CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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AWWWWW where did Jess go :( It's so sad for Eric!!
And yeah where is Horatio's humanity?? In vacation or what!! :p

Great update and update soon please :)
*GASP* I've turned into Ann Donahue and took away Horatio's humanity and God-like powers! :eek:

...But we still have Speed and Tyler so I'm not half bad. ;) And uh, these next chapters will make sense, I swear. All you have to know is our heros don't age, but the children do. Easy as pie.

Where Has All The Time Gone, Growing Up And Getting Older


Crime scene, Miami Beach

Horatio: Time of death, Alexx.

Alexx: Somewhere between 5 and 6 pm.

Horatio: Did he drift to shore?

Alexx: No water in the lungs, and the skin doesn't appear to be damp.

Horatio: So he was dumped out here.

Alexx: Killers see this place as a nice body dump.

Horatio: Yes the ocean carries them out to sea, and they are never heard of again.

Alexx: Well our victim stopped short of the water.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Calleigh: *opens kit*

Delko: *walking along beach*

Horatio: Calleigh you find anything?

Calleigh: One spent cartridge.

Horatio: So he died out here.

Speed: Blood spatter confirms that.

Horatio: Calleigh what caliber was the bullet?

Calleigh: 9 mil.

Horatio: 9 mil...

Calleigh: It's a pretty common gun.

Horatio: Mhm.

Delko: Foot prints lead up to the edge of the beach. Two sets, both appear to be elongated.

Speed: Victim and killer were running.

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: So there was probably an altercation, right?

Delko: We'll know when we find the killer.

Speed: Yeah that helps.

Delko: *laughs*

Calleigh: *walks over* Hey boys can y'all help me out for a second?

Speed: With what?

Calleigh: I have to sift through the sand near the body.

Speed: We're processing out here.

Calleigh: Exactly, which is why I asked for y'alls help.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Delko: *smirks* We'll help you out.

Calleigh: *smiles* Thank you. *walks away*

Speed: Eric we were processing out here.

Delko: It won't take that long.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Delko: You haven't refused her before.

Speed: Funny.

Delko: *laughs, walks away*

Speed: *shakes head*

Ballistics lab

Horatio: *places hands on hips* You identify the bullet?

Katie: *looks up from microscope* Just in time.

Horatio: Okay so what can you tell me?

Katie: Bullet was a nine millimeter with a right hand twist. No unique characteristics but I did find some erosion on the end of the bullet.

Horatio: Erosion?

Katie: Salt water.

Horatio: So the killer and victim were in the water.

Katie: Or at least near it when the gun was fired. Moisture gathers in the barrel of the gun, and when the bullet is fired, small drops of water remain on it, causing the bullet to erode.

Horatio: You run it through IBIS?

Katie: Yeah. *hands over paper*

Horatio: *looks down*

Katie: Issac Winters. He registered it last year for personal protection.

Horatio: Well he sure defended himself didn't he?

Katie: *nods*

Horatio: Thank you. *leaves*


Delko: Hey H, I tracked down Issac Winters at his real estate firm downtown.

Horatio: Bring him in.

Delko: His secretary said he didn't want to be disturbed.

Horatio: Disturb him Eric.

Delko: *smirks* Will do. *walks away*

Horatio: Speed.

Speed: *walks up* Blood matches the vic. My pictures of the shoe treads are a match to a Nike running shoe, and Bruno Paglis dress shoes.

Horatio: Dress shoes. Issac Winters works in a real estate firm.

Speed: We could get a warrant for his shoes.

Horatio: Okay work on that.

Speed: Sure. *walks away*

Stetler: *walks over* Horatio.

Horatio: *stops walking* I take it this isn't a social call.

Stetler: It never is.

Horatio: *takes off shades* I'm on a case, so make it quick.

Stetler: The Canadian Embassy in Columbia has located an American citizen, who doesn't belong there.

Horatio: And this affects the lab and it's staff, how exactly?

Stetler: A member of the CCIB wants to speak with you, regarding this citizen.

Horatio: Why would the Columbian Central Intelligence Bureau want to speak with me directly? I have no ties to Columbia.

Stetler: Her name's Megan and she's in your office.

Horatio: She flew here?

Stetler: She says it's urgent.

Horatio: Okay, thank you.

Stetler: Don't thank me just yet. You could have a political mess on your hands.

Horatio: Then I suggest you leave before it becomes your mess as well.

Stetler: *nods*

Horatio: *walks away*

Stetler: *looks around* Hey ladies.

Katie/Carly: *glare and walk past*

Stetler: ...I miss Kristin.

Horatio's office

Horatio: *walks in* I was told you needed to see me.

Megan: *stands* Lieutenant.

Horatio: What is this regarding?

Megan: I have one of your people.

Horatio: ...Which person?

Megan: Jessica, something..

Horatio: *blank stare*

Megan: You look surprised.

Horatio: ...She's been gone for eight years. We weren't able to find her, is she alright?

Megan: She's fine. Apparently they had her making drug deals for a while so that they wouldn't kill her. We arrested her.

Horatio: On what grounds?

Megan: Drug deals are still illegal in Columbia Lieutenant, despite the fact that they happen very often. I work for the Import/Export department at the Bureau. She was in my jurisdiction.

Horatio: And she explained everything.

Megan: Yeah. She also said she found someone else that belongs in Miami and wanted me to take her along.

Horatio: Where is Jessica now?

Megan: The Canadian Embassy in Florida.

Horatio: So if she's an American citizen, why didn't you hand her over to our feds?

Megan: They weren't interested in dealing with her.

Horatio: Not interested...

Megan: Pardon my bluntness but, the American government has more pressing issues than one American citizen in a country that has nothing to do with national security.

Horatio: Okay. Can I speak with her?

Megan: You can.

Horatio: Okay thank you. I'd like to take one of my CSIs along as well.

Megan: Sure.

Canadian Embassy, Miami

Horatio: Jess?

Jess: *runs over* THANK GOD! *hugs Horatio*

Horatio: I take it you're alright.

Jess: I just spent the last eight years keeping Columbian hands off my ass and escaping terrorists with really big guns and mean attitudes.

Horatio: And you're alright?

Jess: I'm fine now.

Horatio: Who took you?

Jess: Marco Fuente. They killed him when I escaped.

Delko: Tough break.

Jess: ERIC! *hugs Delko*

Delko: OW.


Delko: *smiles* I missed you too.

Jess: *sigh* Oh it's great to be back.

Delko: So what happened over there?

Jess: Well when I first got there, they wanted me to do all this stuff. You know, cartel drugs for them into other countries or they were going to blow my head off. So I did that for a while. Then I found my opportunity to escape and managed to rent a small place with another girl. She's quite a bit younger than me.

Delko: And you've been trying to get away from these guys for this long?

Jess: Oh yeah I'm planning my own book.

Delko: I can't wait to read it.

Jess: Good.

Horatio: So you managed to evade them.

Jess: I'm kind of wanted there.

Horatio: Wanted?

Jess: 2 million American dollars on my head. Pretty cool huh? *smiles*

Delko: *laughs*

Horatio: Well they can't find you here.

Jess: Yeah.

Delko: So this other girl, you know her pretty well?

Jess: Well she doesn't like me very much and we only learned to tolerate each other but yeah I know her pretty well.

Horatio: And you brought her here.

Jess: I didn't want her facing the same stuff that I did. And she wasn't exactly eager to come here.

Horatio: And she's American.

Jess: Yeah.

Horatio: Okay.

Jess: You know, the entire time, I was thinking she reminded me of someone and I couldn't figure out who it was and then it came to me.

Delko: ....And?

Jess: She reminded me of Speed.

Delko: *laughs*

Jess: No I'm serious.

Delko: ...Oh.

Jess: So I got to thinking and did some math and I THINK she's Lori.

Horatio: *lifts brows*

Delko: *blank stare*

Jess: She's almost 14.

Horatio: What did she say her name was?

Jess: Well she said her name was Lori.

Delko: No kidding.

Jess: But I think she's our Lori.

Horatio: Okay wait a second, slow down. You found her in Columbia.

Jess: Yeah.

Horatio: And now she's here.

Jess: Yeah.

Horatio: Well we're going to need a DNA test to confirm it's her. We'll get her back to PD for processing.

Jess: Can I come with?

Horatio: Of course.

Jess: *hugs Horatio*

Horatio: *smiles*

Jess: I am SO glad you didn't retire.

Horatio: I'm a long way from that.

Jess: Good.

Megan: I'll go get our little spit fire and send her to the police department.

Delko: Should I tell Speed and Katie?

Horatio: Not yet. I don't want to get their hopes up.

Delko: H, she's American, her name is Lori, and she fits the right age. I'm pretty sure it's her.

Horatio: We'll verify that first and then we'll let them know.

Delko: Okay.

Horatio: Take Jess back with you, I'll go with Lori's escort.

Delko: No problem.

Horatio: Thank you Eric.

Jess/Eric leave

Megan: You know the girl?

Horatio: I won't know until we get a DNA sample from her.

Megan: Would you like to see her?

Horatio: I would.

Megan: This way.

Holding cell

Horatio: *walks in*

Lori: *spits*

Horatio: *backs up, places hands on hips* I'm Horatio Caine.

Lori: *frowning*

Horatio: *looks at Megan*

Megan: You should answer his questions.

Lori: Kiss my ass.

Horatio: *takes off shades, places them on table* You seem like a mature young lady.

Lori: Funny.

Horatio: Do you remember living in Miami?

Lori: No. I want to go back now.

Megan: She claims she's always lived there.

Lori: I have.

Horatio: Do you remember your parents?

Lori: I don't have parents.

Horatio: So who took care of you?

Lori: That's none of your business, cop.

Horatio: What were you doing in Columbia?

Lori: TAKE ME BACK! *throws Horatio's shades*

Megan: We arrested her on a prostitution charge. Jessica convinced me to bring her here with her. She says they knew each other.

Horatio: Okay. Let's get her processed.

Megan: I'll drive her myself to your police department.

Horatio: Thank you.

Megan: Guards.

Guard1: *grabs Lori*

Lori: LET GO!

Guard2: Come on kid.


Guard1: Move it.

Lori: NO! *kicks guard*

Guard2: *grabs Lori*

Lori: *screaming*

Horatio: I'll see you back at PD.

Megan: *nods*

Awwwww Jess is back! And possibly Lori! But Ohhh teehee she's just as stubborn as her father and likes to yell like her mother! lol. But ohhhh she threw Horatio's shades* Gasp* I thought that would never happen. Teehee. But you know its weird as I'm reading this I'm 17 and Lori's almost 14 so that seems weird. lol. Even though RT Katie's like what 30 something but still. lol. ANYWAYS! I can't wait until Speed and me find out about Lori! And awww Jessie *huggles* Update soon please!
0_0 I'm back! haha I missed my Eric teehee. Hmmmmm Lori is back and........bitchy lol but I expected that. And AH I have a hit on me! I have a feeling that's going to come back and bite me in the ass later. And I don't think Horatio is ever going to retire, he's going to be supervisor until he dies lol Then again, he's Godly so he might never die. Oh man, I can't wait to see what the DNA test says and what Speed and Katie say about it! Great update Geni, long one too. Can't wait to see what happens next! Update soon please! :D
Ohmygod! Its me! *squeals* Oh Geni, you just made my day! Seriously, I was having an awful day, and then I found this.
Hahaha. I was in H's office! *cough* I'm good now, I swear. Fantabulous work. Yes, that's a word.
*throws confetti* Welcome to the world of Road Trip...The place where we were barely in the Hummerhome at all this thread. :lol: :p

Do You Remember

Police department

Horatio: Thank you for waiting so patiently, Lori.

Lori: *frowns* A little hard to do otherwise when I'm cuffed to a chair.

Horatio: It's for our protection, you understand.

Lori: I didn't kill anybody so why am I here?

Horatio: You're an American citizen.

Lori: I've never been here in my life.

Horatio: *opens folder* This test says you have.

Lori: What test?

Horatio: *places folder on table* This test.

Lori: *looks down at paper* What does it mean?

Horatio: It means you are who we think you are.

Lori: *closes folder* Big deal. So I was here when I was little. My home is back in Columbia.

Horatio: Actually your home is here in Miami, you were taken from us eight years ago.

Lori: I don't remember that.

Horatio: You were very little.

Lori: I want to go back.

Horatio: That's not possible. Our laws prohibit you from returning.

Lori: So what, I'm stuck here forever?

Horatio: You make it sound so bad.

Lori: It is bad. Why can't I go back?

Horatio: You don't belong there.


Horatio: I know it's hard to take in right now, but eventually you'll understand.

Lori: I'm not a little kid.

Horatio: No, you're very mature.

Lori: So don't treat me like a little kid.

Horatio: Okay.

Lori: Now. Do you have food in this country or am I going to have to scream my way out of cuffs for that too?

Horatio: We'll get you something to eat.

Lori: And what do you get in return?

Horatio: ...Nothing.

Lori: *laughs* Yeah right. Come on, name your price.

Horatio: Things in the United States run a little different then in Columbia.

Lori: Okay so what are my choices for food?

Horatio: Anything you want.

Lori: Anything?

Horatio: *nods*

Lori: Bread and water's fine.

Horatio: *tilts head* Lori, you can have anything.

Lori: *lifts brow* You have more than bread and water?

Horatio: You know what, I'll see to it myself that you get something good to eat okay?

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: Would you like some clean clothes?

Lori: What's wrong with what I'm wearing?

Horatio: We'll get you a shower too.

Lori: Me? You don't need to waste your water on me.

Horatio: Don't worry about it.

Lori: ...You sure you don't want anything in return? I turn a pretty mean trick.

Horatio: Lori, you'll never have to worry about that again.

Lori: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: Sit tight. *leaves*

Lori: *looks around*


Delko: You get the results back?

Horatio: Mhm.

Delko: And?

Horatio: She's Lori alright.

Delko: Great, you want me to tell Katie?

Horatio: I want to wait until we've got her cleaned up and fed.

Delko: She's had a tough life.

Horatio: She doesn't see it that way. You talk to Jess?

Delko: For a little while.

Horatio: You can go back and spend some time with her if you want.

Delko: Thanks H.

Horatio: No problem.

Delko: So who's going to keep Lori company?

Horatio: I've got someone in mind.

Delko: *lifts brow*

Interrogation room, 20 minutes later

Yelina: *sits down, smiles* Hey.

Lori: *frowns*

Yelina: Horatio told me you were here. I'm Detective Yelina Salas.

Lori: Good for you.

Yelina: You've sure grown up.

Lori: I've heard.

Yelina: I understand you're frustrated. You didn't want to leave your home, your friends, a-

Lori: I didn't have friends.

Yelina: ...Anyone take care of you?

Lori: A man. I had to call him 'master'.

Yelina: I'm sorry.

Lori: He took care of me.

Yelina: Where'd you get the scratch over your eye?

Lori: ...I ran away. He found me, and he punished me. I couldn't see out of one eye for a week.

Yelina: And you want to go back to that?

Lori: ...It's...Not normal?

Yelina: No, it's not. It's wrong to hit a child.

Lori: I'm not a child.

Yelina: *nods*

Lori: You're Columbian?

Yelina: Yes.

Lori: And you work with the Americans?

Yelina: They're good people.

Lori: That's not what I was told.

Yelina: And what were you told?

Lori: They're cheaters, arrogant, and they lie. No one should trust them.

Yelina: You may have been misled.

Lori: Tell me why I should believe you any more than them.

Yelina: I'm not telling you who to trust, I'm telling you the facts.

Lori: *shakes head* Cops are all the same.

Yelina: And you don't trust them either.

Lori: They take away everything. Land, money, people...Last week I saw a cop torturing a defenseless dog. They're not peace keepers. They're just another force to keep the people in line.

Yelina: Things work a little differently here.

Lori: Really. Your people stole me from my home, brought me here against my will, cuffed me to a chair, and now you're interrogating me.

Yelina: No one's interrogating you. We're just talking.

Lori: Then why do I need the cuffs?

Yelina: It's just a precaution.

Lori: ...When can I go home?

Yelina: *looks up* Uh, excuse me for a minute. *leaves*

Outside interrogation room

Horatio: I'm going to have a female officer escort her to the showers, and then we're going to get her some food.

Yelina: She wants to go back.

Horatio: Let's just worry about getting her fed and cleaned up.

Yelina: Okay.

Horatio: Thank you.

Trace Lab

Delko: *walks in*

Speed: *doing paperwork* Hey I heard you found Jess.

Delko: Yeah she's with the girls now. They're all hugging and crying and being girly.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: I'm just glad to have her back. I love her.

Speed: Well you might want to mention that to her, not me.

Delko: Yeah. So listen man, Jess brought someone back with her from Columbia.

Speed: Good for her.

Delko: It's Lori.

Speed: *lifts head*

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: *staring at Eric*

Delko: ...You okay?

Speed: Where is she?

Delko: Uh, Horatio said not to tell you she was here.

Speed: She's here?

Delko: No.

Speed: Eric, she's here.

Delko: She's actually at PD but NO!

Speed: *stands*

Delko: NO, no you can't see her.

Speed: Why the hell not?

Delko: Because H said to wait.

Speed: And you think Horatio is really going to stop me. *takes off lab coat*

Delko: She's not the same.

Speed: I don't care.

Delko: *steps in front of Speed* Look, he said to wait.

Speed: Eric you have about five seconds to move out of my way.

Delko: I think you should stay at arms length of this.

Speed: Move.

Delko: I can't do that.

Speed: ...Is she okay?

Delko: She's fine.

Speed: *sigh* Good.

Delko: I figured I should tell you before Katie.

Speed: Yeah. She'd probably freak out.

Delko: Isn't that what you just did?

Speed: I did not freak out.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *frowns* Laugh it up.

Two hours later, interrogation room

Horatio: Welcome back Lori. Did you eat well?

Lori: I've never seen so much food.

Horatio: Well there's more where that came from.

Lori: ...So you said I had parents.

Horatio: Yes.

Lori: Where are they?

Horatio: They work here.

Lori: They're cops?

Horatio: Yes.

Lori: *rolls eyes* Great.

Horatio: I know you don't trust the police, but right now all you have is us.

Lori: Gee I feel like I should be honored.

Horatio: It'll take some getting used to.

Lori: With all due respect Lieutenant, I'd like to just be alone right now.

Horatio: We could find you a hotel room.

Lori: Just for me?

Horatio: Like I said-

Lori: Yeah it's different here, I get it.

Horatio: *smirks*

Lori: *looks across room*

Speed is seen, talking to Tripp

Lori: *staring at Speed*

Horatio: Lori...Lori.

Lori: *looks at Horatio* What.

Horatio: Would you like to go now?

Lori: Yeah.

Horatio: Come on.

Across room

Speed: Could you sign that?

Tripp: Yeah. *grabs pen*

Speed: Thanks.

Tripp: No problem.

Speed: *looks up from paper*

Across room

Horatio: Thank you Yelina.

Yelina: Not a problem.

Horatio: I'm going to take Lori to a hotel.

Lori: *nods*

Yelina: *smiles* Well, I hope she'll be getting five star treatment.

Horatio: She will be.

Speed: *walks over* H.

Horatio: Speed?

Lori: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I'm going to head out.

Horatio: Alright.

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *steps behind Horatio*

Horatio: Um, I'll see you tomorrow.

Speed: Yeah. *looks at Yelina*

Yelina: *smirks*

Speed: See you guys later. *leaves*

Horatio: Lori?

Lori: ....Can we go?

Horatio: Sure. Come on.

AWWWWWWWW Lori seems to be warming up just a little bit. Even if she's a lot older and has been through more stuff then a fourteen year old has gone through, and she shouldn't have had to. I think as soon as she finds out how good it is to be in America, she'll warm up to it, and accept her parents, although that might take a while.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Delko said he loved me. How cute! lol I awwed really loud when I read that. I was already in a better mood, and it just made it even better. Great update Geni, they always are great! lol update soon please!
Awww! Geni your going to make me cry. Ok granted I'm sick right now and I'm emotional when I'm sick but but but but dang it even at 14 she's cute! That whole "You have more then bread and water line" got me.

And Timmy so did flip out! lol. But Lori doesn't trust the police. Well I probably wouldn't either if I was forced to live the way she did and was told a certain way. And I SO DO NOT like the idea of her having to call the person she lived with 'master' that is just sick and wrong!

But awwww shes back, eric loves Jess, Timmy and Lori looked at eachother the world is good! Update soon please!
Even Though We Knew

Next day, police department

Horatio: How was your night?

Lori: Fine.

Horatio: You sleep well?

Lori: First night in a long time.

Horatio: *smiles* That's good to hear.

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: Would you like to meet your father?

Lori: ...It was that man I saw yesterday.

Horatio: *lifts brow* Which man?

Lori: The one who came over to us before we left.

Horatio: *nods* That's him. How did you know?

Lori: His voice...It sounded familiar.

Horatio: So are you starting to believe us?

Lori: A little. But I've been tricked before.

Horatio: We're not here to trick you.

Lori: Can I see him now?

Horatio: Sure, I'll get him. *gets out phone, dials*

Trace Lab

Calleigh: You have that trace?

Speed: Yeah. *hands over paper* It was ink.

Calleigh: Ink...What kind of ink?

Speed: Pen ink.

Calleigh: Issac Winters is in real estate. He uses pens.

Speed: Well that's pretty circumstantial. We're going to need more than pen ink to proved he murdered the guy.

Calleigh: Yeah.

Cell phone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed....*looks at Calleigh* ...I'll be right there. *closes phone* Sorry, I have to go.

Calleigh: Alright.


Speed: *walks over* You wanted to see me?

Horatio: Actually she does.

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *looking down at floor*

Speed: ...Lori?

Lori: *lifts head*

Speed: Hey.

Lori: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *smirks*

Lori: Hi daddy. *hugs Speed*

Speed: *hugs Lori*

Lori: *starts to cry*

Speed: *hugs tighter*

Horatio: I'll leave you two alone. *leaves*

Speed: *lets go* Look at you.

Lori: *wipes eyes*

Speed: I am so sorry for letting you go.

Lori: It's okay.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: You look sad.

Speed: *clears throat* I'm fine.

Lori: I don't blame you for what you did.

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Lori: Dad, I'm fine.

Speed: I know.

Lori: You tell mom I'm here?

Speed: Yeah she knows.

Lori: Is she nice?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: Good, because I'm tired of people beating me.

Speed: You don't ever have to worry about that again.

Lori: Yeah.

Speed: Um...I have to get back to work but I'll be back okay?

Lori: Okay.

Speed: I'll go find your mother.

Lori: What if I don't like her?

Speed: You'll love her. Besides, if you're anything like her, you two will get along perfectly.

Lori: *laughs*

Speed: I'll see you later.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: *leaves*

Lori: *sits in chair*

Few feet away

Horatio: You going to find Katie?

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Okay then you need to get back to work.

Speed: I know.

Horatio: Okay.

Speed: *leaves*

Awwwww! She remembers Speedy. And she's all worried that she won't like me. And and and and dang you Geni! *raises fist* lol.

Lori: Hi daddy. *hugs Speed*
Awwwwwwwwwwww! That was just really cute to me. lol.

Speed: You'll love her. Besides, if you're anything like her, you two will get along perfectly.

Hm....well we both love Cheez its...I've never seen Lori drunk but I'm guessing she'd be like me on that one...lol. And granted she's not old enough to get drunk yet but hey lol.

I can't wait to see what happens when I get to see her again. Update soon please!
:lol: Katie you crack me up.

Speak No Silence

Lab, 5 pm


Speed: *walks in* Hey.

Katie: *lifts finger* In a minute.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: *puts gun together*

Speed: *places hands on hips*

Katie: *turns around* Okay what do you want?

Speed: Did you see Lori?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: ...And?

Katie: And we hugged, we cried, we got along...

Speed: Good.

Katie: I told her about Holly and Teague.

Speed: And what did she say?

Lori: Didn't you ever learn not to talk about someone behind their back?

Speed: *turns around* This is a restricted area.

Lori: I threw my last name around and got in.

Speed: Clever.

Lori: *sigh* I hope I never see another gun.

Katie: You ready to go home?

Lori: Yeah I guess.

Katie: You guess?

Lori: I've never really...Had a family before.

Katie: *smiles* Well you'll learn to get used to things.

Delko: *walks in* Hey Josh dropped someone off.

Holly: *runs in* MOMMY! MOMMY!

Katie: *picks up Holly* Oof you're getting heavy.

Delko: I'll see you guys later.

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: Ah so this is my little sister.

Holly: *points* LORI!

Lori: *laughs*

Speed: She is the loudest child in all of Miami.

Katie: But she's cute.

Lori: I see that.

Katie: I'll go put her in the Hummer. You guys coming?

Speed: Yeah we'll be there in a minute.

Katie: Okay. *leaves*

Lori: Well you guys sure got a whole new life.

Speed: It wasn't the same without you.

Lori: Bribing me with niceties isn't going to get me to stay at your house tonight.

Speed: You'd rather sleep in a hotel room?

Lori: I'm still getting to know everyone.

Speed: Yeah, I understand.

Lori: *sigh* You're going to make me cry again.

Speed: I'll drive you back to the hotel.

Lori: Thanks.

Speed: You know fourteen year old girls shouldn't stay at hotels alone.

Lori: *smiles* Save it, I can take care of myself.

Speed: I know you can.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: Come on, let's get you back to that hotel.

Lori: Thanks.


Megan: Horatio.

Horatio: *turns around*

Megan: You're a hard man to track down.

Horatio: I've heard.

Megan: How's Lori handling things?

Horatio: She's...Coming around.

Megan: Good. I just wanted to let you know that we're going to be keeping tabs on whoever had Lori so they won't get away with this.

Horatio: So I'll see you again.

Megan: Definitely.

Horatio: Thank you for bringing them back.

Megan: You obviously care about them.

Horatio: I do.

Megan: Well I hope everything goes well.

Horatio: Me too.

Megan: I'll call you tomorrow.

Horatio: I'll be here.

Megan: *leaves*

Speed/Katie's house, 9 pm

Katie: Holly! Pick up your toys from these stairs. I almost broke my leg.

Holly: *runs over* Sorry momma.

Katie: Just pick these up. Tim! I can hear the spaghetti boiling over!


Speed: I got it.

Katie: *runs over* Oh good.

Speed: Stop worrying about your food.

Katie: I don't want to burn it this time.

Speed: It's spaghetti.

Katie: Fine Mister Miami, if it's so easy, you cook it.

Speed: I was cooking it.

Katie: Very funny.

Holly: *runs over* Momma I spilled milk.

Katie: *sigh* Where?

Holly: The floor.

Katie: Which floor?

Holly: The carpet.

Katie: How many times have I told you not to spill on the carpet?

Holly: A billion.

Katie: *laughs*

Doorbell rings

Speed: I'll get it.

Katie: Get me a washcloth, Holly.

Holly: Okie.


Speed: *opens door*

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: How'd you get over here?

Lori: Horatio told me to call him day or night if I needed anything.

Speed: I don't think he expected to be your cab driver.

Lori: I was wondering if you guys had any more room in there for me.

Speed: There's plenty of room.

Lori: *walks in*


Lori: *lifts brow*

Speed: Don't pay attention to her.

Katie: I resent that.

Lori: So what's cooking?

Katie: Spaghetti.

Lori: Sounds good.

Speed: It is. I cooked it.

Katie: *punches Speed* I cooked it.

Holly: *grabs Lori's hand* Come help me clean the milk.

Lori: Ah! I've been recruited.

Speed: Then you'd better get moving, kiddo.

Lori: *salutes*

Katie: Okay nothing could possibly go wrong....Right?

Speed: Not tonight.

awww, very nice Lori is back! :) now Family is together! yeey! :D
and Jess is back too after 8 years, wow thats a long time! :D
can't wait for next updates!
:eek: LORI IS BACK AND JESS TOO!!!!!!!! I can't beleive it this is so cool :p
Great update Geni and update soon please :)

YAY they're back!!!!!!!!!! :p
Awwww, yay! Lori is all cute again :D and Jess is back! Woah, 8 years is a looong time...

and Holly is so cute! just like little Lori...aww she spilled milk on the carpet...

you have no idea how many times I said 'awww' during those updates...more than I said in this repsonse, I can tell you ;)

please update soon
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