CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh yay! An update when I come home from school! Awesomenesso! But aww poor Horatio. Seriouly no offense to anyone but i never thought i'd say that. lol. And France! Heck yes! And Delko has to come get us Drunkins? Yeah that should be fun. lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Guys, just a reminder that this is 'fiction' which means it isn't real, so don't get too hung up on it. I've been recieving PMs and IMs from people who seem to be getting a little too carried away about this. I don't need to be hoarded with messages demanding various things for their character and/or storylines. I'm not saying it's all of you, but there is a small group of people who will not be named, and it's getting to be a little much.

So please remember I can't take everyone's ideas all at once and incorporate them immediately. I don't live here, and I'm pretty sure you guys don't either. Believe me, if I could live here I would. :p It takes time for me to write this, and with all the information I'm getting at once, it's beginning to take a toll. (Again, I'm not saying it's all of you.) Please be patient and bear with me here. ;) Thanks. (If you have any issues about this, please PM me right away and we'll discuss it.)

To everyone, thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, and hopefully you'll keep reading for as long as I keep writing! :D

More to come very very soon.

EDIT: My computer decided to hate me, and deleted all that I just wrote for a chapter so y'all are going to have to wait a wee bit longer. :lol: :p
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww poor geni your computer is mean!!!! *hugs Geni* And no probleme for me if you take time for update like I sid you once your update are better and better progressively of the time :) It's like the wine ;)

And ilovegrissom1 it would be a pleasure to see you if you come in france (like all you guys ;p )

Speed: I think he did pretty well. He has no idea how to work his cell phone so it's a surprise he got that far.
Awwwww H don't know how to make work his cell phone!!! What a shame :p

I hope that Horatio is not too severely wounded

Great update Geni and update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

What is going on between Calleigh and Speed?...and where is Katie?

I hope your computer gets up and running soon. *Big hugs for Geni *
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*Gives Geni a hug*. Since I have been in computer support since 95 I know how evil computers can be. One must take control and get the machines to submit to them. I can use my skills to help you figure out what happened. (Computer forensics LOL) but I suspect it might of been user error. (sorry Geni, its generally what happens in cases like yours.) Depending on what happened the data could be recovered. (You would not believe how and what they use to recover data that has been permentantly deleted or destroyed. Its amazying!) Anyway....to get back on track....

The story just keeps getting more interesting. I should be studying for my math test but taking a break right now. Nice to see you have developed some situations in which to keep all those eyes out there entertained. One suggestion I have for saving work would be to set up your word processing application to automatically save the file. This way if you forget to save the system will do it for you. Name the file right away after about a couple of lines and the autosave feature should take care of the rest.

Computer lesson ends. Goes back to studying math

Rebecca (geekness is comin out....HELP ME!)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Don't worry, I'm very well-versed in computers. ;) But if I ever do have a big problem (like the one I had today...My disk got stuck) then I'll give you a shout. :) (And I got the disk out. :p )

Thanks for the hugs guys! :D

Off To The Land Of Love

Hummer, driving along the highway

Calleigh: ...So...You like Hummers?

Speed: That's the dumbest question someone has ever asked me.

Calleigh: ...Sorry.

Speed: If you want to talk about last night, just talk.

Calleigh: Were you going to kiss me?

Speed: Wow that was blunt.

Calleigh: You told me to talk.

Speed: I thought you'd hesitate and beat around the bush like you always do.

Calleigh: I never do that.

Speed: Yes you do.

Calleigh: Don't change the subject.

Speed: I'm not.

Calleigh: Answer the question.

Speed: I don't see why it's a big deal. It's not like it would have meant anything.

Calleigh: I don't mean anything to you?

Speed: That's not what I meant.

Calleigh: So I just mean absolutely nothing to you.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Is that no you don't mean anything or no you do mean something to me.

Speed: Look, I don't love you and I never will ever again. I love Katie. I love my WIFE not you.

Calleigh: Alright I-

Speed: No, you're never going to get it. If anything, you irritate me.

Calleigh: Tim...

Speed: Don't you 'Tim' me. We're nothing more than friends and if you think anything other than that, it's your mistake.

Calleigh: Tim y-

Speed: And another thing, if I ever have to keep your hands off me one more time I swear to GOD I-

Calleigh: Tim the cops are behind us slow down.

Speed: What?

Calleigh: Great they're lighting us up. Pull over.

Speed: *sigh*

Hummer pulls over, cop walks over to Hummer

Cop: Sir, do you know how fast you were going?

Speed: Evidently not.

Cop: Could I see your liscence and registration please?

Speed: Sure. *hands over wallet*

Cop: I see the rain's stopped.

Speed: Yeah.

Cop: *looking through wallet* Where are you headed?

Speed: France.

Cop: *smiles* Ah with your pretty girlfriend?

Calleigh: *covers mouth*

Speed: *frowns* No, she's just a colleague.

Cop: Ah, well say no more. *hands over ticket* You have thirty days to pay that.

Speed: Yeah, thanks.

Cop: Have a good night. *leaves*

Calleigh: He was nice.

Speed: *turns key*

Calleigh: So...You hate me that much huh?

Speed: I don't hate you.

Calleigh: Well it sure seemed like it.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: ...Why did you want to take me to France with you and not Eric?

Speed: ...I don't know. I guess I just feel more...Comfortable around you.

Calleigh: Hmm.

Speed: What?

Calleigh: That's an interesting answer.

Speed: Yeah well I haven't slept with Eric to the best of my knowledge.

Calleigh: That is true.

Germany, jail cell

Delko: Guys, I've bailed you out let's go.

Katie: *runs to bars* Man you gotta get me out of here. Send me the keys over there from that cop and I'll make it worth your while.

Delko: What? No, no I bailed you out. Come on.

Katie: Oh, so we are. Well I think they're all passed out. Where's Missy?

Delko: She's warming up the Hummerhome.

Katie: Oh cool. Alright well we should...Find some way to get them out of here.

Delko: Yeah.

Katie: Why are we leaving again?

Delko: Horatio went missing in France.

Katie: Ah. So I guess we're going to find him then.

Delko: Yeah.

Katie: Where's Tim?

Delko: He's with Calleigh. They're driving together to France.

Katie: Alright well I'll get them up.

Delko: Good idea.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG I passed out how are katie and eric are going to take away to the hummerhome!!
great update geni and update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha, Oh Timmy boy even when he's NOT trying to get distracted by Calleigh he starts Speeding because he's not paying attention and gets pulled over by the cops. *shakes head* Poor everyone except me because they passed out. And I love how I keep saying "Worth your while" It just makes me giggle. Teehee. Can't wait til we all get to France and figure out where The H man is. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

First off, before I go into quotes and giggle fits I want to say this, Give Geni her creative space! I know I'm guilty of wishing for a shipper, which Geni has given me *bows* Thank you SO much! But we've always trusted Geni's creative writing, so I will continue to trust it, then I will learn how to type so I don't spend half my post deleting stuff. Onwards!

Geni, that was amazing! We have more of all the great things, sexual tension between Calliegh and Speed, Best friends, Shippery moments, booze, good food, Wubba monsters, runaway table cloths, gunshots and suspence! We've got to rescue horatio instead of Speed or Katie or JC and There is so much laughter going on that My mom has the funny farm on speed dial!
Anyway, Missy and Delko seem to be a pair, because...Basically they were not at the ice machine, they were..Well they weren't at the ice machine.
We so weren't at the ice machine. Now, Calliegh and Speed noticed that Delko was gone, but I noticed that NO ONE in my room noticed they were short a carpet princess...:D:D And Katie has really got to stop getting arrested, and Anni shouldn't be flirting with the German cops! But you all had fun while on the streets, and Calliegh and Speed had fun NOT being together, and Delko and I had fun NOT being at the ice machine.

Onwards to MY SCENE! Take that I got a scene! (sorry, that makes me happy, it's up there with Chocolate, Fancy Resteruants, Road Trips and watching Speed and Katie panic)

Missy: Carly's butt is broken.
Poor Carly! *hugs*
Missy: Here, let me get it. *brushes fry out of Eric's hair*
Delko: *smiles* Thanks.
Missy: *blushes*
*blushes somemore* thank you so much Geni!!! Aww,
Eric has fries in his hair!

Katie: You know what this room full of girls needs?
Anni: Alcohol.
You took the words right out of my mouth!! YAY for mini bars in hotel rooms!

Oh, and last but not least, Welcome Jess and Carole!!!
And we definately have to find Horatio, Speed and Calliegh! HA! You all got caught in the rain, but I'm warming up in the hummerhome! :p Kidding, you all rock! Especially Geni. Hey, while we're in France is Geni gonna be the head CSI again? That'd be so cool!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

thank you Missy for your welcome I am sure that Geni will make some funny thing between all of us :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ah! Missy! *Hugs* thank you lol haha YAY! We got bailed out....and Katie..."I'll make it worth your while" haha. Geez, I'm not even in this rp for a page and I already got drunk with the crew lol I feel so honored!

Geni, I can never thank you enough, we're all very entertained by your writing, and you truly have talent! *Hands Geni rootbeer and Black and White dvd* Thanks Geni! Great update as always, keep up the good work!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh: I don't mean anything to you?

Speed: That's not what I meant.

Calleigh: So I just mean absolutely nothing to you.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Is that no you don't mean anything or no you do mean something to me.

Speed: Look, I don't love you and I never will ever again. I love Katie. I love my WIFE not you.

Speed has obviously learnt from past mistakes and getting involved with Calleigh again would certainly count as a big one, having a baby has settled him down (hopefully).

I hope Katie gets out of jail soon, I miss the dialect between her and Speed.

great update Geni :cool:update soon please. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aw you guys are...KICKASS! :lol: *grabs Black and White dvd and hugs Jess* Hee.

And Missy, you crack me up! And YAY Missy/Delko shippery. What should we call that...Melko? Dissy? ...Oh heck I'll think of something. And me as the head CSI of the Paris crime lab again? Whoa I remember that bit. I could never remember Speed's name. I think I called him 'Spud' once. :rolleyes: But we'll see. I never really thought of that.

And calleighspeedle you're right. Speed has learned from his mistakes, which you'll see in this next chapter. Hee. And I think he's calmed down quite a bit since the beginning of this story which has taken up five threads. Isn't that a lot of threads for one story? (TalkCSI awards here I come. :p )

Thanks for the great feedback! *hugs for everyone*

My Time


Calleigh: ...

Speed: *looks over*

Calleigh: *looks out window*

Speed: *looks back at road*

Calleigh: *snif*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: *plays with necklace around her neck*

Speed: *looks over at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *turns head away*

Speed: Look, it's awkward in here enough as it is. We might as well have a conversation.

Calleigh: What would you like to talk about?

Speed: I don't know.

Calleigh: You suggested it.

Speed: I know. I thought maybe you had something in mind.

Calleigh: Why would I want to talk to you?

Speed: Oh, ouch.

Calleigh: You know, not everything is always sunshine, puppies and cotton candy with me. I have feelings too.

Speed: I know.

Calleigh: And to think I actually loved you.

Speed: *looks at road* Yeah I guess that's the mistake people keep making.

Calleigh: Do you always have to be so arrogant?

Speed: Not always. When I'm drunk I'm rather pleasant.

Calleigh: Funny.

Speed: Well what do you want me to do? I have a family. I can't just throw everything away because you have feelings.

Calleigh: You could be less rude.

Speed: It's still not going to change the facts.

Calleigh: It makes it come across a little less hostile.

Speed: You knew the second you met me that none of our conversations were going to be soft and airy.

Calleigh: The second I met you, I didn't know what to think. I mean, you confuse me. You say something and then you do something else.

Speed: So what, you're going to cry now?

Calleigh: I just want the truth.

Speed: I love my wife.

Calleigh: *nods*

Speed: I'm sorry.

Calleigh: *smirks* No need to apologize.

Speed: Let's just find H.

Calleigh: Agreed.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww I feel so....loved? I guess thats the word I'm looking for. And who would Speed be if he wasn't Arrogant? Certainly not the Tim Speedle we all know and love that's for sure! And he is rather "pleasant" when he's drunk isn't he? He's all....lose and carefree. Teehee. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Just Let Me Go


Speed: *gets out of Hummer*

Calleigh: Why are we at a hotel?

Speed: The guys aren't going to get here for a few more hours and it's two in the morning. Do you really want to wait in the Hummer?

Calleigh: I guess not.

Speed: Come on. I'll pay for a room.

Calleigh: No, I can pay.

Speed: *smirks*

Calleigh: What? I can pay.

Speed: No, I insist.

Calleigh: What was the smirk for?

Speed: Cal, I'll take care of it.

Calleigh: Fine.

Hotel room

Calleigh: Oh it's pretty. And it doesn't smell.

Speed: And two beds.

Calleigh: *laughs* I'm sure you're glad about that.

Speed: Did you need anything?

Calleigh: Why are you being so nice?

Speed: Well I figured since I was indecisive in Germany, and an ass in the Hummer, I might as well make you feel at home in the land of love.

Calleigh: You are talking about the country right?

Speed: Of course.

Calleigh: Well I'm beat, so I'm just going to get some sleep. *climbs into bed*

Speed: Yeah I should probably get some sleep too.

Calleigh: Leave your cell phone on in case Eric phones.

Speed: Good idea. *turns off light*

Calleigh: Why are you turning off the light?

Speed: Well firstly, most people sleep with the light off, and secondly I'd rather you NOT see me without my shirt on.

Calleigh: *smiles* Alright.

Speed: *gets into other bed*

Calleigh: *covers head*

Speed: ...What are you doing?

Calleigh: Sorry I thought you didn't want me to see you without your shirt on.

Speed: It's dark.

Calleigh: *laughs* Not dark enough.

Speed: Yeah well enjoy yourself while it lasts.

Calleigh: *sits up* Okay that's not fair.

Speed: What?

Calleigh: When we were together you had no muscle.

Speed: Well that was like two years ago.

Calleigh: That's not fair.

Speed: I'm sorry for your loss.

Calleigh: *lays on bed* ...Not fair.

Speed: Are you going to complain about that all night?

Calleigh: Maybe.

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: Okay now I can't sleep. Thanks for distracting me Speedle.

Speed: I'm sorry that my killer body distracts you from unconsciousness.

Calleigh: *giggles* I wouldn't call it killer.

Speed: Hense the sarcasm.

20 minutes later

Calleigh: Are you awake?

Speed: You're supposed to be asleep.

Calleigh: So are you.

Speed: Maybe I'm just so worried about Horatio.

Calleigh: Yeah right.

Speed: No really. He's like a father to me.

Calleigh: How sweet.

Speed: Yeah well I'm sure he can take care of himself.

Calleigh: *jumps out of bed*

Speed: What are you doing?

Calleigh: Well I'm freezing and you're probably not so move over.

Speed: Are you serious?

Calleigh: *gets under covers* Yup.

Speed: Ah holy God. You're an icicle.

Calleigh: *snuggles closer* It's a good thing you're warm then.

Speed: Well I won't be warm if the human icicle stays there all night.

Calleigh: Are you talking about me?

Speed: Nah, of course not. I was talking about the other human icicle. The invisible one.

Calleigh: *giggles*

Speed: *turns over* Do you have to be so close?

Calleigh: Why, does it turn you on?

Speed: Cute.

Calleigh: *smiles* I know. So how about that goodnight kiss I never got?

Speed: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: Okay fine I kn-

Speed: *kisses Calleigh*

Calleigh: *wide-eyed*

few seconds later

Calleigh: Um...You do realize you're married right?

Speed: Goodnight.

Calleigh: ...Okay.

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