Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Thank you for all the kind words.
And of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if they don't like where the story is going then that's fine. I'm always looking for ways to improve the story as to make sure everyone is having a good time. So, don't be afraid to let me know if you believe an aspect of the story isn't going well. I'm always open and welcome to suggestions.
That being said,
calleighspeedle, just let me know about anything else you have concerns with. - That goes for everyone as well.
LtKitty, I haven't forgotten about you. I also wanted to ask you want you would like to be called in the story? So just let me know either here, or via PM.
I'm very happy that you're all enjoying yourselves!

*hugs everyone*
- And uh..FYI, Horatio had a Hummer on the way to France so he didn't walk. He always has a Hummer, it's a miracle.
In A Far Away Land
Calleigh: *runs over* I got a location.
Delko: Great, let's check it out.
Speed: *grabs keys*
1 pm, large club with hundreds of people outside, and inside.
Calleigh: So this is Club Extase.
Delko: What does that mean?
Calleigh: Ecstasy.
Speed: *tilts head* And I thought clubs in Miami were hot.
Calleigh: *smiles, walks ahead*
Inside club
Delko: Do you see Horatio anywhere?
Calleigh: All I see is people.
Speed: And loud music.
Delko: How can you see loud music?
Speed: If I could hear myself think, I could tell you.
Calleigh: He's over there!
Delko: Where?
Calleigh: With Clavo.
Speed: Oh he found him. Case closed.
Calleigh: Come on.
Back of room
Horatio: *looks up* I see you three found the place.
Calleigh: Are you alright?
Horatio: I'm fine.
Clavo: Hey Britney, you mind getting me another martini? *laughs*
Calleigh: *narrows eyes*
Horatio: You remember Clavo.
Calleigh: How could I forget. Did you just get here?
Horatio: I apologize for taking off to abruptly, but you see, Clavo here put a cap in my Hummer tire.
Clavo: Normally I don't like to mess with a great piece of machinery like that. Consider it a present from Baracas.
Calleigh: I can go collect the bullet if you want.
Horatio: Don't worry about it.
Speed: *walks up* There's a yellow Lambourghini outside.
Clavo: How else did you expect me to get here essei?
Speed: *points* Don't you mouth off to me you little punk.
Horatio: *warning tone* Speed...
Speed: *steps back*
Clavo: Looks like you couldn't keep me in forever dawg. I thought you said you never close. *laughs*
Horatio: Yes I remember that. Just out of curiosity, how did you manage to slip through the cracks?
Clavo: I got a good lawyer. Knew my father.
Horatio: A good lawyer.
Clavo: Yeah. Why don't you stay a while and have a few drinks.
Horatio: I'm on the clock.
Clavo: How about your dog, dawg? *laughs*
Speed: *frowns*
Horatio: We're not interested.
Clavo: Well it's been a nice reunion but I got a few ladies over there that need my attention if you know what I mean. *stands* See you later Caine. *walks away*
Horatio: *smiles*
Speed: So what are you going to do about him?
Horatio: Right now? We're going to keep an eye on him. I want to know what he's up to.