CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww poor guys they're bored. That was a really great update geni!! (As always)
I'm so happy to come soon *dance* :p :)
Anyway update soon please I can't wait anymore :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

speed_cochrane said:

Well, I ask that anyone who wants to be added read at least half of one of the threads. (I have five) That way, you're way more familiar with things, and when you respond to recent chapters, I get to know your personality so I don't completely butcher how you would do things. That way you can get to know everyone else and it's a pleasant experience.

if i would be there, it would be disaster! :lol: or maybe.. that is exactly what they need! :devil:
well... maybe you could think about it Geni

i would appreciate that ...
but i know how hard it is.. i don't wanna bother you,because you already have 2 people,so if you can't i will understand!

ahh well... amm.. nevermind, update soon, you are doing great job! :D

*gosh,finally i sad that
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'll think about it today, and then I'll get back to you. Really, there's no harm in asking right? ;)

Stay tuned...
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Jess, you'll be added shortly along with carole. I'll think of an interesting storyline to add you both in.
I'm not going to be some crazy, wierdo chick that sells bibles for a living am I? lol jk jk Geni, you're very creative, and I know you'll think of something good :) you always do. WOOT Carole et moi, Nous avons parlez français!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Waow ilovegrissom1 you speak french this is cool :) and you have a good french by the way ;)

update update update please :p :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Maybe Jess can be some sort of translator in France. Ah yes, she will be a translator in France who's crazy and weird and she sells Bibles. :p

LtKitty I've thought about it, and I think it would be great if you were to join the Road Trip. :) - I'll add you sometime in this thread. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hahahaha I'm not that good at French, I'm going into AP, but I'm really really scared lol I'm not that good at French. This is my fifth year of French.....and I still can't remember most of the stuff I learned in French 1 lol.

J'habite aux Etas Unis, mais je parle françias! Je vous adorez Geni!

Hahahaha I just thought of something. If me and Carole speake French, it would make for good comedy, haha. Just think, I say something in french to Carole, and she understands me, and then the rest of you guys are like o_O? hahahaha we could talk about you guys and you wouldn't even know it! teehee
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

speed_cochrane said:

LtKitty I've thought about it, and I think it would be great if you were to join the Road Trip. :) - I'll add you sometime in this thread. :D

Great news! thank you i really apreciate it!
take your time and don't rush, i am patient! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh yes, that would be funny. Except I would need to directly translate it so that the meanings in English are understood. (The board language is English)

Mais, peut-être un peu de Français ne blesserait pas l'histoire. ;) (Maybe a little french wouldn't hurt the story ) So I'll think about that.

I promise I will update soon, I just need to set aside some time first. :)

-You're welcome LtKitty :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Geni if you need help about translate some french you can ask me ;) it would be a pleasure to help you :)

ilovegrissom your french is just fine you make some little tiny spelling mistake bu I understood you and that the good thing ;). (I make some spelling mistake too but I think you understand me so it's not a big deal :) )
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Yeah, I guess as long as people understand me then it's fine. Oh, and call me Jess or Lulu lol Lulu is my French name, but I LOVE Adelle, and I know that's french, anyway, the RT.....*ahem* back OT, I can't wait until the next update!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks carole. I would appreciate that.

Hey that reminds me...My name's french. :lol: It's too bad no one can spell Geneviève.

Now, to get back onto the trip...


Guy's room

Speed: *walks in* Shh Eric.

Delko: What?

Speed: He's still asleep.

Delko: We've only been gone like ten minutes.

Speed: Yeah but if we don't wake him, we can have some fun.

Delko: What do yo mean?

Speed: *pulls out a Sharpie*

Delko: *smiles* Oh no way. You are not going to color on Horatio's face with a marker.

Speed: Oh lighten up. It'll be fun.

Delko: Where's Tim Speedle and what did you do with the body?

Speed: Watch and learn my dear Watson.

Delko: No problem Sherlock.

5 minutes later

Delko: Ah the unibrow is very effective.

Speed: You know what he needs?

Delko: I'm afraid to ask.

Speed: Makeup.

Delko: Are you drunk?

Speed: I wish. Go upstairs and ask the girls for some makeup.

Delko: Uh yeah right. They're going to question my sanity and my sexual preference.

Speed: You don't suppose they have any dresses up there do you?

Delko: ...Are you okay?

Speed: Eric, you're young and you're...Semi-single. Live on the wild side for once.

Delko: Dude, Africa affects your head.

Speed: Go get the makeup.

Delko: What are you going to do, undress him? Do you realize how wrong that will look if he wakes up?

Speed: Just do it.

Delko: Fine. *leaves*

Speed: *places hands on hips* Horatio Caine, prepare to be beautiful.

Girl's room

Delko: *knocks on door*

Katie: *opens door* What are you doing here?

Delko: Do you have makeup and a dress I can borrow?

Katie: ....How much did you drink and how much money do you owe my husband?

Delko: No, it's for Horatio. We're beautifying.

Katie: *laughs*

Delko: I'm serious.

Katie: Come on in.

Delko: Hey girls.


Delko: ...Uh...Okay.

Calleigh: What did you need Eric?

Delko: Well Speed and I got bored so we're going to give Horatio a makeover as he sleeps. I need makeup and a dress.

Calleigh: Are you serious?

Delko: It was Speed's idea.

Katie: NO WAY!

Delko: What?

Katie: MY GOD IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! A prank. Now THAT is hot.

Delko: *lifts brow*

Katie: *opens suitcase* Take what you need.

Delko: Oh cool, you have an eyelash curler?

Katie: And a hair curler.

Delko: ...Horatio Caine as Conan O'Brien, I don't know.

Katie: Man I have to see this.

Calleigh: OH CAN WE HELP?

Delko: Sure, the more the merrier.

Guy's room, half hour later

Calleigh: Now that is a pretty man.

Speed: He looks like a transvestite hooker with a unibrow.

Delko: Hey it was your idea.

Speed: Yeah and man, I love my ideas.

Katie: You are so hot.

Speed: What?

Katie: I...Sneezed.

Speed: Right. *walks away*

Carly: ..You're crazy.

Katie: But lookie. He's not being mature it's AWESOME.

Calleigh: I think we should be proud of our sleeping masterpiece.

Delko: He underwent a sex change in under a half hour.

Speed: And he didn't pay a penny.

Calleig: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Horatio: *sits up* What's all the talking? *yawns*

Delko: *smiles*

Calleigh: *covers mouth*

Carly: *giggles*

Horatio: What? Why are you all in my room?

Speed: *smirks*

Horatio: Why does this feel like a terrible dream?

Speed: Because you're going to wish it was.

Horatio: Why?

Delko: No reason.

Horatio: *looks down* AH! WHY AM I WEARING A PINK FRILLY DRESS! WHY AM I WEARING LEGGINGS! *runs to mirror*

Delko: Oh boy.

Horatio: *screams*

Speed: *starts laughing*

Carly: *falls down laughing*

Everyone starts laughing


Delko: Why are you lookin' at me Ginger? I didn't think this up.



Horatio: Well? WHO'S IDEA WAS IT!

Speed: Uh, that would be me boss.

Horatio: *glares* You.

Speed: ...Or Eric.

Horatio: Timothy you had better have a good reason for this.

Speed: Uh...I'm drunk. Very very drunk, and yet able to keep my balance and speak in complete sentences.

Horatio: *narrows eyes*

Speed: You were asleep! What was I supposed to do!

Horatio: Um...NOT dress me up.

Speed: ...He called me Timothy didn't he?

Calleigh: Uh...We...Left the stove on.

Carly: We have a stove?

Calleigh: Let's run.

Girls run out of the room

Horatio: *walks closer*

Speed: *backs up*

Horatio: YOU.

Speed: Uh...

Horatio: What do you have to say for yourself?

Speed: You know, it's really hard to take you seriously with all that mascara.

Delko: *snorts*

Speed: *hits Delko*

Delko: Ahem, sorry.

Horatio: I am going to make the next twelve hours a living hell for you boys.

Delko: Hey, what did I do?

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahaha oh my god! I can NOT believe that Tim would think of something like that. But I can sooo see Horatio wearing a dress. And Ginger? hahaha hilarious. But you know Conan could play horatio anytime he wants. Great update there Geni. hahaha. Sorry I can't get that image out of my head now. I don't know if I should be grossed out or if i'm going to die from laughter.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG! that was so cool! ahahaah LOL! gosh, i love it! :lol:
Geni , you're miracle! :D
what H is going to do, please update soon! :)
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