Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Rebecca_V said
I am thinking you have had some drinking experiences with the way you wrote both while they were drunk and how everyone felt the 'morning after'
Thanks for the great reviews! And I'm pretty sure you and Missy arent dead, Jaci. :lol: As for Horatio getting the makeup off, I'm apologize that I didn't address it. But looks to me like he got it all off.

...I should probably write another chapter. So, I will! *hugs everyone*
I'm Falling. Show Me What It's Like
Horatio: Okay buckle up, here we go.
Delko: *puts on headset* Beam me up.
Horatio: That was stupid.
Delko: Yeah I know, it was pretty lame.
Katie: ...*worried look*
Speed: *looks over* ...Something wrong?
Katie: What? No. Why? Why would there be anything wrong?
Speed: You looked worried about something.
Katie: I'm not worried.
Speed: Okay...*lifts brow*
Katie: ...*bites nails*
Speed: Are you a nervous flyer or something?
Katie: No.
Speed: Geez, forget I asked.
Katie: Sorry, I just..It's nothing.
Speed: It's obviously something. Are you mad at me?
Katie: NO.
Speed: *holds up hands* Okay whoa, I was just asking.
Katie: I'm not mad.
Speed: Yeah I can see that, but if you got any
less-mad, steam would come out of your ears.
Katie: I don't want to fight with you.
Speed: We're not fighting.
Katie: Not yet.
Speed: What do you mean not yet? What are you not telling me?
Katie: Nothing.
Speed: It's something.
Katie: Nevermind. *gets up, walks away*
Speed: *sigh* Great.
Back of Hummercraft
Katie: *sits*
Carly: Hey, why aren't you sitting with Speed?
Katie: He's going to get mad at me.
Carly: Why would he get mad at you for sitting with him?
Katie: No, that's not why.
Carly: Uh oh, what did you do?
Katie: Why does everyone always assume it's that bad?
Carly: Because it usually is.
Katie: *sigh* Well...You know how we wanted to have like a family right?
Carly: Yeah.
Katie: Well we kind of didn't want to have anymore kids.
Carly: ...Yeah.
Katie: So I had all those...Meds and stuff.
Carly: What's your point?
Katie: I kind of sort of forgot to pack them.
Carly: ....*starts laughing* You're kidding me.
Katie: Does this look like the face of someone who's kidding?
Carly: Okay don't panic, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Katie: Yeah and what if I'm not? He's going to KILL me.
Carly: He won't kill you.
Katie: Creeper Speed is a mad Speed. And when Speed gets mad he turns into a creeper and then he beats me up and oh holy hell this is all going to start again and t-
Carly: Whoa, slow down. And why are you telling me this?
Katie: You asked.
Carly: Yeah but I didn't think you'd tell me THIS.
Katie: What were you expecting? I murdered the person on the roof?
Carly: That would have made more sense.
Katie: Ugh what if this happens again? What's he going to say?
Carly: I'm sure it'll be fine. And besides, you won't know for another few weeks anyway so just calm down.
Katie: No, I don't think you understand. I've had like...A million kids already. You would think I'd know by now.
Carly: First of all, you didn't have a million. That's almost impossible. Secondly you wouldn't know by now so stop freaking out.
Katie: Okay maybe I am over-reacting.
Carly: Believe me, you are.
Katie: Gee thanks.
Carly: *rolls eyes*
Katie: Okay if this come back to bite me in the butt, it's your fault.
Carly: ...Actually I think technically it's Speed's fault.
Katie: ...Smarty-pants. *walks away*
Carly: *laughs*
Up further
Katie: *sits*
Speed: Where were you?
Katie: I was sitting with Carly.
Speed: Why?
Katie: We were gossiping about you.
Speed: Sure you were. Why were you freaking out?
Katie: No reason. I freak out sometimes, big deal.
Speed: ...Well I didn't know.
Katie: There's a lot you don't know.
Speed: *narrows eyes* Okay we have to stop doing that.
Katie: Agreed.