CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww, poor me :( That must have been hard for me...woah, this is weird, talking about myself in the first person when it's not really me...now I know what Katie must feel like :lol:
but yay! I got to smirk...hehe I love smirking :D

and Speed and Delko crack me up :lol: I miss the banter...FREAKIN' ANN DONAHUE!

*cough* I mean, please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwwww Poor Carly, that is a very creative backstory though Geni, I love it! Keep em comin!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Why thank you. :)

And aw, poor Carly. We can only predict that troubles will ensue. Perhaps you'll grow closer to Speed as opposed to Eric. But who knows, it's always up for grabs. :D

And So It Begins

Hummercraft, 3 pm

Horatio: Alright Eric, fly this thing.

Delko: *puts on headseat* You got it H.

Horatio: Now which direction is Germany?

Delko: ...To the left. Well, unless of course you're looking at a map. Then it would be to the right. Okay now I'm confused.

Horatio: GPS?

Delko: GPS.

Hummercraft flies into the air

Calleigh: *sits beside Carly* So what were you and Eric doing in there?

Carly: Talking.

Calleigh: About what?

Carly: Stuff.

Calleigh: Well the rest of us are concerned about you.

Carly: Why?

Calleigh: You seemed kind of upset earlier, and you never get upset.

Carly: I know. But uh...I don't really feel comfortable talking about it right now so...

Calleigh: *smiles* Alright. I'll be sitting over there. *gets up*

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: *few seats behind* Is she mad at me for before?

Katie: Who Carly?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Nah, I'm sure she's not mad at you or anyone. I've never seen her mad.

Speed: Well she sure told me off before.

Katie: She didn't tell you off. Stop being paranoid.

Speed: Well now I feel bad.

Katie: Okay first of all, you never feel bad because you don't have a soul. Secondly, the first time you guys met, you made her mad so I wouldn't be too concerned.

Speed: ....I do so have a soul.

Katie: Tim, she's not mad at you.

Speed: I'm going to go see if she is.

Katie: What do you care anyway?

Speed: She's hot.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow. I was kidding.

Katie: You had better be kidding.

Speed: *gets up, walks away*

Katie: What a ...Froo froo.

Carly's seat

Carly: *looks up* Hey.

Speed: *sits down* Hey.

Carly: Did you come here to get my life story out of me too?

Speed: No.

Carly: Really, well you're the first one today.

Speed: Um...Katie thinks you're mad at me.

Carly: She does?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Well tell her I'm not mad at you.

Speed: Good, I'll do that.

Carly: ...I'm sorry.

Speed: For what?

Carly: ...I know Valdez. I let him in the lab, and I let him take the drugs. If it wasn't for me, none of that would have happened.

Speed: ...You let him in the lab.

Carly: It was stupid.

Speed: How do you know him?

Carly: It's a long story.

Speed: ...You're the one he was talking about.

Carly: What do you mean?

Speed: I went to see him in prison and he said that someone taught him all these things. How to get in the lab. I guess he was talking about you.

Carly: I shouldn't have let him in the lab.

Speed: Don't worry about it. Not...That many people got hurt.

Carly: Ugh, see this is what I was talking about before. I keep getting people hurt.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Carly: Nevermind. The point is, I did more damage.

Speed: You told Eric.

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: But you won't tell me.

Carly: You're like the biggest blabber mouth in the entire...This thing whatever it's called.

Speed: Uh, actually Eric has blabbed more than I have.

Carly: Well it doesn't matter.

Speed: Look, I know that when we first met we didn't exactly see eye-to-eye so you probably don't trust me with anything, but if I can help then please tell me.

Carly: *looks at Speed*

Front of Hummercraft

Delko: What are you doing?

Horatio: I'm drinking a coffee.

Delko: Not in my cockpit you're not.

Horatio: Fine.

Delko: And don't touch that button.

Horatio: I wasn't going to.

Delko: You were going to put your coffee on it.

Horatio: I was not.

Delko: I could see you reaching for it.

Horatio: I was stretching my arm.

Delko: With a coffee in one hand? I don't think so mister Horatio Caine.

Horatio: HEY. It's Lieutenant.

Delko: Whatever.

Horatio: And besides, my arm needed to stretch.

Delko: Well stretch it away from the big red buttons.

Horatio: Why, what's wrong with the big red buttons?

Delko: Haven't you ever seen a cartoon? The big red buttons always mean that's the self-destruct.

Horatio: How would you even know that's what this button is for?

Delko: I have a hunch.

Horatio: It's wrong.

Delko: How would you know?

Horatio: I built this Hummercraft with my own money.

Delko: Yeah right. Speed has more money than you.

Horatio: How do you know?

Delko: He lives in a mansion.

Horatio: *narrows eyes* He makes very good wages.

Delko: Why are we talking about him?

Horatio: You brought him up.

Delko: But you kept going on about it.

Horatio: Yeah because you kept going on about it.

Delko: I did not.

Horatio: You did too.

Delko: I did not.

Horatio: You did too you big liar.

Delko: Hey if anyone's a liar, it's you.

Horatio: I haven't lied.

Delko: Everybody lies.

Horatio: Yeah okay Dr.Phil.

Delko: Hey I'm not Dr.Phil.

Horatio: Yeah he has more integrity.

Delko: At least I'm not latched onto Oprah for dear life.

Horatio: HEY. JC is not Oprah.

Delko: ...I wasn't talking about JC. *smiles* Oooh what about her?

Horatio: Nevermind.

Delko: You brought it up.

Horatio: That's because I thought that's who we were talking about.

Delko: Well we weren't.

Carly's seat

Carly: So that's what happened.

Speed: ...*nods* I can see why you don't tell very many people.

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Carly: I'm just tired of hurting the people around me.

Speed: You know, I said that once too.

Carly: Really?

Speed: Yeah. And it's hard to forget something that caused so much pain, but life goes on and we have to deal with it.

Carly: *nods*

Speed: *wraps arm around Carly* It's going to be okay.

Carly: *smirks* I know.

Speed: So I'm guessing this means you're not mad at me.

Carly: *laughs* No, I'm not mad.

Speed: Good because I'd hate to have one of the best CSIs I'd ever known be mad at me.

Carly: Yeah, funny.

Speed: Would this face lie?

Carly: *smiles* Yeah it would.

Speed: *smirks* Well I'm not lying. *stands*

Carly: Good.

Speed: *walks away*

Carly: *nods*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: Would this face lie?

Carly: *smiles* Yeah it would.

Speed: *smirks* Well I'm not lying. *stands*

Teehee awww "Would this face lie?" so cute! lol. But aww Carly opened up to Speedy boy how cute. And Speed's a liar Mc Liarson! I said she wasn't mad. Twist my words around why don't you lol. And that whole Dr. Phil, Oprah, destruct button conversation was hilarious! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

this was a great update I loved the part between H and eric. It's like they switch personality H became a 3 years old boy :p
Delko: But you kept going on about it.

Horatio: Yeah because you kept going on about it.

Delko: I did not.

Horatio: You did too.

Delko: I did not.

Horatio: You did too you big liar.

Delko: Hey if anyone's a liar, it's you.

Horatio: I haven't lied.

Delko: Everybody lies.

Horatio: Yeah okay Dr.Phil.

Delko: Hey I'm not Dr.Phil.

Horatio: Yeah he has more integrity.

update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Yes, they do seem to switch roles quite often. Maybe I'm just experimenting with the characters. *sigh* I really have no idea what I'm doing, but if I've had five threads I must being doing something right. ;)

Follow Me


Katie: Okay I'm bored and I hate plane rides.

Speed: No.

Katie: What? I was just making an observation.

Speed: Saying 'I'm bored' is not an observation.

Katie: So what did Carly say?

Speed: It's none of your business.

Katie: ...Geez don't get all offended on me here.

Speed: I'm not getting all offended. I'm just not allowed to say.

Katie: You know, if you took that attitude with all the women you sleep with, our relationship would be a well-oiled machine.

Speed: I'd rather keep this secret.

Katie: Why, did she kill anyone?

Speed: I'm not at liberty to say.


Speed: Oh God.

Carly: *turns around* Yeah?

Katie: Speed said you killed someone.

Speed: What? No I didn't Carly, I didn't. She's making it up.

Carly: I believe you. *sits back down*

Katie: ...Okay that's not fair.

Speed: Maybe that's because that's not what happened.

Katie: Oh so what happened?

Speed: I'm not telling you.

Katie: What if I torture you for information?

Speed: There is nothing you could do that would make me give up the information, and besides it's none of your concern anyway so leave it alone.

Katie: Gee I love it when you talk dirty. *rolls eyes*

Speed: Yeah that's funny.

Katie: Which reminds m-

Speed: No.

Katie: ...Come on.

Speed: No.

Katie: But I-

Speed: No.

Katie: B-

Speed: No.

Katie: But it-

Speed: No.

Katie: And-

Speed: No.

Katie: If-

Speed: No.

Katie: Just b-

Speed: No.

Katie: Can y-

Speed: No.


Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: Stop interrupting me. That's very rude.

Speed: Bite me.

Katie: Heck, okay.

Speed: I didn't mean literally.

Katie: Ah man.

Speed: Do planes affect you or something?

Katie: Well I don't know. I did kiss you on one.

Speed: Yeah but you were all excited because of that stupid show and it was cute.

Katie: Are you saying I'm not cute?

Speed: No. When you were excited about that show before we were together, that was cute. Now you're hot.

Katie: Okay I know that's probably flattering and besides the fact that my heart is going a babillion miles an hour now, but...Why am I hot?

Speed: *shrugs*

Katie: Nice answer.

Speed: Thank you. I worked on it for a whole half a second.

Katie: Yeah good job.

Speed: And why is your heart going a babillion miles an hour?

Katie: Maybe I'm just happy to see you.

Speed: Come on, stop fooling around.

Katie: I don't know why. It just started doing that all of a sudden.

Speed: You know, that's probably not a good thing.

Katie: Yeah well it's not like I'm going to have a heart attack. I'm younger than you.

Speed: So?

Katie: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay younger than you.

Speed: ...*frowns* Good to know.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.


Horatio: Eric I think you went in the wrong direction.

Delko: What do you mean?

Horatio: That's Africa.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*Screams and runs and hides under computer desk* Not Africa! Keep Speed man away from me! Teehee. No offense to like myself...but when I blurted out that Carly killed someone I called myself...yeah well...i won't say lol. But awww teehee Speed said I was hot. lol. And my heart/chest keeps doing weird things hmm...I don't wanna die! lol. But teehee Africa now I can't stop laughing! Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: :devil:

You Should Know...


Katie: *stands* DID I JUST HEAR AFRICA!

Horatio: ....No.

Katie: *screams*

Speed: *stands* Katie, calm down.


Speed: ...I didn't molest you.


Speed: Can you stop yelling?


Speed: I'm not going to attack you.

Katie: *screaming*

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: *runs to back room, slams door*

Speed: Eric drive the plane to the right continent!

Delko: Sorry, my bad.

Horatio: We're going to need to fuel up here anyway.

Speed: *walks to door* Katie, come out of there.

Katie: No.

Speed: So you're just going to sit in there forever?

Katie: Yes.

Speed: And then you'll automatically be fine once we get out of Africa.

Katie: Yes.

Speed: This is crazy.


Speed: ....Are you okay?

Katie: No.

Speed: I thought you said you didn't remember anything.

Katie: Uh I CAN GUESS.

Speed: Katie, no one's going to hurt you.

Katie: *bangs head on the door*

Speed: Did you just bang your head on the door?

Katie: ...No.

Speed: Yes you did.

Katie: You did.

Speed: Stop acting like a two year old and get out here.

Katie: *opens door* You're not going to rape me?

Speed: Believe me, if we have anything going on it's definitely consentual.

Katie: ....Yeah okay that's true.

Horatio: Are you guys done freaking out back there?

Katie: Maybe.

Horatio: Okay Eric set her down.

Katie: WHOA no one said anything about landing the plane.

Horatio: How else do you expect us to get fuel?

Katie: *hyperventilating*

Speed: Sit down. *grabs Katie*

Katie: *sits*

Speed: Are you alright?

Katie: I don't know.

Speed: What do you mean you don't know?


Speed: Stop panicking and take deep breaths.

Katie: I AM!


(It's short because it's too hot in my room. Which is why I thought of Africa)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie: The crazie's aren't crazy! Mooooo!

Haha oh man I laughed so hard I think i busted a rib!

Speed: Believe me, if we have anything going on it's definitely consentual.

Katie: ....Yeah okay that's true.

Haha that cracked me up. And Attacker man? Why did I think of Axe man when I read that? lol. Aww sorry that its hot in your room. lol. Update soon please! hahaha moooo. haha.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: Yeah right he's like velcro. Only his name's Delko.
I will gladly take him off your hands ;) *wink wink*
Oh Carly!! *hus* that is so remarkably sad, and so very very heart wrenching. Oh. *hugs again* Geni, you are an amazing story teller. G' job.
We're going back to Africa? That can't be good! turn the plane around, turn the plane AROUND!!! I loved the role reverseal of Horatio and Delko, 'Delko: Not in my cockpit you're not.' or 'Delko: With a coffee in one hand? I don't think so mister Horatio Caine.
Horatio: HEY. It's Lieutenant.' All in all it was very good.

Delko: *sigh* Your eyes are more beautiful than the stars.
Speed: Okay first of all, that sounded like a garborator, and secondly I really hope you didn't say that to me.
Delko: I was talking to Missy.
Missy: THAT'S RIGHT! And aww, my eyes are beautiful.
Delko: *smiles*

That could be the beginings of a very beautiful shipper!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

This is one of the most entertaining threads I have read. Its pretty funny. Could someone please tell me the rules? How does one participate? Can anyone play?
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Welcome to the Road Trip thread Rebecca_V! :)

Actually, it's a story in 'script form' that I write by myself, and then post the chapters here. It may seem like a roleplay, (It's often mistaken for a roleplay) but it's just myself writing the story. ;) I have however added some members of TalkCSI who have requested to be placed in the story as characters.

They do not write chapters, nor do they post any for me. - They are always welcome to give suggestions for plotlines, and anyone is welcome to be added or 'join' the story. (I'll ask that anyone who asks to be part of the story, read a fair amount of it first so it's clear what the story is about, and that you are familiar with the format, and such.)

I'm very glad that you are finding the story entertaining, and I thank you very much for your comments. You are always welcome to stick around to read, and review as your thoughts would be very much appreciated.

I'll also ask that if anyone wishes to quote snippets from the story, please use the 'quote' code instead of 'copying and pasting' the selected parts. (Its' just getting slightly confusing reading through your posts, so it would be nice if you could 'quote' the chapter snippets.) Thanks. :D :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great updates Geni can't wait for more, I hope you don't write too many tomorrow or saturday or sunday cause then I will have to get out the superglue so no one can make me leave the computer cause I won't be around till sometime dunday to read anymore...*sigh* as my world crumbles around me cause I can't read my Fav thread.....Ahhwell if you update lots I will still be happy lol. Anyway can't wait for more lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OH MY GOSH! I LET VALDEZ INTO THE LAB?! :eek: ok, now that I've gotten that off my chest, Awwwww, poor me, I feel so sorry for myself...haha, that sounded weird :lol: and awww *hugs Missy back*

and OH MY GOSH AGAIN! AFRICA?! not Africa! nothing good ever happens there...I wonder what will happen this time ;)

and yay! Speed called me hot. TEEHEE I win! *giggles*

please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Carly you crack me up.

And no worries Jaci, the story will still be here when you get back. ;)

All These Shades Of Orange

Africa, fueling station

Speed: See? Nothing to be scared of here.

Katie: I swear to GOD if you touch me I'll rip off your hand.

Speed: Uh...Okay.

Carly: Wow it sure is hot out here. *sits on tarmac*

Calleigh: *sigh* I loved it in Africa last time. Everything was so beautiful and so alive, and so..Africa.

Katie: As much as I don't share her enthusiasm, I'd like to get out of here as soon as possible.

Speed: Oh come on it's not like I'm going to chop you up with an axe.

Katie: *blank stare*

Speed: What?

Katie: *frowns* That's not funny.

Speed: It wasn't meant to be funny.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Horatio: *places hands on hips* How's it going over there Eric?

Delko: I'm connecting the hose.

Speed: Eric save your pillow talk for the next girl you meet up with.

Delko: Ha. Ha.

Horatio: Are you sure that's the right hose?

Delko: Yeah I'm pretty sure. It says 'gas' on it.

Horatio: Maybe it's the bathroom hose.

Delko: Yeah not THAT kind of gas Horatio.

Horatio: You never know.

Delko: *pulls levers* It's not...Moving....DIE! *hits lever*

Horatio: Do you need any help?

Delko: No, a straping young gentleman such as myself should be able to pull of even the most menial of tasks.

Horatio: *lifts brow*

Delko: Right?

Horatio: Sure.

Delko: *yanks on lever* Get..OFF YOU STUPID LEVER!

Speed: *pushes Delko out of the way* You might know how to fly one, but I'm the mechanic. *pulls down lever*

Delko: ...Ah. Well...Good show. *claps*

Speed: *connects gas line*

Delko: Or you could just....

Speed: *presses button* There. Now wait ten minutes and there should be enough fuel.

Delko: ...How did you learn how to do that again?

Speed: Just try not to trip over it. *walks away*

Delko: *throws gloves on the ground*

Horatio: Sorry Eric.

Gas station restaurant

Speed: *sits down* Hey.

Carly: Hey.

Missy: You want some coffee?

Speed: I don't drink coffee.

Katie: So how's Sputnik and Grissom doing out there?

Everyone: *stares at Katie*

Katie: ...Grissom was an austronaut.

Speed: And yet the irony is still there.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Oh eat your burger.

Katie: I am.

JC: I think we should stay here overnight. I like it here.

Missy: Yeah we didn't get to have much fun here last time.

Katie: Well at least you guys had SOME fun.

Speed: Get over it.

Katie: You shouldn't have done it.

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: Alright fine, I'm going stop talking about it.

Carly: Is my spaghetti supposed to be moving on it's own?

Katie: Worms are a great source of protein.

Carly: ...Yum.

Anni: *runs over* WHOA okay someone flooded the toilet in the girl's washroom!



JC: Oh heck now THAT'S action.

Anni, JC, Missy, Katie run off to the bathroom

Carly: Do you want to finish this?

Speed: Nah, you ordered it.

Carly: *looks down at plate* But it's moving.

Speed: I guess that's the price you pay for Africa's fine dining.

Carly: I should have ordered the burger.

Women's washroom


Katie: Why are you so loud? People can hear that and the person is probably still here.

Anni: Man someone had an accident. That's hilarious.

Missy: Ew! It smells like a sewer in here.

JC: It's like some kind of horror movie.

Anni: I wonder if it'll come to life when we leave.

Katie: I doubt it.

Speed: *walks in* Are you girls finished in here?

Anni: You're not supposed to be in the girl's washroom.

Speed: Eric tripped on the hose so we won't be leaving until tomorrow. H has booked us in a good hotel.

Katie: It's not one of those hotels where they have to have nets to keep the bugs out is it?

Speed: It's a Holiday Inn.

Katie: Oh, no problem.

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