CSI:Miami Road Trip: Seven Years of Bad Luck & Counting

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Delko: You were sitting on the roof trying to get satelite, weren't you?

Horatio: I hate movies.
OMG, alot of these scenes in the story have happened SOMETIMe in my life. Long story short, i fell of the roof when we were tying to get satelite dish up. :lol: And yeah, some movies just suck. Or when you stay up all night with friends watching movies, and they start to pick more stupid and stupid ones. Can't wait till the nesxt part!
:lol: I'm glad the chapters touched some aspect of your life. :)


Hummerhome, next afternoon

Horatio: Someone didn't repair the tire properly.

Carly: We did so.

Speed: What did you do when I left?

Carly: I but gum on the base of it.

Speed: It's not a bong it's a tire.

Carly: Well it worked for a while!

Horatio: Now we're drooping again. You have to go get a new tire.

Carly: Can't we just flag someone down and steal their tires?

Horatio: No.

Calleigh: I think it'll be fun to go out for a walk.

Carly: A walk? Are you kidding me? This team doesn't just walk. We get ourselves killed.

Katie: We need to stretch our legs anyway.

Horatio: Katie, Calleigh, Carly, go get a new tire.

Colton: What about me and Megan? This isn't going to be one of those times where it's just me an Emy, and then we decide to kill Speed is it?

Speed: Emy's still in jail isn't she?

Colton: Yeah. I don't think she lasted very long. She was a nice girl though.

Horatio: Colton and Megan, you can go too.

Megan: Wow um how did I get volunteered?

Colton: If you don't say anything you get volunteered to do things you don't want to do.

Katie: Yeah come on it'll be fun. If you wear kevlar it'll be even more exciting.

Megan: Do I need kevlar?

Katie: I don't know. How lucky do you feel?

Horatio: Missy, JC, I want you both to go as well.

JC: Wha? Why do we have to?

Missy: Yeah I wanted to be lazy.

Horatio: No dice. Get hoppin'.


JC: You kind of look like one.

Missy: Yeah well you look like...Like...Like some kind of bubble gum.

JC: Oh I like bubble gum.

Missy: Yeah you do now.

People leave

Speed: What now?

Horatio: Now we wait.

Delko: So...Why don't we get to go?

Anni: Yeah.

Jess: I'm pregnant, I can't go.

Anni: We already know that.

Jess: I have an excuse to be here.

Anni: Don't come along if you're just going to stay here the whole time.

Jess: I like it in here. It's air conditioned.

Anni: What are we supposed to do for three hours.

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed/Delko: Stop talking.

Anni: ...


Anni: I think you mean XZIBIT.

Jess: Oh. Well screw you.

Horatio: Hey let's play nice.

Jess: You play nice.

Horatio: I can't. I'm God.

Jess: ...God isn't supposed to be mean.

Horatio: I have his wrath and I'm invincible.

Jess: You are not.

Horatio: I am so.

Anni: Not.

Horatio: So.

Delko: H, you're not invincible.

Horatio: Yes I am. Shoot me.

Delko: No.

Horatio: Shoot me.

Delko: No.

Horatio: Shoot me.

Delko: No.

Horatio: Shoot me.

Delko: NO!

Horatio: SHOOT ME!

Delko: FINE! *pulls out gun*

Speed: HEY! WHOA! If anyone's going to get shot, it's going to be me in some freak accident murder investigation.

Delko: He was taunting me.

Horatio: It's because I'm God. EAT DIRT MY LITTLE CREATION! *throws dirt*

Delko: Where did you get dirt from?

Horatio: My pocket. I was planting posies outside this morning.

Delko: Do you always have dirt in your pocket?

Horatio: Yes in situations like these.

Speed: So if you're so high and mighty, I bet you don't get annoyed and crack very easily.

Horatio: I am the most calm person on the planet. Nothing can make me yell.

Jess: You just yelled 'shoot me' two minutes ago.

Horatio: That was different. It was an order. This isn't me cracking.

Anni: Oh I see. Okay so...*smiles* Let's make a bet.

Horatio: Name it.

Anni: We're going to get you mad in four hours. If we win, you have to dye your hair bright pink and wear a clown outfit.

Horatio: Deal. Not that you'll win but I feel the need to see both sides because I'm Horatio Caine. If I win...Jessica has to shave Eric's head.

Jess: Hey! What about Anni!

Delko: Yeah! I want to keep my hair!

Horatio: Fine. Anni, you will have to bear a child.


Horatio: Hey you wanted to bet.

Anni: Oh you had BETTER hope I win. Tim tell him off.

Speed: Well it's not like he can stick us in a dark room and say go for it.

Anni: HA! Exactly!

Horatio: That's the rules.

Anni: ...You're going to stick us in a dark room?

Horatio: Anni...

Anni: THIS BET SUCKS! Let's play something else.

Horatio: No you wanted to play this, so we're going to play.

Anni: But you might win!

Horatio: And you might win.

Anni: I should really think twice before betting. Okay you know what? Next time we're not allowed to bet on the potential life of children.

Horatio: I get the feeling I'm going to win. *rubs hands together* AND I SHALL CREATE A BABAY!

Delko: You can't create a baby.

Horatio: I can if I tell them to make one.

Anni: *slaps Speed* Tell him he's not God.

Speed: H, you're not the savior.

Anni: Thank you.

Speed: But your ideas aren't bad.

Anni: HEY! Who's side are you on?

Speed: Yours.

Anni: Uh obviously not.

Delko: Do I still have to get my head shaved if you win?

Horatio: Yes.

Jess: That's not fair. Then you should get double the punishment if we win.

Horatio: I think the clown suit and the hair dye IS two punishments.

Anni: Not if we sit you outside McDonalds!

Delko: I like that idea.

Horatio: No. Unacceptable.

Anni: Aw Ronald's scared of a little bet.


Anni: EW! NO!

Speed: Hey. Now who's side are you on?

Jess: Why can't we just get along?

I can't breathe. :lol: H already looks like Ronald McDonald. He just needs the clown suit. :lol: I can't wait to see how this bet turns out. :lol:

Update sooner than the soonest you can update. ;) :lol:
Jess: I'm pregnant, I can't go.
That is like, the greatest excuse known to man. Soon enough, I'm going to be screaming that I'm a fat piece of lard and I'm a whale, and he did this to me and all that good stuff lol.

Speed: Well it's not like he can stick us in a dark room and say go for it.
HAHA OMG that was awesome. Speed was just so blunt there and I LOVED IT lol awww poor baby wants a .........baby lol But what about moi? He's getting to be a godfather! Not the same I guess lol. poor Timmy.

Love it Geni, update soon please, I can't wait to see if they make Horatio crack!
Jess, Colton, you both crack me up. :lol:

Actually everyone here makes me laugh. Y'all are such an inspiration. :)

Watch The World Around Fly By

Josh's house, 2 pm

Josh: Hey are you feeling better?

Lori: *puts purse down* Why?

Josh: Well you left this morning.

Lori: Cait wanted to go to the park.

Josh: Where is she?

Cait: *runs in* DADDY GUESS WHAT!

Josh: What?


Josh: Where is it?

Cait: I ATE IT!

Josh: *laughs* Come here munchkin. *grabs Cait*

Cait: *giggles*

Josh: Did you have fun at the park?

Cait: *nods* Lori's fun.

Lori: *smiles*

Josh: Okay kiddo, you have to wash up for lunch.

Cait: Okay daddy.

Josh: *puts Cait down* Go on.

Cait: *runs upstairs*

Josh: That was nice of you to do for her.

Lori: Well you brought me here and fed me. It's the least I can do.

Josh: So you're feeling better?

Lori: Well there's still some pain but it's not as bad.

Josh: Looks like you're recovering then.

Lori: Yeah.

Josh: Do you want some lunch?

Lori: Actually I have somewhere to be.

Josh: You do?

Lori: I called Claire this morning. We're going to go to a club tonight and have some fun. I was going to her house to get ready.

Josh: It's going to take you that long?

Lori: Well she wanted me to meet a few of her friends and we were going out for lunch.

Josh: And who are these 'friends'?

Lori: Just some people my age.

Josh: Your age. And what exactly is your age?

Lori: ...21.

Josh: You're not 21.

Lori: Look, they're Claire's friends and we're going to go have a good time.

Josh: In a club where you're underage?

Lori: *frowns* I look older than I am.

Josh: Are these friends of Claire's men?

Lori: ...Yes some of them are men.

Josh: And how old are they?

Lori: Um I didn't realize I had to explain everything to you.

Josh: You know how dangerous some guys are?

Lori: I'm aware of how dangerous people can be. And you know what? I don't have to explain myself to you. You're not my father.

Josh: I know that. I'm just trying to make sure you'll be safe tonight.

Lori: I will be.

Cait: *runs downstairs* Lori! Lori! Lori! Lori!

Lori: What?

Cait: *grabs Lori's hand* Come play Barbies with me.

Lori: *sigh* I'm sorry, I can't. I have to leave.

Cait: But...Who's gonna play with me?

Lori: Don't you have a made up friend or something?

Cait: *shakes head*

Lori: Uh...Real friends?

Cait: No.

Lori: Well I'm sorry I can't stay longer. But I promise tomorrow I'll play Barbies with you. Okay?

Cait: *sigh* Okay.

Lori: See you guys later. *leaves*

Josh: *looks at Cait*

Cait: *sits on floor*

Josh: What are you doing?

Cait: Sitting.

Josh: Use the couch.

Cait: *crosses arms*

Josh: Alright I get it, you're protesting.

Cait: *frowning*

Josh: Stand up and get over here.

Cait: *frowning*

Josh: Cait, I'm not going to ask you again.

Cait: *faces away from Josh*

Josh: Cait.

Cait: *frowning*

Josh: *walks over, grabs Cait*

Cait: *screaming*

Josh: Sit in this chair.

Cait: *jumps out of chair*

Josh: *grabs Cait* Get back in the chair. *puts Cait in chair*

Cait: NO! *jumps out of chair*

Josh: *grabs Cait, puts her in chair* Don't move.

Cait: NO! *jumps out of chair*

Josh: *grabs Cait* Do not move. *sits her in chair*

Cait: *screaming*

Josh: *staring at Cait*

Cait: *still screaming*

Josh: *crosses arms*

Cait: *screaming, throws plates onto floor*

Josh: *kneels, picks up broken plates*

Cait: *screaming*

Josh: *stands, walks over to garbage*

Cait: *takes deep breath*

Josh: *closes garbage lid*

Cait: *exhales*

Josh: *walks over*

Cait: *frowning*

Josh: Are you finished?

Cait: *shakes head*

Josh: Screaming at me is not going to help you get what you want. You're going to be punished for your unacceptable behavior.

Cait: ...

Josh: Come here.

Cait: *stares at Josh*

Josh: Do I need to tell you again?

Cait: *jumps out of chair, walks over*

Josh: You will not scream in this house again, do you understand me young lady?

Cait: *nods*

Josh: *grabs Cait's hand*

Cait: *flinches*

Josh: *smacks Cait's hand*

Cait: *starts to cry*

Josh: *lets go*

Cait: *crying*

Josh: Go to your room.

Cait: *crying, walks upstairs*


Speed: FONDU!

Delko: DUFON!

Speed: Dufon?

Delko: ...What?

Speed: He won't be annoyed by the mixed up word.

Horatio: Your words have no power over me.


Horatio: ...I'm not affected.

Jess: Sad little children!

Horatio: Nope.

Speed: *pulls out gun* What if I were to SHOOT YOU!

Horatio: I thought we already tried that.

Speed: ...Oh yeah.


Speed: What are you talking about?

Delko: ..I've always wanted one.

Horatio: None of this is getting to me.

Anni: I know what will. Contact of the physical kind. *leaps*

Speed: *grabs Anni* Whoa, woman. Save that for later.

Anni: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *winks*

Anni: ....I'm not sure how to answer that.


Delko: I do so. Remember that one time I got hot sauce in my eye?

Jess: ...Not the same thing Eric.

AHHH geni I swear that ur fics are the glue of the world most of the time lol .... did i almost quote empire records there? LOL haha me saying i like buble gum after i am told i look like some kind of buble gum is so me ... i think that happened before ... except with a different food item ...*goes into deep thought* .... can't wait for more... awsome as always and I am glad we are all a insperation to you, but where would we be without ur total awsomenedd (okay that totally isn't a word ... time for sleep)
Okay, I typed out a nice review for you, and the site went into it's maintenence thingy. And of course, since it was 3am, and I was sick, I didn't think to save it :lol:
I think I said something about Cait being cute when she throws and tantrum. Oh, and something about wanting to see who wins the bet :lol:
:lol: :lol: Awww, Geni my gosh, I've just sat and read so many pages of this fic, and I have *counts* 3 words to say to you...I Want More!!! :lol: Ah man, I laughed so hard in the library at school, so my teacher came over, shook her head and walked off, though shje wasn't to impressed! :lol:

Speed: *grabs Anni* Whoa, woman. Save that for later.

Anni: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *winks*

Anni: ....I'm not sure how to answer that.
Aww man, Im actually gonna put a plan into action to get a cardboard Speed with all his sayings built in, with a card board eye to wink at me! :lol:


Delko: I do so. Remember that one time I got hot sauce in my eye?

Jess: ...Not the same thing Eric.
I can sooo imagine my group saying that *snigger*

And you know the bit I laughed at most?


Speed: FONDU!

Delko: DUFON!

Speed: Dufon?

Delko: ...What?

Speed: He won't be annoyed by the mixed up word.
:lol: So funny! Oh and the 'Eat dirt' bit :lol:

Man, thats a long-assed post! :D And I love the quote in your banner CSI_in_training! :lol:


Delko: I do so. Remember that one time I got hot sauce in my eye?

What the...hot sauce? Oh gosh, i love it when Eric's random like this! :lol: And how can you get hot suace in your eye?? XD

Horatio: Hey let's play nice.

Jess: You play nice.

Horatio: I can't. I'm God.

Jess: ...God isn't supposed to be mean.

Horatio: I have his wrath and I'm invincible.

Jess: You are not.

Horatio: I am so.

Anni: Not.

Horatio: So.

Delko: H, you're not invincible.

Horatio: Yes I am. Shoot me.

Delko: No.

Horatio: Shoot me.

Delko: No.

Horatio: Shoot me.

Delko: No.

Horatio: Shoot me.

Delko: NO!

Horatio: SHOOT ME!

Delko: FINE! *pulls out gun*

Speed: HEY! WHOA! If anyone's going to get shot, it's going to be me in some freak accident murder investigation.

Delko: He was taunting me.

Horatio: It's because I'm God. EAT DIRT MY LITTLE CREATION! *throws dirt*

Delko: Where did you get dirt from?

Horatio: My pocket. I was planting posies outside this morning.

Delko: Do you always have dirt in your pocket?

Horatio: Yes in situations like these.
OMG OMG oMG. THIS is SO funny! :lol: I just love when you type like this. Making H say these things. HE COULD SO BE GOD OR SOMETHING! XD

Speed: HEY! WHOA! If anyone's going to get shot, it's going to be me in some freak accident murder investigation.
....Is this your idea of irony? XD It's just that....he DID...die in a freak accident....*sobs*

Speed: So if you're so high and mighty, I bet you don't get annoyed and crack very easily.

Horatio: I am the most calm person on the planet. Nothing can make me yell.

Jess: You just yelled 'shoot me' two minutes ago.

Ok, that was my FAVOURITE part of this whole part. It was hilarious! God, i love this story.
*gasp* Speed died? No! You lie!
*curls up into a little ball* It didn't happen, it didn't happen....
CSI_Trainee said
AHHH geni I swear that ur fics are the glue of the world most of the time lol

Thank you. :) But you guys are the glue that holds this fic together. ;)

DragonflyDreamer said
I think I said something about Cait being cute when she throws and tantrum. Oh, and something about wanting to see who wins the bet

Well I think that about sums up the entire chapter, even if your entire post couldn't be entered. :lol: I kind of want to see who wins the bet as well. :) --Although y'all know me. I barely ever plan ahead.

CSIVegasMiamiNY said
Awww, Geni my gosh, I've just sat and read so many pages of this fic, and I have *counts* 3 words to say to you...I Want More!!!

:lol: And I want to give you more! Hey at least we're on the same page right? :p

Ah man, I laughed so hard in the library at school, so my teacher came over, shook her head and walked off, though shje wasn't to impressed! :lol:

LOL! I think that happens with our resident Aussie carlz31 as well. She's always readin' in the Library. Granted, she tells me it's the RT. Not exactly literature, but hey it's better than some old smelly books. :p

...Unless you like reading old smelly books. I do from time to time.

Hunter said
I just love when you type like this. Making H say these things. HE COULD SO BE GOD OR SOMETHING! XD

I'm glad you love it. :)

....Is this your idea of irony? XD It's just that....he DID...die in a freak accident....*sobs*

I usually put little tidbits from the show in there all the time. :)

DragonflyDreamer said
*gasp* Speed died? No! You lie!
*curls up into a little ball* It didn't happen, it didn't happen....

He's a liar he is! *throws rocks at TPTB*


Nope, Speed never died. He lives in Brazil. Horatio didn't really go there to catch Marisol's killer, he went there to get status on Speed's progress with his undercover mission concerning the disasterous effects of greenhouse gases in the Rainforest. His job? Flying around in a giant air balloon with a special device called a 'CO2MANATOR'.

Black 22


Delko: *pointing at Horatio* I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you.

Horatio: Quit it.

Delko: But I'm not touching you.

Horatio: Quit it.

Delko: I'm not touching you.

Horatio: Quit it.

Delko: I can't because I'm not touching you.

Horatio: Stop.

Delko: I'm not touching you.

Horatio: Seriously.

Delko: I'm not touching you.

Jess: I can almost see his face contort into a glare.

Anni: Hey if we all do it will he crack? *point at Horatio*

Jess: Good idea! *points at Horatio*

Speed: But...

Anni: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Fine. *points at Horatio*

Delko/Anni/Jess: We're not touching you! We're not touching you! We're not touching you! *blinks simultaneously*

Horatio: *screams, runs out*

Delko: WE WIN!

Anni: Thank..Us!

Jess: Good, I didn't want to shave Delko's head.

Speed: I think the blinking was scarier than the pointing.

Jess: Where do you think Horatio went?

Delko: Heaven.

Tire Yeard, 2 kilometers away

Carly: Here we are!

JC: It smells like a toilet.

Colton: It smells like my grandma.

Carly: Alright let's split up and find some tires. We'll go in teams.


Carly: Why?

Colton: You're more fun.

Carly: *smiles* Really?

Katie: *pushes Colton* I'm on her team CHUMP.

Colton: Did you just call me 'chump'?

Katie: Got a problem with that?

Colton: I'm Carly's friend.


Carly: *giggles* I feel so popular.

Megan: Do I get stuck on my own team? Because that always happened in school.

Carly: You can be with Missy and JC.

Megan: Oh great, the forgotten and least talked about members of the team.

Missy: HEY! The clerk at IKEA paid attention to me.

JC: You were hitting on him.

Missy: I wasn't hitting on him. I was hitting him. With a broom. He cheaped me out of 32 dollars. CANADIAN. You know how much that's worth over here?

JC: I don't want to be on your team. Carly put me on someone else's team.

Carly: Okay you can be on my team.


Megan: Why do we need teams to get a tire? I don't understand.

Katie: Because if we don't do this as a team, we'll be like turtles who have fallen on their backs and can't get up.

JC: I had a turtle once. His name was Mister Tootles.

Missy: Well that's original.

JC: Hey he liked his name. Until he fell down the toilet.

Missy: Um...How does a turtle fall down the toilet?

JC: I was making it his hot tub. But before I could, he commited suicide by porcelain.

Missy: You didn't have to flush.


Carly: Okay. Katie, JC, Megan you're with me. Missy, Colton, Calleigh you're together. Deal?

Everyone: Deal.

Carly: Cool, I'm like the parent of this trip.

But...But...I said Speed DIDN'T die. :( And......

*glares at Carly* I see where the lines are drawn now. :lol: At least I get Calleigh and Missy. :p

Update soon. :)
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