CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Cheater cheater pumpkin eater! No seriously Talleighness trumps Tatieness anyday!

Calleigh: *sits up* Okay that's not fair.

Speed: What?

Calleigh: When we were together you had no muscle.

Speed: Well that was like two years ago.

Calleigh: That's not fair.

Speed: I'm sorry for your loss.

Teehee, I love it when Speed says that. lol. And "The Human Ickle" Yeah right you just wanted to snuggle with the Speedster! lol. Just kidding. Well I'm off to bed...how ironic. lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay phew we are bailed out of jail but by the sounds of things we are still a little drunk... very drunk since most of us are passed out so I must of drank alot cause it takes alot for me to pass out... clearly more the two, two sixes of whisky lol. Anyway at least we are on the way to find poor H and I really do hope hes okay, at least it was a fun day at work cause I didn't worry too much but I am still worried lol. And my arthritic knee is killing me after four hours on my feet. LOL anyway Ur updates made it feel a little better lol like ur updates usually do. Hope you update soon! Grabs beer out of fridge
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

This whole Calleigh/Speed thing just keeps getting more interesting, a Paris is SO the worst place for them to be right now. After all, it is the city of lurrrrve!

More soon I hope, but don't feel rushed on our behalf :D.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ah yes, Paris seems to have its effects on our favorite CSIs. (Well, unless your favs are Eric and Horatio, but I'm almost definitely sure they're not going to shack up with each other)

You Love Me But You Don't Know Who I Am

Next morning, Hummerhome arrives, everyone asleep in Hummerhome except our favorite heros

Delko: Alright so where do we start?

Speed: I got a message on my phone last night.

Delko: ...Horatio called and you didn't answer?

Speed: I was busy.

Calleigh: *smirks*

Delko: Busy with what?

Speed: Sleeping.

Delko: Oh, I thought you were going to say wheat again.

Speed: I'm not aloud to be lame twice in a row. That's your department.

Delko: *laughs* Yeah....Wait...What?

Calleigh: What did the message say?

Speed: Something about Baracas.

Calleigh: Then why are we in Paris?

Speed: He wants us here for a reason.

Delko: Do we still have that casing?

Calleigh: I bagged it.

Delko: They have a lab here, we could examine it and find out who owned the gun.

Calleigh: We have the Hummerlab.

Delko: That works too.


Calleigh: Whoa, did Horatio design the new one?

Delko: Yeah and he left me out of it.

Speed: Well that explains why everything in here works.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: *clicks mouse* Okay the casing is running through the database.

Delko: *walks around* Wow this place is huge. It's like our own lab.

Speed: *looks back* Yeah that's the idea Eric.

Delko: So you guys stayed in a hotel room together? Ooh.

Speed: It was either that or sleep on the street.

Delko: Why is there a fire blanket in here?

Speed: It's for you.

Delko: Why would I need a fire blanket?

Calleigh: *laughs*

Delko: Seriously...

Speed: When the time comes, you'll know.

Delko: Whoa there's a bathroom back here! *walks into bathroom*

Calleigh: Are we ever going to uh...Discuss what happened...Last night?

Speed: *frowns* How about don't let it happen again.

Calleigh: Deal. *smiles*

Speed: *smirks*


Speed: *clears throat* Eric maybe there's something useful in here you can do instead of running around like an idiot.

Delko: I'm not an idiot.

Speed: People with mental disabilities don't think their crazy either.

Calleigh: *covers mouth*

Delko: *places hands on hips* Something funny?

Calleigh: *laughs* I'm sorry Eric.

Delko: Why are you so giddy? You're just looking at a casing.

Speed: Maybe she's just a happy person.

Delko: Why, what did you do to her?

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *sits up* I got a hit.

Speed: Great pull it up.

Calleigh: *looks at Speed*

Speed: ...Just a suggestion.

Calleigh: *smirks*

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: *clicks mouse* Okay, the gun in question belongs to...*laughs*

Speed: What's funny?

Calleigh: Well I can see why Horatio wanted to shoot him.

Delko: Clavo Cruz? Are you kidding me? Wasn't he in jail?

Calleigh: He must have gotten out.

Speed: I'm lost. He was in jail?

Calleigh: Well the important thing is he got out and Horatio found him.

Delko: Great so how do we find him?

Calleigh: We could check...Every club and hot spot in Paris.

Speed: That could take forever.

Delko: Where would Horatio go?

Speed: My cell phone. *grabs phone*

Delko: He's in your cell phone?

Speed: He doesn't have a phone so he probably called f-

Calleigh: From a pay phone. *smiles* Great.

Speed: We find the location, we find the club.

Calleigh: *takes phone* I'll run it. *walks away*

Speed: ...You're welcome?

Delko: So what were you really doing when H phoned?

Speed: Sleeping.

Delko: You're a light sleeper.

Speed: How would you even know that?

Delko: Where was Calleigh sleeping?

Speed: In her bed.

Delko: Was her bed the same as your bed?

Speed: Yeah that's exactly it Eric. I couldn't hear the phone over her screams for more.

Delko: Really?

Speed: *punches Delko*

Delko: OW. *rubs arm*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

no, no, no can we please keep Katie and Speed happy for once, i mean no offence to Calleigh but we all know this will end up in a casual fling and Speed is gonna be left out to dry by Katie. Please don't go there... :(
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

calleighspeedle, I've got the whole thing planned out so you need not worry. ;)

But if anyone else has a problem with it as well, I can tweak it. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

thanks for the reassurance and keep up the great updates Geni *a big hug for you* :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Short and Sweet but gawd I hope nothing has happened to H cause i would really honestly cry cause I am so obsessed with csi lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh: Whoa, did Horatio design the new one?

Delko: Yeah and he left me out of it.

Speed: Well that explains why everything in here works.
hahaha I got a good laugh out of that one. Delko and soap dispensers huh? lol Pretty funny stuff Geni lol

hmmm clubs in France.....you know, a lot of French guys are pretty hot lol I'm going to make it my life's goal to go to a hot club in France lol.

Great update Geni, as always! I just got finished writing the second chapter of my story and MAN am I pooped lol. Update soon please! :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I see some people take this 'entertainment' quite seriously. Geni goes a great job writing her story. Its for entertainment omly though. Please just enjoy what and where she goes for it. Remember its for 'entertainment' and probably a way she vents her frustrations and excersizes her creativity. I am in the middle of writing a backstory for Horatio (takes place right after he graduates the police acadamy he is 24 years old) and I will be honest I am a bit hesitent with sharing this. Also with all the other demands of my full time school schedule I am not able to work on it as much as I like. Please allow Geni to take her story where she wants to. Its her work and I feel she should be left in peace with it.

I am sorry if this offends others but as a writer myself I feel kinda strong about this. I believe her attempts are to enterain us, not everyone may like the direction she takes her creation but she deserves respect for putting herself out there like that.

Okay...going back to me studies.

Take care everyone and great work Geni.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I think we all need to just slow down and have a little faith Geni.

She clearly knows what she's doing, so let her go where she wants with her story. I'm sure it will all work out in the end ;).

Great update hun, keep up the good work!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahah, Oh man Geni you've succeded in cheering me up on yet another horrible day!

Delko: Clavo Cruz? Are you kidding me? Wasn't he in jail?

Calleigh: He must have gotten out.

Speed: I'm lost. He was in jail?

Teehee. You bet your yankee butt your lost! lol. That cracked me up. So did the part where Speed was saying something like "I couldn't hear the phone over her screams for more" Oh man I actually think I busted a rib there! Great udpates. And like I've told you over Msn a trillion times I don't care where you go with this story. I'll keep reading and busting ribs anyway!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

i totaly agree with you all! :) Geni knows what she is doing, because she is the boss here! :D

do everything what you want with characters, you're the author, artist, director... well you get the point! ;) :lol:
but don't forget about me... *whistle*

with me, our without me in this road trip, i will still read this story, till my 80 years birthday :lol:!Go Geni ! show what you got! Bravo! :D

by the way, awsome update! ;) cracked me up few times again! :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thank you for all the kind words. :)

And of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if they don't like where the story is going then that's fine. I'm always looking for ways to improve the story as to make sure everyone is having a good time. So, don't be afraid to let me know if you believe an aspect of the story isn't going well. I'm always open and welcome to suggestions. ;)

That being said, calleighspeedle, just let me know about anything else you have concerns with. - That goes for everyone as well. LtKitty, I haven't forgotten about you. I also wanted to ask you want you would like to be called in the story? So just let me know either here, or via PM. :)

I'm very happy that you're all enjoying yourselves! :D *hugs everyone*

- And uh..FYI, Horatio had a Hummer on the way to France so he didn't walk. He always has a Hummer, it's a miracle. :p

In A Far Away Land


Calleigh: *runs over* I got a location.

Delko: Great, let's check it out.

Speed: *grabs keys*

1 pm, large club with hundreds of people outside, and inside.

Calleigh: So this is Club Extase.

Delko: What does that mean?

Calleigh: Ecstasy.

Speed: *tilts head* And I thought clubs in Miami were hot.

Calleigh: *smiles, walks ahead*

Inside club

Delko: Do you see Horatio anywhere?

Calleigh: All I see is people.

Speed: And loud music.

Delko: How can you see loud music?

Speed: If I could hear myself think, I could tell you.

Calleigh: He's over there!

Delko: Where?

Calleigh: With Clavo.

Speed: Oh he found him. Case closed.

Calleigh: Come on.

Back of room

Horatio: *looks up* I see you three found the place.

Calleigh: Are you alright?

Horatio: I'm fine.

Clavo: Hey Britney, you mind getting me another martini? *laughs*

Calleigh: *narrows eyes*

Horatio: You remember Clavo.

Calleigh: How could I forget. Did you just get here?

Horatio: I apologize for taking off to abruptly, but you see, Clavo here put a cap in my Hummer tire.

Clavo: Normally I don't like to mess with a great piece of machinery like that. Consider it a present from Baracas.

Calleigh: I can go collect the bullet if you want.

Horatio: Don't worry about it.

Speed: *walks up* There's a yellow Lambourghini outside.

Clavo: How else did you expect me to get here essei?

Speed: *points* Don't you mouth off to me you little punk.

Horatio: *warning tone* Speed...

Speed: *steps back*

Clavo: Looks like you couldn't keep me in forever dawg. I thought you said you never close. *laughs*

Horatio: Yes I remember that. Just out of curiosity, how did you manage to slip through the cracks?

Clavo: I got a good lawyer. Knew my father.

Horatio: A good lawyer.

Clavo: Yeah. Why don't you stay a while and have a few drinks.

Horatio: I'm on the clock.

Clavo: How about your dog, dawg? *laughs*

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: We're not interested.

Clavo: Well it's been a nice reunion but I got a few ladies over there that need my attention if you know what I mean. *stands* See you later Caine. *walks away*

Horatio: *smiles*

Speed: So what are you going to do about him?

Horatio: Right now? We're going to keep an eye on him. I want to know what he's up to.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee! I love it when Clavo says essi! I don't know why I'm just weird like that. And Teehee he called Speed "dawg" awww how cute. And why did I expect Speed to be eating a burger when he mentioned Clavo's car. lol. Great Update Geni can't wait to see where this whole Clavo thing is goin!
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