You know I've noticed that a lot of the Speed fans are in here... We must recruit more! :lol: ...I'm kidding.
You're welcome
Aw Carly don't wake up your brother. Sleeping is better than...chocolate. Of course that depends on how much you like sleep and how much you like chocolate. *clears throat* Wake him up!
...And aw, I do what Donahue refuses to do. I like that.
DragonflyDreamer said
I love how you can make me laugh, and go Awww at the same time.
Well I'm glad to oblige. Sometimes we need both! Hopefully there's enough of a balance so that the drama and action and all that good stuff isn't taking away from the laughter, which was basically the reason for this fic...But seeing as there's going to be 7 threads for sure, things need to change a tad.
speedmonkey2 said
Something is really wrong with my brain today. lol.
*hugs* But I love your brain. And I hope that didn't sound to...Creepy. :lol: It was meant to be...Not creepy.
You Said I'm Right When You Know I'm Wrong
Old house
Horatio: Alrighty let's take a look around.
Speed: *walks around*
Horatio: *clicks on flashlight*
Speed: ...Yeah okay.
Horatio: What?
Speed: You know how to hold that thing?
Horatio: *frowns*
Speed: Sorry I asked.
Horatio: So there appears to be more cocaine on this coffee table.
Speed: *pulls on latex glove* I found a razor here. Probably to cut the stuff.
Horatio: Mhm.
Speed: *kneels* Prints on the table.
Horatio: Lift those please.
Speed: *opens kit*
Cell phone rings
Horatio: *opens phone* This is Horatio...Okay thank you. *closes phone* DNA from the cigar in the ashtray was a match to Marco Fuente.
Speed: Isn't that guy a Cuban importer?
Horatio: He was arrested five years ago for smuggling cocaine into Miami.
Speed: *tilts head* Like I said, once a criminal, always a criminal.
Horatio: It's no far stretch to say that he was the same man who was here when Canon was shot and killed.
Speed: *nods*
Horatio: Okay let's go take a look outside.
Street, bad neighborhood
Horatio: And look at that. Tire treads.
Speed: *pulls out measuring tape*
Horatio: *takes off shades*
Speed: 108.3 inches. 2007 Jaguar XK Coupe.
Horatio: 2007.
Speed: Yeah I was reading Car And Driver, and they've released a few of these models already. Mostly in Europe.
Horatio: So someone had it imported, and paid a lot of money.
Speed: Probably costs more than your house.
People walk out of their houses, with baseball bats
Horatio: ...Speed.
Speed: *stands*
Horatio: I think we've overstayed our welcome in this neighborhood.
Guy: Asesine a policía!
Guy2: ¡Máteles ¡Máteles
Guy3: Leave this place policía!
Horatio: *steps back*
Speed: *backs up*
Guy: *swings bat*
Horatio: *pulls out gun*
Guy2: *punches Horatio*
Horatio: *falls over*
Speed: *pulls out gun*
Guy3: *swings bat*
Speed: *ducks*
Guy4: *runs over with bat*
Horatio: *holding head*
Guy2: *kicks Horatio*
Speed: *grabs Horatio*
Guy5: *runs over with bat*
Horatio: *stands*
Guy3: *swings bat, hits a car*
Glass breaks
Horatio: *takes out phone* This is Horatio Caine I need police assistance a-
Guy5: *grabs phone* Leave! *throws phone*
Old house
Horatio: *runs in, locks door*
Speed: H, they took our guns.
Horatio: It seems we'll be here a while.
Speed: Great.
Guys outside start smashing the Hummer
Horatio: ...My Hummer.
Speed: I think we have more pressing issues.
Shots fly through the windows
Horatio: Get down!
Speed: *ducks*
Glass flies
Horatio: You okay?
Speed: *nods*
Guy3: Burn them!
Guy2: Kill them!
Speed: What are they doing?
Horatio: *looks out window* Setting the house on fire.
Speed: What?
Shots fly
Horatio: Get away from the windows!
Speed: I am!
Guys start setting the house on fire
Horatio: Go out the back, go out the back.
Speed: *runs to back door*
Guy4 and 5, throw in burning sticks
Speed: *stops*
Horatio: It seems we have no exit.
Speed: You think?
Horatio: Come on, let's put out the fires.
Speed: The water isn't turned on.
Horatio: Grab blankets.
Speed: What blankets?
Smoke billows through the windows
Horatio: Come on, this way. Up the stairs.
Speed: You want to go UP?
Horatio: Move it Speed.
Speed: *runs*
Horatio: *runs*
Horatio: *looks through window* Oh boy.
Speed: How do we get out of here?
Horatio: *looks around*
Smoke seeping in from under the door
Horatio: Out this window.
Speed: Are you kidding me? That's a two storey drop.
Horatio: Hang onto the tree and jump over the fence.
Speed: Ladies first.
Horatio: *frowns* Go, Speed.
Speed: *sigh* Fine. *climbs out window, onto tree*
Horatio: *climbs out window*
Speed: *jumps over fence*
Horatio: *jumps over fence* You okay?
Speed: *stands* Yeah.
Horatio: *looks up*
Speed: There goes our evidence.
Horatio: *nods*
Guy4: Here! Over here! *shoots gun*
Guy5: *jumps up onto fence*
Horatio: I suggest we keep moving.
Speed: Don't these guys ever quit?
Horatio: *runs*
Speed: *runs*
Guy4/5: *running*
Guy4: *shooting gun*
Speed: *ducks*
Horatio: Keep running!
Speed: I am!
Horatio: You have your phone?
Speed: Yeah.
Horatio: Call 911.
Speed: Are you serious?
Guy5: *shooting gun*
Horatio: Yes!
Speed: *grabs phone* ..There's no signal.
Horatio: No signal?
Speed: No.
Horatio: Keep moving.
Guy3: *runs around corner*
Guy2: *runs around corner*
Speed/Horatio: *stop*
Guy5: *walks up*
Guy4: *walks up*
Guy1: *runs around corner*
Horatio: *lifts hands* Guys, take it easy.
Speed: *looks around*
Guy3: Get out of here!
Horatio: We're trying to do that very thing.
Guy4: Just cap them. We don't need no cops sniffing around here.
Horatio: We're CSIs. We're just looking around.
Guy5: You don't need guns to look around.
Horatio: They're for our protection.
Guy1: And what about our protection? No one was there when your government took over our towns.
Horatio: We're not here to bother you.
Speed: *holds chest*
Guy5: What's his problem?
Horatio: Speed?
Speed: *looks at Horatio*
Guy4: Kill them.
Guy5: *lifts gun*
Horatio: Wait, wait. We'll leave, you don't need to do this.
Guy1: Police are not welcome here.
Horatio: We understand that. And we're trying to leave.
Guy5: Lemme cap them.
Guy4: Go ahead.
Sirens are heard
Guy1: Cops!
Guy2: Let's get out of here!
Guys run off
Guy4: Don't come back here. *runs off*
Horatio: *turns around* Speed, you okay?
Speed: *nods* Yeah...I think so.
Horatio: You sure? We should get you checked out.
Speed: I'm fine.
Cop cars pull up
Horatio: There's our ride. Let's go.