CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Legal? I think I've seen that episode once...Or twice. Funny how that's the only thing I remember from that episode and I stole it. :p

*sigh* I'm going to update now.

It's My Imagination

Miami, Trace Lab

Horatio: Carly...

Carly: ...Horatio...

Horatio: You had a jackhammer in my lab?

Carly: Maybe.

Horatio: What were you doing?

Carly: I don't know, I was drunk, I mean impaired, I mean...Under the influence...Hammered?

Horatio: Didn't you listen to JC?

Carly: She gave me the jackhammer.

Horatio: *looks at JC*

JC: ..Haha...

Horatio: You and I need to talk.

JC: We do?

Horatio: My office, now.

JC: ...Are you mad at me?

Horatio: Go to my office and wait for me.

JC: *leaves*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Carly: Oh don't give me that look.

Horatio: Where's Calleigh?

Carly: She went out to buy beer and never came back.

Horatio: What do you mean, never came back?

Carly: I mean she's not here and I haven't heard from her since yesterday.

Horatio: What time did she leave?

Carly: About nine. You don't think she's missing do you?

Horatio: Did you try her cell?

Carly: No.

Horatio: *dials phone*

Carly: *jumps off table*

Calleigh: *sneaks over* What's he doing?

Carly: Trying your cell.

Calleigh: Why?

Carly: We can't find you.

Calleigh: Oh.

Horatio: *closes phone* Okay she's not answ-AH! ...Calleigh what are you doing here?

Calleigh: Were you looking for me?

Horatio: Where were you?

Calleigh: I was at home.

Carly: Hey you were supposed to get us beer.

Calleigh: I got sidetracked.

Carly: How?

Calleigh: I was tired.

Carly: ...You were on Mission Heinekin and you couldn't even finish the mission.

Calleigh: Sorry.

Horatio: Alright get this lab cleaned up. *walks away*

Calleigh: *shrugs*

Carly: *picks up microscope off floor*

Horatio's office

Horatio: *sits on desk, crosses arms* Start from the top.


Horatio: Plan?

JC: To get drunk, and have a party. I told them that you weren't going to be happy and they did it anyway, they got drunk and they did all this stuff and now I'm getting yelled at for it and I didn't even do anything.

Horatio: I haven't yelled at you.

JC: You will.

Horatio: How do you know that?

JC: You look mad.

Horatio: *scratches head* So...Where's everyone else?

JC: Sleeping in the ballistics lab.

Horatio: ...Sleeping in the ballistics lab.

JC: Yup.

Horatio: Why?

JC: They were too hammered to go the the hotel. Plus Missy wanted to 'save a horse ride a bell hop' whatever that means.

Horatio: I don't want to know.

JC: Good because I think I have an idea and it would probably involve getting undressed and we're all sharing a room so it would kind of uncomforta-

Horatio: *holds up hand* I get the picture.

JC: So did this just destroy our relationship?

Horatio: ...I'm sorry, what?

JC: Us.

Horatio: There's an 'us'?

JC: *frowns*

Horatio: Well I'm sorry I wasn't aware we were an item.

JC: Don't you like me?

Horatio: Of course I do.

JC: So....What's the problem?

Horatio: Uh...Maybe you should go help clean the lab.

JC: I want an answer.

Horatio: Life isn't fair, come on. *grabs JC*



Katie: So all your stuff is in Miami right?

Speed: Pretty much.

Katie: So you'll need to go shopping right?

Speed: *stops walking* You said we were eating lunch, not shopping.

Katie: We'll eat after.

Speed: I don't want to shop.

Katie: You can't wear that forever.

Speed: *looks down* ...What's wrong with what I'm wearing?

Katie: Come on, I know a really great store.

Speed: I'm sure you do but I don't need clothes.

Katie: Yes you do.

Speed: Okay but I don't want to shop for any.

Katie: Men like shopping.

Speed: No, men do not like shopping.

Katie: How do you know?

Speed: No equipment, no opinion.

Katie: *grabs Speed* Come on it'll be fun.

Speed: No no, it won't be fun.

Katie: I don't know your size. You have to be here.

Speed: Medium. Can I go now?

Katie: Medium in what? Jeans, shirts, sweaters, shoes, dress pants, ties?

Speed: I don't care.

Katie: You can't wear clothes if they don't fit.

Speed: I'm not a Ken doll.

Katie: ...Who says you're not a Barbie?

Speed: Very funny.

Katie: I know what would look great on you, come on.

Speed: No.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Because you're going to go crazy and I don't want to be in the middle of that.

Katie: *gasp* SUITS! *grabs Speed* We have to go in here.

Speed: *sigh*

Suit store

Katie: Okay try this one on.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: It won't bite.

Speed: I'm not wearing that.

Katie: You wear suits to court all the time.

Speed: Yeah I know. I'm not wearing THAT.

Katie: It's silk.

Speed: It's stupid.

Man: *walks over* May I help you?

Speed: No. We're leaving.

Katie: *laughs* No, we're not. We need to find him a suit.

Man: Well you came to the right place. This is the suit store.

Speed: What a creative name.

Katie: He needs something with longer cut arms.

Man: Alright, this way please.

Speed: I need what?

Katie: Come on.

Man: Alright over here we have the new men's edition cashmere suits.

Speed: No thanks.

Man: What's wrong with these?

Speed: No offense but I don't want to look like a teacher.

Man: *frowns* These are 6000 dollar suits.

Speed: What a coincidence. We're more of the Wal-Mart type of people. Let's go.

Katie: Sorry.

Man: *sigh*


Katie: That was rude.

Speed: I don't want a suit.

Katie: What do you want?

Speed: Food.

Katie: Is that all you men think about?

Speed: ...Not exactly, no.

Katie: Come on, we're going to get you clothes and you're going to LOVE them.

Speed: Why do I get the feeling this is going to be painful?

Katie: Because it will be if you don't cooperate. There, a tie store. Get in.

Speed: Fine. *walks in*

Katie: Pick a tie.

Speed: I don't wear ties.

Katie: You do now. *grabs tie* Put it on.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: ...Fine. *grabs tie*

Katie: *smiles* Excellent. You know how to put those on right?

Speed: Yes.

Katie: Good.

Speed: Happy?

Katie: *tilts head*

Speed: ...What does that mean?

Katie: It's...Um...

Speed: It's what?

Katie: You look old.

Speed: *takes off tie* What a nice compliment.

Katie: Sorry.

Speed: I don't need a tie.

Katie: If I was any other woman I'd say you don't need clothes but I'm trying to help you.

Speed: Yeah you're doing a great job picking all the wrong things.

Katie: Fine, we'll get you some t-shirts.

Speed: *grabs Katie* No. No, I don't think you understand.

Katie: What's not to understand?

Speed: Dress shirts.

Katie: Bu-

Speed: Dress shirts.

Katie: But you d-

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *sigh* Fine. HEY I wonder how a pink one would look.

Speed: I'm not Eric.

Katie: ...Blue?

Speed: We went over this.

Katie: Oh yeah, no blue....White?

Speed: Just pick something.

Katie: Does that mean you want white?

Speed: Whatever you want.

Katie: Pink.

Speed: No pink.

Katie: White.

Speed: I don't care.

Katie: We seemed to have this issue before with baby names.

Speed: So?

Katie: So you never tell me what you like. You only tell me what you don't like, and then give inklings. It's annoying.

Speed: Fine, get white.

Katie: What size to you take?

Speed: *frowns* Double extra small.

Katie: *laughs* Yeah right in a perfect world.

Speed: That was a joke.

Katie: *strokes Speed's face* And it was very funny.

Speed: Can you stop that now?

Katie: Why, is it turning you on? *winks*

Speed: I'm leaving.

Katie: NO! Okay I'm sorry.

Speed: Stop fooling around.

Katie: *opens mouth*

Speed: If in any way you turn that sentence dirty, we're getting divorced.

Katie: ...Dang.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Haha Well Horatio's dumb. Gee you would think he would have known him and JC were "something" by now. lol. And aww pooe missy and Anni passed out in the ballistics lab. And Speed in a suit......I like that. lol. And yeah blue dress shirts are a no no. Pink...nooo but it would be really funny to see especially since Rory comes off as the manly type. lol. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Yes he is manly...Very manly. :p

You're Wondering When


Katie: Okay try this on.

Speed: I'm not going to try it on.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: I don't try on clothes. That's a girl thing.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: Woman thing.

Katie: Okay here, you take these and I'll go browse over there.

Speed: *looks down* These are all black.

Katie: ...They have different patterns on them.

Speed: What happened to white?

Katie: ...I like black.

Speed: I thought this was about what I liked.

Katie: I like you in black.

Speed: Why?

Katie: ...No reason.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Oh DO NOT do that.

Speed: You think I'm hot. How sweet.

Katie: *looks down at floor* I do not.

Speed: You're blushing.

Katie: No I'm not.

Speed: Yes you are.

Katie: ...Nu uh.

Speed: You know what? I'm going to go try one of these on.

Katie: What? Why?

Speed: Because you want me to remember? *winks*

Katie: ...*blank stare*

Speed: Just wait here. *leaves*

Katie: ...What just happened?

Woman: *on other side of the rack* You just got floored honey.

Katie: *nods* Interesting.

Few minutes later

Speed: *walks over* Hey you.

Katie: *turns around* AH! I mean...Hey.

Speed: So do you like it or not?

Katie: Um...*sigh* Do you like to torture me?

Speed: I'm getting you back for taking me shopping.

Katie: Well...It worked.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *squeals* OKAY STOP IT! *runs away*

Speed: Yep, I still got it. *walks away*

Miami Lab

Delko: *trips on beaker* AH! Geez, I could break my neck in here.

Carly: Sorry, we're cleaning.

Delko: We?

Carly: Well Calleigh was here but she left. I don't know where she is.

Delko: Where did she say she was going?

Carly: The bathroom.

Delko: Ah, she pulled that one on you huh?

Carly: Pulled what?

Delko: The whole 'I'll be in the bathroom' stuff.

Carly: She doesn't fool me. I'm a CSI.

Delko: I hate to break it to you but she fooled you.

Carly: But I said I won't get fooled again.

Delko: *laughs*

Carly: Yes I know it's a song.

Delko: So what are you going to do?

Carly: Well I have to clean this.

Delko: By yourself?

Carly: You could help.

Delko: Yeah I know but it's more fun to watch.

Carly: I bet you say that a lot.

Delko: ...That was a joke right?

Carly: *touches Delko's chest* Excuse me.

Delko: *moves* Did H give you a deadline?

Carly: He doesn't know what a deadline is.

Delko: Oh, so he didn't give you one.

Carly: ...That's what I meant.

Delko: I see.

Carly: Are you going to help or not?

Delko: *crosses arms* No you look like you've got it under control.

Carly: *smiles* I control every situation.

Delko: *smirks* Really.

Carly: Try not to think too dirty Eric.

Delko: I'll keep that in mind.

Somewhere...In the lab

JC: Horatio talk to me.

Horatio: The discussion is over.

JC: It's not over.

Horatio: *stops walking* Really.

JC: I'm sorry...But if you don't love me then I can't be here.

Horatio: You're thinking a little...Far ahead aren't you?

JC: Well isn't that what this is about? You push people away when you care about them.

Horatio: I haven't pushed anyone away.

JC: You're pushing me away.

Horatio: I'm sorry. *walks away*

JC: *sigh* Great.


Katie: *covering eyes* Okay why are you doing this again?

Speed: I wanted to change into my new clothes so that you're happy.

Katie: Uh...Yeah I'm happy anyway.

Speed: Yes but I'm embracing the shopping.

Katie: No you're not, you're throwing it in my face.

Speed: *walks out of changeroom* Okay.

Katie: *uncovers eyes* ...

Speed: Now can we eat?

Katie: ...

Speed: Are you okay?

Katie: ...*nods*

Speed: What?

Katie: I...You...It...*sigh* Okay I'm good, let's eat.

Speed: I don't get it.

Katie: It took me a second to jump back to reality.

Speed: Why were you not in reality?

Katie: No reason.

Speed: What were you thinking about?

Katie: Nothing.

Speed: Yeah sure.

Katie: You suck.

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand* Let's go.

Katie: Fine but...You owe me.

Speed: For what? You're the one taking me shopping.

Katie: You're the one torturing me with your stupid...Male...Chemicals.

Speed: What?

Katie: Nevermind.

Speed: I'm not sure I even want to know.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahaha oh man. I can't stop laughing! "Man Chemicals"? hahahaha. Oh man that was hilarious. And the whole black dress shirt "You just got floored honey" thinger was just hilarious. And H man needs to stop pushin people away. He's going to wind up old and grey and die alone. Ok maybe not but still. lol. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Taking Speed shopping Katie is one lucky woman!! and she gets to pick what shirts he wears only he doesn't like shopping for clothes ha ha. And the 'Man Chemicals' thing was funny.... :lol:

fab update Geni please update soon. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aw poor Horatio, he's having some issues. Maybe in later chapters we'll figure out what they are. Carly and Delko seem to have some sort of unspoken thing going on. It would be a shame if she were to STEAL him from Missy. And as we all know, stealing is wrong. Very, very wrong. :lol:

And thanks calleighspeedle :D

Watching Every Mood On Her Face

Miami Lab

Horatio: *walks into layout room*

JC: Horatio, say something. What did I do wrong?

Horatio: Nothing, it's not you.

JC: So it's you? Do you realize how lame that sounds?

Horatio: We work together, we can't date.

JC: We didn't work together before, and the last time I checked, I didn't work very hard anyway.

Horatio: You do plenty of work around here, and I'm very appreciative.

JC: So what's wrong?

Horatio: When I first started this job, I didn't want my feelings to cloud my judgement. And now that you're around...Well...

JC: Are you saying you love me?

Horatio: I haven't said anything.

JC: Well you're just kind of speaking in fragments so I don't really get it.

Horatio: *sigh*

Trace Lab

Carly: Can you grab that Eric?

Delko: Sure. *grabs pipettes*

Carly: Thank you.

Delko: So uh...How long have you been a CSI?

Carly: Long enough.

Delko: I see. You first met us when Speed was dosed on morphine right?

Carly: Yeah, and as I recall, our first encounter wasn't a happy one.

Delko: Yeah the sarcasm takes a while to get used to.

Carly: Why are you asking me this?

Delko: I'm just trying to get a conversation going.

Carly: Did you and Missy have a thing?

Delko: Me and Missy?

Carly: Yeah.

Delko: *smiles* Well I don't know, we haven't really spoke much.

Carly: *nods*

Delko: So do you have anyone back home?

Carly: Can we just finish cleaning please?

Delko: ...I was just asking.

Carly: Yeah I know, but I'd like to get this finished.

Delko: So you don't have anyone back home.

Carly: Drop it Eric.

Delko: Whew, okay sorry Speed, I didn't mean to offend you.

Carly: *frowns* It's just...Complicated.

Delko: I'm sorry.

Carly: It's fine.

Delko: *looks down at table*

Mall, California

Katie: So what are we going to do after this?

Speed: I don't know, you had the entire day mapped out on the dashboard.

Katie: Chalk washes out right?

Speed: I hope so.

Katie: Well...OH CRAP!

Speed: What?


Speed: She's with the neighbors. Calm down.

Katie: Oh yeah. Sorry. I just don't want anyone else to steal her, you know?

Speed: No one's going to steal her.

Katie: But someone might steal her again.

Speed: No one is going to do that again.

Katie: But our kids keep getting stolen.

Speed: This time is different.

Katie: What, you think that snake poison running through my body made her immune to being stolen? What if that Louis guy comes back to life and STEALS HER AGAIN!

Speed: He's dead. No one's going to steal her again.

Katie: No one should steal something that precious. I mean, I worked hard to support her while you were off galavanting around the universe doing God knows what.

Speed: I came back didn't I?

Katie: Yeah you did.

Speed: And I'm never leaving again, so don't worry about it.

Katie: What about Valdez? I mean he could get out right?

Speed: I suppose he could.

Katie: And since he knows you turned him in, he'll come after you again and then this thing will have happened again.

Speed: Nothing's going to happen.

Katie: What if it does?

Speed: Look, you're just being paranoid. We're safe.

Katie: How do you know? What if I can't protect her?

Speed: I trusted you enough not to pull that trigger, so I trust that you'll be able to protect her.

Katie: Aww...You trust me?

Speed: Isn't that what I just said?

Katie: Yeah but I have short term memory loss or something.

Speed: No you don't.

Katie: Eat your fries.

Speed: Those are your fries.

Katie: ...So eat them.

Speed: You bought them.

Katie: I don't even want them.

Speed: You shouldn't have bought them then.

Katie: I bought you clothes, the least you can do is eat my dang fries.

Speed: I didn't want clothes.

Katie: I didn't want fries.

Speed: Good, we agree.

Katie: I didn't agree to anything.

Speed: Are we arguing?

Katie: No.

Speed: Yes we are.

Katie: No we're not.

Speed: Yes we are.

Katie: No we're not.

Speed: Well we are now.

Katie: Yeah but it's not like we're yelling.

Speed: Maybe we're numb to fights.

Katie: You're hot.

Speed: What?

Katie: I want pot.

Speed: Nice try.

Katie: I can't help that I blurt things out.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

AWWWW poor H has issues...*huggles* wait he would push me away wouldn't he??? lol anyway great update geni, ur full of ideas as always.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

That is very true. I think I really do suffer from short term memory loss.

Katie: You're hot.

Speed: What?

Katie: I want pot.

Speed: Nice try.

Katie: I can't help that I blurt things out.

Hahaha. I do that to. lol. But awwww Poor Carly doesn't want to talk to about her past. Hmm..my CSI sense is tingly. Even though I'm no CSI but it sounded good to say right then. lol. And aww H's feelings are starting to cloud his judgement. H man has feelings! lol. Update soon please! And oh if that Valdez dude gets out...i'll...I dunno. But is it so wrong for Tatie to be happy for once? lol. Not that I don't love the drama. But still. lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hmmm, my CSI sense is tingling too...and yeah, what is it with their kids getting stolen...well, at least it wasn't Pete Keller this time :p
and whats going on between me and Delko eh? interesting...

please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Drama is good, and we all know how I love to write drama. :D

But heart is also good, and so is comedy. Alas, fitting them all in takes some time but for you guys, anything's possible. :)

Hot Blooded



Speed: Did you have to buy a car?

Katie: Gee sorry I couldn't get a Hummer.

Speed: I hate cars. They're such a bad investment.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Sorry.

Katie: I still can't believe you sold your Ducati.

Speed: That was last year.

Katie: Don't you miss it?

Speed: I missed you more.

Katie: Aw how sweet.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *wipes chalk off dashboard*

Miami lab

JC: Horatio, I need to know.

Horatio: Why?

JC: ...Because it's nice to know sometimes.

Horatio: *sigh* Okay.

JC: Okay what?

Horatio: The reason I've been avoiding you is because I have feelings for you and I was afraid that it would interfere with my work.

JC: Awww you haven't been in love very often.

Horatio: Now I know why Speed does what he does.

JC: Cheating?

Horatio: No. Everything else.

JC: Acting stupid?

Horatio: Yeah.

JC: So you're saying you're in love with me.

Horatio: It's possible.

JC: *smiles* That is such a Horatio thing to say.

Horatio: *smiles*

Trace Lab

Delko: Did something happen to you years ago?

Carly: Eric, it's none of your business.

Delko: If you can't trust another CSI, who can you trust?

Carly: Myself.

Delko: Was it that bad?

Carly: Trust me, you don't need to know.

Delko: Maybe I can help.

Carly: You can't help.

Delko: Why not?

Carly: Because you can't! *walks away*

Delko: Um...Okay.

California, car

Katie: So where are we going?

Speed: I don't know, home?

Katie: Sounds good. I've had plenty of shopping for the day.

Speed: *slams on breaks* COME ON! Geez, traffic in this city is terrible.

Katie: *looks out side window*

Speed: What?

Katie: You yelled.

Speed: ...I'm sorry.

Katie: *smiles* It's okay.

Speed: *looks in rear view mirror* ...What is this guy doing?

Katie: What?

Speed: He's speeding up and then slowing down.

Katie: Maybe he wants to pass you.

Speed: Well he's going to have to wait.

Katie: What's this guy in front of you doing?

Speed: The same thing.

Katie: Well he's already past you.

Speed: Yeah I know that.

Katie: So...What do we do?

Speed: *sigh* This doesn't look good.

Katie: Are they doing this on purpose?

Vehicle at the back hits car's bumper

Katie: *screams*

Speed: What is he doing?

Katie: Um hitting us.

Speed: Yeah I can see that.

Vehicle bumps car into the vehicle ahead. Car stops, two vehicles drive off

Katie: *blinks*...

Speed: *stares out window*

Katie: What was that about?

Speed: I don't know.

Vehicle in intersection heads toward side of car

Katie: *looks out window* Oh my God! TIM! *grabs Speed*

Vehicle slams into the side of the car

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*shivers* Carly never mention Pete Keller! lol.

And you know I should have scene the end of that update coming. I mean you had a part from Lost Son in their. I should have known something bad was going to happen. I mean geez "i may kill Speedle" and then bam! Anyways....I hope we don't die! lol. And who's the people in the car. I wanna know! lol. And poor carly walked away. Well its not her fault I probably would have done the same thing. She asked Delko to let it go and he didn't. That's what he gets. Update soon please.

And seriously you and your cliffhangers!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

oh my gosh :eek: a cliffhanger?! oh no you don't, you had better update like right now!
and hmm, I wonder what happened to me...woah, I just realised how weird that sentecne sounded :lol: :p

oh my gosh, I hope Speed and Katie are ok!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

holyomgspeedandkatiestuckincarnotgood can'tpressspacebutton *Long stream of swears is herd throughout house*omgihopetheyareokaymygodthis can'tbegoodtheyhavetobeokay omgomgomgomgomf gupdatemorepleasesoon.......*deepbreath* I think I am good and *sqeal* H professed that he might actually love me.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

That's quite a mouthful Jaci. :p Hopefully that coffee high wears off sometime. :D

And as for Horatio's love? We'll see how that turns out.

...Katie and Speed just aren't having the best luck are they? :p

Somedays I Just Want To Quit

Accident scene, ambulances parked around, police cars surrounding the area.

Jody: *runs to the scene* Status.

Officer: An SUV just came slamming into the car. Witnesses say the car was stopped in the middle of the street, and the SUV didn't have time to break.

Jody: Why were they in the middle of the street?

Officer: Apparently two vehicles were hitting the car, and then drove off.

Jody: That would account for the bumper damage. Where are the passengers?

Officer: The driver's over there getting a head wound dressed, and the passenger...

Jody: Tell me.

Officer: She's in critical condition.

Jody: Okay I'd like to speak to the driver.

Officer: This way.

Jody: *walks over* Oh my God Tim?

Speed: Where's my wife? Where is she?

Jody: Okay slow down, just take a deep breath. Tell me what happened.

Speed: Where's my wife?

Jody: *places gauze over Speed's forehead* She's with the paramedics. Can you tell me what happened?

Speed: I..I don't remember. I...*shakes head* I don't know.

Jody: Okay, it's okay.

Speed: *covers eyes* ...I don't know what happened.

Jody: Would you like to phone anyone?

Speed: Can uh...You call...Uh...*looks around*

Jody: It's okay, take your time.

Speed: Uh....Eric Delko.

Jody: No problem. *dials phone* ....Yeah can you get me the number for an Eric Delko in Miami? ...Yeah I'll hold.

Speed: *closes eyes* I...Can't remember what happened.

Jody: You don't need to. We'll figure it out.

Speed: *nods*

Jody: Hang in there.

Speed: *opens eyes*

Jody: ...What?

Speed: *shakes head* Nothing.

Jody: Okay, just sit tight. *walks away*

6 hours later, hospital, California

Delko: *walks in* Whoa, you look banged up.

Speed: *stands* Eric.

Delko: Yeah man, I got a call. Is Katie alright?

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Delko: ...Man I'm sorry.

Speed: Wh-why does this keep happening to us?

Delko: I don't know.

Speed: Please find out what happened.

Delko: I promise.

Speed: I have to go see Katie.

Delko: Alright, I'll be out here.

Katie's room

Speed: *sits down*

Katie: *looks up* You're bleeding.

Speed: *wipes forehead* Yeah...I know.

Katie: Don't worry about me.

Speed: I...Don't remember what happened.

Katie: We were hit from the side. Two vehicles were trying to run us off the road.

Speed: Eric's here. I had the police call him.

Katie: Why?

Speed: I don't know. I figured he could help.

Katie: You don't trust Eric with your life.

Speed: I know.

Katie: *laughs* You look so serious.

Speed: You almost died.

Katie: I've had my fair share of close calls.

Speed: When this is over, we're not leaving the house.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Timmy you don't have to worry about me.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *smiles* I'm going to be fine. Go help Eric find the guys who did this.

Speed: I don't want to leave you.

Katie: I'll be out of here before you know it.

Speed: Okay. *kisses Katie* I'll see you later.

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: *leaves*

Katie: Ugh. *grips chest*


Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Seriouly Geni! Stop it with the cliffhangers! lol. And awww I love how Speed called Eric. Not h man! Eric! And yeah, seriously we can't catch a break. I mean he's gettin shot, i'm getting shot on a plane, i lose a baby, i get into...whoa this is the second car accident i've been in. Maybe I really should never leave the house. lol. Update soon please!
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