CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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:lol: STOP BEING GAY! Who else loves that line? *raises hand*

Whenever I Was With You

9 am, Hummerhome

Speed/Katie's room

Katie: *opens eyes* ....Oh...Kay I'm in my bed and my head hurts.

Speed: *walks in* Good morning. *opens curtains*

Katie: AH! *covers eyes*

Speed: Horatio's cooking breakfast. Pancakes and eggs.

Katie: Oh don't talk about food.

Speed: *sits on bed*

Katie: *sits up* Did I do anything stupid?

Speed: Uh, before or AFTER you were arrested?

Katie: Oh geez.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: ...Are you mad?

Speed: Do I look mad?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: You have to stop this. You're more mature than this.

Katie: I am not.

Speed: I realize that sometimes you want to get away and have some fun, but the night has to stop ending with you being taken away in handcuffs.

Katie: I know....I didn't hurt the cop did I?

Speed: No he had you under control.

Katie: Good.

Speed: *shakes head*

Katie: I'm sorry.

Speed: Yeah I know.

Katie: ...Are we okay?

Speed: We're fine.

Katie: ...I wasn't naked was I?

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *frowns* That is not funny.

Speed: Get out of bed.

Katie: *pushes Speed* Then get out.

Speed: I am. *leaves*

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Hummerhome area thingy..Place. Whatever the hell we call it now

Katie: *walks out* Well don't we look lively today?

Carly: *frowning*

Anni: *picking at eggs*

Jess: *asleep on table*

Horatio: You want some eggs?

Katie: I'm good.

Jess: My feet hurt.

Carly: My head hurts.

Anni: My butt hurts but it's all good because it was kind of itchy before, so I doubt it has anything to do with last night.

Horatio: *turns key* Okay let's head out of here.

Katie: *sits down*

Speed: *wraps arm around Katie*

Katie: *smiles*

Jess: *slaps Delko*

Delko: OW. What?

Jess: It's not fair.

Delko: I was eating eggs. I'm sorry if you wanted some, geez.

Jess: No. THEM.

Delko: Oh. Well don't worry about it.

Jess: Why?

Delko: *stuffs face with eggs* Because we are so much cooler.

Jess: ...That's not very reassuring there Eric.

Delko: No it's good because I'm not cursed. That means none of our future children will die. Okay, they'll die but that'll be a LONG time from now.

Jess: *lifts brow* We're having children?

Delko: ....No.

Speed: Oh Eric.

Delko: Shut up man.

Speed: Make me.

Horatio: We're not starting that again.

2 days later, back in Miami

Delko: COME ON H!


Horatio: No. I said if one more person says Wubba, I was turning the Hummerhome back around and we were going to work a case.

Carly: We didn't actually think you'd do it.

Horatio: Eric, Jess go back to Hialeah and check out the neighborhood. We still have to track down the cocaine.

Delko: Fine.

Jess: *sigh* I get to work with Eric.

Delko: Wait...That's a good thing right?

Jess: Oh yeah.

Delko: Awesome.

Jess: I know.

Horatio: Calleigh, Anni, Missy, JC, you four have a case. Speed, Katie, Carly, you're with me. *walks away*

Katie: Man I always work with Speed.

Speed: Excuse me?

Katie: ...Nothing.

Josh: *walks over* Carly? They said you guys were back.

Carly: JOSH! *runs over, hugs Josh*

Josh: AH! Wow you sure hold on tight.

Carly: *kisses Josh* I am never leaving you again. EVER EVER EVER.

Josh: *laughs*

Katie: Aw young love.

Josh: Hey man.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: *squeals*

Speed: ...Did you just squeal?

Katie: You and your brother are so...So...AWESOME.

Carly: *hugging Josh* I love you.

Josh: I take it you're happy to see me.

Katie: *grabs Carly* We have to work.

Carly: Ah nuts.

Katie/Carly leave

Josh: *grabs stroller* I brought Holly here.

Speed: Why?

Josh: Well it was either that or leave her in a Hummer, which by the way gets very hot in the sun. Crazy global warming.

Speed: Thanks, man.

Josh: Yeah well I figured since you were going to be back, you'd want her too.

Speed: Yeah.

Josh: So you guys have fun?

Speed: No.

Josh: Ouch. Katie mad at you?

Speed: No.

Josh: You mad at her?

Speed: No.

Josh: ...Anyone mad?

Speed: No.

Josh: Do you ever say anything else?

Speed: Don't do this.

Josh: Do what?

Speed: Every time you think I have a problem, you feel the need to fix it.

Josh: I just want to help.

Speed: Don't.

Josh: Fine.

Speed: So should I pay you or something?

Josh: Why?

Speed: You looked after Holly.

Josh: You don't need to pay me, I'm family.

Speed: Right.

Josh: Tim, you don't have to treat me like a suspect. I'm your brother.

Speed: This isn't how I treat suspects.

Josh: Wow I don't know who I should feel more sorry for then. Me or them.

Speed: Don't you have some kind of job to be at?

Josh: I've got plenty of time.

Speed: Then use it to leave the building.

Josh: *laughs* Man you've always been such a hard ass.

Speed: Yeah well it kept you alive.

Josh: Sure it did.

Speed: *sigh*

Josh: Look, I can take Holly home and then you can pick her up after work if you want.

Speed: *nods* Okay.

Josh: Great. We'll see you later then.

Speed: Yeah.

Josh: *gets into elevator*

Elevator doors close

Speed: *walks away*

Teehee awwww. I'm not sure why I'm saying that but I'm tired. lol. I loved the interaction with Speed and Joshie that whole mention of "global warming" cracked me up. And aww we brought up Wubba again! Teehee. I remember them days. It seems like it ws years ago. Ok well in the fic it was but not in real life. lol.

Katie: ...I wasn't naked was I?

Speed: *smirks*
...Uh....Teehee? lol.

Katie: Man I always work with Speed.

Speed: Excuse me?

Katie: ...Nothing.
Ok now I know i'm all hung over and everything. BUt you DO NOT denie the Speedle Time. lol. Update soon please!
*raises hand* I love that line too "STOP BEING GAY!" :lol: it cracks me up

WE ALL STRIPPED? Ah man, thats hilarious! I absolutely LOVE drunk us, we are all so cool...too bad the coppers came and ruined it and took us all to jail...

TEEHEE! Joshie and Speedy are so gosh darn cute! hehe the Speedle boys...awww, can we bring Joshie along next time we go on a Road Trip?

and I was just thinking about the word "Abbuw" and how I said I was going to start saying it...it only just occured to me that I have no idea how it would be pronounced *looks around sheepishly*

please update soon!
*raises hand* me too.
It's so great to have updates to wake up to. Wonderful job! Say... there isn't another Speedle brother hiding somewhere, is there??
*raises both hands* me me me, i love that line! :lol:

haah this was great.. :D drinking days, those days ALWAYS are the best! :lol: in RT it is just sooo LOL! :lol:
Great job as always on this Geni! ;)
I'm confused but isn't Katie supposed to be pregnant?...I mean getting drunk in her condition...not very responsible and Speed arresting her that was hilarious!!

update soon Geni
I'm confused but isn't Katie supposed to be pregnant?...I mean getting drunk in her condition...not very responsible and Speed arresting her that was hilarious!!

Well, that's not exactly the case lol. Geni did a small five month time jump so Katie already had the baby. Her name is Holly, and currently, she's with Josh. So when she got drunk, she wasn't pregnant, that would have been a disaster!

Jess: *lifts brow* We're having children?

Delko: ....No.
*pouts* why not? lol jk. Poor Speed, Delko pretty much just made him a smacked ass right there. And AWWWWWW I love Katie, and I LOVE IT WHEN SPEED SMIRKS *sits down* enough with the caps lol. awww too bad we didn't go to England, I'm actually considering going there for college. But oh well, I can't wait to see the storyline that is coming up soon, and the new addition! I also can't wait to see what the cases are themselves. WOOOO GO GENI! hehe
Ah it's alright calleighspeedle, no one's perfect. ;)

And now, since I'm impatient, we'll be seeing Lori sooner than expected. :p Gosh I'm such a weird author, if you can even call me that. :lol:


Bad Neighborhood, Hialeah

Delko: *closes Hummer door* So it turns out, Fuente lives in this part of town.

Jess: Great location for buying and selling the dope right?

Delko: Exactly. So you want to serve the warrant?

Jess: *smiles* I sure do.

Delko: *hands over paper*

Jess: *walks up to house, knocks on door*

Delko: *looks around*

Jess: ...Anyone home?

Delko: Well even if he isn't, the rest of the neighborhood is.

Jess: *turns around* Didn't they tell us to leave?

Delko: Yeah. *gets out keys* Let's get back to the Hummer.

Jess: Yeah.


Delko: We're leaving.

Guy: You have a warrant.

Delko: Yes. And by law, if you hinder our investigation, we can arrest you.

Guy: Didn't we tell you last time to get out of here?

Delko: Yes bu-

Guy2/3: *swing baseball bat*

Delko: *falls over*

Jess: ERIC!

Guy: *grabs Jess*


Marco: *walks out of house* She's pretty. More than I expected.

Jess: What? Expected for what?

Marco: You take my people, I take yours.

Jess: What people?

Marco: Canon.

Jess: We didn't kill him.

Marco: Just as well, you're going away for a long time.

Jess: Where!

Marco: You leave that up to me. Guys, finish off the cop.

Guy: *lifts bat*


Guy3: *shoves Jess in back of a van*

Jess: *bangs on door*

Guy2: *kicks Delko*

Guy: *beating Delko*

Marco: *gets into van*

Van drives off

Two weeks later, interrogation room

Horatio: Mister Adante.

Adante: *frowns*

Horatio: You aided in kidnapping one of my people, and assault on an officer.

Adante: Yeah? Where was this?

Horatio: Hialeah, two weeks ago.

Adante: If you have any evidence to prove I did it, you wouldn't have waited two weeks.

Horatio: Normally I wouldn't have to wait at all, but you see, when an officer is involved, things tend to slow down. Mistakes can't be made. Understand?

Adante: Whatever you say man.

Horatio: You were one of the men who helped beat my CSI.

Adante: Yeah and where's your evidence?

Horatio: Blood in your car.

Adante: You don't have my car.

Horatio: On the contrary, your girlfriend let us search the premises while you were out making a drug deal.

Adante: She wouldn't do that.

Horatio: Not to worry, she didn't have a choice. Blood matches my CSI. So the transfer was passive from your hands and boots.

Adante: Could have gotten there any number of ways.

Horatio: In this case it didn't. So tell me where Jessica is.

Adante: I wasn't given any names dude.

Horatio: The woman that Fuente took. Where is she?

Adante: *laughs* I ain't tellin' you that.

Horatio: We can help each other out.

Adante: I doubt that. I see how you cops work.

Horatio: Really. And how do they work?

Adante: They cover for each other.

Horatio: The concept is true, however the premise on which you have based your views aren't.

Adante: Yeah?

Horatio: You tell me where Fuente took her, and you're free.

Adante: ...No jail?

Horatio: No jail.

Adante: Sorry man but I've got a reputation.

Horatio: We can protect you.

Adante: I don't need cops to protect me.

Horatio: Then you're under arrest.

Adante: And you're at a dead end.

Horatio: It appears that way. *looks up* Excuse me. *leaves*

Outside interview room

Horatio: Agent Stetler.

Stetler: Drop the case.

Horatio: I can't drop the case. One of my people is missing.

Stetler: That neighborhood is under surveillance so whatever you just did, compromised the evidence.

Horatio: What evidence?

Stetler: ATF was going to bring them down, and now that you've destroyed one of the meeting places, their intelligence has been compromised.

Horatio: If I recall, I wasn't the one who burned down the house and threatened the police.

Stetler: Drop this case, or lose your job and the lab's accreditation.

Horatio: Rick, the life of one of my people is at stake.

Stetler: I'm sorry for your loss. *walks away*

Horatio: *frowns*

Delko: *walks over* H.

Horatio: I know Eric.

Delko: He told you to drop the case didn't he?

Horatio: He did.

Delko: Jess is still out there.

Horatio: I understand.

Delko: So are we going to find her?

Horatio: Unfortunately that's not possible.

Delko: Not possible? H, she's a human being.

Horatio: I can't risk the lab for one person, I'm sorry.

Delko: You shouldn't even hesistate.

Horatio: I'm sorry Eric.

Delko: Yeah me too. *leaves*

Horatio: *puts on shades*

Ohhhhhh! I'm not sure why I said that lol.

Horatio: I can't risk the lab for one person, I'm sorry.
Ohhhhhhh its just like Speed with Lori. He couldn't risk her for the whole city. Sneaky sneaky. lol.

But awww poor Jess got kidnapped! And those people in that neighborhood just beed to realize that there trying to do there jobs. But I don't think that thats ever going to happend. And Heck FRIGGIn yes! Stetler's back. I'm sorry but he's just....the guy you love to hate. lol.

I can't wait to see where this goes and I hope we find Jess soon. Update soon please!
Hehehe. Stetler. Yes, the guy you love to hate.
And *Awwwww*. Poor Jess.
Can't wait to see what happens next!
what the..? where is H humanity? :p hey you 'Jesus duude', thats wrong! :p you will NOT get away so easy with that 'i'm sorry' thingy! :devil: and those shades are NOT gonna save you! :D .... ups, sorry :rolleyes: i 'went' too far! :lol:
*GASP* HELP ME! teehee I'm gone! Damn you Horatio, you and your lab can go shove it lol jk! Awww poor Delko, he got all beaten up and all. If I wasn't kidnapped, I would huggle him, but I'm with the guys that took me, so I can't do that lol. No evidence huh? Man, that sucks lol. Well, I can't wait to see what happens! Now I gotta go get my cookies before they burn! Great update as usual Geni!
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