CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Talking from experience going to a Holiday Inn does not always mean it is clean. EWWWWW was my experience with one in Texas. You gonna make the Holiday Inn icky?

The moving food was pretty funny. Pumping gas is just nasty for any thing. I hate putting gas in my car. I have to have someone else do it because I am allergic to it. (I get sick to my stomach from being near it) Poor Eric messin up the gas transfer. I wonder how much gas costs in Africa? Gas prices....geeze (sends me into fits)

Good job keep it coming....next the hotel scene? Who shares rooms with who? I guess Horatio gets his own?

Look forward to the next installment
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

it was a really great update geni and the weird food was really great just after my lunch. :p :)
anyway update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I've only been in a few Holiday Inns, and they've all been pretty tip-top, so I think I'll go with that theme for now. ;)

I'm glad you're looking forward to the next chapters!

Thanks for the feedback. :)

In My Thoughts, In My Dreams

Holiday Inn, Dining room area..Place

Horatio: Okay people, I have our room keys. I've got all the women in one room, and all the men in the other room.

Delko: ...Why?

Calleigh: Yeah that's not fair.

Horatio: It's the rules, just like in the Hummerhome. I want you all to be on your best behavior.

Speed: I'm not sharing a room with Eric.

Horatio: You'll also be sharing a room with me, so don't worry about it.

Speed: Fine, but Eric gets the cot.

Delko: What? No you get the cot.

Speed: You're the level one, so you get the cot.

Delko: Hey I can't be a newbie forever.

Speed: Yes you can.

Delko: No I can't.

Speed: Yes you can.

Horatio: Enough. Speed, you get the cot.

Speed: What? That's not fair.

Horatio: You can't always get what you want.

Delko: *sticks tongue out*

Speed: *hits Delko*

Delko: OW. Horatio he hit me.

Horatio: *slaps Speed in the back of the head*

Speed: OW! Geez, H I didn't hit him that hard.

Horatio: Smarten up.

Calleigh: Oooh this will be great. It'll be like girl time.

Missy: Oh oh and we can order from room service!

JC: YAY! *twirls around* Whoa, I went too fast.

Katie: Can we order movies?


Katie: Uh...I meant real movies.


Katie: ..No.

Carly: As long as we don't dust the entire room again it'll be great.

Calleigh: Okay so we have the suite which means there are four beds. Two in one room, and two in the other room.

JC: But there's six of us.

Calleigh: Who wants the cots?

Katie: No way, I call a bed. And I call a room with CARLY!

Carly: YAY! *hugs Katie*

Katie: Teehee.

Calleigh: Okay so it looks like Missy and JC are with me.

JC: Excellent.


JC: Why?

Missy: It's comfy. I like how they're so small and so cute.

JC: Great, I get a big bed all to myself.

Horatio: Alright people, get to your rooms. The guys and I are on the 20th floor, and you girls are on the 22nd floor.

Calleigh: Why so far away?

Horatio: That's the only available rooms they had.

Girl's rooms

Carly: *opens adjoining door* Oh cool it's like one big room if we open the doors.

Calleigh: *puts on housecoat* I feel like a queen.

Katie: MINI BAR!

Carly: Oh oh can we have some alchohol?

Calleigh: Let's wait until later. We still need to eat dinner.

Missy: *jumps on cot* MAN I LOVE THESE!

JC: *flops on bed* Ah my own bed for me, myself and I.

Katie: There's an X-box in the other room.

Carly: I CALL IT! *runs*

Katie: OH NO YOU DON'T! *grabs Carly*

Carly: Hey now that's abuse!

Katie: Pfft. Suck it up.

Calleigh: Alright since I'm the leader of the two rooms, I say we order a movie while someone calls for room service.

Carly: I'll order the movie.

JC: I'll call room service.

Calleigh: *smiles* Great.

Carly: *grabs remote* Okay there are new releases, romance, action, thriller, drama, comedy, foreign, porn, and international.

Katie: What's the difference between foreign and international?

Carly: No idea.

Anni: I can't believe I get a cot in the other room.

Katie: Yeah but you're with me and Carly so it'll be fun.

Carly: So there's MI:3, Over The Hedge, Akeelah And The Bee, The Waking Life....

Katie: They're all terrible.

Carly: Yeah unless you want to watch porn.

Anni: *lifts hand*

Carly: I don't think so. Can you imagine H's face when he sees the bill?

Anni: Oh yes.

Carly: Let's pick a real movie.


Carly: WHERE!


Carly: THAT'S RIGHT! We are SOOOOOOO watching this.

Calleigh: Pick something else. It's rated R.

Carly: Ah man.

Katie: Nuts to that.

Anni: Pick a cute movie.

Katie: Yeah come on Carly pick something good.

Carly: OH OH! Can we watch a horror movie?

Calleigh: As long as you guys don't complain about nightmares.

Carly: SAW 2!

Katie: EW! EW!

Carly: The Exorcist?

Katie: Uh yeah right.

Carly: ...Well that's pretty much all there is.

Anni: A Walk To Remember?

Everyone starts laughing

Anni: What? It's a good movie.

Katie: *laughing* MAN I LOVE THAT MOVIE!

Calleigh: *snif* It's such a sad story.

Carly: That poor girl has cancer and her boyfriend's the rebel and his father doesn't love him and AHHHHHHH! *starts to cry* ....We are SOOO watching this.

JC: Alright what do you guys want from room service?

Katie: CAKE!

JC: I meant food-wise.

Katie: Get me a burger.

Carly: Chicken wings.

Missy: A salad.

Calleigh: Water.

JC: ...Each or all together?

Calleigh: Get three orders of all of that.

JC: No problem.

Katie: Man I LOVE Africa.

Carly: That's the spirit.

Guys' room

Horatio: *sitting in chair* ...

Delko: *looking at ceiling*

Speed: *swinging legs*

Delko: Alright this is stupid. We're guys and we can't find anything fun to do in a hotel room? The girls are probably doing all sorts of fun things.

Speed: When you turn into a woman, you can go join them.

Horatio: Is anyone hungry?

Delko: Not really.

Speed: No.

Horatio: Hey is that a picture of a cheetah?

Delko: No it's a leopard.

Speed: No it's a panther.

Horatio: *sigh* Is there anything on tv?

Delko: The remote's broken.

Horatio: Great.

Delko: *opens drawer* Oh a Bible. Man they give you free books too? *opens Bible*

Speed: Eric, they're supposed to put that in there.

Delko: New Testament. New Testament for what? What was wrong with the Old Testament?

Horatio: Maybe it was too old.

Speed: Yeah people don't want to be already depressed in a smelly hotel, only to find a book that's telling them their going to hell anyway.

Delko: Who are all these people? And who said John was a Babtist?

Speed: What?

Delko: Well you're the Catholic, you tell me.

Speed: So are you.

Delko: Yeah but I never read the Bible.

Speed: Maybe you should.

Delko: Why Jesus boy, does it have anything I could use?

Speed: How about a hard surface to hit your head on when you feel a stupid thought coming on.

Delko: HA. HA. Very funny.

Horatio: Guys...Be civil.

Delko: Can't we go visit the girls?

Horatio: No.

Delko: Why not?

Horatio: Because nothing good can come from that.

Delko: Yeah but we'd be less bored.

Horatio: Exactly and troubles will ensue.

Speed: Not even me?

Horatio: No.

Speed: But I'm responsible.

Horatio: You are not.

Speed: ...Wow way to ruin my confidence.

Horatio: Both of you are staying here.

Speed: But I'm married, shouldn't I be with my wife?

Delko: I hate to be all Bill Clinton but define 'be with'.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Horatio: Okay, let's just try and get the remote to work before we all go crazy.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

wiii on the road again! singing* Drive, Drive, Drive your hummer gently down the road, if you see a Wubba Monster don't forget to scream AAAA!! :lol:

oh my gosh, that is so cool Geni ! :D
girls in one room, boys in another.. cool! (don't ask me why it is so cool, because i don't know :lol: ) it is 1:48am here but i feel so bouncy bouncy! :D

Update soon! update soon!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

hahahaha I love how the guys argued over the species of the picture lol Oh GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FU-UN YEAH GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN! *sings* hahaha update soon Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

^ :lol:

And that reminds me, Jess you're going to be added. :D (Along with carole soon)

LtKitty you crack me up. You are the absolute life of the party in this thread. ;)

Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-Un! :p

Girls' room

Everyone: *tilts head*

Calleigh: ...Does that guy kind of remind you of Stetler?

Katie: *eats popcorn* Spitting image.

Carly: He seems nicer though.

Anni: Aw look at how he's hugging Landon. So cute.

Katie: Aw and Landon's crying. SAVE HIS GIRLFRIEND STETLER!

Calleigh: I like this movie.

Carly: *crying*

Katie: Are you okay?

Carly: She has cancer and SHE'S GOING TO DIE!

Missy: Ah, way to ruin the movie.

JC: We've seen this before.

Missy: Well maybe some of us haven't.

Knock on the door is heard

Calleigh: ...Landon?

Katie: Stetler?

JC: Oh I'll get it. *runs to door, opens it* Oh hey boys.

Delko: Horatio is KILLING us with boredom.

Speed: Please tell me you'll let us in.

JC: Gee, I don't know...I don't think you're allowed. And besides where's Horatio?

Speed: He's having a nap. Apparently being 50 messes with your biological clock.

Delko: Yeah Speed, you're halfway there.

Speed: Shut up.

JC: You're not allowed in. *closes door*

Knock on door

JC: *opens door* Oh, you again. What do you want?

Delko: Come on let us in we're BORED.

JC: Good for you. We're watching a chick flick.

Delko/Speed: ...We're gone.

JC: Thank you. *closes door*

Calleigh: Who was that?

JC: The guys. They're bored.

Calleigh: And you didn't let them in?

JC: I thought I wasn't supposed to.

Calleigh: You weren't..

Katie: Ah man.

Carly: What?

Katie: Landon's reading her that love book thing that she got from her mother. I always cry at this part.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-Un!

AY! You used my quote! lol

And that reminds me, Jess you're going to be added. (Along with carole soon)


Hahaha poor guys, and Awww Katie's gonna cry!!!! I'm here for you Katie! *hugs Katie**gives Katie cheezits*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

speed_cochrane said:

LtKitty you crack me up. You are the absolute life of the party in this thread. ;)

Awww, Thank you, you make me blush *gives a shy look* :D

Speed: He's having a nap. Apparently being 50 messes with your biological clock.

OMG! LOL! you are nuts, i can't laugh in middle of night! :lol: wait it is morning...ok whatever :p ...
but ^THat was something! LOL :lol: i can't breathe ahhahaha :lol:

You rock Geni! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha! Geni you know me like a book! I swear! I pass on the exorcist and Saw movies all the time! lol. And That part in A Walk To Remember ALWAYS! Makes me cry! lol. And hmm...let's see...Anni and the whole porn thing was HILARIOUS! And were staying in Africa...so far its not so bad. And another refernce to my axe man dream. Your not helping me here! lol. But no seriously those were some great updates, but there always great so...yeah. lol. Update soon please! But that one part where Carly said "Landon" and I was like "Stetler?" cracked me up!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

JC: Why?
Missy: It's comfy. I like how they're so small and so cute.
I'd so do that too!

Delko: Can't we go visit the girls?
Hell yes you can! TeeHee, sorry, I got carried away. Noticed we didn't let them join though! :D :D Smart move, things tend to get... carried away! :D

Sorry, going through a page of updates!
Speed: He's having a nap. Apparently being 50 messes with your biological clock.
be nice to the H-Man! Hey, good job Geni, made my 12 hour work day feel much better. Now I need a drink and sleep so I can get up for work tomorrow. I wanna go to Germany! After africa, onwards to Germany and then we pick up Carole and Jess! That'll be so awesome! Oh, Hi rebecca!

Delko/Speed: ...We're gone.
What is it with guys and chick flicks? god! Poor guys, bored in Africa...sucky.

Hey, I was on IMDB, because you said that the one guy on 'walk to remember' looked like Stetler, so I checked to see if it was him (you all knew it was) and I found out he also guest stared on CSI as Cody Lewis, the 'Blue Paint Murderer' (but you probably knew that too!) 'Cause you're all so smart, and I'm so not! :d :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Pfft, Missy you're very smart.

I actually remember watching 'A Walk To Remember' in religion class, and a bunch of my friends and I screamed "STELTER!" when he appeared on the screen. :lol: Ah, the good old days when my friends accepted my obsession as normal only to find out it consumed my life, and my soul. :p

Erm, that was slightly off-topic, I apologize. *hangs head in shame*

Jess, you'll be added shortly along with carole. I'll think of an interesting storyline to add you both in. And, it's not like I can keep the boys and girls locked away from each other forever, so we'll see what happens. ;)

More chapters will be added soon. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

This is just too funny. Makes me laugh and gets me away from my boring homework. Thanks for the hello CSI in Training. I understand Horatio having to take a nap. If I was cooped up with these people and all I would be exausted too. Taking a nap right along with Horatio (Just sleeping people, nothin' else okay).

Keep em' coming please.

How does one get added to the story. I would be willing to play elder charactor cuz well I am not so young anymore. Maybe I can help Horatio keep those people in line. LMAO.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA, awww, I love that movie *sniff* but when I first watched it with one of my friends, when David Lee Smith came on, I just looked up and said "Stetler? Whats he doing there?" :lol:
and dang, we didn't get to watch B&W...teehee! I love that movie :D

and it's true, girls do have more fu-un...I mean, those boys are boring :rolleyes: but I'm a little worried that we're still in Africa *shudders* nothing good can come out of that...except that hilarious chapter :lol:

(woah, I just realised how much I can't spell when I type, I just spelt chapter 'cahpetr' :lol: crazy keyboard)

anyways, please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Rebecca_V said
How does one get added to the story.

Well, I ask that anyone who wants to be added read at least half of one of the threads. (I have five) That way, you're way more familiar with things, and when you respond to recent chapters, I get to know your personality so I don't completely butcher how you would do things. That way you can get to know everyone else and it's a pleasant experience. :)

I have no qualms with adding anyone else, but I'd like to wait a bit before I add another character. (I'm adding two more very soon)

Carly, are you sure it's just the keyboard? :lol:

More chapters to come today...
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