CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Katie: Okay nothing could possibly go wrong....Right?
Oh Katie, don't you know you should never say that?

Megan: Horatio.

Horatio: *turns around*

Megan: You're a hard man to track down.
:lol: when I first read that, I was like, *who?* :lol:

Poor Lori. She's had such a hard life. I imagine it'll take quite a while to get used to the way things are in Miami. When she called Speed Daddy, I aww-d really loudly.
Katie: Okay nothing could possibly go wrong....Right?
Oh I really need to shut up. lol.

And awww Lori came home and Holly's so cute. Spilling milk everywhere. Maybe if she used to hands that wouldn't have happend. Even though she's what about 8? Anyways....

Lori: Ah! I've been recruited.

Speed: Then you'd better get moving, kiddo.

Lori: *salutes*
Awww he called her kiddo. And she did that little *salute* thinger. Teehee. This chapter was really cute. Update soon please.
it's great seeing all of Speeds family together again! and to me Lori is soooo like her daddy especially with the quick wit. :p

You captured real cuteness with this chapter Geni, keep it coming, you've made my bad day much much better. :)

Update soon Geni :D
:D :D I'm glad I made your day better calleighspeedle

Can't Do Everything I Do

Issac Winters' office, two days later

Delko: *runs in* Hey. I've been trying to find you all morning.

Speed: *tape lifting* I told you I was here.

Delko: I tried phoning you. You keep your cell off or something?

Speed: *reaches into pocket* ....

Delko: You forgot your phone.

Speed: ...I thought I had it.

Delko: Well no worries, Calleigh told me where you were so it all worked out.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: So this Issac's firm?

Speed: That's what the sign on the door says.

Delko: You find anything?

Speed: Shoe prints. I'm lifting them now.

Delko: But you didn't find the shoes?

Speed: *angry sigh* This isn't his house.

Delko: Ah. Well you missed something.

Speed: *lifts head*

Delko: There are a pair of shoes by the door.

Speed: *looks at door*

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: I saw them.

Delko: Yeah? Then why are you tape lifting?

Speed: Because those aren't the right size.

Delko: How would you know?

Speed: The killer's shoe was about a 10. Those are a 13.

Delko: Wow, big feet.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey guys.

Delko: Hey.

Calleigh: Can I talk to Tim for a second?

Speed: *lifts brow* Sure.

Delko: I'll see you two later. I've got a few things to get done at the lab anyway. *leaves*

Speed: *stands* What's up?

Calleigh: Holly just phoned me.

Speed: ...Why?

Calleigh: Lori left her alone.

Speed: What?

Calleigh: Apparently she had to meet some friends.

Speed: Friends? She's been in the country two days.

Calleigh: *shrugs*

Speed: Did she say where she went?

Calleigh: No.

Speed: Excuse me. *leaves*

Calleigh: ...You're welcome?

House, 1 hour later

Speed: *closes door* HOLLY!

Holly: *runs over* DADDY.

Speed: Where's Lori?

Lori: *walks over* Right here.

Speed: Is that my cell phone?

Lori: Yeah.

Speed: Calleigh just said you left Holly alone.

Lori: Chill, I was gone for an hour.

Speed: Where?

Lori: Uh, across town.

Speed: How did you get across town?

Lori: I got a ride.

Speed: A ride?

Lori: Yeah I stopped a guy and asked for a ride.

Speed: Where did you go?

Lori: Across town. You deaf?

Speed: *frowns* Excuse me?

Lori: Just relax, I was going to be back. I just had to meet a few people.

Speed: A few people. You haven't been here that long.

Lori: Me and the guys were just hanging out for a while.

Speed: Guys? What guys?

Lori: Ben and Enrique.

Speed: How old are these guys?

Lori: Seventeen and twenty.

Speed: Do you realize how dangerous this city is for a fourteen year old girl?

Lori: I was fine. Look, I just had to get out and meet some people.

Speed: You left your sister alone in the house.

Lori: I was going to be back.

Speed: I told you to stay here not go out and meet people.

Lori: I was bored.

Speed: I don't care if a midget stripper gave you herpes, I gave you an order and you are to follow that order. You understand?

Lori: *frowns*

Speed: Do you understand!

Lori: Yes!

Speed: I want my phone back.

Lori: *throws phone* So I can't do anything around here?

Speed: There are rules in place for a reason.

Lori: Well they're stupid.

Speed: I don't care.

Lori: Will you just chill out? It's not like I was sleeping with those guys.

Speed: You better not have been.

Lori: And what if I was?

Speed: Were you?

Lori: Maybe.

Speed: That's not an answer.

Lori: I don't have to listen to you. *walks away*

Speed: *follows* Get back here.

Lori: Get lost.

Speed: *grabs Lori* Are you not getting this through your teenage head? You are not to leave this house under any circumstance.

Lori: Fine.

Speed: I want to hear a 'yes' not a 'fine'.

Lori: YES, father. Happy?

Speed: If I get called away from work again, you're going to be sorry.

Lori: *frowning*

Speed: You got it?

Lori: Yeah.

Speed: Good. *leaves*

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Holly: Can you help me with my reading?

Lori: You can read perfectly fine. I'll be back.

Holly: Where are you going?

Lori: Uh out. Are you okay by yourself?

Holly: Daddy said not to leave.

Lori: *pats Holly on the head* It'll be our little secret okay squirt?

Holly: *nods*

Lori: *smiles* Good girl. I'll be back so just chill on the couch for a while.

Holly: How are you gonna get out?

Lori: Duh, window.

Holly: Can I come?

Lori: No way. This is for grown ups.

Holly: Why?

Lori: You'll understand when you're older.

Holly: Okay.

Lori: Remember our secret.

Holly: *giggles*

Lori: I'll see you later. *jumps out window*

NOOO LOORRI! Bad girl! Somehow I knew this was going to happen though. I have a feeling that whoever those kids are are NOT good noodles. I had to expect this though, with the way she was raised, she's not going to change any time soon, though I have hope for her. Poor Delko can never get a hold of Speed lol. *sigh* I hope nothing happens to Holly for Lori's sake. If they keep leaving her alone, she's going to become one very independent lady when she grows up. Although little girls that are left home tend to turn out very well, my friend is evidence of that. :D. Great Update Geni, I can't wait to see what happens next! Where is Lori going to again?
Um um um um um ummmmmm! Its so sad when there so cute when there little and then they go to the dark side once they hit teenage years. *shakes head* lol. But I kind of like this side of Lori. And of course its udnerstandable with the life she had when she was with the Columbians. And having Tim yell at her like that probably isn't helping her much. But she needs something stable right now and thats what Tim is trying to do. And plus Tim I guess feels the need to yell at her so he doesn't lose her again. I couldn't even imagine what it would feel like to lose your child, get her back and then be scared to lose her again.

Great update geni! Update soon please.

And awww how cute is that Holly. lol.
Ooooh, Lori's gonna be in BIG trouble. But of course she's not going to just do whatever she's told, she's been on her own for too long. Can't wait to see what happens next!
tss tss tss teenagers... :p
She's gonna have trouble that little Lori I can see that from here :)

Great update and update soon please
Scratch My Nails On The Floor

Downtown, 8 pm

Lori: Hey you got a cigarette?

Ben: Sure.

Lori: Thanks.

Ben: Your parents don't care that you're here?

Lori: Pfft yeah right like I was going to tell them anything.

Enrique: Hey guys I got the stuff.

Lori: How many grams?

Enrique: Enough to last the rest of the week.

Lori: Man you're a miracle worker.

Ben: Dude we need some more cash.

Enrique: I'm only one man.

Lori: *smiles* Hey I'm your girl if you need some cash.

Ben: Yeah?

Lori: Yeah I know a few things. Just pick me out a good car.

Ben: That one down the street.

Lori: Watch and learn boys. *walks up to car*

Enrique: I love rich people, always leaving money in their cars.

Lori: It's what sets them apart from us. *takes out two knives*

Ben: What are you going to do, cut your way through the metal?

Lori: *sticks knives in lock* This car has one of those old school locks. Two thin knives is all you need.

Enrique: They look like effin' chop sticks Lor.

Lori: Looks...*pops door open* Can be deceiving.

Ben: Nice.

Lori: *winks*

Ben: *grabs money*

Lori: Oh what do we have here?

Enrique: What did you find?

Lori: Credit card.

Ben: That's my girl.

Lori: *laughs* Ready to wrack up some cash fellows?

Enrique: You read my mind.

Alley, 20 minutes later

Lori: *drinks beer*

Ben: So where should we go next?

Enrique: You always want to move. Man just stay put for an hour.

Ben: Yeah you try being on speed and say that.

Enrique: *starts laughing* I am.

Ben: *starts laughing*

Lori: Hey let's steal that kid's money.

Ben: What kid?

Lori: *points* That one. The fat kid.

Ben: *laughing* You're so drunk.

Lori: *pushes Ben* Pfft. HEY KID! Give me your money!

Fat kid: Huh?

Lori: *staggers over* I said give me your money.

Fat kid: I don't have money.

Ben: *walks over* Yeah?

Fat kid: Yeah.

Ben: *rolls up sleeves*

Lori: You got until 3. *holds up fingers* One..

Fat kid: I swear, just leave me alone.

Lori: *giggling* Two...

Fat kid: *backs up*

Lori: Three. *punches kid*

Fat kid: *runs off*

Ben: Get him!

Enrique: *starts running*

Lori: *running*

Back of alley

Lori: *kicks kid*

Ben: *punching kid*

Enrique: *rips open pockets* Yeah? What's this? This is fourty bucks.

Fat kid: *crying*

Ben: You little bitch.

Lori: *smacks kid in face* Chubbs here lied. And you know what we do to liars?

Fat kid: *shakes head*

Lori: You wanna find out?

Ben: *grabs large pipe*

Lori: *smiles* Thanks for the money, kid.

Ben: *lifts pipe*

Cop sirens are heard

Ben: *drops pipe* The cops, get out of here.

Lori: Oh relax.

Ben: Move it.

Lori: *rolls eyes* You got lucky kid.

Fat kid: *runs away*

Abandoned apartment building, halls

Lori: *slaps Ben* They weren't even comin' for us.

Ben: I just got out of jail, I don't need to go back.

Lori: *leans on wall* God you Americans have strong beer.

Enrique: Yeah well when you've only been drinking watered down stuff from some weird country, ours seems a little richer.

Lori: You got that right.

Ben: You want a drag?

Lori: Yeah. *smokes*

Enrique: Hey listen I've got a pregnant girlfriend back home so I have to get goin'. I'll see you guys later.

Ben: See ya.

Lori: Bye.

Ben: *grabs Lori's hand* Come on.

Lori: Where are we goin'?


Lori: Okay what?

Ben: I hid a stash of money back here.

Lori: Kick ass.

Ben: *lifts garbage can* Green gold.

Lori: *picks up money*

Ben: Hey that's mine.

Lori: *giggling* Come get it.

Ben: *walks closer* Lori, seriously.

Lori: Nah.

Ben: You shouldn't drink so much.

Lori: *laughing* You're so high.

Ben: *smiles* Yeah I know. Give me my money.

Lori: *puts money down her jeans* Then come find it.

Ben: *pushes Lori against building* I plan to.

Lori: *giggles*

Ben: *kisses Lori*

Car door closes

Horatio: Lori!

Ben: *lifts head* You know him?

Lori: *rolls eyes* Great.

Horatio: *walks over* Lori what are you doing out here?

Lori: Hangin' out. What do you want?

Ben: Yeah leave her alone.

Horatio: Take a walk.

Ben: You can't tell me what to do.

Horatio: Get out of here son.

Ben: *frowns* See you later Lor. *walks away*

Lori: *angry sigh*

Horatio: Come on.

Lori: So what do you stalk me now?

Horatio: This isn't a wise course of action.

Lori: Yeah well it's none of your damn business.

Horatio: Let's go.

Lori: *throws hands up in the air* Fine. Whatever.

House, 8:30 pm

Lori: *walks in*

Speed: *crosses arms* Where were you.

Lori: Bite me.

Speed: Horatio said you were downtown.

Lori: *laughs* Yeah I was getting some cash.

Speed: This isn't funny.

Katie: Are you drunk?

Lori: I had a few hits too.

Speed: Come here.

Lori: I don't think so.

Speed: Now.

Lori: Go to hell.

Katie: Excuse me. *walks away*

Speed: I told you to stay here.

Lori: And I left. What a crazy, crazy world we live in.

Speed: What's in your pocket?

Lori: I'm just happy to see you.

Speed: Empty your pocket.

Lori: *empties pockets*

Speed: What are those?

Lori: Tools.

Speed: Tools.

Lori: Yeah.

Speed: For breaking into cars.

Lori: I didn't break into anything.

Speed: Why are your hands bruised?

Lori: *starts laughing* We beat up a fat kid downtown. Wouldn't give us the money.

Speed: Did you kill him?

Lori: I didn't do anything. It was his fault.

Speed: Who was that guy you were with?

Lori: Horatio told you about him?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: That's my boyfriend.

Speed: Boyfriend.

Lori: Yeah you gonna repeat everything I say?

Speed: Go to your room.

Lori: Aw did I do something bad? *smiles*

Speed: *glaring*

Lori: You ever crack a smile?

Speed: Move.

Lori: Fine, you don't have to be so pissy. *walks to room, slams door*

Holly: *runs up, tugs on Speed's shirt* Daddy.

Speed: *looks down*

Holly: Can you help me with my book?

Speed: *nods* Yeah.

Holly: *smiles* YAY.

*blinks* awwww Lori's such a bad kid. That poor "fat kid" got beat up. Lori's going to have some serious problems if she keeps this up she's only 14!

Ben: *smiles* Yeah I know. Give me my money.

Lori: *puts money down her jeans* Then come find it.

Ben: *pushes Lori against building* I plan to.

Lori: *giggles*

Ben: *kisses Lori*
Ok, I know I always talk about Horatio runing the moment...but this time I'm glad he popped out of no where! Seriously your only 14 girl get a hold of yourself!

But how much do I love Speedy all fatherly. Awwwww. And then he helped Holly with her book. How cute. Teehee.

But seriously this Lori storyline is really good. Keep up the good work!
WOW she's definitly NOT like drunk Katie!! She is drunk-mean Lori
Poor little fat boy...:(

Great update and update soon please :)
Oooooh, Holly is so cute :) And that Lori... *shakes head* She needs to learn that America is different than what she's used to. Things work differently. It'll take time, though. And poor Katie had to leave the room.
Last Chance For One Last Dance


Delko: Hey you wanted to see me?

Jess: I thought you should know what happened over the past eight years.

Delko: You already told me.

Jess: You didn't get the whole story.

Delko: I didn't?

Jess: I know I made it sound like everything was fine, and that....Eric...

Delko: You don't have to explain.

Jess: I've just been trying to put my life back together.

Delko: Yeah.

Jess: I was scared for eight years. Do you know what it feels like to live in fear for that long?

Delko: I don't.

Jess: I thought about you every night. And when I didn't think about you, that scared me. I didn't want to forget you.

Delko: I never forgot you either. I love you.

Jess: *blank stare* ...Huh?

Delko: I love you Jess.

Jess: ....Really?

Delko: Yeah really.

Jess: *smiles*

Anni: *runs in* I BROKE THE TRACE LAB!

Jess: What? How?

Anni: Okay well I was walking around and then everything just kind of fell down.

Delko: ...Everything fell down?

Anni: That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Carly: *runs in* Okay Horatio looks really mad so whatever you say, don't say I did it.

Anni: *grabs Carly* Let's move.

Carly: *runs*

Delko: You want to go see the damage?

Jess: Yeah.

Trace Lab

Jess: ...Wow.

Delko: And it wasn't my fault this time.


Light fixture falls down, sparks fly

Anni: -ight...

Delko: What did you do?

Anni: We were playing tag.

Carly: *punches Anni*

Anni: What! They asked.

Jess: You guys are so dead.

Carly: Okay I have a simple solution.

Anni: And what's that?

Carly: Put a brick wall across the entire trace lab and paint a NEW trace lab onto it. He'll never know the difference.

Jess: Yes he will.

Carly: Uh no he won't. He's never in the lab.

Jess: What about Speed?

Carly: Oh..Okay he's the smart one..He'll know we did something...OKAY I have it. I'll call Josh and we'll keep him away for a few months.

Delko: You can't keep him away from his job.

Carly: Yeah but we broke his pretty lab.


Carly: *screams*

Anni/Carly run

Horatio: Where are they? Where did they go?

Delko: I don't know.

Jess: Beats me.

Horatio: *runs away*

Jess: So they're going to end up in autopsy pretty soon.

Delko: Why would they go there?

Jess: *laughs*

Girls washroom

Anni: *hides in stall*

Carly: *hides in stall*

Anni: Okay he'll never find us in here.

Carly: How do you know?

Anni: Uh this is the girl's bathroom.

Carly: So?

Anni: So it's the Golden Rule. Boys aren't allowed in the girl's bathroom.

Carly: You really think that's going to stop him?

Anni: Yeah.

Carly: Um Anni you're stepping on my foot.

Anni: Oh sorry.

Carly: OW my elbow.

Anni: Well how about my elbows? You ever think about them?

Carly: AH! AH! My wedding ring. You slipped it off my finger. Where did it go?

Anni: Relax it's in the toilet. I'll get it.

Carly: Ew.

Anni: There's nothing in it. *slips* AH!

Toilet flushes

Anni: ....

Carly: ....Anni....Please tell me you didn't just flush my ring down the toilet.

Anni: ....Carly, I flushed your ring down th-

Carly: Anni, I know.


Carly: Yeah yell it a little louder.

Anni: Shhh.

Horatio: *walks in* ...Anyone in here? I heard a toilet flush.

Anni: *looks around*

Carly: *looking in toilet*

Horatio: Hmmm....*opens stall door*

Anni: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *looks at Anni*

Horatio: *opens stall door* You girls can't hide from me. I'm holy.

Anni: *making hand signals*

Carly: *confused face*

Anni: *pointing to door*

Carly: *shakes head*

Anni: *nodding*

Carly: *shrugs*

Horatio: *opens stall door* Are you in...HERE! ...Okay people in this place need to learn to flush. This isn't the zoo.

Anni: *pointing to toilet*

Carly: *whispers* What?

Anni: *whispers* Hide in the toilet.

Carly: *slaps Anni*

Anni: OW!

Horatio: *lifts head*

Carly: *sigh* Way to go.

Horatio: *opens stall* Ladies.


Carly: Cut it out Anni. *jumps off toilet*

Anni: ..Ah man. *jumps off toilet*

Carly: She lost my ring.

Horatio: Your wedding ring?

Carly: Yeah she flushed it.

Anni: It's not my fault. Those toilets get slippery-er every year.

Carly: Great, Josh is going to kill me.

Anni: No he won't.

Carly: Yes he will.

Anni: No he won't.

Carly: Yes he will.

Anni: No he won't.

Carly: Yes he will.

Anni: If he does can I have him?

Carly: ...*frowns*

Anni: Bad time to ask?

Carly: When is it ever a good time to ask?

Anni: You never know when the opportunity might pop up.

Carly: It never will.

Anni: You Australians are always so sure of yourselves.

Carly: What does being Australian have to do with anything?

Anni: I don't know.

Horatio: Ladies, you're going to clean up that lab and buy new parts.

Anni: We don't have the money. QUICK! Carly pawn your ring.


Anni: ...Be that way then.

House, 1 am, kitchen

Speed: *sits down* Hey, you're still awake?

Katie: I couldn't sleep.

Speed: You okay?

Katie: No...I don't know, maybe. I mean...What happened to our little girl?

Speed: I don't know.

Katie: ...If you hadn't given her away...

Speed: So this is my fault.

Katie: Well Tim look at her. Look what she did.

Speed: I'm aware of what she did, but that's all she's known.

Katie: You're defending her behavior?

Speed: No, I'm just saying that she won't change right away.

Katie: She needs rules and structure. She has absolutely no limits.

Speed: Yeah well you're really helping with the whole rule thing.

Katie: Maybe if you were a little harder on her, sh-

Speed: Harder on her how? You want me to slap her around?

Katie: *frowns* It always worked when you wanted to keep me in line.

Speed: That was years ago.

Katie: It shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Speed: I was unstable back then.

Katie: And look at Lori.

Speed: Okay it takes two to make a child. She is not that way because of me.

Katie: So it's my fault she's stubborn and rude?

Speed: She wasn't like that until they took her away.



Lori's room

Holly: *runs in, jumps on bed*

Lori: *rolls over* What are you doing?

Holly: Momma and daddy are fighting. *crawls under covers*

Lori: They'll get over it.

Holly: *hugs Lori*

Lori: You should go back to bed.

Holly: *shakes head*

Lori: *sigh*




Katie: *throws plate at Speed*

Speed: *ducks* WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!

Katie: YOU!

Lori's room

Holly: *starts to cry*

Lori: It's okay.

Holly: *hugs tighter*

Lori: I'll go see if everything's okay, alright?

Holly: *nods*

Lori: Okay. *walks over to door, opens door*










Katie: *smacks Speed in the face*

Speed: *glares*

Lori's room

Lori: Holly, you okay?

Holly: *nods*

Lori: Okay just stay there.


Katie: ...I'm sorry.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: ....

Speed: *leaves, slams door*

Katie: *jumps*

Lori: *walks over* Mom?

Katie: *sits down*

Lori: Did he hurt you?

Katie: *shakes head*

Lori: *sits* It'll be okay.

Katie: Right.

Lori: I'm sorry for everything. I...Wasn't thinking about anyone else.

Katie: It doesn't matter.

Lori: It matters. I've been a disruption in your lives. I'll leave if you want me to.

Katie: *smirks* You don't have to leave.

Lori: ...Dad hates me.

Katie: He doesn't hate you. He's just frustrated and he'll get over it.

Lori: What should I do to make things better?

Katie: Well for starters you can take care of Holly tomorrow and not leave the house.

Lori: Okay.

Katie: Okay.

Okay, the first part had me laughing. Especially this:
Carly: ....Anni....Please tell me you didn't just flush my ring down the toilet.

Anni: ....Carly, I flushed your ring down th-

Carly: Anni, I know.

And Tim and Katie are fighting :( That's not good. But it was bound to happen. Having your long lost daughter suddenly reappear has to be stressful.
Ok first of all how many times is the trace lab going to break? lol. It should be like holy or something! And seriously Anni rocks my socks!

Teehee oh man. Anni seriously...act your age. And flushing Carly's ring down the toilet. *shakes head*

Carly: ....Anni....Please tell me you didn't just flush my ring down the toilet.

Anni: ....Carly, I flushed your ring down th-

Carly: Anni, I know.
Ahhhhhh *points* Witness to Murder! Teehee.

Awww me and Speedy got into like a HUGE fight. lol. That's never good. But is it wrong that I'm happy that I got to slap HIM for once. vs. the other way around? lol.

Katie: *throws plate at Speed*
Teehee. Here I go with the plate throwing/smashing stuff again. *sighs* Good times. Good times.

And aww I think the last thing we want is for Lori to leave. We just got her back. And I also kinda think that maybe, possibly I feel guilty for Lori leaving to so maybe I'm placing all of the blame on Speed...even though he was the one that gave her away but still. Anyways I hope everything works out with this.
Update soon please!
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