Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
That video was hilarious. And when that part with the people in the bus came on, it reminded me of the Hummerhome.
Coffee? I want coffee. Who has coffee? :lol:
Thinking About Yesterday
Breakfast room...Place
Horatio: *sits down at table* So, how are we all this morning?
Delko: *sleeping on tablecloth*
Anni: *holding head*
Calleigh: *drinking water*
Speed: *rubs eyes*
Carly: *eating bread*
Horatio: I see. Where's Missy and JC?
Katie: They're up in the room asleep. We couldn't wake them.
Horatio: So, I take it you all had fun last night.
Speed: If we could remember, we could tell you.
Katie: Well..I think we-
Speed: Yeah.
Katie: Okay.
Horatio: Well then, who wants breakfast? *puts giant tray of food on table*
Everyone: *stares at food*
Carly: I think I'm going to hurl.
Anni: *falls off chair*
Delko: *lifts head* I smell pancakes.
Calleigh: *holding mouth*
Horatio: What? It's just hot pancakes with berry syrup, and a fruit platter with grapes, kiwis, mangos, and a nice side of orange juice.
Calleigh: *runs away*
Carly: *bangs head on table*
Speed: So this is your way of punshing us.
Horatio: Oh I'm not finished yet.
Speed: Great.
Katie: ...Are you sure we-
Speed: Yeah.
Katie: Okay.
Delko: *eating pancakes*
Speed: How are you eating that?
Delko: Um, I'm hungry and it's breakfast time. *stuffs pancakes into mouth*
Carly: Oh ew.
Horatio: Whipped cream and chocolate sauce anyone?
Anni: *crawls away*
Katie: I think I'm going to puke.
Speed: *grabs garbage can*
Katie: Thank you.
Speed: No problem.
Katie: ...Did we reall-
Speed: Yeah.
Katie: Alright. In the dining r-
Speed: *clears throat* Yeah.
Katie: Okay.
Horatio: Enjoy breakfast.
Delko: Man you think of the best breakfasts Horatio. We should do this every day. *stuffs face*
Carly: We don't actually have to...Eat this do we?
Horatio: If you don't, things will get worse believe me.
Carly: *grabs fork*...Uh...All of it?
Horatio: All of it.
Speed: I think we get it H. Making us puke our guts out isn't going to prove anything.
Horatio: It will make you think twice before you decide to do this again.
Speed: Is this because we made you into a woman?
Horatio: No this is because you all got drunk and screwed around.
Katie: Which reminds me...D-
Speed: Yes, Katie.
Katie: Okay, just making sure.
Carly: Since I'm going to hurl anyway, can I go?
Horatio: No.
Carly: Ah man.
Katie: Seriously?
Speed: Stop asking.
Katie: Fine.
Delko: Best breakfast ever.
Horatio: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now, everyone get dressed. Apparently the janitor found a dead body on the roof this morning.
Delko: We're going to process?
Horatio: No. We're on vacation. We're going to leave before we get called to process it.
Delko: ...Oh come on.
Horatio: We have to head back to the Hummercraft and go to Germany.
Delko: But I love it here.
Horatio: Let's go.
Carly: I don't think I can walk.
Anni: *laying on floor* I will never ever drink again.
Horatio: Take a few minutes to aclamate yourselves. *walks away*
Katie: ...In the Dining r-
Speed: *frowns*
Katie: Okay, I get it.