CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

The licking of famous landmarks comes from a show "How I met your mother" Barney and Ted ended up in Philly and they went to 'lick' the liberty bell. It was very funny how all that came about. So during my road trip I had to document all of the licking of famous landmarks.

I wonder if any of your charactors gets car sick. While in the black hills...well lets just say I had to constantly eat cheese its because I was so nausious from the curvy roads. Mount Rushmore and CHEESE ITS!!


Ahhh...Wyoming has its own memories....lets just say they serve interesting weird food there.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well now that the 'licking of statues' has been explained to me, I can sleep a little easier tonight. ;)

CSI_Ali said
That's a cover story, she's really going for butt reconstructive surgery.

*gasp* I KNEW IT! *points and laughs* ....No, I'm kidding. :lol: You know I am. :p *hugs Carly* Have fun at camp and we'll still be here when you get back!

carole, I understood that perfectly. I'm glad you like the story! And...Well now that you're added, you have more reasons to keep coming back! :p Plus de chapitres seront ajoutés bientôt. Je ne suis pas sûr pourquoi je parle français. :lol:

More to come soon...
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

WOW geni not one fault!! *clap*
And I can't wait for the next chapter! Are we going to get drunk?? Will Horatio know about that?? (I think yes because he is JESUS LOL And jsus know what all his team doing!! :p )

update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh: What else did you learn?

Delko: The people here speak German.

Speed: Gee Sherlock did you figure that out all on your own?

Delko: Yeah actually.

GOLD! Nice updates, keep 'em comin'
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee, thanks for the feedback.

And now that we're properly in our chairs and/or couches or beds, let us revel in the mystery of the drunken girls in Hotel rooms 2 and 3. ;)

All The Alcohol In The World Could Not Save Them

Hotel room 2/3...One hour later

Katie: *staggers around the room* I, AM the BEES KNEES.


Jess: *touching wall* Whoa..It's so...Wall-ee.

Carole: *giggling on the floor*

Anni: Tweedle-dee, tweedle-dum, tweedle-dee, tweedle-duuum..BO. Is anyone else thinking the word tweedle is sounding a bit like Speedle?

Katie: Who?

Anni: Your husband.

Katie: I don't have a husband.

Anni: Look at the ring on your finger.

Katie: *looks down* Oh..So I do. Whoa, it's like a HUGE rock!

Anni: Your perception is messed up sweety.

Katie: Oh...So it is. *falls down*

Anni: You need more booze.

Katie: Who has boobs?

Hotel room 1

Calleigh: Wow, Eric's been gone for a long time.

Speed: Yeah over an hour.

Calleigh: Maybe we should go check on h-

Speed: No.

Calleigh: ...Why?

Speed: I'm sure Eric can take care of himself.

Calleigh: I wonder where Horatio is.

Speed: Maybe he got lost.

Calleigh: ...You sound like you're hoping for that.

Speed: Why would I be hoping for that?

Calleigh: I don't know, why would you be?

Speed: I'm not.

Calleigh: Okay then.

Speed: Are you?

Calleigh: No.

Speed: Okay.

Calleigh: So should we go find Eric?

Speed: Why?

Calleigh: ...To find out where he went.

Speed: He's fine.

Calleigh: How do you know that?

Speed: I haven't heard high pitched screams, the fire alarms didn't go off, and there were no explosions. He's fine.

Calleigh: Oh. Well...There's really nothing to do in here. Maybe we can swimming or something.

Speed: You want to go swimming?

Calleigh: You don't want to?

Speed: Not really.

Calleigh: Well then we won't go.

Speed: Well if you wanted to go, then go.

Calleigh: I'm not going alone.

Speed: Why not?

Calleigh: Because all the creepy twelve year old boys look at me and it's creepy.

Speed: Really.

Calleigh: Yeah and all the old guys too.

Speed: I guess you need to find a happy-medium then.

Calleigh: What, like someone my own age?

Speed: Well if you were looking to date then yeah.

Calleigh: Who would I date?

Speed: Whoever you want.

Calleigh: Well I haven't had very much luck with men. They either leave me, become gay, or die.

Speed: You know, Eric thinks there's something going on between us.

Calleigh: Yeah he confronted me about that too.

Speed: Obviously there isn't.

Calleigh: Yeah, obviously.

Speed: ...Right?

Calleigh: Oh definitely.

Speed: Good.

Hotel room 2/3

Anni: Oh hey! Let's go out in the middle of the street!

Katie: YEAH! OH! I'M IN!

JC: Wait, why are we going out in the middle of the street?



Carole: WOOOOOO!

Girls run out of the room

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh man! We're all going out in the street. This CAN NOT be good. lol. And ok, I know I was all hesitant with the whole Talleigh thing. But seriously stop beating around the bush just...ughers. I don't even know where I was going with that anymore. lol. "Who has boobs?" hahaha. And awww I forgot I was married. I'm so...stupid. lol. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay just for future reference, I just finished watching that Talleigh scene in Invasion about thirty times so... :rolleyes:

I Might Have Been Mistaken






Anni: *falls down* Who puts rocks in the middle of the street?

Katie: The street people.

Anni: OH MY GOD!

Katie: What?

Anni: Your head looked like a giant hamburger for a second.

Katie: *starts laughing*

Anni: *laughing*

Jess: *laughing* I don't know what we're laughing about but it's funny!

JC: *crawling on sidewalk* Run home ants! Run home! Whoa, guys ants are trippy. They have like a million legs.

Cop cars pull up


Girls run

Cop: Anschlag! Anschlag!

Cop2: Anschlag oder Sie gehen gefangenzusetzen!

Katie: AH! OH MY GOD! It's like we're on a different planet!

Anni: I don't remember being in the rocket ship!

Katie: *screams* We were abducted!



Cop2: *tackles Katie* Bewegen Sie nicht.

Katie: What! What the hell kind of language is that!

Cop2: Bewegen Sie nicht!


Cop2: *sigh* Verfluchte Amerikaner. I said DO NOT MOVE.


Cop2: Do not move or you will be arrested.


Cop2: The citizens of Germany called the 'fuzz' so stop talking and get up.

Katie: Whoa, you're sarcastic. I like that. *stands up*

Cop2: Now, what are you Americans doing out here?

Katie: Well actually Jess, Anni, and I are the only Americans. JC and Carole are from Canada and France.

Girls walk over with cop1

Cop1: Wünschen Sie mich sie festhalten?

Cop2: Nein.

Katie: What did he say. WHAT DID HE SAY!

Cop2: He wants to arrest all of you.


Cop1: Halt die Schnauze!


Cop2: He said shut up.

Anni: Ooh, you're pretty. I'd like to take you home.

Cop2: Face the car and spread your feet.

Anni: Why?

Cop2: Because I said so.

Anni: Whoa, you speak English and Alien? Where did you learn that?

Cop2: Do you have any weapons on you?

Anni: If you mean my good looks and my sense of humor then yes.

Cop2: *rolls eyes*

Cop1: Wir haben nicht Zeit für dieses.

Cop2: Ja wir.


Cop2: He said we don't have time for this, but we do so just stay still.

Katie: Okay I like you. You seem to listen to reason. How about you take off these pretty bracelets and I'll make it worth your while.

Cop2: I don't think so.

Hotel room 1

Calleigh: Well I'm going to get a drink. You want one?

Speed: Yeah but it would be nice if we had ice.

Calleigh: I'm sure Eric just got preoccupied with something.

Speed: Like his own reflection in a mirror?

Calleigh: *smiles, hands over drink* Maybe.

Speed: Thank you. *drinks*

Calleigh: *sips drink* So...Everyone else seems to be MIA tonight.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: I think I heard some sirens down on the street.

Speed: They do have cops here too you know.

Calleigh: *laughs* I know that. So...If you weren't married-

Speed: No.

Calleigh: You don't know what I was going to ask?

Speed: I don't want to know.

Calleigh: Oh come on Tim.

Speed: *sigh* Fine.

Calleigh: Hypothetically, if you weren't married...Would you be interested in me right now?

Speed: How much alcohol did you put in that drink?

Calleigh: *grins* Answer the question.

Speed: ...Hypothetically, it's none of your business.

Calleigh: Ah, smart answer.

Speed: How about you?

Calleigh: Oh come on, I can't ask you but you can ask me?

Speed: That's right so spill.

Calleigh: Hypothetically, if you weren't married, I'd be all over you.

Speed: ...

Calleigh: *winks*

Speed: I really hope you're kidding.

Calleigh: The look on your face was priceless.

Speed: I hate it when you do that.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed's hittin on Calleigh...or Calleigh's hittin on him and I'm hittin on a cop. I LOVE it! lol.

Oh man. I laughed so hard I think I broke a rib.

Cop2: Face the car and spread your feet.

Anni: Why?

Cop2: Because I said so.

Anni: Whoa, you speak English and Alien? Where did you learn that?

Cop2: Do you have any weapons on you?

Anni: If you mean my good looks and my sense of humor then yes.

Cop2: *rolls eyes*
Teehee go Anni!

Katie: Okay I like you. You seem to listen to reason. How about you take off these pretty bracelets and I'll make it worth your while.

Cop2: I don't think so.
Awww spoil my buzz there copper why don't you. lol. Teehee. I love it when we all get drunk. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Jess: *touching wall* Whoa..It's so...Wall-ee.
hahahaha I like the drunk me lol

Anni: You need more booze.

Katie: Who has boobs?
HA! I laughed so hard at that! It's just so........random! hehehe

Oh uh, Talleigh tension, man, you can cut that stuff with a knife! And oh no, we're going out into the street! That can't be good.

Ahhh...Wyoming has its own memories....lets just say they serve interesting weird food there.
OH OH! *raises hand* I was born there! That's my nickname! *points down* see? lol I always thought it was cute because Danny calls Lindsay "Montana" and Carmine calls me Wyoming! teehee! Okay whoa, way too many cookies tonight lol. AND KATIE WE CAN HAVE A CHEEZIT PARTY NOW! lol

Great update Geni, thanks for adding me in, I love reading this story!!!!

Edit: Oh wow, I missed an update in all that reading! lol

Cop1: Halt die Schnauze!

OMFG rotflmao that was SO funny! Except my mom heard me laughing and now I have to get off of the computer lol. Leave me some updates for the morning Geni...pwease? lol I have an early soccer practice......8 in the morning, ugh....
Night Geni! Great updates!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh doesn't give up does she? I really hope that Speed doesn't cheat on Katie again because now I think he realises just how much he is in love with her and their baby daughter, and if he makes one more mistake like cheating on her again he could risk losing both of them forever.

I love the whole crazy Katie story here too. keep up the good work.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I swear calleighspeedle, you and I have similar minds. :p Mainly because you're 100% correct, and the fact that you understood it so much, makes me extra happy. :D

No Longer By My Side

Hotel room 1

Calleigh: Okay it's midnight and Horatio isn't back, and Eric isn't back and I don't hear anything in the other room.

Speed: Maybe they just passed out in the other room from drinking.

Calleigh: You think they drank?

Speed: Katie was in that room. They drank.

Calleigh: Well what about Eric?

Speed: He probably met some girl and now they're making sweet passionate love in some janitor's closet.

Calleigh: *smiles* Eric would do that.

Speed: Yeah.

Ten minutes later

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: What?

Speed: ...Katie drank.

Calleigh: ...So?

Speed: So right now is probably the WORST time she could have picked to drink alcohol.

Calleigh: Oh. So...She wa-

Speed: We didn't know. But uh...I trust her judgement so I think everything's fine. She probably...Wasn't.

Calleigh: I see.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: Are you dissapointed?

Speed: No. Relieved would be a better word.

Calleigh: Well I guess that's...Also good.

Speed: *tilts head*

Calleigh: Well, I'm kind of tired, so I'll just be sleeping right here.

Speed: Did you want me to just sleep ov-

Calleigh: No, No it's fine. They might be back anytime.

Speed: Right.

Calleigh: *turns out light*

Speed: *lays down*

Calleigh: *sigh*

Speed: *looks around*

Calleigh: *turns over* I have a question.

Speed: Go for it.

Calleigh: Don't I at least get a kiss goodnight?

Speed: Don't push it.

Calleigh: *laughs* I was kidding.

Speed: I know.

Calleigh: ...Are you asleep yet?

Speed: Cal, it's been two seconds.

Calleigh: Oh I know, it's just that...*sigh* ...Nevermind.

Speed: What.

Calleigh: ....Just one kiss?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: You're no fun.

Speed: Life isn't fair.

Calleigh: Hey if you asked me, I'd kiss you.

Speed: No you wouldn't.

Calleigh: Yes I would.

Speed: I think you had one martini too many.

Calleigh: I only had one.

Speed: Exactly.

Calleigh: *leans over Speed* Oh come on.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Please? *bats eyes*

Speed: No.

Calleigh: What if I was dying?

Speed: You're not dying.

Calleigh: What if I was?

Speed: You're not.

Calleigh: *inches closer* Yeah but see, we can just pretend I'm dying.

Speed: Nice try.

Calleigh: You're not pushing me away or anything.

Speed: I know.

Calleigh: Is this the part where you push me off the bed?

Speed: I haven't decided yet.

Calleigh: Ooh, does that mean I'm changing your mind?

Speed: *smirks*

Calleigh: *inches closer*

Speed: *brushes hair out of Calleigh's face*

Knock on door is heard

Calleigh: *lifts head*

Speed: *looks at door*

Knock on door

Delko's voice: Hello!

Speed: *pushes Calleigh* I'll get it. *walks to door*

Calleigh: ...Okay.

Speed: *opens door* What are you doing back so late?

Delko: I was busy.

Speed: Yeah?

Delko: With Missy.

Speed: Did you two have fun?

Delko: Well we weren't at the ice machine if that's what you're asking.

Speed: I wasn't.

Delko: Well in that case, *walks in* Whoa why is it so dark in here?

Speed: That sometimes happens when the Earth revolves around the sun. It's called night.

Delko: Is Calleigh awake?

Calleigh: Oh yeah, I'm awake.

Delko: I didn't wake you did I?

Calleigh: Nope.

Speed: We were having a conversation when you knocked on the door.

Delko: Oh about what?

Speed: Wheat.

Delko: ...*lifts brow* Wheat?

Speed: Yeah. Wheat. It grows wild in...Countries where wheat...Grows?

Delko: ....Wheat.

Speed: I'm told I'm not much of a conversationalist.

Delko: Well when you talk about wheat, I can see why. *lays on cot* I'm beat, goodnight.

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *shrugs*

Calleigh: *whispers* Wheat?

Speed: *climbs in bed* What did you want me to say.

Calleigh: Anything but wheat.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OH my god, Wheat? Seriously wheat? And ohhhhhh they came this close *pinches fingers together* to kissin eachother. And I'm not sure how I feel about that. But awww Missy and Delko how cute. lol. But seriously. Calleigh's an...an...what's the word I"m looking for Instigator? I believe...yeah that's the one! He's...he's a married man! You had your chance missy! Anyways great update update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ah wheat. We have lots of wheat in Alberta. That was slightly random and off-topic.

No One Can Save Us

Hotel room 1

Delko: *snoring*

Calleigh: Is he asleep?

Speed: Anyone who sounds like a motor should be asleep.

Calleigh: *smiles* You were going to kiss me.

Speed: Let it go Cal.

Calleigh: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Speed: Yeah that's because it would be half your fault.

Calleigh: *slaps Speed*

Speed: OW.

Calleigh: Shhh *giggles* You'll wake up the living motor.

Speed: Gee I wouldn't want that.

Calleigh: Why?

Speed: Because then I wouldn't get to give you your goodnight kiss.

Calleigh: Really.

Speed: No but the look on your face was priceless.

Calleigh: *narrows eyes* Alright I get your point. *kisses Speed on the cheek* Goodnight.

Speed: *sits up* Whoa, whoa hold on.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: Are you aloud to do that?

Calleigh: Why not? I do it all the time.

Speed: That's not fair.

Calleigh: Yeah especially to me. You need to shave.

Speed: *rolls eyes* That's not what I mean.

Calleigh: Actually I lied, I like your stubble. It's soft.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *laughs* You're so cute when you frown.

Speed: Oh no you don't.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: I'm not cute, you don't like me, I don't like you and Eric needs to STOP SNORING! *throws pillow*

Calleigh: Aw you're panicking. How cute.

Speed: No no, this is not me panicking. This is me wondering how badly my wife is going to kick my ass when she finds out about this.

Calleigh: ...I don't understand what you're talking about. There's nothing to find out.

Speed: Okay I know you like me, and that's fine. It's when I start liking YOU is when we have the problem.

Calleigh: ...You love me?

Speed: *holds hand up* No no, not love.

Calleigh: ...Okay...

Speed: I-

Cell phone rings

Speed: Thank God for phones. *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed....What?...*tilts head* Horatio? Is that you?...*pulls phone away*

Calleigh: What was that?

Speed: A gunshot.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Dng you and your cliff hangers! I never thought I would see the day where I'd be all worried about H man!

Calleigh: Aw you're panicking. How cute.

Speed: No no, this is not me panicking. This is me wondering how badly my wife is going to kick my ass when she finds out about this.
Yeah, you better watch out. I'm drunk. Who knows what I'd do. I'd probably call your stubble grass (teehee)

Alright I get your point
HA Take that Donahue! Invasion!

Update soon please!
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