CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Awww Timmy had to get medication for stress. Poor guy!

Andy: Sorry I don't swing that way.

Speed: Well where you're going, you might learn to.
Teehee. Go Timmy! I can sooo see him saying that on the show. Its just so...speedle like lol. You always capture him very well, Geni. Keep up the good work!
whats up with Speed..? and WHY he always is trying to hide that he have a problems...right, i know.. he is the Big Boy, and Bih Boy's don't cry! :lol: ok ok.. *lifts up hands* i am just kidding.

great work Geni! keep it up! ;)
AWWWWWWWW little Speedy is scared and he cried it's so cute :) I love it when he is like that...well not sick but when he is sensitive I think you all understood :p

Horatio: I want you to take a trip over to narco and sniff around.

JC: *lifts brow*

Horatio: Not the cocaine. Information.
And H asked to JC to sniff around LOL it was so funny :D

great updates and update soon please :)
Thanks for the great reviews! :)

Now, I've been thinking of holding off one of the storylines until the end of this thread, and into the beginning of the next one but seeing as I'm impatient...I wanted to get started on it right away. (Not that anyone cares... :p) So the two people I spoke to about this storyline, one of you will be getting your personal storyline, and one of you will be added to the RT in the next couple of chapters. :D

Anyway, just thought I'd let everyone know, because this storyline is going to be pretty slow and probably won't be very humorous. (Well come on, this is the RT. It'll probably be funny. :lol:)


Time for a chapter! So yes, I'm advancing the timeline...You can't stop me. Well, you could if for some reason I was hit by a bus or something. :p

The Only Place

5 months later


Horatio: You all look happy.

Carly: I'm happy.

Missy: I wanted to get back out on the road.

Calleigh: I wanted to finish the case but OH NO we had to sink in the ocean again and get chased by sharks.

Speed: Oh suck it up, they were small.

Calleigh: They had teeth.

Speed: So? You could always swim faster.

Delko: I lost Teddington the third.

Speed: Where did you even get another teddy?

Delko: Jess bought it for me, for our 5 month anniversary.

Speed: Anniversary for what?

Delko: The first time we danced together.

Speed: And you rememebred that?

Delko: Dude, I'm not you.

Katie: I can't believe we left Holly with Josh.

Speed: She'll be fine.

Carly: Yeah he loves kids.

Katie: Hey so when are you having kids?

Carly: Uh never.

Katie: Why not?

Carly: I saw what happened to you.

Katie: Nothing happened to me.

Carly: I could always start a list.

Katie: Okay fine...Don't be like me.

Anni: But you're fun.

Katie: I know. But Carly wants to miss out on all the fun I've had.

Speed: Fun?

Katie: It wasn't fun?

Speed: I don't know what you think is fun but losing children is not fun.

Katie: We didn't lose...That many.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Stop bringing us down.

Carly: So Cal, you didn't want to bring Teague along?

Calleigh: *smiles* Nah, I left him with my mother.

Speed: Oh gee well he's safe.

Calleigh: *narrows eyes* My mother is very good with children.

Speed: Yeah and look how you turned out.

Calleigh: *punches Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Horatio: So where are we off to?

JC: *looks at map* I don't know. This map has peanut butter on it.

Delko: It wasn't me.

JC: No one said it was.

Jess: Eric you had the peanut butter sandwhich.

Delko: Yeah but I didn't go near the map. No one lets me touch the cool things anymore.

Horatio: It's a miracle I even let you in here.

Delko: Hey I'm safe.

Katie: You should wear one of those labels that says 'keep away from children and open flame'.

Delko: They have labels like that?

Katie: Well probably not for people, but if you get them started you might make a lot of money.

Speed: Stop giving him our ideas.

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Carly: Let's go to the Yukon.

Everyone: *looks at Carly*

Carly: ...Or not.


Speed: WHERE!

Anni: No, Buffalo. As in the city.

Speed: ...I knew that.

Anni: They aren't even the same as cows.

Speed: They're poofy.

Anni: Poofy?

Katie: Oh Tim.

Speed: What? She asked.

Katie: She didn't ask.

Speed: Well..She should have.

Horatio: Let's go to Togo.

Everyone: *blank stare*

Horatio: It's...In Africa.

Katie: Yeah then still no.

Anni: I need some mustard for my hotdog.

Katie: You've come to the right place my friend. *opens closet*


Anni: How many kinds of mustard do you have in there?

Katie: Every kind you can imagine. I filled it to the top.

Speed: Jesus.

Katie: Shut up sweety.

Speed: Yes dear.

Katie: So what kind do you want?

Anni: Well I can't really see..I mean there are tons in there.

Katie: Well there's this kind, and this kind, and this kind.

Anni: You don't know what they're called? You're supposed to be the mustard expert.


Delko: ..My closet.

Horatio: It's not your closet. It's mine.

Katie: It's mine.

Horatio: It's not yours.

Katie: It should be.

Horatio: Where did you get all the mustard?

Katie: Five months is a long time.

Speed: You're like a psycho squirrel or something.

Katie: These aren't acorns. This is the epitome of everything condimental.

Speed: Condimental?

Katie: You know...Condiments?

Speed: Well you sure put the 'mental' in condimental.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Hey at least I got my killer body back after that last kid.

Speed: And it's very hot. Now sit down.

Katie: I will not sit. *points to mustard* You wouldn't tell the mustard to sit.

Speed: The mustard doesn't have a butt.

Katie: Neither do I.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: I was just trying to be argumentative.

Speed: Well you're bad at it.

Delko: Can I have some mustard?

Katie: No. You'll get your grimeys all over it.

Delko: I washed my hands.

Katie: Let's see.

Delko: *holds out hands*

Katie: ...Is that peanut butter?

Delko: ..No.

Anni: *grabs mustard* I'll use this one.

Katie: NO! No that one isn't good. *takes mustard*

Anni: I'm...Sorry.

Katie: These ones up front have been hand picked and are really fresh.

Speed: *grabs Katie* They're not oranges, it's mustard.

Katie: But, but...

Speed: No.

Katie: Ah nuts. *sits*

Speed: Thank you.

JC: We've never been to England.

Horatio: That's true.

Speed: Do we have to?

Horatio: Yes. We'll go punting.

Speed: *waves hands* NO! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO!

Horatio: God says yes.

Speed: You're not God.

Horatio: You don't know that.

Speed: Isn't that against God's rules?

Horatio: What?

Speed: Thinking you're God.

Horatio: No. It just says not to bear a false god.

Speed: *narrows eyes* It says not to bear false witness.

Horatio: I'm a cop. I never do that.

Speed: Yeah right.

Katie: Okay, Churchy McCatholic shut up for a while.

Speed: Sorry.

Delko: I'm Catholic.

Speed: No one cares.

Jess: I care.

Missy: I CARE! *waves hands around*

Anni: Honey, we're on the same boat. We'll never get our men.

Missy: We can try.

Anni: We should form some kind of club.

Missy: Club?

Anni: Stalkers anonymous.

Missy: I'm not a stalker.

Anni: You will be my dear, you will be.

Delko: Jess bought it for me, for our 5 month anniversary.

Speed: Anniversary for what?

Delko: The first time we danced together
okay that made me say AWWWWWWWW really loud like, three times in a row lol. Hey, wait a minute, shouldn't he get me something? lol jk jk I think it's cute he remembered though.

Katie: You should wear one of those labels that says 'keep away from children and open flame'.
HAHA I laughed at that. Keep away from children and open flame HA. I would SO make a shirt for him that said that lol. In fact, I might make a shirt like that, and don't worry Geni, I'll credit ya lol.

OMG the whole mustard thing had me laughing. Yes, five months is a very long time, and I guess Katie has a thing for collecting mustard. I love how she was all picky about it and didn't know what kinds they were haha. Poor Katie, Speed told her to stop hehe.

Well, I have to go eat some dinner before my mommy takes all my beloved garlic noodles lol Great update Geni, can't wait for more!
Hahahaha! Oh my god! *takes deep breath* I have never laughed so hard in my entire friggin life. lol. And there are sooo many things to comment on. Teehee.

Ok first of all me and a closet full of mustard. Heck friggin yes. lol. And I'm not mental...ok that is a little bit on the creepy side but still. lol.

Awwww me and Timmy had ANOTHER girl. lol. Have we ever had a boy? lol. But aww Holly is such a cute name. lol. Deck the hall with....yeah ok i'm not singing lol.

Horatio: Let's go to Togo.

Everyone: *blank stare*
And that blank stare is exactly what I did when I saw that. lol.

Horatio: It's...In Africa.

Katie: Yeah then still no.
Ahhh Africa! Seriously I can't even hear Africa anywhere anymore with out freaking out. lol. See what you've done to me? lol.

Katie: Every kind you can imagine. I filled it to the top.

Speed: Jesus.

Katie: Shut up sweety.

Speed: Yes dear.
Teehee. "Yes dear" I love it when he calls me that for some reason. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside lol.

Anni: You don't know what they're called? You're supposed to be the mustard expert.

Teehee. I love it when I shout thing. "I HAVE NEEDS" was probably the best one. lol.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Hey at least I got my killer body back after that last kid.

Speed: And it's very hot. Now sit down.
Teehee. Speed said my body was hot. Hehehehe. I WIN!

Katie: I will not sit. *points to mustard* You wouldn't tell the mustard to sit.

Speed: The mustard doesn't have a butt.

Katie: Neither do I.
So funny but yet so very very true. lol.

Speed: *grabs Katie* They're not oranges, it's mustard.

Katie: But, but...

Speed: No.
Hahaha ok maybe I am like some kind of psycho squirell or something. Haha.

Oh man that was hilarious. Poor Delko lost his closet and another teddy, Horatio thought he was god AGAIN, I yelled a few things, Delko rembered a dancing anniversary, good times...good times. lol. Update soon please!
Teehee, good times. They are indeed. :D

Noise Pollution


Horatio: England here we come.

Speed: You're not driving through the ocean.

Horatio: No one said I was. We can take the Hummercraft.

Katie: Oh I like that idea.

Speed: I don't like that idea.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Good idea H.

Horatio: Thank you.

JC: Well you want to take this highway for an hour.

Horatio: Why?

JC: To get to the airport.

Horatio: We don't need to go to that airport.

JC: ..It's the only airport in Miami.

Horatio: No it isn't. I built my own Hummerport.

JC: Oh geez.

Horatio: Every Hummer vehicle you can IMAGINE.

Speed: Gee don't let me contain my excitement.

Horatio: You guys will love it there.

Calleigh: I'm sure we will.

Speed: That's because you can't stay away from a vehicle for two seconds.

Calleigh: I like the look of them.

Speed: Sure you do.

Calleigh: Hey you like cars.

Speed: I'm not IN LOVE with them.

Calleigh: Yeah right. You and your Ducati were inseperable.

Speed: *sigh* I've got more important women in my life.

Katie: Aw how sweet.

Jess: *slaps Delko*

Delko: OW. What did I do?

Jess: How come we're not as cute as them?

Delko: Because you keep slapping me.

Jess: Be cute.

Delko: Okay.

Jess: ...You're not being cute.


Jess: Awww. *kisses Eric*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Delko: *throws shoe*

Speed: OW! You are SO asking for it. *throws shoe*

Delko: OW! *throws mustard*

Speed: OW! That was my eye!

Katie: Kill him! Kill him!

Horatio: Guys...

Delko: Sorry H.

Speed: *throws mustard*

Delko: Ow.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: No throwing mustard.

Speed: Sorry.

Katie: *hugs Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: You're so cute.

Speed: That's nice. You're cutting off my breathing.

Katie: Sorry. *lets go*

Jess: *narrows eyes*

Delko: *narrows eyes* This means war.

Jess: Yeah they are SO not cuter than us.

Katie: Yes we are. *sticks tongue out*

Jess: *slaps Katie*

Katie: OW! *slaps Jess*

Jess: OW! *slaps Katie*

Katie: HEY! *pinches Jess*

Jess: OW! *pinches Katie*

Delko: *punches Speed*

Speed: OW! *punches Eric*

Delko: HEY! *punches Speed*

Speed: OW! *punches Eric*

Katie: *grabs Jess' hair*

Jess: *screams*

Delko: *kicks Speed*

Speed: AH! Watch your knees!

Delko: I was aiming for that.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Delko: *backs up*

Speed: *grabs Delko*

Katie: *drags Jess across floor*

Jess/Delko: WE'RE BETTER!

Speed/Katie: YOU ARE NOT!

Horatio: CUT IT OUT!

10 minutes later

Delko: ..We're better.

Speed: Oh grow up.

JC: Yeah besides we all know me and Horatio are the best pair.

Horatio: *smirks*

Speed: You are not.

JC: We are so.

Katie: ARE NOT!

Delko: SHUT UP!

Speed: Don't tell my wife to shut up.

Delko: Don't talk to me like that.

Speed: Bite me.

Delko: Make me.


Missy: I need alcohol.

Anni: Hey good idea.

Katie: Tim? Tim? Tim? Tim?

Speed: What.

Katie: Can I drink too?

Speed: No.

Anni: Ah come on it'll be fun.

Speed: No.

Katie: *bats eyes* Please Timmy?

Speed: No.

Katie: Pretty please?

Speed: No.

Katie: But...But...Timmy you promised.

Speed: I didn't promise you anything.

Katie: *frowns* How about thou shalt not be..A cheater?

Speed: Yeah well I didn't exactly keep that promise.

Katie: Please Timmy? I haven't had a night out with the girls in FOREVER.

Speed: You always end up breaking something and costing ME money.

Katie: But I promise I won't break anything. Unless there is a bull ride.

Speed: No.

Katie: Please Timmy? I'll be good. I swear.

Speed: No.

Katie: But...But....Timmy I'll be good.

Speed: Stop calling me that.

Katie: *frowns* Fine. Speed, I'm going out with the girls.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *smiles* Thanks sweetheart. *kisses Speed's cheek* Come on girls. H-man stop this Hummerhome.

Horatio: Okay.

Speed: Way to be an enabler.

Horatio: I feel like a bus driver, I might as well act like one.

great updates they were so funny Geni

Delko: ..We're better.

Speed: Oh grow up.

JC: Yeah besides we all know me and Horatio are the best pair.

Horatio: *smirks*

update soon please :)
Jess: *narrows eyes*

Delko: *narrows eyes* This means war.

Jess: Yeah they are SO not cuter than us.

Katie: Yes we are. *sticks tongue out*
Oh Geez, that whole fight was too funny, I just thought it was too long to put in a quote tag lol. *hugs Katie* I DIDN'T MEAN IT KATIE. lol Now we can go get drunk and forget all of our troubles HAHA. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Katie: *frowns* Fine. Speed, I'm going out with the girls.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *smiles* Thanks sweetheart. *kisses Speed's cheek* Come on girls. H-man stop this Hummerhome.
HAHA I love how Katie always gets what she wants through being either cute, or forceful lol. And I loved how I wanted Eric to be cute. He already is cute! lol

Oh man, I still can't get over the little fight we had lol. *whispers* Delko and I are cuter *giggles* WE SHOULD HAVE A CONTEST lol A beauty pageant or something lol, but in couples instead of just ourselves.......I gotta stop eating the Halloween Candy lol. BRING ON THE GIRLS NIGHT OUT! lol Great update Geni, can't wait for more! xoxo
Geni, this was too funny. I was laughing so hard I scared my dogs.
especially this part:
Speed: They're poofy.
That's totally something I would say. :lol:
Oh, and this part:
Horatio: Yes. We'll go punting.

Speed: *waves hands* NO! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO!
Hehehe. Punting, and all that crap. hehehe.

looking forward to more :D
Punch Drunk Love

Bar, Miami, 10 pm

Katie: *drinking beer*

Anni: ...You're seriously like an alcoholic.

Katie: *slams mug down* I've been waiting a year for this. And I'm not an alcoholic.

Carly: This reminds me of my honeymoon.

Anni: Oooh what did you do?

Carly: ...I'll give you two guesses but you're only going to need one.

Katie: YOU TWO DID IT! *points*

Carly: Isn't that what you did on your honeymoon?

Katie: My dear, I've had *holds up 3 fingers* 7 kids. I don't need to explain myself to you.

Anni: It wasn't 7.

Katie: It was pretty damn close. *slips off chair*

Carly: *grabs Katie*

Katie: Thank you.

Anni: So I'm guessing Josh isn't gay anymore then. *winks*

Carly: *laughing*

Katie: I gots one word of advice for you okay?

Carly: Go for it.

Katie: If he beats you up, beat him back with sweet, sweet revenge. Throw a high heeled shoe or something.

Carly: That was more than one word.

Katie: Words are for the week.

Anni: Aw is Josh sweet?

Carly: He's...*sigh* He's perfect.

Katie: Honey, no man is perfect. You have to learn to train, and control him.

Carly: He's not like most guys.


Carly: *lifts brow*

Katie: In a perfect world. Come on, join me on the same page here.

Anni: *grabs Carly's hand* Oooh lemme see this ring of yours.

Carly: It's not THAT special or anything.

Anni: It's bigger than the one I got from my husband.

Katie: You're married?

Anni: Am I wearing a ring?

Katie: No.

Anni: Does that answer your question?

Katie: OH! YOU'RE LIKE TRIPP! One second he's wearing that sucker and the next, WHERE DID HIS RING GO! And then he's all "my wife's into the fashion stuff" and then he's all like "she thought I was screwing around on her" WELL MY HUSBAND WAS SCREWING AROUND ON ME BEFORE 8 YEARS OF MARRIAGE!

Everyone: *staring at Katie*

Katie: But yeah you get the jist. Hey is there olives in this bar? I want some olives.

Carly: You want to eat olives?

Katie: No I just want to look at them. They look all squishy like eyes. Eyes are squishy but then they get all dried out and stuff so you have to like not die. Haha.

Anni: *blank stare* So...JC are you having fun?

JC: This is way better than our makeshift strip club.

Katie: You know what you need JC? A good Australian husband. Mate.

Carly: You're very random.


Carly: She does not get Doctor Chase. He's mine.



Katie: Aw I love Aussies. They're so cute.

Carly: What?

Katie: You Australians always crack me up with your 'mate' this and your 'didgereedoo' that. BOOMERANG! HAHA.

Carly: You Americans and your 'star spangled banner' this and your 'we kick ass' that.

Katie: HEY! We saved your ass in World War three.

Carly: That hasn't happened yet.

Katie: Well it should. No hard feelings okay?

Carly: Sure.

Katie: HELLS YES. Hit me barkeep.

Bartender: *hands over beer*

Katie: *drinks*

Anni: *shakes head* I can see some handcuffs in our future tonight.

Katie: *spits out beer* YOU'RE PSYCHIC?!

Anni: ...No.

Missy: Hey at least she was spitting out the beer instead of drinking it.

Katie: Oh you know what's fun? BOOMERANGS!

Anni: God I love her, she's so random.

Katie: YOU LOVE ME! Aw well I love you too. *hugs Anni*

Anni: Aw she's a sweet drunk.

Katie: I ain't drunk. I'm just a little...Tipsy. *falls off chair*

JC: No kidding.

Katie: *stands* I can touch my nose see? *pokes self in eye* HAHA that's going to hurt tomorrow.

Other side of bar

Delko: So you drunk yet?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: You've had like four beers.

Speed: It's going to take more than four beers.

Delko: So where'd H go?

Speed: Repairing on the Hummerhome before we head back out tomorrow. Apparently it has some leaky spots.

Delko: Ah so we're here to babysit the ladies.

Speed: Evidentally.

Delko: So what about you man, you good?

Speed: What do you mean?

Delko: Well I mean, after Holly was born and everything, you okay?

Speed: I'm fine.

Delko: Well that's good. You know, she's cute. What little girl wouldn't want dark curly hair and bright brown eyes?

Speed: Funny.

Delko: So you and Katie planning on having anymore kids?

Speed: No.

Delko: Well you can't supply the entire planet with kids right?

Speed: That's not funny.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *shakes head*

Delko: Anyone ever say you're a depressed drunk?

Speed: I'm not drunk.

Delko: Sure you aren't.

Speed: *looks down at table*

Delko: So then what's up? You look like the entire world just fell apart.

Speed: Why don't we talk about you for a while.

Delko: Alright.

Speed: How are things with you and Jess?

Delko: Great. I really like her.

Speed: But do you love her?

Delko: *laughs* Ah come on man that's a pretty serious word. You know I haven't really been one to settle down.

Speed: I'm sure Jess will be glad to hear that.

Delko: I don't want to leap into anything.

Speed: You don't just leap into love. You either feel it or you don't.

Delko: So now you're a love doctor?

Speed: I've just been there, that's all.

Delko: Been where?

Speed: Not knowing if I love someone.

Delko: But you've always figured it out, right?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: So I'll figure it out.

Speed: It might be too late.

Delko: Jess isn't going anywhere.

Speed: You notice what kind of job we have Eric? I don't think it's Jess you need to worry about.

Delko: What, you mean me? I'm not going to go out there and get shot or anything.

Speed: You never know.

Delko: Are you trying to warn me or something?

Speed: I'm trying to keep you from making a mistake you might regret. Don't let her worry about you.

Delko: So you're telling me to break up with her.

Speed: I'm telling you to be careful of what you're getting yourself into.

Delko: No offense man, but you haven't had the best of luck with all of this. I mean, you're an accident waiting for happen. You can't even keep track of your own children.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: If you loved her so much you wouldn't have let her go, so don't tell me to be careful about who I love and how I do my job. *stands, walks away*

Speed: *drinks beer*

Delko: If you loved her so much you wouldn't have let her go, so don't tell me to be careful about who I love and how I do my job. *stands, walks away*
Wow... that was harsh. Poor Timmy.
Great job, as always :)
yay! I'm back from my honeymoon! well, I'd hope that I am...it's been over 5 months ;)

HAHA! WOO ALCOHOL! Drunk Katie rocks!
Katie: You know what you need JC? A good Australian husband. Mate.

Carly: You're very random.


Carly: She does not get Doctor Chase. He's mine.



Katie: Aw I love Aussies. They're so cute.

Carly: What?

Katie: You Australians always crack me up with your 'mate' this and your 'didgereedoo' that. BOOMERANG! HAHA.

Carly: You Americans and your 'star spangled banner' this and your 'we kick ass' that
:lol: that was hilarious, mate. Ahh, good ol' Aussie cliches...
Ah man, I SO get Chase, I'm Australian, so I automatically win :p...but I remember back when he was Neighbours in the 90's when he was smaller and all adorable and stuff...awww he was so cute!

Yeah, I guess Delko was a little harsh, but at least he finally called Speed on all his cheating crap and whatnot..

please update soon

She Used To Say

Bar, 11 pm


Carly: What! What!


Carly: I know!

Katie: *giggling* Wow look at all those pretty colours. I want to go to that planet. We need some sort of micro scopic Hummer.

Anni: That's a disco ball.

Katie: PLANET DISCO BALL! I knew it. I so totally knew that.

Carly: *giggling*


Bartender: Yes ma'am.

Katie I will give you two thingies of lint for that shiney disco ball.

Bartender: I don't think so ma'am.

Katie: Well you're no fun.

Carly: Let's go strip and leave the man to his business.

Jess: WHO SAID STRIP! *takes off clothes*

Katie: HELL YES! *takes off clothes*

Carly: YAY! *takess off clothes*

Anni: Ah what the hell. *takes off clothes*

Katie: LET'S GO RUNNING IN THE STREET! There has to be some kind of term for that right?


Katie: YES! THAT'S THE ONE! Jess I swear you are like my other half.

Jess: I know.

Katie: *runs outside*

Everyone runs outside

Other side of bar

Speed: *laying head on table*

Horatio: *sits down* Speed.

Speed: *lifts head*

Horatio: Well you look pretty hammered.

Speed: I'm not drunk.

Horatio: How many beers did you have?

Speed: Not enough.

Horatio: So you look upset for a different reason then.

Speed: I'm fine.

Horatio: Well, why don't I buy you a cup of coffee.

Speed: Thanks H.

Horatio: No problem.

Outside, empty street

Katie: *running* This is so free-ing!

Jess: I know. I do this all the time.

Katie: *climbs onto lamp post* Well hellooo mister lamp post.

Carly: I FOUND A PENNY! No, wait that was a peanut.

Anni: I love how we all got naked, yet we're wearing our socks.

Carly: We are wild I tells ya.

Katie: COPS!

Carly: *screams*

Jess: WHERE!

Katie: My bad, that was a plane.

Jess: Where?

Katie: I can't remember where I saw it.

Carly: *staggering all over the street* WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!


Katie: NO! NO!

Anni: DO! DO! DO! DO! DOOOO!

Cop sirens are heard

Katie: Oh crap they found us! Run!

Carly: HIDE IN THE BUSHES! *leans against wall*

Anni: Those aren't the bushes! Those are a picture of bushes!

Carly: *screams* I'M NOT INVINCIBLE!

Cop cars pull up



Anni: You're not running, you're standing still.

Katie: MY ARMS ARE RUNNING! *swings arms back and forth*



From Cop Car: Nakes ladies, please step over to the patrol car.

Katie: *GASP* They know we're naked! THEY CAN READ OUR MINDS!

Carly: *running around in circles* I CAN'T ESCAPE THE SPOTLIGHT!

From Cop Car: Nakes ladies wearing only socks, please step over to the radio car.

Katie: THESE AREN'T SOCKS! THESE ARE TOE SOCKS! See? *wiggles toes*

Anni: Maybe we should go over there.


Cop: Hey! Stop running right now!

Cop2: Only in Miami...*sigh* Ladies, please come over this way.

Katie: SAYS YOU! *runs into bushes*

Carly: *runs*

Cop: *starts running*

Anni: *raises hands*

Cop2: Come this way ma'am.

Anni: Okay.


Cop3: Ma'am you need to come this way.

Jess: *lunges for cop*

Cop3: *grabs Jess, throws her on ground*


Cop3: No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law?

Jess: ...Yeah that'll work.


Cop1: Come out come out wherever you are.

Katie: *screams*

Cop1: GOTCHA! *grabs Katie*



Katie: TOO BAD! *kicks cop*

Cop2: *grabs Carly*


Katie: *running*

Cop1: *on radio* Be on the lookout for a white female on foot, wearing...Uh...Socks. She is not armed.


Cop1: *runs*

Middle of street

Katie: HA! Catch me NOW copper!

Cop1: Ma'am please walk over this way. I just want to talk.

Katie: No you don't you want to arrest me.

Cop1: That too.


Cop1: I can't do that ma'am.

Katie: *sits in street* I'm not going anywhere. I HAVE KIDS!

Cop1: *sigh* Who'd want to marry her?

Katie: *frowns* I HEARD THAT. And I'll tell you who. Who..Who who HAHA who! Who! I'm an owl! Who!

Cop1: *walks over* Get up.

Katie: YOU get up.

Cop1: *grabs Katie*


Cop1: *gets out cuffs* Turn around, put your hands behind your back please.

Katie: Make me.

Cop1: *grabs Katie's hands*

Katie: AH! NO! *runs*

Cop1: *tackles Katie*

Katie: *falls down* HEY! There are ROCKS on this road mister copper.

Cop1: Stop resisting!


Cop1: Do not move.

Katie: NYAAAH!


Katie: BITE ME!

Cop2: *walks over* You need some help with this one?

Cop1: Nah, I got her.

Katie: *bites cop*

Cop1: AH! Help me, help me.

Cop2: *places knee on Katie's neck* Do not move ma'am.

Katie: *kicks feet* RAPE! RAPE!

Cop1: Ma'am hold still.

Katie: YOU HOLD STILL! I want some stilts.

Cop2: *grabs Katie's hands*

Katie: NO! *pulls hands away*

Cop2: Give me your hands.

Katie: NO!

Speed: *walks over* What the hell is going on?

Cop1: Step back sir.

Speed: *lifts badge*

Cop1: *nods*

Speed: What is going on?

Cop1: She's resisting arrest.

Speed: You got cuffs?

Cop1: Yeah.

Speed: *grabs cuffs* May I cut in?

Cop1: Sure, have at it Detective.


Speed: *grabs Katie's hands* Don't move.


Speed: Do not move.

Katie: *kicks feet* GAAAAH!

Speed: Relax your legs and stop moving.


Speed: I shouldn't have to. Do it or you'll get the tazor.

Katie: Fine.

Speed: *cuffs Katie* Get up.

Katie: I can't.

Speed: *grabs Katie*

Katie: AH! *stands* Oh hey it's Timmy. AW you arrested your wife. How cute. I hope you realize you are NOT getting anything out of me.

Speed: Good because you have the right to remain silent.


Cop2: *reading paper* Public drunkness, indecent exposure, evading arrest, resisting arrest, assault on an officer, and jay-walking.

Katie: Jay-walking? Are you serious?

Speed: Are you happy now? You got to be a complete idiot.

Katie: Don't take that tone with me love-er.

Speed: *pushes Katie* Move it.

Katie: HEY now I'm your wife.

Speed: *opens car door* Get in.

Katie: Why?

Speed: You're going to a holding cell so you can calm down.

Katie: That's not fair. The other girls did it too.

Speed: And they're going to the same place.

Katie: Are you mad at me?

Speed: I'll be mad later. *closes door*

Cop1: *laughs* Your wife huh. I bet you don't normally get to arrest her in these situations.

Speed: *frowns* Just get her downtown.

Cop1: *gets in cop car*

Ahhhh I'm going to the big house! And Teehee oh man soooo much to comment on! lol. Teehee I said "Stop being gay" again. Heck yes it lives! And awww we sang Won't get fooled again! And I who'd like an owl BUT its also part of the LV theme song. Well look at me go. lol. And Teehee how special do I feel that Timmy boy arrested me. And good lord WE ALL Stripped? I mean I expected it from Jess but seriously....lol. Let's see what else am I forgetting....

That whole comment about Frank and his wife was hilarious. And that conversation between Delko and Speed was intense. And hmmmm....ME AND SPEED ARE SO BETTER! Ha! Tatie rules! But hehe I love drunk Katie I'm sweet and crazy! How can you not love that. But oh! mentioning Africa AND axe man so NOT cool. lol.

Anyways I know I'm forgetting to comment on a lot of stuff but like always gerat update Geni and can't wait for more. Teehee STOP BEING GAY! lol.
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