CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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....WOOT! I'm gonna be a Speedle! TEEHEE! :D
Katie: You love him right?

Carly: *sigh* Yeah. More than I love Australia, and that's saying something.
Haha..no, I'm just kidding, I didn't mean it! *hugs Australia* I'm just afraid that by saying that, Australia will smite me with more crazy Australian weather :lol:

Woot! I love Josh!...ok, I probably shouldn't say that because there's a guy in my class called Josh whom everyone thinks I like, but he's just a friend...

and I must say, DRUNK US ROCKS! and yay! the return of the Queen of the Spider People and the Secret Cloud Police :lol:

please update soon
Sure...Just a friend. :p I kid.

Aw, I'm sure Australia loves you too much to spite you Carly. :lol:

Telling Myself

Next morning

Carly: *wakes up* ...Josh? Josh..JOSH!

Josh: *wakes up* What?

Carly: Oh my God what happened last night.

Josh: Everyone got drunk. Tim drove them home.

Carly: What about me?

Josh: You passed out.

Carly: *sits up* Oh...Good.

Josh: You feel okay?

Carly: I feel fine.

Josh: Good.

Carly: How does the house look?

Josh: I cleaned everything this morning.

Carly: *sigh* I'm sorry.

Josh: It's alright, everything's fine.

Carly: You really cleaned everything?

Josh: Well it's one thing I picked up while pretending to be gay.

Carly: *laughs*

Josh: *smirks*

Carly: I've got to head into work.

Josh: Yeah so do I.

Carly: *kisses Josh* I call the shower.

Josh: Ah damn.

Carly: Sorry babe. *runs off*

Josh: *shakes head*

Trace Lab

Katie: *walks in* ....Ow.

Speed: What?

Katie: My head.

Speed: You fell down a banister.

Katie: Did I?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: No.

Speed: Yes.

Katie: Really?

Speed: Yeah, really.

Katie: Well you know me...Always thinkin' with my head.

Speed: Funny.

Katie: You talk to Josh this morning?

Speed: No why?

Katie: I was just wondering if Carly's okay.

Speed: She's fine.

Katie: So...I wasn't drunk near Lori was I?

Speed: Yeah you were.

Katie: Oh God I didn't do anything stupid did I?

Speed: You both had a Cheez-it fight.

Katie: ...Really.

Speed: Yeah. She calls you 'fun mommy' now.

Katie: *smiles* Now that I like.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: So Carly called, she'll be in, in a few minutes.

Speed: Good because we have to get to interrogation.

Carly: *runs in* I'M ON TIME!

Speed: Yes you are.

Carly: Okay let's hit it.

Speed: You feel okay?

Carly: I'm fine.

Speed: Alright let's head over to PD.

Katie: I'll....Stand around.

Speed: Have fun.

Katie: Oh I will.


Carly: *sits down* So, Mia. How close were you with Allan?

Mia: He was my only brother. We were pretty close.

Carly: You said earlier that he was suicidal.

Mia: Yeah he was on medication.

Carly: For depression?

Mia: Yeah.

Carly: ...The pills weren't working?

Mia: He stopped taking them. He said he didn't feel the same.

Speed: *walks behind Carly* Did he attempt suicide before?

Carly: *looks down at table*

Mia: A few times.

Speed: So you weren't afraid he'd try it again?

Mia: Of course I was. I'd phone him at least ten times a day.

Speed: We checked his cell phone. There were no calls made that morning.

Mia: I had to get to work. I had an important meeting across town, so no I didn't have time to call him.

Speed: *stands beside Carly* You own a black Ford Explorer.

Mia: So do a lot of people.

Speed: We had it towed to our garage. There's blood on the front bumper.

Mia: I ran into a dog the other day.

Speed: A dog.

Mia: Yeah.

Speed: *leans over table*

Carly: *swallows*

Speed: We're going to test the blood. If it's human, you're in serious trouble.

Mia: *frowns*

Speed: Sit tight. *walks away*

Carly: *stands, walks away*


Speed: We're going to need to examine that vehicle.

Carly: Uh...You want me to go over it?

Speed: We can both do it.

Carly: NO!...No...No you don't have to help.

Speed: ...Alright.

Carly: Um...I have to go.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Carly: *runs off*

Layout room

Jess: *sigh* If I see one more employee record I'll die.

Delko: It has to be done.

Jess: How many people worked there? This is going to take forever.

Delko: Anyone been fired recently?

Jess: No but two people quit.

Delko: Does it say why?

Jess: One person moved to Sacramento, and the other one didn't like the management.

Delko: You have a name for the second one?

Jess: It doesn't give a name. Looks like they forgot to print it.

Delko: ...Let's get that to QD.

Jess: You think it was tampered with?

Delko: Only one way to find out.

CSI Garage

Katie: Hey can I help?

Carly: *opens swab* Sure.

Katie: HECK YES. *grabs latex gloves* So you and Josh seem happy.

Carly: Yeah.

Katie: Uh oh you're not happy?

Carly: No we're happy.

Katie: So what's with the dry tone?

Carly: Does Speed ever hit on you?

Katie: ....Not at work, why?

Carly: Well did he ever do it at one time?

Katie: Sure.

Carly: What did he do?

Katie: Uh...Well he didn't exactly say anything directly. He just...It was just more of body language. Where he'd stand, how he'd speak. That kind of thing.

Carly: *nods*

Katie: Why?

Carly: ...It's nothing.

Katie: Alright.

Carly: *swabs blood*

Katie: Blood?

Carly: Yeah I'm just testing it now. *opens kit*

Katie: *opens truck door* Well it's pretty clean in here.

Carly: Yeah I noticed that too.

Katie: You think maybe she had it professionally cleaned?

Carly: Well there's professionally clean and then there's CSI clean.

Katie: *smiles* ALS?

Carly: ALS.

Katie: *puts on protective lenses* Here we go.

Carly: *drips solution into test tube* ...Positive for human DNA.

Katie: *looks inside truck* ...Yeah same here.

Carly: *walks over* You got blood?

Katie: Lots of it.

Carly: It's a start.

QD lab

Jess: Okay what are we looking at?

Delko: Here's the employee record paper we got from the manager. I placed it under infra red. Now, we can see if the paper was tampered with by alernating light frequencies to reveal a different layer of the paper.

Jess: Kind of like using an ulraviolet light on material?

Delko: Exactly. Only here, we'll be able to use more than one frequency. *turning knobs*

Jess: Wait. Stop there.

Delko: You see something?

Jess: Yeah.

Delko: *squints* Todd Simpson.

Jess: Someone was able to take the print off. They didn't want anyone to know who that was.

Delko: Yeah and they used bleach to do it.

Jess: Does that help us?

Delko: I worked a case once, adult film actress was murdered. The agency she worked for doctered her file to erase the age at which she started acting in the films, but at the same time...*turns knobs* Left us a nice juicy fingerprint.

Jess: *smiles* AFIS.

Delko: *nods*


Speed: So Valera you have those results?

Valera: Yep. *hands over paper*

Speed: Blood on the front of the vehicle was Allan Cochran's. Well we were expecting that.

Valera: Yeah but take a look at the second set that Katie collected from inside the SUV.

Speed: *looks down at paper* ..Female DNA, not the victim's.

Valera: I think you may be looking for another victim.

Speed: Yeah. Thanks. *walks away*


Speed: Hey.

Carly: Hey.

Speed: Blood inside the SUV doesn't belong to the vic, and there was nothing in CODIS.

Carly: So who does it belong to?

Speed: I don't know, but take a look at this.

Carly: *grabs paper* ...Seven alleals in common.

Speed: Suggests a female relative.

Carly: Sister?

Speed: I'm thinking closer.

Carly: Daughter?

Speed: Probably.

Carly: We should get a warrant for the sister's house.

Speed: Why?

Carly: Apparently Allan was living with his sister for the past three months.

Speed: Did she say anything about a girl?

Carly: Well judging by the blood on the truck, she wouldn't have mentioned it.

Speed: Alright when we get the warrant, we'll go together and check out the house.

Carly: Together?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: We can't go seperately?

Speed: ...No that wouldn't be very efficient.

Carly: That means we'll be in the same vehicle together?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: ...

Speed: Is there something wrong?

Carly: No. Everything's fine. I'll see what I can do in interrogation, you go...Be a CSI. *leaves*

Speed: ...Okay.

Hmmm....interesting. lol.

Speed: Yeah. She calls you 'fun mommy' now.
*gasp* Its like Fun Bobby only Fun Mommy! And ok I watch to much friends! lol. But a cheez it fight! HECK YES!

Hmm...was Speed really hitting on Carly because he was just leaning over the table and and and ok yeah if I was sitting in there with him I'd want to call that flirting to. lol. And ahhhh you brought up Innocent. I don't know why I screamed when I read that but I did so sue me. lol.

I hope everything works out with Josh and Carly. I think Delko wouldn't like it very much if Joshie went back to his old ways. lol.

Great update Geni! And who hold the phone! Allan has a daughter....interesting.
:p ;)

More Than All I Know

Mia's house

Speed: Good job on the warrant.

Carly: Thanks. *clicks on flashlight*

Speed: You get anything else out of the sister?

Carly: Nah, she lawyered up.

Speed: I see.

Carly: Mhm.

Speed: *brushes past Carly*

Carly: *stops walking*

Speed: There's a room back here.

Carly: ...Yeah. Daughter's room maybe?

Speed: It looks locked.

Carly: Maybe there's a key around here somewhere.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *looks around*

Speed: *watches Carly*

Carly: ...It's a mess.

Speed: Yeah, newspapers piled up to the ceiling...Rat traps everywhere.

Carly: *shines light on the floor*

Speed: You find it?

Carly: The carpet's dirty.

Speed: Yeah along with everything else. It seems people get dirtier these days.

Carly: *nods* It doesn't take much to pick up one piece of garbage.

Speed: She worked, she didn't have time to clean.

Carly: Our victim could have.

Speed: He was depressed. He probably wasn't thinking about the good of the household.

Carly: So where does the daughter fit in in all of this?

Speed: She probably just stays in her room, and judging by the locked door..Didn't leave very often.

Carly: Yeah. *grabs doorknob* It's not dusty.

Speed: So?

Carly: Everything else is filthy except the doorknob. It means it was used recently.

Speed: She left the room.

Carly: Or someone came and got her.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: *looks around*

Speed: *smirks*

Carly: *looks at Speed* Something amusing?

Speed: No.

Carly: Really.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Can you uh...Step back for me please?

Speed: Why?

Carly: Because you're making me feel uncomfortable.

Speed: *steps back*

Carly: Thank you.

Speed: No problem.

Carly: Maybe you can take photographs, and I'll look around.

Speed: I left my camera in the back of the Hummer. We can go get it if you'd like.

Carly: *frowns* No I think you can take care of that by yourself.

Speed: Sure. *walks away*

Carly: *gets out cellphone*


Horatio: *opens phone* Caine.

Carly: Can you please get down here?

Horatio: Something wrong?

Carly: No, I just thought you'd want to take a look around the house that we just got a warrant on. It seems pretty interesting.

Horatio: Sure, I'll be right over. I'm just a few blocks away.

Carly: Thanks. *closes phone*

Speed: *walks over* Turns out, I left my camera back at the lab.

Carly: How convenient.

Speed: You find that key yet?

Carly: No.

Speed: Have you looked?

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: I guess we'll just have to keep at it.

Carly: *glares*

Horatio: *walks in* Oh boy. Not one of the most glamorous houses we've seen.

Carly: *sigh* Thanks for joining us.

Horatio: Not a problem.

Speed: *frowns* H, we have everything under control.

Horatio: That's alright, I don't mind helping out. Fresh pair of eyes never hurt.

Speed: We're fine here.

Horatio: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *staring at Horatio*

Horatio: ...*nods* In any case, I'd like to take a look around anyway.

Carly: *sigh*

Horatio: Okay?

Speed: Sure.

Horatio: Good.

H man always ruins creeper Speed! I mean seriously he always showed up in the hallway when Speed grabbed my arms or shoved me into the wall. Or I called him and he came over. Good god man axe man is all i'm asking for! I mean uh..not asking for because axe man Speed is very scary. lol.

But awww poor Carly. Speedy boys starting to get a little agressive persay. Ok not really agressive but I'm tired and I can't think straight lol. Update soon please!
speedmonkey2 said:
H man always ruins creeper Speed! I mean seriously he always showed up in the hallway when Speed grabbed my arms or shoved me into the wall. Or I called him and he came over. Good god man axe man is all i'm asking for! I mean uh..not asking for because axe man Speed is very scary. lol.

i think i figured this H mistery.. he is hameleon :D he always is actually in the same place, he is standing at the wall, covered in wall colors, and then *bam* he changes the colour and comes out! next time try to look harder on walls, maybe you will see his sunglasses, because those are not changing colour :lol:

HA! got it! and here is the wedding :D *dancing waltz* Umm pa paa, umm pa paa, umm pa paaa! :lol: and Carly feels unsafe with Speed or what? will know! :D
update soon!
OMG a lot of things happened since I was not here!!!!
Josh's not gay, Carly and him are going to married and there is some tension between Speed and Carly!!!And... Ow I almost forgot the best part!!! They all got drunk It was so funny with the thing: "the first one who break his head have to leack the wall!!! :D
And Lori calls Katie "funny momma" :) SO cute

You did a great job Geni and update soon please :)
:lol: Thanks for the wonderful reviews guys. :)

We Don't Think She Has A Clue

Trace Lab, 2 hours later

Carly: Hey did you find the key?

Speed: Yeah it was inside a rat trap.

Carly: You get in the room?

Speed: Yeah where were you?

Carly: I drove back here.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: *looking down at table*

Speed: Uh...I'm sorry about before, in the house. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

Carly: It's alright.

Speed: *smirks*

Carly: *smiles* So what did you find in the room?

Speed: A bed, some toys and a tv.

Carly: So she was living in there.

Speed: I was looking through some of her things. She's around fourteen years old.

Carly: Wow, I was expecting younger.

Speed: Yeah. Check this out.

Carly: *walks over, looks through microscope* ...What is that?

Speed: Wood shavings from the bed.

Carly: Looks like there's pieces of metal on them.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *stands up straight* Okay put it in context.

Speed: She was locked in her room, and cuffed to her bed.

Carly: Her dad must love her to pieces.

Speed: Yeah so she probably didn't go to school or leave the house.

Carly: Why would anyone want to kill her?

Speed: Maybe she took up room.

Carly: That's not an excuse to kill your child.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: You find the mother?

Speed: We're still looking.

Carly: I've still got Mia in interrogation, but she probably won't talk.

Speed: It looks bad enough for her already.

Carly: Yeah.

Delko: *walks in* You got that trace from my case?

Speed: Yeah. *hands over folder*

Delko: *looks down* Okay traces of bleach.

Speed: Industrial bleach. It's not the stuff you get at home.

Delko: But it's the stuff you get at a place of business.

Speed: Yeah from a utility closet.

Carly: I'm going to check out that SUV again.

Speed: *smiles* Alright.

Carly: *smiles, leaves*

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed: So where did you find that bleach?

Delko: Um...Just a piece of paper.

Speed: Someone altered information?

Delko: Yeah. Uh, what's with you?

Speed: Nothing, why?

Delko: You smiled.

Speed: Your point?

Delko: At Carly.

Speed: Again, your point?

Delko: It wasn't a creepy smile, more of a...Warm 'I love you' smile.

Speed: *frowns* Your point.

Delko: She smiled back.

Speed: Okay you're going to have to get there faster Eric.

Delko: She's getting married.

Speed: I know.

Delko: And you're hitting on her?

Speed: I'm not hitting on her. It was a smile.

Delko: You don't smile.

Speed: Sure I do.

Delko: I don't know what you're doing, but it probably won't turn out very well.

Speed: I'm not doing anything.

Delko: Yeah okay, fine. Let's just work on the case.

Speed: Sure.

CSI Garage

Carly: Hey you're in here?

Anni: Yeah I got bored.

Carly: What are you doing?

Anni: I'm helping you.

Carly: *smiles* Great.

Anni: I've been looking at the back of the SUV and there'a bunch of dents, and the bumper's been scratched.

Carly: It was like that when we towed it.

Anni: You said there was another SUV at the scene?

Carly: Yeah a white one.

Anni: There's white transfer on the bumper.

Carly: The other SUV probably hit it. She was stopped in the middle of the causeway.

Anni: Yeah.

Carly: ...

Anni: *snaps pictures*

Carly: ...I have a problem.

Anni: *looks up* What about?

Carly: Tim.

Anni: *puts down camera* What happened? He make a move on you?

Carly: No. Well, sort of. Well...No not really. When we were serving the warrant at the suspect's house, he was kind of creeping me out and it was a little uncomfortable.

Anni: You talk to him about it?

Carly: No. He already apologized for it.

Anni: He didn't do it again did he?

Carly: That's the thing...He made me feel...Overly comfortable just now.

Anni: *lifts brow* How is that possible?

Carly: I don't know.

Anni: Okay you seem a little frazzled.

Carly: ...

Anni: You can tell me.

Carly: I think I still love him.

Anni: ...I see.

Carly: And I think he was doing all of that on purpose.

Anni: Why?

Carly: I don't know but it's working.

Anni: Okay you're getting married. I don't think you should be thinking about him like that.

Carly: I can't help it! I don't know what to do!

Anni: Okay well don't panic.

Carly: Don't panic? Um I love my fiancée's brother. I CAN PANIC ALL I WANT!

Anni: Okay, calm down. We'll figure something out.

Carly: Okay.

Anni: You know, if Speed was doing that on purpose it means he loves you too.

Carly: ....I KNOW THAT!

Anni: Okay, okay. Geez.

Carly: Sorry.

Anni: Maybe you should talk to him about it.

Carly: And say what? He wants me to break.

Anni: ..I think he just plain wants you.

Carly: *frowns* This isn't funny.

Anni: I know. Oh oh here he comes.

Carly: Great.

Anni: Be cool.

Speed: *walks in* Horatio thinks he found the kid.

Carly: Where?

Speed: The mother's house.

Carly: Really. He tracked her down?

Speed: Yeah he made a few phone calls. Turns out, the mother owns a white Ford Explorer.

Carly: Interesting.

Speed: Yeah so we can go check it out.

Carly: Both of us?

Speed: ...Yes we are both on the same case.

Carly: I know.

Anni: *shakes head*

Carly: I love you.

Speed: *lifts brows*

Anni: *wide-eyed*

Speed: ...What?

Carly: You heard me.

Anni: *looks down at floor*

Speed: ...You...Love me?

Carly: *nods*

Speed: ...Uh..Okay I wasn't expecting that.

Carly: That's why you were being so weird today right?

Speed: ...

Carly: Tim...

Speed: Anni can you give us a minute?

Anni: No way. I want to hear this.

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: She'll tell me anyway so just spill it.

Carly: *crosses arms*

Speed: ...I'm still in love with you.

Carly: ...

Anni: OOooooh.

Carly: Great. Well I'm not going to cheat on Josh.

Speed: I'm not going to cheat on Katie.

Carly: Well now that we have that settled, let's get back to work.

Speed: Alright.

Speed/Carly leave

Anni: ....Okay that wasn't fair.

Speed: ...I'm still in love with you.

i knew it! Shake and Bake Speed! :lol:
and Anni craked me up! :D

Gosh, this is so fun! wiiiiiiii look i am flying! :D
Geni, get me down!!!
update soon!
:lol: Gee as if I had to make it more obvious...Well okay I did, seeing as I wrote that one line. :p

*grabs LtKitty* Down girl! :lol: I'll have more soon, but at the moment it's Thanksgiving in my household so I should have more when I'm done eating my turkey and pumpkin pie. :D (Actually I don't like pumpkin pie...I want apple pie. *pouts*)

More to come soon! Stay tuned! I'll be back! I promise! :lol: *runs around the house and falls down the stairs*
speed_cochrane said:

*grabs LtKitty* Down girl! :lol: I'll have more soon, but at the moment it's Thanksgiving in my household so I should have more when I'm done eating my turkey and pumpkin pie. :D (Actually I don't like pumpkin pie...I want apple pie. *pouts*)

ok i am down! fjuu, almoust puked up there! :p
Hey, wow, sounds fun! :) i heared something about Thanksgiving, all i know is that they are before Halloween! :lol:

*runs around the house and falls down the stairs*

Wouuu, you ok there? :D
ok i am tuned! :lol:
Hmm...they both love eachother but won't cheat on the people there with. Well what you say and do are to different things. ANd...this just isn't looking good for me and Joshiekins. I mean...ohhh maybe we should run off together. lol. I'm kidding. But I know that the real me wouldn't want to be with someone who loved someone else. Thats just not fair to either person. But I loved how Anni stayed for the conversation. lol. Update soon please,.
Falling Harder

Mother's house

Speed: You're Elizabeth?

Liz: Yes.

Speed: We found your husband a few weeks ago.

Liz: Have you solved it?

Speed: That's why we're here.

Carly: When was the last time you spoke to him?

Liz: Over a month a go.

Carly: Do you have a specific day?

Liz: Uh..The 5th.

Carly: What did you two talk about?

Liz: Just regular stuff.

Speed: How about your daughter?

Liz: ...What about her?

Speed: We haven't found her, but we found blood in your sister in law's truck.

Liz: Blood? You mean she's hurt? Is she dead?

Carly: We don't know.

Speed: Can we come inside?

Liz: No. You can talk right here.

Speed: Alright. Did you know your daughter was locked in her room at your sister in law's house?

Liz: Yes. She has a mental condition.

Speed: Mental condition.

Liz: *sigh* Memory problems. She was in an accident last year, and she's never been the same. She...Forgets to go to the washroom, she can't clean up after herself and she doesn't understand how to use a light switch.

Carly: I'm sorry.

Speed: She was cuffed to her bed. Mental condition or not, that's torture.

Liz: It was necessary so she didn't hurt herself. You would do the same thing if that was your daughter going through that.

Speed: I wouldn't.

Liz: Yeah well maybe you would if it actually happened. Our lives have been turning upside down. Allan was depressed, his sister hated me, and my daughter didn't even know my name.

Speed: That's no excuse.

Carly: ...Do you know where your daughter is now?

Liz: No.

Carly: You wouldn't want to keep track of her after your husband commited suicide?

Liz: Is that what the medical report said?

Carly: *shrugs* Would your daughter have been with him?

Liz: I don't know. When are you going to get that through your Australian head.

Carly: *frowns*

Liz: I want some American service just once in my life.

Speed: You got it. *takes out cuffs*

Liz: What are you doing?

Speed: You're under arrest. How's that for American service?

Liz: *rolls eyes*

Speed: Get in the Hummer and shut up.

Speed/Liz walk away

Carly: *smirks*

Interrogation room

Speed: Now. Where is your daughter and don't pull that 'I don't know' crap again.

Liz: *sigh* She's in the keys with Mia.

Speed: Mia's here.

Liz: What?

Speed: We brought her in for questioning.

Liz: No. No she was supposed to have my daughter.

Carly: *writing things down* You own a white Ford Explorer correct?

Liz: Yes.

Carly: Where is it now?

Liz: I don't know.

Carly: You don't know, or you won't tell us.

Liz: I want an American cop.

Speed: My colleague is perfectly capable of carrying out an investigation so I suggest you answer her questions or you'll spend the next 48 hours in a cell waiting for your court date.

Liz: *frowns*

Carly: Where's your vehicle.

Liz: I'm not saying anything.

Carly: Alright. We'll be back.


Speed: You okay?

Carly: I'm going to BEAT her into next week. No one talks to me like that.

Speed: We can worry abour her later, right now we need to find her daughter.

Carly: I'm not finding her daughter.

Speed: Yes you are.

Carly: She didn't single you out.

Speed: It doesn't matter. We stay objective.

Carly: *laughs* Great you're protecting her.

Speed: I'm not protecting anyone. Now calm down.

Carly: ...I'm sorry.

Speed: Now, she seemed worried when we mentioned her vehicle. I think maybe she knows who was supposed to have her daughter.

Carly: I guess the plan didn't go over so well.

Speed: That vehcile was at the scene so it had something to do with Allan's death.

Carly: You think Mia's in on it too?

Speed: Her vehcile was involved as well. Someone wanted him dead and all signs point to the family.

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: So let's find that white SUV.

Carly: Okay.

Speed: You alright?

Carly: ...Um...Back there at the house. Thanks for sticking up for me.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: You didn't have to do that.

Speed: *smirks*

Carly: *smiles*

Speed: *looks up* KATIE.

Carly: *smile fades*

Katie: *walks over* Hey. What are you two up to?

Speed: Uh, just interrogating a suspect.

Katie: Oh. Well, I just came from PD. They pulled over someone driving a white Ford Explorer. I thought you'd want to have a talk with them.

Carly: Do you know who was driving?

Katie: I didn't get the name. Anyway I just came to tell you guys.

Speed: Thanks.

Katie: Well I'll see you two later. *walks away*

Carly: ...*sigh*

Speed: Why do I feel like we're sneaking around?

Carly: We're not.

Speed: Yeah I know.

Carly: I'll uh...I'll go check out this driver.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *walks away*

Speed: *leaves*

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