speed and Horatio's situations aren't exactly the same. Because H man is a good guy and....yeah I'm not going to finish that sentence but anyways what I'm saying is Speed's a jerk. lol.

Horatio: How is this different?

Speed: I love her.

Horatio: Who, Katie or Calleigh?

Speed: Calleigh.
Wow, doesn't that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hahaha CHEEZITS! It's funny because when my mom bought them, I laughed, and then this update included cheezits in it lol (But Geni already knows that lol)
My mom looked at me like I was nuts. I swear Geni, I don't go a day without randomly laughing at something because it reminded me of the RT haha. Me and Katie are both listening to the same song because she told me it reminded her of the RT, and then I listened to it, recognized it, and bought it, and now I'm listening to it teehee, we're all corrupted :p
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