CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Don't Say Anything Tonight

Two Weeks Later


Horatio: Okay, the case.

Delko: We think the gold was stashed there last year.

Horatio: Based on...

Delko: Degredation in the metals caused by ash and methane gas.

Horatio: So we have an approximate timeline.

Delko: Gold was stashed there, and then taken out after the death of David Watson.

Horatio: You figure out who killed the wife?

Delko: We're actually thinking the husband did it.

Horatio: Okay let's hear it.

Delko: We tracked down insurance records for gold that was found off the coast of Florida. Our victim David Watson was a treasure hunter.

Horatio: And how does that explain the fact that he killed his wife?

Delko: I looked into it and apparently she was going to divorce David and take the gold as part of the contract. I'm guessing he hid it in the fireplace for safekeeping and then killed his wife to make the problem go away.

Horatio: Do we have any hard evidence to suggest it?

Delko: *smiles* Yeah, actually. I found pieces of plastic melted with the firewood. I found a label in there, and it was warming gel. I think Watson had a guilty conscience. Got rid of the so called murder weapon.

Horatio: Mhm and then realized his gold was still up in the fireplace.

Delko: Yeah so he goes up to get it, slips and falls two storeys.

Horatio: Well that's an open and shut case isn't it?

Delko: Not for the little girl he left behind.

Horatio: Speaking of which, you talk to Speed and Katie recently?

Delko: Yeah I just spoke with Speed in the trace lab. He handed me the results on the trace from the fireplace.

Horatio: He seem alright?

Delko: He seemed fine.

Horatio: Okay thank you.

Delko: So uh, what did you get Carly and Josh for their wedding present?

Horatio: A Hummer.

Delko: *laughs* No kidding.

Horatio: We have them in abundance here.

Delko: Well I'm sure they appreciated it. I got them a new tv.

Horatio: I hope it wasn't the old tv at your house.

Delko: No way, it was new.

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey.

Delko: Hey Calleigh.

Horatio: You got something?

Calleigh: *smiles* This case might not be closed.

Delko: How so?

Calleigh: I took a look around the roof, and found boot prints on it, not a match to the victim.

Delko: You test all the shoes in the house?

Calleigh: Yep and none of them match.

Delko: So we still have a killer to catch.

Speed: *walks in* And some gold. *hands over paper*

Delko: What's this?

Speed: The gold was taken from that fireplace three months ago. A warrant was served by the county to retrieve it.

Horatio: On what grounds?

Speed: He was hoarding it.

Delko: *smiles* Right the government has the right to chose which precentage the finder gets. Obviously he didn't register all of it.

Speed: Yeah so I'm thinking whoever's gold he has, wanted him dead.

Delko: It's the government's gold.

Speed: Yeah but it wasn't found in his quadrant. I did a little searching around. *hands over more paper*

Horatio: *grabs paper*

Speed: GPS on his boat puts him into someone else's quad, about five miles from his.

Delko: Who's?

Speed: Andy Porter.

Delko: Maybe we should go check it out.

Horatio: Do that.


Delko: So, where's Katie?

Speed: At home.

Delko: You like the new house?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: How's she holding up?

Speed: What, Katie or the house?

Delko: *rolls eyes* Katie.

Speed: She won't talk to me, and she won't leave the house.

Delko: Tough break.

Speed: We've been through worse.

Delko: Well look man, I understand why you did it. I probably would have done the same thing.

Speed: *nods* So what was up with you a while back?

Delko: What?

Speed: You were pissed about something.

Delko: ...Missy and I had a fight.

Speed: I didn't know you two were still together.

Delko: We're not. She found out I like Jess.

Speed: I thought you liked Valera.

Delko: Yeah and you thought your love life was complicated.

Speed: Hey is that his boat?

Delko: Well it's big enough. The guy probably has his own company go out fishing for treasure.

Speed: So you're just one of the little guys right?

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I mean, you still go out there with your little flippers and oxygen tank right?

Delko: *frowns* You have to start somewhere.

Speed: I don't have to start anywhere. Unlike you, I don't live in a world of false hope.

Delko: Oh come on, when you were growing up you never dreamed about finding that one piece of history that no one else has seen in hundreds of years?

Speed: I don't mean to crap all over your 'dreams' but there isn't a lot of treausre in New York. Hey are you mister Porter?

Andy: *turns around* Yeah. Is there something I can help you with?

Speed: We're with Miami Dade CSI, we have some questions.

Andy: Sure.

Delko: Do you know this man? *opens folder*

Andy: No.

Speed: His name's David Watson. He's a treasure hunter, like you.

Andy: *laughs* Treasure hunter? No. I'm a business man. I don't indulge in the fantasy of finding that big priceless artifact. I'm here to make money. It's no different than the stock market.

Speed: This your boat?

Andy: Yeah.

Speed: We'd like to take a look around.

Andy: No. You're going to need a warrant.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Okay we'll come back with one.

Speed: Yeah you have about an hour to hide all of the illegal crap you have in there. *nods, walks away*

Andy: ...What's his problem?

Delko: He had a bad burrito. *walks away*

HAHAHHA oh Delko. Bad Burito. Hehe. H got Carly and Joshie a Hummer hahahaha how sweet. lol.

Delko: *rolls eyes* Katie.

Speed: She won't talk to me, and she won't leave the house.
Well gee Mr. Miami I wouldn't talk to you either if you just gave our kid away to the bad guys. Yeah sure I know you wanted to do the right thing and save the city. But Lori's your flesh and blood.

Ugh and Just when you think the case is closed Speed and Calleigh had to come in and ruin it. lol.

Speed: I thought you liked Valera.

Delko: Yeah and you thought your love life was complicated.
Awww. There both man whores! They can have like a club that meets on Thursday nights and everything!...Ok i'm a little hyper. lol. Update soon please.
Well hey we're always up for a twist huh? The cases are never just..Over. :p

What We Have To Say

Marina, two hours later

Delko: The place looks clean.

Andy: I run a tight ship. Uh...No pun intended.

Speed: *going through drawers* Strike one.

Andy: Excuse me?

Delko: *shakes head*

Andy: So why are you searching my boat again?

Delko: Your name popped up so we're checking everything out.

Andy: And you need a warrant for that?

Speed: You weren't cooperating with information so yeah we need a warrant for that.

Andy: This...Treasure hunter, you think I killed him?

Speed: Did you?

Andy: No. I don't even know the guy.

Speed: You don't have to know someone to kill 'em.

Andy: Yeah because I'm just the kind of guy who would kill a stranger for kicks.

Speed: Strike two.

Andy: *shakes head* What are you doing?

Speed: *lifts picture* This you?

Andy: Yeah it's me.

Speed: Looks about a year old.

Andy: How would you know that? You a photographer or something?

Speed: Yeah.

Andy: ...

Speed: Who's the woman beside you?

Andy: That's...No one. We broke up. *grabs picture* Are you two finished here?

Speed: *puts on latex gloves* No, we're not.

Andy: Well I have to get back out in the water.

Delko: I'm sure you can wait a few more minutes.

Andy: Hey! Hey don't touch that.

Speed: Strike three, get out.

Andy: What?

Speed: Leave the boat, now.

Andy: Why? It's my boat.

Speed: Not anymore. It's evidence, so get out.

Andy: You can't kick me off my boat.

Speed: *steps forward*

Delko: *extends arm* Hey, Andy why don't you go grab a coffee or something.

Andy: ...Sure. *leaves*

Delko: *turns around* Care to explain?

Speed: I'm sorry.

Delko: You can't just...Kick him out.

Speed: The law says I can.

Delko: He's not a suspect.

Speed: He is now.

Delko: What did you find?

Speed: *opens drawer*

Delko: ...Gold.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: He would have never let us search there.

Speed: He almost didn't.

Delko: You want to haul him in?

Speed: You can, I have to be somewhere.

Delko: Where?

Speed: I have to go pick up my...Son. He's staying the weekend.

Delko: *smiles* Well have fun.

Speed: *leaves*

Delko: ...Was it something I said?


Calleigh: *smiles* Hey.

Speed: *walks in*

Calleigh: I hope it's not a problem.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Katie doesn't mind?

Speed: No, to be honest...She kind of needs this.

Calleigh: Well I'll go get him.

Speed: Yeah.

Interview room

Andy: Was it really necessary to cuff me?

Delko: *opens folder, drinks coffee* So, we have an inventory of all the treasure you've found in the past three months.

Andy: So?

Delko: The gold wasn't on it.

Andy: Gold? What gold?

Delko: The gold you stole from David Watson's house three months ago.

Andy: ...Gold. I never stole any gold, and I wouldn't have taken it from some guy's house.

Horatio: *takes off shades, looking through window* Mister Porter we have a picture that we took from your boat, that appears to feature yourself and David Watson's estranged, and now murdered, wife.

Andy: ...She never said she was married.

Delko: So she just hid the ring?

Andy: Yeah. I haven't seen her in over a year, she was murdered?

Horatio: We think so.

Andy: I didn't know.

Delko: So how do you explain David's gold in your boat?

Andy: I don't know.

Horatio: Is there anything you do know, Mister Porter?

Andy: *shakes head* She brought over a kid once or twice.

Horatio: A kid, what kid?

Andy: Anne..Anna, something...Said she was her daughter. But she didn't say anything about a husband, I swear.

Horatio: Did you see her at all after her mother died?

Andy: No.

Delko: What was she doing at your boat?

Andy: I babysat her once or twice as a favor.

Horatio: Pretty big favor. Did you get anything in return?

Andy: Well not gold if that's what you mean.

Delko: So what did you get?

Andy: I want a lawyer.

Delko: *smirks* Okay.

Outside interview room

Horatio: Eric, go back to the boat and take another look around.

Delko: What am I looking for?

Horatio: Any evidence that the child was in that boat.

Delko: Sure.


Speed: *lays baby in crib*

Katie: *drinking tea*

Speed: He'll be here all weekend.

Katie: *looking down at table*

Speed: ...If that's okay with you.

Katie: *blinks*

Speed: Right. Well, I'm going to do the dishes. *walks into kitchen*

Katie: *staring at table*

Speed: *turns on sink*

Katie: *drinks tea*

Speed: *grabs dishes*

Katie: ...

Speed: *turns off sink* Look, I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice.

Katie: *lifts head*

Speed: What was I supposed to do?

Katie: You had no right to make the decision for both of us. She's our child, not yours. And now she's paying for it.

Speed: I know.

Katie: You know what they're going to do to her over there and you willingly let it happen. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her.

Speed: Yeah. I get it, you're angry.

Katie: No, I'm not angry. I'm furious. You sold our baby girl. You're no better than them. *stands, walks upstairs*

Speed: *frowns*

Porter's boat

Calleigh: Wow this place sure is clean.

Delko: *hands goggles to Calleigh* Yeah well there's clean and then there UV.

Calleigh: *smiles* Light 'er up.

Delko: *presses button*

Calleigh: ...Oh my. He sure had a few lady friends over.

Delko: *hands swab to Calleigh* Well at the most we can confirm that. Ten bucks says there was evidence of that little girl in here.

Calleigh: Oh you are seriously not betting on a child rapist.

Delko: Why? You think you'll lose?

Calleigh: *smiling* I am a southern woman, I never lose a bet.

Delko: Okay so what's your wager?

Calleigh: Twenty bucks says I'm right.

Delko: About what?

Calleigh: The fact that you're in love with Jess.

Delko: Ah you play a sneaky game.

Calleigh: So am I right?

Delko: Sorry I forgot my wallet at the lab.

Calleigh: Then how did you drive here?

Delko: *laughs* Illegally, obviously.

Calleigh: *laughs*

House, master bedroom, 11 pm

Speed: Baby's asleep.

Katie: *reading magazine* Good.

Speed: Are you going to be mad at me forever?

Katie: *flips page*

Speed: ...How many times do I have to apologize to you?

Katie: I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.

Speed: I get your point.

Katie: *reading magazine*

Speed: Do you hate me?

Katie: *closes magazine, looks at Speed*

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: *hugs Speed*

Awwww! I could never hate you! Shave off the stubble and your hair and you may lose a few brownie points but hate? NEver! lol. Teehee that whole "Strike" thinger was cute. lol. And hmm...Porter had a few lady friends. And oh I seriously hope he's not a child rapist. Miami does NOT need another Stuart Otis. But aww I'm "Furious" with Timmy. Teehee. But of course I do have every right to be. Update soon please!
AWWWWWWWWW poor Katie, I understand why she's feeling the way she is, I mean, Tim just let their daughter go without saying goodbye! Awww poor Katie, poor Lori, and poor Speed! lol. Aww, but it was cute how Katie hugged Speed in the end there, so sweet and sentimental. My whole day was sentimental since it was our last game and we presented our seniors with their gifts, I cried lol

Calleigh: Twenty bucks says I'm right.

Delko: About what?

Calleigh: The fact that you're in love with Jess.

Delko: Ah you play a sneaky game.

Calleigh: So am I right?

Delko: Sorry I forgot my wallet at the lab.
Okay, I did NOT see that one coming lol I thought she was going to say something about the case, but I was utterly baffled when she didn't lol. Ohhh but sneakey McSneakerson forgot his wallet, and drove illigally! haha Can't wait to see what happens next, the case is quite intresting! Update soon please Geni :D
AWWWWWWW poor Katie and poor Lori and poor Speed...
The hug at this end was so cute!! :)
I hope you'll update very soon :p
ImissSpeed said
will they ever get her back?

Not for a long while. We'll probably see her again in the 7th thread, whereas the timeline will have advanced exponentially. At least five years. ;)

And I should have another chapter up very soon!

This would now fall under the heading of 'very soon'. :p

My Thoughts Alone Try To Complicate


Delko: Hey, I've been looking for you.

Speed: Yeah?

Delko: I got the results from the DNA on the boat. All samples were a match to Andy Porter. We didn't find any evidence of the little girl being on the boat at all. Not even a kids meal from McDonalds.

Speed: Not all kids eat junk.

Delko: Yeah but if you're leaving your kid with some stranger for the weekend and they have no money, I doubt a steak dinner is high on your list for nutrition. First of all, people shouldn't just give their children to some stranger. It's dangerous.

Speed: *stops walking*

Delko: ...What.

Speed: Maybe she had a good reason.

Delko: She knew the guy for a few months, and then he was babysitting her? I don't think so.

Speed: So he lied.

Delko: Yeah he wasn't babysitting that kid.

Speed: Why would he say he was?

Delko: Let's go ask him.

Speed: We can't, his lawyer just got him out this morning.

Delko: What? How?

Speed: It's not like we weren't expecting it. We have no evidence to suggest he killed David Watson, and we're following dead leads.

Delko: We can compare the boots we got from his boat.

Speed: I already did that. One pair matched the treads found on the roof.

Delko: So how does this not prove he murdered him?

Speed: That specific type of boot is pretty popular. It's pretty common so our evidence is circumstantial.

Delko: You tell Horatio?

Speed: No I'm off the case.

Delko: Why?

Speed: I have another one to take care of.

Delko: ...And you didn't mention this before?

Speed: I don't have to tell you everything.

Delko: Why are you so mad at me? I didn't do anything.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Hey it's not my fault your prostituted your daughter off to the Columbians.

Speed: *shoves Delko against wall*

Delko: *staring at Speed*

Speed: Don't talk about her like that.

Delko: ...I'm sorry.

Speed: *lets go*

Delko: You okay?

Speed: I'm fine.

Delko: You sure?

Speed: Yeah. *walks away*

Delko: ...Okay.

Layout room

Calleigh: So you think Carly's having a good time on her honeymoon?

Anni: *laughs* Probably.

Calleigh: Well I didn't mean it like that.

Anni: Sure you didn't.

Calleigh: You talk to Katie recently?

Anni: No. I haven't seen her in a week. You?

Calleigh: I haven't seen her. She must still be pretty broken up.

Anni: Yeah well after what Tim did, I'd be pretty broken up too.

Calleigh: I think he had a good reason to do what he did, or he wouldn't have done it.

Anni: How do you just give away your child? Even if it's for the benefit of everyone else. She didn't deserve that.

Calleigh: We all miss her.

Anni: I just hate to think what will happen to her over there.

Calleigh: Me too.

Speed: *walks in*

Calleigh: *lifts head* Hey Tim.

Speed: This the convenience store robbery case?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Anni: Man I don't even know why we're investigating this. The kid shot the teller, and then ran off. Cameras saw him getting into a dark green Jeep and heading north. We're not going to find him.

Calleigh: It's our job to find him, so we will.

Anni: So how's Katie doing?

Calleigh: *looks at Anni*

Speed: *reading papers* I got Trace back on the door frame from the convenience store. It's honey.

Calleigh: Honey...Thats weird.

Anni: Maybe the kid likes making his own sandwhiches.

Speed: *shakes head* The stuff's pure.

Calleigh: Well the guy was probably 18...

Anni: So?

Speed: I also found something else on the floor of the convenience store. It had trace of honey on it too.

Anni: *grabs evidence bag* Looks like plastic.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: Okay you lost me. Why is honey and plastic such a case breaker?

Calleigh: We had a case a while back, a club had this weird idea of wrapping some parts of a model in plastic and then pouring honey all over her.

Anni: And you think this kid is connected to that club?

Speed: That club was closed years ago. Someone probably ripped off the idea.

Anni: And this kid works there?

Calleigh: We can check into it.

Speed: I wish we'd stop getting recycled cases.

Calleigh: It happens.

Anni: So you never answered my question. How's Katie?

Speed: I'll see you guys later. *leaves*

Anni: ...I hate it when he does that.

Calleigh: *nods*

Geni it amazes me how your mind works. It really does. I can't even imagine how you come up with half of the stuff you write. But its not a bad thing because I love your storylines!

OHHHHHHH! Teehee. Speed boy shoving Delko against the wall! Oh how awesomenesso is that!?! Teehee. And heck yes Cross-J! Ok yeah sure the whole plastic wrap and honey thing is weird and of course Gordon Damlier is a mad man but that episode was awesome. And I can't wait to see how this case is connected to that. And hmm...Speedy wouldn't answer I was doing. Well it probably shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I mean my kid was just given to the columbians. Update soon please!
AWWWWWWWWWWW poor Speed everyone is against him...it's so sad!
Well if it was me instead of Speed I really don't know how I had do...

Anyway great update and update soon please :)
Great updates sorry haven't been on quite as much ... work play and stuff like that lol.... anywhoo great updates and I totally can't wait for more geni!!!!
hehe, I love Cross-J!...honey, plastic wrap, "I was uh, VIP" :lol: (even though that wasn't actually in the chapter, I felt like saying it anyway ;)

AWWWWW poor Lori! Poor Speedy! Poor Katie! :( I mean, I know why he did it, but stil...

Does that mean when Lori comes back into it (if she does) that she won't be her happy cookie-loving self anymore?...*sniff* poor Lori...

please update soon
]carlz31 said
Does that mean when Lori comes back into it (if she does) that she won't be her happy cookie-loving self anymore?...

Well, she'll be considerably older so, probably not. ;)

You And Eye

Street, Miami

Calleigh: I checked all the local clubs. None of them have that theme going for them. Although I did find another club that featured fried ants.

Speed: Great so we're at another dead end.

Calleigh: Well I did ask this one club owner if he remembered anyone suggesting the idea, and he said this one kid came by and asked if they were interested in setting that as the theme. He said no, and then the kid left.

Speed: Did he say where the kid went?

Calleigh: He thought he was just another club owner wannabe.

Speed: Well we can check the street cameras and pinpoint his jeep.

Calleigh: Tim?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: How's Katie?

Speed: *opens Hummer door*

Calleigh: Tim...

Speed: Shouldn't you be asking how Teague is and not my wife?

Calleigh: I was curious about Katie.

Speed: She's fine.

Calleigh: Really?

Speed: No not really.

Calleigh: Why?

Speed: Because I gave away our child. Would you be okay?

Calleigh: Probably not.

Speed: Yeah, well there you go.

Calleigh: You want to talk about it?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: You sure?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: Tim she was your little girl.

Speed: *looks down at the ground*

Calleigh: I know you miss her, and you think that it was your fault a-

Speed: It was my fault.

Calleigh: He didn't give you a choice.

Speed: Yes he did. I chose a bunch of strangers over my child.

Calleigh: It was a lose-lose situation. There was nothing you could have done.

Speed: Well I feel like there was.

Calleigh: There wasn't. And all I'm saying is don't keep beating yourself up about it because it's not going to bring her back.

Speed: She's not dead.

Calleigh: Well time will tell, won't it?

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: I'm sorry, but it's the truth.

Speed: Katie hates me.

Calleigh: Oh Tim she doesn't hate you.

Speed: Yes she does.

Calleigh: *touches Speed's shoulder* You did what you thought was right.

Speed: *looks down at shoulder*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: *gets in Hummer* You coming or not?

Calleigh: ..Sure.



Anni: There are no guys here.

Missy: Yeah just us chickens.

JC: I've always wanted to be a turkey.

Missy: Why?

JC: Um so I can eat myself.


Anni: Where did you get 20 cans?


Anni: And you're really loud.


Anni: I really hope you're referring to guy strippers.

Jess: I'll make some calls.

Half hour later, and ...20 more drinks

Anni: I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! *jumps off couch*

Jess: *hanging on stripper pole* I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts deedeleedee! *falls down* AH! *strips* NOW I'M A STRIPPER! *swings around pole*

Anni: Haha you're naked. *pointing*

Jess: No I'm not. It's an illusion.

JC: HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME! *slaps own butt*

Jess: AH! I'M STUCK!

Anni: How did you get stuck in the door?


Missy: OKAY! *dials phone* Yeah Elvis? ...What do you mean your name's not Elvis?


Delko: *walks by* Whoa what's going on h- *trips* AH!






Delko: AHH!

Anni: *hanging on stripper pole*

JC: *turns on sexy music*


JC: Okay. *shakes butt*

Anni: *climbs up pole*

JC: We need some lights. *turns on disco ball*

Missy: Where did you get one of those?

JC: I don't know. It just kind of appeared. Fics are cool like that.

Missy: What?


Missy: *turns on lights*

Red, blue, white, and orange lights start blinking everywhere


Jess: Hey Eric you still alive?

Delko: My head is stuck in your boobs. If you can't tell right now, I'm frowning.

Jess: I can't tell.

Delko: I can't breathe.

Jess: Hey you know what?

Delko: What.

Jess: This is pretty hot.

Delko: Are you drunk?

Jess: Oh yeah.

Anni: *twirls around pole*

Staff stop in the hallway, stare into the lounge


Staff: *take out wallets*

JC: *rolling around on the floor* I'm swimming! Gulp! Gulp!

Missy: I'M A GUPPIE!

Jess: You know what we need? A few joints.

JC: Happy to oblige.


An hour later, Horatio and Speed walk into the lab, and stop

Horatio: *takes off shades*

Speed: *places hands in pockets*

Horatio: ...My....My lab.

Speed: *looks around* Well this is nine kinds of illegal.

Horatio: There's...Strippers.

Speed: Actually I think that's the staff.

Horatio: ...My lab...*drops shades*

Speed: Is that Delkko?

Horatio: My..My lab.

Speed: *walks over* Eric...ERIC!

Delko: *lifts finger* I'm stuck.

Speed: Yeah I see that. *grabs Delko*

Delko: *falls backward* AH! Oh God I can breathe.

Speed: What the hell is going on?

Delko: They got drunk.

Speed: It's a strip club.

Delko: Hey don't look at me.

Jess: *passes out*

Delko/Speed: *look down at floor*

Horatio: *walks over* ...STOP THE MUSIC!

JC: *giggles* I thought you were going to say "STOP THE MADNESS!"

Horatio: JC what on God's green earth are you doing?

JC: Toking some reefer. You want some? *staggers, falls onto couch*

Horatio: *turns off music*

Everyone: HEY!

Horatio: Back to work everyone.

People leave

Horatio: Anni get off the pole.


Horatio: *rubs eyes* JC, put the drugs away.

JC: *extends arms* You gonna arrest me?

Horatio: Drugs? Alcohol? ..Strippers?

Speed: Jesus, it's not that kind of lab.

Horatio: *looks at Speed*

Speed: ...Sorry.

Missy: Where did you get one of those?

JC: I don't know. It just kind of appeared. Fics are cool like that.
HAHAHA I loved that line, Fics are cool like that lol.

Speed: *looks around* Well this is nine kinds of illegal.
Gotta love Speed and his choice of words, that was pretty funny lol.

Aww I passed out again lol Someone get me off of the floor! lol. Poor Delko got stuck in my boobs lol. he couldn't breathe HAHA And he was frowning but he knows he liked it LOL I'm so hyper right now! lol Too bad Katie wasn't with us, she's the Queen of the Spider people! lol Oh man, I love it when we get drunk lol this is the first time we smoked though, and Anni striped! lol Oh man, that was way too funny Geni lol Update soon please!
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