Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Why thank you.
And aw, poor Carly. We can only predict that troubles will ensue. Perhaps you'll grow closer to
Speed as opposed to Eric. But who knows, it's always up for grabs.
And So It Begins
Hummercraft, 3 pm
Horatio: Alright Eric, fly this thing.
Delko: *puts on headseat* You got it H.
Horatio: Now which direction is Germany?
Delko: ...To the left. Well, unless of course you're looking at a map. Then it would be to the right. Okay now I'm confused.
Horatio: GPS?
Delko: GPS.
Hummercraft flies into the air
Calleigh: *sits beside Carly* So what were you and Eric doing in there?
Carly: Talking.
Calleigh: About what?
Carly: Stuff.
Calleigh: Well the rest of us are concerned about you.
Carly: Why?
Calleigh: You seemed kind of upset earlier, and you never get upset.
Carly: I know. But uh...I don't really feel comfortable talking about it right now so...
Calleigh: *smiles* Alright. I'll be sitting over there. *gets up*
Carly: Yeah.
Speed: *few seats behind* Is she mad at me for before?
Katie: Who Carly?
Speed: Yeah.
Katie: Nah, I'm sure she's not mad at you or anyone. I've never seen her mad.
Speed: Well she sure told me off before.
Katie: She didn't tell you off. Stop being paranoid.
Speed: Well now I feel bad.
Katie: Okay first of all, you never feel bad because you don't have a soul. Secondly, the first time you guys met, you made her mad so I wouldn't be too concerned.
Speed: ....I do so have a soul.
Katie: Tim, she's not mad at you.
Speed: I'm going to go see if she is.
Katie: What do you care anyway?
Speed: She's hot.
Katie: *slaps Speed*
Speed: Ow. I was kidding.
Katie: You had better be kidding.
Speed: *gets up, walks away*
Katie: What a ...Froo froo.
Carly's seat
Carly: *looks up* Hey.
Speed: *sits down* Hey.
Carly: Did you come here to get my life story out of me too?
Speed: No.
Carly: Really, well you're the first one today.
Speed: Um...Katie thinks you're mad at me.
Carly: She does?
Speed: Yeah.
Carly: Well tell her I'm not mad at you.
Speed: Good, I'll do that.
Carly: ...I'm sorry.
Speed: For what?
Carly: ...I know Valdez. I let him in the lab, and I let him take the drugs. If it wasn't for me, none of that would have happened.
Speed: ...You let him in the lab.
Carly: It was stupid.
Speed: How do you know him?
Carly: It's a long story.
Speed: ...You're the one he was talking about.
Carly: What do you mean?
Speed: I went to see him in prison and he said that someone taught him all these things. How to get in the lab. I guess he was talking about you.
Carly: I shouldn't have let him in the lab.
Speed: Don't worry about it. Not...That many people got hurt.
Carly: Ugh, see this is what I was talking about before. I keep getting people hurt.
Speed: What are you talking about?
Carly: Nevermind. The point is, I did more damage.
Speed: You told Eric.
Carly: Yeah.
Speed: But you won't tell me.
Carly: You're like the biggest blabber mouth in the entire...This thing whatever it's called.
Speed: Uh, actually Eric has blabbed more than I have.
Carly: Well it doesn't matter.
Speed: Look, I know that when we first met we didn't exactly see eye-to-eye so you probably don't trust me with anything, but if I can help then please tell me.
Carly: *looks at Speed*
Front of Hummercraft
Delko: What are you doing?
Horatio: I'm drinking a coffee.
Delko: Not in my cockpit you're not.
Horatio: Fine.
Delko: And don't touch that button.
Horatio: I wasn't going to.
Delko: You were going to put your coffee on it.
Horatio: I was not.
Delko: I could see you reaching for it.
Horatio: I was stretching my arm.
Delko: With a coffee in one hand? I don't think so mister Horatio Caine.
Horatio: HEY. It's Lieutenant.
Delko: Whatever.
Horatio: And besides, my arm needed to stretch.
Delko: Well stretch it away from the big red buttons.
Horatio: Why, what's wrong with the big red buttons?
Delko: Haven't you ever seen a cartoon? The big red buttons always mean that's the self-destruct.
Horatio: How would you even know that's what this button is for?
Delko: I have a hunch.
Horatio: It's wrong.
Delko: How would you know?
Horatio: I built this Hummercraft with my own money.
Delko: Yeah right. Speed has more money than you.
Horatio: How do you know?
Delko: He lives in a mansion.
Horatio: *narrows eyes* He makes very good wages.
Delko: Why are we talking about him?
Horatio: You brought him up.
Delko: But you kept going on about it.
Horatio: Yeah because you kept going on about it.
Delko: I did not.
Horatio: You did too.
Delko: I did not.
Horatio: You did too you big liar.
Delko: Hey if anyone's a liar, it's you.
Horatio: I haven't lied.
Delko: Everybody lies.
Horatio: Yeah okay Dr.Phil.
Delko: Hey I'm not Dr.Phil.
Horatio: Yeah he has more integrity.
Delko: At least I'm not latched onto Oprah for dear life.
Horatio: HEY. JC is not Oprah.
Delko: ...I wasn't talking about JC. *smiles* Oooh what about her?
Horatio: Nevermind.
Delko: You brought it up.
Horatio: That's because I thought that's who we were talking about.
Delko: Well we weren't.
Carly's seat
Carly: So that's what happened.
Speed: ...*nods* I can see why you don't tell very many people.
Carly: Yeah.
Speed: I'm sorry.
Carly: I'm just tired of hurting the people around me.
Speed: You know, I said that once too.
Carly: Really?
Speed: Yeah. And it's hard to forget something that caused so much pain, but life goes on and we have to deal with it.
Carly: *nods*
Speed: *wraps arm around Carly* It's going to be okay.
Carly: *smirks* I know.
Speed: So I'm guessing this means you're not mad at me.
Carly: *laughs* No, I'm not mad.
Speed: Good because I'd hate to have one of the best CSIs I'd ever known be mad at me.
Carly: Yeah, funny.
Speed: Would this face lie?
Carly: *smiles* Yeah it would.
Speed: *smirks* Well I'm not lying. *stands*
Carly: Good.
Speed: *walks away*
Carly: *nods*