CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

omg great updates... how old are you rebecca? and nice picture of you licking the statue. Can't wait for more updates lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hay Wyoming....do you like those rocky mountian oysters? They are so good with red wine. I do not think I laughed so hard when I was eating those. Lupe kept talkin' smack saying things like "Oh...I believe the testostrone is just overflowing on you." I would come back after iching my chest. "Damn...I'm growin' chest hair." I guess we provided the entertainment because someone paid for my wine and...appitizer. We were laughing so hard I pulled a stomach muscle.

CSI Trainee thanks for the 'complement. I am 43 years of age...I guess that makes me CSI Retiree. LMAO


BTW real reason I should be posting. Great updates. Nice humor and great personalities of those German cops. Ummmm....wonder if they are gonna end up in the clinker?
Calleigh and Speed bein' naughty....oh my ....Horatio better not get shot or I will be SUPER PISSED! LMAO
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG not H-man!!!!! It ca't be possible I don't want him to be hurt!!! ;) . Your clifhanger killing me now I have to wait LOL :)

I loved that part!! And all the other prt with the "fuzz" :p

Cop2: Do you have any weapons on you?

Anni: If you mean my good looks and my sense of humor then yes.

Cop2: *rolls eyes*

Cop1: Wir haben nicht Zeit für dieses.

Cop2: Ja wir.


Cop2: He said we don't have time for this, but we do so just stay still.

Update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Gunshot? :eek: where? who? why? :eek: *faints*

LOL!song title 'when alcohol circulate in your brains' :p
those girls are nuts!
Calleigh is like mosquito...buzzing around Speed.. she is brave! :lol:

great updates! Bravo Geni ! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*dramatic music* Dum dah dum, dah dum DAAAA!

'Somebody took a shot at me!' 'It's was a car backfire'

Long live Friends. Damn your cliffhanger! I hope the H-Man is okay, was he wearing the Sunglasses of Justice for protection?
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Eh, I'm not much for seafood, and I haven't been there since I was 6 months old lol.

OMG! CLIFFHANGER! NOOOOOOOO! And that sneaky Calleigh, always tempting Tim to cheat on my Katie.....I'll slap him if he does lol. Great updates Geni, it's a good thing to wake up to!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the great feedback.

And yes, it seems as if Horatio is in a bit of a pickle, with that gunshot and all. (Haha Friends) So we'll see what happens to our favorite red head. Also, you guys are in jail but don't worry about it because the good ol' CSIs will probably bail you guys out.

As for Calleigh and Speed? Oh that's not over yet, and who knows what will happen to these souls who cannot hide their love for each other. :p ...I'm feeling like the guy who says all those tv commercials except he says "It's here, it's in your kitchen, it's poisonous and you could be eating it for dinner. More on this at 11:00" ...I hate that guy.

Anyway, Missy and Delko seem to be a pair, because...Basically they were not at the ice machine, they were..Well they weren't at the ice machine. JC and Horatio however, we'll see what becomes of that. Now, I'll tell you straight away that the gunshot came from Horatio's gun, so no he didn't get shot.

I'll have more updates soon, and thank you for your feedback and your compliments, they, as always keep me encouraged to keep writing. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hahaha WOOOO PARTY IN THE JAIL! hahaha I'm intrested in what Speed will say to Katie after this little jailbreak lol. And WOO FRANCE! I want to go there someday, for real....I'll meet ya there Carole lol. Vive le RT!

Hmmm I wonder who Horatio shot? I guess I will have to wait and find out...but for right now, I need to get out of these clothes and get something to eat. lol. We've almost got enough RTers for a soccer game! lol I'm good at soccer teehee, well, I guess you could say I'm good at it haha, I'm up for Captain if JV, does that count as being good? teehee, okay, now I'm just off topic...sorry haha

I know you probably just woke up Geni, if I was you....I wouldn't be awake lol. So drink up some rootbeer, have something to eat, and when you're ready.......update!ugh, I hate soccer practice!!!!!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ok, Geni , you are my last chance! :p
give me painkiller wich is your story!
Update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh the dentist has to be tough. *hugs LtKitty* I hope the pain goes away soon, and that you're feeling better. :)

We Fall Down

1 am

Calleigh: Where are we going?

Speed: To find Horatio. Did anyone check the other room?

Delko: Yeah I did. They're not in there.

Speed: So I guess we all know what those sirens were for.

Calleigh: You think they went to jail?

Speed: *looks at watch* Well if they did, they have to wait.

Calleigh: *looks around* We should go back to the restaurant and trace Horatio's steps back.

Delko: We're going to need a vehicle for that.

Speed: You think Horatio brought over a Hummer with the Hummerhome?

Calleigh: He always does.

Delko: So where's the Hummerhome?

Speed: Sitting over there, you can't miss it.

Delko: Wow, valet parking. Nice.

Calleigh: I see the Hummer.

Speed: Okay let's head out.


Man: Oh no, not you again.

Speed: Look, we just need some information.

Man: I don't have information. I have the number for the police if you don't get out of here.

Calleigh: *smiles* We're just lookin' for our friend who was here with us. He stayed to apologize to y'all about what our friend here did.

Delko: *waves*

Man: *frowns*

Calleigh: So, did you see him leave here?

Man: The red head?

Calleigh: Yes.

Man: He left out the front door and waited about twenty minutes.

Speed: Why was he waiting?

Man: He called a cab but it never showed up. I offered to give him a ride back to the hotel, but he decided to walk.

Calleigh: Which direction did he go?

Man: West in the direction of your hotel, which I hope has spare tablecloths.

Delko: Haha...That's funny.

Speed: Did you hear a gunshot?

Man: Yes, about an hour ago. Sounded like a glock.

Calleigh: *grins* You know your guns.

Man: I'm German.

Calleigh: *grinning*

Man: *smiles*

Speed: What else did you see or hear?

Man: Nothing else.

Speed: Great, thanks.


Speed: Would you mind staying professional?

Calleigh: You did want to get information out of him right?

Delko: The rain here is colder than in Miami.

Speed: Cal, I appreciate you using your southern charm to get people to talk, but there comes a time when it's not necessary.

Calleigh: I don't remember you being in charge.

Speed: You're not in charge either.

Calleigh: *frowns* Don't tell me how to do my job Speedle.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Uh...Are you two finished? Because we have someone to find here.

Calleigh: Oh we're finished.

Speed: Completely finished.

Calleigh: *staring at Speed*

Speed: *staring at Calleigh*

Delko: ....Are you guys coming or not?

Calleigh: *smiles* Sure Eric.

Delko: Okay then.

Speed: What are you doing?

Calleigh: I'm driving.

Speed: No you're not.

Calleigh: Why can't I drive?

Speed: You don't have seniority.

Calleigh: Alright how about this. I'm older than you, therefore I've had more experience than you so you can either give me the keys or walk back to the hotel by yourself in the rain. *holds hand out*

Speed: Fine. *drops keys in Calleigh's hand*

Calleigh: Thank you. *gets in Hummer*

20 minutes later, side of the road

Delko: *gets out* Okay we've been driving forever and there's no sign of him. If he went this way, he's long gone by now.

Calleigh: *walks along road* Well there's some tire treads over here in the grass, and they drive out toward the border.

Speed: Is that your expert forensic opinion?

Calleigh: It's not an opinion it's the facts. *walks away*

Delko: ...What is going on with you two?

Speed: Nothing.

Delko: Calleigh never gets mad.

Speed: Yes she does, she just doesn't tell you about it.

Delko: Maybe you should apologize.

Speed: For what? She's just a moody woman like all the other ones.

Delko: She wouldn't be moody if you kept your mouth shut.

Speed: Oh great so you're against me too.

Delko: I'm not against anyone.

Speed: God I hate her. She's just so...Irritating.

Delko: *smirks* Okay.

Speed: What? What is that smirk for?

Delko: Irritating huh?

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *walks over* I found a bullet casing, looks like it's from a 9 mil.

Delko: Horatio's gun?

Calleigh: It's possible. I also found a casing for a .38.

Speed: So he had a reason to be shooting.

Calleigh: And he's not here so whoever was shooting at him probably knows where he is.

Speed: He called me, it must have been serious.

Delko: Why wouldn't he call me?

Speed: Eric, I wouldn't call you.

Calleigh: *smirks*

Speed: What's funny?

Calleigh: *shakes head* Nothing.

Delko: So how do we find him?

Calleigh: I guess we'll have to follow the evidence.

Delko: Knowing Horatio, he would have left us something.

Calleigh: We just have to find out what it is.

Speed: *looks over in field* Maybe we just found it.

Calleigh: What do you mean?

Speed: You might have facts but I have eyes. *walks away*

Delko: ...Don't we all have eyes?

Calleigh: *walks into field* What did you find?

Speed: *bends down* Cell phone.

Calleigh: *kneels* Horatio's?

Speed: Yeah and it's pretty scratched up.

Calleigh: Okay the last call he made was to you.

Speed: *looks at Calleigh* I know that.

Calleigh: *looks down at phone* Wait is that a text message?

Speed: *looks down* Yeah but it was never sent.

Calleigh: What's it say?

Speed: 'Go 2 Franc.' I think he means France.

Calleigh: That's where Horatio went.

Speed: No, he just said we should carry on without him because we're in the habit of doing that ALL the time.

Calleigh: *grabs phone* He couldn't have left us anything else?

Speed: I think he did pretty well. He has no idea how to work his cell phone so it's a surprise he got that far.

Calleigh: So what now?

Speed: I thought you were 'in charge'

Calleigh: ...I'm sorry about that.

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: Okay.

Speed: We'll go to France, and we'll find Horatio.

Calleigh: Are we going to get the rest of the gang first?

Speed: We probably should. Eric can go get them, and we'll got to France. He can meet us there in the Hummerhome.

Calleigh: Good idea. I'll go tell him.

Speed: Thanks.

Calleigh: *walks away*

Speed: *stands*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh and Speed are going to France alone? I sees trouble on the horizon.

I hope the Hummerhomers (teehee) catch up before anything rudey-nudey happens.

Don't leave us hanging on too long, I need more already!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

heh, i guess everybody in talkCSI knows that i was visiting dentist! i am just too loud :lol:
Awww but that you so much Geni *hugs back* :)
i feel much better, i really really do! :D

pretty serious update after those :D wich is also very good, let's give a rest to our stomach's :p
so France you say ha? Germany and France... it is a long walk, even for Horatio! :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha YAY! France!

Delko: ...Don't we all have eyes?
Teehee, duh, we do all have eyes Eric! Hahaha I can't even imagine what the jail cell we're in is cultivating right now lol.

Can't wait to get to France, I love France! JE M'APPELLE LULU ET JE PARLE FRANCAIS! ....I tried to do the ç thing capitalized, but I couldn't find the right combination on my keyboard lol.

Hmmmmm I wonder what happened to poor Horatio? He's not hurt is he? JC might be a little upset if he is! lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG POOR H WE GOTTA FIND HIM BEFORE I GO FREAKING INSANE!!!! Not to mention we are in peril if Delko is driving the precious hummerhome!
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