CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

woooooooo I'm back! (And with faster internet then last night!)
Hahahaha Katie, YES, YOU DID! Hahaha figured that Delko would stuff his face. WOOOO Time for Germany!

Great update Geni, keep it goin!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Holy smokes hearty breakfast after a long night of drinkin' Oh....I remember those days. I once had a friend like Delko that could eat anything after a night of heavy drinking. EWWWWWW. I am thinking I should be calling Horatio Pappa Horatio. That poor man attempting to keep those 'kids' in line. Is anyone near his age in your story? Poor man has no one to relate to.

I liked the humor, thought it funny that Horatio wanted to 'take off' before they get roped into dealing with the dead body on the roof. Run.....run away....run far away. LOL. I am thinking you have had some drinking experiences with the way you wrote both while they were drunk and how everyone felt the 'morning after' Yes, there are some people like Delko that can just 'chow down'the morning after. As my Comp. II instructor says, "Your best work will come from your experiences and knowledge." Hee heee.

Oh you never did state if Horatio was able to get off all the make up. (Lipstick can be really hard to get off, if you use a really deep color. I used a bright red one for a costume and it took DAYS for it to wear off.) What about the marker? (unibrow drawn on him) That had to of been a BUGGER to get off. I have visions of Horatio with abnormally red looking lips and a black unibrow. Really lookin' stylin' with his paleness. LMAO!

Keep up the good work!

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Are we sure me and missy aren't dead?????? ...... Has someone checked on us lately? *Frightened look on face*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Rebecca_V said
I am thinking you have had some drinking experiences with the way you wrote both while they were drunk and how everyone felt the 'morning after'

Thanks for the great reviews! And I'm pretty sure you and Missy arent dead, Jaci. :lol: As for Horatio getting the makeup off, I'm apologize that I didn't address it. But looks to me like he got it all off. ;) ...I should probably write another chapter. So, I will! *hugs everyone*

I'm Falling. Show Me What It's Like


Horatio: Okay buckle up, here we go.

Delko: *puts on headset* Beam me up.

Horatio: That was stupid.

Delko: Yeah I know, it was pretty lame.


Katie: ...*worried look*

Speed: *looks over* ...Something wrong?

Katie: What? No. Why? Why would there be anything wrong?

Speed: You looked worried about something.

Katie: I'm not worried.

Speed: Okay...*lifts brow*

Katie: ...*bites nails*

Speed: Are you a nervous flyer or something?

Katie: No.

Speed: Geez, forget I asked.

Katie: Sorry, I just..It's nothing.

Speed: It's obviously something. Are you mad at me?

Katie: NO.

Speed: *holds up hands* Okay whoa, I was just asking.

Katie: I'm not mad.

Speed: Yeah I can see that, but if you got any less-mad, steam would come out of your ears.

Katie: I don't want to fight with you.

Speed: We're not fighting.

Katie: Not yet.

Speed: What do you mean not yet? What are you not telling me?

Katie: Nothing.

Speed: It's something.

Katie: Nevermind. *gets up, walks away*

Speed: *sigh* Great.

Back of Hummercraft

Katie: *sits*

Carly: Hey, why aren't you sitting with Speed?

Katie: He's going to get mad at me.

Carly: Why would he get mad at you for sitting with him?

Katie: No, that's not why.

Carly: Uh oh, what did you do?

Katie: Why does everyone always assume it's that bad?

Carly: Because it usually is.

Katie: *sigh* Well...You know how we wanted to have like a family right?

Carly: Yeah.

Katie: Well we kind of didn't want to have anymore kids.

Carly: ...Yeah.

Katie: So I had all those...Meds and stuff.

Carly: What's your point?

Katie: I kind of sort of forgot to pack them.

Carly: ....*starts laughing* You're kidding me.

Katie: Does this look like the face of someone who's kidding?

Carly: Okay don't panic, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Katie: Yeah and what if I'm not? He's going to KILL me.

Carly: He won't kill you.

Katie: Creeper Speed is a mad Speed. And when Speed gets mad he turns into a creeper and then he beats me up and oh holy hell this is all going to start again and t-

Carly: Whoa, slow down. And why are you telling me this?

Katie: You asked.

Carly: Yeah but I didn't think you'd tell me THIS.

Katie: What were you expecting? I murdered the person on the roof?

Carly: That would have made more sense.

Katie: Ugh what if this happens again? What's he going to say?

Carly: I'm sure it'll be fine. And besides, you won't know for another few weeks anyway so just calm down.

Katie: No, I don't think you understand. I've had like...A million kids already. You would think I'd know by now.

Carly: First of all, you didn't have a million. That's almost impossible. Secondly you wouldn't know by now so stop freaking out.

Katie: Okay maybe I am over-reacting.

Carly: Believe me, you are.

Katie: Gee thanks.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Katie: Okay if this come back to bite me in the butt, it's your fault.

Carly: ...Actually I think technically it's Speed's fault.

Katie: ...Smarty-pants. *walks away*

Carly: *laughs*

Up further

Katie: *sits*

Speed: Where were you?

Katie: I was sitting with Carly.

Speed: Why?

Katie: We were gossiping about you.

Speed: Sure you were. Why were you freaking out?

Katie: No reason. I freak out sometimes, big deal.

Speed: ...Well I didn't know.

Katie: There's a lot you don't know.

Speed: *narrows eyes* Okay we have to stop doing that.

Katie: Agreed.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

awwwww Katie! Duh, remember your meds! lol. And yes, I would say having a million kids is impossible in one lifetime, but I don't know, Katie seems to be one very fertile chick in this story lol hahaha jk jk. Woooo the hummercraft! Could you imagine, like....a hummerplane? hahahaha it'd be like....all blocky and whatnot.

Great update Geni, keep up the good work and update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha I want to know what else Horatio is gonna do to us for drinking and I hope Katie didn't actually murder the person on the roof..... that won't be a good thing lol. I hope H ain't gonna be too made at me I mean i am young and want to have fun lol... and ya he could lighten up a bit too but I love him anyway *looks at picture of H and drools* ahem *coughcough*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

really great update geni!! Katie's maybe pregnant I don't know if it's a good thing...Oh well we'll see later :)

update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I AM! One very fertile Chick aren't I "There's a lot you don't know." Teehee! Golden PArchute. lol. I loved how I kept asking if me and Tim did anything. lol. And Carly *gasp* I would never kill someone! Or would I? lol. Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

This is inching toward 'The Bold And The Beautiful' only mine's funnier and Donahue isn't in ch- Oh wait, she produces CSI:Miami. Huh...Could have fooled me.

The French Side Of My Rootbeer Says Racinette

Hummercraft...Which by the way is an easier way of saying Hummerplane...Jess.. :p

Horatio: Alright what's our current altitude?

Delko: High.

Horatio: ..Besides high.

Delko: 30 000 feet.

Horatio: Good. How far are we?

Delko: Pretty far.

Horatio: ....Eric.

Delko: Alright uh..*looks outside* We're still on the ocean so we should be hitting Europe in about three to four hours.

Further back

JC: *wakes up* WHOA!

Missy: *wakes up* WHO'S SCREAMING!

JC: Sorry Miss, that was me.

Missy: Don't do that.

JC: How did we get on the plane? I don't remember this.

Missy: Maybe we teleported.

JC: Yeah okay Captain Kirk, just let me get out my fancy tricorder and scan the area for alien life. And it's 'transported' not 'teleported'.

Missy: ...Too much tv?

JC: Too much tv.

Katie: Hey Speed?

Speed: ...You don't call me Speed. You haven't called me Speed in forever.

Katie: Okay fine, Tim?

Speed: Go ahead.

Katie: How mad would you be if I kind of left something at home?

Speed: That depends on what you left.

Katie: Well...A certain....Uh....Anti-...Baby....Medication.

Speed: ...

Katie: Say something.

Speed: ...Oh...Crap.

Katie: Oh crap? OH CRAP? That's your reaction? Oh crap?

Speed: I don't want to fight.

Katie: Uh well sorry Mister but you're the one who couldn't keep it in his pants.

Speed: *looks at Katie* Oh this is not MY fault.

Katie: Well it's not my fault.

Speed: Really.

Katie: Okay so it kind of is sort of kind of a little bit my fault. But it's your fault too!

Speed: I was drunk.

Katie: So was I!

Speed: Well let's agree it's not any of our fault.

Katie: Deal.

Speed and Katie high-five

5 minutes later

Katie: ....So do you have any names?

Speed: *frowns* Stop it.

Katie: I was just teasing you. Lighten up.

Speed: Don't teast me about this.

Katie: Would you rather I freak out?

Speed: No you already did that. It's my turn to freak out.

Katie: Aw, you're freaking out?

Speed: It's not funny.

Katie: Yes it is.

Speed: No, it's not.

Katie: Why are you even freaking out? It's not your body.

Speed: Exactly.

Katie: ...Okay I don't think so. You are not going to get protective AGAIN.

Speed: I'm not protective.

Katie: Yes you are.

Speed: No I'm not.

Katie: Yes you are.

Speed: I am not.

Katie: You are.

Speed: Do you realize how screwed up our lives are going to be if...What happens, happens?

Katie: Um I don't remember our lives being screwed up the first time.

Speed: That's because we didn't have TWO OF THEM!

Katie: Okay shh, now you're freaking out.

Speed: Oh great. Now I feel like I'm about to pass out.

Katie: You want to...Lie down or something?

Speed: No.

Katie: You're gripping the seat pretty hard there.

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: Well hey at least you're not having this problem with Calleigh. It's the right woman this time.

Speed: You're not helping.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie: Well hey at least you're not having this problem with Calleigh. It's the right woman this time.

Speed: You're not helping.

Haha oh boyo! First I wouldn't let the whole Africa thing go and now I'm bringin up Calleigh again. Is it wrong that I told myself to shut up? lol.

Missy: ...Too much tv?

JC: Too much tv.

lol. I said that to my friend today! lol. I got into quoting friends and Speed at the same time so it was like a very sarcastic yet funny Chandler. Anyways great update, as always, not that you didn't know that ebcause you wrote it. But anyways update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

YAY almost europe :) It was (as always) a really great update ;)
update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hummercraft...Which by the way is an easier way of saying Hummerplane...Jess..
Yeah yeah yeah...lol

Speed and Katie high-five
Okay, I laughed really really hard at that and I have no idea why lol

Great update Geni, it's a good thing to come back to after a hard core running session for soccer....my legs are all wobbly and I feel like I can't stand hahahahahahaha Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the reviews! They are always much appreciated. :)

Willing To Put All My Faith In Your Plan


Katie: Are you done freaking out?

Speed: No.

Katie: Are you mad at me?

Speed: Oh yeah I'm so angry I slept with you that I'm about ready to beat you.

Katie: ...

Speed: That was sarcasm.

Katie: And also not very nice. Seriously answer the question.

Speed: No, I'm not mad at you.

Katie: Good.

Speed: I'm mad at me.

Katie: Why?


Katie: *starts laughing*

Speed: Oh you find this funny?

Katie: A little.

Speed: It's not funny. I don't have enough money to support four people. I don't make enough money for that. I don't. I never will.

Katie: Are you panicking?

Speed: Yes I'm panicking.

Katie: Aw, that's so cute.

Speed: Well I'm glad my stress amuses you.

Katie: You're so cute when you're all frazzled.

Speed: I'm not frazzled. Frazzled is when someone steps into my crime scene uninvited. This is way BEYOND frazzled.

Katie: Awwww. *hugs Speed*

Speed: What are you doing?

Katie: You need a hug.

Speed: I do?

Katie: Yes. *lets go* Feel any better?

Speed: Not really.

Katie: How come you weren't this nervous the other times?

Speed: I didn't know we were having TWO the other time.

Katie: We might have twins.

Speed: Oh God.

Katie: Look on the bright side. When they scrape their knee or hurt their finger, they'll look up to their daddy to make it all better.

Speed: You have got to be kidding me.

Katie: You like kids.

Speed: I HATE kids.

Katie: You said you wanted them.

Speed: No no, I said I wanted ONE.

Katie: ...You never said that.

Speed: Well I'm saying it now.

Katie: So whenever your daughter looks at you with her bright green eyes and smiles, you don't feel anything.

Speed: ...No.

Katie: Pfft liar.

Speed: Okay fine. But two? That's cutting it a little close.

Katie: Close to what?

Speed: I don't know. This happens when I panic.

Katie: What happens?

Speed: Not making sense.

Katie: I see. What if it's a boy?

Speed: So?

Katie: You're a guy. Guys always want a boy.

Speed: Then I'm not your average guy.

Katie: Aw that's so sweet.

Speed: Can you snap back to reality for a second? Do you know how much money this costs? And we won't get to sleep for eighteen years.

Katie: When they become teenagers we'll get sleep because they'll be sneaking out at night.

Speed: Not in my house they won't.

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: If you say 'aw' one more time...

Katie: That's so sweet.

Speed: That too.

Katie: And then when our little girl discovers boys and alcohol, you'll have to bail her out of jail.

Speed: Uh, boys? No. Alcohol, I don't think so and jail? Not in a million years.

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: Stop it.

Katie: Or OH! She'll be sarcastic and talk back to us all the time.

Speed: Are you...Hoping for this?

Katie: Yeah. It'll be fun. You can do the parenting and I'll be the good guy.

Speed: Uh, no I don't think so. You can be the bad guy. I on the other hand will spoil our little girl with frivolties and pointless cash sprees.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Because I can. And there will be no boyfriends in my house.

Katie: Awwww!

Speed: Seriously, stop it.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwwwwww speed is freaking out! This is so cute :)
And how hate kids...it's impossible. Well unless between 6 to 13 years old...there they are irritaing. :p
great update geni. Continue like that and update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: I'm not frazzled. Frazzled is when someone steps into my crime scene uninvited. This is way BEYOND frazzled.
WANNABE! I have to watch that one again, you get to see Timmy's tummy hahahahaha that should be like, a ride in Disney world or something....Timmy's Tummy

Awwww! Tim's getting all protective and she's not even one yet! HOW SWEET!

Great update Geni! As always! *hugs*.......okay, I had too much green tea.....or as my mom calls it....'moldy' tea....Update soon please! teehee......and what happened to Katie's cheezits? lol
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