CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Don't believe hiM! He's not ok!!!!!! lol. Ok i'm hyper so i'm sorry if my review doesn't make any sense.

Ok first of all alright it is not far that Anni and Jess and Calleigh got to see him with out his shirt on and then he comes home and I don't get to. Like I said A guys is ALWAYS in the mood! Seriously!

Katie: No one shot at y-

Speed: No.
Liar Liar pants on fire! This man is all lies! lol.

Speed: Whatev-....Whatever you want.
Seriously how did I not catch that? Ok yeah sure I'm blonde and i'm slow and yeah ok sure Speed takes a breath after like every word But still....

*shivers* Ugh he called me Kate. lol. I hate that. But awwww he said I love you. Teehee. I WIN!

Update soon please!
what a liar!!!!! I can't believe it :p
Anyway ...Speed took his shirt off OMG :devil: And H's hummer is broken awwwwwww I'm so sad for him LOL

I hope you'll update soon please :)
Aw Carly don't wake up your brother. Sleeping is better than...chocolate. Of course that depends on how much you like sleep and how much you like chocolate. *clears throat* Wake him up!
Well, I didn't wake him up...but that was only because I had to go to school and besides, he had to get up anyway to go to work...but I must say that I love chocolate...and sleep! which is why I didn't like this morning because I had to be at school at 8. I mean, seriously, who puts a 8am maths class on monday morning?!

*cough* I'm sorry, that was really random and off-topic.

WOAH! Speedy and H almost got murdered by a bunch of people who, like DragonflyDreamer said, apparently don't exist acorrding to the world of Donahue :rolleyes:

but WOAH! Speedy had to take his shirt off! *claps* BLACK AND WHITE! BLACK AND WHITE! WOOO *runs off in search of B&W DVD* *runs back with shirtless Speedy for all* :D

again WOAH! What's wrong with Speedy? well, surely he's not going to die, but is he going to be ok? *shakes Geni* Dites donc! Dites donc! (Did I spell that right?...well, anyway)

and I forgot to mention...WOOT! I got a Hummer from H...man, I wish either Hummers were sold more commercially over here, or that at least the police used them...I LOEV Hummers!
My city has a police Hummer. :p

Anyway, I won't give anything away about our dear Speedy boy, because that would ruin all the hard work I've been doing for the past three chapters. :lol: Well, if you can call it hard work. :p

And it's too early for me to think in french so carole will have to help you on that. ;)

I should have more this afternoon!
Oh man, Speedy's going to be in so much trouble when Katie finds out he's lying... because let's face it, someone has to slip up and mention the shooting... and he's going to be in even more trouble when he ends up having a heart attack or something... not saying that that's what I think it is, but, well, you know what I mean.
Boy you guys are like three chapters ahead of me. :lol: Erm, not saying that he'll have a heart attack and Katie will get mad at him and then all hell will break loose but, it goes to show that you're all thinking pretty much the same as me. I rarely ever think three chapters ahead. :p (Well, except the Lori storyline)

Did that make sense? I don't think so. Oh well, it'll make more sense when I'm done rambling and the chapters get posted. ;)
well Carly you spell it right :) congratulation *claps* :D

And it makes sense to me too Geni ... well I think :p Anyway I can't really think right now because my head killing because of a monopoly LOL with me boyfriend, my best friend and his girlfriend and then we played a billiard and the music was really loud :p I know you all don't care but I don't care of that :p anyway it was a really great night :D

Update soon please :)
*looks around, puts on RT thinking cap*

Take The Hit And Walk Away

Lab, 10 am

Horatio: So have we tracked down Fuente?

Delko: I visited his office in Hialeah, and his secretary said he was out on business.

Horatio: What kind of business?

Delko: She didn't say. She also said I couldn't look around his office without a warrant.

Horatio: Legally we can't.

Delko: Yeah that's true but I did find something in plain sight.

Horatio: Alright.

Delko: It was a small baggie. It was empty.

Horatio: Empty to him.

Delko: Yeah I kicked it to Trace, Speed's working on it now.

Horatio: Okay thank you. *walks into trace lab*

Speed: *lifts head*

Horatio: The baggie.

Speed: No traces of cocaine.

Horatio: None?

Speed: Well that's not the interesting part.

Horatio: Okay I'm listening.

Speed: I found traces of icing sugar and table salt.

Horatio: *smirks*

Speed: The stuff was bunk.

Horatio: So Canon was selling fake dope, and keeping the pure stuff for himself.

Speed: That's got to make a few clients angry.

Horatio: Mhm.

Speed: So you going to go pick up Fuente?

Horatio: Not currently.

Speed: He skip town?

Horatio: *looking down at paper* That's a possibility.

Speed: Something caught your eye?

Horatio: I'll let you know. *grabs paper, walks away*

Speed: ..Okay.


Delko: Hey what are you doing here?

Katie: I'm picking up a paycheck.

Delko: Great, so I haven't seen you in a while.

Katie: Sorry about that. I just had to get away.

Delko: No problem. Plus, after what happened the other day, I'm not sure I'd want to come into work either.

Katie: What do you mean?

Delko: Well Calleigh and Speed were shot at, and then the house they were investigating gone burned to the ground while H and Speed were inside.

Katie: Interesting.

Delko: You...Didn't know?

Katie: No I didn't know.

Delko: He didn't tell you?

Katie: Apparently not.

Delko: Well I've been kind of worried about him lately. You know, with the chest pain and all.

Katie: Chest pain?

Delko: He...Didn't tell you about that?

Katie: *crosses arms*

Delko: Was I not supposed to tell you?

Katie: Don't worry about it Eric.

Delko: Okay. *walks away*

Speed: *walks by*

Katie: *turns around* You.

Speed: *stops*

Katie: *walks over* We need a word.

Speed: We do?

Katie: *frowning*

Speed: What?

Katie: You've been having chest pain?

Speed: It's not that serious.

Katie: Is your chest hurting right now?

Speed: No.

Katie: Are you sure?

Speed: I have to get back to work.

Katie: Tim.

Speed: We'll talk about it later.

Katie: I want to talk about it now.

Speed: I'm on the clock.

Katie: Fine I'll go tell Horatio.

Speed: Wait! *grabs Katie* No, stop.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: I'm fine, really.

Katie: You lied to me.

Speed: Uh...About what?

Katie: You almost got shot the other day. You said nothing like that happened.

Speed: Oh come on, if I had told you, you would have gotten all worried.

Katie: That's right. And you know what? It's because I care about you so I'm sorry if that bothers you.

Speed: I just don't want you being worried.

Katie: *smiles* Tim, I'll probably worry anyway.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: I'll let you get back to work.

Speed: Yeah. See you later.

Katie: *nods*

Speed: *leaves*

Katie: *walks away*

Layout room

Speed: *walks in*

Delko: *looks up* Hey man.

Speed: *frowns* For the last damn time, stay out of my marriage.

Delko: ...What?

Speed: You told Katie everything.

Delko: I'm sorry.

Speed: Yeah don't worry about it.

Delko: ...So your chest still hurt?

Speed: No.

Delko: Are you lying?

Speed: No.

Delko: Okay.

Speed: *shakes head*

Delko: So anyway I'm working on a warrant for Fuente's office.

Speed: Why?

Delko: To track him down.

Speed: You think his office is going to tell you where he went?

Delko: *smirks* They say the walls have ears.

Speed: I think that was meant to be figurative.

Delko: *laughs*


JC: You wanted to see me?

Horatio: *hands over paper*

JC: What's this?

Horatio: Results on the fake cocaine found near Marco Fuente's office.

JC: So what did you need me for?

Horatio: I need a second opinion.

JC: Why don't you just ask Speed?

Horatio: I'm asking you.

JC: Okay.

Horatio: This was the only fake baggie we found, so I want you to take a trip over to narco and sniff around.

JC: *lifts brow*

Horatio: Not the cocaine. Information. I want to know why this was the only bag found that appeared to be fake.

JC: I'm guessing I have to keep quiet about this.

Horatio: Not a word.

JC: You got it.

Horatio: And JC.

JC: *turns around*

Horatio: *tilts head* Thank you.

JC: *smirks, walks away*

Horatio: *looks out window*

Horatio: I want you to take a trip over to narco and sniff around.

JC: *lifts brow*

Horatio: Not the cocaine. Information.

:lol: no sniffing cocaine on the job? That's no fun :devil:

And Speedy's gonna be in trouble when he gets home. I doubt Katie will just let it go. And there's some thing more going on with him. Hmm...

Everything Is Not Fine

House, 5 pm

Speed: *walks in* Hey.

Katie: *throws potted plant*

Speed: ...

Katie: *pushes Speed against wall*

Speed: Uh...What are you doing?

Katie: What else have you been lying about?

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: Have you been sleeping around too? Should I ask Anni or Jess or Calleigh?

Speed: Please do.

Katie: This isn't funny.

Speed: I agree. You're freakishly strong.

Katie: I want to know what else you're not telling me.

Speed: I'm telling you everything. Believe me.

Katie: TELL ME!

Speed: THAT'S IT!

Katie: IT'S NOT!

Speed: YES IT IS!


Speed: THERE'S NOTHING ELSE! *coughs* Ow.

Katie: What?

Speed: Um...Nothing.

Katie: You said 'ow'. What's wrong?

Speed: Uh....*shakes head* Nothing.

Katie: If there is something wrong, NOW would be a good time to tell me.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: I'm fine.

Katie: Is your chest hurting?

Speed: *shakes head*

Katie: Are you sure?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *sigh* Okay.

Lab, 9 pm

Horatio: JC.

JC: *smiles* I took a look around.

Horatio: And what did you find?

JC: *hands over paper*

Horatio: Okay so these are all the drugs.

JC: Mhm. bagged and tagged. There was a series of tests done on random samples, and all of them were real cocaine.

Horatio: Pure?

JC: 75%

Horatio: Okay so the pure stuff is still stashed somewhere, and Fuente has the bunk stuff.

JC: Three different stashes.

Horatio: Mhm. I want to know where the fake stuff is coming from.

JC: Well it was only found in Fuente's office, so either he's selling the fake stuff, or he knows someone who is.

Horatio: Alright thank you.

11 pm, house

Katie: *rolls over* Tim, are you awake?

Speed: I was asleep.

Katie: Sorry. I just wanted to know if you're okay.

Speed: Why wouldn't I be?

Katie: I need you to stop lying to me.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Katie: This isn't going to go away.

Speed: You should be worrying about you, not me.

Katie: I'm fine. You're not.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: How long has this been going on?

Speed: ....Three days.

Katie: *sigh* My God and you didn't tell anyone?

Speed: No.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: ...I'm scared.

Katie: Oh Tim. *hugs Speed*

Speed: *starts to cry*

Katie: *hugs tighter* It's okay.

AWWWWWW Timmy cried. He's being like me right now. Except he doesn't have guy problems lol. I love Tim being all emotional, he's such a cutie. HMMMMMMMM this case is getting very intresting too. I wonder where he keeps the pure stuff? And where did the fake stuff come from? This is very intriuging lol. Well, I'm off to bed because unfortunatly someone ruined my night, and now I just want to sleep it off, maybe tomorrrow will be better.

So in an effort to keep the off-topicness to a minimum, I shall end it here, Great update Geni, and I can't wait to read more!

Love, Jess
Awwwwwwwww! Ok first of all I"m all hyper and having a crying Timmy is so not cool! Ok its awesoem because I love a crying Timmy but but...oh I don't know WHAT i'm talking about.

Speed: Please do.

Katie: This isn't funny.

Speed: I agree. You're freakishly strong.
Teehee. Heck yes I am. Ok yeah seriously I probably couldn't lift up a pencil without breaking my arm but still. Teehee. *snickers* I shoved Timmy against a wall.

And ohhh Delko better stay out of things. But of course he did think I already knew soooo...but still I"m glad I found out. But oh snap Timmy's crying. *sniff* Its so cute! Update soon please!
Well as they say (Not quite sure who they are), tomorrow is another day. :)

And Katie you crack me up!

Don't Want To Leave This Way

Layout room, 9 am

Calleigh: Hey you're here.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: I called you three times.

Speed: I had my cell off.

Calleigh: *smiles* Busy?

Speed: I had a doctor's appointment. What's this?

Calleigh: *points* This is our stolen gold.

Speed: The Watson case?

Calleigh: The very same. We found it in an undercarriage compartment in Andy Porter's boat.

Speed: So what, he stole the gold.

Calleigh: David Watson was looking for that gold before he died.

Speed: So Porter knew where it was hidden.

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: *picks up picture* The gold was in one of the top bricks right?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: And someone would have had to dig it out.

Calleigh: That's right.

Speed: *tilts head*

Calleigh: ..You want to fill me in?

Speed: Whoever dug out the brick would have caused a lot of dust to rise.

Calleigh: So particles on whatever the person used to dig it out, and on the perp's clothes.

Speed: Not to mention thier lungs.

Calleigh: Porter didn't seem like his lungs were irritated.

Speed: Yeah not initially.

Calleigh: Come on.

Interview room

Andy: So tell me why I'm here again?

Calleigh: *places folder down*

Andy: ..It's a brick.

Calleigh: Bricks, when they're cut or broken, give off dust particles and those particular dust particles are really hard to get out of clothes and from under nails.

Andy: So?

Speed: So we need all your clothes.

Andy: Not without a warrant.

Speed: I could remove them myself.

Andy: Sorry I don't swing that way.

Speed: Well where you're going, you might learn to.

Calleigh: *whispers* Tim.

Speed: Your clothes.

Andy: *sigh* Fine.

Calleigh: And we're going to need acess to all the clothes on your boat as well.

Andy: *throws key on table* Have at it.

Speed: Thanks for your cooperation. *leaves*

Calleigh: Excuse us.


Calleigh: Okay I'll search the boat, you process his clothes.

Speed: No problem.

Calleigh: ...So you went to the doctor.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: Was it for Katie?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: You alright?

Speed: Look, it's not really any of your business so I'm going to get to work.

Calleigh: I need to know.

Speed: Why?

Calleigh: Because my son needs a father.

Speed: *frowns* I'm fine.

Calleigh: If you were fine, you wouldn't have gone to a doctor.

Speed: I've been having chest pain because of stress and now I'm on medication so I'm fine. Happy?

Calleigh: That's pretty serious.

Speed: It's not that serious.

Calleigh: Are you scared?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Alright.

Speed: *walks away*

Calleigh: *watches*

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