CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie: Are you panicking?

Speed: Yes I'm panicking.

Teehee. That reminded me of friends! And then you added the whole "Twins" thinger to. Teehee. HAHA awww I love how I kept saying "awww" and "That's so cute" Great update Geni, can't wait for more!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Yeah the Friends thing did cross my mind too. *sigh* Well it just shows that I watch too much tv. :p

Getting Hot


Katie: I'm just saying, you're a great father so you sh-

Speed: *holds up hand* No.

Katie: What?

Speed: Don't call me that.

Katie: A father? You are one.

Speed: Yeah but it makes me feel old.

Katie: Tim, you're not old.

Speed: Gee thanks for that vote of confidence. When do we get to head back to California?

Katie: Why?

Speed: Well our daughter needs her father right?

Katie: Well when they go to Vegas, we'll go back to California.

Speed: Sounds good.

Katie: Excellent. *holds Speed's hand* And you're a great father.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Katie: Come on, what did you think of Lori when you first saw her?

Speed: I...Completely melted inside.

Katie: See? Now that's the answer I want to hear.

Speed: Well I'm glad you approve.

Katie: Good. So you love her then.

Speed: Of course I do.

Katie: Great because when she talks back to me with her sarcasm and attitude, you both can duke it out.

Speed: Fine but if she has women issues, that's your department.

Katie: Deal. So what happens if she becomes beautiful and all the boys are running after her?

Speed: If that happens I'm going to need a bigger gun.

Katie: *smiles* Somehow I knew you'd say that.

Speed: Isn't that why you asked?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: So you have no problem with me being protective of Lori, and yet when I show the slightest concern for you, you get moody on me.

Katie: I'm a big girl and I can handle myself.

Speed: I know you can. I just hate feeling helpless.

Katie: Aw, you're not helpless.....That much.

Speed: How comforting.

Katie: *leans head on Speed's shoulder* Why did we ever break up?

Speed: We didn't break up. YOU broke up. And it was because I punched you in the face.

Katie: *frowns* Oh yeah.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Katie: *sigh* Life goes on.

Speed: Okay you've never let something go that fast. You must be hormonal.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: That would be me being hormonal.

Speed: Well you can slap me anytime you want.

Katie: Good. And I'm going to ignore the fact that that sounded really dirty.

Speed: That's because your mind lives in the gutter.

Katie: That is true.

Speed: I can read you like a book.

Katie: Oh yeah? What am I thinking?

Speed: You're thinking we should have spent that last thirty minutes in our room so that you could have packed everything properly.

Katie: ....Dangit you're good.

Speed: I know.

Katie: Yeah gee, be more subtle about it.

Speed: Which reminds me. Eric thinks you like 'bad boys'.

Katie: *lifts head* Like what, rebels?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *laughs* Eric is crazy.

Speed: Is he right?

Katie: Pfft, if he was right I wouldn't have married you.

Speed: Ouch.

Katie: *giggles* I'm kidding. But...Yeah don't listen to Eric.

Speed: I try not to but he's just so loud, it's hard to hear anything else.

Katie: You're not going to go cheat on me are you?

Speed: No, why?

Katie: Well because that always seems to happen when we're about to have children.

Speed: No it doesn't.

Katie: Yeah well you do it a lot.

Speed: ..I'm sorry?

Katie: Tim, if you wanted a romp in the sack I'm not that far away.

Speed: ....Good to know.

Katie: That REALLY sounded better in my head.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aww great update I loved it.. although I feel as tho you wish not to talk to to me cause you didn't say anything for the last four hours then just logged off.... It hurt. Anyway great update and I can't wait for more. Like what will happen in Germany...... SHIZA I left the stove on lol.... oh wiat no I didn't I didn't even use it lol. My cat is being such a duncough hehehe I like speaking in what little german I know. Again ducancian for such great chapters, You are such a good writer. Now I need to dainmoundhouten cause I am typing to much lol.

Can't wait for more (gosh I have to brush up on my german lol)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I apologize that I didn't speak with you last night, but real life got hectic and I wasn't at the computer all night. So, again I apologize.

But I'm glad you liked the chapters and I'll have more up soon. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hahahaha Great update Geni, I love waking up with your updates, especially when I wake up at 12 and have practice at 1 hahaha. Maybe you'll have one for me when I get back! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well, maybe you should hurry up for practice. ;) :p

But thank you, I love writing these...Well some days more than others, so obviously you can tell when I'm tired. It shows in the writing. :p

Welcome To Deutschland

Germany, Hotel

Horatio: Alright people here's the hotel we'll be staying at.

Speed: *looks up* It's...Big.

Horatio: And expensive.

Speed: What happened to the big open air, the camping, the team being together in a Hummerhome, on the road?

Horatio: I have to pick up the Hummerhome from the airport.

Speed: *tilts head* Of course.

Horatio: So get settled in, we're all in one room.

Delko: But there's so many of us.

Horatio: That's why I got a suite with three attached rooms.

Delko: Whoa, I think I'm going to like this hotel.


Everyone: *looks at Katie*

Katie: ...In the same bed, side by side, no physical contact.

Speed: Damn.

Katie: *elbows Speed*

Speed: Good idea.

Delko: Yeah, okay so I'm going to check us in.

Katie: I really need to think before I speak.

Girl: *walks around corner* KATIE!

Katie: *turns around* ...JESS! HOW DID YOU GET HERE!

Jess: I DON'T KNOW! *hugs Katie* Man it's been so long.

Katie: Yeah it has.

Jess: Oh, meet my friend Carole. We just got finished in France on a tourism conference. I'm her translator.

Katie: She doesn't speak English?

Jess: Oh she does but she's lazy.

Carole: It's true, I am.

Katie: Well HI!

Carole: Hey.

Jess: So what are you doing in Germany?

Katie: Just visiting. I'm on a Road Trip with my friends.

Jess: OH AWESOME hey remember when we were going to go on that Road Trip?

Katie: Yeah, *laughs* Let's not get started on THAT again.

Everyone: *starting at Katie and Jess*

Katie: ..OH! *turns around* These are my friends.

Jess: *waves*

Everyone: *waves*

Katie: Guys, this is Jess. She's one of my best friends! And here's Carole, who I just met but SHE'S COOL BECAUSE SHE'S FRENCH!

Everyone: ...

Katie: Okay well, this is Carly, Calleigh, Anni, Eric, Missy, JC, Tim, and Horatio just left.

Jess: It's a pleasure to meet you all.

Carole: *smiles*

Delko: So where are you guys from?

Carole: Well, like Jess said before, I'm from France.


Carole: *laughs*

Jess: And I'm from Wyoming, but I live in New Jersey...Well, and apparently Germany for some reason.

Katie: Hey can you imagine if we took that Road Trip?

Jess: Oh boy that would have been fun. Can you imagine all the guys we could have picked up?

Katie: HECK YES!

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: I mean...Okay, well um...Maybe, that might have been fun.

Jess: *gasp* ARE YOU MARRIED! *grabs Katie's hand* THAT'S BANANAS!

Katie: *laughs*

Jess: *jumps up and down* Who's the lucky guy! Who's the lucky guy!

Katie: Well, that would be Tim.

Jess: OH THE HOT ONE! Nice job.

Katie: Why thank you.

Speed: *crosses arms* You're welcome.

Katie: What? OH YEAH. You. OH MAN. Jess you HAVE to see the Hummerhome when Horatio gets it over here. It's amazing.

Jess: I can't wait!

Katie: *squeals*

Jess: *squeals*

Calleigh: *smirks*

Delko: *scratches eyebrow*


Jess, Carole, and Katie run off

Delko: *laughs*

Calleigh: Sorry Tim. I guess you took a back seat.

Speed: Circle of life.

JC: Was anyone else very scared by what just happened?

Missy: I don't like loud noises.

Carly: Man I'm excited. This means more people for our ROAD TRIP!

Speed: Oh, no. No no no. No more people.

Carly: You're not in charge.

Speed: Do you realize what will happen if she and her friends decide they want to do everything together? I get left behind AGAIN.

Carly: Maybe she'll send you a postcard.

Speed: Yeah that's real funny.

Anni: You could always just marry me. *winks*

Speed: ...I'll pass.

Delko: I like Jess and Carole. They seem nice. And plus, it wouldn't hurt to fill up the Hummerhome a little more, seeing as this new Hummerhome is HUGE.

Calleigh: Yeah and it might fill a few voids...You know from people that are in jail, California, or otherwise 'dead'.

Speed: You're all crazy.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha great update geni I loved it, Long as no one touches my H lol *growls* hehe I think I had some sugar while I was asleep lol. Anyway great update and I can't wait for more. Duncacian!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Wouuu, Speed+Katie=Baby! :lol: how cute! :D
2 new people = More people, More FUN, more Alcohol! :lol:
*jumping up and down*
Horatio...Hold on! :lol:

great update Geni! ! update soon!!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

these updates are great Geni and I loved the part when Speed was talking to Katie and she mentioned about Lori having boyfriends and he said that he'll need to get a bigger gun!. I am enjoying this story so keep up the brilliant work and I am looking forward to the next updates. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


And thanks for reading and reviewing calleighspeedle! :D I liked the part about the gun too. Hee. So, here's the next chapter!

Took The Time

Hotel room

Delko: *looking at map* Whoa, look at where we are. We're near Denmark, The Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Czech Repulblic...Man if Germany wanted, it could take all of these countries.

Calleigh/Speed: *looks at Delko*

Speed: ...*takes map* ...

Delko: What? I was just wondering what that would be like.

Speed: World War Two, Eric.

Delko: ...Oh yeah.


Carole: *jumping up and down* I LOVE IT HERE!

Jess: Let's go press all the buttons in the elevator!

Katie: HECK YES!

Carole, Jess and Katie run off

Delko: Hey who was this Hitler fellow? He seems nice.

Speed: Did you not go to school?

Delko: Yeah but I was always asleep.

Calleigh: That explains it.

Speed: Let's not get into politics.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: Because you'll lose like you always do.

Delko: I don't ALWAYS lose.

Calleigh: Hey we have a liquor cabinet thing.

Speed: Cal, no.

Calleigh: Ah man. *sits on bed*

Speed: Nothing good comes from alcohol.

Delko: Oooh, what does that mean?

Speed: Nothing.

Calleigh: You know, I was listening to what you and Katie were talking about on the plane and I could have sworn you said something about a baby.

Speed: Why were you listening to a private conversation?

Delko: So it's true?

Speed: No.

Delko: Oh come on, it's not like it would kill us to know.

Speed: There's nothing to know.

Calleigh: *bats eyes* But...But...Timmy you're our friend.

Speed: *looking at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Delko: Oh get a room.

Speed: *staring at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *bats eyes*

Speed: *leans closer* You really want to know?

Calleigh: *sigh* Yes.

Speed: *strokes Calleigh's face* Really?

Calleigh: *giggles* Uh huh.

Speed: *pushes Calleigh off bed* Too bad.

Calleigh: AH! Okay that was....Mean.

Delko: *laughing*

Calleigh: *stands* You are a very...Twisted sister mister.

Speed: *smirks* Oh you love me.

Calleigh: Pfft yeah right. *punches Speed*

Speed: Ow *laughs* Hey. *grabs Calleigh*

Calleigh: AH! ERIC! HELP! OFFICER DOWN! *giggles*

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: *walks in* If you two are finished what you're doing, it's time to get downstairs for dinner.

Delko: Why don't we ever get room service?

Horatio: Because we're going to a restaurant.

Calleigh: *brushes hair out of face* Fancy or casual?

Horatio: Fancy.

Calleigh: YES! That's right! Little black number for me. *runs into next room*

Speed: Oh come on H, I'm not wearing fancy clothes.

Horatio: Fine. I want to at least see something more formal than what you usually wear.

Speed: No problem. I'm sure I have some sort of...Tie somewhere.

Horatio: Good. Dinner's in a half hour. I'm going to round up Katie and her friends. *leaves*

Delko: So uh...You were pretty playful with Calleigh there.

Speed: *opens suitcase*

Delko: ...Speed?

Speed: *grabs tie* We're friends Eric.

Delko: Yeah I know that. But there's friends and then there's...Friendly.

Speed: *sigh* You're being paranoid.

Delko: Maybe I am. But Cal and I are friends too and I don't start wrestling playfully with her in the middle of the room.

Speed: You got me. I'm guilty of wrestling playfully with Calleigh in the middle of the room.

Delko: This isn't something to joke about. You know she has feeling for you.

Speed: Had.

Delko: Whatever, had, has it's all the same.

Speed: Let it go Eric. *leaves*

Delko: Pfft men.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I just came across this thread a few days ago, and ever since I've been hooked. I'm benn busy reading the other 4 threads, almost done now lol. I just wanted to drop you a line and say this is awesome!

Nice update, the Speed/Calleigh thing made me laugh, but also getting a bit dramatic towards the end. Speed is such a manwhore. More soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Welcome welcome to the Road Trip thread CSI_Ali! :D *passes around cookies and milk*

I'm extremely glad you're enjoying the threads. And yes, Speed is quite the 'playa' in this story. :lol: I wonder why that keeps happening. Hee. But anyway, thank you so much for reading it! And you're reading the other threads as well? :eek: That must be taking some time. Well, laughter is the healthiest drug out there, so being addicted is good!

Thank you again for stopping by, and feel free to visit anytime. ;)

I'll have more chapters soon.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I hope Calleigh and Speed just stick to being 'friends' i'd hate for them to sleep together again and Speed ruining his chance with Katie again. Katie and Speed have a baby together I hope he realises he has a good thing there with his family and not to indulge in a little fling with Calleigh (no offence to Calleigh) :D

but as always great work Geni :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Why thank you. :)

And we'll see what happens with the whole Speed/Calleigh thing. ;)

And I'm sorry but this song lyric works so well for some reason...
I Want You But I'm Not Giving In This Time

Restauraunt, entire team plus two guests sitting at table

Katie: Haha oh man and THEN we ran down the halls screaming and then the manager got mad at us and then we fell down a flight of stairs and then Carole tripped on Jess' shoe and stumbled in on two people doing it and it was just...*sigh* Fun.

Everyone: *blank stare*

Jess: Your team sure doesn't say a lot.

Carole: ...They know English right?

Katie: I assume they do.

Horatio: That was a very...Colorful story Katie. Thank you.

Katie: No problem H-man.

Speed: *clears throat*

Katie: Sorry, Horatio.

Horatio: *shakes head*

Delko: I learned about Germany today.

Missy: What did you learn?

Delko: It's a country.

Everyone: *blinks*

Delko: I SWEAR that makes a sound when all done at the same time. It's a flapping sound. I can't believe no one else hears that.

Calleigh: What else did you learn?

Delko: The people here speak German.

Speed: Gee Sherlock did you figure that out all on your own?

Delko: Yeah actually.

Horatio: Anything else....Useful you'd like to share?

Delko: Oh yeah. Apparently the roads are so clean here that you can eat off of them.

Speed: ...Yeah we'll keep that in mind.

Delko: Oh and they like Canadians.

Missy: YES!


Delko: ...But I'm pretty sure they don't have a problem with Americans...Right?

Horatio: Who knows. The German people are very nice people.

Calleigh: I think we should go to France again. It's a very...Romantic country. *winks*

Speed: *looks down at plate*

Calleigh: Don't you guys think?

Katie: Oh JESS! You HAVE to see the new Hummerhome when we get there. I know that I have said it once, but I need to say it again. You have to see this thing to believe it.

Carole: Oh I want to go to France!

Calleigh: Maybe you can give us a tour.

Carole: It would be my pleasure.

Delko: Weren't we going to Vegas sometime?

Horatio: I'm sure we can make time for that Eric.

Katie: Tim, you haven't touched your steamed veggies.

Speed: I'm not hungry.

Katie: You're not mad that I left with Jess are you?

Speed: No, why would I be mad about that?

Katie: I don't know. You tend to get jelous.

Speed: Yeah don't worry about me. *drinks water*

Kate: Why you have some other woman in mind if I don't get to you quick enough?

Speed: *chokes on water*

Katie: Well?

Speed: *grabs napkin* Wow...Do they have courses to learn how to drink water?

Katie: You really have to stop choking.

Speed: I know it.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: *covers eyes*

Katie: Get your elbow off the table.

Speed: Sorry.

Katie: What is with you today? No manners at all.


Everyone: *looks at Carly*

Carly: Or...Not.

Speed: I'm fine.

Katie: Then stop being a five year old and learn to drink water and eat your greens.

Speed: Or what, you'll spank me?

Everyone: *looks at Speed*

Speed: ...Okay bad example.

Delko: So what are we doing after dinner?

Horatio: Well whatever is is, it'll end up being a disaster anyway.

Jess: Why do you guys always get into trouble?

Horatio: Let's just say it's a good thing there are hospitals.

Carole: I like it here.

Anni: *throws peas*

Delko: Ow. *hold eye* Something round and green hit my eye.

Missy: Was it an alien?

Delko: What?

Missy: They're green.

Delko: ...I'm pretty sure it wasn't an alien.

Pea hits Delko in the head

Delko: Okay who's throwing things?

Anni: No one's throwing things. You're imagining it.

Delko: Someone threw a pea at my head.

Jess: *rubs hands together* Oh man I see where this is headed.

Fry hits Delko in the face

Delko: Who's doing that!

Anni: The Wubba Monster.

Delko: *screams*

Horatio: Oh Eric.

Delko: *runs*

Tablecloth which was tucked into Delko's pants, is now following him to the bathroom, and all the plates and glasses of wine fall everywhere


Table falls

Calleigh: AH! *falls out of chair*

Speed: *falls down*

Carly: OOF! *falls over*

Horatio: *stands out of the way, places hands on hips*

Few seconds later...And everyone on the floor...

Speed: ...I will murder him.

Katie: He got wine on my clothes.

Carly: I think I broke my butt.

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