CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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*shakes head* Geni, what have I told you about Black and White. We've talked about this. lol.

And ohhhh boy I can see the tension now in that delivery room. Teehee.

As in storylines I have no clue because mine always suck eggs. Seriously. So I'll just leave that little minor detail up to you and your perv...creative mind. lol.
*shakes finger* Hey now I'm no pervert. :p (Okay I have my moments... :lol:)

I'll think of something, I've got plenty of brain juice left so it shouldn't be too hard. :) - I should have more soon, but hey it's pizza night so I can't write a chapter on an empty stomach can I? ;)

EDIT: Sorry about my absence, Real Life is a proverbial pain in my ass. Actually, it's a REAL pain in my ass because I managed to fall down the stairs and actually hurt myself.

All Of You Is More Than Enough

Layout room

Anni: *runs in* Hey I'm on your case.

Carly: Why?

Anni: Eric's phoning Horatio from the broom closet so I have to look busy before I get fired.

Carly: Yeah I heard what happened. How's he taking it?

Anni: Horatio or Eric?

Carly: ...Eric.

Anni: I think he cried a little.

Carly: *flips over photos* Okay the vic went over the bridge here. Blood spatter from the columns below confirm that.

Anni: Wow that's a long drop. How did the body look?

Carly: Like it had just fallen off the causeway.

Speed: *looking at pictures*

Anni: ...Okay what's with him?

Carly: I don't know.

Anni: *throws pen at Speed*

Speed: *looks up* What?

Anni: You haven't said anything.

Speed: Look at this picture.

Anni: It's the pavement.

Speed: There's tire treads on it.

Anni: So?

Carly: ...It's acceleration marks toward the edge of the causeway.

Speed: A/V lab?

Carly: *nods*

Anni: Wait, where are we going?

A/V lab

Anni: *sits down* Okay what are we looking at?

Speed: Simulation of the crime scene.

Carly: *typing* Tire treads were here...*clicks mouse* At the bottom of the causeway, the vic was here. *clicks mouse*

Speed: Okay we need to find out where the vic was standing.

Carly: *typing*

Anni: ...So...He was standing at the edge.

Speed: Yeah right where the treads are.

Anni: Someone ran into him? What does that mean?

Speed: It means this is a murder.

Anni: Oh cool.

Carly: Not for the victim.

Anni: *rolls eyes* You guys have been doing this too long. Lighten up.

Speed: *writing things down* Has anyone spoken to Horatio yet?

Anni: *lifts hand*

Speed: Where is he?

Anni: He was still at the scene. Apparently the ATF agent that died was Boa Vista.

Speed/Carly: *look at Anni*

Anni: ...Okay it's freaky when two people do that at the same time.

Speed: She was undercover?

Anni: Yeah she was feeding info to the feds, remember?

Speed: *gets out cellphone*

Anni: What are you doing?

Speed: Excuse me. *leaves*

Anni: He's turning into Horatio.

Carly: Well...He's not...Quite the same.

Anni: No shades?

Carly: No shades.


Speed: I need the Director of the Crime Unit.


Receptionist: I'm sorry sir but you need an appointment.

Speed: I'm her husband.

Receptionist: She doesn't have a husband.

Speed: Ex-husband.

Receptionist: ...Yeah I don't think so bub.

Speed: No, we got back together.

Receptionist: Sure you did.

Speed: Look I have information regarding a case so could you just pass her a message?

Receptionist: How did you get this number?

Speed: I dialed 1-800-FBI.

Receptionist: Funny.

Speed: How do you think I got it? She gave me the number.

Receptionist: Sure she did.

Speed: Put me through or I'm coming down there.

Receptionist: Then come down here but you won't get far. *hangs up phone*

Broom Closet

Jess: *opens door* Horatio called.

Delko: *frowning*

Jess: He said to let you go.

Delko: Good.

Jess: I'm sorry.

Delko: No you're not.

Jess: You're right, I'm not. But Horatio said you have a case to get to.

Delko: What case?

Jess: The same one I'm working.

Delko: And that case would be...What.

Jess: Shooting at a vehicle registry office.

Delko: Well I'd love to join you but I'm stuck to the chair.

Jess: Can't we just roll you down there?

Delko: *glares*

Jess: Sorry, I'll get you out of the chair.

Crime Scene, Causeway

Carly: Okay so acceleration treads here, and blood on the side of the beam.

Anni: So he was definitely hit.

Carly: Yeah Alexx said his legs were broken.

Anni: That could have happened when he hit the pavement.

Carly: They were impact wounds, and they were just above the kneecap.

Anni: So a high vehicle.

Speed: *walks over* Witnesses saw a large SUV swerve away from here. They didn't see that there was a person here until they looked over the edge.

Carly: Wow so when did they decide to tell us?

Speed: When I flashed my badge.

Anni: Pfft show-off.

Carly: I have paint transfer. Did they say what color the SUV was?

Speed: White.

Carly: Well this paint is black.

Speed: So much for the witnesses.

Anni: Does anyone else see glass on the road?

Carly: Yeah why?

Anni: Well...The witnesses might be right.

Speed: What do you mean?

Anni: A piece of plastic. It's white.

Carly: So...A white SUV and a black SUV involved in the same accident?

Speed: It probably wasn't an accident.

Carly: You find out who the vic was?

Speed: Still no ID on him.

Carly: Prints?

Speed: Not in the system.

Carly: ...Dental records?

Speed: He has fake teeth.

Carly: ...DNA?

Speed: ...No hits.

Carly: *crosses arms*

Speed: What?

Carly: No hits on anything?

Speed: No. That's why this is called an investigation

Carly: *frowns*

Speed: ...Sorry.

Anni: *lifts brow*

Speed: I mean...Go to hell.

Anni: Better.

Speed: *walks away*

Anni: Ask him out.

Carly: Uh he's married.

Anni: No he's not.

Carly: ...Oh yeah. Okay well he's taken.

Anni: So?

Carly: So that would be the dumbest thing to do.

Anni: You love him though.

Carly: I know but I don't think I should get Katie hurt because of that.

Anni: It's not like it hasn't happened before.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Anni: Okay fine be miserable.

Carly: I will.

Anni: Can I have him?

Carly: No.

Anni: Damnit.

Carly: *laughs*

Awwwww Poor Carly lol hahaha way to go Anni, don't give up sister! teehee.

Anni: He's turning into Horatio.

Carly: Well...He's not...Quite the same.

Anni: No shades?

Carly: No shades.
hahaha I liked that, it's Horatio without his shades.......but how can you be Horatio without the SOJ's? I guess he can be a half Horatio.........I'm making absolutely no sense. And Geni.....I know how much of a pervert you can be. All I have to do is say three little words and you'll flip lol.

Awww poor Delko, we left him in the broom closet lol. He's lucky Horatio got him outta there but I still have the polaroids! hahaha. And don't ya love how Anni left so that she didn't get in trouble? lol ah well, all for a good prank teehee!

And Geni..........*crosses fingers* no walls yet! Just stairs. I suggest you don't go near the stairs until you're sure they won't hate you anymore teehee love ya Geni! Great update!
Hahaha awww poor Anni will never stop asking for Timmy boy will she? lol.

BUt ohhhh ATF agent Boa Vista? Interesting. And awww Timmy couldn't get a hold of me. That happens when your Madam DIrector. Dang I feel special. And yay! Delko got out of the closet. lol. Update soon please
Ok, I feel really bad because I realise that I've been forgetting to review the chapters again...so lets see what I can remember...
*gasp* Speedy's cheating on me with his dead wife! :lol: I just realised how wrong that sounded...
and AWWWWWWWW Lori is like, the cutest thing ever! Shooting the bad guy...in the stomach. She's just like her daddy in a little film known as B&W ;)

And interesting...Boa was murdered? I wonder who it was...Delko coming out of the closet? Oh man, that was hilarious! Poor Delkipoo :lol:
Anni: He's turning into Horatio.

Carly: Well...He's not...Quite the same.

Anni: No shades?

Carly: No shades
:lol: Oh man, that was the icing on the proverbial cake...

please update soon

More to come soon.

EDIT: Wahoo! Another chapter!

We Knew It All Along

Trace Lab

Katie: *walks in*

Speed: *looking in microscope*

Katie: *stops at table* I got a call from reception that you tried to get a hold of me.

Speed: You're a hard woman to track down.

Katie: I was in a meeting.

Speed: Congratulations.

Katie: What did you call about?

Speed: It's not important.

Katie: ...You called the FBI. It's important, Speedle.

Speed: *looks up from microscope* We're...Not on a first name basis anymore?

Katie: We're at work.

Speed: No, I'm at work. You're standing in my Trace Lab, not working.

Katie: *crosses arms* I want to remain professional.

Speed: So calling me Tim isn't professional.

Katie: We're not married, and we don't work together so no it's not professional.

Speed: Weren't we back together?

Katie: No.

Speed: *lifts brow* We're not?

Katie: It's best if we just stay at arms length.

Speed: Why?

Katie: Because I don't want to fight with you.

Speed: Who said we were going to fight?

Katie: We always do. See? We're fighting right now.

Speed: What about Lori?

Katie: You get to see her on weekends.

Speed: *stands up straight* Whoa, no no. Don't go backwards.

Katie: This is a step in the right direction.

Speed: *blank stare* It is?

Katie: Yes, see this way I don't get hurt, Lori gets to see you, and we'll all be one big happy seperated family.

Speed: *shakes head*

Horatio: *walks in* Katie, I need to speak with you.

Katie: *puts up hand* In a minute.

Horatio: *lifts brow*

Katie: I think it would be easier on the both of us, if we didn't have to go through all of this again.

Speed: *staring at Katie*

Katie: Now, what did you need?

Horatio: I-

Katie: Not you, him.

Horatio: *closes mouth*

Speed: You know that dead ATF agent?

Katie: Yeah Natalia Boa Vista.

Speed: *lifts brow* ...How did you know?

Katie: What did you think the meeting was about?

Speed: ...You didn't say anything at the crime scene.

Katie: It wasn't your case.

Speed: So she was the one leaking information to the Columbians.

Katie: We suspected it.

Speed: What do you mean you suspected it?

Katie: We took care of the problem.

Speed: What?

Katie: End of discussion.

Speed: H, give us a minute.

Horatio: Y-

Speed: Please.

Horatio: Okay. *leaves*

Speed: You had her killed?

Katie: The FBI does not kill it's agents.

Speed: Yeah but you pay other people to do it for you.

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: That's murder.

Katie: The FBI calls it 'Special Circumstance'.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Oh come on Speedle, what did you expect us to do with her?

Speed: Uh throw her in jail! Not shoot her!

Katie: Keep your voice down.

Speed: You know, maybe it's a good thing we're not together.

Katie: Why?

Speed: How can I love someone who murders people?

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: Murder is murder, I don't care who planned it, authorized it, or executed it.

Katie: I did a little searching around, and it turns out I'm pretty good a with a computer and a telephone.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Katie: Apparently, New York has a facility for the mentally ill. You stayed there.

Speed: So? You already knew that.

Katie: I managed to have your phychiatric file faxed over.

Speed: *blank stare*

Katie: You were involved with a patient?

Speed: No.

Katie: That's not what the file says.

Speed: The file's wrong.

Katie: Sure it is.

Speed: She's nineteen.

Katie: I know, and she's turning twenty next month. Your standards are getting lower and lower.

Speed: ...

Katie: Is it going to be our daughter next?

Speed: *glares* Get out.

Katie: Maybe you've thought about it, or maybe you've already done it.

Speed: *glaring* I haven't laid a hand on our daughter. Now, get out before I remove you.

Katie: It's alright, I'm sure she'll tell me.

Speed: Why are you doing this?

Katie: Because apparently I'm just a murderer.

Speed: I've never hurt her.

Katie: I know. My point is, I can make a child say anything in a court of law.

Speed: ...

Katie: You look upset.

Speed: Uh...*clears throat*...I have to leave. *walks away*

Katie: *lifts brow*

GASP! ......I .............just..........*GASP*! Oh my goodness Poor Timmy! Well, I guess this could turn out good for Carly, but that's probably the only good thing to come out of it....awwww poor Speedy, he loves his daughter too much to even think of that. Whew man, my mouth is wide open, that was a twist!

Great chapter Geni, loved it!
*Gasp* Just when I thought I wasn't going to bea biatch anymore! lol. Oh man is it wrong that I want to smack myself around a few times. But teehee I gave H man the...crap whats the word I'm looking for? I basically told him to shove off. There ya go. lol. But how ironic is it that i'm listening to Fathers Son right now and right when I brought up Lori it said "what if it was my little girl walkin down that road"? *shivers* But seriously I'm a biatch and Timmy would never hurt Lori! God I'm a...i really need to get out of FBI. ANd were not together anymore? Things do change fast in Miami. Update soon please!
Katie you SHOULD get out of the FBI you little..FBI director, you. :p

Running Out Empty

Katie's house, 12 am

Katie: *runs to door, opens it* ...Oh...You. What are you doing here?

Speed: It's Saturday.

Katie: ..It's midnight.

Speed: I know.

Katie: When you said weekends, I thought you meant when there was actual sun and people were awake.

Speed: You must have misunderstood.

Katie: She's asleep.

Speed: Wake her up.

Katie: Tim, she's already in bed.

Speed: Oh so it's Tim now.

Katie: Alright I get your point.

Speed: Obviously you don't.

Katie: I'm not going to go wake her up just so she can go to sleep somewhere else.

Speed: Then I'm staying here overnight.

Katie: No. *pushes Speed out the door* You're not staying here.

Speed: Why, do you have someone over?

Katie: No.

Speed: The size 10 shoes in your front hallway say different.

Katie: *frowns* They were Shawn's.

Speed: Shawn was a size 9.

Katie: *squints* You knew my fiancée's shoe size?

Delko: *walks over* Is everything o-.....Crap.

Speed: *looks at Delko*

Katie: *looks down at floor*

Delko: ...I'm going to go put on a shirt. *walks away*

Katie: ...

Speed: Eric?

Katie: *rolls eyes* There's no relationship going on.

Speed: I can see that. Why else would there be a half naked man standing in your living room?

Katie: I don't have to explain to you.

Speed: You're right.

Katie: Thank you.

Speed: But he does.

Katie: *angry sigh* Tim, leave it alone.

Speed: *walks in*

Katie: Great.

Speed: Eric!

Delko: *walks over* Yeah?

Speed: *punches Eric in the face*

Delko: *falls* AH! What the HELL is wrong with you!

Katie: *runs over* TIM GET OUT!

Speed: You sleeping with her?

Delko: *stands* She's allowed to date.

Speed: That didn't answer my question.

Delko: No, we didn't do anything. Are you happy?

Speed: Do I look happy?

Katie: Tim, it's none of your business what we do.

Speed: My little girl is here, and you two are galavanting around the bedroom so it is my business.

Katie: She's downstairs.

Speed: So?

Katie: So get out of my house.

Speed: Eric can you give us a minute?

Delko: ...

Speed: That means leave.

Delko: Oh, okay. *walks away*

Katie: *crosses arms*

Speed: Look...I love you, and I don't want to lose you again.

Katie: So punching Eric is the way to win be back?

Speed: I'm sorry about that.

Katie: But you'd do it again if you had the chance.

Speed: Oh definitely.

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: ...Are you two together?

Katie: He gave me a ride home from HQ, and I invited him in for some coffee as a thank you. I spilled coffee all over his shirt by accident, and it's in the wash.

Speed: Somehow I don't believe that.

Katie: It's the truth.

Speed: You've been lying to me for months. What makes you think I'll believe you now?

Katie: I guess you'll just have to trust me.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: And about the whole mental facility thing? I didn't call them.

Speed: Then how did y-

Katie: I was guessing. You told me the rest. It's funny how we're so used to lying to each other that the truth doesn't even seem real anymore.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: I'll go wake up Lori.

Speed: No. No, just let her sleep.

Katie: I thought y-

Speed: I lied. I just wanted to see you.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Because...I don't know how to love anyone else.

Katie: ...

Speed: I'll be back tomorrow.

Katie: Okay.

Speed: *leaves*

Delko: *walks over* Hey my shirt's dry.

Katie: Yeah that's good.

Delko: He left?

Katie: *sigh* Yeah.

Delko: He has to stop hitting me. I should sue him.

Katie: It wouldn't stick.

Delko: Why?

Katie: Because everyone on this planet finds you irritating Eric. He just does what we're all thinking. *walks away*

Delko: ....Who's irritating?

Katie: You touch my bumper and I'll run you over.
do you to ever get along? Sheesh! *bursts into random fit of giggles* geni, you are so funny!!
FBI Guy: She's hot.
Speed: *frowns* Back off, she's mine.
FBI Guy: *backs away slowly*
The people in the rest of the room wanted to know what caused the random giggle fits, they think I'm nuts! Take that random FBI guy! she's speed's!
Katie: You! Intern-looking person. Get Washington on the phone and tell them we have a hostage situation. And what the hell is wrong with this coffee? Did you blow it out the horse's ass?
Whoa! calm down Katie! Though i liked the 'you! Intern looking person'! that is something I've always wanted to say to the new people at work!
Lori sitting in bushes, holding a gun.
AWWW! That poor girl! she's gonna have one screwed up life! *cries* that's so sad!
Calleigh: *walks in* TIM SPEEDLE!
Speed: *turns around* ....What did I do?
Calleigh: *slaps Speed in the face*
What DID he do? I mean, Carly's at least got a reason to be pissed!
Jess: *runs in* ERIC COME QUICK!
Delko: What?
Delko: Awesome! *runs*
Who robbed the Zoo? What! That's the strangest thing that's ever happened to us! *continues reading* oh, there's no rhino?
As funny as that was, that was horribly mean! I'll save you! I have officially decided that you girls and polaroids are deffinatley a bad combination. Where was I while all this was going on? Ack! I gotta start coming by more often!
Carly: Well...He's not...Quite the same.
Anni: No shades?
Carly: No shades.
that's exactly what I was thinking! Speed is turning into Horatio! Katie, take your husband shopping for shades! :D
Anni: Can I have him?
Carly: No.
I really don't think it's up to you...Ask Katie though, I could be wrong.
[quoet]Katie: I know. My point is, I can make a child say anything in a court of law.

[/QUOTE] KATIE! How could you do that? She's your daughter! she deserves to see her father!!!!!! That's just heartless! Especially since we all know that NOTHING HAPPENED IN NEW YORK!
Delko: *walks over* Is everything o-.....Crap.
Speed: *looks at Delko*
Katie: *looks down at floor*
Delko: ...I'm going to go put on a shirt. *walks away*
I-I-I- I think i'm going to cry! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT ERIC DELKO!?!?!
Katie: He gave me a ride home from HQ, and I invited him in for some coffee as a thank you. I spilled coffee all over his shirt by accident, and it's in the wash.
I hope that's the truth! Sorry, I'm being possessive/random/needy again. Continue with your amazing fic Geni! :D Great updates! Sorry it took me so long to get on, my brother's a pain in the ass. :rolleyes:
Once again AWWWWWW! *huggles Timmy* I just wanna...*sighs* I don't know but damn it Geni you make Timmy so cute. And I feel so bad even though the real me and Rt Katie are totally two different people but still I feel bad for what I'm doing. And you had me there for a second. I thought I was doing stuff with Delko and I swear I yelled "You tramp!" really loud. lol. I mean Tim...Shawn...Tim...Eric...and wasn't there someone else in there? Eh I can't remember lol.

But HECK YES! Tim punched Eric in the face. Not that he deserved it or anything but HECK YES I love it when Speedy boy gets mad. Teehee.

Katie: I'll go wake up Lori.

Speed: No. No, just let her sleep.

Katie: I thought y-

Speed: I lied. I just wanted to see you.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Because...I don't know how to love anyone else.

Katie: ...
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I don't even know what to say to that except awwwwwwwwww!

Katie: Because everyone on this planet finds you irritating Eric. He just does what we're all thinking. *walks away*
Teehee and that made me giggle. Eric is a little on the irritating side but where would we be without him? lol.

Katie you SHOULD get out of the FBI you little..FBI director, you.
Thats madam director. lol. I kid I kid. Update soon please!
HEY! I gave you your rank and I can take it away! :lol: :p

Aw poor Speedy, he just can't win in this cruel cruel world can he?

Missy it's alright that you couldn't get on, no worries! Take your time. :D And it's alright that you're needy and posessive. If you weren't, my storylines wouldn't go anywhere and the entire thread would be in limbo. :p

I Can't Hold My Breath

1 am

Speed's apartment

Speed: *walks to door, opens door* ...What.

Katie: *looking down at floor* ...I'm sorry.

Speed: How did you find the place?

Katie: I...GPS-ed your vehicle.

Speed: I drove my Ducati.

Katie: Yeah, I put a tracking system in it.

Speed: *frowns* When are you going to stop being FBI for just five minutes and be Katie?

Katie: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *starts to cry*

Speed: ...Why are you crying?

Katie: I love you.

Speed: Okay...Are you supposed to feel sad about that? Because that could be considered an insult.

Katie: I hate my job, and I hate what I'm doing to you and everyone else. I hate lying, and I hate that I keep pushing you away.

Speed: Well, no need to cry over it.

Katie: *hugs tighter*

Speed: *cough* Ow.

Katie: I'm never ever letting go.

Speed: Well if you don't, I'll pass out.

Katie: Oh, sorry. *lets go*

Speed: Thank you.

Katie: *sigh* I am...So sorry.

Speed: *looks down*

Lori: *smiles shyly, waves*

Katie: You have room in there?

Speed: What happened to your house?

Katie: I can't stay there.

Speed: Why?

Katie: It belongs to the FBI.

Speed: ...So?

Katie: So I quit.

Speed: ...You what?

Katie: I handed in my resignation.

Speed: At one in the morning?

Katie: I'm a night owl.

Speed: Why did you quit?

Katie: I don't want to work with a bunch of murderers. I want to work with the people who put them away.

Speed: You wouldn't be...Lying would you?

Lori: DADDY! Just kiss her!

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: *smirks*

Lori: *runs in, jumps on couch*

Katie: *smiling*

Speed: You'll have to sleep on the floor.

Katie: *punches Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: Ha. I win.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Katie: Okay fine, whatever...Heck yes and all that jazz.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: *looking inside apartment*

Speed: ...You coming in or not?

Katie: ...I just....*sigh* I'm really going to miss being a director.

Speed: Get over it.

Katie: Shut up.

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand* Come on.

Katie: I am, jeepers you can't wait two seconds for anything.

Lori: *runs over* MOMMA! MOMMA!

Katie: What?


Katie: It's bedtime.


Katie: Bedtime.

Lori: Daddy?

Speed: Bed.

Lori: ...Ah nuts.

Speed: *grabs Lori*

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: You are going to bed and you're staying there.

Lori: *shakes head*

Speed: Yes.

Lori: *shakes head*

Speed: Yes.

Lori: *shakes head*

Speed: If you shake your head too much it'll fall off.

Lori: *screams*

Katie: Oh Tim.

Speed: Sorry.

Katie: Lori, go to the next room and get to sleep.

Lori: Fine.

Speed: *puts Lori down*

Lori: G'NIGHT! *runs away*

Katie: *hugs Speed*

Speed: When are you going to stop hugging me?

Katie: When my arms fall off.

Speed: But that might take forever. When are you going to get into a workplace accident at a chainsaw factory?

Katie: It probably happens more often than you think.

Speed: You get rid of any 'special circumstances' that way?

Katie: Hell no. I wouldn't throw those rusty blades around if I had a gun pointed to my head.

Speed: Good.

Katie: Yeah. *leans head on Speed's chest*

Speed: Are we just going to stand here all night?

Katie: Oh can we?

Speed: No.

Katie: Damnit. You foil all of my evil schemes.

Speed: Well gee that's too bad.

Katie: Mhm.

Speed: I know you're comforable but I'd like to lie down sometime tonight.

Katie: *sigh* Do I have to let go?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Ah crap. *lets go*

Speed: I hear Horatio was gasing up the Hummerhome today.

Katie: Really.

Speed: Yeah I think we're leaving on a road trip soon.

Katie: Sounds fun. We're not taking Lori are we?

Speed: We have to.

Katie: Ah well, that's alright. I'm sure if we give her a gun she can take care of herself.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: I'm just saying!

Speed: We're not getting re-married for a third time are we?

Katie: Well...Since I'm not dead, and I'm not in the FBI...We're still legally married.

Speed: I threw out your ring.

Katie: Buy a new one.

Speed: I don't think so.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: Those are expensive.

Katie: So is my love.

Speed: Nice try.

Katie: *slaps Speed*


If you weren't, my storylines wouldn't go anywhere and the entire thread would be in limbo.
Oh wow! I suddenly feel slightly important! Thank you Geni!!!
Lori: DADDY! Just kiss her!
AWWWW! That was so cute! Lori is the most adorable little...I want one! That was cute! I'm glad you two are back together...again. YAY!! That made my night!
Oh, finally i am able to come here! :rolleyes: Gee, such a busy week ... everyday i came home and *BAM* get in bed and ZZZZZzz! :p
Sunday is here..now i can rest again, reading my fave RT! ^_^* .. and watching cartoon network! :lol:

Delko is....LOL? :lol:
Katie and Speed together again awwww, happy old times! ^_^
they are like 'Twix'- inseparable! :lol:
did i heard something about Road Trip? :D yeeey!

gosh i should come here more often,RT gets me all stress away. :)
thanks for you Geni ! you're AMAZING! :D but i guess you already new that.. :rolleyes: :lol:

uukiii Peace ya all! :cool:
Shake and Bake! :lol:
HEY! I gave you your rank and I can take it away!
*bows down* I sincerely apologize. Teehee.

Katie: I love you.

Speed: Okay...Are you supposed to feel sad about that? Because that could be considered an insult.
Hahahaha oh man that was hilarous. And its far to early for me to be laughing this hard. I'm not even sure why that was so funny but I found it funny and thats all that matters. lol.

And awwwwwwwww I gave up the FBI for Speedy. Ok techically I said it was because I didn't want to work for murders but you don't really have to say what you feel all the time. lol.

Katie: I don't want to work with a bunch of murderers. I want to work with the people who put them away.

Speed: You wouldn't be...Lying would you?

Lori: DADDY! Just kiss her!
God, I love that kid!

Katie: ...I just....*sigh* I'm really going to miss being a director.

Speed: Get over it.

Katie: Shut up.

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand* Come on.

Katie: I am, jeepers you can't wait two seconds for anything.
You know I think i'm going to miss it to. Outranking Horatio for a while. That was fun. Bossing people around yelling at interns because my coffee was bad. *sighs* Ahh authority. lol. And "jeepers" I think I like that. I should start saying that more often.

Lori: *runs over* MOMMA! MOMMA!

Katie: What?


Katie: It's bedtime.

Oh that poor kid. I have given her my cheez it gene. This can not be good for her future. lol.

Speed: Are we just going to stand here all night?

Katie: Oh can we?

Speed: No.

Katie: Damnit. You foil all of my evil schemes.
haha oh yes evil schemes. Muahahahahaha.

I still can't believe that he threw out my ring. I mean seriously it was supposed to have enough dust to cover texas! I guess I made him that sandwhich for nothing! lol. Great update geni. Can't wait for more!
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