CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Poor Speed and his...Mishaps.

Ah Clavo. So stupid, yet so lovable.

Tell Her Face To Face

Outside, Clavo's car

Speed: It's a shame someone like him owns this car.

Calleigh: *kneels* Well right now our concern isn't the car. It's what's in the car.

Speed: It's probably cocaine.

Calleigh: *swabs pavement* We'll know for sure when we test it.

Speed: Yeah but we still can't arrest him.

Calleigh: I guess that's why Horatio wanted us to keep an eye on him. When he gets drunk, we can call the police and have him detained again.

Speed: You think he's going to fall for that a second time?

Calleigh: We'll just have to wait and see.

Speed: *looks at car*

Calleigh: *smiles* Are you finished admiring the paint job?

Speed: No, I'm admiring the blood on the side of his vehicle.

Calleigh: There's blood?

Speed: ...No I lied, it's ketchup. He probably ran over Ronald McDonald on his way over here.

Calleigh: *laughs* Here, take a picture of it.

Speed: *grabs camera*

Calleigh: I wonder what else we'll find when we impound his car and get a warrant.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Clavo: *walks over* Hey! What are you doing to my car!

Calleigh: *stands*

Clavo: What the hell is this? Isn't it enough that you people harassed me in the States, now you gotta do that here?

Calleigh: Did you know you have blood on the side of your car?

Clavo: Yeah it's mine. I got into a fight yesterday.

Calleigh: You don't have a bruise on your face.

Clavo: I heal fast. And hey you have no right to be touching my car.

Calleigh: We haven't touched your car. So you can just step back for us.

Clavo: Yeah? What if I don't want to?

Calleigh: Excuse me?

Clavo: *walks over* Yeah. I'm not going to let a little perra tell me what I can and cannot do.

Calleigh: *frowns* Step back.

Clavo: Or what, you'll shoot me with your pretty gun? How about I show you my gun. *reaches into jacket*

Speed: HEY! *walks over* Don't move.

Clavo: *grabs gun*

Speed: *grabs Clavo*

Clavo: HEY! HEY!

Speed: Get on the ground.

Clavo: I got rights! You can't touch me!

Speed: *pushes Clavo*

Clavo: HEY! *falls* Get off of me man!

Speed: Don't move or it's the last one you're going to make.

Clavo: Come on man!

Speed: *grabs cuffs*

Calleigh: *picks up gun* It's a .38 caliber.

Clavo: Yeah and it was expensive too! Get your hands off my gun! That's my gun! No one touches my gun!

Calleigh: You should have thought of that before you pulled it out.


Speed: You'll live. Come on, get up.

Clavo: *stands* Oh you picked the wrong man to piss off tonight.

Horatio: *walks over* Do we have a problem here?

Calleigh: *hands gun to Horatio* It's the same caliber as the casing we found in the street, and the bullet that was in the wheel of the Hummer.

Horatio: Interesting.

Speed: There's also blood on the side of his pretty car.

Clavo: I told you dawg, that's my blood!

Horatio: Hmmm swab it.

Clavo: You can't touch my car without a warrant!

Calleigh: You threatened an officer so you're going to be detained and your car is going to be impounded.

Clavo: You can't pull that twice!

Horatio: On the contrary, we can and we are. And the last time I checked, you didn't have diplomatic immunity anymore.

Clavo: You still can't touch my car without a warrant.

Horatio: Duely noted.

Cop car pulls up

Horatio: There's your ride.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh man that was hilarious!

Speed: ...No I lied, it's ketchup. He probably ran over Ronald McDonald on his way over here.

Ronald Mcdonald, oh Speedy always thinkin! Teehee yay they arrested Clavo! And where did the blood come from I wonder? I don't believe its his. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ha, Ronald McDonald. I just had McDonalds. And that was off-topic. I should really practice what I preach. :p



Speed: *presses button on GCMS*

Calleigh: Hey.

Speed: Hey.

Calleigh: So where did everyone else go?

Speed: Partying at the club.

Calleigh: Nothing beats more alcohol after a long hangover.

Speed: Yeah. *writing things down*

Calleigh: Did you talk to Katie today?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Oh. Well I thought since you haven't spoken to her for two days, that you'd like to go to the club and spend some time with her.

Speed: She's having fun with her friends, she doesn't need me.

Calleigh: ...I didn't think you'd tackle Clavo.

Speed: I didn't think he'd have a gun in his jacket.

Calleigh: ...*smiles* Thanks.

Speed: *looks up*

Calleigh: *leaves*

Speed: *stares at door*



Katie: Heck no.

Jess: Me neither I hear is sucks.

Delko: *runs over* WHOA when did you guys get here?

Missy: About an hour ago. Why are you all sweaty?

Delko: I was just dancing.

Missy: HEY. No one said anything about dancing. *grabs Delko*

Delko: Where are we going?

Missy: Uh, dance floor.

Delko and Missy run off

Carole: This is one of the best clubs in Paris. I have to tell you though, it can get pretty crowded.

Katie: Well that's why you're here to protect us from all the crazy french people.

Carole: *laughs*

Jess: Man we should SO eat fried ants.

Katie: Why?

Jess: I don't know. I've never eaten bugs before.

JC: Ew.

Jess: It can't be that bad. It's like a McNugget.

JC: Uh yeah, minus the nugget.

Hummerlab 2 hours later

Horatio: *walks in* Results on the Trace?

Speed: Cocaine.

Horatio: Okay so we know what's in Clavo's trunk.

Speed: Yeah or at least it was in his trunk at one time.

Horatio: Unfortunately we can't get a warrant for his car based on traces of cocaine and a blood smear.

Speed: I got a call from Yelina.

Horatio: ....You did.

Speed: She wanted to know where you were.

Horatio: ...Did you tell her about Clavo?

Speed: That's actually the reason she called.

Horatio: News travels fast.

Speed: Clavo's mother called the lab. Apparently there were CSIs harassing him?

Horatio: Really.

Speed: You going to call her back?

Horatio: Not just yet. I want to put fuel in the fire first. *leaves*

Speed: ...Alright.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh: Did you talk to Katie today?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Oh. Well I thought since you haven't spoken to her for two days, that you'd like to go to the club and spend some time with her.

Speed: She's having fun with her friends, she doesn't need me.

Calleigh: ...I didn't think you'd tackle Clavo.

Way to change the subject there, Calleigh!

Speed: I didn't think he'd have a gun in his jacket.

Calleigh: ...*smiles* Thanks.

Speed: *looks up*

Calleigh: *leaves*

Speed: *stares at door*

HA! Blood Moon! Ok...well the whole someone leaving and someone starring at the door...part. Anyway! Clavo called his mommmy awww...well that makes sense since his daddy isn't...his...daddy. lol. Udpate soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ah, simple minds simple pleasures! The easiest things amuse us all! That almost sounded phylisophical...almost.
Speed: *sigh* Clavo and Eric are dancing.
Horatio: With each other?
That cracked me up! Just had to through it in.
Missy: Uh, dance floor.
You, me, dancing, now!
That's me, Dancing and Drama! Love the updates! Hey, it's everyone's favorite bad guy, Clavo Cruz! I loved that his brother got busted for killing a girl on the only ten acres of Canadian Soil in Miami (I think that was the episode...can't quite remember)! Damn Diplomatic Immunity!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh this is entertaining...nice job Geni. I happen to love it when Clavo is involved. Now he is cryin' to his mommie. LMAO. OMG....okay... the other day in class my instructor used the phrase "duely noted" to me I almost screamed. I am thinking that a lot of Horatio's little quirk saying are being used by the mundanes. Ones I hear everyday people using are "Keep me posted, well...you know, Hang in there, ahh huh..." and I am sure I could come up with more...so is CSI:M verbage making it into mainstream or is the mainstream making it into CSI:M. Food for thought

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Poor Clavo. He called his mommy. *snif* ...What a bum fluff.

I think Miami has influenced the world. :p

And Missy, that episode was Blood Brothers. Ah, yes the Canadian Consolate in Miami. I'm not sure if that actually exists, but it cracks me up that the Canadian guy wasn't french, and Speed was there. SPEED WAS ON CANADIAN SOIL! IN YOUR FACES! ..ahem. So back to the Road Trip.

The Hidden Terror

Police Department

Horatio: Enjoying your stay?

Clavo: Yeah it's great. They only gave me one phone call, I can't go to the bathroom and there's shackles around my feet.

Horatio: That's what happens when you fight with the police.

Clavo: This is harassment. I haven't broken any laws.

Horatio: You might have, I just haven't found out which ones yet.

Clavo: I didn't kill anyone.

Horatio: I'm going to let the DNA from your car tell me that.

Clavo: You don't have a warrant!

Horatio: I will in a few hours.

Clavo: On what grounds!

Horatio: Stupidity.

Clavo: What?

Horatio: I took a look at your car. I found a hair underneath the the car, and I sent it off to the lab.

Clavo: You're not aloud to touch my car.

Horatio: I didn't touch your car, I touched the hair on the car. Now, as it turns out, the DNA from that tiny hair is female.

Clavo: So?

Horatio: So I don't picture you wearing heels and a short skirt.

Clavo: So it's a girl's hair. Girls are in and out of my car all the time.

Horatio: Yes but this hair wasn't shed, it was torn. That's how I was able to get DNA from it. And I'll bet that when I get a warrant and test the blood, it'll match the hair.

Clavo: *frowns*

Horatio: I'll let you sit on that for a while. *leaves*


Calleigh: *walks in* Hey you're still in here?

Speed: Yeah Horatio wanted me to test a hair he found under Clavo's car.

Calleigh: But you don't run DNA.

Speed: Well I wanted to shove Valera in the closet and take her with us, but there's probably some sort of law against kidnapping lab techs.

Calleigh: *sits down* Horatio's with Clavo. He's trying to see if he can get anything out of him.

Speed: The only thing he's going to get out of him is a headache.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: *looks down at paperwork*

Calleigh: ...Are you sure you don't want to come down to the club and have some fun?

Speed: I'm fine here.

Calleigh: *walks over, sits* What are you workin' on?

Speed: Didn't you have a party to get to?

Calleigh: I can't just leave you alone in here.

Speed: Yes you can.

Calleigh: *grabs paper* Ooh this has to be the most interesting thing I've read all night. I can see what's so exciting about *squints at paper* Molecular subdivision of anatomic particles.

Speed: *takes paper* You don't have to pretend to be interested.

Calleigh: What if I am interested?

Speed: Cal, you don't have to do this.

Calleigh: I'm just trying to be your friend.

Speed: Is that what you were trying to be in my bed last night?

Calleigh: ...

Speed: You can't have it both ways.

Calleigh: I know.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: Well, I'll be at the club. *walks to door*

Speed: Cal, I-

Calleigh: *turns around*

Speed: ...Nevermind.

Calleigh: *leaves*

Speed: *frowns*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh stop messin around and just like shove eachother against the wall or something! Geez! lol. I'm just kidding. Techincally they've already done stuff but that's ok! ANd I really have no idea what i'm talking about I'm extremly tired!

Speed: Well I wanted to shove Valera in the closet and take her with us, but there's probably some sort of law against kidnapping lab techs.

Teehee. That cracked me up because Valera is like the ONLY person I like on the show now. Everyone else depends from episode to episode. But like I've said before great update. And awww Timmy was reading about....something particles. That went right over my head. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Clavo: On what grounds!

Horatio: Stupidity.
YAY go H-man!!!! You're the one!! :p

great update geni and update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: Well I wanted to shove Valera in the closet and take her with us, but there's probably some sort of law against kidnapping lab techs.

hahaha yeah, I would think that there's some kind of law against kidnapping lab techs lol. And Ew, fried ants? lol what about Les escargots? lol I've never tried them. Carole Are they good? I want to try them!

I was like, waiting for Clavo to spit on H man again, but then again it wouldn't matter because they still have the DNA from last time. I didn't like Clavo....at all. Hmmmm Geni, you have me puzzled as to what will happen to Calleigh and Speed! I guess we'll have to wait to find out!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

right it's a typical lunch in france ilovegrissom1 but I'm going to tell you that for me it's disgusting LOL :) It's remind me those in my garden :p ewwwww :) But you know my parents and my ister love them with garlic's butter so... It's a matter of taste. You have to try them to see if you like those :)

update soon please geni
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Wow snails? Yum. :p

See It Your Way


Calleigh: Hey girls.

Katie: HEY! We had ALCOHOL!

Calleigh: *laughs* I see that.

Missy: *runs back to table* Okay I think I just broke Eric.

Delko: *sits down* Ugh I'm going to pass out. Don't make me dance again.

JC: Here, have more beer.

Delko: Thank God. *drinks*

Carole: Are we going to be here all night?

Katie: Obviously you haven't seen how the Hummerhome team parties.

Jess: There's a team?

Katie: Yeah it's called us.

Jess: Oh awesome.

Carly: Hey I wonder if Horatio's still talking to that Cable guy.

Anni: Clavo?

Carly: THAT'S THE ONE! *drinks beer*

Anni: Where did you get cable from?

Carly: I'm not good with names.

Anni: You think the alcohol has anything to do with that?

Carly: Probably.

Jess: Man I swear we're all going to be alcoholics when this is over.

Katie: When what's over?

Jess: The Road Trip.

Katie: It's never over. It'll never BE over.

Calleigh: Well not unless we all die at the same time, which I doubt will happen.

Jess: OH! OH! It would if we all got poisoned.

Carole: I don't want to be poisoned.

Jess: Relax, it's going to take a lot to knock us out.

JC: Unless Eric has a burger and gets to us first.

Delko: Hey I resent that.

JC: Sure you do.

Calleigh: I don't even want to know.


Carly: I think you've said 'toothpick' enough times.

Katie: Shut up and help me build that giant tower thing.

Carly: What are you talking about?

Katie: That giant triangle tower thingy.

Carly: So we're going to make a massive triangle.

Katie: With windows.

Carly: You can't make windows out of toothpicks.

Katie: Watch the master work her magic.

Carly: You have pixie dust or something?

Katie: No way. I stole Horatio's shades.

Carly: *gasp* NO WAY.

Katie: Yeah I was kidding. But that would have been fun.

Carole: What's so great about his shades?

JC: You did NOT just say that!

Carole: What?

JC: His shades are holy. It's like the Holy Grail of shades! Horatio becomes JESUS himself.

Carole: ...I don't think so.

JC: It's like Sailor Moon. He transforms.

Carly: Yeah except he doesn't throw a tiara around.

JC: He throws his shades around.

Calleigh: That explains why he has so many pairs. *looks up* Uh, excuse me. *leaves*

JC: Let me tell you something about those shades. You can't look directly in them if you're a bad guy.

Carole: Why?

JC: You'll turn to dust.

Other side of club

Calleigh: What are you doing here?

Speed: *kisses Calleigh*

Few...Seconds later I guess

Calleigh: You know, Katie could see us.

Speed: So?

Calleigh: *lifts brow*

Speed: *smirks*

Calleigh: *inches closer*

Delko: *runs over* HEY GUYS!

Speed: *lifts head*

Delko: They have soap dispensers here too! This is CRAZY!

Calleigh: Eric, this really isn't a good t-

Delko: Did I interrupt something?

Speed: No.

Delko: Alright well-


Delko: I'll see you guys later. *runs off*

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: That was close.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: You're not drunk are you?

Speed: Definitely not.

Calleigh: So you know what you're doing.

Speed: I actually have no idea what I'm doing.

Calleigh: *grabs Speed*

Police Department

Horatio: Clavo.

Clavo: What do you want?

Horatio: I just got off the phone with your mother.

Clavo: Yeah?

Horatio: Apparently she's sending some people over to get you.

Clavo: *smiles* Ah, see? You can't hold me forever. *stands*

Horatio: Just a minute.

Clavo: Look, I'm free so just get out of the way.

Horatio: I at least want to know where the girl you killed is, so I can inform her family.

Clavo: You think I'm stupid enough to tell you?

Horatio: I can find out on my own, but it would make you look a lot better if you helped me out on this.

Clavo: Why would I do that?

Horatio: If you tell me where she is...I'll leave you alone.

Clavo: For good?

Horatio: For good.

Clavo: *laughs* That's it. It tell you and you're out of my life forever.

Horatio: It's as simple as that.

Clavo: I think you should do your JOB and find out yourself. Dawg. *walks out of the room*

Horatio: *puts on shades*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Grrrrr bad Clavo!!! I want to punch him :)
Or I want him to look in the holy shades :p and then he'll turn to dust LOL.
And Speed doing it again he's second nickname isn't mister short term memories or something like that...?
Anyway great update Geni and update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Horatio: *puts on shades*
Your in doors H man take 'em off! lol.

Carly: So we're going to make a massive triangle.

Katie: With windows.

Carly: You can't make windows out of toothpicks.

Katie: Watch the master work her magic.

Haha, yes watch the Queen of the spider people work her magic. Teehee. ANd confussing Clavo with "The Cable Guy" was just hilarious! And ohhhhh Speedy is such a bad boy. Seriously a few feet away....if your going to cheat atleast do it where I can't see you. lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

What is Speed thinking? kissing Calleigh when Katie is in the same room as them? boy does he like to take risks or what. Calleigh was just starting to accept tha fact that he is married and has a baby and now he is confusing her again by kissing her.

Speed also playing the bad ass with Clavo...wow.

great update keep them coming!
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