CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I take it interesting things will happen in Germany. Can't wait to read more. Nice job with the last few chapters introducing the new charactors. I love road trips. My roommate Lupe and I drove all the way from Mpls/St. Paul MN to El Paso TX Juarez MX this past summer. On the way back we drove though New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota. We had a GREAT time and made some ledgedary memories! (I had to lick every famous landmark we stopped to visit. Pics were taken. Long story about that) Road trips are always good!! LONG LIVE ROAD TRIPS!

Rebecca (Some landmarks taste very very bad)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Carly: I think I broke my butt.

OH Geni you've just brightened up my day. There are faaaarrr to many favorite lines for me to quote! But yay! Jess and Carole are in the RT now and me, Jess and Carole in one room together can NOT be good. Well not as bad as Delko walking off with the table cloths in his pants but we'll see what happens. And seriouly you know me I am a sucker for the talleighness alright speed and Calleigh I mean I am the first one there but seriously again? lol. No i'm joking do what you want. I'll read the RT anyways! I mean how can you not its flippin HIlarious!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Tablecloth which was tucked into Delko's pants, is now following him to the bathroom, and all the plates and glasses of wine fall everywhere


Table falls

Calleigh: AH! *falls out of chair*

Speed: *falls down*

Carly: OOF! *falls over*

Horatio: *stands out of the way, places hands on hips*

Few seconds later...And everyone on the floor...

Speed: ...I will murder him.

Katie: He got wine on my clothes.

Carly: I think I broke my butt.

That last quote with Carly was hilarious!!

keep it up Geni :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

speed_cochrane said:

Katie: What is with you today? No manners at all.


Everyone: *looks at Carly*

Carly: Or...Not.

Carly: I think I broke my butt.

^Those cracked me up. Long live Carly!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Delko is like walking disaster! :lol: and Carly broke her butt? come on, butt is best human body's safety system :D

LOL before bed time, what can be better.. thank you Geni! ;)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the feedback!

And yes, nothing can be better than finding out Carly broke her butt. :p

After A Long Night...

Hotel room 1

Speed: *takes off tie* Way to go Eric.

Delko: *takes off shoes* Well it's not my fault people were throwing food at me. How did she even get a fry?

Speed: *shakes head*

Delko: So I'm guessing Katie will be staying in Jess and Carole's room tonight.

Speed: Yeah, and Carly, Anni, Missy, and JC all want to bunk with them too. Apparently new people impress them.

Delko: So it's just us CSIs in this room.

Speed: *tilts head*

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey boys. Did Horatio find his way up here yet?

Delko: Nah he's still at the restaurant apologizing to the managers.

Speed: Well if you hadn't ran away with the tablecloth, he wouldn't need to apologize to anyone.

Delko: If Anni would keep her food to herself, I wouldn't have ran away with the tablecloth.

Speed: What was it doing in your pants anyway?

Delko: I couldn't find my napkin.

Speed: It was on the table where the napkins usually are.

Delko: It was hard to find. White on white is a difficult thing to see.

Speed: *frowns* You're unbelievable.

Calleigh: Alright now boys, if you can't play nice, don't play at all.

Speed: It was his fault.

Delko: It was NOT my fault.

Speed: Well it wasn't MY fault.

Calleigh: *takes hair down*

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Delko: *drops shoe*

Calleigh: *smiles* I'll be in the bathroom changing into ma' nighttime wear. Y'all play nice in here. *winks, walks away*

Delko: ...Did that just happen or was I dreaming?

Speed: No, definitely not dreaming.

Delko: Wow.

Speed: *slams suitcase shut*

Delko: *blinks* What? What were we talking about?

Speed: We were talking about how you get the cot and I get the bed.

Delko: But there's two bed and a cot. Where's Calleigh going to sleep?

Speed: ...Wherever she wants.

Delko: Well she's not going to sleep on the floor, and I'm pretty sure Horatio's not going to give up his bed.

Speed: Well she's not going to share a cot with you.

Delko: Have you really considered the next option?

Speed: Yes I have.

Delko: And?

Speed: And we should get an extra cot.

Delko: For Calleigh?

Speed: For me.

Delko: I see. So you're just going to...Give her your bed.

Calleigh: *walks out* What? No one has to give up their bed to little ol' me.

Speed: Well you have to sleep somewhere.

Calleigh: I don't need you boys fussing over me. Anything is fine with me.

Delko: Well, unless you'd like to share a bed with Speed...

Calleigh: Why not? It's a big bed.

Speed: ...What's your point?

Calleigh: It's big enough for the both of us. Unless you'd feel uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as me.

Speed: No, no of course not.

Calleigh: So what's the problem?

Speed: You don't think my wife would have a problem with that?

Calleigh: ...No, why?

Speed: Are you serious?

Calleigh: I'll go ask her if you want.

Speed: No, you don't need to. It'll be fine.

Calleigh: Good.

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: *throws pillow*

Delko: OW.

Speed: It looked like you needed an extra one.

Delko: *rubs eye* Yeah sure.

Calleigh: Oh Tim?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *walks closer* Would you mind, maybe...Goin' down to the front desk and asking for a few extra pillows for me?

Speed: Why?

Calleigh: Well, normally I wouldn't mind just one, but would you mind gettin' me a couple more? *smirks* Please?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *shrugs*

Speed: Uh...Sure Cal, whatever you need.

Calleigh: *kisses Speed on the cheek* Thanks Tim! Now, I gotta go do my hair up for bed or it's going to be a pain puttin' it in place tomorrow. *runs to bathroom*

Delko: *starts laughing*

Speed: Don't even start.

Delko: *grabs pillow, speaks in high pitched voice* Oh I love you Tim, Oh, I love you Cal.

Speed: *throws pillow*

Delko: AH! *ducks* I was just joking.

Speed: I don't love her, will you cut it out?

Delko: Alright fine, but it's not my fault both your hormones seem to go crazy around each other.

Speed: Yeah that's exactly it Eric. I don't love her, but I find myself lusting after her for no apparent reason. Maybe it's one of your half-assed 'mid-life' theories.

Delko: Am I right?

Speed: No so cut it out.

Delko: Okay fine. But you'd better hurry and get her extra pillows. Maybe you should get a hundred and set a barrier between you two.

Speed: Funny. *leaves*

Delko: *laughs*

Calleigh: *walks out* Oh, he's gone?

Delko: Yeah. What do you need so many pillows for anyway?

Calleigh: I like pillows.

Delko: Do you have a thing for Speed?

Calleigh: ...I don't understad what you mean.

Delko: Well, you know how before you two had feelings for each other and everything.

Calleigh: That was a long time ago.

Delko: And you're...Just friends. Sure.

Calleigh: Eric, he's married.

Delko: That hasn't stopped you two before.

Calleigh: *frowns* What we had before, was complicated. We're just friends.

Delko: Alright, well if that's what you keep telling yours-

Calleigh: Eric....We're just friends.

Delko: Okay. I'm sorry.

Calleigh: *smiles* Don't worry about it.

Delko: *nods* Well I'm going to go see if I can't get some ice. *leaves*

Calleigh: ...*smile fades*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm! I'm not really sure why I said that but still. lol. And awwww I left Timmy for the girls. I'm such a nice, sweet, and caring wife. lol.

Delko: *grabs pillow, speaks in high pitched voice* Oh I love you Tim, Oh, I love you Cal

Teehee. That made me giggle. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:eek: That Calleigh's a sly one. I'm really interested to see where you're going with this. Will there be any more tonight?
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh my....Calleigh and Speed getting into trouble? Maybe or maybe not...only the author knows. Hee heee...I feel like I am reading a soap. I still feel the pain for Horatio..the lack of professialism is too funny. (I still picture Horatio with too red of lips and remminents of the marker on his forhead.


Here is one pic taken during 'my' roadtrip. Hee hee


The statue did NOT taste good at all...left a nasty taste in my mouth for a few hours.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well, you're not exactly reading a soap. Mines funnier. :p (I'm assuming.) And nice picture from your road trip. Should I bother asking about the lickage of the statue? :lol:

There will certainly be more tonight. :)

As a matter of fact, there should be a chapter..Right now. ;)

Penance, Murder

10 pm, Hotel room 2 and 3

JC: *opens doors* Okay so now that both rooms are joined, there is enough room for our shinnanigans.

Carole: This is so exciting. Does this mean that we'll go on the road with you guys?

Katie: Man that would be awesome.

Jess: I wouldn't mind tagging along.

Carly: My butt still hurts. Does anyone have ice?

Missy: I'LL GO GET ICE! *runs*

JC: Wow she was waaay too excited there. I didn't know ice brought out that side in her.

Carly: Man that's going to leave a bruise.

Katie: Aw, poor Carly.

Carly: Yeah poor me. *rubs butt* Seriously you'd think since this is a built-in air bag, it would have hurt less but OOOOH NO it had to hurt more.

Anni: Are you going to keep talking about your butt all night?

Carly: If it continues to hurt, yes.

Anni: It would be so cool if our butts WERE air bags. Then before we fall, they can deploy and we'll be SAVED! *raises fist*

JC: Well what happens if you fall flat on your face?

Anni: ...Then your boobs can deploy.

JC: Yeah wouldn't every guy in the world like THAT one.

Anni: We should invent this.

Carly: You can't invent air bags for various...Limbs and excessories.

Anni: Why not?

Carly: It's impossible.

JC: OH! Maybe there can be parachutes attached to our ass. Then when we pull the string, OUT comes the parachute.

Carly: When are you EVER going to use that.

JC: When I fall off a building.

Carly: ...That will probably never happen.

JC: Not yet it hasn't.

Katie: So Jess and Carole, how are you liking things here so far?

Carole: You guys have weird conversations and this hotel room smells funny.

Jess: But other than that, it's really fun.

Carole: Very.

Katie: You know what this room full of girls needs?

Anni: Alcohol.

Katie: Exactly.

Carole: I'm not sure we should do that.

Katie: Oh come on, it'll be fun. No one will get hurt.

Jess: Good enough for me.

Hotel room 1

Speed: *walks in* Hey where'd Eric go?

Calleigh: To get ice.

Speed: So we're alone.

Calleigh: Is that a problem?

Speed: No. No, not a problem. Where's Horatio?

Calleigh: He just called. Apparently the cab never showed up so he's going to walk back.

Speed: Sounds like a lot of fun.

Calleigh: *sits on bed* So um...What now?

Speed: ...What do you mean?

Calleigh: Well there's nothing to do.

Speed: Evidently not.

Calleigh: ...Yeah.

Speed: *nods*

5 minutes later

Calleigh: ...The walls are a nice color.

Speed: Yeah. Brown and gold...Almost go well together.

Calleigh: It looks like someone threw up on the wall.

Speed: If someone did, we'd never know.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Speed: Maybe that's where that funny smell is coming from.

Calleigh: Oh I love find the smell! It's why I became a CSI.

Speed: I thought you became a CSI because you love guns.

Calleigh: *smiles* Well, that too.

Speed: *looks at watch* Wow Eric takes a long time to get ice.


Missy: ERIC!

Delko: *looks up* Hey.

Missy: You're getting ice too?

Delko: Well I'm trying but this machine doesn't take dollar bills.

Missy: ...Eric, ice is free.

Delko: *points to machine* THAT...Would explain a lot of things.

Missy: *laughs*

Delko: So why do you need ice?

Missy: Carly's butt is broken.

Delko: Ah. Well that can bring someone's night down.

Missy: Yes it can.

Delko: *smirks* Well...How are you?

Missy: Good. You?

Delko: I'm okay.

Missy: Did you get the peas out of your hair?

Delko: Yeah.

Missy: Well you have a piece of fry in your hair.

Delko: Ah man.

Missy: Here, let me get it. *brushes fry out of Eric's hair*

Delko: *smiles* Thanks.

Missy: *blushes*

Hotel room 1

Calleigh: ...So it's pretty quiet in here.

Speed: Yeah that happens when no one talks for ten minutes.

Calleigh: *lays on bed* So talk to me.

Speed: *looks down* About what?

Calleigh: Oh I don't know...Life, people....Cows?

Speed: I think the talking is your department.

Calleigh: Ah yes, the strong and silent type.

Speed: Oh is that what I am?

Calleigh: Compared to me? Yes.

Speed: Nice save.

Calleigh: I wonder where Eric is.

Speed: He probably got stuck in the machine.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

That was great! I need more!!! I loved the whole 'butt air-bag/parachute' thing.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahah Eric getting stuck in the machines I remember that lol. And awww Poor Carly and her broken butt. ....ok I should NEVER say THAT sentence again. lol. ANd oh no alcohol. That can only mean one thing. Drunk Katie! And what is that? A fun time! Ok, not really but still. lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ok, here goes. YAY! Jess and Carole are joining us. And yes, poor me and my broken butt. That line "I think I broke my butt" was hilarious. Long Live...ME! *cough* sorry, I just felt like saying that...

and alcohol? YAY! Drunk...US! thats alwasy fun :D

And I'm going to be gone for a few days because I'm going away to camp, so I'll be back in 3 days or so.

well, please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

^ That's a cover story, she's really going for butt reconstructive surgery.

carlz31 said:
Long Live...ME! *cough* sorry, I just felt like saying that...

Hey, why not? I said it, jump on that bandwagon! :D.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

YAY a lot of update and I have a lot of thing to say... well first of all YAY Jess and I are in the road trip :p And I know this was a long time ago but I loved the part when Carly said: WHAT WITH TODAY! TODAY! And I'm lazy to speak english this is so me (Hurrah for the holidays!!! :) ) And the all part with the arbags thing... so funny!!! And awwwwww Carly broke her butt... I'm so sorry for your lost ;) It must be hurt!! And YAY alcohol this is going to be FUN!!! I want drunk Katie!!
I know I have said a lot of "and" but I so excited about the next update *jump up and down*

Anyway I think I have nothing else to say... Aw yeah great update (If you don't understood it LOL) and update soon please
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