CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hmm... that is interesting.. Clavo ha? yeah i remember him, that was one..kick-ass guy :devil: cool bad guy! :lol: *cough* sorry :p
i need go to sleep now but i can't couse i wanna know..
oh, about your question Geni , if i am dog then you can call me 'Stinky Rocky' if i am cat then 'Sassy', but if i am human call me Kitty(my real name)! ;) :lol:

as always great work Geni ! ;)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Dear Geni,

Hahaha yes, Horatio always has a hummer, even if he has to pull it out of you know where teehee. When Horatio said "you found me" the first thing that popped into my mind was Where's Waldo! lol

Great update Geni!! You keep me laughing. Update soon please! :)

(I don't know what the whole letter thing was, it was just kinda random lol)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ummmmm....Clavo Cruiz.....is....back. I swear if I was gonna write a CSI:M story I would HAVE to have Clavo in it. I love that guy!! Well as the bad guy anyway. Nice job keeping him in Cannon. I was wondering if you were tempted to have Clavo spit on Horatio? He is always wanting to do that to Horatio. Clavo seems to have a thing about spitting on himmmm...EWWWWWWWW. "Want some more D..N..A..essi?" NASTY! (I will get the correct spelling for the word essi from roommie when she gets home later. Spanish is her first language. english her second. She is from El Paso/Juarez)


Okay another weird why question. While typeing this I kept spelling Horatio's name Horation. Why??...why do I always add that bloody n at the end?
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great Update Geni, always good!

Rebecca you had a great point and I think I should of known better then to be a little selfish in suggestions I had made to geni, me being a fic writer myself. I have now realized I need to put what I want aside (although Geni says it wasn't me lol) I still think I had a part to play.

Geni. I just want to encourage you in your great writing and creativity. And no matter where this story goes, Like Katie I will always bust a rip and most like my butt cause I keep falling off my chair over your wonderful story. Keep up the great work and I am rooting for you!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

those were some really great update geni. Hmmmm Clavo's back! I loved that episode because H-man was so funny at this end likke: "You've got 50 years to think about it" with his little smile who said "gotcha!!" :p

Update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Don't worry about it Jaci. ;)

As for Clavo spitting on Horatio? I don't know...Hmm...We'll see. :p

Haha, I loved the line in the episode:

Horatio: Sure is nice when they help huh?

--I loved that.

Who You Are And Who You Could Be

Table near back of the club

Delko: So where did Horatio go?

Calleigh: He went to check out where Clavo's been for the past few weeks. He's at the police department.

Speed: No doubt he's been up to no good.

Delko: So we're just supposed to watch him all day? What kind of job is that?

Speed: The kind that pays good money so don't complain.

Delko: I wasn't complaining.

Waitress: Est-ce que je peux vous apporter quelque chose?

Speed: *looks up* Non, merci.

Waitress: *smiles, walks away*

Speed: Eric, you don't do anything BUT complain.

Delko: Where did you learn french?

Speed: We already went over this.

Calleigh: Maybe someone should go over and talk to him.

Delko/Speed: *stare at Calleigh*

Calleigh: ...What? He probably doesn't bite.

Speed: He's a murderer.

Delko: And he's arrogant.

Calleigh: Eric, you go talk to him.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Because you're both idiots.

Delko: *frowns*

Calleigh: Just ask him for a smoke.

Delko: I don't smoke.

Calleigh: He doesn't know that.

Delko: What if he wants me to light it right in front of him?

Calleigh: One puff won't kill you.

Delko: I just don't like the idea of being pressured into something I don't want to do.

Speed: Does this look like highschool?

Delko: No.

Speed: You can take one for the team.

Calleigh: And since he hasn't seen you before, ask him what he's up to.

Delko: Why should I have to?

Speed: We can argue this all day or you can just suck it up and get over there.

Calleigh: Buy him a drink, get him talking.

Delko: You've thought way too much into this. *gets up, walks away*

Speed: *shakes head*

Calleigh: *drinks water*

Speed: He's going to screw this up.

Calleigh: *puts glass down* Have a little faith Tim.

Speed: If I had a little faith, I'd be a priest.

Calleigh: Well I wouldn't go that far.

Speed: *looks around* I really wish these places wouldn't dim the lights.

Calleigh: *smiles* Why, is it too romantic for you?

Speed: No, I can't keep an eye on the suspect if I can't see anything.

Calleigh: Oh.

Speed: ...What.

Calleigh: It's nothing.

Speed: I hate it when people say that.

Calleigh: *laughs*


Delko: *sits down* Hey man.

Clavo: *drinks* Hey.

Delko: Can I buy you a drink?

Clavo: You don't even know me.

Delko: I got extra cash to burn.

Clavo: *laughs*

Delko: So I hear you're from Baracas.

Clavo: Yeah? Who told you that.

Delko: Ah come on man, you're all over the place. Who hasn't heard of you?

Clavo: You're a fan?

Delko: Oh you're number one. When I heard you were going to be in Paris, I took the first plane here.

Clavo: You're not a homo are you?

Delko: *laughs* Nah, man I was just making conversation.

Clavo: You see that pretty girl over there? The one with the rack?

Delko: Yeah, she's kind of hard to miss.

Clavo: Thousand bucks says I take her home tonight.

Delko: Man, I believe you. I don't want to bring money into it.

Clavo: *laughs* Everything's about money, and women.

Delko: Yeah no kidding. So what are you doing here in Paris anyway?

Clavo: Partying like everyone else. Except that stupid cop that keeps following me around won't let anything go. Did you know he harrassed my family?

Delko: No, I didn't know.

Clavo: I guess that's the price you pay for celebrity huh?

Delko: People say.

Table, other side of room

Calleigh: Eric looks like he's having a good time.

Speed: Yeah he seems to lose focus when there's alcohol involved.

Calleigh: He and Clavo seem to be hitting it off.

Speed: Yeah maybe they stuck their brains together and made a whole brain. Watch out France.

Calleigh: Tim.

Speed: Sorry.

Calleigh: Lighten up a bit.

Speed: I didn't sign up to babysit Clavo.

Calleigh: Well Horatio said to keep an eye on him.

Speed: Is Eric ever getting back here?

Calleigh: Maybe he's getting information out of-...They're going off with women.

Speed: *covers eyes* Oh Eric.

Calleigh: Looks like it's just you and me cowboy.

Speed: *frowns* Yeeha.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Speed: *frowns* Yeeha.

Teehee, oh I can't stop laughin! And haha awww Delko and Clavo are "bonding" so to speak and ran off with women. Well some things never change I guess. Poor Timmy didn't want to wait around and babysit Clavo, well I wouldn't either but still. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

enjoying the story Geni keep up the good work. If I have any suggestions for the story I'll let you know. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: Yeah maybe they stuck their brains together and made a whole brain. Watch out France.

Calleigh: Tim.

Speed: Sorry.

Calleigh: Lighten up a bit.

Speed: I didn't sign up to babysit Clavo.

this was so funny!!!
great update and update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh: Maybe he's getting information out of-...They're going off with women.

Speed: *covers eyes* Oh Eric.

Calleigh: Looks like it's just you and me cowboy.

Speed: *frowns* Yeeha.
HAHA Yeeha, I love it! Leave it to Eric to walk off with women but *gasp!* What about Missy? omg, I just thought about that lol. "Watch out France" teehee. Oh, and Speed speaks French! And what's more amazing is that I could read what the waitress said! I guess I'm not too rusty in my French huh? lol *Blows dirt off of French book* Man, school starts in less than a week.....damnit

Can't wait to see what happens to Eric and Clavo! Great job Geni! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA great update as always I got to go to work soon but I know that there will be more updates to come LOL hope I have a ...off topic lol. Anyway good writing as always and can't wait for more!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Don't worry, they're just dancing. Nothing funny goes on. ;)

And thanks for the great feedback!

Tired Of Waiting On You

Club, table

Horatio: *walks over* Status.

Speed: *sigh* Clavo and Eric are dancing.

Horatio: With each other?

Speed: With women. I suppose that happens when a bunch of booze gets passed around.

Horatio: Why's Eric dancing with Clavo and a bunch of women.

Speed: I've been asking myself that same question for the past hour.

Horatio: Where's Calleigh?

Speed: Putting on her face, whatever that means. Did you find anything out about our favorite South American player?

Horatio: He arrived in Europe three days ago. He was released from Dade County Jail five days ago and ever since the Coast Guard and Europe's governments have been keeping an eye on him.

Speed: So he hasn't done anything illegal.

Horatio: Yet.

Speed: But still, I mean how did he even get out of prison?

Horatio: This guy could get out of a jar of peanut butter if you gave him the chance.

Speed: *stands* So you think he's up to something?

Horatio: I do.

Speed: Great so we just have to wait until he murders an innocent human being and then he becomes our business.

Horatio: I don't think he'll make that mistake right now. He knows we're watching him.

Calleigh: *walks over*

Speed: Yeah well we won't be here for-whoa.

Calleigh: I asked around, and apparently Clavo's staying at a high-end hotel down the street. It's more of a castle than a hotel, but only the best for him.

Horatio: Yes he thinks he's a Prince and wants to be treated like one.

Calleigh: I also took a trip out to his car. There's white powder on the edge of the trunk and the pavement.

Horatio: Okay take Speed and go take get a sample.

Calleigh: No problem. Come on Tim.

Speed: I- *trips over table*

Calleigh: *turns around*

Horatio: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I uh...Sorry about that.

Calleigh/Horatio: *stare at Speed*

Speed: *clears throat* Sorry.

Horatio: Are you sure you didn't have anything to drink?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Alright. Go get the sample, and meet me in the Hummerlab. *leaves*

Calleigh: *walks away*

Speed: *sigh* Great Speed, make an ass of yourself. *walks away*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

great update geni

Speed: I- *trips over table*

Calleigh: *turns around*

Horatio: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I uh...Sorry about that.

Calleigh/Horatio: *stare at Speed*

Speed: *clears throat* Sorry.

Horatio: Are you sure you didn't have anything to drink?

Speed: No.
funny :p

update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww poor Speedy tripped over the table.

Speed: *sigh* Clavo and Eric are dancing.

Horatio: With each other?

I just said "Oh lord I hope not!" like really loud and then I read on and I was like "Oh thank god." lol. But teehee Timmy tripped over the table how cute. He's all...just...awww and spoke French again. How...cute is that.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great updates Geni, I'm glad they got to the H-Man and he's alright.

Clavo dissed Calleigh :eek:. Time to take him down team!
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