CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Cliffhanger... me like.. :d but at the same time not.. coz that means I have to wait till the next chapter.. :p GREAT UPDATE GENI

all six threads.. WOW.. that's a lot to read.. I mena A LOT
Ah damnit, cliffhangers! lol I hate them! Wow Geni, that was a long update, very good though, poor Speed always gets hurt, and poor Lori always gets kidnapped, shoulda seen that one coming lol. I seemed to be very......sarcastic in this one, haha taking on a bit of Speed's traits, but hey, at least I didn't strip lol. Gosh, I wonder what will happen next! I can't wait to see, great job Geni!
:eek: Where did our dear Katie go? *starts searching*

Thanks for the reviews guys. :D I should have more in a few hours, so stay tuned! *hugs for everyone*
you're welcome *hugs Geni back and search with her*
you're right where did she go!!!! :confused:
update soon please :)
Thank you, Carole.
And by the way, my name's Megan, and your all welcome to call me that if you like. I also go by Meg or Megs, or any other form of the name that you can come up with, so long as it itsn't Meggie, because then you will die a most painful death, and I watch enough CSI that I can get rid of the evidence :D
Where did our dear Katie go? *starts searching*
*jumps out* I'm right here! Sorry It was a crazy night last night.

But oh my goshness I got smacked nad punched! Whoa bad day for me. lol. Jess got a gun held to her. Speed's bleeding and Lori got taken by Trevor and Colton. Grrrr. lol. But aww Speedy was all sentimental and and and just awww. And Horatio went willingly into the morgue thats very interesting lol. But hmmmm....I wonder how all of this is going to turn out. Teehee. And ohhh Speedy got into a brawl with colton how....AWESOME IS that! lol. Great update Geni. Can't wait for more. And I know I'm forgetting to comment on something...oh yeah Lori didn't say anything because she was eating her cookies. Awww yes save the cookies! *raises fist* Teehee.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *heart stops for one second*
Katie you freaked me out!!!!!!!

Okay Meg I will call you like that :)

Geni Update soon pleeeeaaaase :) Can't wait anymore :p
Speed: Horatio bought it.
Katie: What? Why?
Speed: He had some loose change.
Katie: How MUCH loose change?
horatio bought you a HOUSE??? That's one hell of a present. And I agree with Katie, How MUCH loose change? Cause if he can buy a house on his loose change, JC has the right idea.
Speed: Well now you outrank Eric.
Poor Eric, Katie can totally pull rank now...and she might be less tempted to go back to the FBI.
Jess: *hugs Delko* Wow you're comfy.
Delko: *smiles* Hyper much?
JESS!!! Leave him alone, He's mine! *lunges at Jess*
Delko: *kisses Jess*
Katie: YEAH WAHOO! *clapping*
*cries* NOOOOOOO!!!! Much sadness...
Katie: Aw you too little love birds. Wow we're all being paired off. I mean, I have Tim, Carly has Josh, you have Eric, JC has Horatio, Missy is a little left out but...Hey we're girls, we can fix that right? Get her a nice date and set her up real good.
Thank you for caring Katie...But right now Jess has my man...Damn it!
Lori: They were wearing masks and they were making Horatio and everyone go into the other building.
Oh, here we go again, all in trouble and such.

NO! SUSPENSE FILLED ENDING! What's going on! What Happened! Colton and Trevor are back! SAVE LORI!
*snaps back to reality*
Great updates Geni, sorry I keep falling so far behind, I share a computer with my brother and I have WAY too much homework. Keep it up!
Maybe It's Not The End

Lounge, 11 pm

Katie: *leans head on Speed's shoulder*

Speed: *wraps arm around Katie*

Carly: I haven't heard them in a while. Maybe they left.

Jess: Yeah and maybe they turned the entire lab into cotton candy. Think in reality.

Carly: I think you're the one that has issues with reality.

Katie: You don't think they killed Lori right?

Speed: I'm sure she's fine.

Carly: Man I hope they don't kill us. I'm getting married next week.

Jess: I thought that was in two weeks.

Carly: Um next sunday is technically next week.

Jess: Whatever.

Katie: I'm going to go see if she's okay.

Speed: No, Katie stay here.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Because you'll get hurt.

Katie: I won't get hurt. You obviously don't know me very well.

Speed: Stay here, I'll be back.

Katie: Oh yeah and you're more safe than me? You're a walking bullet proof vest but you're not bullet proof.

Speed: *walks away*

Katie: He never listens.

Evidence Locker

Colton: Come out from under the table.

Lori: *shakes head*

Colton: Come out right now.

Lori: *shakes head*

Colton: I've got ice cream.

Lori: *narrows eyes*

Colton: I have...Candy.

Lori: *shakes head*

Colton: I can fix the cut on your head.

Lori: *shakes head*

Colton: Come on kid just get out of there.

Speed: *knocks over file*

Colton: *stands up, lifts gun*

Speed: ...Crap.

Colton: Get back in the lounge.

Speed: *lifts hands* Relax, you're the one with the gun.

Colton: What do you want?

Speed: *looks down* I see you flogged Trevor.

Colton: He got in my way.

Speed: Got in your way?

Colton: I've been using him. He thinks it's the other way around, but I've got one advantage over him. I'm smarter.

Speed: Yeah obviously. You broke into the lab, and now you have hostages, and you're stealing evidence. You're the smartest stupid person I've ever met.

Colton: *frowns* Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you.

Speed: ...Uh...

Colton: *tilts head* Alright.

Speed: Wait, wait. You obviously need Lori for some reason right?

Colton: That's right.

Speed: I can get her out from under the table.

Colton: Do it.

Speed: Tell me why you need her.

Colton: I don't think so.

Speed: Maybe we can help you get out of here.

Colton: I doubt that.

Speed: Tell me why you need her.

Colton: Payment.

Speed: To whom?

Colton: The Columbians. Apparently you stole her from them.

Speed: You made a deal with them?

Colton: Yeah. I'm kind of a double agent for the FBI. They protect me, and I protect the Columbians.

Speed: That's how you got out of jail.

Colton: I had to get a little help from Trevor. Good thing he made a complaint against the lab.

Speed: What he did was against the law.

Colton: What's done is done and now I have to finish my mission.

Speed: So Trevor steals the evidence against him and you pay the Columbians with a little girl and that's it?

Colton: I get scott free and my name on a nice little island.

Speed: Courtesy of the Columbians right?

Colton: Yeah.

Speed: You don't need to take her. We can work something out. Pay them with something else.

Colton: My orders are to take the little girl.

Speed: Do you know what they do to children?

Colton: I'm aware of what they do.

Speed: She doesn't deserve that.

Colton: I'm sure she'll get used to it.

Speed: You can't take her.

Colton: I don't like it anymore than you do but it has to be done.

Speed: Or what, they kill you?

Colton: If they don't get what they want, they'll make Miami a very dangerous place to be.

Speed: What do you mean?

Colton: Small groups have access to bombs, guns, and even bio-weapons.

Speed: They're going to poison Miami?

Colton: First the water, and then the food....Next it'll be the air.

Speed: Why do they want Lori?

Colton: They aren't the kind of people you just walk up to and start asking questions.

Speed: So if they get her, they won't hurt anyone.

Colton: If there's one thing I learned about them, is that they keep their word.

Speed: *nods* ...How long do they need her?

Colton: Forever.

Speed: ...We need time to think this ov-

Colton: No. I have two hours. Well, now I have about a half hour.

Speed: ...Why her?

Colton: Well I'd only be speculating, but I hear young American girls are very sought after.

Speed: *frowns*

Colton: I need to leave in order to get to my location on time so you have about five minutes with your daughter.

Speed: Okay.

Colton: Make it quick.

Speed: *kneels* Lori?

Lori: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Come here.

Lori: *crawls out from under table*

Speed: Um...You're going to go away for a while.

Lori: Why?

Speed: It's complicated. But we won't be seeing each other for a long time.

Lori: I don't wanna go.

Speed: You have to.

Lori: *starts to cry*

Speed: ...Don't cry Lori, everything's going to be...fine.

Lori: *crying*

Speed: You can be a big girl right?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: Okay you need to do that for me, alright?

Lori: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *hugs Lori*

Colton: Look, I got a time limit here.

Lori: *crying* I don't wanna go.

Speed: *hugs tighter*

Colton: Wrap it up.

Speed: *lets go* Okay. You need to go with him now.

Lori: *shakes head*

Speed: You'll be fine.

Lori: *wipes eyes*

Speed: *stands*

Colton: *grabs Lori* You're saving all of Miami, you know that.

Speed: *nods*

Colton: Come on kid, we have a plane to catch. *picks up Lori* You can tell the hostages that they're free to go. When Trevor wakes up you can arrest him.

Speed: Yeah.

Colton: Okay Lori say bye bye to daddy.

Lori: *waves*

Colton: *leaves*

Speed: *stares down the hall*

AWWWWWWWW! TIMOTHY whatever your middle name is SPEEDLE! I sure as hell hope you know what your doing sending Lori away with Colton. Yeah ok he's FBI but he still...and...I...Ugh i'm so tung tied right now. lol. I can't believe he did that!!

Katie: Oh yeah and you're more safe than me? You're a walking bullet proof vest but you're not bullet proof.
Teehee. Awwww. That's funny but yet so very true. lol.

Speed: You can be a big girl right?

Lori: *nods*
Awwwwww. Poor thing. *sniff* Update soon please.
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