Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Just Let Me Go
Speed: *gets out of Hummer*
Calleigh: Why are we at a hotel?
Speed: The guys aren't going to get here for a few more hours and it's two in the morning. Do you really want to wait in the Hummer?
Calleigh: I guess not.
Speed: Come on. I'll pay for a room.
Calleigh: No, I can pay.
Speed: *smirks*
Calleigh: What? I can pay.
Speed: No, I insist.
Calleigh: What was the smirk for?
Speed: Cal, I'll take care of it.
Calleigh: Fine.
Hotel room
Calleigh: Oh it's pretty. And it doesn't smell.
Speed: And two beds.
Calleigh: *laughs* I'm sure you're glad about that.
Speed: Did you need anything?
Calleigh: Why are you being so nice?
Speed: Well I figured since I was indecisive in Germany, and an ass in the Hummer, I might as well make you feel at home in the land of love.
Calleigh: You are talking about the country right?
Speed: Of course.
Calleigh: Well I'm beat, so I'm just going to get some sleep. *climbs into bed*
Speed: Yeah I should probably get some sleep too.
Calleigh: Leave your cell phone on in case Eric phones.
Speed: Good idea. *turns off light*
Calleigh: Why are you turning off the light?
Speed: Well firstly, most people sleep with the light off, and secondly I'd rather you NOT see me without my shirt on.
Calleigh: *smiles* Alright.
Speed: *gets into other bed*
Calleigh: *covers head*
Speed: ...What are you doing?
Calleigh: Sorry I thought you didn't want me to see you without your shirt on.
Speed: It's dark.
Calleigh: *laughs* Not dark enough.
Speed: Yeah well enjoy yourself while it lasts.
Calleigh: *sits up* Okay that's not fair.
Speed: What?
Calleigh: When we were together you had no muscle.
Speed: Well that was like two years ago.
Calleigh: That's not fair.
Speed: I'm sorry for your loss.
Calleigh: *lays on bed* ...Not fair.
Speed: Are you going to complain about that all night?
Calleigh: Maybe.
Speed: *sigh*
Calleigh: Okay now I can't sleep. Thanks for distracting me Speedle.
Speed: I'm sorry that my killer body distracts you from unconsciousness.
Calleigh: *giggles* I wouldn't call it killer.
Speed: Hense the sarcasm.
20 minutes later
Calleigh: Are you awake?
Speed: You're supposed to be asleep.
Calleigh: So are you.
Speed: Maybe I'm just so worried about Horatio.
Calleigh: Yeah right.
Speed: No really. He's like a father to me.
Calleigh: How sweet.
Speed: Yeah well I'm sure he can take care of himself.
Calleigh: *jumps out of bed*
Speed: What are you doing?
Calleigh: Well I'm freezing and you're probably not so move over.
Speed: Are you serious?
Calleigh: *gets under covers* Yup.
Speed: Ah holy God. You're an icicle.
Calleigh: *snuggles closer* It's a good thing you're warm then.
Speed: Well I won't be warm if the human icicle stays there all night.
Calleigh: Are you talking about me?
Speed: Nah, of course not. I was talking about the other human icicle. The invisible one.
Calleigh: *giggles*
Speed: *turns over* Do you have to be so close?
Calleigh: Why, does it turn you on?
Speed: Cute.
Calleigh: *smiles* I know. So how about that goodnight kiss I never got?
Speed: *lifts brow*
Calleigh: Okay fine I kn-
Speed: *kisses Calleigh*
Calleigh: *wide-eyed*
few seconds later
Calleigh: Um...You do realize you're married right?
Speed: Goodnight.
Calleigh: ...Okay.