CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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I've Been Blind

Vehicle registration office

Delko: *walks in*

Jess: You get all the oatmeal out of your hair?

Delko: *frowning*

Jess: ...Sorry. So where were you last night? I was trying to get a hold of you.

Delko: I was at Katie's house.

Jess: Doing what?

Delko: I drove her home.

Jess: So what's with the shiner?

Delko: I...Slammed the car door into my eye.

Jess: Ah. Well...You should put some ice on that.

Delko: Thanks for the advice.

Jess: Okay so, the bodies have already been taken away, but there was a multiple homicide.

Delko: I see that.

Jess: Witnesses say a guy came in with a gun, and shot everyone.

Delko: He couldn't have shot everyone or there wouldn't be any witnesses.

Jess: You get the idea.

Delko: Yeah.

Jess: Apparently he started shooting the staff first, and then the clients.

Delko: Was there security?

Jess: No.

Delko: Any security camera footage?

Jess: The cameras have been down since last week.

Delko: Really.

Jess: Yeah they were supposed to get fixed yesterday but no one ever showed up.

Delko: Interesting. Well, glove up.

Jess: Already ahead of you.

Trace Lab

Katie: *walks in* Whacha doin'?

Speed: *looking through microscope* Analysing evidence. It's kind of my job.

Katie: What are you looking at?

Speed: Paint transfer.

Katie: From what?

Speed: A vehicle.

Katie: What vehicle.

Speed: An SUV.

Katie: Why?

Speed: It hit someone.

Katie: Where?

Speed: The causeway.

Katie: Did they die?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: What was their name?

Speed: We don't know.

Katie: Can I see the coroner's report?

Speed: *lifts head*

Katie: ...Sorry.

Speed: Is there a reason you're interrogating me?

Katie: I just want to know what you're working on.

Speed: Do you really need details?

Katie: I'm a very detail-oriented person.

Speed: *frowns*...Why are you wearing that?

Katie: What? It's my work clothes.

Speed: A short skirt and heels are your work clothes.

Katie: Well I'm wearing a top.

Speed: *nods slowly*

Katie: Am I distracting you?

Speed: Not because of the clothes. I'm really not in the mood to play twenty questions with you.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Horatio wants my report in an hour, and I didn't get around to finishing up last night.

Katie: So where's Carly?

Speed: Why?

Katie: She's on your case right?

Speed: She's being mad at me right now, so I don't know where she is.

Katie: Why's she mad?

Speed: ...You get blonder every day.

Katie: Hey. OH! That reminds me. I'm dying my hair red. TAKE THAT SPEEDLE.

Speed: *blank stare*

Katie: ...What?

Speed: Red?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: What's so bad about red?

Speed: Nothing.

Katie: You don't like red-heads?

Calleigh: *walks in* Oooh who's a red-head?

Katie: I'm dying my hair.

Calleigh: *smiles* Oh my. Red?

Katie: Yup.

Calleigh: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *shakes head*

Calleigh: *winks*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: You two must really be meant for each other then.

Katie: Why?

Calleigh: Tim loves red-heads.

Katie: REALLY.

Speed: *looks through microscope* CSI working here, go away.

Calleigh: Horatio wants your report.

Speed: He'll get it when I'm done.

Calleigh: Come on, you should have been done for your favorite red-head already.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *laughs*

Calleigh: *laughing*

Speed: *lifts head* Are you finished making fun of me now? Because I really have to get this done.

Katie: Aw I didn't know you liked red-heads.

Speed: Okay first of all, Horatio isn't exactly on that list and secondly I never said that.

Calleigh: Pam had red hair.

Speed: Pam was a life-sucking b...

Katie: *taps foot*

Speed: ...I don't like her.

Calleigh: SARA PIPER!

Speed: Her hair's blonde.

Calleigh: Not anymore, it's dark brown.

Speed: That's a few colours shy of red on the spectrum.

Calleigh: ...Melanie Hines?

Speed: *frowning* She was blonde and I didn't like her.

Calleigh: Aw why not? Underneath her kniving murderous lying movie-going personality, she seemed sweet.

Speed: *blinks* ...No.

Calleigh: Hmm...How about...That Allison person?

Speed: Again, not red hair and I didn't like her. I don't know where you keep getting this red-head crap from.

Calleigh: Oh wait...You always go for blondes.

Speed: I don't go for anyone.

Calleigh: Well I stick by my red-head theory.

Speed: You do that.

Calleigh: Oh, and I'm sorry for slapping you the other day...Mood swings I guess.

Speed: Great.

Katie: Oh yeah I heard about that.

Calleigh: *runs behind Speed* You did?

Katie: I'm okay with it.

Calleigh: Really.

Katie: Yeah there's nothing I can do, so I might as well embrace it.

Calleigh: *walks over* How sweet.

Katie: Tim's going to pay for it though.

Speed: What? How?

Katie: I'm kidding.

Speed: Don't kid around, it's not funny.

Calleigh: Well anyway I have to get back to the ballistics lab. Hey Katie you want to join me?

Katie: Sure.

Calleigh: Great!

Katie/Calleigh run off

Speed: ...I hate myself.
Aww Speedy don't hate yourself! lol. I loved how Calleigh brought up everyone that was ever on Miami. lol. *narrows eyes* Sara Piper now I DON'T like her. Teehee Poor Melani hines and her murderous ways. lol. Delkipoo has a shiner? Teehee Go Speedy for punching him in the face. lol. Car door my butt. lol.

Katie: What are you looking at?

Speed: Paint transfer.

Katie: From what?

Speed: A vehicle.

Katie: What vehicle.

Speed: An SUV.

Katie: Why?

Speed: It hit someone.

Katie: Where?

Speed: The causeway.

Katie: Did they die?
Whoa I feel like I'm five years old and I keep asking my dad why I can't go outside. lol.

Speed: A short skirt and heels are your work clothes.

Katie: Well I'm wearing a top.

Speed: *nods slowly*

Katie: Am I distracting you?

Speed: Not because of the clothes.
Riiight. Lying to yourself isn't going to get you anywhere. lol. I kid I kid of course. lol. Great update Geni!
Katie: *walks in* Whacha doin'?

Speed: *looking through microscope* Analysing evidence. It's kind of my job.

Katie: What are you looking at?

Speed: Paint transfer.

Katie: From what?

Speed: A vehicle.

Katie: What vehicle.

Speed: An SUV.

Katie: Why?

Speed: It hit someone.

Katie: Where?

Speed: The causeway.

Katie: Did they die?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: What was their name?

Speed: We don't know
hahahaha wow Katie, want to know whats goin on huh? lol that part made me giggle.......now where is the other part that made me giggle?....*hunts*

Calleigh: Horatio wants your report.

Speed: He'll get it when I'm done.

Calleigh: Come on, you should have been done for your favorite red-head already.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *laughs*

Calleigh: *laughing*
Hahaha that was pretty funny. I didn't even think of that until I looked up again and was like "OH! Horatio, duh! lol.

Haha, poor Delko, we're bad girls Anni.........*high fives Anni* teehee, but anyway, poor Delko has a black eye. Hahaha Speedle punched him in the face.......teehee. Katie seems to be having some very severe mood swings too lol. You never know what will happen.

Great job Geni, can't wait for some more!
I've Got To Break Through


Horatio: Speed.

Speed: Yeah here's your report.

Horatio: How's the case coming?

Speed: We can't find an ID on the vic.

Horatio: You check dental records.

Speed: We couldn't. His teeth were all fake, and most of them fell out when he hit the pavement.

Horatio: Nothing in CODIS?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Prints?

Speed: H, how long have I been doing this?

Horatio: Long enough that you don't need me to look over your shoulder.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Okay point taken.

Speed: I took a look at the paint transfer. I ran the stats and it came back to a Ford Explorer.

Horatio: What about the second vehicle?

Speed: That's the thing, it's the same model.

Horatio: Anyone see any plates?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Okay well track down any repair shops that are working on two Ford Explorers.

Speed: Will do.

Horatio: *walks away*

Carly: *walks past* Hey Tim.

Speed: *turns around* Carly.

Carly: *stops*

Speed: *walks over* Where were you this morning?

Carly: Working.

Speed: You find anything out?

Carly: I checked with missing persons this morning. A man by the name of Allan Cochran was reported missing.

Speed: You get a picture of him?

Carly: Yeah it's a match. I just got off the phone with his sister.

Speed: She give you any information?

Carly: He didn't have any enemies that she knew of, but he was being treated for depression.

Speed: So the old suicide card.

Carly: Yeah but when I told her that he was most likely hit by a vehicle, she was devestated.

Speed: No kidding. You check what kind of vehicle she owns?

Carly: Yeah, a black Ford Explorer.

Speed: Devestated huh?

Carly: ...Why?

Speed: The vehicle that hit him was a black Ford Explorer.

Carly: Coincidence?

Speed: It's a lead.

Carly: Well you can go check it out, I have to go find Katie.

Speed: Why?

Carly: Why not?

Speed: Well she's not on our case.

Carly: I know that.

Speed: So why are you going to talk to her?

Carly: I can't talk to her?

Speed: You can. I was just curious.

Carly: Why?

Speed: Because she's not on our case.

Carly: Maybe I need to talk to her for a personal reason.

Speed: Then do it off the clock.

Carly: You're not my boss.

Speed: Actually I am.

Carly: *frowns*

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: *walks over* ...Am I interrupting?

Speed: No, Carly was just leaving.

Carly: Actually Tim was just leaving.

Delko: Well...Alright I need to find Tyler, has anyone seen him?

Carly/Speed: He's in the A/V lab.

Delko: *lifts brow* ...Okay, thanks. *walks away*

Carly: *crosses arms*

Speed: *places hands on hips*

Katie: *walks over* ...Am I interrupting.

Carly: *smiles* Katie I was just looking for you.

Katie: Really, do tell.

Carly: You have a pair of my earrings.

Katie: OH YEAH! Yeah I'll get them back to you.

Carly: Great, because I've got a date tonight.

Speed: You do?

Carly: *frowns*

Speed: *swallows*

Katie: OOh who's the lucky guy?

Carly: Oh just someone I met at a club last night, he's really sweet.

Katie: Oh cool, tell me about him.

Carly: Well he's a patrol cop but I didn't even know that until he told me but the cool thing is, he has his own house.


Carly: Yeah and he's really hot.

Katie: Can I meet him?

Carly: Pfft it's my second date with the guy, let me have a chance first.

Katie: *laughs* Sorry. So where's he from?

Carly: He's actually from New York but he moved down here a couple of years ago.

Katie: Ooh a New Yorker. Those are hot.

Carly: Yeah and apparently he used to be gay, but it was actually just a lie so his parents would leave him alone and he joined patrol a few months ago.

Katie: But he's not gay right?

Carly: Yeah.

Katie: What's his name?

Carly: Josh.

Katie: OH! He sounds cute.

Carly: I KNOW!

Katie: HECK YES!

Speed: STOP!

Carly: *looks at Speed*

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Josh?

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: That's my brother.

Carly: ...

Katie: ...

Carly: ...Ew.

Katie: ...Ew.

Speed: *glaring* You didn't get his last name?

Carly: ...No.

Speed: You're...Going out with my brother.

Carly: ...Maybe.

Katie: *starts laughing*

Carly: It's not my fault! He got all...Hot and...Not gay.

Speed: *shakes head* You ladies can drool over him all you want. I'm going to go work the case. *leaves*

Katie: *still laughing*

Carly: *slaps Katie*

Katie: So where is the lucky guy?

Carly: He's meeting me here right now.

Katie: You going out for lunch?

Carly: Yeah. OH THERE HE IS! *jumps up and down*

Katie: Stay cool, stay cool.

Carly: I am.

Josh: *smirks* Hey Carly.

Katie: *screams*

Carly: *kicks Katie*

Katie: *clears throat*

Carly: Hey Josh. You remember Katie right?

Josh: *smiles* How could I forget?

Katie: *giggles* Oh you.

Josh: *winks*

Katie: Teehee.

Josh: Ready to go?

Carly: Yeah, you ready?

Josh: Of course. See you later Katie.

Katie: Uh huh.

Josh: *walks ahead*

Carly: *sigh*

Katie: Marry him, marry him.

Carly: *laughs, walks away*


Becoming Clear That I Don't Need You Here

5 pm

Layout room

Katie: *runs in* OH MY GOD! I WANT DETAILS!

Carly: *smiling*

Katie: Was it fun? Did you have fun?

Carly: He was a complete gentlemen.

Katie: Damn, he's a keeper.

Carly: *laughs*

Katie: So what happened?

Carly: We ate lunch, it wasn't rocket science.

Katie: AW HE'S A COP!

Carly: Are you sure you don't want him?

Katie: What? No. He's yours. He didn't try to sell you hand cream did he?

Carly: Nope.

Katie: Thank God.

Carly: He explained the whole thing. I guess his mom has been pressuring him to get married since he turned 18.

Katie: He's not 18.

Carly: I know that. I think he's...24? 25?

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: Anyway since his dad died, he came down to Miami for a better life and everything, and he decided to become a cop.

Katie: Really. What a motivated guy.

Carly: Yeah. He's working in Frank County now.

Katie: Awesome, so did you guys make out?

Carly: ...No.

Katie: Ah that's not fun.

Carly: We've known each other for two days.

Katie: Yeah alright fine, be a wuss. But OMG did you see his hair? And his clothes? And and and and....I like him.

Carly: Of course you do.

Katie: Marry that man.

Carly: *laughs*

Katie: I'm serious. Get him before Anni gets him.

Carly: I wouldn't worry about it.

Katie: Um I WOULD. Speedle's are cheaters.

Carly: He's not.

Katie: How do you know?

Carly: Because he seems really....Down to earth and traditional and...I don't know, he seems fine to me.

Katie: DAMN fine.

Carly: Stop it.

Katie: Sorry.

Josh: *walks in* Hey I heard you two were in here.

Carly: Hey.

Katie: *points*

Josh: ...What.


Josh: Thanks.

Carly: Don't you have to get back to work?

Josh: In a few hours. Hey Katie I heard you had a little girl.

Katie: HECK YES!

Josh: So where is my little niece?


Carly: Katie...Stop jumping up and down.

Katie: Sorry. *clears throat* You want to see her?

Josh: If you have time.

Katie: Oh babe I've got plenty of time.

Carly: *slaps Katie*

Katie: Haha...Come on, let's go find her.

Josh: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *smiles*

Josh: See you later.

Carly: Yeah.

Josh/Katie leave

Carly: *sigh* ....



Lori: Who?


Lori: *lifts brow*

Katie: He's...Right here.

Josh: *walks over* You're Lori?

Lori: *nods*

Josh: *smiles* Hey, I'm Josh.

Lori: *smiles*

Katie: HECK YES!

Josh: ..Is your mother always like this?

Lori: *nods*

Katie: Sorry.

Josh: *kneels* Well aren't you a beautiful little girl.

Lori: *giggles*

Josh: You look just like your mother.

Katie: HA! I WIN!

Josh: How old are you?

Lori: *puts up four fingers* Three.

Josh: Three huh? That's a good age.

Lori: I know. I'm allowed to shoot peas out of my nose and eat Cheez-its.

Josh: *laughs*

Katie: *jumping up and down*

Lori: Momma stop, you're making me dizzy.

Katie: ...Sorry.

Josh: *stands* Well it was good to meet you.

Lori: *nods*

Katie: We have to get back to work, but we'll be back later. You want something to eat?

Lori: I can find food myself momma. I'm three now.

Katie: Okay, have at it but if you make a mess I'm not cleaning it.


Josh: She's beautiful.

Katie: Why thank you.

Josh: It's been a while since I've seen you guys.

Katie: Yeah, the last time we spoke, you were trying to sell me hand cream.

Josh: Well...I could still sell you some.

Katie: Oh no, you keep it. I've got enough cream to last me the next century.

Josh: *laughs*

Delko: *walks over* Hey who's this?

Katie: Eric, you remember Josh, Tim's brother.

Delko: ...

Josh: ...

Delko: *screams* NOT YOU! I STAYED IN THAT TREE ALL NIGHT! *runs away*

Katie: ...He's sensitive.

Josh: I see that.

Katie: So Carly really likes you.

Josh: Does she.

Katie: Mhm, she thinks you're neat.

Josh: *smirks*

Katie: *sigh* ...

Josh: Well I think she's 'neat' too.

Katie: Good.

Josh: She seems really great.

Katie: She is great. One of the most awesome people on the planet.

Josh: Good to know.

Katie: Just a word of advice though...If you see Anni? Run far far away.

Josh: I'll keep that in mind.

Katie: *nods*

Lori: *runs out of lounge* MOMMA!

Katie: What?

Lori: I made a mess.

Katie: ...I told you not to.

Lori: I can't help it. I'm short.

Katie: *angry sigh*

Josh: No, it's alright, I can clean it.

Katie: No, you don't have to.

Josh: I insist.

Katie: Really?

Josh: It would be my pleasure.

Katie: ...Alright.

Lori: YAY! *grabs Josh's hand* Get in there.

Josh: *laughs* I am, I am.

Katie: ....That's not fair...Damn you Carly.

fab updates Geni, sorry I haven't commented on the progress of the story but my little dog hasn't been well and neither have I.

It's been great catching up anyway!
Aw, I'm sorry about your dog. And I hope you feel better soon as well. :)

Thanks for reading though, and it's alright. Take your time. :)

PS: I added another chapter onto the previous chapter...It's sad how bored I get these days.

I'm So Far Away I Won't Be Broken Again

Trace Lab


Speed: *looks up from paper* ...I was here.

Katie: I thought you were in the field.

Speed: Yeah and then I came back here.

Katie: Oh cool, what did you find out?

Speed: Don't you have an actual case to investigate?

Katie: No.

Speed: So why are you asking?

Katie: I'm curious. Oh I met your bother again. OH GOD.

Speed: What was that groan for?

Katie: It wasn't a groan, it was a moan.

Speed: Good to know.

Katie: *sigh* You have anymore brothers?

Speed: ...No just the one.

Katie: OH GOD.

Speed: What?

Katie: I feel like buying hand cream.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: Oh by the way, he met Lori.

Speed: Really.

Katie: They got along great.

Speed: He loves kids.

Katie: How come you don't?

Speed: I'm not him.

Katie: Go talk to him, he's hanging out with her in the lounge.

Speed: Why?

Katie: She made a mess and he's cleaning it.

Speed: You made him clean.

Katie: He wanted to. It seemed a little gay at first but OH GOD.

Speed: Can you stop that?

Katie: I'm sorry but...He's just..ALL MAN.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: I mean...I love you.

Speed: He's only like that now because my dad died.

Katie: Yeah but he's so much COOLER. Didn't you know he was in Florida?

Speed: No.

Katie: He didn't phone you?

Speed: Why would he?

Katie: Aren't you two close?

Speed: Not really.

Katie: But he's so cool.

Speed: So? What does that have to do with anything?

Katie: Nothing. I was just saying.

Speed: Stop it.

Katie: Aw are you jelous?

Speed: No. Now stop drooling all over my little brother.

Katie: *squeals*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Katie: Okay well I'll see you later. *kisses Speed* BYE! *runs away*

Speed: *shakes head*


Carly: *walks in* Hey Josh.

Josh: Hey.

Carly: What are you doing?

Josh: Watching Blue's Clues with Lori.

Carly: Shouldn't you be at work?

Josh: The Nightwatch Commander gave me the day off. Apparently there's a crime scene and he doesn't want us hangin' around.

Carly: Great.

Lori: Joshie gimme the remote.

Josh: Why?

Lori: It's mine.

Josh: Alright. *hands over remote*

Lori: *hugs remote*

Carly: So where are we going tonight?

Josh: *watching tv* Huh?

Carly: Eyes here hun.

Josh: What? Oh sorry. *stands*

Carly: So where are we going tonight?

Josh: Oh I know a few places.

Carly: *smiles* Really.

Josh: You leave that up to me my dear.

Carly: I will.

Anni: *runs in* JOSH SPEEDLE!

Josh: *blank stare*

Carly: Oh lord.

Anni: *shakes Josh's hand* MY NAME'S ANNI. You can call me Anni. *winks*

Josh: Uh...Okay,.

Anni: My my, isn't he a dish. Whew do a 360 for me sweetheart.

Josh: No.

Anni: Oh stubborn and strong. Just the way I like my men.

Carly: Anni, can I speak to you outside?

Anni: Like...OutSIDE outside? Or in the hallway?

Carly: Whichever gets you out of here fastest.

Anni: Okay.


Carly: BACK OFF.

Anni: Geez SORRY I didn't know you owned him.

Carly: Come on I really like him don't ruin it.

Anni: Did you see the butt on him? Whew.

Carly: Pay attention.

Anni: I am paying attention. *looking through window*

Carly: *grabs Anni's face* You're not going to steal him.

Anni: Why not?

Carly: Because there's only one of him and two of us.

Anni: You can have Tim. I want Josh.

Carly: No no, you're not getting it. Don't touch him.

Anni: Can I at least stare?

Carly: No.

Anni: Who makes these crazy rules?

Carly: Anni...

Anni: Fine, I won't steal him.

Carly: Thank you. *walks into lounge*

Anni: *follows*


Carly: We're back.

Anni: Yes we are.

Lori: Joshie! Joshie! The batteries were murdered!

Josh: It's alright sweety we'll get you some new batteries.

Lori: YAY!

Carly: *sigh*

Anni: *sigh*

Josh: ...Uh...Yeah okay. *walks away*

Anni: Marry him, marry him.

AV Lab

Jess: *sits down* So this is the security tape?

Delko: Yeah the owner may have said the machines weren't working, but they're fine.

Jess: He lied.

Delko: Yeah.

Jess: What's on them?

Delko: The shooting.

Jess: Can you get an ID on the shooter?

Delko: I'm still trying.

Jess: You couldn't find Tyler?

Delko: He's on a break.

Jess: Ah, well I hope he's having fun.

Delko: You see that? The shooter's got a scar on his hand.

Jess: It could help us identify him.

Delko: Yeah.

Jess: Maybe we should go through employee records and see if someone didn't show up for work.

Delko: Why?

Jess: The shooter aimed at the staff first. Maybe he knew them, and had a grudge against them.

Delko: Well let's get those records then.

Jess: *picks up phone*

7 pm

Trace Lab

Katie: *walks in, with Lori* ...You coming home?

Speed: *lifts head* What?

Katie: You're still here.

Speed: I'm working.

Katie: I know, and now you're off so let's go.

Speed: I have to finish the paperwork.

Katie: It can wait until tomorrow.

Speed: No it can't.

Katie: *smiles* Guess what.

Speed: What.

Katie: Carly and Josh are on a date right now. HEE.

Speed: Good for them.

Katie: Oh come on be happy for them.

Speed: I am happy.

Katie: You don't look happy.

Speed: I never look happy.

Katie: You haven't left the trace lab all day. Is this because of him?

Speed: No.

Katie: I think it is.

Speed: You think I want every woman at the lab drooling over my brother?

Katie: Ah let 'em eat cake.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Tim, everyone's gone home. Let's go.

Speed: Fine.

Katie: Great now you're going to be mad all night.

Speed: I'm not mad.

Katie: Yes you are.

Speed: *sigh* Let's just go.

Katie: Fine.

Oh lord were do I even start? Josh! Heck yes I loved Josh! Him and the whole 'I can't find my eye lash curler'. And the hand cream Oh man that was hilarious! And yay Carly's dating him. Teehee. Poor Anni can't have him though. She never gets anybody. lol.

Katie: I'm curious. Oh I met your bother again. OH GOD.

Speed: What was that groan for?

Katie: It wasn't a groan, it was a moan.

Speed: Good to know.
Hahaha wow. I think I should have kept that little part to myself. lol.

Lori: Joshie! Joshie! The batteries were murdered!
*gasp* Oh no! When batteries get murdered thats when you know you've been hanging around CSI's for far to long.

lol. But awww Josh is a cop and and and awww he's following his brothers foot steps..well kinda lol. Anywhosie I'm going to stop babbling. Great updates Geni! Can't wait for more!
HAHAHAHA I love the new obsession over Josh hahahahaha Poor Delko, I love how he mentioned having to stay up in the tree the whole night lol poor Delkipoo! Awwwww Katie's all hot for him, and so is Carly and Anni, man, the Speedles are quite the pimps lol. I love how Lori loves her uncle, it's so CUTE! I WANT ONE! lol.

Great updates Geni, love em!
Well I'm all for continuity. ;)

Get Your Kicks

Lab, Four weeks later

Katie: *runs over to Speed* YOU!

Speed: What.

Katie: Did you solve the case?

Speed: Not yet but we have a suspect.

Katie: Who?

Speed: ...Why are you asking me?

Katie: Well I figured since I was FBI, I could just hang around like Yelina and just kind of pop in.

Speed: Yelina does actual work.

Katie: Way to bust my bubble. So who's the suspect?

Speed: The victim's sister.

Katie: I thought you already had her a few weeks ago.

Speed: We didn't have enough evidence to arrest her.

Katie: Do you now?

Speed: We finally impounded her vehicle.

Katie: Awesome. Find anything?

Speed: I haven't analysed it yet.


Speed: You'll have to be patient.

Katie: I can't be patient. Since when have I ever been patient?

Speed: Learn.

Katie: I can't learn.

Speed: Try.

Katie: I can't try.

Speed: Bye. *walks away*

Katie: ...Yeah well bite me.

Carly: *walks over* Hey.

Katie: Hey.

Carly: I've got a question.

Katie: Go for it.

Carly: Do you think Josh loves me?

Katie: Pfft it's so obvious. You guys have been together nonstop for like...Almost a month. I mean, you moved in with him last week.

Carly: I know.

Katie: So what's the problem?

Carly: Nothing.

Katie: There's no problem?

Carly: Nope. Everything's...Perfect.

Katie: And that's bad?

Carly: No...

Katie: I don't get it.

Carly: Maybe it just seems too good to be true.

Katie: *laughs* He's not Tim. It's good.

Carly: *smiles* I guess.

Katie: You guys going out tonight?

Carly: Yeah.

Katie: Oooh have fun.

Carly: I will.

Katie: You love him right?

Carly: *sigh* Yeah. More than I love Australia, and that's saying something.

Katie: *laughs*

Carly: Anyway I had better get going.

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: See you later.

Katie: You know it.

Carly: *walks away*

Katie: I'm like the...LOVE DOCTOR. I win.

Manger's office, vehcile registration office

Delko: So you don't know how the videos got mysteriously fixed.

Manager: That's what I'm saying. As far as I know, they were broken.

Jess: Well they're not. We got the entire shooting on tape.

Manager: Have you been able to figure out who did it?

Delko: We're going to need your employee lists.

Manager: Why?

Jess: To figure out who did it bucko, or did you lose those too?

Manager: ...I'll get them.

Trace Lab

Josh: *walks in* Hey big brother.

Speed: *looking through microscope* Hey.

Josh: What are you working on?

Speed: Evidence.

Josh: Well I know that.

Speed: Good.

Josh: ....

Speed: Is there a reason you're here?

Josh: Yeah I came to ask you something.

Speed: Then ask it.

Josh: ....You know I love Carly right?

Speed: Yeah.

Josh: Good.

Speed: ...That was your question?

Josh: Well yeah, and...No...Well yeah.

Speed: Uh huh.

Josh: ...*nods*

Speed: *still looking through microscope*

Josh: You think Carly loves me?

Speed: Yeah.

Josh: Okay good.

Speed: What's up with you?

Josh: ...What? Why?

Speed: You sound nervous.

Josh: I'm not nervous.

Speed: Sure.

Josh: Um...You've known Carly a long time right?

Speed: A few years.

Josh: *nods* Good.

Speed: Yeah.

Josh: ...Uh...I...I'm thinking about asking her to marry me.

Speed: *looks up from microscope*

Josh: ...

Speed: ...Really.

Josh: Yeah. And I know it's really soon but I really love her.

Speed: ...*nods slowly*

Josh: I uh...I wanted to get your approval.

Speed: Approval.

Josh: Yeah.

Speed: Why? You're an adult. I don't control what you do.

Josh: Am I doing the right thing?

Speed: Well that depends. Do you really care about her?

Josh: More than anything.

Speed: Marriage is a big responsibility.

Josh: You got married.

Speed: I'm older than you, therefore much wiser.

Josh: *laughs* Yeah right.

Speed: *writing things down*

Josh: ...

Speed: *doing paperwork*

Josh: So...Should I ask her?

Speed: I can't make your decisions for you Josh.

Josh: But you approve?

Speed: *nods* Yeah.

Josh: ...

Speed: What?

Josh: Okay now I'm kind of freaked out.

Speed: You'll be fine.

Josh: You think?

Speed: Well unless she says no.

Josh: *frowns* That's not funny.

Speed: I'm not laughing.

Josh: *blank stare*

Speed: You going to be okay?

Josh: I think I'm going to pass out.

Speed: Take a deep breath.

Josh: *sigh*

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey Tim do you have my ballistics report? I think I left it in here.

Speed: Yeah, it's over here.

Josh: Hey Cal.

Calleigh: *smiles* Hey Josh.

Speed: *hands over folder*

Calleigh: Thanks Tim. *leaves*

Speed: You alright?

Josh: I'm fine. *walks away*

Speed: *smirks*

Awww Timmy and Joshie had a little bortherly moment. *sniff sniff* How cute! And HECK YES! Go Carly! She's gettin engaged..well maybe...to a Speedle...who once acted like he was guy and couldn't find his eye lash curler...boy thats one messed up family. lol.

Katie: I'm like the...LOVE DOCTOR. I win.
Teehee awww. Thats' kinda funny that you put that because my friend calls me Dr. Love ALL THE TIME. lol. Damn my last name *pouts*

Anywhosie that part with Speed and Josh was really cute. But I wonder how Speed is really handling that. I mean him and Carly did date for a while. Interesting. Update soon please!

Tear My Heart Open

7 pm, Lounge

Delko: Is this show on all the time?

Calleigh: Ugh if I see that blue dog one more time...

Anni: What ever happened to Jeopardy?

JC: Maybe Alex Trebek turned into Blue and now he's hiding in Steve's house or Joe's house or whatever his name is now.

Katie: I want to be a dog.

Missy: Why?

Katie: I don't know...They don't have to do anything all day.

Speed: You already do nothing all day.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: *cell phone rings* ...

Katie: Who's calling you?

Speed: ...My brother.

Katie: Is he okay?

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah....Really....Okay. *closes phone*

Katie: What was that about?

Speed: We don't have any spare Hummers do we?

Katie: Why?

Speed: *sigh* We have to pitch in for a wedding present and I don't like shopping.

Everyone: *looks at Speed*

Katie: Who's getting married?

Speed: My brother.

Katie: TO WHO!

Speed: ...Carly.

Everyone: *blinks*

Speed: ...What?

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: What?

Katie: HECK YES!

Missy: Awwww.

Jess: *starts to cry*

Calleigh: YAY!


Missy: *slaps Delko*

Delko: OW.

Carole: How cute.

Anni: Whoa there's going to be like...Five Speedles.

Katie: *screams*

Anni: ...You're one of them.

Katie: Oh yeah.

Speed: Does someone have the remote? I hate that damn dog.

Lori: *hands over remote*

Speed: Thank you.

Katie: *squeals*

Speed: What?

Katie: GO CARLY!

Speed: *rolls eyes*


Anni: ME TOO!

Katie/Carly run off

Calleigh: I have to lock up the gun vault. *leaves*

Carole: I have to pee.

Jess: I second that.

Carole, Jess leave

Missy: I'm going to go start up the Hummer.

Delko: I'll meet you out there.

JC: Oh crap Horatio needed to see me. *leaves*

Missy: *leaves*

Delko: So Speed, you proud of your brother?

Speed: He's a good guy.

Delko: You think he'll treat her well?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: You don't seem so happy about the whole thing.

Speed: I'm a very happy person.

Delko: ...Okay I know you well enough to know when something's wrong.

Speed: Nothing's wrong.

Delko: You still love Carly.

Speed: No. *stands, walks over to sink*

Delko: *follows* You do.

Speed: No, I don't.

Delko: ...Sure.

Speed: Eric, drop it.

Delko: You don't think they're good together?

Speed: They're perfect together.

Delko: And that's...Killing you inside.

Speed: No it's not.

Delko: You think it's too fast?

Speed: Eric I don't have a problem with it.

Delko: You don't think your brother will take care of her?

Speed: ERIC.

Delko: ...Sorry.

Speed: Lori!

Lori: *runs over*

Speed: Let's go.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: Put your shoes on.

Lori: Okay daddy. *runs to door*

Delko: I'll see you tomorrow.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: *leaves*

Yay Carly's going to be a Speedle. Just not to...Speed. lol. But aww yay! lol. And hmm....I think Timmy boys lying. I think he still has some sort of feelings for Carly but i'm not sure what. And of course that is just my opinion.

JC: Maybe Alex Trebek turned into Blue and now he's hiding in Steve's house or Joe's house or whatever his name is now
haahaha oh man that cracked me up. *sings* Heres the mail it never fails it makes me wanna wag my tail.... Ok yeah I've obviously watched that show to many times. lol. Oh Jeporday...*sighs* Those were the days. lol. Update soon please!
I Know We Ain't Got Much To Say

Josh's house

Katie: *drinks beer* Man I'm so happy for you guys!

Carly: Thanks!

Katie: *grabs Carly's hand* NO WAY! It's bigger than my ring!

Carly: Where's your ring?


Speed: *walks over* What.


Speed: Okay.

Katie: Really?

Speed: No.

Katie: Damnit. *drinks*

Speed: *grabs beer*

Katie: What are you doing?

Speed: You're not allowed to drink.

Katie: Why?

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *takes beer* You don't own me.


Josh: Yeah?


Josh: What.


Josh: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *winks*

Josh: ....Should I be scared?

Carly: Yes. You should be petrified.

Anni: *throws beers* DRINK MY PRETTIES!

Katie: Okay. *drinks*

Speed: Great.

Josh: ....You guys won't...Trash my house right?

Speed: I think it's best to just...Try not to worry about it.

One hour later

Josh: NO! Put that d-

Anni: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *throw lamp*

Josh: -own....


Anni: I DO! *rips off shirt*

Katie: Not those kind of coconuts.

Anni: Sorry.

Katie: OH WELL! *rips off shirt*

Jess: FINALLY WE'RE STRIPPING! *rips off clothes*


Anni: We don't have a pool.

Katie: MUD!


Katie: HECK YES!

Jess: I'M IN!

Anni: Wait, where are we going to find mud?

Katie: ...The toilet?

Anni: That's not mud, that's poo.



Missy: Join the club.

Delko: *singing* Man! I feel like a woman! Do do do do do do do! Do do do do do do do!

Carly: I'M A COWBOY! *twirling around in circles*

Josh: ...Oh lord.

Speed: Yeah.

Josh: They're....Naked.

Speed: They tend to do that a lot.

Josh: Do they get drunk a lot?

Speed: More than you'd think.

Katie: *runs over* TIMMY!

Speed: What.

Katie: *kisses Speed*

Josh: *lifts brows*

JC: Hey let's paint the floors. I VOTE ZEBRA!

Missy: I vote elephant!

Anni: You can't paint the floor in elephant!

Missy: Why?

Anni: Because elephant paint will just go through the carpet.

Missy: How do you know?

Anni: IT'S ELEPHANT PAINT! It must weight a lot.

Katie: WOW! I think that's the longest I've held my breath.

Speed: ...Wh-what were we talking about?

Josh: How they get drunk a lot.

Speed: Ah yes.

Katie: *runs away*

Josh: They're cleaning my house tomorrow.

Speed: I wouldn't get your hopes up about that.


Speed: Yeah.

Katie: I forgot to tell you. While I was in the FBI, I called the Secret Cloud Police and had them arrest your potted plants.

Speed: I don't have potted plants.

Katie: Well someone got raided...


Katie: You're on! Whoever breaks their head first has to lick the walls!

Carly: Why?

Katie: Can't you see the beer dripping off of them?

Carly: *starts giggling* No.

Katie: *starts giggling*

hahahahahahah YAAAAYYY! *strips* WOOOOOOOOOOOOO LETS GO! hahahah I love it when we get drunk, and YES! DRUNK KATIE IS BACK WOOOOOOOO!

hahahaaah oh man, I love it when we get drunk! And the fact that I am soooooooooooooooo hyper right now......and I know Geni his sooooooooooo hyper right now......teehee!

*squeazes teh Katie* I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK! WOOOOOOOOOO!

hahahaha yay for hyper.....ness! GO GENI! WOOOT!
HECK YES! Queen of the Spider people returns! And Yay Jess finally got to strip. lol.

Anni: That's not mud, that's poo.

*shakes head* Oh RT Katie no its not lol.

Missy: I vote elephant!

Anni: You can't paint the floor in elephant!

Missy: Why?

Anni: Because elephant paint will just go through the carpet Missy: How do you know?

Anni: IT'S ELEPHANT PAINT! It must weight a lot.
Teehee. I agree with Anni! Hahahaha oh man that made me giggle!


Speed: Yeah.

Katie: I forgot to tell you. While I was in the FBI, I called the Secret Cloud Police and had them arrest your potted plants.

Speed: I don't have potted plants.

Katie: Well someone got raided...
*gasp* The secret cloud police return! Hehehe. And that last line had me laughing so hard I snorted and I'm not really sure why but now I'm all hyper so thank you. lol.

Katie: You're on! Whoever breaks their head first has to lick the walls!
Leave it to me to come up with something like that. lol. Oh man long live Drunk Katie! Update soon please!
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