CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Delko: Wow way to blind me.

Speed: My finger slipped.

Delko: Yeah sure it did.
hahaha I liked that last line. Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder what's going on with Speed, he seems to be acting weird, but I guess that's because of the near death experience, and the fact that he promised Katie he would always come home. I can't wait to see where that leads, it looks like it'll be a good plotline :D Anyway, hahah "nasal mucus, and it's not even my birthday" that one line you had in there reminded me of that. But MAN when Speed acted wierd like that it's just.........whoa dude lol Good job Geni, I love your writing!
Awww poor Timmy's all makin extra jokes. lol. And to think he promised me he'd come home...well atleast today he will. *Clears throat* And everyday for a VERY long time. lol.

Delko: Well he got the idea for the honey and plastic wrap and used it to attract clients, so he was in pretty deep.

Speed: ...In honey?
Ok, that cracked me up to no end. lol.

This storyline is getting very interesting. Especially the fact that the kid was wearing a wire. Hmm...update soon please!
This Feeling

Trace Lab 3 hours later

Delko: Okay lay it on me.

Speed: Substance on the tables is in fact cocaine. Honey from the murder scene at the store matches the honey found in our vic's house.

Calleigh: *walks in* I tested the gun. The bullets match the ones Alexx took out of that teller.

Delko: Okay so he's the killer.

Speed: Yeah and someone killed him so we have to find them. Anyone talk to Horatio?

Horatio: *walks in* I aquired some information from the feds.

Calleigh: You spoke to them?

Horatio: They owe me a few favors.

Delko: They say anything about Canon?

Horatio: Just that he was a confidential informant, giving them information about his clients.

Delko: Did they say who the clients were?

Horatio: No.

Speed: Well that helps.

Horatio: It seems our victim was hoarding cocaine in his basement, and a few people had it out for him.

Speed: Looks like they finally got him.

Horatio: Mhm, almost at the expense of you two.

Calleigh: *nods*

Horatio: So, we stay on the case and don't let the feds know anything.

Speed: Where are you going?

Horatio: I'm going to listen to that audio tape. *leaves*

Calleigh: *sigh* Well this case is comin' together.

Delko: Yeah. Nothing like an exciting day to get the blood pumping in your chest huh.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: *looks down at table*

Delko: ...What did I say?

Speed: ...Nothing.

Delko: You...Look worried about something.

Speed: *lifts head* I'm not worried.

Calleigh: You sure? You don't look so good.

Speed: I'm fine.

Calleigh: Okay. Well I'll be in the ballistics lab. *leaves*

Speed: *grabs pen*

Delko: Man you look...Terrible.

Speed: Thanks.

Delko: Is this because of the shooting?

Speed: No.

Delko: Well you looked a little frazzled after.

Speed: I'm fine, Eric.

Delko: You almost got shot.

Speed: *frowns* Eric.

Delko: Alright, I'm sorry. Anyway I have to work the other case, so I'll get out of your hair.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: See you later. *leaves*

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: *walks in* Hey I got called in to help Eric on that gold case. Where did he go?

Speed: I don't know.

Anni: Could you...Point me in a direction?

Speed: I wasn't really looking.

Someone smashes a cart into the wall by accident. Large crash is heard

Anni: Whoa, someone's having some diffculties down there.

Speed: *gripping table*

Anni: ...You okay?

Speed: Uh...Yeah. Yeah I'm fine.

Anni: Okay I'll be on the hunt for Eric Delko.

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: *leaves*

Calleigh: *runs in* I forgot my folder.

Speed: Jesus.

Calleigh: ...Excuse me?

Speed: Please don't do that.

Calleigh: Do what?

Speed: Scare the crap out of me.

Calleigh: *grabs folder* I'm sorry.

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: Well I'll see you later. *leaves*


Horatio: Okay Tyler tell me about that audio.

Tyler: I ran everything I had at it, and managed to get about a minute and a half of usable tape.

Horatio: Alright that's all we need.

Tyler: Basically, the guy was doing a deal and then went to the door. Then we hear Detective Duquesne speak.

Horatio: Okay so there was someone in the house before he answered the door.

Tyler: Yeah.

Horatio: Someone took off after the shooting started...Well that puts things into perspective doesn't it?

Tyler: You need anything else Lieutenant?

Horatio: No, thank you. *leaves*

Tyler: Glad I could help.

Trace lab, 10 minutes later

Horatio: *walks in* Okay Speed we need to check out that house again.

Speed: *lifts head*

Horatio: ...Sleeping on the job?

Speed: *shakes head* No.

Horatio: Okay well let's go back to the house. I think there was another suspect there, most likely one of Canon's clients.

Speed: Sure. *takes off lab coat*

Awww poor Speedy's all jumpy and agitated. Good lord people remember your folders and keep control of your carts! lol. And HECK YES! The return of stringbean! I love Tyler he's just...awesome. lol.

Horatio: *walks in* Okay Speed we need to check out that house again.

Speed: *lifts head*

Horatio: ...Sleeping on the job?
That made me say 'Awww' really loud and I honestly have no idea why. Something is really wrong with my brain today. lol. Update soon please!
Yay Tyler! I love Tyler :)
But I love Timmy more. Hmm... what's on his mind? Thinking that Katie might be right about him not coming home?
I love how you can make me laugh, and go Awww at the same time.
And yes, I would have kept Lori safe from the evil columbians. Well, tried to, anyway.
Carly! *hugs* I haven't seen you in forever. Well, actually that's true. I've NEVER seen you.
haha yeah, thats true...sorry though, real life has been getting the best of me...*mumbles* stupid school...

anyway, HECK YES! STRINGBEEEEEEEEAN! See, thats what I love about this RT. It'll do what Donahue refuses to do...like killing Donahue (well, not really) and not killing Speed and Tyler returning and whatnot...

And AWWW Speedy almost got shot...but he didn't and thats a very very good thing...but he's acting a little strange, but it's Speed so it's ok...(or is it?... *cue eerie music*)

Delko: Well he got the idea for the honey and plastic wrap and used it to attract clients, so he was in pretty deep.

Speed: ...In honey?
:lol: That made me laugh...probably shouldn't laugh too hard because I almost woke my brother up seeing as I'm using the comp in his room...oh well, it's about time he woke up anyway (8am in case anyone was wondering)

please update soon
Great updates Geni
And thank you for the little conversation between Horatio and me it was really sweet ;)
And poor Speedy and calleigh are lucky today :)
Anyway update soon please :)
You know I've noticed that a lot of the Speed fans are in here... We must recruit more! :lol: ...I'm kidding.

You're welcome carole. :)

Aw Carly don't wake up your brother. Sleeping is better than...chocolate. Of course that depends on how much you like sleep and how much you like chocolate. *clears throat* Wake him up! :p ...And aw, I do what Donahue refuses to do. I like that.

DragonflyDreamer said
I love how you can make me laugh, and go Awww at the same time.

Well I'm glad to oblige. Sometimes we need both! Hopefully there's enough of a balance so that the drama and action and all that good stuff isn't taking away from the laughter, which was basically the reason for this fic...But seeing as there's going to be 7 threads for sure, things need to change a tad. ;)

speedmonkey2 said
Something is really wrong with my brain today. lol.

*hugs* But I love your brain. And I hope that didn't sound to...Creepy. :lol: It was meant to be...Not creepy. :p

You Said I'm Right When You Know I'm Wrong

Old house

Horatio: Alrighty let's take a look around.

Speed: *walks around*

Horatio: *clicks on flashlight*

Speed: ...Yeah okay.

Horatio: What?

Speed: You know how to hold that thing?

Horatio: *frowns*

Speed: Sorry I asked.

Horatio: So there appears to be more cocaine on this coffee table.

Speed: *pulls on latex glove* I found a razor here. Probably to cut the stuff.

Horatio: Mhm.

Speed: *kneels* Prints on the table.

Horatio: Lift those please.

Speed: *opens kit*

Cell phone rings

Horatio: *opens phone* This is Horatio...Okay thank you. *closes phone* DNA from the cigar in the ashtray was a match to Marco Fuente.

Speed: Isn't that guy a Cuban importer?

Horatio: He was arrested five years ago for smuggling cocaine into Miami.

Speed: *tilts head* Like I said, once a criminal, always a criminal.

Horatio: It's no far stretch to say that he was the same man who was here when Canon was shot and killed.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: Okay let's go take a look outside.

Street, bad neighborhood

Horatio: And look at that. Tire treads.

Speed: *pulls out measuring tape*

Horatio: *takes off shades*

Speed: 108.3 inches. 2007 Jaguar XK Coupe.

Horatio: 2007.

Speed: Yeah I was reading Car And Driver, and they've released a few of these models already. Mostly in Europe.

Horatio: So someone had it imported, and paid a lot of money.

Speed: Probably costs more than your house.

People walk out of their houses, with baseball bats

Horatio: ...Speed.

Speed: *stands*

Horatio: I think we've overstayed our welcome in this neighborhood.

Guy: Asesine a policía!

Guy2: ¡Máteles ¡Máteles

Guy3: Leave this place policía!

Horatio: *steps back*

Speed: *backs up*

Guy: *swings bat*

Horatio: *pulls out gun*

Guy2: *punches Horatio*

Horatio: *falls over*

Speed: *pulls out gun*

Guy3: *swings bat*

Speed: *ducks*

Guy4: *runs over with bat*

Horatio: *holding head*

Guy2: *kicks Horatio*

Speed: *grabs Horatio*

Guy5: *runs over with bat*

Horatio: *stands*

Guy3: *swings bat, hits a car*

Glass breaks

Horatio: *takes out phone* This is Horatio Caine I need police assistance a-

Guy5: *grabs phone* Leave! *throws phone*

Old house

Horatio: *runs in, locks door*

Speed: H, they took our guns.

Horatio: It seems we'll be here a while.

Speed: Great.

Guys outside start smashing the Hummer

Horatio: ...My Hummer.

Speed: I think we have more pressing issues.

Shots fly through the windows

Horatio: Get down!

Speed: *ducks*

Glass flies

Horatio: You okay?

Speed: *nods*


Guy3: Burn them!

Guy2: Kill them!


Speed: What are they doing?

Horatio: *looks out window* Setting the house on fire.

Speed: What?

Shots fly

Horatio: Get away from the windows!

Speed: I am!

Guys start setting the house on fire

Horatio: Go out the back, go out the back.

Speed: *runs to back door*

Guy4 and 5, throw in burning sticks

Speed: *stops*

Horatio: It seems we have no exit.

Speed: You think?

Horatio: Come on, let's put out the fires.

Speed: The water isn't turned on.

Horatio: Grab blankets.

Speed: What blankets?

Smoke billows through the windows

Horatio: Come on, this way. Up the stairs.

Speed: You want to go UP?

Horatio: Move it Speed.

Speed: *runs*

Horatio: *runs*


Horatio: *looks through window* Oh boy.

Speed: How do we get out of here?

Horatio: *looks around*

Smoke seeping in from under the door

Horatio: Out this window.

Speed: Are you kidding me? That's a two storey drop.

Horatio: Hang onto the tree and jump over the fence.

Speed: Ladies first.

Horatio: *frowns* Go, Speed.

Speed: *sigh* Fine. *climbs out window, onto tree*

Horatio: *climbs out window*

Speed: *jumps over fence*

Horatio: *jumps over fence* You okay?

Speed: *stands* Yeah.

Horatio: *looks up*

Speed: There goes our evidence.

Horatio: *nods*

Guy4: Here! Over here! *shoots gun*

Guy5: *jumps up onto fence*

Horatio: I suggest we keep moving.

Speed: Don't these guys ever quit?

Horatio: *runs*

Speed: *runs*

Guy4/5: *running*


Guy4: *shooting gun*

Speed: *ducks*

Horatio: Keep running!

Speed: I am!

Horatio: You have your phone?

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Call 911.

Speed: Are you serious?

Guy5: *shooting gun*

Horatio: Yes!

Speed: *grabs phone* ..There's no signal.

Horatio: No signal?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Keep moving.

Guy3: *runs around corner*

Guy2: *runs around corner*

Speed/Horatio: *stop*

Guy5: *walks up*

Guy4: *walks up*

Guy1: *runs around corner*

Horatio: *lifts hands* Guys, take it easy.

Speed: *looks around*

Guy3: Get out of here!

Horatio: We're trying to do that very thing.

Guy4: Just cap them. We don't need no cops sniffing around here.

Horatio: We're CSIs. We're just looking around.

Guy5: You don't need guns to look around.

Horatio: They're for our protection.

Guy1: And what about our protection? No one was there when your government took over our towns.

Horatio: We're not here to bother you.

Speed: *holds chest*

Guy5: What's his problem?

Horatio: Speed?

Speed: *looks at Horatio*

Guy4: Kill them.

Guy5: *lifts gun*

Horatio: Wait, wait. We'll leave, you don't need to do this.

Guy1: Police are not welcome here.

Horatio: We understand that. And we're trying to leave.

Guy5: Lemme cap them.

Guy4: Go ahead.

Sirens are heard

Guy1: Cops!

Guy2: Let's get out of here!

Guys run off

Guy4: Don't come back here. *runs off*

Horatio: *turns around* Speed, you okay?

Speed: *nods* Yeah...I think so.

Horatio: You sure? We should get you checked out.

Speed: I'm fine.

Cop cars pull up

Horatio: There's our ride. Let's go.

*hugs* But I love your brain
God you creeper stay away from me! *runs* I kid, I kid. lol.

Poor Speedy seriously he just can't get away from all the near death experinces. lol. Its like he's jinxed *gasp* Was it something I said. lol.

Horatio: ...My Hummer.

Speed: I think we have more pressing issues
Teehee. I can soooo see him saying that. lol.

Speed: *holds chest*
Ok Ms. Writer lady *points finger* The last time someone held there chest it did not turn out good! lol. Update soon please!
Haha wow good updates geni and haha ya i would say i want to be a turkey to eat myself ... that doesn't work so well but hey what can u say... and i say it when i ain't drunk too lol and me pulling out weed *grabs at collar* wow hope they don't arrest me *hears knock on door and hides under desk* ... never mind it was just pizza lol.... anywhoo great updates and can't wait for more and jeez with everything that has happened lately this week i just haven't been around as much ah well i am still hear and alive lol ... well breathing i just need more sleep ...
shutting up now.....
The Depths Give Up Their Dead

Bad neighborhood

Calleigh: I heard what happened.

Anni: You guys okay?

Horatio: We're fine.

Delko: What about the evidence?

Speed: It's destroyed.

Horatio: There was cocaine in the house.

Calleigh: You get any samples.

Speed: My kit's in the house. It's probably gone too....Although I think when I ran for the window, I got some on my shirt.

Horatio: Let's have it.

Speed: What?

Horatio: We need the shirt.

Speed: The whole shirt?

Horatio: Yes.

Speed: *looks around* But I'm not wearing anything under it.

Horatio: Speed.

Speed: Fine. *unbuttons shirt*

Delko: I'll go see if fire rescue's done in the house.

Speed: *hands shirt to Horatio*

Horatio: Thank you. *walks off*

Jess: *runs over* The Humer is completely sma-aaa..Whoa.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *looking down at ground*

Anni: *smirking*

Jess: Hey lookie there. A free peep show.

Speed: My shirt is evidence.

Jess: You should fall in evidence more often. Anyone else want to spray him with water?

Anni: *lifts hand*

Speed: Guys...

Calleigh: *looking at ground*

Speed: ...Cal?

Calleigh: *smirking* Uh...You need another shirt?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: Good to know.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Jess: Hey one of the guys dropped a gun over here. *kneels*

Anni: Maybe we can get prints off of it or something.

Speed: I doubt it would prove anything. Besides, we'll never put them away.

Anni: Assault on an officer is serious.

Jess: Pfft I'd like to assault an officer. *winks*

Anni: Just grab the gun.

Jess: *stands, bumps into Speed* WHOA THERE PARTNER!

Speed: *catches Jess* You mind being professional?

Jess: Uh not when you're holding me with your very bare and muscular arms.

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: Can you catch me too?

Speed: No. *lets go of Jess*

Calleigh: *coughing*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: Ahem..Sorry I choked on my own saliva.

Speed: Cal, we've already had a relationship. This is nothing new.

Calleigh: *sigh*

Jess: Oh I just want to...

Everyone: *looks at Jess*

Jess: Uh...What? I didn't say anything.

Speed: *sigh*

Anni: OMG! *squeals* HIS CHEST MOVED!

Jess: I SAW IT TOO! I SAW IT TOO! *jumps up and down*

Speed: *walks away*

Calleigh: Okay who else thought that was so totally hot.

Jess: Oh yeah.

Anni: I'll be picturing that for weeks.

Lab, two hours later

Delko: You got the trace back on the stuff?

Speed: You mean the cocaine?

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: Yeah after I found a new shirt.

Delko: *laughs* The girls seemed to like it.

Speed: *hands over paper* It's pure.

Delko: Pure?

Speed: Don't tell me you need a synonym for the word pure.

Delko: The rest of it wasn't.

Speed: Then this came from a differet batch.

Delko: Yeah a pure batch which means it's worth a lot more.

Speed: That's probably why the people in the neighborhood wanted us out of there. They were probably all his clients.

Delko: I told Horatio about Marco Fuente.

Speed: Yeah?

Delko: We're still trying to track him down.

Calleigh: *walks in* Oh.

Speed: *narrows eyes* Yes I'm wearing a shirt.

Calleigh: ...Okay anyway I walked through the house, and it doesn't look like we can recover any evidence. The stuff we have now it the only evidence we can use.

Speed: Great.

Delko: So if the guys were chasing you, and you had a gun...Why didn't you use it?

Speed: I tried. I didn't want to get smashed in the head with a baseball bat.

Delko: And you didn't defend yourself?

Speed: *stares at Eric*

Delko: Okay, just asking.

Calleigh: You look a little pale, are you alright?

Speed: Must be the lighting in here.

Calleigh: Must be. Well anyway, I have to get back to work. *leaves*

Speed: *shakes head*

Delko: So uh...I noticed after I left the dumpster a few hours ago, you were gripping your chest pretty hard. Everything alright?

Speed: I'm fine.

Delko: So why were you doing that?

Speed: I had some bad tuna.

Delko: At the crime scene?

Speed: *angry sigh*

Delko: Look, I know if there was something wrong with me, I wouldn't tell anyone either. I wouldn't want Horatio knowing that I was less than squared away on a case but still man, you look like crap.

Speed: Thanks, I appreciate that.

Delko: Does Katie know?

Speed: No, because there's nothing wrong.

Delko: Is it your heart?

Speed: *frowns* There's nothing wrong with my heart.

Delko: I understand, you don't want Horatio to know.

Speed: *shakes head* No, Eric there's nothing wrong okay? I'm fine.

Delko: Whatever you say man.

Speed: Can I please get back to work?

Delko: Yeah. I'll see you later. *leaves*

Speed: *writing things down*

Speed: *hands shirt to Horatio*

Horatio: Thank you. *walks off*

Jess: *runs over* The Humer is completely sma-aaa..Whoa.
HAHA YES Speed took off his shirt! SEE THAT DONAHUE! It can be done! lol.

Jess: *stands, bumps into Speed* WHOA THERE PARTNER!

Speed: *catches Jess* You mind being professional?

Jess: Uh not when you're holding me with your very bare and muscular arms.

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: Can you catch me too?

hahah awwww poor Anni, she still won't give up on him. You go Anni, damn the man! lol I watched that movie twice last night and I've quoted it I think one too many times lol.

Anni: OMG! *squeals* HIS CHEST MOVED!
Yes, it's called breathing lol I found that very funny though lol

Speed: I had some bad tuna.
Oh that is such a lie! lol I think he really needs to get himself checked out, poor baby, he's got too much going on. I think he needs a few days off lol

Wow Geni, great update, I WISH we could see Speed without his shirt on, but no, Donahue has it out for us. A peek at Eric would be trés excellent as well lol. Well, keep up the good work, and I can't wait to read more!
:lol: Well, we had some bare chest with the episode that never happened but well...That episode never happened. ;)

Yesterday We Were Laughing, Today I'm Left Here Asking

House, 7 pm

Katie: Hey you're home. I dropped Teague off at Calleigh's place. I hope you don't mind.

Speed: *shakes head*

Katie: I went to the doctor today too. *smiles* I'm all healthy.

Speed: Good.

Katie: So you want some dinner?

Speed: No.

Katie: You must be hungry.

Speed: I'm fine.

Katie: You sure?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Well was your day exciting?

Speed: Not really.

Katie: What did you do at work today?

Speed: Paperwork.

Katie: That's it?

Speed: Yeah. Well, and we went to a suspect's house but that's pretty much it.

Katie: Oh. Do you guys think the suspect's guilty?

Speed: Not anymore.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: We cleared him.

Katie: Good. Um...So why are you wearing a different shirt?

Speed: I got some evidence on the other one.

Katie: Oh...Well that was my favorite shirt on you.

Speed: I'm sorry I threw it out.

Katie: All you did was get some evidence on it. You didn't have to throw it out.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Katie: It's alright. You sure you're not hungry?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: You eat already?

Speed: No.

Katie: Then you need something to eat.

Speed: I'm fine.

Katie: Just a sandwhich?

Speed: No.

Katie: Oh...Kay.

Speed: I'm just kind of tired. I'm going to go to bed.

Katie: Aw, but I was hopin'..You know we could just kind of have the night to...Not sleep. *grinning*

Speed: I'm not really in the mood.

Katie: You're a guy. You're ALWAYS in the mood.

Speed: Not tonight okay?

Katie: Okay. So you sure your day went alright?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: No one shot at y-

Speed: No.

Katie: ...Alright.

Speed: I'm going to be in bed.

Katie: It's only 7.

Speed: I know that.

Katie: Well I was just about to put on a movie. You sure you don't want to just relax on the couch with me?

Speed: ...Sure.

Katie: Okay. *walks over to tv*

Speed: *leans against wall*

Katie: So we have a choice between a chick flick or an action.

Speed: Whatev-....Whatever you want.

Katie: *smiles* Chick flick then.

Speed: Good.

Katie: Sorry I'm being such a stereotypical wife.

Speed: It's okay.

Katie: You comin' over here or not?

Speed: Yeah. *walks over, sits on couch*

Katie: *presses remote*

Speed: *wraps arm around Katie*

Katie: *sigh* So does everyone miss me at work?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Good. I'm kick ass.

Speed: Yeah you are.

Katie: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *squints*

Katie: This movie sucks.

Speed: I know.

Katie: You want me to turn on a different one?

Speed: Nah.

Katie: Okay.

Speed: Kate..

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: I love you.

Katie: *looks at Speed* Uh...Okay first question. Why did you call me Kate, and second question, why are you saying that?

Speed: It's nothing.

Katie: Um...Okay.

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