CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Tired Of Being What You Want Me To Be

Miami, 9 am

Anni: Can someone tell me why we're back in Miami?

Carly: Horatio hit someone. We're going to have to hold off on the road trip for a while.

Anni: Ah man I was looking forward to getting back out on the road.

Carly: Yeah me too.

Katie: So why are we just sitting in the lounge doing nothing?

Carly: Because we're hands-off on this case.

Katie: That's not fair.

Carly: Yeah well be glad we don't have to go do anything.

Katie: I like doing things.

Carly: Well...You're just so hard to please.

Katie: *sigh* I know.


Delko: Alright Alexx, you know the drill.

Alexx: Where's Horatio?

Delko: He's in his office moping.

Alexx: Poor thing.

Delko: So what do you have?

Alexx: Thomas Gables, 18 years old.

Delko: Okay, cause of death?

Alexx: Well a combination of injuries led to his death. He has multiple broken bones, starting from the knees up, a large head wound and a crushed pancreas. Not to mention I found fluid in his lungs.

Delko: Fluid? What kind of fluid?

Alexx: *shakes head* I don't know. It was pinkish in color, and it was watery. I sent it off to Trace.

Delko: Was the impact with the Hummerhome the contributing factor in his death?

Alexx: I found a second impact with the back of his head, and there's blood around the wound. The other injuries suggest that he was hit twice, but there was no blood surrounding the wounds. Cause of death was caused by the fluid in his lungs.

Delko: He was dead before the Hummerhome hit him.

Alexx: Looks that way.

Delko: Thanks Alexx. *leaves*

Alexx: No problem.

Horatio's office

Delko: You didn't kill him.

Horatio: *stands* What did Alexx say?

Delko: He was hit before you ran into him.

Horatio: Well that certainly puts me in the clear.

Delko: Yeah. Which means we also have a secondary crime scene.

Horatio: How so?

Delko: Alexx found a pink substance in his lungs. We didn't find anything like that near the scene.

Horatio: Is Calleigh over there?

Delko: Yeah her and Speedle are processing.

Horatio: So who's in Trace?

Delko: ...I'm assuming there's someone there.

Horatio: I'll analyze it.

Delko: You will?

Horatio: Is there a problem with me in the lab?

Delko: No way, but...Are you sure you want to do that? I mean we have new machines and new computer programs. Maybe you should call Speed and he'll have it pr-

Horatio: No, Eric. I'll do it. I'm perfectly capable of processing evidence in my own lab.

Delko: Alright if you say so.

Horatio: Do we still have those light blue lab coats?

Delko: ...Uh no.

Horatio: Really.

Delko: We got rid of those like four years ago.

Horatio: I didn't authorize that.

Delko: Yeah well we had to keep up with the other labs.

Horatio: Well what do we have?

Delko: You can either have the dark green one, or the white one.

Horatio: ...I don't want those ones. I want my lab coats.

Delko: They're gone.

Horatio: Get them back.

Delko: Uh...I think I can find you one or two in storage somewhere.

Horatio: Good.

Delko: *walks away*

Horatio: *puts on shades* No one tells me what to wear in my lab.

Crime Scene

Calleigh: So Eric tells me we have a secondary crime scene.

Speed: *walking down highway* Yeah.

Calleigh: Something about...Pink fluid?

Speed: *looks at Calleigh* Pink?

Calleigh: Yeah. You know what that is?

Speed: Transmission fluid.

Calleigh: How did it get in his lungs?

Speed: Well he probably swallowed it.

Calleigh: *rolls eyes*

Speed: Hey I think I found some.

Calleigh: On the highway?

Speed: ...No in the air. It's magical.

Calleigh: *walks over* If we follow it maybe we can track down our crime scene.

Speed: Yeah.

Down the highway, 15 minutes later

Speed: Hey check it out. There's a car in that ditch over there.

Calleigh: Let's go take a look.


Speed: Oh now this is criminal.

Calleigh: What is?

Speed: Someone trashed their 67 Impala. *shakes head* That was a beautiful car.

Calleigh: *smirks* Men and their toys.

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *opens car door* Well...It's clean on the inside.

Speed: Yeah you don't dirty up a car like this. Someone took care of it.

Calleigh: I thought you always said cars were a bad investment.

Speed: They are. It doesn't mean they're not beautiful. *opens hood*

Calleigh: *walks over* You got something?

Speed: *angry sigh*

Calleigh: What? What is it?

Speed: They replaced the 6 cylinder limited edition turbo engine with a SS 396 engine.

Calleigh: ...So?

Speed: So they put the engine from a '68 camero in a '67 Impala. No wonder this guy was leaking transmission fluid everywhere.

Calleigh: ...Tim it's a car.

Speed: It just pisses me off when people do this to a thing of beauty.

Calleigh: Let it go.

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: At least this will help us find him.

Speed: Yeah I guess.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: What.

Calleigh: It's just cute, that's all.

Speed: What's cute?

Calleigh: You.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *laughs*

Speed: *looks under hood* Well looks like the transmission's empty so this is our car. *sigh* And that was a good engine too until someone ripped it out.

Calleigh: I hope your son doesn't turn out like you.

Speed: *lifts head, hits it on the hood* OW.

Calleigh: Are you alright?

Speed: *holding head* I'm fine.

Calleigh: *laughs* You need some ice?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Was it something I said?

Speed: Don't worry about it. *walks over to driver's side door*

Calleigh: I went to the doctor the other day.

Speed: *looking in car* Good for you.

Calleigh: He said the baby's healthy.

Speed: Uh huh. *opens kit*

Calleigh: Tim I want to keep him.

Speed: *looking down at seat*

Calleigh: ...

Speed: *grabs swab*

Calleigh: Are you mad?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: You look mad.

Speed: *swabs seat*

Calleigh: I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I really think I could be a good mother.

Speed: Mhm.

Calleigh: I've always wanted kids.

Speed: Good.

Calleigh: *nods* I don't expect you to be there if you don't want to.

Speed: *reaches into kit*

Calleigh: I really think I could do this on my own.

Speed: *grabs eyedropper*

Calleigh: I won't love him any less.

Speed: *holds up swab* I've got blood.

Calleigh: ...

Speed: Whoever was driving, was also bleeding.

Calleigh: Okay.

Speed: *stands up* I'll get this to DNA.

Calleigh: *nods*

Speed: *walks away*

Calleigh: *looking down at grass* ...Alright.


I Could Swear I Saw You Cry


Delko: *walks in* Hey you got everything processed?

Horatio: *puts up a finger* In a second.

Delko: *crosses arms*

Horatio: *holds up little cone, dips pipette inside*

Delko: *lifts brow*

Horatio: *shakes little cone*

Delko: *smirks*

Horatio: *puts cone in Mass Spec*

Delko: I-

Horatio: Shh. *presses button*

Delko: ...

Horatio: Alright, what did you need?

Delko: I got a call from Valera. She has the results from the blood that Speed found in the car.

Horatio: Any news?

Delko: Blood belongs to Thomas Gables.

Horatio: Our victim.

Delko: Yeah. It was found in the driver's seat.

Horatio: So he was driving.

Delko: Yeah.

Horatio: They find any evidence of a second person in the car?

Delko: They're still looking.

Computer beeps, page drops out of printer

Delko: That was fast.

Horatio: I am the master of Trace.

Delko: I'm sure Speed will be glad to hear that.

Horatio: *picks up paper* Transmission fluid.

Delko: Yeah Calleigh mentioned something like that over the phone.

Horatio: ...How did they know before I tested it?

Delko: You may be the Trace master but Speed's the car man.

Horatio: Ah, say no more.

Delko: So we basically have nothing but a poorly treated car and a dead driver who mysteriously drowned in transmission fluid. What do we do now?

Horatio: We, keep looking until the evidence leads us to the killer.

Delko: ...No kidding.


Calleigh: *shinning flashlight* I found some hair here.

Speed: Collect it.

Calleigh: ...No I'll just leave it here.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *sigh* No sense of humor today.

Speed: Well the car looks like it rolled backwards into the ditch.

Calleigh: Someone probably pushed it.

Speed: Yeah but I don't get it. Why would someone kill the driver in the middle of a highway? There had to have been hundreds of witnesses.

Calleigh: People do crazy things in the heat of the moment.

Speed: ...Is that supposed to mean something to me?

Calleigh: *shines flashlight around hood of car*

Speed: ..Cal.

Calleigh: Mhm?

Speed: What do you mean by 'the heat of the moment'?

Calleigh: That's exactly what I meant.

Speed: So you think sleeping with me was a mistake.

Calleigh: You seem to think it was.

Speed: It was. I was married.

Calleigh: Exactly. And now look where we are.

Speed: Look, I can't do anything about it now. If you want to keep the kid, go ahead.

Calleigh: But I suppose you're not going to be a father to him.

Speed: *stares at Calleigh*

Calleigh: You're an ass.

Speed: *looks down at the ground*

Calleigh: ...You know what? I can't look at you right now. *drops kit, walks away*

Speed: Calleigh! Cal! ..*angry sigh* *runs up ditch*

Near Hummer

Calleigh: *opens Hummer door*

Speed: *slams door*

Calleigh: Let go of the door.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: *frowns* Get away from me.

Speed: If I could be there for you, I would. But I have a family and I can't just abandon them.

Calleigh: But you can abandon me?

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: I'm finished playing games with you Tim. I'll do this on my own. I don't need you.

Speed: Fine.

Calleigh: *nods*

Speed: *staring at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *wipes eyes* Well, I'll be back at the lab.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *opens door*

Speed: *walks away*

Calleigh: *turns key, drives away*

I kinda feel bad for Calleigh. But Tim's right it was a mistake he was married at the time so that makes it an affair which is wrong. ANd he can't just drop everything like that because his mistake with Calleigh led to a child. All though I don't think he should make her go through all of this alone either. But oh man H man workin in the lab that like NEVER happens. lol. Oh and I very firmly agree the blueish greensih lab coats need to come back! Out with the white ones! lol. Update soon please!
WOW H hit someone :eek: The world is going to collapse!!! EVERYONE!!!! YOU ALL HAVE TO HID SOMEWHERE!!! *calm down*
But he was dead before so it's not a bad thing :p (but poor little dead guy :( )
Anyway great update Geni All those updates was really really really great!!! I can't tell you all the things I loved because it takes a lot of time :p :D

And update soon please :)
Look What You've Done

Trace Lab

Speed: *walks in* ....What are you doing?

Horatio: *smiles* Processing evidence.

Speed: ...What evidence?

Horatio: The stuff sitting in your 'out' box.

Speed: H...That's already been processed and sealed. You're not supposed to re-process it.

Horatio: *looks down at table* Oh. So THAT'S why the results keep coming back to the same thing.

Speed: ...Step away from the table.

Horatio: I'm having fun.

Speed: You're ruining three weeks worth of tests.

Horatio: Pish posh. They're fine.

Speed: Horatio...

Horatio: Alright fine. Be a baby. *takes off latex gloves* You like what I did with the place?

Speed: It's...Messy.

Horatio: It needs to look like you do work around here.

Speed: I do work. I clean it up.

Horatio: Hm, funny the last work you did, you didn't clean that up very well.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Horatio: Calleigh phoned.

Speed: Why.

Horatio: She wants to be taken off the case.

Speed: ...Why.

Horatio: She said, and I quote "Tell Speedle to shove the case up his ass."

Speed: ...Uh huh.

Horatio: You've got a problem son.

Speed: Why?

Horatio: Are you going to be a father to that child or not?

Speed: She told you about our conversation?

Horatio: I asked.

Speed: No, you know what? I don't need this from you or her. It's not my fault she has to go and bang everyone she sees.

Horatio: *lifts brows* If I understand correctly, it takes two.

Speed: No, it doesn't. She's a little wound up bitch who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

Horatio: *frowns*

Speed: ...I'm sorry.

Horatio: Duely noted.

Speed: You don't really expect me to help take care of this kid do you?

Horatio: I expect you to do what's right.

Speed: Wow thanks for the typical Horatio general answer. That helps.

Horatio: I'm not going to be your father and tell you what to do.

Speed: For once you could try.

Horatio: ...Excuse me?

Speed: Be my father! Ground me! Beat the crap out of me! Fire me! Tell me what I should do but don't sit there and watch me screw up EVERY TIME!

Horatio: *blinks*


Horatio: *stands, takes off lab coat* Go home. I can't have you working here in this condition. You can come back when you've settled down.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Horatio: Now, son.

Speed: *nods* Yes sir. *leaves*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

AWWWWW! Teehee! I love it when H man calls Speed Son. Its just just...its just sooooo cute!

Speed: Be my father! Ground me! Beat the crap out of me! Fire me! Tell me what I should do but don't sit there and watch me screw up EVERY TIME!

Horatio: *blinks*

Awww poor Speedy just wants some guidance from the h man! But ohhhhh Speed called Calleigh a bitch. That was a little un called for. Update soon please.
Carly: It's not my fault! He got all...Hot and...Not gay.
Hold on...last time we saw Josh not only was he gay, but he was hitting on Delko...I think...I could be wrong.
Katie: Marry that man.
Carly: *laughs*
Katie: I'm serious. Get him before Anni gets him.
Carly: I wouldn't worry about it.
Katie: Um I WOULD. Speedle's are cheaters.
YES! Before Anni gets him! YAY! Carly has a Speedle!
Lori: I know. I'm allowed to shoot peas out of my nose and eat Cheez-its.
Because only a three year old could get away with shooting peas out her nose! Oh God she's cute! I so want one!!!
Delko: *screams* NOT YOU! I STAYED IN THAT TREE ALL NIGHT! *runs away*
See! I told you that happened!! I remember!
Lori: Joshie! Joshie! The batteries were murdered!
OHHHH! my god is she adorable!!
Josh: ...Uh...I...I'm thinking about asking her to marry me.
AWWWW! Carly you are soo damn lucky!!!!
Katie: I forgot to tell you. While I was in the FBI, I called the Secret Cloud Police and had them arrest your potted plants.
God! Drunk Katie is so much fun...though Delko's starting to scare me...but I'm drunk too so i don't think it matters too much!
Katie: I'll....Stand around.
that reminds me of empire records! "I'll...sit on the couch..." YAY!
Regardless if Carly's Austrailian or not she's a cop and she doesn't deserve to be treated that way.
I concer! Carly is a great cop and she totally deserves to be treated better then Liz is treating her! Sheesh! What's the world coming too?
Kitty: You mean those black crushed things?
Horatio: 0_0
Kitty: I mean...I didn't do anything.
Katie: Hey you were in the FBI.
Kitty: You hired me.
Horatio: Wait a second, I hired you.
Kitty: I know, but Katie hired me first.
*gasps for breath* i just laughed so hard I think I might've popped a lung! Poor sunnies of justice! YAY! Kitty's here!!!!!!!! *hugs* welcome to the madness!
Delko: I will.
Katie: WHAT!
Delko: Well you're hot.
ACK!!! No you don't!!! *grabs Delko and pulls him far FAR away from Katie* HA! You can't have him!
Anni: So Eric, you ever want to go out to dinner sometime?
Delko: *smiles*
ACK! No you don't! *fends anni off with shoe* stay away!
Delko: Yeah well you also hit a tree.
Calleigh: Let's go see the damage.
That didn't take long...usually we get out of miami before we get in trouble....
Speed: Be my father! Ground me! Beat the crap out of me! Fire me! Tell me what I should do but don't sit there and watch me screw up EVERY TIME!
Aww...poor Speed! That's gotta be rough, I've felt like screaming that sometimes...when people aren't being who they're supposed to be. Anyways! Great updates Geni!
:lol: Missy you make me laugh so much. :D

Shadow Of Angels

Next day, 10 am

Delko: Hey I got the results on the hair.

Speed: Yeah?

Delko: Thomas Gables.

Speed: Well great, that doesn't help.

Delko: It proves he was under the hood. So maybe he was pouring the transmission fluid.

Speed: And then what? Got thirsty?

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: Well maybe someone rammed it down his throat.

Delko: So I heard you took the day yesterday.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Any reason why?

Speed: Drop it.

Delko: You want to talk about it?

Speed: Eric, drop it doesn't mean keep probing for information.

Delko: Calleigh spoke to me yesterday.

Speed: Does she tell everyone her problems?

Delko: She was crying in the ballistics lab.

Speed: Great, what did she say?

Delko: Not much. She was too broken up to say anything.

Speed: She say why?

Delko: I didn't ask.

Speed: So I guess you held her like the good friend that you are.

Delko: It's not me she wanted to have hold her.

Speed: Is she here?

Delko: Yeah she got in early this morning. She's testing some theories about the car.

Speed: What's wrong with the car?

Delko: She said the engines were different. I don't know how the hell she knew.

Speed: She's smart.

Delko: Well anyway, she's thinking chop shop.

Speed: She got two different VIN numbers?

Delko: I didn't ask, I was with Valera all morning.

Speed: ...Why?

Delko: Uh...Getting the DNA results.

Speed: Right.

Delko: Oh come on man, I'm not you.

Speed: Everyone knows you have thing for Valera.

Delko: Uh no everyone does not know. I only ever told you.

Speed: Well it's still obvious.

Delko: Yeah whatever you think.

Speed: *stops walking*

Delko: What?

Speed: I gotta go. *leaves*

Delko: ...Alright.

Calleigh: *walks over, smiles* Eric Delko I need to talk to you.

Delko: Sure.

Calleigh: I ran the VIN numbers on both parts, and I managed to track down a Body Shop south of Bicentennial Park.

Delko: It's worth a look.

Calleigh: Yeah, oh have you talked to Valera today?

Delko: Yeah why?

Calleigh: *smiles* She seems...Chipper.

Delko: *smirks*

Calleigh: *grinning* Did you ask her out finally?

Delko: Actually the results came up before I had a chance.

Calleigh: So what's stopping you now?

Delko: I have to get my courage worked up again.

Calleigh: *laughs* Eric you are the most confident man on South Beach.

Delko: Thank you but that won't get me back in there any faster.

Calleigh: *smiles* Alright I understand. You're just scared.

Delko: I am not scared.

Calleigh: Alright.

Delko: Hey, come on.

Calleigh: *laughs* So did you want to stop by the Body Shop with me? We haven't done a knock and talk for a while.

Delko: Well, Speed's more of the car man.

Calleigh: *smile fades* ...

Delko: *stares at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *smiles* Alright I'll go get him. Thanks anyway Eric. *walks away*

Delko: Yeah...No problem.

Trace Lab

Calleigh: *walks in*

Speed: *looking through microscope*

Calleigh: Hey you want to go on a knock and talk?

Speed: ...I'm busy.

Calleigh: With what?

Speed: Evidence. Take Eric.

Calleigh: Eric suggested you.

Speed: Take Tripp, he can't refuse a beautiful southern belle.

Calleigh: *smiles* How sweet of you to say.

Speed: Mhm.

Calleigh: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *looking through microscope*

Calleigh: I'm sorry about yesterday.

Speed: Me too.

Calleigh: *smiling* I hope we can still be friends.

Speed: We can't.

Calleigh: ...What do you mean?

Speed: *lifts head* We're more than that, and we both know it.

Calleigh: It doesn't have to be that way.

Speed: It already is.

Calleigh: You still love me.

Speed: I didn't say that.

Calleigh: But it's true isn't it?

Speed: I love my wife.

Calleigh: *nods* I understand.

Speed: Yeah. *stands, walks over to Calleigh* So are we going to check out this place?

Calleigh: Sure.

Speed: Great.

Calleigh: *looking down at floor*

Speed: ...

Calleigh: *lifts head* Okay, look you know that I'm a strong person and normally I can handle things on my own but *starts to well up* sometimes I can't do everything by myself and it's not enough just to have a friend, I need something more than th-

Speed: *hugs Calleigh*

Calleigh: *closes eyes*

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: *sniff* Please don't let me do this on my own.

Speed: I won't, I promise.

Calleigh: *nods*

Speed: *lets go* Now, dry those tears, we have a knock and talk to get to.

Calleigh: *wipes eyes*

Speed: *winks*

Calleigh: *smirks*

Speed: *walks away*

Calleigh: *sigh* Okay.

....*Looks arouns* OK my Talleighness is starting to take over the Tatieness and Eric and Valera! Heck yes! I mean...I don't ship anyone on Miami...hehe.

But this whole love triangle plus one side thinger is starting to get really confusing. I mean when Speed's with Calleigh he loves her. When he's with Carly he loves her. When he's with me he loves me. That man needs to sort out his priorties. lol. But awwww Timmy's going to be there for Calleigh. Heee. Yay!

Teehee Eric and Valera...sorry I wasn't expecting that to be mentioned in the RT and I got a little giddy...ANYWAY update soon please!
Calleigh: *grinning* Did you ask her out finally?

Delko: Actually the results came up before I had a chance.
Ah! Ni! I! *cries* Aww cute Tallieghness, but poor Katie! And, AH! Poor me! That's not very nice Geni! *cries*
:lol: :p

Hide And Seek

Body Shop

Calleigh: So mister Zuo, you own this place?

Zuo: Yes, my family came here from Japan just five years ago.

Calleigh: Alright, do you remember selling a car for this man? *shows picture*

Zuo: Yeah that's Mister Gables. He came in here last week for a car.

Speed: Well he was murdered.

Zuo: ...Murdered? How?

Calleigh: I'm afraid we can't reveal that. But your cooperation would be very helpful.

Zuo: ...Well I haven't seen him in a few days. I don't know anyone who would want to kill him.

Speed: Did you know his car had different parts?

Zuo: Yes, the car was used. We mix and match.

Calleigh: Well unfortunately you mixed and matched the wrong parts. That engine you put in, came from a stolen Camero.

Zuo: Stolen? We don't sell stolen parts.

Speed: So the body shop tooth fairy paid you a visit and left you vehicle parts?

Zuo: *frowns* We run a tight ship here.

Calleigh: So do we Mister Zuo.

Zuo: Am I under arrest?

Speed: Not yet.

Outside lounge, two hours later

Calleigh: Hey are you going to do the paperwork up on the car VIN numbers?

Speed: Actually I've got to pay a visit to someone first. *walks into lounge*

Calleigh: *watches*


Lori: *looks up*

Speed: *sits on table*

Lori: *kicks feet*

Speed: Your mother called.

Lori: *frowning*

Speed: You bit the babysitter?

Lori: She wouldn't give me cookies.

Speed: So you bit her?

Lori: She was stupid.

Speed: *frowns* We talked about this. You don't call people stupid.

Lori: *crosses arms, kicks the air*

Speed: What do you have to say for yourself?

Lori: I hate the babysitter. I want to stay here with you and mommy.

Speed: That's not always an option.

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Speed: Don't you roll your eyes at me.

Lori: I always roll my eyes at stupid people.

Speed: *glares*

Lori: *frowning*

Speed: Come on. *grabs Lori*

Lori: Where are we going?

Speed: Wherever I say.

Lori: I don't wanna go!

Speed: You don't even know where we're going.

Lori: Where?

Speed: You're getting a time-out in Horatio's office.

Lori: Why?

Speed: There's no tv in there.

Lori: NO!

Speed: Yes.

Lori: NO! LET GO!

Speed: *picks up Lori*


Speed: She's not here.

Lori: *screaming*


Calleigh: You need any help?

Speed: Nah I got it covered.

Calleigh: Alright I'll do the paperwork on those numbers.

Speed: Thanks.

Calleigh: No problem.

Horatio's office

Speed: *sits Lori down* Don't move.

Lori: *gets off chair*

Speed: *sits Lori back down*

Lori: NO! *hits Speed*

Speed: Don't hit me.

Lori: GO AWAY!

Speed: Sit in the chair and don't move.

Lori: NO! *screaming and crying*

Speed: Lori. Lori!

Lori: I HATE YOU! *jumps off chair*

Speed: *grabs Lori*

Lori: *screaming*

Speed: *sits Lori in chair* Don't move.


Speed: No, you're going to stay here.

Lori: NO! *starts screaming*

Speed: *angry sigh*

Lori: *still screaming*

Speed: *looks around*

Lori: I WANT MOMMAAAAAA! *screaming*

Speed: *rubs eyes* Stop yelling.

Lori: *screaming, throwing pens*

Speed: Lori...

Lori: *kicking desk, ripping paper, screaming*


Lori: *closes mouth, wide-eyed*

Speed: Don't you MOVE until I tell you to. You hear me?

Lori: *staring at Speed*


Lori: *nods*

Speed: Good. *leaves, slams door*

Lori: ...*swings legs*

Layout room

Delko: *smiles* Hey you and Calleigh friends again?

Speed: Hey I'm not really in the mood for this right now.

Delko: Girl trouble?

Speed: You could say that.

Delko: Alright well I went through Thomas Gable's rap sheet.

Speed: He had a rap sheet?

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: What charges?

Delko: Grand theft auto.

Speed: Well that's interesting.

Delko: Why?

Speed: ...His car had different parts in it.

Delko: You think he's working with that body shop guy?

Speed: We won't know until we bring the owner in.

Delko: I'll call a judge.

Speed: You bit the babysitter?

Lori: She wouldn't give me cookies.
HEY! I'd bite the baby sitter to if she didn't give me cookies. lol. But this chapter showed atleast in my opinion how spoiled Lori is and how easily she gets away with things because she's so gosh darn cute! But its probably a good thing Speed sent her to a time out in Horatio's office...and she ripped up papers and threw stuff....I'd hate to own that office. lol. And am I the only one who thinks its cute when loir kicks the air? *looks around* And you know they say terrible two's...I'd say terrible three's atleast for Lori. lol. Update soon please!
:lol: Poor Speed. Poor Lori. Poor...Horatio's office? :lol:

Space In Between Us

Layout room, 5 pm

Horatio: *walks in* Hey.

Delko: Hey.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: I heard someone had a little tantrum today.

Speed: She's spoiled.

Horatio: I can see that. Well anyway I saw the condition of my office when I went up there to grab some paperwork...Unfortunately it was everywhere.

Speed: I'm sorry about that H. I'll replace everything.

Horatio: So where is the little monster?

Speed: ...Your office.

Horatio: She wasn't in my office.

Speed: What?

Horatio: My door was open when I got in there.

Speed: *stands* What do you mean your door was open? Where is she?

Horatio: I was assuming she was with Katie.

Speed: Katie's at home. She left two hours ago. You didn't see her?

Horatio: Like I said, I thought she was with Katie.

Speed: *sigh* Great she's going to kill me.

Delko: We can go look for her.

Speed: Where would a three year old go in a lab?

Delko: ...The lounge?

Speed: Try to think outside the box Eric. *runs out*

Delko: Okay. *runs away*

Horatio: *places hands on hips* Where would I go if I was a three year old girl?


Speed: LORI! LORI!


Speed: *stops walking* ...How many Lori Speedle's do you think are in here?

Delko: *shrugs*


Delko: *laughs*

Speed: What?

Delko: I actually thought it was kind of funny.

Speed: HOW.

Delko: She got away from you. Wow, you're some father.

Speed: Thanks Eric.

Delko: Oh don't thank me.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Delko: Man when Katie finds out you lost her, she's gonna be PISSED.

Speed: *frowns* I know that. LORI!

Delko: Lori! I've got CHEEZ-ITS!

Speed: *looking around* Katie is going to murder me in my sleep.

Delko: At least you won't feel it.

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Medical Examiner's building

Horatio: *opens morgue door* Alexx? Alexx you in here?

Kicking noises heard behind morgue drawers

Horatio: *walks slowly over to doors*

Sneeze is heard

Horatio: *opens door, pulls drawer out*

Lori: *sitting, cross-legged*

Horatio: *smirks* Hi.

Lori: *sigh* You found me.

Horatio: That's right I did. You did a very good job in hiding though.

Lori: *smirks*

Horatio: Your dad's looking for you.

Lori: I don't wanna talk to him.

Horatio: Why not?

Lori: He's stupid. *yanks shoelaces*

Horatio: *pulls up a stool, sits* Why's he stupid?

Lori: He yelled at me.

Horatio: Did he.

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: Well, your dad gets frustrated sometimes.

Lori: Momma never yells at me.

Horatio: *tilts head*

Lori: I made daddy mad and now he hates me.

Horatio: Sweetheart he doesn't hate you. He loves you to death.

Lori: I bit the babysitter.

Horatio: *lifts brows* You did. Well that's not very nice, is it?

Lori: *shakes head*

Horatio: So that's why your dad got angry?

Lori: No. He got mad 'cause I was screaming.

Horatio: And I'm guessing you shouldn't have been screaming.

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: So what are you going to say to your father when he comes to get you?

Lori: That I'm sorry.

Horatio: *smiles*

Lori: *sigh* ...

Speed: *walks in* Oh thank God you found her.

Horatio: She's good at hiding.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *walks over*

Lori: *sigh*

Speed: Come on. *picks up Lori*

Lori: You're not gonna yell?

Speed: I've yelled enough today.

Lori: *hugs Speed* I'm sorry daddy.

Speed: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: *winks*

Speed: *nods*

Lori: *lifts head* ...You're not mad anymore?

Speed: No I'm not mad anymore.

Lori: *smirks*

Speed: *kisses Lori's cheek* Don't ever run away ever again.

Lori: I won't, daddy.

Speed: Good.

Lori: ...You gonna tell momma?

Speed: *shakes head* Nah, it'll be our secret.

Lori: YAY. *hugs Speed*

Speed: Oof.

Horatio: Well I'll lock up in here.

Speed: I'll get the little munchkin here home.

Horatio: Alright, see you tomorrow.

Speed: Thanks H.

Horatio: Not a problem.

Speed: *leaves*

Horatio: *puts on shades*

Awwww Lori hiding the morgue drawer *shivers* I wuoldn't hide in there. But I guess when your three a hiding spots a hiding spot. Teehee tempting her with cheez its nice one. Delko knows her so well. And Speed and Lori made the decision not to tell me....thats probably for the best. lol.

Speed: *looking around* Katie is going to murder me in my sleep.

Delko: At least you won't feel it.

Speed: *looks at Eric*
Aww I would never because he's a stubbly little devil. Teehee.

Lori: I bit the babysitter.

I'm sorrry but I can sooooo see her doing that. lol.

Update soon please
Ah poor speed, having so much trouble with his daughter, *sigh* wow its been a long time since i commented lol. H would be such a good dad lol
Lori Rocks! she is amazing kicker! :D

Horatio: *places hands on hips* Where would I go if I was a three year old girl?

i don't know why but i am laughting my ass off! :lol: maybe because i imagine him like 3 years old girl with pony tails, and she/he is standing there with hands on hips and huge shades! :lol:

Horatio: *opens morgue door* Alexx? Alexx you in here?

LOL! i thought he opens those lil doors where are dead bodys! :lol: ahahahaah oh gosh, i can't breathe! :lol:

Speed: Thanks H.

Horatio: Not a problem.

Speed: *leaves*

Horatio: *puts on shades*

and world is saved again! :lol: aahahah i don't know whats happening to me! :p maybe too much coffee! :lol:
Great updates Geni !
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