CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Katie you crack me up. You really, really do. And yeah you need to get drunk. You need to get drunk with Carly and have a smashing time. :p And yes, I borrowed that from Friends. Hee.

You're All I Want

Plane, midnight

Delko: *snoring*

Katie: *bangs head on tray*

Speed: *sigh*

Delko: *snoring louder*

Katie: *lifts head* Did he eat a motor for breakfast?

Speed: More like dinner.

Katie: *leans back on seat* Ugh this plane ride is taking forever.

Speed: I know.

Katie: You don't think we'd be able to take that trip to the bathroom now do you?

Speed: No.

Katie: *sigh* This is so boooooooooooring.

Speed: So do something entertaining.

Katie: You won't let me.

Speed: That's not entertaining.

Katie: *sits up* Excuse me?

Speed: Uh...

Katie: I'm not entertaining to you? I'm not ENTERTAINING enough for you?

Speed: *wide-eyed* No! No! No, that's not what I meant! I mean you're...You're...I...*sigh* Great.

Katie: *frowns* This means war.

Speed: Oh come on you know that's not what I meant.

Katie: Am I BORING to you? Is that it? What do you want me to do? Travel south of your border?

Speed: Uh...People are staring.

Katie: I want to know what you want.

Speed: Maybe this isn't a discussion we should be having near two hundred other people.

Katie: Fine. *lays back on seat*

Speed: Are you mad at me?

Katie: No.

Speed: Yes you are.

Katie: I bet you find Calleigh entertaining.

Speed: Wow you have a talent for making this plane trip more bearable.

Katie: Gee, I guess that's my only talent huh?

Speed: Oh lord.

Katie: Well it's true isn't it? I'm not good enough for you. Maybe you have some weird and twisted kinky mind that you don't want to share.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Katie: I'M SO BORED!

Speed: ...With what exactly?

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.


Delko: *wakes up* Who's got a horse?

Katie: Ugh.

Speed: You're not going to scream that you have needs are you?

Katie: Well maybe I do, and you're not helping.

Speed: We're on a plane.

Katie: So?

Speed: I'm not having this conversation with you.

Katie: Fine, be a jerk.

Delko: I woke up for a fight? This sucks.


Delko: Geez.

Katie: *crosses arms*

Speed: Will you stop being mad?

Katie: NO.

Speed: I didn't do anything.


Speed: Stop yelling, you're waking people up.

Katie: Hey you know, maybe YOU'RE the one who's boring. Ever think of that?

Speed: What?

Katie: Yeah. Yeah you're boring. HA.

Speed: *narrows eyes* I am not boring.

Katie: Yes you are.

Speed: No I'm not.

Katie: Yeah well when I'm with you I think of Eric. HA.

Delko: *lifts head* What?

Speed: WHAT?

Katie: That's right. Two can play at this game.

Delko: How did I get brought into this conversation?

Speed: Take it back.

Katie: No.

Speed: Take it back.

Katie: No.

Speed: Take it back.

Katie: Make me.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: ...What?

Speed: ...What?

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: *throws book at Eric*

Delko: OW. Hey what did I do?

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHA! Well I'm glad I crack you up. Because you crack the heck up out of me. I just laughed so hard I snirted *haha* Seriously I snorted lol. So I'm not enteraning huh? And that whole comment about South of the border cracked me up to no end. And....Eric...ehh...lol. haha oh man I can't stop laughing. All because Speed wouldn't come to the bathroom. *shakes head* lol. Update soon please!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well let's agree that we crack each other up. ;)

And aw, you snirted. How...Awesome! :lol:

Never Sing A Love Song

Plane, 1 am

Katie: ...We're landing soon.

Speed: Good for us.

Katie: ...Where are we staying?

Speed: Hotel.

Katie: Eric isn't staying with us is he?

Speed: Eric has a house.

Katie: ...Are you mad at me?

Speed: I thought YOU were mad at me.

Katie: Well I kind of feel bad about before. I don't even like Eric as a friend.

Speed: I'm sure he'll be honored to know that.

Katie: So...Hotel huh?

Speed: No.

Katie: You don't even know what I was going to say.

Speed: Yes I do.

Katie: ...Hotel rooms are soundproof right?

Speed: Um...I don't even want to know.

Katie: Well I was just saying...

Speed: That's nice.

Katie: Geez you're so....Um....

Speed: What?

Katie: There's no way I can finish that sentence without sounding dirty.

Speed: Why are you so perverted?

Katie: Maybe it's the altitude.

Speed: Yeah nice excuse.

Katie: Oh come on we were apart for a year. It's not like I was sleeping around.

Speed: So that's your excuse for being perverted OUT LOUD?

Katie: ...No.

Speed: So why bring it up?

Katie: I don't know.

Delko: Oh shut up.

Katie: You shut up.

Delko: No you shut up.

Katie: *frowns* You shut up.

Delko: *pinches Katie* You shup up.

Katie: OW! *pinches Eric* You shut up.

Delko: *pinches Katie*

Katie: OW! *pinches Eric*

Delko: OW. *pinches Katie*

Katie: OW! *pinches Eric*

Delko: OW. *pinches Katie*

Katie: OW! *pinches Eric*

Delko: Ow. *pinches Katie*

Katie: OW! *pinches Eric*

Speed: STOP IT!

Delko/Katie: *stare at Speed*

Speed: *sigh* Thank you.

Katie: He pinched me first.

Delko: How would you even remember?

Katie: Because you're stupid.

Delko: You're stupid.

Katie: No you are.

Delko: You are.

Katie: You are.

Delko: NO you are.

Katie: No, YOU ARE.

Delko: Shut up.

Katie: YOU shut up.

Delko: No YOU shut up.

Katie: YOU shut up.

Delko: No YOU shut up!

Katie: YOU shut up!


Katie/Delko: *stare at Speed*

Speed: ...I...Nevermind.

Delko: ...Retard.

Katie: Screw up.

Delko: Moron.

Katie: Idiot.

Delko: Thinker-of-me.

Katie: I was LYING.

Delko: *gasp*

Katie: HA.

Delko: Dumbo.

Katie: Jerk...O.

Delko: Delinquint.

Katie: Three year old.

Delko: Poo face.

Katie: Turd ball.

Everyone on the plane: SHUT UP!

Delko: ...*closes mouth*

Katie: ...

Delko: Bum nigglet.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: *whispers* If you don't answer, I'll make it worth your while.

Katie: ...Really.

Speed: And it WON'T be boring.

Katie: My lips are sealed.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

HAHAH! Oh geni your making my tummy hurt worse. lol. "No YOU shut up" Geez its me and my brother all over again. lol. But everyone on the plane saying "Shut up" put the icing on the cake. lol. And that last couple of lines. Oh my! lol. Haha. Now I feel like i'm 5 all over again. Teehee. That was hilarious.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great updates Geni, I actually had a good day at work lol. It was awsome well can't wait for more lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

The fight between katie and delko was SO funy!!!!

Katie: Because you're stupid.

Delko: You're stupid.

Katie: No you are.

Delko: You are.

Katie: You are.

Delko: NO you are.

Katie: No, YOU ARE.

Delko: Shut up.

Katie: YOU shut up.

Delko: No YOU shut up.

Katie: YOU shut up.

Delko: No YOU shut up!

Katie: YOU shut up!


and speed is always here to play the daddy lol :) ;)

please update soon :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ohhh Katie and Delko, so priceless lol Some of those lines just made me laugh so hard! lol Well, off to soccer practice........wish me luck guys *sigh*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Important announcement:

AntonyF said
Within the next week we will carry out some topic pruning. This means that any topics older than a year (with the exception of the those in the CSI Files News Items forum) will be permanently removed.

That means the first Road Trip and possibly the second one, will be removed from the 'Fan Fiction' forum. I've saved the first and second one so far, and I'm working on saving the third one.

If anyone would like to save the first one, please do so quickly as these changes will take effect sometime within the next week. (Of course if you'd just like me to save it and then not worry about it, then by all means just keep reading the current thread worry-free. :p )

So, just a heads up if you haven't already read the announcement. ;)

I'll be posting another chapter to this story soon, so stay tuned...

EDIT: Here we go...

Some Things You May Never Understand


Horatio: Alright guys, welcome back. Let's get underway. Now I understand we were going to Germany.

Calleigh: We're not going anymore?

Horatio: I didn't say that. I wanted to possibly go back to Vegas once we're done in Germany.


Missy: Eric, you were banned from Vegas.

Calleigh: Why are we going back to Vegas?

Horatio: It might be fun.

Speed: ....Do we have to?

Horatio: Is there something wrong with Vegas?

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow. What was that for?

Katie: You professed your love for me in Vegas.

Speed: Uh...Right.

Katie: If I didn't think you were drunk it would have been much more fun.

Delko: Anyone have any peanuts? I'm craving them.

Katie: You ate all the peanuts on the plane.

Delko: Yeah but I'm still hungry.

Horatio: *starts key* We'll be meeting up with the Hummercraft in about an hour.

Katie: HUMMERCRAFT? I LOVE THAT THING! It's where I kissed Speed for the first time. *sigh*

Speed: Do you remember everything?

Katie: Yes so watch out.

Delko: So what was that 'reward' Speed gave you for not answering me yesterday? *winks*

Speed: *punches Delko*

Delko: OW! *rubs arm*

Katie: None of your business.

Speed: *punches Delko*

Delko: OW! Stop doing that!

Speed: No.

Calleigh: *jumps up and down* I want to go! Let's go!

Horatio: Alright. *presses on gas*

Hummerhome zooms away

Calleigh: WHEW! *falls*

Speed: ...Get off my lap.

Calleigh: Sorry. *sits on couch*

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Calleigh: What? I can't help where I fall.

Katie: Oh YES you can little lady.

Calleigh: *sticks tongue out*

Katie: *grabs Speed's hand* You see this ring? It means he's mine. ALL MINE. SO BACK OFF!

Calleigh: *pouts*

Speed: Can I have my hand back?

Katie: Yes.

Speed: Thank you.

Carly: So what are we going to do in Germany?

Delko: OH OH! Let's learn German! Ich liebe Straße Reisen!

Carly: ...What did you just say?

Delko: I love road trips.

Speed: Nothing sounds good in German.

Delko: Sure it does.

Speed: Oh yeah? Say something romantic in German.

Delko: Fine.

Speed: But don't say it to me.

Delko: ..Fine. Ihre Augen sind dann die Sterne schöner!

Speed: ...And what does that mean?

Delko: *sigh* Your eyes are more beautiful than the stars.

Speed: Okay first of all, that sounded like a garborator, and secondly I really hope you didn't say that to me.

Delko: I was talking to Missy.

Missy: THAT'S RIGHT! And aww, my eyes are beautiful.

Delko: *smiles*

Speed: Oh yuck.

Delko: Come on you were about to have your way with Katie at your house.

Speed: I was not. We were just trying to get you to leave.

Delko: Well...It worked.

Calleigh: This isn't fair. I have no one.

Speed: What happened to Lance?

Calleigh: He discovered he was gay.

Speed: What if I had discovered I was gay?

Calleigh: Yeah right like I'd let you get away that easily.

Katie: Um...TIM!

Speed: It was just a theory.


Speed: ...Fine.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

YAY! Germany and Vegas! Should be lots of fun!

Katie: HUMMERCRAFT? I LOVE THAT THING! It's where I kissed Speed for the first time. *sigh*

Speed: Do you remember everything?

Katie: Yes so watch out.

haha Awwww! I remember that! The whole CSI season 2 of CSi Pensicola! Teeheee. And I remember the vegas part to! The glasses were filled with water. Veeerry sneaky!

Calleigh: WHEW! *falls*

Speed: ...Get off my lap.

Calleigh: Sorry. *sits on couch*

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Calleigh: What? I can't help where I fall.

Katie: Oh YES you can little lady.

Calleigh: *sticks tongue out*

Katie: *grabs Speed's hand* You see this ring? It means he's mine. ALL MINE. SO BACK OFF!

Teehee! Go me! And its very true that little scene at the house did make Eric leave! lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

funny!!! Speed gay...I don't think so :) great update geni
update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

LOL Great updates and is that really German it looks like it is ....... hahaha I can't spell what a know but Duncacian for such great updates.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I loved this quote:

Katie: *grabs Speed's hand* You see this ring? It means he's mine. ALL MINE. SO BACK OFF!

Calleigh: *pouts*

Speed: Can I have my hand back?

Katie: Yes.

Speed: Thank you.

Katie is sooooo posessive!!...so would I be if I were married to him (I can dream can't I?)

anyway great update Geni your dialogue is fab :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

You're very welcome. :)

- And thank you. :D

She Can't Speak


Delko: So I hear we're getting a new Hummerhome.

Horatio: You heard right. It features a dark blue interior and a morgue.

Speed: Wow fit for people like Delko.

Delko: Okay that was mean. You're the one that should be sleeping in the morgue because of all the times you kept getting shot.

Speed: Oh shut up.

Delko: YOU shut up.

Speed: YOU shut up.

Delko: SHUT UP.

Horatio: If you BOTH don't shut up I'll come back there and make it happen.

Delko: He's the one being stupid.

Speed: I'm not being stupid.

Katie: Ugh why can't you two play nice?

Speed: I don't want to play with him.

Delko: Yeah he steals all the toys.

Speed: What toys?

Delko: Exactly.

Speed: Stop being so dumb.

Delko: HEY. I was there all those times when you were on meth, and when Calleigh was in the hospital and you faked your own death to work with the FBI, and when Katie was in the accident and when you couldn't stop crying on my couch when she left you so don't call me dumb. When were you ever there for me?

Speed: When you got shot. I was there.

Delko: Yeah for once.

Speed: What did you want me to do? Sit with you all day and all night to make sure you're okay?

Delko: It's better than running away all the time.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Delko: You tried to run away when you hit Katie and you're running away now.

Speed: I haven't gone anywhere.

Delko: Not yet, but pretty soon you'll change the subject or hit me like you always do. Just face your problems man.


Horatio: Guys....

Calleigh: Geez...Way to bring the entire trip down.

Delko: Ugh. *gets up, walks away, slams door*

Speed: ...Oh come on he's sucha drama queen, he'll get over it.

Carly: Maybe he's right.

Speed: What?

Carly: Maybe you should stop running from your problems. *leaves*

Speed: Great, is everyone mad at me now?

Katie: I'm kind of hungry. Does that count?

Speed: Not really.

Delko's room

Carly: Hey.

Delko: Hey.

Carly: *sits* I think you were right back there.

Delko: Really?

Carly: Yeah and I'm sorry about before in the Trace Lab.

Delko: It's okay.

Carly: No, it's not okay. I should have told you why I didn't want to talk about my past.

Delko: ...Why what happened?

Carly: Well...When I was younger, I was kidnapped by this guy who called himself 'Scorpion'. He had this big tattoo of a scorpion on his left arm. He was going to torture and kill me.

Delko: How do you know he was going to do that?

Carly: He had pictures of his victims pinned up on his walls as trophies. They were all young kids. Boys and girls.

Delko: Why didn't he kill you?

Carly: He liked me so he made me and this other guy an offer. He said that if we lured kids to his boat, he wouldn't kill us.

Delko: There was another person there?

Carly: Yeah he was from Florida. I taught him how to lure kids. How to, sneak into locked areas and get out quietly.

Delko: And you lured kids to his boat to be killed.

Carly: I didn't know what else to do. It was either me, or them. I was scared and stupid so I did what he told me to.

Delko: And then what happened?

Carly: My partner fled back to Florida and I was left with the murderer.

Delko: What did he do?

Carly: He told me to keep luring kids or it was going to be my family, and then me.

Delko: I see.

Carly: So I called his bluff and the police. I lured them to the boat quietly so that he wouldn't know I was there. I used his own tactics against him and they arrested him.

Delko: Wow, that must have been great to get him.

Carly: It wasn't great for the fourty kids that the police found under his boat, burried in the sand.

Delko: ...That many?

Carly: Yeah.

Delko: And that's why you decided to become a CSI.

Carly: Yeah I thought that maybe if I saved a few lives, it would help me deal with the fact that I helped get fourty other people slaughtered.

Delko: So that's why you didn't want to tell me.

Carly: ...I didn't want to tell you because I had to lure my best friend. We were really close, and I could still hear his screams. He was the last victim.

Delko: Ah.

Carly: So I don't like to tell people about my past very often.

Delko: It must have been terrible.

Carly: I guess I didn't want to face what I had done, and eventually I had pushed everyone away from me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.

Delko: It's not a problem. *hugs Carly*

Carly: Thanks.

Delko: I guess it's what we do in the present that really matters anyway. Believe me, if I could go back in the past and change some of the things that I've done, I would.

Carly: *laughs* Yeah.

Delko: Come on, let's get back out there.

Carly: Good idea.

Delko: *smiles*

Carly: *smirks*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww poor Carly. I can't imagine what that must have been like. That's a very nice storyline you got for her there Geni. And seriously Speed needs to stop running away from his problems. And teehee they did the shut up thinger to. HEHE. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww poor Carly. That must be hard for her!! :(
Speed and delko crack me up when they're fighting!!! :p
Anyway great update geni and I hope you'll update as soon as possible :)
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