CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Yeah Speed needs to...Use the brain that's in his head. :p :lol: But I'd say he's confusing Calleigh, yes. I think maybe he's confused.

You Pulled Me Through

Hummerhome 10 pm

Horatio: *walks in* Alright everyone in bed. I want you all to have clear heads tomorrow.

Everyone goes to their rooms

Girls' room

Carly: Man that was fun, we should do that again.

Anni: I agree. France is fun.

Carole: I like this Hummerhome. It's really big.

Jess: Man it's better than my HOUSE.

Calleigh: *sigh* I think I'm in love.

Carly: You meet someone at the club?

Calleigh: You could say that.

Anni: Oooh what's his name? Is he cute?

Calleigh: Cute? Yes. Name? Didn't get it.

Carly: You playa.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Jess: Okay so spill. What's he like?

Calleigh: *sigh* He's...Perfect.

Jess: Well duh, but what else?

Calleigh: He's sweet, funny, a perfect gentleman, and...Yum.

Carly: Yum? That's a new one.

Calleigh: *sigh*

Jess: And you didn't invite him over?

Calleigh: No.

Carly: Ah come on.

Calleigh: Well he had to leave.

Anni: Excuses, excuses. You at least had your way with him right?

Calleigh: *laughs* Oh yeah.

Anni: Excellent.

Carly: I love France.

Carole: Me too.

Carly: You live here.

Carole: I still love it here.

Speed/Katie's room

Katie: They sound like they're having fun in there giggling and such.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: ...Are you tired?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: ...Are you mad at me?

Speed: No.

Katie: Are you sure?

Speed: Yes.

Katie: Are you going to get past one word?

Speed: I'm sorry.

Katie: See? Two words. You're getting there. So where were you anyway?

Speed: In the Hummerlab processing evidence.

Katie: Oh yeah that Clavo thing.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Eric said he saw you in the club.

Speed: Eric sees a lot of things. I'm surprised he's not on medication.

Katie: Well there's still time to help him.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Well, *turns out light* Goodnight.

Speed: Goodnight.

Katie: *rolls over*

Speed: ...Katie?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: I love you.

Katie: *lifts brow* ...I love you too.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Anni: Excuses, excuses. You at least had your way with him right?

Calleigh: *laughs* Oh yeah.

Haha wow, I just said Skank really loud! lol. But awww its kinda cute how the guy Calleigh's talking about is in the next room. And awwww he said he loved me, but I raised my eyebrow at it, that can't be good. lol. Teehee. This is getting interesting. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: And troubles ensue...

The One Thing That I Tried To Hold Onto

Next day

Horatio: Alright people, Clavo was released so we need to find the dead woman. I got a call this morning, and we have the warrant so Eric, Speed, Calleigh go search the car. I want everyone else to go back into the club and ask around.

Katie: Did you want some of us to check the hotel Clavo's staying at too? Maybe he checked in with the woman.

Carly: Yeah it's worth a shot.

Horatio: Okay Carly, go with Katie. Everyone else has their orders.

Impound lot

Calleigh: *clicks on flashlight* Alright boys let's see what this car tells us.

Delko: *opens trunk* Well, I can tell you what he had in here.

Speed: Cocaine.

Delko: Yup. *grabs swab*

Calleigh: *opens door* Did anyone check with missing person's?

Delko: Jess and Carole were going to do that.

Calleigh: *looks inside car* Everything in here looks pristine. Nothing to suggest there was a struggle.

Speed: *looks around* How about the back seat?

Calleigh: Why would Clavo be in the back s-..Oh.

Speed: *flips seat forward* Well, there's certainly a lot of room back here.

Delko: *smiles* You ever rent one of these cars Speed?

Speed: *clicks off flashlight* No.

Delko: Yeah it probably costs more than your house anyway.

Speed: Would you pass me the kit already?

Delko: Sure. *passes over kit*

Speed: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Calleigh: There's no blood on the exterior of the vehicle except for where we saw it yesterday.

Delko: So whoever was beaten or killed, never left this side of the vehicle.

Calleigh: So that means she probably wasn't in the car.

Speed: *takes off goggles* Oh she was in the car.

Calleigh: *looks over* She was?

Speed: Yeah evidence puts her right in the back seat. *stands up*

Calleigh: Oh my.

Delko: I wonder how many women Clavo has ever had in there exactly.

Speed: Yeah well I'd do the math for you but it would take a while.

Delko: He did say everything was about money and women.

Speed: Did he mention anything about dead women?

Delko: No.

Calleigh: Okay so Clavo brings a pretty girl to his car, they go for a drive, end up spending an amazing five minutes together in the back seat, -

Speed/Delko: *stare at Calleigh*

Calleigh: They stop the car because of a fight, Clavo gets mad, and beats her to death.

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Calleigh: And then what? Dumps the body in his trunk and gets rid of her?

Delko: There's no blood in the trunk.

Speed: He probably cleaned up.

Calleigh: So let's scrape the tires.

Delko: ...Why exactly?

Calleigh: Well I can see yellow paint in the tires.

Delko/Speed: *look down*

Calleigh: I'm thinking maybe it's street paint. We should find out where they're painting, and then find our primary crime scene.

Delko/Speed: *look back up at Calleigh*

Calleigh: Right?

Delko: Sure, yeah.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *smiles* Great. *walks away*

Delko: So...What did she need us for?

Speed: *shrugs* We did the processing, she just stood there, and she still figured it out before us.

Delko: *smiles* Okay so we're her mules.

Speed: No, you're her mule.

Delko: And what does that make you?

Speed: Smarter than you.

Delko: Oh you are not smarter than me.

Speed: Yeah?

Delko: Yeah.

Calleigh: *from Hummer* Are you guys comin' or not!

Delko: She sure is demanding. I think it's because she's not gettin' any.

Speed: See, this is exactly the reason why I get the promotions.

Delko: Why?

Speed: You're wrong about everything. *walks away*

Delko: ....Wait, you know something that I don't?! *runs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed is a tease by all proportions, this quote proves it:

Calleigh: *looks inside car* Everything in here looks pristine. Nothing to suggest there was a struggle.

Speed: *looks around* How about the back seat?

Calleigh: Why would Clavo be in the back s-..Oh.

If I were him i'd stop flirting with Calleigh and concentrate on my family...and where is little Lori?
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha, Oh hell yes he knows something you don't know. Considering you know he's the one she's "Gettin" some from. lol.

Calleigh: Why would Clavo be in the back s-..Oh.
HA! The Oath! I win! lol. I loved how Speed and Eric kept looking at Calleigh. And the whole comment about she just stood there. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

speedmonkey2 said:
Haha, Oh hell yes he knows something you don't know. Considering you know he's the one she's "Gettin" some from. lol.

Calleigh: Why would Clavo be in the back s-..Oh.
HA! The Oath! I win! lol. I loved how Speed and Eric kept looking at Calleigh. And the whole comment about she just stood there. Update soon please!

Yeah I loved that too I could only imagine both of their faces :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

calleighspeedle, I believe little Lori is with the neighbors. And I believe that so far all that's happened has only spanned a week. (The neighbors aren't going to hurt her, or kidnap her, or lose her) ;)

And YAY the banter returns. I love the banter. :D

And yeah, Speed's quite the flirt whether he means to be or not. Hm, maybe he doesn't even realize it. :p

No End In Sight


Katie: *looks through pages* This is going to take forever.

Carly: Yeah especially since Clavo brought over almost fifty women. How are we going to know which one is dead?

Katie: Maybe they're all dead.

Carly: Yeah way to solve the case there.

Katie: It's just...This is taking forever. We have no way of finding her.

Carly: *sigh* Well...Maybe one of the other girls knows the missing one.

Katie: How are we going to track down the other girls?

Carly: The club?

Katie: Yeah well I'm sure everyone else will ask around.

Carly: Yeah. So...Is Speed mad at you?

Katie: No, why?

Carly: He didn't really talk to you today.

Katie: He left for the impound lot, it's not like we could speak for very long.

Carly: Did he talk to you last night?

Katie: Yeah, as a matter of fact. He said he loved me.

Carly: ...Why is that so weird?

Katie: He never says.

Carly: Maybe he just said it because he hasn't seen you for the past couple of days.

Katie: Yeah you're probably right.

Carly: I'm always right.

Katie: *laughs* Yeah keep flipping the pages Carly.

Police Department

Jess: Okay...Missing women...Are we looking for a specific age range?

Carole: Early to late twenties.

Jess: There's hundreds of them.

Carole: Let's find the most recent one.

Jess: *clicks mouse* Okay...Sarah Gagnon was reported missing two days ago by her parents.

Carole: Anything else?

Jess: Yeah, she works at the club.

Carole: That's a start. Bravo.

Jess: Why thank you.


Calleigh: *walks along road* Alright so this street and another one on the other side of town are being painted. This is the farthest away from the club.

Delko: Looks like there were some tires that went through the paint.

Speed: You're going to get a lot of cars going through here. It's a road.

Calleigh: *kneels down* I'll get a sample.

Speed: What are the chances the body is anywhere near here?

Calleigh: About a million to one, but we still have to check.

Delko: Where would he dump a body?

Calleigh: Clavo? He probably wouldn't do it on his own.

Speed: Maybe he had a partner.

Calleigh: Well in any case, we still have to find the victim before we find the suspects.

Delko: I wonder if there are traffic cameras that can help us out.

Speed: They wouldn't be very useful unless someone was speeding at the exact time Clavo drove through the paint and dumped a body.

Calleigh: It's still worth a try.

Speed: It's a waste of time.

Calleigh: You don't know that.

Speed: Look, we don't have weeks to find this body. We have days. We shouldn't waste our time with evidence we can't use.

Calleigh: *stands* Tim, we have to at least try.

Speed: Are you like this on every case?

Calleigh: *frowns*

Delko: Uh....Guys?

Speed/Calleigh: What!

Delko: ...I was thinking we could check the bushes over there.

Calleigh: *sigh*

Speed: *scratches head*

Calleigh: I'm sorry.

Speed: Yeah, same here.

Delko: Are you guys okay?

Calleigh: We're fine.

Speed: Perfectly fine.

Delko: Alrigh then.


Jess: Hey we have info.

JC: Yeah?

Carole: A girl named Sarah Gagnon went missing two days ago. Apparently she works here.

JC: Great, maybe she's the one we're looking for.

Girl: Excuse me? Are you looking for Sarah?

JC: Yes, do you know where she is?

Girl: In the back. Come on.

Jess: ...In the back?

Employee lounge

Girl: Sarah, elles veut te parler.

Sarah: *walks over* Yes?

JC: You're Sarah Gagnon?

Sarah: Yes. Is there something you needed?

Jess: You're not dead.

Sarah: No, I'm not. What is this about?

Jess: You were reported missing two days ago. Your parents called the police department.

Sarah: ...Actually I ran away. I was wondering when you guys would get to me.

Jess: *sigh* Alright, thanks.

Sarah: Not a problem. *walks away*

JC: Okay...So who's our victim?

Jess: *shrugs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhh that has to suck. Thinking you have the victim and then BAM! She's alive. lol. And not the...victim. lol.

Hm, maybe he doesn't even realize it.
How do you not realize you cheated on your wife? lol.

Katie: Yeah you're probably right.

Carly: I'm always right.

Katie: *laughs* Yeah keep flipping the pages Carly.

Teehee, that cracked me up. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Won't get fooled again! who is the victim? who are you, who who whoo-- :p
i am confused about whole Speed, Katie's and Calleigh's thingy! :confused: Mystery Triangle *sraches head*
Clavo and Horatio, cool duel :devil:

Great updates! (before my hell... :rolleyes: )
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ok, well I'm back from my butt reconstruction surgery/camp :p ;)

Ok, well, that was a lot of updates so I'll try to do this right. OH MY GOSH! I LOVE DRUNK US! :lol: All getting arrested and calling the German cops aliens...just for the record, I had no idea what they were saying, but I think that was the point ;)
and CHEATER CHEATER PUMPKIN EATER! (haha, now I've started saying it) Speed! tsk tsk tsk *shakes finger* Awww, poor Katie :( Speed did it again...*shakes head*
:eek: *GASP* Clavo? again! well, at least it wasn't "bad guy from episode that never happened"... but I loved all the Blood Brothers references...but who is the victim? Ah, and me getting Clavo confused with the Cable Guy...I guess that's what alcohol does to a person :p

Girl: Sarah, elles veut te parler.
YAY! I actually understood that sentence! :D We just did conjugating irregular verbs in French last week...

well, that was certainly a great way to come back from camp (butt reconstruction surgery :p), I laughed so hard reading those updates. Please update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

great update Geni
OMG It was the wrong victim... It's too bad. I hope we're going to find her before Clavo do that again! But we have nothing to worry about because Horatio have one eye on him ;)

update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hmmmmmmm this case is very puzzling..... And Oh no! BAD SPEEDY BAD! lol Aww but he still loves Katie :) Guess it's back to the drawing board for Carole and me! Since we can't seem to find the right victim....or a dead one for that matter lol. Or who knows, maybe the CSI's will find it. You always keep us guessing Geni! teehee.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Welcome back Carly! *hugs* We missed you around here while you were reconstructing your butt. :p

Torn Between This Life


Calleigh: *closes cell phone* Jess and Carole turned up a dead end, and no one seems to be missing any friends.

Delko: So there's a good chance our victim wasn't with the party.

Speed: *looks around*

Calleigh: Maybe he met her at the hotel.

Delko: Yeah or he just met her at the club by herself.

Calleigh: *sigh* This isn't getting us anywhere.

Delko: You think Horatio turned up anything?

Calleigh: It's hard to say. I mean, it's like this girl doesn't exist. And she could be anywhere. Maybe she's not even dead.

Delko: Yeah. Well, we won't know for sure until we find her.

Speed: *looks down the street*

Calleigh: Okay so...Paint transfer, blood, hairs.

Delko: He also had a gun, so we can't rule that out either.

Speed: *squints*

Delko: *tilts head* Are you going to share?

Speed: What?

Delko: Well you seem so preoccupied with something.

Speed: There's glass on the ground down there.

Delko: So?

Speed: So it looks like headlight glass.

Calleigh: You think Clavo hit someone?

Speed: I think someone hit him.

Calleigh: Why?

Speed: His car didn't have any broken headlights so someone hit him from behind.

Delko: It did look like there was a dent in his car. But it was hard to tell because it was dark last night.

Calleigh: No one checked the back end this morning?

Speed: An oversight.

Calleigh: We don't make oversights.

Speed: Hey Eric was at the back end.

Delko: *smiles* Yeah but, it's not like I was going over every inch of the car. I didn't think a dent was important.

Speed: A dent in the back end of the accused's car, and it's not important.

Delko: I wasn't thinking.

Speed: Well maybe you should.

Calleigh: Alright, well let's just put what we have in context. A vehcile hits Clavo's car. The woman comes out of the car.

Delko: Which leads to an argument.

Speed: Which leads to murder.

Police Department

Clavo: Is there a reason I was called back here?

Horatio: I wanted to ask you about your car.

Clavo: Yeah? You looking to buy?

Horatio: Were you in an accident recently?

Clavo: No.

Horatio: Well, here's where I'm confused. We found a very large dent in your pretty yellow car, and if you put that together with the smear of blood on your car, and the hair we recovered...It doesn't look good.

Clavo: You think if I hit someone, I'd keep the car?

Horatio: You didn't hit anyone, someone hit you. Leaglly, you've done nothing wrong.

Clavo: Ah, see?

Horatio: But, you being yourself, didn't let it go did you? You started an arugment with the woman who hit you, and things escalated. You shoot her, she falls and smears blood and hairs onto your car.

Clavo: I didn't kill anyone.

Horatio: I'm going to let the evidence tell me that. You'll be placed under arrest, and I'll have a warrant to search your hotel room.

Clavo: *shakes head*

Hotel room

Calleigh: So this is how the rich and famous live.

Delko: Yeah. *walks around* This room is probably bigger than my house.

Speed: That doesn't say much about your house.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: What's with men and leaving the toilet seat up?

Delko/Speed: *look at Calleigh*

Calleigh: Well I'm just sayin'. No matter where men go, they have to leave the toilet seat up?

Delko: I don't leave the toilet seat up.

Speed: Me neither.

Calleigh: *smiles* And that's why I love you.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: I mean, both of you. Of course.

Delko: Hey, look.

Calleigh: Is that a gun?

Delko: *picks up gun* Yup.

Calleigh: It's a 9 mil.

Delko: And it looks like it's been cleaned recently.

Calleigh: Well Horatio's calling the local hospitals to see if they have any patients currently with gunshot wounds.

Delko: So if he had a partner, they probably own this gun.

Calleigh: I'll analyze the gun.

Delko: Great, I'll go call Horatio. *leaves*

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: What?

Speed: Will you watch what you say around other people?

Calleigh: Relax, he doesn't know about us.

Speed: There wouldn't be an us if you had kept your hormones to yourself.

Calleigh: Hey I'm not the one who started playing tongue tag in the club.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: No one's going to find out. And I'm sorry, I'll be more careful.

Speed: Okay.

Calleigh: Let's just work this case, and get it over with.

Speed: Yeah. *walks away*

Calleigh: *sigh*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: There wouldn't be an us if you had kept your hormones to yourself.
hahaha that gave me a good laugh after an hour of horrible freshman who don't play soccer very well. Ugh...at least I got named Captain lol.

.......Timmy's being a bad boy lol, I wonder how long it will take for Katie to find out......or maybe she won't find out.... maybe I'll find out 0.0 haha who knows. It's all up to you Geni! Keep up the good work hun! I love it!
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