CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Hahaha wow! lol.

Calleigh: I checked all the local clubs. None of them have that theme going for them. Although I did find another club that featured fried ants.
Hey I'm watching Wannabe right now! lol,

Speed: Katie hates me.
Awww poor Timmy. I don't hate you I swear.

Anni: I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! *jumps off couch*
Ah! Titanic! Heck yes "Jack! Rose! Jack! Rose" Sorry..that never gets old. lol.

Omg! Eric got his head stuck in Jess' boobs? I find that a little hard to believe lol. Good lord woman if there that big get some surgery! lol. OR give them to someone like me who needs them!...To much info? lol.

And whoa there doing drugs...thats like...Drunk Katie turned horribly wrong! lol. But seriously leave it to H man to ruin ALL the fun! lol. Update soon please!
I love the last update, you should have had Calleigh up there too, but due to the fact that she recently gave birth I would hope that wouldn't happen.
Colton: Come on kid, we have a plane to catch. *picks up Lori* You can tell the hostages that they're free to go. When Trevor wakes up you can arrest him.
Wha-? NO! *cries* Not lori! Ooooh!
Not for a long while. We'll probably see her again in the 7th thread, whereas the timeline will have advanced exponentially. At least five years.
OH! You just promised another thread! That makes me so happy...dispite the fact that lori is gone and Jess has stolen my man. *glares at jess*
JC: I've always wanted to be a turkey.
Missy: Why?
JC: Um so I can eat myself.
That is such a jc thing to say... And YAY! I'm back! *continues to glare at Jess*
^^Holy CRAP That made my night. Alcohol, drugs, strippers! We're all crazy people! Oh Oh, is horatio mad at JC?
I'm glad y'all liked it! :D

And yes, I suppose I did just promise another thread. Gee, things have a funny way of slipping out don't they? ;)

All The Love That's Around Me

House, 5 pm

Speed: *walks in*

Katie: *hands baby to Speed* Take him.

Speed: *grabs baby* Uh okay.

Katie: I just spent the last half hour cleaning up his puke so it's your turn.

Speed: Fair enough. *puts baby in crib*

Katie: *crosses arms*

Speed: What?

Katie: I want a divorce.

Speed: *lifts brow* What?

Katie: ...

Speed: *staring at Katie*

Katie: *laughs* I'm just kidding but you should have seen your face.

Speed: That's not funny.

Katie: *wraps arms around Speed's neck* Yes it is.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Katie: *kisses Speed*

Baby starts to cry

Speed: *lifts head*

Katie: *sigh*

Speed: *clears throat* I guess this means you're not mad at me.

Katie: Not entirely.

Speed: Why the change of heart?

Katie: Uh, well for starters I love you.

Speed: And you didn't love me before?

Katie: No, I did.

Speed: I don't get it.

Katie: I've been too hard on you.

Speed: It was my fault.

Katie: You did what you had to do. I would have done the same.

Speed: Are you just trying to make me feel better?

Katie: No, Tim. I'm sorry. I should have been more understanding.

Speed: So you're not mad at me.

Katie: No.

Speed: *sigh* Good.

Katie: *hugs Speed* I miss her.

Speed: Me too.

Katie: She'll be okay right?

Speed: ...Yeah...She'll be...She'll be just fine.

Katie: *nods*

Speed: *lets go* You okay?

Katie: Mhm.

Speed: Good. So are you coming to work tomorrow?

Katie: Um...I don't think so.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: I just...I...I can't do what you do. Not anymore.

Speed: What do you mean?

Katie: I can't look at another crime scene. I can't. Maybe you can handle it but I can't.

Speed: It's okay.

Katie: You look disappointed.

Speed: No. I'm just concerned. Why are you suddenly saying this?

Katie: I'm...*sigh* I'm tired of losing the people I love. I mean, first Riley, and now Lori...And I don't want to lose you either.

Speed: ...You won't lose me.

Katie: It's just that, every day you go to work and you know, maybe one day you won't come home.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: Promise me you'll always come home.

Speed: *stares at Katie* ...I'll always come home.

Katie: You don't sound very convincing.

Speed: I know.

Katie: *looks down at floor* Well...I'll get dinner started. *walks away*

Speed: *blank stare*

My Thoughts Alone Try To Complicate
All The Love That's Around Me
hehe, I was just listening to that song :D

OH my, that whole drunkeness/stripping/God-only-knows-what-else chapter was hilarious! Trust Jess to get her boobs stuck in the door, and trust Eric to get his face stuck in the aforementioned boobs :lol:

But AWWWWWW, that last chapter was so sweet! I don't really know what else to say about it, but awwwwww, the poor Speedle family... :(

anyways, please update soon
wow, you're away for one week and look...it is like power cut in your head! :lol:

ok well lets see, mad girl is dead, Speed and Katie have another child and lil Lori is tooked away.. wow, hard time for them .. :p
ahahah guys got drunk again! that just sounds like my vacation! :lol:

alright than..i need some time to fix my lightbulb in my head and than i will be able to catch you up guys :D
but this is really great Geni, you did an awsome job! so cool! :)
Awww that was a very heart warming chapter. lol.

Katie: I want a divorce.

Speed: *lifts brow* What?

Katie: ...
Oh man when I first read that I was like "Geni...you are not doing this to me this early in the morning" lol. And then I continued to read and I was like "ohhh good deal" lol. I play a tricky tricky game though. lol.

Katie: *hugs Speed* I miss her.

Speed: Me too.

Katie: She'll be okay right?

Speed: ...Yeah...She'll be...She'll be just fine.

Katie: *nods*
Oh I am so easily minpulated. But I guess when you've been through what Speed and RT Katie have been through you'll believe anything to make yourself not feel bad for at least 5 seconds.

Speed: ...You won't lose me.
LIes I tell you! All lies!!!! lol.

Katie: Promise me you'll always come home.

Speed: *stares at Katie* ...I'll always come home.

Awww its so sad and yet Lost Son just keeps popping into my friggin head LIES! Dang you Donahue. Even though the RT and what Donahue does are TWO very DIFFERENT things. But still. lol.

But awww I'm not going to be a CSI anymore. ANd I just got promoted to! Poop on a stick *gaspage* Does this mean no more FBI to? Double poop on a stick. lol. Anyways Geni this was a very nice chapter, it showed a lot of emotion and I think we need that every know and then. Update soon please!
Katie: I want a divorce.

Speed: *lifts brow* What?

Katie: ...

When I saw that I was like....WHAT? And then Katie said she was just kidding and I was like, oh holy shit lol. Awww I'm glad Katie isn't mad at Speed anymore, he deserves a little credit for saving the lives of thousands of people probably. Hmmm Katie isn't going to be a CSI anymore. I can see where that would be understandable. I mean she's lost so many people already, I think after the first one I would have been out lol. Great update Geni, can't wait for more!
DragonflyDreamer...I should have so totally given you Lori. You could have kept her away from the Columbians. :lol: ;)

Carly! *hugs* I haven't seen you in forever. Well, actually that's true. I've NEVER seen you. :p

LtKitty, welcome back! I hope your week away from here was fun. :D

Katie, double poop on a stick? You crack me up! *huggles* And Jess, um...Yes he does deserve credit for saving thousands of people. I mean, even if he lost his child for it, it was for a good cause. Yes, I will keep telling myself that. (God I can't believe I promised another thread...)

Hope That You're Always Happy Like We Were


Horatio: *walks in* ...Carole?

Carole: *looks up*

Horatio: What are you doing in here?

Carole: Thinking.

Horatio: Thinking. Thinking about what?

Carole: Everything that's happened.

Horatio: *sits down*

Carole: Don't get me wrong, I love it here with you guys, but...Sometimes I just miss home. My family.

Horatio: I understand.

Carole: I haven't been able to sleep for the past few days...I've been thinking about them a lot. Do you think they even care that I'm gone?

Horatio: I'm sure they think about you just as much.

Carole: I don't want to think that I'll never see them again.

Horatio: Well you know what Carole? ..Sometimes...Sometimes we're afraid of being on our own, and away from everything that we find is familiar. It's scary to be independant, and so far away from everything we've known. The only difference is, we're here. And we see you as family.

Carole: ...Really?

Horatio: *smirks*

Carole: Thanks.

Horatio: Not a problem. So, let's get back to work.

Carole: *nods*

Horatio: Good.

Old house, bad part of town

Speed: How did you track this place down?

Calleigh: Tracked down the jeep to this address.

Speed: So who lives here?

Calleigh: John Canon.

Speed: *knocks on door*

Calleigh: *looks around*

Door opens

John: Yeah?

Speed: You John Canon?

John: Yeah. Who's askin'?

Calleigh: Miami Dade PD.

John: ...What do you want?

Speed: Can we come in?

John: No.

Calleigh: *smiles* We have a warrant Mister Canon. *hands over paper*

John: Warrant? For what?

Speed: Your house.

John: Why?

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Calleigh: There was a convenience store robbery last week, and we're just following some leads.

John: So why do you need to see my house?

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: We'll let you know as soon as we're finished.

Speed: *looks around*

John: No, I don't want cops in my house.

Calleigh: We can escort you down to the police station if you prefer.

Car drives past, with tinted windows, window rolls down and a gun is seen

Speed: *takes out gun* Get in the house.

John: What? Why?

Calleigh: *takes out gun*

Shots fly

Calleigh: *falls backward off steps*

Speed: *shoots gun*

Car drives off

Speed: Calleigh! *holsters gun* Calleigh, you okay? *grabs Calleigh*

Calleigh: *stands* I'm fine. *wipes blood from face*

Speed: *touches Calleigh's face* That yours?

Calleigh: No. *looks down*

John Canon, seen laying on the steps, dead

Speed: *angry sigh*

Calleigh: People say it's a bad neighborhood.

Speed: Yeah well it just got worse.

Calleigh: People say it's a bad neighborhood.

Speed: Yeah well it just got worse.
Ohhhhh and cue theme music! lol. Or commerical...whichever. lol.

You know Mr. Canon might still be alive if he just let them in the house. Granted there's probably stuff in there he doesn't want Speed and Calleigh to see but still. lol. And awww poor Carole *huggles* She misses home. And you know with everything thats happend I can't blame her.

Horatio: Well you know what Carole? ..Sometimes...Sometimes we're afraid of being on our own,
Well if that wasn't Horatio like I don't know what is.

And yes Geni 'double poop on a stick' lol.

Update soon please.

Bridge That I've Got To Burn

Old house, Crime scene

Speed: *snapping pictures*

Calleigh: *opens kit*

Horatio: *walks in* I heard about all the shots. You guys okay?

Calleigh: *smiles* I'm okay.

Horatio: Speed?

Speed: *snaps pictures* Yeah.

Horatio: Okay. Tell me about the victim Alexx.

Alexx: Gunshot wound to the chest, cause of death was exsanguination.

Horatio: You guys see the shooter?

Calleigh: The shooter was in a car behind tinted windows. I didn't see a face.

Horatio: Speed?

Speed: I moved out of the way, I didn't see anything.

Horatio: So you were standing in front of Mister Canon here.

Speed: *looks down at body* Yeah.

Horatio: ...

Speed: ...What.

Horatio: *looking around* Something's not right.

Calleigh: What do you mean?

Horatio: Alexx, check under his shirt.

Alexx: *unbutton's vic's shirt*

Horatio: And there you have it folks. He was wearing a wire.

Calleigh: Why would a kid who robbed a convenience store be wearing a wire?

Horatio: These cases just don't appear to be what they seem anymore do they?

Calleigh: Apparently not.

Horatio: Let's find out who this kid was working for.

Calleigh: I'll get the audio to Tyler.

Horatio: Thank you. Speed, I want pictures of everything in here, including the front yard and backyard. Check dumpsters for anything related to our victim.

Speed: No problem.

Horatio: *puts on shades* I'm going to go see what I can dig up. *leaves*

Half hour later, alley, dumpster

Speed: *opens lid*

Delko: *walks up* Hey I heard you needed some help.

Speed: *looks inside dumpster* Who told you that?

Delko: Calleigh.

Speed: I don't need help.

Delko: I heard you guys got into a shootout.

Speed: It happens.

Delko: You okay?

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Delko: Well I mean the guy...Just barely missed you.

Speed: Yeah and our suspect is dead.

Delko: Is that such a bad thing?

Speed: *looks at Delko*

Delko: ...Well it could have been you.

Speed: Yeah and it could have been Calleigh, which it wasn't. It was our suspect so if you don't mind I'd like to get back to work.

Delko: You sure you're okay?

Speed: *frowns* Why.

Delko: ...Your hands are shaking.

Speed: My hands are fine. *reaches into dumpster*

Delko: What did you find?

Speed: *pulls out a gun*

Delko: Nice piece.

Speed: Yeah and it's been fired recently.

Delko: Based on...

Speed: Based on my eyes. I can do my job.

Delko: Whoa, sorry.

Speed: Take this to Calleigh.

Delko: Sure. *grabs gun*

Speed: Thanks.

Delko: *walks away*

Speed: *leans against dumpster, holds chest*

Old house

Delko: Happy birthday.

Calleigh: *takes gun* It's not my birthday.

Delko: *laughs* Speed found it in the dumpster.

Calleigh: Oh, could be the gun John used to kill the teller.

Delko: Could be.

Calleigh: *opens up gun* You talk to Tim?

Delko: Yeah.

Calleigh: How is he?

Delko: Grumpy as usual.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Delko: So you think that's the gun?

Calleigh: Well it's been fired recently, and it's missing two bullets.

Delko: 15 bullet magazine?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Delko: So he didn't want you guys to find this in his house obviously.

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: *walks in* I found something else.

Delko: What did you find?

Speed: At the bottom of the dumpster, there's about 50 kilos worth of cocaine.

Delko: *lifts brows* Drugs?

Calleigh: This boy was into a lot.

Speed: Yeah well I called narco so they'll take care of it. You want to know what else I found? *lifts bottle*

Delko: *smiles* Honey.

Speed: Yeah and I'm betting there's more of it in his house.

Calleigh: Let's check downstairs.


Calleigh: *looks around*

Delko: Looks like he had his own club down here.

Speed: Great place to hold meetings and entertainment, seeing as he was probably selling drugs.

Calleigh: So why would he rob a convenience store and then shoot the teller if he was obviously working with the feds?

Speed: Once a criminal, always a criminal.

Delko/Calleigh: *look at Speed*

Speed: Yeah you were thinking the same thing.

Delko: Well he got the idea for the honey and plastic wrap and used it to attract clients, so he was in pretty deep.

Speed: ...In honey?

Calleigh/Delko: *look at Speed*

Speed: Tough crowd.

Delko: *smiles* Alright look, let's just collect everything down here and then get it back to the lab.

Calleigh: *clicks on flashlight*

Delko: *walks to bar* Wow he was sure set up down here.

Calleigh: Tables, drinks, lights. And to think this house looked pretty bad on the outside.

Delko: Good cover for what he was doing down here.

Speed: Someone obviously knew because they killed him.

Calleigh: I've got traces of cocaine on this table.

Delko: I've got traces of cocaine over here too.

Speed: I...Don't.

Calleigh: *lifts head*

Speed: Well I wasn't looking for cocaine so that was probably...Why...*clears throat* Is it getting hot in here?

Calleigh: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *looks at Calleigh*

Speed: I'll just...Shut up.

Calleigh: *smirks* I've got prints over here too.

Delko: Great so we can track down some of his clients.

Calleigh: And to think that a convenience store robbery led us to so much corruption.

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: *lifts ashtray* Hey DNA.

Delko: *looks over* Good find.

Speed: Thanks it's kind of my job.

Delko: *laughs*

Calleigh: So the feds found out what he was running down here, made him a deal to catch his clients, and then...Someone kills the informant.

Delko: Maybe we should find out what kind of clients he had.

Speed: Criminal ones.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: Now boys play nice.

Delko: Yes ma'am.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Delko: Wow way to blind me.

Speed: My finger slipped.

Delko: Yeah sure it did.

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